• What is Windows? Windows operating system. Windows XP leads in the number of installations in enterprises



    Windows family OS. Major Windows OS versions

    The Windows family of operating systems are software products of Microsoft Corporation and are a set of programs designed for the effective use of all computer tools in the process of solving user problems and organizing interaction between the user and the computer. OS ensures the joint functioning of all computer devices and provides the user with access to its resources. The Microsoft OS, like the OS from other manufacturers, can be classified according to a number of criteria:

    • main purpose;
    • number of concurrent users;
    • number of tasks simultaneously executed under OS control;
    • the method of using hardware and software;
    • user interface type;
    • system hardware requirements;
    • the file system used;
    • language version;
    • ? MP bit depth, etc.

    Let's classify the Microsoft OS according to the most important characteristics.

    According to the main purpose, the Windows family of operating systems can be divided into three groups or, as they are also called, lines: 9x - line, NT - line and CE - line. Some authors identify another group (16 - Bit - line), which includes Windows 1.0 (1985), Windows 2.0 (1987), Windows 2.1 (1987), Windows 3.0 (1990), Windows 3.1 (1992), Windows 3.11 (1992). However, these versions were not full-fledged operating systems, but were operating shells for working with MS DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System, the OS of which was developed by Microsoft in 1981). The main purpose of these versions was to implement a graphical interface for the MS DOS operating system.

    The first group (9x line) includes OS versions: Windows 95 (1995), Windows 98 (1998), Windows ME (Millennium Edition, 2000). This OS group was intended for installation on personal computers with 32-bit microprocessors and operating in local (offline) mode. Currently, this OS group is practically not used and is not supported by the developer.

    The second group (NT - line, New Technology - new technology) is the largest, it includes the following versions: Windows NT 3.1 (1993), Windows NT 3.5 (1994), Windows NT 3.51 (1995), Windows NT 4.0 (1996), Windows NT 5.0 (Windows 2000, 2000), Windows NT 5.1 (WindowsXP, 2001). Windows NT 5.2 (Windows Server 2003, 2003), Windows NT 6.0 (Windows Vista 2006, 2006), Windows Home Server (2007), Windows Server 2008, Windows NT 6.1 (Windows 7, 2009) . The operating systems in this group are completely 32-bit and do not require support from the MS DOS operating system. The main purpose of this group is to support the network mode of the computer. Currently, this group of OSs finds the greatest practical application and is supported by the developer, except for some early versions.

    The third group (CE - line, CE - Compact Edition - compact edition) is intended for laptop computers. This group includes the following versions: Windows CE 1.0 (1997), Windows CE 2.0 (1998), Windows CE 3.0 (2000), Windows CE 4.0 (2002), Windows Mobile 2003 (2003). ), Windows Mobile 5.0 (2005), Windows Mobile 6.0 (2007).

    Based on the number of concurrent users, a distinction is made between single- and multi-user operating systems. The main difference between them is the availability of means of protection against unauthorized access. Multi-user operating systems have means to protect each user from unauthorized access by other users. Each user can log into (load) a multi-user OS using his own password, and he is allocated his own segment of the computer’s main memory. An example of multi-user operating systems are versions of the first and second groups of the Windows family.

    Based on the number of simultaneously executed tasks, OSes are divided into single- and multi-tasking. The Windows family of operating systems are multitasking with preemptive multitasking. A user working with a Windows operating system can simultaneously perform several tasks in different windows, while the windows on the screen are assigned to different tasks. Windows OS runs in protected mode (protected mode), those. When using a microprocessor in multitasking mode, running programs do not interfere with each other.

    Based on the way they use hardware and software, operating systems can be divided into network and local operating systems. Network operating systems include the main versions of the second and third groups of the Windows family, and local versions include the first group.

    Based on the type of user interface, the OS can be divided into OSs that provide the user with text and graphical interfaces. Windows operating systems provide the user with a graphical interface.

    Of the versions of Windows OS listed above, the most popular currently for installation on personal computers are the versions of Windows XP OS, Windows Vista OS and Windows 7 OS.

    Let's give a brief description of these versions of Windows OS and describe the capabilities they provide to users.

    Windows XP was released by Microsoft in October 2001 and is a development of Windows 2000 Professional. The name XP comes from the English eXPerience, which means experience. Microsoft has introduced three major editions of Windows XP: Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional Edition, and Windows XP 64-bit Edition. In addition to the main releases of Windows XP, there were also additional ones, which include: Windows XP Media Center Edition (based on Windows XP Professional Edition and containing special multimedia applications), Windows XP Embedded (embedded component OS based on Windows XP Professional Edition, it is intended for use in various embedded systems: ATMs, medical devices, cash terminals, slot machines, etc.), Windows Embedded for Point of Service OS (specialized OS based on Windows XP Embedded OS, configured for service points, it is optimized for retail and service industries), etc. Next, we will focus on the main releases of Windows XP.

    The Windows XP Home Edition OS was aimed at users of home personal computers (installed on laptops). This release differed from the previous version of Windows 2000 with a new look and feel that made daily tasks easier and more efficient. Improved capabilities for working with digital images and music recordings have become available to users, both when working on a local personal computer and when exchanging them via the Internet.

    Windows XP Professional OS is a more powerful OS compared to previous versions of the OS, which is associated with a high level of scalability and reliability of the OS. It is intended mainly for corporate users. The scalability of this OS consists of support for RAM, which can be increased to 4 GB, and support for increasing microprocessor power (for example, installing two microprocessors).

    Let us list the main features provided to the user of the Windows XP Professional OS, which can also be interpreted

    as distinctive features of this OS compared to previous versions of the Windows OS family:

    • improved user interface, improved design, including more rounded shapes and smoother colors;
    • a relatively higher level of security, including the ability to encrypt folders and files to protect corporate information;
    • built-in support for high-performance multiprocessor systems;
    • the ability to quickly switch users, allowing you to temporarily interrupt the work of one user and log in as another user, while leaving the applications launched by the first user enabled;
    • convenience when performing various operations due to the wizards built into the OS (for example, “Desktop Cleanup Wizard”, “Network Installation and Configuration Wizard”, “Shortcut Creation Wizard”, “Internet Connection Wizard”, etc.);
    • OS recovery, designed to return the system to a certain previous state, as well as improving other methods of system recovery. So, when loading the last successful configuration, the previous set of drivers is also loaded, which in some cases allows you to easily restore the system in case of problems that arose as a result of installing drivers, the ability to roll back drivers, i.e. returning to previous versions of drivers (computer programs that ensure the functioning of computer peripheral devices) due to software failures, etc.;
    • more advanced system management functions from the command line;
    • Explorer utility supports digital graphic and audio formats;
    • Windows XP Professional OS includes technologies developed by Roxio that allow you to write data to optical discs without installing additional software;
    • The OS includes Windows Media Audio Player, which allows you to play digital media, including music, video, optical discs and Internet radio;
    • Windows XP Professional OS can work with ZIP archives without installing additional software;
    • Laptop support tools, including DualView and GeogTure technologies. DualView technology (working with two monitors) allows you to display your computer’s “Desktop” on two monitors controlled by one video adapter. For example, in addition to the LCD display, laptop computers can be connected to an external monitor. The use of this technology improves user productivity and does not require additional microprocessors. OeagTure technology improves the clarity of text on the LCD screen, since it triples the horizontal resolution of displayed text on the computer screen, and also has an Internet connection firewall, etc.

    The developer must maintain any software product released to the market. During the maintenance process, noticed malfunctions in the operation of the program, errors, so-called holes in the system of protection against unauthorized access, etc. are eliminated. Windows XP is no exception. During the period of support of the Windows XP OS, Microsoft Corporation also eliminated shortcomings in the OS and periodically released Service Packs for the OS. The purpose of these software packages was to fix identified problems and add new features.

    The first Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Windows XP was released in September 2002. The most important innovations of the package were: support for the USB 2.0 interface, the introduction of a utility that allows you to select default programs for viewing email, the implementation of the Java virtual machine (Java Virtual Machine The Java virtual machine interprets and executes Java bytecode pre-generated from a Java program's source code by the Java compiler. Since Java virtual machines are available for many hardware and software platforms, Java can be considered both middleware and middleware. independent platform), the file encryption system (Encrypting File System, EFS) was able to use the AES encryption algorithm (Advanced Encryption Standard - a symmetric block encryption algorithm with a block size of 128 bits and a key of 128/192/256 bits, adopted as an encryption standard by the US government in May 2002) with a 256-bit key, etc. Support for Windows XP Service Pack 1 ended in October 2006.

    The second Service Pack 2 (SP2) (codenamed Springboard) was released in August 2004. The most important innovations of SP2: an improved firewall (firewall - formed by a transliteration of the English term firewall, equivalent to the term "firewall", is currently not an official borrowed word in the Russian language, an analogue of the English word firewall is the German word brandmauer (firewall), which literally translated into Russian means a wall that separates adjacent buildings, preventing the spread of fire); master of supporting Wi-Fi connections to the Internet and Bluetooth (English translation of the nickname of the Danish king Harald 1 Bluetooth (910-986), who united Denmark with Norway. His name was chosen as the name of the technology because Bluetooth was originally conceived as a means for simple connection of computers and telecommunication devices), Bluetooth technology provides information exchange on radio frequency in the range of 2.4-2.48 GHz (licensing-free range) for short-range communication with a radius of 10-100 m between devices such as pocket and ordinary personal computers, mobile phones, laptops, printers, digital cameras, etc.), as well as an improved version of the Internet Explorer browser (IE6, for example, the ability to block “pop-up” windows on the Internet). This update package has made significant changes to the security of Windows XP. Thus, the built-in firewall underwent significant changes, which was renamed Windows Firewall and activated for all created connections by default. Security changes have affected both the Outlook Express mail program and the IE browser. Windows XP Service Pack 2 includes Windows Security Center, which makes it easier to monitor system security by monitoring and reminding the user to install or update an antivirus and its databases, activate a built-in or third-party firewall, update the operating system or change browser settings, etc. d. Since July 2008, Microsoft has stopped supporting Windows XP SP2.

    The third service pack, Service Pack 3 (final version), was introduced by Microsoft in April 2008. The package includes all updates released since the release of Windows XP Service Pack 2 in 2004, as well as a number of other new elements. Among them is the Network Access Protection function and a new activation model borrowed from Windows Vista, in addition, there is improved detection of so-called routers - “black holes”, etc. Currently, the Windows XP SP3 OS is supplied to the market in the form of OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and boxed version (BOX).

    It is also important to note here that Microsoft Corporation stopped free support for the Windows XP OS on April 14, 2009, and from that time on, Windows XP OS users cannot contact Microsoft for free technical support. Now they will have to use “extended support” services for this, i.e. All requests are paid. This support will continue until April 8, 2014.

    Windows XP 64-bit Edition was developed specifically for workstations based on 64-bit Intel Itanium microprocessors. This OS provides support for additional memory, increases the speed of I/O operations, and expands the capabilities for calculating floating point variables. This OS is a fairly powerful platform for technical and analytical development, as well as for financial and statistical analysis. This edition of Windows XP has no longer been developed since 2005, after HP Corporation (Hewlett Packard, USA) stopped developing workstations with Intel Itanium microprocessors. Support for this architecture remains in server versions of the Windows operating system.

    Windows Vista OS also belongs to the NT - line (NT - line, New Technology - a new technology focused on network work) of operating systems of the Microsoft Windows NT family, and in particular, in this line it is called Windows NT 6.0 OS. Used primarily on consumer personal computers. Microsoft officially released Windows Vista on November 30, 2006 for corporate customers, and retail sales of the OS began on January 30, 2007. Microsoft has introduced several releases (variants, editions) of Windows Vista. Let's consider the main ones:

    • Windows Vista Starter OS is the most inexpensive and accessible option for entry-level users. The basic set of features of Windows Vista Starter is limited compared to other editions, but the main thing is that it remains compatible with all modern applications and devices. In fact, this is an operating system for beginners who are taking their first steps in mastering a personal computer and do not want to overpay for software when purchasing their first computer;
    • Windows Vista Home Basic OS also refers to a fairly simple and affordable version of the Windows Vista OS, intended primarily for home users. It has all the main characteristics of a new generation OS: security, support for advanced parental controls, a basic user interface, new search and data organization functions, improved networking. At the hardware level, this is support for one microprocessor (with an unlimited number of cores) with 8 GB of maximum RAM for the Amd64 platform (64-bit) and 4 GB for the x86 platform (32-bit);

    Windows Vista Home Premium is the primary version of Windows Vista for home desktop and mobile PC users. In addition to the capabilities provided by Windows Vista Home Basic, this version supports the 3D Windows Aero user interface, Windows Media Center and a number of additional capabilities for working with multimedia data (for example, editing and burning DVDs). At the hardware level, the Windows Vista Home Premium OS supports up to two microprocessors with 16 GB of maximum RAM, HDTV (High Definition TV is one of the directions of television development in the world, its Russian name is high-definition television, which allows you to watch TV programs, movies with high resolution 1920 by 1080 pixels, unlike conventional television, which uses an image resolution of 720 by 576 pixels), video DVD recording, support for touch screens, automatic backup. However, in this option there is no possibility of joining a domain and the editor of group and local policies, there is no support for EFS;

    Windows Vista Business OS is the primary hardware platform for enterprise-class desktop and mobile personal computers. This OS version is suitable for small, medium and large businesses, contains all the functions of Windows Vista Home Basic (except for a number of entertainment ones) and has a number of specific features. Thus, Windows Vista Business OS supports the Windows Aero interface, supports Group Policy, file system encryption, support for faxes and scanners, etc. At the hardware level, Windows Vista Business OS supports up to two processors, the Windows Aero interface, Group Policy and the EFS encrypted file system. However, in this version the multimedia part is reduced and there are no entertainment applications;

    Windows Vista Enterprise is an enhanced version of Vista for corporate personal computers and laptops. In addition to the features of Vista Business, this option includes Windows BitLocker drive encryption, support for all existing interface languages, Virtual PC Express, and Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications (SUA), i.e. This OS option is suitable for large enterprises and organizations with complex infrastructure. At the hardware level, it is similar to the previous version of the OS;

    Windows Vista Ultimate is an option that includes all the features of Windows Vista Home Premium and Windows Vista Enterprise. In this version, the multimedia part is well developed, support for animated desktop wallpaper is implemented, and it is also possible to change the operating system user interface language at will.

    The Windows Vista operating system that has entered the market is also supported by Microsoft. This support consists of regularly updating the OS, eliminating identified problems and adding new OS features.

    The first service pack 1 (SP1) for Windows Vista was released on April 15, 2008. This service pack made it possible to copy files on local computers at a higher speed (25% faster) and more quickly process high-resolution images. In addition, SP1 includes additions that improve the compatibility of the operating system with new video adapters and some types of monitors and printers. The update package also includes fixes that reduce the time the computer wakes from sleep mode, improve the performance of the IE 7.0 browser, and improve the power management scheme for laptops. SP1 also includes all previously released patches. Before installing SP1, the Windows Update system checks the computer for problematic components and, if any are found, postpones the installation.

    The second update package, Service Pack 2 (SP2), is the most popular at the moment. SP2 provides: support for Bluetooth 2.1/3.0 (only a beta driver is available for Bluetooth 3.0), support for 64-bit VIA processors, the ability to record Blu-ray optical discs "blue ray" - got its name from the short-wave (405 nm) “blue” laser used for writing and reading, the letter “e” was deliberately excluded from the word blue, to be able to register the name as a trademark), easier setup of wireless Wi-Fi networks (Windows Connect Now, WCN wizard), support for 1CCD/CCID smart cards, higher performance when playing HD video format, etc. In addition, it should be noted that SP2 cannot be installed without first installing SP1. This is done to combine the SP for two platforms - Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.

    On May 25, 2009, SP2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 became available for public download from the Microsoft website in English, German, Spanish, French and Japanese, and on July 1, 2009, SP2 for Windows Vista in Russian became available for automatic installation via Windows Update.

    Let's list the main features provided to the user by Windows Vista OS compared to Windows XP Professional OS, which can be interpreted as distinctive features of this OS compared to Windows XP Professional OS:

    • The boot time of Windows Vista OS is less than Windows XP OS, in addition, the time to enter and exit sleep mode has been reduced to 6 seconds. However, after loading the user interface, it takes a longer time to start working fully, while background processes take place, which greatly impede the work of user programs;
    • ? thanks to the use of “Windows Ready Boost” technology, it has become possible to use external flash memory as RAM, which in some cases increases OS performance by 40%;
    • application of a complex of technical solutions Windows Aero (Aero is an abbreviation for English, authentic- authentic, energetic - vigorous, reflective- responsive and open- open). Windows Aero uses window animations to open, close, minimize, and restore, making the OS more intuitive to use. Transparent window elements with background blur allow the user to concentrate only on the contents of the active window, etc.;
    • provides better protection from hacker attacks and computer viruses, especially network viruses;
    • The logical model of interaction between the OS and graphics devices has been completely redesigned.

    Windows 7 OS belongs to the line of operating systems of the Microsoft Windows NT family, and in particular is the Windows NT 6.1 OS, used mainly on user personal computers.

    Windows 7 OS officially went on sale on October 22, 2009, i.e. less than three years after the release of the previous Windows Vista operating system. Microsoft has introduced six editions of the Windows 7 OS: Windows 7 Starter OS (initial version of the OS), Windows 7 Home Basic OS (home basic version of the OS), Windows 7 Home Premium OS (home advanced version of the OS), Windows 7 Professional OS (professional version OS), Windows 7 Enterprise OS (corporate version of the OS) and Windows 7 Ultimate OS (maximum version of the OS). All of the editions listed above, with the exception of Windows 7 Starter, exist in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

    It is easy to notice that the number of released editions of Windows Vista OS and Windows 7 OS is the same, in addition, some of the names of the editions, their features and capabilities are the same, so we will not dwell here in detail on the features and capabilities of each edition of Windows 7 OS, but will only note the main features, distinguishing Windows 7 from Windows Vista:

    • Windows 7 uses multi-touch - a technology that allows you to simultaneously detect and determine the coordinates of at least three touch points on a multi-touch screen;
    • The Branch Cache network technology used in Windows 7 allows for effective caching of information coming from the Internet;
    • closer integration with driver manufacturers, most of them are detected automatically, while in 90% of cases backward compatibility with drivers for Windows Vista is maintained;
    • ? a new, 11th version of DirectX, released as part of Windows 7, has been applied, which has the following advantages over existing versions: added support for new computing shaders(massively parallel computing), multi-threaded capability available rendering(the process of obtaining an image from a model using a computer program), improved tessellation(in computer graphics, a method by which it is possible to increase the number of polygons in a polygonal three-dimensional model using Bezier curves), new texture compression algorithms have appeared, etc.;
    • Windows 7 supports folder aliases internally; for example, the Program Files folder in some localized versions of Windows was translated and displayed with the translated name, but remained English at the file system level;
    • Windows 7 OS is more compatible with Windows XP OS than Windows Vista OS (SP1, SP2); for example, it was impossible to run some old Windows XP programs on Windows Vista;
    • The security of Windows 7 has been improved, so the likelihood of computer viruses getting into Windows 7 is 25% lower than in Windows Vista, and 20% lower than in Windows Vista SP2. Windows 7, which entered the market, just like previous operating systems,

    maintained by Microsoft Corporation. The final Russian version of the first service pack 1 (SP1) for Windows 7 was released in the first quarter of 2011. SP1 included mainly bug fixes and patches for vulnerabilities identified since the announcement of the platform in October 2009. The update contains All patches - automated, separately supplied software tools used to eliminate identified problems in the main software product.

    Operating system (OS) is a set of interrelated programs that are loaded when the PC is turned on and:

    Ø control the operation of all PC devices, ensure the integrity of their functioning;

    Ø provide the user with access to hardware capabilities;

    Ø control loading into memory and execution of all programs;

    Ø provide an interface (organize interaction) between the user and the computer.

    When you turn on your PC, the OS is read from the disk (where it is stored) and placed in RAM - this is The OS is always the first to load into the OP and completes its work only when the PC is turned off.

    OS features include:

    · carrying out a dialogue with the user;

    · input/output and data management;

    · planning and organizing the program processing process;

    · distribution of resources (RAM and cache, processor, external devices);

    · launching programs for execution;

    · various auxiliary maintenance operations;

    · transfer of information between various internal devices;

    · software support for the operation of peripheral devices (display, keyboard, etc.).

    Main OS components:

    · I/O control programs;

    · programs that manage the file system and schedule tasks for the computer;

    · a command language processor that executes commands addressed to the OS.

    OS WINDOWS(English: "windows")

    WINDOWS – a graphical OS that has greater capabilities compared to DOS (disk operating system).

    Most PCs in the world run an OS environment Windows companies Microsoft.

    Windows 7 – the final version was released in 2009. The OS is in the Windows NT family, following Windows Vista. The option to return to the classic menu and automatic docking of the browser and email client have disappeared from the Start menu.

    Windows Vista Home Premium is an OS introduced to users at the end of January 2007.

    Windows XP continues the line Windows NT. The advantages of this OS are increased reliability and security. The failure of an individual program does not cause any consequences for the system as a whole and for all other programs. The system implements full-fledged network security measures. In OS Windows XP Home Edition A number of functions implemented in the OS are not supported Windows XP Professional :

    Ø remote computer control;

    Ø support for dual-processor system;

    Ø file encryption, etc.

    Windows NT (NT– English N ew T echnology – new technologies) takes advantage of the latest PC models and works without DOS. The OS is convenient for users working within a local network, for groups working on large projects and exchanging data.

    Windows 2000 – OS for business use on a wide variety of PCs, from laptops to servers. The OS is the best for conducting business on the Internet.

    Windows CE – OS for mobile computing devices ( pocket computers, digital information pagers, cell phones, multimedia and entertainment consoles, DVD players, etc.). The OS allows devices to “talk” and exchange information with each other, communicate with corporate networks and the Internet, and use E-mail.

    Windows 98 – OS integrated with browser Internet Explorer, Improved compatibility with new computer hardware.

    Windows 95 - an integrated environment that ensures the exchange of information between programs and provides the ability to work with multimedia, ensures the work online, the ability to share printers, faxes and other shared resources. The OS allows you to send E-mail, faxes, and supports remote access. The user interface is simple and convenient. After turning on the PC and running test programs BIOS The OS boots automatically from the hard drive. After loading and initializing the OS, the screen appears desktop, on which various graphic objects.

    Windows 3.1 – graphical shell for MS-DOS.

    The main distinctive features of the WINDOWS OS are:

    T Multitasking

    T Flexibility, i.e. the same result can be obtained in different ways

    T Unified hardware-software graphical user interface

    Main network operating systems:

    Ø OS options Windows 2000:

    § Windows 2000 Professional OS for PC and workstations

    § Windows 2000 Server OS for small and medium servers

    § Windows 2000 Advanced Server OS for large servers

    § Windows 2000 DataCenter Server OS for particularly large companies or for maintaining very large Internet sites

    Ø Windows NT OS includes server (Windows NT Server) and client (Windows NT Workstation) parts and ensures operation in client/server networks. Windows NT is used in medium-sized networks.

    Ø OS UNIX used primarily in large corporate networks, the system is characterized by high reliability and the ability to scale the network.

    Ø Novell Netware OS consists of a server part and shells Shell, hosted on client nodes. This OS is more often used in small networks.

    Network OS functions:

    Ø directory and file management– physically located in other network nodes;

    Ø resource management– servicing requests for the provision of resources over the network;

    Ø communication functions provide a choice of the direction of data movement, etc.;

    Ø protection against unauthorized access. Access to data only from certain terminals, at a specified time, a certain number of times, etc. The user may have his own access rights with restrictions on the available directories or list of actions;

    Ø fault tolerance– use of autonomous power supplies for servers, duplication of information;

    Ø network management using control protocols.

    Windows 7- an operating system of the Windows family, released commercially in October 2009. During development, the system was known by the code names "Blackcomb" and "Vienna."

    Windows 7 is built on the Vista kernel. For most users, the benefits of Windows 7 over Vista include faster boot times, a new user interface, and the addition of a new version of Internet Explorer.

    The OS is available in three retail versions - Windows 7 Home Premium, Professional and Ultimate. Starter, OEM and Enterprise versions are available in some markets.

    Windows 7 features

    • DirectAccess for Mobile Workers - Allows system administrators to update Group Policy settings and deliver program updates every time a mobile device accesses the Internet, regardless of whether the account is signed in. DirectAccess supports multi-factor authentication and encryption.
    • XP Compatibility Mode - Allows you to run legacy applications designed to run on Windows XP in a special virtualized space. The average user sees no difference when running such applications.
    • BranchCache is a technology for optimizing network traffic transmitted over WAN communication channels through the use of a local, readable cache.
    • BitLocker To Go - technology extends encryption and key management capabilities to portable storage.
    • Virtual Hard Disk Support - Windows 7 allows you to mount a virtual hard disk (VHD) and treat it like a regular physical disk.
    • Enterprise Search - this system allows you to search for documents in remote repositories, SharePoint sites and web applications.
    • AppLocker - a feature that allows system administrators to use group policies to set rules for running specific applications on a specific computer.
    • Expanded VDI support - System administrators can use the same master image for remote clients through the use of virtual desktop infrastructure, and for regular computers.

    Quick launch panel for programs. It is noteworthy that this was the last system based on MS-DOS.

  • Windows 98 SE (Second Edition) (May 9, 1999)
  • In 2000, with the advent of the new millennium, Windows ME (Millennium) was released with improved video and music playback, increased reliability and System Restore, with Windows Media Player and Windows Movie Maker.
  • Windows NT family

    Windows Embedded Family

    Popularity of Windows OS

    Windows Security



    End of support and updates for Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2

    As of January 20, 2020, according to information from the FSTEC of the Russian Federation, the following versions of the Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 operating systems, certified according to information security requirements, continue to be used in the information systems of federal and regional government bodies, local governments, and organizations :

    • Microsoft Windows 7 (SP1) in "Professional", "Corporate" and "Ultimate" editions;
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (SP1) in Standard, Enterprise and Datacenter editions;
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Standard Edition Service Pack 2";
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2008" Standard Edition in 32-bit/64-bit edition;
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Edition Service Pack 2";
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2008" Enterprise Edition in 32-bit/64-bit edition;
    • Microsoft Windows Server 2008" version of Datacenter in 32-bit/64-bit edition.

    FSTEC of the Russian Federation in particular associates the use of such a wide range of versions of Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 with the presence of a large amount of specific application software developed for these operating systems, used in Russia by government authorities and organizations.

    A prerequisite for the use of certified versions of Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 in information systems used in Russia, as stated by the FSTEC of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the operational documentation, is the installation of certified updates for these systems. Updates are released by the developer of Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 - Microsoft Corporation - and are provided by Russian operating system manufacturers.

    In connection with the cessation of support and release of updates for Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008, the FSTEC of the Russian Federation has taken a number of measures. Namely:

    • stopped the validity of certificates of conformity for Microsoft Windows 7 (SP1) in the "Professional", "Corporate" and "Ultimate" editions;
    • discontinued certificates of conformity for Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (SP1) Standard, Enterprise and Datacenter editions;
    • decided to exclude information on certificates NN 2180/1, 2181/1, 1928/1, 1928, 1929/1, 1929, 1930 from the state register of certified information security tools on June 1, 2020.

    FSTEC of Russia recommends that government bodies and organizations using certified versions of the operating systems Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 to protect information plan measures to transfer information systems to operating systems certified according to information security requirements and supported by their manufacturers before June 1, 2020 . Before this transition, taking into account the patterns of threats to information security, FSTEC advises taking the following additional protective measures:

    • install all current mandatory certified updates for certified versions of the Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 operating systems, released by Russian manufacturers;
    • establish a ban on automatic updates of certified versions of the Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 operating systems;
    • configure and periodically monitor the protection mechanisms of certified versions of the Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 operating systems based on the relevant manuals;
    • if possible, exclude connections to the Internet and to departmental/corporate local area networks of computer equipment or segments of information systems running Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2;
    • if such a shutdown is not possible, mandatory measures must be taken to segment information systems and protect their perimeter and designated segments;
    • ensure regular backup of information, software and information security tools contained on computer equipment or in segments of information systems running Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 to external storage media;
    • regulate and ensure control over the use of removable computer storage media, excluding from them those not registered in the information system and not verified by anti-virus protection tools;
    • conduct periodic analysis of the vulnerabilities of information system segments running Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 using certified information security control tools, as well as periodic monitoring of the integrity of installed operating systems;
    • apply additional certified information security measures for operating systems;
    • monitor publicly available sources that publish information about vulnerabilities for the appearance of information about vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 and take appropriate measures;
    • develop and implement rules and procedures for the actions of officials in the event of identifying vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 or the occurrence of information security incidents related to their use.


    Availability of commercial support for OpenJDK on the Microsoft Windows platform

    Windows is no longer Microsoft's core business

    In April 2018, Bloomberg released an article entitled "Microsoft is officially no longer a Windows company." Journalists noticed that operating systems do not bring the American company the greatest income compared to other products, and the software giant itself is increasingly focusing on cloud technologies.

    In 2012, then-Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said that “nothing is more important than Windows” for the company. During one of the conferences, he emotionally chanted: “Windows! Windows! Windows!

    Microsoft has released regular updates less often and has also made them part of the cost of buying a new computer or a PC contract for companies, rather than having customers pay for new hardware or upgrade the operating system when the next version comes out.

    Every year, no more than 15% of sales of smartphones, tablets and computers combined come from devices running Windows, and the OS is not expanding into new areas such as self-driving cars or smart home systems.


    Windows XP leads in the number of installations in enterprises

    Windows 10 release

    Windows 10 will support various types of devices:

    • desktop PCs,
    • laptops,
    • tablets,
    • TVs.

    Windows 3.0 had a nice graphical user interface (compared to what had previously appeared on the IBM PC), provided a significant range of services, and handled all the memory addressable by the 80286, 80386 and higher microprocessors. With 32-bit microprocessors (80386 and higher) and with at least 2 MB of memory, Windows 3.0 could use virtual memory; this mode of operation was called 386 Enhanced Mode.

    1988-1993: Lawsuit with Apple over visual interface

    On March 17, 1988, Apple sued Microsoft over Windows and Hewlett-Packard over New Wave, the company's new Windows-based product. Apple's lawsuit alleged that the company spent millions of dollars and several years developing the visual interface that became the hallmark of the Macintosh. Apple accused Microsoft of violating its 1985 licensing agreement, arguing that Windows 2.03, released in late 1987, was an illegal use of the "look and feel" of the Macintosh interface. In the lawsuit, Apple insisted on stopping the sale and distribution of Windows and awarding it all profits from the sale of Windows 2.03.

    Microsoft filed a defense to the lawsuit alleging that the company had complied with the 1985 agreement in good faith. Parts of that agreement were made public indicating that Apple had licensed Microsoft to use visual elements already included in six Microsoft programs (Windows 1.0, Multiplan, Chart, File, Excel and Word for Macintosh) into all current or future applications. In addition, Apple has granted Microsoft the right to sublicense these items. Microsoft argued that the 1985 agreement covered Windows 2.03 by default and therefore the company did not intend to modify Windows or the applications programs written for it and would continue to make and sell those products.

    In early 1990, the case was assigned to Judge Walker of the San Francisco Federal District Court. Judge Walker also considered Xerox's lawsuit against Apple, in which Xerox accused Apple of violating the same copyrights. This lawsuit was dismissed in early May 1990.

    The stakes for both sides in this process were high. If Apple won, Microsoft could be forced to pull Windows 3.0 from the market or pay Apple for every copy sold. If the case was decided in favor of Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard, Apple could lose the market advantage of originality because it would open the door for all firms to copy the interface features that make the Macintosh unique.

    In 1993, Judge Walker decided Apple v. Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard in Microsoft's favor and rejected Apple's claims that it copyrighted certain interface elements.

    1987: Windows 2.0 released

    Since 1987, the situation began to change dramatically. In November of this year, a new version, Windows 2.0, was released, and powerful and well-known applications written to run under Windows began to appear.

    1985: Boxes with the first Windows appeared in stores

    Microsoft Windows 1.0. had many shortcomings and bugs, and was considered a bad copy of the Apple operating system.

    On November 10, 1983, Microsoft announced the start of development of a graphical operating shell for Windows, although back in late 1982, Microsoft programmers began creating a universal set of graphical procedures called the Computer Graphic Interface (CGI).

    By the November 1983 COMDEX exhibition, the first Windows prototype was ready. When the first version of Windows was presented, it was promised that commercial sales would begin in May 1984. In the spring of 1984, the sales start date was pushed back to November. In November 1984, this date was moved to June 1985.

    Windows and piracy

    In 2007, Microsoft published interesting statistics. According to data obtained from the Windows Genuine Advantage program, one in five (22%) Windows in the world is unlicensed. At the same time, according to the analytical company Business Software Alliance, the percentage of use of pirated copies of the OS is much higher, amounting to about 35%.

    Microsoft is actively fighting against illegal use of its operating system. So, in 2007, Microsoft provided corporate users with the opportunity to switch from pirated Windows to a licensed one, paying only for the “license”. By participating in this action, organizations were exempt from penalties for using pirated Windows.

    In December 2008, Microsoft filed 63 lawsuits against sellers of counterfeit software from 12 countries. They were accused of selling pirated copies of the Windows XP operating system. According to Microsoft, sellers were offering the Windows XP Blue Edition operating system at online auctions. Buyers were informed that the Blue Edition was a special licensed version of Windows XP with a low price.

    Around the same time, the Frunzensky District Court of Vladivostok sentenced a local resident to one year of suspended imprisonment and a fine of 117 thousand rubles for illegally installing the Windows XP operating system and a suite of Microsoft office applications. Then, the investigation established that the defendant installed counterfeit Microsoft Windows XP Professional and Microsoft Office programs on four computers for 2 thousand rubles.

    Today, concepts such as “personal computer for home use” and “Windows software environment” have become practically synonymous for the vast majority of domestic users. The popularity of operating systems from Microsoft is really high, and if in the United States the OS X operating system installed on Apple computers and laptops has nevertheless become widespread (its share is about 17.8%), then in the Russian market Windows is the undisputed leader, not planning to concede even tenths of a share to their closest competitors.

    Microsoft, starting with the Windows 1.0 platform shown back in 1985 by Bill Gates, has nine full-fledged versions of its proprietary operating system. For 30 years, constantly criticized, so hated by many, modified beyond recognition and flaunting solutions that were very controversial from a practical point of view, the system was improved taking into account trends in computer engineering and the wishes of users, achieving unprecedented success.

    Today Windows celebrates its anniversary: ​​30 years since the release of the first version of the graphical interface of the same name from Microsoft. We congratulate our colleagues from the Russian and international offices of Microsoft and, of course, all users of the Windows operating system on this anniversary!

    Windows: Start

    The first graphical interface, the result of the work of Microsoft programmers under the leadership of company founder Bill Gates, was introduced in 1985 and was called Windows 1.0. Created initially as a tool for working with the MS-DOS operating system, Windows 1.0 made it possible to enter commands not only in text form from the keyboard, but also to use a peripheral accessory that was outlandish at that time - a computer mouse.

    Windows 1.0 boasted a simple but convenient file manager (MS-DOS Executive), as well as the now-taken-for-granted Calendar, File Index, Notepad, Terminal, Calculator, and Clock applications. The first game integrated into the Windows shell was Reversi, whose task was to entertainingly teach users how to use a computer mouse.

    Windows 2.0 and Windows 3.0: from an auxiliary interface to a popular operating system

    The success of Windows 1.0 and the development of the industry promised the imminent appearance of the next product from Microsoft, which was the Windows 2.0 graphical user interface announced in 1987. If in their first project Bill Gates’ team implemented only so-called “tiled windows,” then in the second version of Windows they became overlapping. In addition to this, Windows 2.0 began to support 16-color VGA graphics mode.

    Windows 2.0 became no less fundamental a brainchild of Microsoft than its predecessor. It was in this version of the user interface for MS-DOS that the “Control Panel” first appeared, providing quick access to system settings, PIF files and a tandem of office applications - Word along with Excel.

    As for Windows 3.0, which was released in 1990, it became the first truly popular and properly distributed OS from Microsoft. The system stood out not only because of its much more intuitive, user-friendly interface, but also because of its algorithm that effectively unlocked the computing potential of Intel 286 and 386 processors.

    In addition, Windows 3.0 brings a new Control Panel, its own Program Manager and File Manager, and support for 256 colors. And, of course, Windows 3.0 is Solitaire, which for many was a sure and fun way to while away an hour or two of free time.

    Windows for Pen Computing 1.0: Down with the keyboard, we have screen input

    Everything new is well forgotten old. Current tablet computers, practically devoid of physical keys, simply do not need a separate QWERTY keyboard. Its place was taken by a virtual analogue of the keyboard, text input from which is carried out thanks to the touch display - by pressing the numeric keys on the screen. The first tablets - devices with keyboardless input - began to be actively developed back in the 90s. And the Windows for Pen Computing 1.0 interface for the PenPoint OS, designed for new “portable” electronics, shown by Microsoft in 1992, had at its disposal a notepad for writing notes with a stylus, a convenient on-screen keyboard and a number of other applications narrowly targeted to the designated segment.

    Windows 95: “Start”, without which Windows is not Windows

    For the Windows 95 operating system, which was released in 1995, an advertising campaign was carefully thought out: Microsoft management then turned to the popular musical group the Rolling Stones and the actors of the TV series “Friends” for PR and to attract attention to their products. As for the platform itself, the developers of the “ninety-fifth” relied on multitasking and “Plug and Play” technology, which allowed the system to automatically select drivers for a peripheral device connected to the computer.

    In the 32-bit shell of 1995, one could find the Internet Explorer browser, which was supposed to interest a few users of the World Wide Web and compete with such web surfing tools as Netscape Navigator and NCSA Mosaic.

    Microsoft Bob: a serious OS in a “cartoon” wrapper

    If you keep the basic idea taken as a basis when creating the operating system, and instead of a strict and classic interface offer the user cheerful decorations, then the result will be a very unusual addition, like the Microsoft Bob graphical interface for Windows 3.1.

    By the way, the well-known character in the form of a paper clip, nicknamed “Skrepysh” and other virtual assistants from Microsoft Word appeared precisely thanks to Microsoft Bob.

    Windows 98: the concept is the same, but with a fair amount of improvements

    Windows 98 came out in 1998 and brought a whole host of nice additions and improvements to the already familiar interface. The list of changes included the appearance of the “Quick Launch Panel”, “Active Desktop”, navigation buttons “Back” and “Forward”. The Internet Explorer 4 browser, in turn, has an address bar.

    Windows 2000: Do business with Microsoft products

    Built on the basis of Windows NT, the Windows 2000 operating system, which became available in 2000, was aimed primarily at the business segment, and not at home use. However, it was this OS that became the prototype for the Windows XP platform, which replaced it in the client sector.

    Windows 2000 was released in four editions: Professional, Server, Advanced Server and Datacenter Server, intended for servers, workstations and advanced users. It is also worth mentioning the exclusive editions - Windows 2000 Advanced Server Limited Edition and Windows 2000 Datacenter Server Limited Edition, aimed at unlocking the potential of 64-bit Intel Itanium microprocessors.

    Windows 2000 stood out for its automatic update function and the presence of such a useful option as hibernation - “sleep mode”.

    Windows XP: all the best in one bottle

    The year 2001 brought all PC and laptop users the news of the release of Windows XP, which is rightfully considered a real long-liver among all operating systems ever released by Microsoft. The release of updates for Windows XP was officially suspended only in 2014, 13 years after the announcement of the platform, which caused a storm of indignation from corporate clients.

    The redesigned style of Windows XP, dressed in “soft shapes” and bright colors, stood out strikingly against the gray background of Windows 98: a green “Start” button, a blue “Taskbar”, together with a number of visually pleasing interface decorations without any functional load initially predisposed to themselves. ClearType technology for smoothing text displayed on the LCD panel, an integrated CD burning wizard, a mechanism for quickly switching between users, “Remote Assistance”, which provided simple and fast authorized access to the system for third parties, customizable toolbars depending on the requirements and personal preferences - Windows XP is remembered for these innovations. And, of course, the “System Restore” function - rolls back the OS to a point selected by the user, usually practiced with the goal of returning the system to its original working state when errors, failures and a number of other problems occur.

    According to statistics current for 2014, approximately 430 million computers had the Windows XP operating system installed, despite the release of more recent platforms Vista, Windows 7 and 8.

    Windows Vista: Admit Your Mistakes

    Six years of waiting, criticism of Microsoft for trying to implement not just controversial, but irrational decisions, a number of problems that accompanied the development, due to which the final version of the OS lost some of the initially stated options, led to the appearance of a clearly failed and frankly passable Windows Vista shell.

    Neither the translucent design of the user interface, nor the promised reduction in boot and wake-up times, nor instant file search, nor the proprietary transparent sidebar, nor even the relatively high level of security with a set of tools to prevent hacking and ensure reliable protection of personal data saved Windows Vista. .

    Microsoft admitted what users on the Internet were saying: Windows Vista failed to surpass Windows XP. This was confirmed by the trend that was gaining popularity among buyers of products with pre-installed Windows Vista, when they deliberately removed the licensed OS and returned, even to the “pirated”, but much more stable and understandable Windows XP.

    Windows again in numbers: the magnificent “seven”, strange « eight " and saving "8.1 »

    After the unfriendly reception of Windows Vista and the abundance of criticism rained down on the heads of developers, Microsoft simply had no right to make a repeated mistake. The result of a thorough analysis of the shortcomings of Vista was the Windows OS with the number “7”, announced in 2009. Externally, the platform has not changed as significantly as angry users expected, and the focus was on maximizing performance optimization and correcting a considerable number of errors. The ergonomics were also improved, which now seemed entirely aimed at customers who wanted to say goodbye to such Windows Vista horrors as countless pop-ups in Windows 7 once and for all.

    Windows 7 also had a set of its own unique features, including a handwriting recognition algorithm, a multi-touch control mode, quick access to multimedia content through Jump Lists, simplified home network setup, and easy connection to wireless coverage. But the main thing is that Windows 7 looked more stable, faster (in fact, the difference with Windows Vista was not so significant), and also much easier to use.

    Three years later, on the wave of the commercial success of Windows 7, Microsoft specialists prepared for the release of Windows 8 in 2012. However, the radical changes that the developers themselves focused on were not to everyone’s taste. And we’re not even talking about the missing button and Start menu, in return for which it was proposed to use the start screen, aimed at users of tablets with Windows 8 “on board”.

    There was a feeling that in an attempt to create a unified platform for various devices - desktops and tablets with touch displays - the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe original and dominant focus on the PC sector faded into the background. The “Live Tile” in Windows 8, which migrated from the Windows Phone mobile system and replaced the usual icons and shortcuts for launching installed applications, was clearly not understood or simply underestimated by users.

    Of course, Windows 8 was generally good: purchases could be made directly in the digital store, and support for the high-speed USB 3.0 data transfer interface appeared. The system worked quickly and did not cause any trouble to its owner, but owners of screens without touch input support ignored the new OS, wanting to work comfortably in a familiar environment using a regular keyboard and mouse.

    The problem was solved by a free upgrade to Windows 8.1, which began downloading in October 2013. Exactly a year after the release of Windows 8, the “Start” button returned to its place to call up the corresponding menu on the desktop, and the desktop itself - its familiar appearance, which was rethought and modified to please tablet owners - could now be loaded by default.

    Windows 10: instead of Windows 9 and the next step forward - a leap and reaching a higher quality level

    The author of this article literally updated his Windows 8.1 OS to Windows 10 for free a couple of months ago. So far, giving an objective assessment based on the advantages and disadvantages of Windows 10 identified in such a short period of time seems clearly a hasty decision. Nevertheless, the subjective feeling is expressed quite succinctly: “I like it!”

    Among the innovations, it is worth noting the Microsoft Edge browser, which replaced the slow and in a number of nuances extremely awkward “old man” Internet Explorer. The personal digital assistant Cortana, which is responsible for executing your voice commands, is designed to help you understand all the implemented diversity. Windows 10 is also ready to please all gamers with support for DirectX 12/WDDM 2.0 to take computer games to a new graphic level with previously unattainable image realism.

    The latest version of the platform from Microsoft seems extremely universal without compromising any of the parties, ready to offer comfortable interaction with all types of modern devices, regardless of their size - tablets, laptops of various diagonals, desktop systems, large-format panels for presentations such as the Surface Hub.