• How to call an ambulance. How to call an ambulance from a cell phone? Ways. Medical helpline numbers for mobile phones.

    The telephone numbers for these services are valid for all regions of the Russian Federation.

    Take a First Aid Course! Learn to help competently, before the ambulance arrives!

    We are often asked at First Aid courses how to correctly call from the city and mobile phone Ambulance, Rescuers and Firefighters, Police.

    Remember! Emergency calls are free.

    Urban emergency services
    (call from landline):

    101 (01) - Fire protection and rescuers
    102 (02)- Police
    103 (03) - Ambulance
    104 (04) - Gas network emergency service

    Emergency Services
    (call from a mobile (cell) phone):

    Call emergency services via number 112

    For emergency call Special services also operate the number 112.
    In Russian and English.

    Even if they are not emergency services, they can still help in a variety of situations. Therefore, you should contact the Civil Police number if there are reports of illegal activities or information about fugitives. Remember: you do not need to identify yourself to make a report!

    The Consumer Protection Division is an agency that operates in the area of ​​consumer protection. Therefore, please call Procon if you have a complaint about these rights or if you have any questions about them. Federal Highway Police or State Highway.

    You can call from the emergency number 112:
    - in the absence cash on your account,
    - when the SIM card is blocked,
    - in the absence Phone SIM cards,

    Emergency calls are free.

    If your mobile device does not support dialing numbers consisting of two digits, when calls to emergency services After the service number you must dial *

    If you are on an interstate or state highway, these are the numbers you should call in case of accidents or complaints. It's always important to have these numbers handy when you're traveling or taking a longer route on any road.

    Remember also to inform those in charge of the passage: 191 for federal roads and 198 for state highways. The numbers that have been listed provide important services and should be known to everyone. Although most of these services are the responsibility of government or municipal authorities authorities, all service numbers are national.

    The fast pace of life, ordinary days and weekends... Not a single person knows what might await him in the next minute or even second. Therefore, it is very important to be prepared for everything unpleasant and unexpected. Thus, every citizen must know the emergency numbers.

    Yes, of course, their numbers are memorized in the elementary grades of school. However, there teachers dictate a set of numbers that can be called from landline phone. However, now, in the world innovative technologies, where both young and old have cell phones, it would be right to teach “mobile” emergency numbers.

    Calling emergency services from megaphone phones

    This means everyone attends identical numbers, no matter where you are. So, make sure you have at least emergency services between contacts on your mobile phone or recorded somewhere where you can always get your hands on it. You never know when or where you'll need to call them!

    When we are faced with an emergency, it is essential to be ready to help those who need help. Therefore, in addition to basic knowledge of first aid, it is very important to know which emergency number is valid throughout the European Union. It is equally important to know what we will say as soon as we are served to save time AND be able to save a life.

    How's the phone?

    Megafon has implemented this opportunity by calling 030. In other words, if you or a loved one, a passer-by, etc. suddenly feel ill, the operator mobile communications is "Megafon", which means you should call the specified number. If the operator is different, then it is correct to call the following numbers:

    • MTS - 030;
    • "Beeline" - 003;
    • "Tele2" - 030.

    How to call 112 - European emergency number

    Managing so many distress calls is not an easy task for operators. To call 112 you must first have a reason because unfortunately we know what some people call a "joke" and it can be costly, especially because it takes up a line that could be vital to someone in need. Therefore, please be responsible when using it.

    What to say when you turn on 112

    You can call 112 if you are involved in or witness any emergency such as accidents, sudden illnesses, attacks, poisonings, attacks, fires and other situations. The operator of the Police Public Safety Center will answer the call. . Once you call 112, it is important to know what to say clearly and without any doubt, as this is halfway to a good understanding from those on the other side, as well as to get to the place in the most appropriate way.

    Calling emergency services

    There is also another way to call an ambulance from Megafon - this is the number of the unified dispatch service on duty. To call here, you will need to dial the following combination of numbers from your mobile phone - 112. When you call this number, they will help you solve any problem related to the emergency situation that has occurred. 112 will allow you to call and ambulance, and the police, and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Moreover, the number is available not only within Russia, but also abroad, namely in Europe.

    What to do immediately after intoxication?

    Indicate the type of situation, such as illness, accident, childbirth, aggression, etc. enter the phone number you are calling from. It should also tell you the number of people who need help, as well as their gender and age. Please pay attention to the person's complaints and symptoms to help you, as well as possible changes you may observe. It must also indicate to the operator certain specific situations, such as fire hazards, that require other means on site. Disconnect a call only when the operator instructs you to do so. Keep your eyelids apart during this action and do not apply other products. If skin contamination occurs, remove any clothing that may have been contaminated with the product and rinse the contaminated area under running water for 15 minutes. If the victim has been bitten or bitten by an animal, he must first immobilize the affected area. For bee stings, wasp stings, scabies or viper bites, place something cold on the affected area. Place something hot only on spider spider bites. If the victim inhales any toxic product, remove it from the contaminated area. In poisoned food situations, do not induce vomiting and give the victim a sip of water or milk to drink.

    • Specify exact location, indicating landmarks.
    • What is the apparent severity of the situation?
    • In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with running water for 15 minutes.
    If you call 112 and it's not emergency, the call will be redirected to the Health Line.

    An important feature of calling a single emergency service is that by dialing 112 on your phone, a citizen will be taken to the nearest branch. In other words, if the call is made in Moscow, then it will be addressed to the Moscow service; in Ryazan - Ryazan, etc.

    It is worth noting that the combination of numbers does not change depending on the telecom operator; it is the same for everyone and can be called even with a negative balance. Moreover, you can get to the unified on-duty dispatch service even if you do not have a SIM card inserted into your phone; having a mobile phone is enough.

    Accidents can happen anywhere and at any time. If you are involved in or witness an accident, fire or burglary on premises, do you know what emergency number to call? Available from landline and mobile phones - 112 Remember!

    - Call gas emergency service

    In most countries it operates alongside existing national figures. However, Denmark, Finland, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, Malta and Romania have chosen 112 as their main national emergency number. You can call 112 for any emergency requiring ambulance, fire service or police. For example, if you witness a serious traffic accident, watch for a building on fire or a house about to be destroyed.

    Communication on a call

    Most often, an emergency call is made in a state of shock. Therefore, numerous questions received from the other side of the tube seem meaningless and can cause aggression. But it is important to know that the ambulance officer asks all this for a reason; it is important for him to correctly assess the situation and send to the patient exactly the specialist who can help as much as possible in the current situation.

    Don't call 112 for traffic information, weather forecasts, general information and requests. Unnecessary calls can overwhelm the system and threaten the lives of those who truly need emergency help. False calls can also impact responses to real emergencies.

    What happens when you turn on 112?

    A properly trained operator will answer your call. Depending on the type of emergency, the operator may process your request or refer you to a more appropriate emergency service, such as a doctor in case of illness or injury. During the service you will be asked to provide your address and contact number. Users of a specific service must be identified to avoid recording duplicate occurrences.

    So, most likely, when calling an ambulance you will have to answer the following questions:

    • What happened? The answer should be short: road accident, unconscious person, etc.
    • Who needs help? Here you should indicate the gender and age of the victim.
    • Address? It is necessary to indicate the location of the incident as accurately as possible.
    • Who are you? You should introduce yourself: first/last name, who you are related to the victim (relative, acquaintance, passerby).
    • The phone number of the person who decided to call an ambulance from Megafon. It may be needed to clarify some data.

    While waiting

    After you have managed to call an ambulance from Megafon, you should expect specialists to appear. This may take 20-30 minutes, and sometimes more. If it is simply not possible to wait that long, you can start moving towards the ambulance team. But this is not possible in all cases. For example, in case of an accident, it is often prohibited to remove victims from the car on their own; this can aggravate the situation.

    How long after the call will the ambulance arrive?

    Don't turn it off, even if you turn on 112 by mistake! Tell the operator that everything is fine and that it was a mistake. If not, help may be sent to check that everything is ok. You should always call 999 if someone is seriously ill or injured and if your life is in danger.

    What happens when you call 999

    Examples of medical emergencies include. Unless it is a life-threatening emergency and you or the person you are with does not need immediate medical care, consider other options before calling 999. Take care of yourself or the patient at home. . When you call 999, the operator will ask you which emergency service you need.

    Now you know how to call an ambulance from your mobile phone. Megafon provides this opportunity by calling 030.