• What is a navigator? Advantages of GPS navigators and how they work


    NAVIGATOR a, m. navigateur, lat. navigator. Navigation (computing) specialist ship path). BAS-1. Those self-willed navigators from England on ships to the city will certainly be sent by force, despite any excuses. 1712. AK 5 223. Make the captain of the pilots and one of the navigators give 10 people or more, who constantly cruised from Soskar and Daguerrord throughout the summer and inspected new shallows and put them on the map. 1718. MRF 4 8. After the current campaign, the officers identified on these packet boats will submit to the boards about the aforementioned examination navigators, and instead choose student academies. 1725. MRF 5 134. This is expressed in the rank of sailor, then I instruct your Excellency to call him Kokovtsev not a sailor, but a learned navigator. 1789. Dubrovin Boom. Potemkin. // D. 1894 152. - Lex. Jan. 1804: navigator; Ush. 1938: naviga/ torus

    Historical dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian language. - M.: Dictionary publishing house ETS http://www.ets.ru/pg/r/dict/gall_dict.htm. Nikolai Ivanovich Epishkin [email protected] . 2010 .


    See what a “navigator” is in other dictionaries:

      NAVIGATOR- (Latin, from navigatio navigation). Navigator. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. navigator of the navigator, Moscow [Latin. navigator – navigator] (marine). On a ship - a person whose duties include... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

      NAVIGATOR- (old) (Navigator) navigator. Samoilov K.I. Marine dictionary. M. L.: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941 Navigator (old) navigator ... Marine Dictionary

      Navigator- a program for searching records in a database or information arrays. See also: Database management systems Financial Dictionary Finam... Financial Dictionary

      navigator- navigator, navigator, orienteer Dictionary of Russian synonyms. navigator noun, number of synonyms: 7 autonavigator (1) ... Dictionary of synonyms

      navigator- A resident application, usually provided by the manufacturer, that end user can be activated at any time. The navigator can be used to select a service, an application, and initiate communicating applications. [GOST R 54456 ... Technical Translator's Guide

      NAVIGATOR- NAVIGATOR, navigator, male, (lat. navigator navigator) (marine). On a ship, a person whose duties include calculating the ship's path and determining its position. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

      NAVIGATOR- NAVIGATOR, huh, husband. Navigation specialist. | adj. navigator, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

      Navigator- Navigator: Navigator (device) is a radio-electronic device for navigation, consisting of a receiver of global or regional system satellite navigation(for example, GLONASS, GPS, etc.) or other signals (for example, signals ... ... Wikipedia

      navigator- navigator, starting with Peter I (Smirnov 201). From it. navigatore, lat. nāvigātor – the same... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer

      Navigator- I m. Specialist in the field of navigation [navigation II]. II m. Master of Navigation. III m. A program, algorithm or set of algorithms for searching records in a database or in information retrieval arrays, allowing you to view on ... ... Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language Efremova


    • Game world navigator No. 01-02/2018, Absent. "Navigator game world» is the oldest Russian magazine dedicated to video games and gaming industry events. Published since 1997. The editors have formed and carefully maintain their own... Buy for 164.9 RUR e-book

    The Global Positioning System appeared in the 50s thanks to the launch of the satellite. When the first Soviet satellite went into orbit, the Americans noticed: as it moved away, it evenly changed the frequency of the signal. Scientists analyzed the data and realized that satellite signal allows you to accurately determine the coordinates of objects on the ground, as well as the speed of their movement. The military was the first to adopt the GPS system: the Ministry of Defense launched satellite navigation for its own purposes, but after a few years it became available to civilians.

    There are currently 24 satellites in low-Earth orbit that transmit binding signals. The number of satellites changes periodically, but always remains sufficient to maintain the smooth operation of the Global Positioning System. In case of force majeure, spare satellites are provided, and every decade new, modernized spacecraft go into orbit, because nothing should disrupt the operation of GPS.

    The satellites orbit in six orbits, forming an interconnected network. It is operated by dedicated GPS stations that are located in the tropics but linked to a focal point in the United States. Thanks to this network, you can find out the exact coordinates of a person, car or aircraft at the speed of signal transmission from satellites, that is, almost instantly, and the accuracy of the readings does not depend on weather conditions and time of day. At the same time, the use of the Global Positioning System itself is free, and the only thing you need to use this navigation system is a navigator or other device that supports the GPS function.

    How GPS works

    The technology is based on the simple navigation principle of marker objects, which was used long before the advent of GPS. A marker object is a landmark whose coordinates are precisely known. To determine the coordinates of an object, you also need to know the distance from it to the marker object, then you can draw lines on the map towards the markers from the possible location: the point of intersection of these lines will be the coordinates.

    Satellites in low-Earth orbit play the role of marker objects in GPS. They rotate quickly, but their location is constantly tracked, and each navigator has a receiver tuned to the desired frequency. Satellites send signals that encode a large amount of information, including exact time. Precise time data is one of the most important for determining geographical coordinates: Based on the difference between the output and reception of the radio signal, the satellites calculate the distance between themselves and the navigator.

    How GPS works in smartphones

    Navigators are one of the most popular products on the gadget market; they are surpassed in popularity only by smartphones. But manufacturers also integrate GPS chips into smartphones so that the device can perform the functions of a navigator. However, a trap may lie in wait for the user here, because in the pursuit of profit, manufacturers make intentional or accidental inaccuracies in the description of their goods, allowing buyers to confuse GPS and AGPS technologies.

    Jeepies is free navigation system high precision. There is no subscription to it and cannot be, because the Americans allow the use of their satellites for navigation free of charge. Smartphone owners, if they pay, pay only for applications or cards. GPS receivers have small disadvantages: they only work outdoors, and due to bad weather there may be problems with receiving a signal from the satellite, but these disadvantages were solved using A-GPS technology (not to be confused with AGPS). The bottom line is that the signal from the receiver is redirected to a server that contains all the information about the position of the satellites, so there are no difficulties in receiving the signal. A-GPS is used by all modern car navigators.

    But there is also AGPS cellular navigation - it only works in the coverage area cellular network and determines the location with an accuracy of up to 500 m. It is less accurate in comparison with GPS, it gives a general idea of ​​​​the place where you are, but it offers a satellite map of the surrounding area. It is important that the service is activated mobile internet, and there was money left in the account. They work with the AGPS service Google Maps. Often, cellular navigation capabilities are sufficient, but it still should not be confused with accurate and free system GPS.

    Types of GPS devices

    The simplest navigation device is an external receiver. It communicates with satellites and receives signals from them, but in order for you to use the information, the receiver needs to be connected to another device - for example, a smartphone or laptop; fortunately, it is compatible with all popular gadgets and programs. As a last resort, you will need a card. GPS receivers are used by hiking tourists: the device is inexpensive, and to decipher the information it receives, you can even use a regular tourist map of the area. You just need to have a navigation mesh overlaid on it.

    But the most popular GPS device today is a car navigator. It is much more complex and functional than the receiver: the navigator is more like a smaller version of a computer. All necessary software already installed by the manufacturer, the operating system is closed. Many additional functions are added to navigation, including Internet access.

    A separate class of devices are smartphones with built-in GPS receivers. Do not confuse them with models that use cellular navigation! The system does not work as smoothly on smartphones as on stand-alone devices. Not all models allow you to install full-fledged navigation software, and if you use online solutions, the function will become unavailable when the Internet is turned off, and then one of the advantages of the technology will disappear: constant access. However, smartphones with satellite navigation are suitable for pedestrians - it’s easy to navigate and the data is accurate, so you won’t get lost even in the most impassable thicket.

      - (Latin, from navigatio navigation). Navigator. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. navigator of the navigator, Moscow [Latin. navigator – navigator] (marine). On a ship - a person whose duties include... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

      - (old) (Navigator) navigator. Samoilov K.I. Marine dictionary. M. L.: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941 Navigator (old) navigator ... Marine Dictionary

      A program for searching records in a database or information arrays. See also: Database management systems Financial Dictionary Finam... Financial Dictionary

      Navigator, navigator, orienteer Dictionary of Russian synonyms. navigator noun, number of synonyms: 7 autonavigator (1) ... Dictionary of synonyms

      navigator- a, m. navigateur, lat. navigator. Specialist in the field of navigation (calculating the path of a ship). BAS 1. Those self-willed navigators from England on ships to the city will certainly be sent by force, despite any excuses. 1712. AK 5 223. Do... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

      navigator- A resident application, usually provided by the manufacturer, which the end user can activate at any time. The navigator can be used to select a service, an application, and initiate communicating applications. [GOST R 54456 ... Technical Translator's Guide

      NAVIGATOR, huh, husband. Navigation specialist. | adj. navigator, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

      Navigator: Navigator (device) is a radio-electronic device for navigation, consisting of a receiver of signals from a global or regional satellite navigation system (for example, GLONASS, GPS, etc.) or other signals (for example, signals ... ... Wikipedia

      Navigator, starting with Peter I (Smirnov 201). From it. navigatore, lat. nāvigātor – the same... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer

      I m. Specialist in the field of navigation [navigation II]. II m. Master of Navigation. III m. A program, algorithm or set of algorithms for searching records in a database or in information retrieval arrays, allowing you to view on ... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova


    • Game world navigator No. 01-02/2018 e-book
    • Game world navigator No. 01/2013, Absent. “Game World Navigator” is the oldest Russian magazine dedicated to video games and gaming industry events. Published since 1997. The editors have formed and carefully maintain their own…

    GPS navigator. What is this?

    What is GPS? Expensive toy military or really useful service, which can and should be used in everyday life? First, a little history: let's figure out what it is and where it came from.

    History of GPS

    GPS, or Global Positioning System(global positioning system), has been in existence since the middle of the last century. American scientists very closely followed the successes of the USSR in the field of space exploration. Naturally, the launch of the first satellite on October 4, 1957 did not go unnoticed by them. While observing the flight of the satellite, American scientists recorded the good old Doppler effect: the frequency of the received signal from the satellite increased as it approached and, accordingly, decreased as it moved away. They realized that this could be used, because if you know the exact coordinates of an object on Earth, you can determine the exact coordinates of the satellite, and vice versa.

    In order to accurately determine the coordinates of a moving object on Earth, it is necessary to receive a signal from at least four satellites. And in order to be able to determine coordinates anywhere on Earth, there must be at least 24 such satellites. In the 70s, the United States decided to start a global satellite navigation project and launched the first test satellite. In 1993, with the launch of the last satellite, the initial readiness of the system was announced.

    Initial use of GPS

    Because GPS system was created and supported with money from the US Department of Defense, its initial use, starting with the launch of the first test satellite, was possible exclusively for military purposes: guidance of ballistic missiles, military cartography, navigation during the planning and conduct of military operations, etc.

    Perhaps GPS would have remained a closed system, but, paradoxically, the first step in using the global positioning system for civilian purposes was a disaster. In 1983, due to a navigation error, a Korean civilian aircraft entered the territory of the Soviet Union and was shot down by air defense forces. After this incident, Ronald Reagan signed an executive order allowing partial use of GPS for civilian purposes. To limit the capabilities and prevent other countries from using the navigation system for military purposes, the signal transmitted from the satellites was deliberately distorted to reduce the accuracy in determining the location. On average, the error was 100-150 meters, which did not allow using GPS for accurate measurements.

    In 2000, US President Bill Clinton made a decision canceling the regulation on the deliberate distortion of transmitted signals from satellites. This decision opened the door to using the navigation system for almost everyone. The positioning accuracy has increased to 6-8 meters, and after updating the satellites in orbit, it is planned to achieve an accuracy of 60-80 cm.

    GPS capabilities

    Using the system global positioning, in addition to current coordinates, you can find out a lot of useful data:

    • exact time;
    • orientation to the cardinal points;
    • altitude above sea level;
    • direction to a point with coordinates specified by the user;
    • current speed, distance traveled, average speed;
    • current position on the electronic map of the area;
    • current position relative to the route.

    To work with the global positioning system, you need a device that receives signals from satellites - a GPS receiver. In itself, this device is of little use, since the data it receives can confuse even a trained person. At first glance, it's just a bunch of numbers. It is necessary to convert this data into a form understandable to humans, so GPS receivers are combined with other devices that were developed for specific tasks. The most common way GPS applications- This is car navigation.

    A GPS navigator is a device that combines: a GPS receiver for receiving a signal, a processor for processing the received information, memory for storing the received data and electronic maps of the area, and a display for displaying the necessary information.

    Nowadays, car navigators cannot be called an expensive toy or luxury - this device should be in the car of every self-respecting driver. It would seem, what else can a GPS navigator do other than finding the shortest route from one point to another? But modern solutions offer simply enormous opportunities for planning and facilitating trips: route planning taking into account road markings, radars and signs, saving past routes, approximate fuel calculations - and that’s not all.

    To take full advantage of all the benefits, the navigator, like any other electronic device, an appropriate software. There are several on the market software solutions for car navigation. The most common of them: iGO, Navitel, Garmin, TomTom. The advantages and disadvantages of these solutions are a topic for a separate article, but the basic requirements for them are similar. This includes detailed maps of the area and an updated database of attractions.


    good and detailed maps- this is the most important thing for a car navigator. When you use outdated or low-quality maps, the whole point of GPS is lost. Electronic cards, used in navigators, are raster and vector.

    Raster maps represent a satellite image of the area, and the quality of the map directly depends on the quality of the original image. Such maps are quite inconvenient to use for car navigation. Firstly, it is quite problematic to find good source images, since only large cities are represented in the best quality. Secondly, to plot a route using such a map, an accurate reference to the coordinates provided by the GPS navigator is necessary. The list of disadvantages goes on, but there are no obvious advantages for car navigation in using raster maps.

    Vector cards are a database containing information about the terrain in the form of points, lines, and polygons. Unlike raster maps, which are essentially photographs of the area, vector maps are similar to a drawing or schematic plan. Thanks to this representation, there are no problems with scaling vector maps: any area can be indefinitely enlarged without loss of quality.

    In addition to geographic data, vector maps can contain any additional information, which the developers deem necessary to add: house numbers, names of settlements, bodies of water, etc. The beauty of vector maps is also that you can independently add the necessary points to the map and mark them.

    Vector map

    For car navigation, vector maps are much more convenient than raster maps. Card manufacturers regularly (on average once a quarter) update, add and update information. You can connect additional vector maps information bases, greatly facilitating orientation, for example POI.

    POI, or Point of Interest(literally: interesting place, landmark) - coordinates of the location of an object that may be interesting or useful. GPS navigation uses POI databases that connect to vector maps of the area and contain useful and necessary information about the current region: restaurants, gas stations, hotels, theaters, local attractions, etc. Such information is simply irreplaceable for facilitating the search for objects, especially in unfamiliar areas.

    A simple example: you are passing through an unfamiliar city, at night, with an almost empty tank. How to find the nearest gas station? You can, of course, ask someone, but, firstly, it’s hard to find a random passerby in a small town in the dead of night, and secondly, you can end up with not entirely friendly citizens. The easiest way is to choose navigation program filter for gas stations, and, based on current location, the program will show several nearby options. After this, plan a route to the nearest one, refuel and continue your trip without incident. Convenient, isn't it?


    Relevance and demand car navigators difficult to overestimate. Whether you are in your city, a neighboring town, or even in another country, using a navigator will help you save a lot of travel time and money on fuel. And if you have extra time and fuel, why not spend it on taking the whole family to some interesting place, of which there are many around us. It’s just that there’s usually not enough time for them...