• Ready-made menu for a group in contact. VKontakte registration. How to make a menu in public? (fixed)

    Greetings dear friends. In today's post I want to talk about how to create a menu for a VKontakte group. Doing this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, and if you have at least basic knowledge of Photoshop or Paint, then you will definitely succeed. So let's get started.

    With the right structure, the menu can increase the number of sales or the flow of customers for your business, this already depends on what focus the group has. As an example, consider the design of an online clothing store:

    The structure is formed very clearly, in almost a few clicks the user can find everything he needs: phone numbers, addresses, order information, product catalog, etc. In my opinion, this design helps increase sales by at least 2 times.

    In this version, the menu is a catalog of products divided into sections, which makes searching for them very convenient. The community avatar contains contact numbers of several operators, which will allow customers to quickly get in touch with the seller.

    Here's an example of a bad solution:

    The catalog is designed in the form of ordinary links that lead to an unknown destination. Agree that there is no particular desire to cross them; on the contrary, you want to leave the group.

    In these examples, we looked at design options for online stores, but you can use something similar in other topics. The formula is simple: clear structure + graphic design = influx of customers and increased sales.

    Now let's look at all this from a technical point of view.

    Creating a menu for a VKontakte group

    First of all, let's create a graphic layout of the future menu. For this purpose, we will use Photoshop (for a simple picture, standard Paint will do just fine). Open the program and create a new document:

    I will create a picture with a size of 500x500 pixels, however, depending on the number and location of sections, the size of the picture may be different.

    Now download the image you would like to use as your background and drag it onto your canvas. If you are proficient in the program, you can draw the background yourself.

    Then write pre-designed sections, buttons and phone numbers on the background image. We will later turn them into links:

    To make cuts as accurately as possible, you need to use auxiliary lines by pressing CTRL+R. Hover your mouse over the top line and drag it onto the image something like this:

    The last step is to cut the objects. To do this, click on the “Slices From Guides” button on the top toolbar:

    We save the framework for web devices. Set the image format to JPG, select the maximum quality and save, for example, to your desktop:

    A folder appeared on the desktop with the frame of the future menu, which we need to transfer to the group.

    Displaying a menu using Wiki markup

    In your group, go to “community management” and check if the “materials” section is connected. If the partition is disabled, then connect it:

    After this, the “latest news” tab will appear in the group. Click on the “edit” button, you will be transferred to a text editor:

    Instead of the standard title, write your own, and also turn on the wiki markup mode by clicking on the diamond icon:

    Now open the group in a new tab and upload the prepared frame to the photo album, and paste the following code into a text editor, as many times as the number of parts the frame is divided into:

    [ [ photo133337_133701019|370px;nopadding;|page- 13333337 _13333337] ]

    Instead of the value “photo133337_133701019” you need to insert a link to the photo

    Instead of the value “page-13333337_13333337” you need to insert a link to the desired page or group section

    Instead of 370px, you can choose your own dimensions, and the nopadding parameter allows you to display a full-fledged image; without it, our menu would be displayed in cut pieces.

    By clicking on the “View” button you can see how the menu will look in the group. If everything suits you, then click “Save results” and enjoy the work done.

    Greetings, dear friends and blog guests. Today we’ll talk about creating menus in VK and how to do it in the new design of the social network. There are really significant changes that you need to be aware of, because if the menu is made in the old design, which I wrote about, then the pictures may look askew.

    VKontakte group menu- this is her face. This is what the user sees when he first enters the community, and how accessible and attractive everything is designed largely determines whether he will become a permanent member of the group.

    IMPORTANT: After changing the general design in VK, the sizes of pictures for the menu on the social network also changed. Check your work and make changes in the groups discussed below.

    Types of menus and their features

    The first step when creating a community is to decide on its main goal. The future design of the menu and its functional features depend on this.
    Depending on the goals of the group, the menu can be:

    • for an information platform;
    • ;
    • for a training site.

    The main part relates to information. These are communities where the user is provided with some kind of entertaining or educational content. For such a group, it is best to use a menu that displays the main topics. Thus, popular publics create sections: news, latest publications, popular publications, as well as sections specifically on the topic of the group.

    The menus of trading and educational publics may be similar. The goal of both is to help its user navigate the range of goods or services. The menu for sales, as a rule, includes sections such as Product Catalog, Payment, Delivery, Promotions and discounts, and for training it may be limited to sections describing services, since the main thing here is that the user finds the training program or material he needs.

    How to create a menu in a VKontakte group: step-by-step instructions

    The whole process can be divided into 2 stages:

    • Working in Photoshop;
    • Adding sections and pictures in the group itself.

    To accurately answer the question of how to create a menu in a VKontakte group, you should visually imagine the future design with all the sections, and then, in the process, you can add items that still come to mind.

    At the first stage, a group avatar and images for the menu itself are created. A single image for both the avatar and the menu will look more harmonious.

    The choice or creation of an avatar should be taken very seriously, since many users pay special attention to it. You can find a suitable picture on the Internet and add an inscription or some elements to it in Photoshop, or you can make an absolutely unique image yourself.

    Since we also need to make a drop-down menu, we look for or create a picture that best suits the theme of the group or just take a beautiful background. Work with the image will take place in Adobe Photoshop, since the functionality of conventional photo editors is not enough for all the necessary operations. All sizes are set by the social network VKontakte itself, and significant deviations up or down will lead to the fact that the avatar will either not load at all or will not be one with the menu.

    Algorithm of actions:

    • Open Photoshop and go to “file” - “create” and set the width and height: 760X500, respectively.

    • Select the “cutting” tool, and then “split fragment”. Divide the image into 3 parts horizontally. For a fragment from the left or right edge in the drop-down window (depending on which part you want to see on the avatar), write the width and height values ​​– 200XX and Y) – 560 and 0. This will be the group’s avatar.

    • For the next fragment, set the width and height to 50X500, and write 510 and 0 in the coordinates. This is the space between the group avatar and the menu. This part will not be needed later.

    • Again, select “split fragment” and divide vertically into 2 parts. For the fragment on top we set the following values: width – 510, height – 182, coordinates – 0. This is the space above the menu. This part will also not be visible in the group.

    • Now we copy the selected or created image to the created and divided object. If the CTRL+V hotkeys don't work, simply open the location on your computer where the image is saved and drag it into Photoshop.

    • We divide the remaining space vertically into as many fragments as there are sections in the menu. You don't have to set values ​​for them.
      We write the name of each section.

    • The last step is saving the images. You need to save the pictures like this: file – save for the Web. This method is suitable for later versions of Photoshop. If there is no “save for Web” in the “file” section, then we proceed as follows:

    Go to the “file” item, select “export” - “save for Web”. We leave all parameters as they are. Click “save” again.

    Select a folder on your computer and save the images there. They should end up looking like this:

    Now let’s proceed to the second stage to figure out exactly how to create a menu in the VKontakte group - directly adding the menu to the public. To do this:

    • First of all, you need to connect Materials, since this is the only way to add any sections on the main page. To do this, go to Community Management and at the very bottom of the page select “Materials”, and then “open”. Save the changes.

    • We upload all the photos to the group, except for the avatar and those parts that are not needed. In order for the photos to be displayed on the main page, you need to go back to Community Management and click opposite the “photos” - “open” tab.
    • Uploading an avatar.
    • The next step is to enable wiki markup mode. You can do this by clicking the diamond icon on the right side of the page in the “edit” section.

    • Here we insert the markup code: [], where [] is a link to the section or page where you will go by clicking on the photo. You can add both links to sections on VKontakte itself and to external resources.
    • This code is duplicated as many times as there are sections in the menu, each time inserting links.
      If desired, we also change the “latest news” tab, for example, to “menu.

    • Click “save page”, return to the main section of the group and refresh the page. The menu is closed by default, but the user, by clicking on the corresponding name, will be able to open its sections and navigate through them.

    This completes the whole process, but you should definitely check whether the links work and whether the borders of the photo match.

    Services for creating a group menu

    If you still don’t understand how to create a menu in a VKontakte group and the step-by-step instructions didn’t help you, you can use special services that will create and even add beautifully
    designed menu for the group.

    One of the most popular services is MenuMake. After submitting an application, the order will be ready within 5 minutes, and then, if desired, the menu will be added to the group. At the same time, all the customer’s wishes regarding design and number of sections are taken into account.

    Sincerely, Galiulin Ruslan.

    Hello friends!

    Do you want to make the VKontakte group as attractive as possible for your subscribers? Don't know where to start? If you already have high quality content, then focus your attention on community design. I'm not talking about simply choosing an avatar. Creating a menu in a VKontakte group is one of the main points that needs to be taken into account when designing. It is this point that we will consider today.

    What is the VKontakte menu and what is it for?

    The menu is the face of the group. The first thing any visitor to your community encounters is the menu. Therefore, your task is to think through it as convenient and attractive as possible. First, you must decide what exactly you want to convey to your subscribers. It depends on the mission of the community itself. After all, there are completely different purposes for creating a group: educational, entertaining, or the goal of selling a product/service. From there, decide what information is most important to your future subscribers.

    For example, if you are focused on entertaining users or informing them about something, then perhaps focus on the ease of finding the information they need. This applies to groups where content can be divided into separate topics, for example, health, fashion, etc.

    If your community is created in the form of an online store, then the approach should be completely different. Convenience of searching for goods or services should of course be present, but also focus on promotions, new products, delivery conditions, as well as your contacts.

    So be sure to keep the community theme in mind when creating your menu.

    Methods for creating menus for VKontakte groups

    The first step is to decide how to create your menu: automatically or manually. If you have chosen a quick and simple method, but at the same time of high quality, I present to your attention a service for creating a menu for VK WikiMaker communities, you will quickly and easily figure it out, making your group more convenient. If you want to take complete control of menu creation, here are step-by-step instructions.

    How to make an attractive design?

    I want to combine the creation of two important group elements into the instructions: a menu and an avatar. Because it is not advisable to create them separately, because the user should see the harmony between these two graphic elements.

    1. First, you need to install Photoshop, if you have not previously installed this program on your computer.
    2. Open Photoshop and create two template files for the avatar and for the menu. Set the required dimensions. For example, for an avatar - 200x500 pixels, and a menu - 389x600 pixels. Fill them with one color so that they are clearly visible and save the two created separate files.
    3. Load the template into the group in place of the avatar, selecting the entire area.
    4. Loading the menu is a little more complicated. To do this, you will need to enable content in “Community Management.” After this, the ability to add a menu will become available. Go to the tab that appears under the description of the “Latest News” group and click on the button in the toolbar in the form of a camera and upload the file from your computer. Did it work?
    5. Immediately after downloading, a link will be available to you, which will have to be modified a little. After the word “noborder” enter the sign “;” and the word "nopadding". This feature will prevent your menu from dropping down when adding news to the community.
    6. We make Prnt Scrn of the main page of your group. For what? To understand your mistakes. The fact is that now this is a draft - everything is not smooth and not so beautiful. Your goal is to have the bottom borders of the menu and avatar match perfectly. Then you may be wondering, “Why don’t I give you the exact measurements?” But the fact is that each admin uses a different amount of text in the group description, which changes the height of the menu, and the width of the menu is a matter of taste and, as we know, it is different for everyone.
    7. We go into Photoshop and create a new file, inserting a screenshot there.
    8. Now, working with this file, we select the area of ​​the avatar using a “rectangular selection” - you can use it to select a specific area as accurately as possible. Next, right-click and select “cut to new layer.”
    9. We work on the same thing with the menu image, only when selecting it, we need to cut off what is unnecessary at the bottom. Make sure that the bottom of the menu and the avatar completely match.
    10. Now, holding down the Ctrl button, select the two layers we created. Right-click on them and select the “Merge Layers” function. Two of our templates, perfectly matched to each other, appear in front of us on one page.
    11. The next step is to upload the cover photo. It appears on top of our templates. Now, in the layer tools on the right, click on the cover file while holding down the Alt key. After this procedure, the cover will be visible only on the templates and will become invisible beyond their borders. But this will not stop you from moving the cover and selecting the desired visible part of it.
    12. Now the important point of creating a menu is the buttons. By now you should already know the exact names of the future buttons. For example, “Health”, “Children”, “Our contacts”. To make the task easier, we create the first button, the next ones we just duplicate and change the text.
    13. We add a logo to the avatar or a verbal appeal, or both. This will add vibrancy as well as a distinctive feature to your band.
    14. Save the shared file as a picture on your computer. What's next?
    15. Open the file we just created in Photoshop. Next, we create a new empty file with the exact dimensions of our avatar, insert into it the image we created with the logo and buttons. We select the area we need for the avatar and adjust it perfectly to the selected dimensions. Then we save our creation.
    16. We do the same with the menu. But again, there is an addition here. First, you need to know the height of the menu, since it does not match the draft version. Using a ruler, we measure the height to a single pixel (it’s best to measure it several times so as not to make a mistake). Create a new file with the old width and new height, adjust the image to the size and click the “Save” button.
    17. Load a new avatar, select the entire area and select a thumbnail.
    18. Upload the menu via the “Latest News” button. We delete the previous link, upload a new photo and add “;nopadding”.
    19. Now let's lay out our menu layout. We use Photoshop’s “Cutting” or “Knife” tool. It is called differently in different versions of Photoshop. We draw a line under each button to create separate rectangles that the user can hover over to navigate to specific links in the future.
    20. We go to edit the menu through “Latest News” and load each of our menu clippings in turn. When viewing, gaps between our pictures will be shown. In order to get rid of them, you need to add the word "nopadding" to each link.
    21. Now, so that your links are active and you can insert the information you need, then write on the links of the pictures in the editing menu - the name of one of your buttons - for example, Delivery. But this word must be written clearly according to established rules; it should look like this [[Delivery]]. Next, save the page, follow this link and fill it with the necessary content.
    22. The last step for everything to work is to insert a copy of the link to the Delivery page into the button link, for example - page-123456_456789, that is, the info between the words “vk.com/” to “?”. That’s it, now design each button the same way and your menu will successfully attract your target audience.

    Subscribe to blog updates and share information with friends. Create more beauty in your life!

    The goal of the creator of a group on social media. networks to attract more visitors. It is important that the guest wants to join, sign, read information, leave a comment or order a product. The need for the final result differs from the direction of activity.

    The first seconds of the stay shape the guest’s further actions. This is why the interface plays a big role.

    Factors that leave a guest:

    • avatar;
    • description;
    • Name;
    • beautiful and practical menu;
    • colorfulness;
    • content.

    It’s easy to create a practical menu that motivates more than just action. But first you need to figure out what it should be.

    What should the menu be like?

    Using a well-designed menu, the visitor can easily navigate through it and quickly get answers to their questions. Navigation also allows you to create the right impression of the project.

    Three main goals of groups:

    1. sales;
    2. increase in traffic;
    3. increase in active visitors.

    For sales, group navigation replaces in-store display.

    The most important buttons should be here:

    1. catalog;
    2. price;
    3. delivery;
    4. promotional offers;
    5. reviews.

    To increase traffic, the emphasis is on the content and flavor of the site or blog.

    An approximate set of buttons:

    video: menu for public

    Working with Photoshop

    Before you begin, you need to visualize the design or overall appearance, as well as its components. No special knowledge is required, just follow the steps of the instructions.

    Algorithm of actions:

    This is done using the Rectangular Marquee tool:

    Working with graphics:

    It should look something like this:

    Save the rectangle located on the right as a separate image, setting the size to 200x500 pixels. This is a ready-made avatar, uploaded through the “Upload photo” button in the VK group.

    The second picture still needs to be divided by the number of points. This is done in order to assign a link to each button.

    First you need to make the markup:

    Create fragments:

    Saving images:

    Technical part

    Finished images must be transferred to the group. By following the steps below, this task can be easily completed.

    Important! Uploading a menu differs from usually uploading photos or pictures.

    Everything in order:

    Now the most important thing is why all this was done. Add menu functionality. A separate image must be assigned its own link.

    1. find the required entry;
    2. left-click on it;
    3. copy the URL in the address bar.
    • go to the source where you need to transfer the visitor;
    • copy the required address.

    Save the changes using the corresponding button at the bottom of the window.

    Attention! Changes may not be reflected immediately. It is recommended to log out to your main profile and then log back into the group.

    How to create a menu in a VKontakte group wiki markup

    Wiki markup is a special language used to design web pages in social network groups.

    This tool allows you to create:

    • effects;
    • unusual menus;
    • signs;
    • navigation elements;
    • format text.

    In a word, this markup allows you to create a mini VKontakte website. This is very convenient, especially for sales and recruiting subscribers.

    This design intuitively forces the visitor to stay and click on the button. That is, it delays and stimulates action - and this is exactly what is needed.

    Visually, such a system is very similar to HTML layout. But it does not require long training and a special mindset.

    Video: menu with search by category

    Nuances of creation

    Actually, what was done above (dividing and loading the image) are already markup elements. This is the advantage of this tool. Automatic transformation into tags when simply loading images.

    However, it is important to know the individual tags to help add even more functionality and beauty. For example, when we fill individual parts of the image, white stripes may form between them. You can remove them by simply adding the noborder tag.

    Like this: []

    The main tags are presented in the table below:

    Photo: tags used for marking

    Working with pictures

    Where options is replaced with:

    • noborder- removing the frame around the image;
    • nopadding- removing spaces between images;
    • plain- insert a link to the image. Designed as text, without graphics;
    • nolink- removing the link to the picture;
    • box- opening an image in a window;
    • NNNxYYYpx or NNNpx- sets the photo size in pixels.

    Creating a table

    Regardless of what kind of menu (text or graphic) you create, you are unlikely to do without inserting a table. Otherwise, you can just paste the text into the news field and not format it, wasting so much time.

    A table is created using a special set of characters, where each of them is responsible for a specific part of the table:

    • {| symbol of the beginning of the table, without it there cannot be a table. Always used;
    • |+ is responsible for positioning the table title in the center. Placed after the characters at the beginning of the table. Use as desired;
    • | denotes the beginning of a new line and cell;
    • | a character that makes the cell transparent;
    • ! makes the cell darker. If it is absent, the previous sign must be used;
    • |} means the end of the table. The optional character, however, is used to prevent an error from occurring.

    When filling out a table, the contents of each cell must be placed after the | sign, and when separating cells, you need to duplicate the row types like this: || or!!.

    Markup features

    There are many unwritten rules, and this causes a lot of trouble for novice programmers. As a rule, everything is learned through practice. Everyone finds their own loopholes, everyone faces their own difficulties.

    In order to avoid basic mistakes, you should familiarize yourself with the main ones:

    1. you need to be careful when resizing the picture - if it is less than 131 pixels, its quality will deteriorate significantly;
    2. The width of the image should not exceed 610px;
    3. It is prohibited to place more than 17 unclosed tags on one wiki page;
    4. when changing the width of the image, its height changes automatically and proportionally;
    5. a list inside a table should be created using a tag
    6. There should be no more than 8 list elements in one line of markup.

    To create beautiful and functional navigation, you need to know the basics of Photoshop and wiki markup. However, the latter contains its own nuances, which, when faced with by a beginner, can get stuck and confused for a long time.

    Important! Check that all tags are closed. Keep it consistent.

    The main assistant in this matter is attentiveness and strict adherence to instructions. The official VK page, which is called wiki markup, can always help.

    Considering that this menu is not in a group, but on a VKontakte page (public), I decided to show you how it’s all done! For a long time now I have been asked questions: how to make a menu in a public page, how to make the menu open, how to make it sticky, etc.. Here are the instructions for you!

    So how is it even possible make a menu on a public page in contact? We all know that it is possible to add a built-in wiki menu only in group, I wrote about this too. But how can you create a menu in a public page if there is no such function in the settings? There are no restrictions for an inquisitive mind! This is what the menu looks like in our corporate public page:

    Menu in public? It couldn't be easier!

    Review the articles again: and now we will need this knowledge!

    3 steps to a beautiful public menu!

    You probably already guessed that the basis of such a menu is… pinned post with inside page! Personally, I really like this method, even in my blog group I abandoned embedding and use the “pinned menu”. And now I will give you clear instructions on “how to do it”!

    Step #1: Create an internal menu page

    So, in order for a menu to appear in our group, it needs to be created on a separate internal page. And as you remember, in public pages we do not have the opportunity to add a menu, but we will go the other way and create an internal page. In order to create it, we must enter the address correctly in the browser line. Here's a link template:

    Option 1: (regular)

    http://vk.com/pages?oid=- XXX &p= Page_name

    where XXX is the ID of your public page,

    and “Page_name” is any word that will be used to name the page

    Option 2: (lightweight, but)

    So, we create a wiki page and fill it out in the same way as if we were filling out a menu for a group. That is, we write all the images and transitions there. We should get something like this:

    This is the menu wiki code

    Attention! If you don’t yet know how to create visual menus in contact, then I’ll repeat the article! If everything is ok. then you will get a picture like this:

    And this is the finished menu page

    Step #2: Create a post on the wall

    Now we need to add our menu to the VKontakte community wall. To do this we copy link to internal page and add it to the post, like this:

    You probably already know that the link to the post is automatically attached and after the link is attached from the post itself, the page address can be deleted. If you publish a link, the menu will not appear on the wall, but there will simply be a link, by clicking on which a person will be taken to our menu. This is only half the battle! We need the menu to be noticeable and hang in a pin, i.e. in the most visible place.

    So now we have to remove link from the “body” of the post (the attached page will remain), and add to the post image, which subscribers will see. The trick is that if there is a link and an image in one post, then when you click on the image, follow the link! Everything ingenious is simple!
    The picture may partially or completely repeat the menu itself, it’s up to you to decide. If you order a menu for a public, then you also need a banner, i.e. a picture that will hang in a clip. This is what we will get when publishing a post:

    The picture repeats the menu and attracts the attention of page visitors

    Step #3: Pin the post

    Finally, we have everything ready and the post is hanging with a picture and a link on the wall! Now we need to move it to the group header, pin the post to the main page, pin it... To do this, click on the date/time of the post (under each post there is a publication date), we get to the internal page of the post, scroll down and look for the “pin” button there " Look at the picture to see what you need to find:

    Click on this button and refresh the page. Voila, you're done! Enjoy the beautiful menu!


    You can even choose a picture that would become a continuation of your avatar - this design looks very nice.

    That's it, with the help of three simple steps we managed to create a beautiful menu that can be used in any VK community!

    That's all I have for it! Share the article with your friends, add it to your favorites and follow the blog updates so as not to miss new interesting articles!