• What to do if your phone battery does not charge. The phone does not charge - Ways to solve the problem. Software problems

    Many people are familiar with the situation when a recently working mobile device does not charge or does not turn on. The reason is not always a charging fault or serious damage to the gadget. This phenomenon can be caused by other factors that can be eliminated without outside help. Let's consider what to do if the phone does not charge, or if it charges but does not turn on.

    If we are talking about a new device, you should not experiment. It's better to contact service department until it expires warranty period. The reason for this may be various software glitches and manufacturing defects. Therefore, after making sure that the charger is in order, and the problem is in the smartphone itself, it is better not to postpone a visit to the service center.

    When a similar situation arose with a phone that was working properly before, it’s worth looking for another reason.

    First you need to do the following:

    1. Carefully examine the device connector. It is better to use a magnifying glass and examine the “nest” in bright light. If contamination is found in its internal part, plaque or traces of oxidation are visible, you will have to carry out a cleaning procedure. This should be done using a soft brush or cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Under no circumstances should you remove dirt using other improvised means, especially sharp objects.
    2. Check the condition of the battery. To do this you will need a universal charger. You need to remove the battery from the phone and install it in the holder, observing the polarity. After this, you will need to supply electricity to the plus and minus contacts, and after 10 minutes turn it off and put the battery back into the gadget.

    If this does not help, the battery may have already become unusable. Depending on the intensity of use of the phone, its service life ranges from 2 to 5 years.

    If the reason has not been found, you need to try other ways to find it, which will be described below.

    What to do if it's charging but won't turn on?

    It also happens that after connecting to charger An indicator appears on the gadget’s screen notifying that charging is in progress, but it does not turn on.

    This can happen for the following reasons:

    1. The phone takes less than 5 minutes to charge. During this time, a completely discharged gadget simply will not have time to recharge properly so that the resulting energy is enough to turn on. You should not try to activate the device earlier than half an hour later.
    2. The device was exposed to sub-zero temperatures for a long time. Due to hypothermia, the device may not turn on immediately after it is connected to the charger. This can be done when it warms up to room temperature.
    3. The battery has failed. In these situations, quite often the indicator on the screen shows that charging is in progress, but in reality this does not happen. The only solution is to purchase a new battery.
    4. Happened software glitch. If the reason is not the described factors, it may be “glitches” of the operating system. In such a situation, you will need to reboot mobile device using a hotkey. And in some cases, removing and then reinstalling the battery helps.

    If the described manipulations do not help, it is better to contact a specialist who will perform diagnostics and, if necessary, qualified repair of the product.

    Reasons for slow phone charging on Android and iPhone

    It happens that a gadget that has been left charging all night shows a low charge percentage in the morning.

    In such a situation, the reason may be the following:

    1. Poor quality adapter or cord. In the first case, you will need to try to charge the phone from some other device, for example, from a computer. In the second, you need to take a different cable.
    2. Poor contact. If your Android phone or iPhone takes a long time to charge, the connector may be clogged and needs to be cleaned. If this does not help, a technician will help fix the problem.
    3. Decreased battery performance. When a mobile device is slow to charge, this may indicate that the battery is about to fail and should be replaced.
    4. The work of many resources. If Bluetooth, Player or other applications are active while the phone is charging, this may slow down the process. In such a situation, everything unnecessary should be turned off.

    Sometimes the reason for this phenomenon is bad firmware. The user can update it independently or contact a specialist.

    In what cases does the gadget stop charging from the charger?

    When the phone does not charge from the charger, this may be the reason.

    To understand whether this is true or not, you will need to do the following:

    1. Inspect the adapter. If it shows damage, signs of impacts or falls, it may be faulty.
    2. Check the cord. You will need to carefully examine it for deformation, kinks and oxidation of the plug. Any of these shortcomings can cause slow charging.

    When the charger appears to be completely intact and undamaged, you can try using another one. If in this case the problem is not solved, then the reason lies in other factors.

    Long charging problem, solution to the problem

    The reasons why a phone may take a long time to charge have been described in detail above.

    These include:

    We have already figured out what to do in these cases and will not repeat ourselves. It remains to consider only other factors that can also negatively affect the charging speed.

    It could be:

    1. Operating the phone while charging. When a user connects a gadget to an adapter and continues to play, watch videos or visit Internet resources, this slows down the process.
    2. Setting the screen brightness to high. In such a situation for correct operation devices required large number energy, and regular charging is not able to quickly replenish its supply.
    3. Charging your phone from a PC or other external batteries. In this case, it occurs much slower than in situations where the gadget is charged directly from the outlet.
    4. Viruses. Various malware may negatively affect both the charging speed and the operation of the device as a whole. In such situations, it is necessary to install high-quality protection.
    5. Outdated OS version. Oddly enough, this can also be the reason for slow charging. It is required to regularly update the operating system to the latest available version.

    What reasons could there be if the phone does not charge?

    What other reasons could there be for the phone to stop charging?

    There are not many of them left:

    1. Mechanical damage. May fail due to impacts, falls or water. different systems gadget, including the battery. In this situation, all that remains is to replace it and subsequently handle the device more carefully.
    2. Software glitch. If this is the reason, you will need to perform a factory reset. They do this using “hot” keys, and each modification has its own combination. This information can be found in the product instructions.
    3. Another malfunction in the “stuffing” of the phone. There are many breakdowns that can cause charging to occur slower than necessary. In this case, only a master can make an accurate diagnosis.

    In conclusion, we can say that quite often in incorrect operation mobile device is the fault of the user himself. To avoid this, you should study the rules for using gadgets in detail and not ignore them.

    Absolutely all equipment is subject to breakdowns, ours are no exception. favorite Android smartphones and tablets! If your Android battery suddenly stops charging, then in this article you will find all the ways to solve this problem!

    One of the most common problems with smartphones and tablets is the inability to charge the battery. Many people immediately go to service center to fix the problem, but first you should still solve the problem yourself!

    1. Charging cable

    The very first problem why the battery may not charge is the charging cable (date cable). If you accidentally pulled it hard, have been using it for quite a long time, or it is a cheap cable, then you should check it first.

    2. Charger

    If you are one of those who do not remove the charger from the socket after the Android has been charged, then be prepared that sooner or later this charger will become inoperative. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that chargers from different manufacturers may be incompatible, this is due to the difference in current (amps) and output voltage (volts).

    3. Contamination and oxidation on contacts

    If you do not work in perfectly sterile conditions and also like to take Android smartphone or a tablet in the bathroom, then you may encounter the fact that the contacts in the device socket may become covered with dirt or oxidize.

    Perform a visual inspection and if so, then cleaning must be done. In order to remove dirt and oxidation you will need:

    • Can of compressed air
    • Old toothbrush or thin needle
    • Alcohol

    Perform cleaning as slowly and carefully as possible, first turn off the device and, if possible, remove the battery (if the design allows).

    4. Charging socket

    A very common problem on cheap smartphones and tablets is the poor connection of the charging socket to the main board of the smartphone or tablet. The socket simply comes off and dangles, as a result of which the gadget does not charge.

    5. Old battery

    If you have been using your Android for too long, then the breakdown may lie in the fact that the battery has become unusable and there is only one way out of the situation, buying a new battery.

    6. Heavy battery discharge

    If you have squeezed out absolutely “all the juice” and your Android battery is very discharged, then you may be faced with the problem of being unable to charge it. There can be two development options. The first one is a purchase. new battery, the second option is to find a fairly powerful charger (a large number of amperes delivered) and leave it on charge for a couple of hours. Also, to enhance the effect, you can warm the battery with a hairdryer, then the chance of reviving the battery may be successful. You should be as careful as possible, since all batteries are Li-ion, and lithium is fire and fire hazardous.

    Phone or tablet not charging? We have some tips and tricks in store for this case.

    During the entire stay with its owner, a smartphone can be thrown away different numbers, but one of the most common problems is that it suddenly refuses to charge. And there are many reasons for this behavior, some of which we highlight in this article. And also tips that are worth trying before going to a service center and paying money for repairs.

    Problems with accessories that prevent your phone from charging

    When identifying a problem, the first step is to check the most probable reasons a problem occurs. A few tips below are quite simple, can be done quickly and without any auxiliary tools.

    Inspect the charger cable

    The charger cable is usually the cheapest and most fragile part. It can become unusable if it is twisted or bent too much. Therefore, it is worth trying to use a different cable that is definitely not damaged.

    For example, borrow from a friend or work colleague if you don’t have a spare at home.

    And then you just need to connect this cable to the charger, then to the phone and see if it is charging or not. If not, then the problem is not with the cable, but with something else.

    Check the power supply

    Likewise, it would be a good idea to check the charger. Again, to check we use another, one hundred percent working power supply and look at the result.

    If you discover that the problem is with the cable or charger, you can always purchase inexpensive new options, including online.

    Perhaps the case is too big

    For those who have recently purchased a protective case for their smartphone, you need to make sure that the cable fits tightly into the connector.

    Sometimes a large case will cause the charging cable to become dislodged so much that the connection breaks and charging stops. It very rarely happens that the problem is in the case, but it doesn’t hurt to check this option.

    Common problems in Android that interfere with charging

    So, we checked: it’s not the cable, the charger or the case. Then let's check the device itself.

    If your smartphone won't charge after being left idle for a long time with an empty battery, it may need a little shake-up. You should try quickly inserting and unplugging the charger plug from the socket several times. Sometimes it helps.

    You can also look at the manufacturer’s website or support forum, perhaps there you can find some working option or combination of actions that solves this problem.

    Clean the contacts in the connector

    Over time, the connector on the phone becomes clogged with small debris, dust and dirt. A high concentration of such unwanted guests can lead to charging problems. To clean the contacts, just blow thoroughly inside the connector.

    If the dirt doesn’t want to leave the cozy nest of your smartphone just like that, you can clean the connector with a vacuum cleaner or a straightened paper clip, the main thing is to do it very carefully in both cases. To clean the vacuum cleaner safely, turn off the device and use a plastic funnel to avoid accidentally scratching your phone.

    You can also use a folded piece of paper with acute angle, which can be put into the connector to restore order there.

    Update software

    Not often, but sometimes due to an operating system update, charging problems or errors in battery power management occur.

    If the OS on the smartphone is very recent, and around the same time a problem with charging appeared, perhaps these events are related.

    In this case, you may need to rollback to previous version operating system, the problem is that this is not possible on every device.

    But instead, it is better to check if another update has been released for the smartphone. New software usually fixes problems that existed in the past.

    1. To update the system on Android, open “Settings”, go to the “Software Update” section and select “Update”.
    2. iPhone users have a slightly different path: “Settings” → “General” → “Software Update”.

    Change battery

    On most modern phones This is not possible since the battery is built inside the case. But if your phone or tablet has a replaceable battery, then you should replace it with a new one.

    Over time, batteries naturally degrade and cannot store as much electricity as they once could. This usually happens over a long period of time, but in some cases it can happen out of the blue. In order not to waste money on buying a new one, it would be wiser to take a suitable working battery from friends or acquaintances.

    You can also go to the store, explain the situation and ask for the battery to be checked.

    Is it time to buy a new phone?

    For those who don’t want to bother at all with finding the cause of the problem, there are only two options left. Either take the gadget to a service center (if the warranty is still valid, we take it to the seller from whom we bought it), or replace the smartphone with a new one.

    Obviously, the last option is the most expensive, but if the device has already worked for a decent period of time and lately started to malfunction, then why not replace your old one with a younger device?

    What to do if the phone does not charge? Many of us have faced this question when everything seems to be fine, but for some reason the smartphone shows charging, but does not charge, quickly discharges, or cannot charge at all. In many cases, it’s too early to grab your head and look for phone numbers and addresses of service centers. You can try to figure it out yourself.

    Why won't my smartphone charge from the charger?

    Before taking drastic measures and blaming the device itself for the malfunction, it is worth checking the following points:

    • Charger performance;
    • Compliance of the charger with the phone;
    • Serviceability of the charging cable and plug;
    • Status of the connector and contacts of the smartphone.

    The serviceability of the sockets can be checked using a voltmeter or a special screwdriver, at the end of which a light bulb lights up if voltage is present. If it is not there, then check another outlet.

    A problem with electrical wiring can affect the entire apartment. If this is confirmed, then everything is fine with the phone and the problem is not with it or the charger.

    Lack of charge due to inattention

    Inattention is one of the most common reasons for a dead phone. Everyone has several gadgets with the same connectors. Also, almost everyone among the different cables and chargers will have at least one, but with a different plug.

    In a hurry or distracted by other things, we take the wire without looking, try to connect it to the phone, but nothing works. Or it works, but the charge does not go. Then the first thought that comes to mind is that the charger or smartphone is broken.

    If the situation with a large number cables are familiar to you, then do not rush to contact the service center. Just check if you have connected the charger to your phone. You also need to make sure that the cable is inserted into the connector all the way. After all, sometimes we just connect the charger, and it can move away. Therefore, always check that the cable is fully inserted. If it happened to you as stated above, then this is just an annoying oversight. But what to do if it really is a technical fault?

    Defective cable and charger

    Charger cables have a fairly short service life. Moreover, its wear depends on both the method of use and storage. If you frequently twist the charger or wind the cable, its life will quickly decrease. The same thing happens when the wire bends at the edge of the table.

    So, if there is voltage and you have connected the charger correctly, but the phone does not charge, you need to check the cable. Sometimes it can be difficult to determine the serviceability of the charger the first time, since thin wires inside an otherwise intact cable may break. Therefore, the easiest way to determine whether charging is working or not is to connect another gadget. If the other phone does not charge, then the charger is indeed faulty and needs to be replaced.

    Charging is in progress, but the battery is not charging

    There are only five reasons why the charging process is displayed, but the battery percentage remains unchanged:

    • Wrong charger.
    • The battery is faulty.
    • The smartphone is loaded with work, that is, many applications and services are turned on.
    • Problem with the motherboard.
    • Problems with software.

    Case one. Almost all modern gadgets use the same Mini-USB connector. But this does not mean that the same cable can be used for everyone. In some cases, a technical discrepancy may occur. For example, if you connect an iPhone or Samsung smartphone to a non-original charger, the phone will show charging, but the battery will not charge. The situation can only be corrected by using original cables.

    Case two. Battery problem. If the battery on your phone is removable (like many models from Nokia, Samsung, Lenovo), then the problem can be solved quickly and easily. Need to buy new battery and insert it back into the smartphone. If the battery is non-removable, then it is better to contact a service center, since then you need to remove the back panel of the case. The situation becomes more complicated if the smartphone is still under warranty. After all, removing the case damages the protective stickers.

    Case three. It happens extremely rarely. After all, in order for the phone to not charge, you need to launch a lot of applications. Then the following happens: the programs use up all the charge, so the battery either charges poorly and slowly, or does not charge at all. Then you just need to turn off all services (Internet, Wi-Fi, etc.) and applications.

    Case four. If the phone shows charging, but its percentage does not increase at all or very slowly, then sometimes the reason lies much deeper. The problem is motherboard. It may become damaged during operation, or over time a manufacturing defect may appear. Then you must contact the service center.

    Case five. Modern gadgets become outdated quite quickly and very often new versions of programs and operating systems appear. Therefore, it is possible that the situation when charging is in progress, but the phone does not charge, is due to problems with the software. Nothing depends on charging here and everything can be fixed only at a service center.

    Problems with contacts

    The contacts may become dirty or bent. If your phone is “floating”, then they may also become covered with plaque or rust. In this case, they need to be cleaned.

    This is done as follows:

    • Remove back cover phone and remove the battery.
    • Clean the contacts on the battery and in the phone itself using a cotton swab (it can be replaced with a toothpick or a match with cotton wool). Actions must be smooth and careful.
    • If you see that the battery's teeth are bent, then they need to be returned to starting position using toothpicks or matches.
    • Use a cotton swab to also clean the Mini-USB connector. Often this is where dust, dirt and dried debris accumulate.

    Phone won't charge when turned off

    This happens in cases when the smartphone is completely discharged. Then the phone cannot recognize the battery and thinks it needs to be replaced. But if the battery is still normal and you don’t want to buy a new one, then you need to charge it without using the gadget. This can be done using a special tool or a homemade charger.

    As you can see, there are many reasons why a phone with operating system“Android” or other device does not charge or it takes a long time. And most of them can be eliminated on your own without contacting a service center.

    Another reason why the phone is bad and long

    It's all about the battery. Namely, in its container. It is indicated on each battery in miles amperes (mAh). The higher the number, the longer the charge can last and the rather a phone will be charging. This is especially true for owners of smartphones with the Android operating system.

    Over time, no matter how powerful the battery is, it will begin to lose its capabilities. Every day the phone will spend less and less time without recharging. There is only one way out - buy a new battery.

    Advice: if on the Internet you come across an article with recommendations for extending the life of the battery or increasing its power using microwave oven, then take this information as a cruel joke.

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