• Hackers Stole Personal Photos of Celebrities and Posted Them Online! Hackers staged a large-scale leak of intimate photos from stars’ smartphones Photos of Russian stars stolen by hackers

    Celebrities are people too, they send intimate photos to their lovers without fear that they may become public knowledge. The stars are suing the hackers, but by that time millions of people will already be able to open the door to the frank life of celebrities. What do you store in your mobile memory?

    1. Analeigh Tipton - actress, fashion model, former figure skater

    2. Lena Mayer - German singer

    3. Emma Stone - actress. This is all that the hackers were able to steal from her phone, but even this could be unforgivable for the heroine of Harry Potter

    4. Presenter Victoria Yakubovskaya. Hackers also stole more explicit photos of her, which spoiled her relationship with the producer of the show in which she participates.

    5. Actress Amanda Seyfried was also attacked. Photos of her having fun with her boyfriend were stolen from iCloud

    6. Actress Jennifer Lawrence

    7. Yulia Kovalchuk also sins by sending intimate photos, for which she paid

    8. Avril Lavigne keeps pretty harmless photos on her phone.

    9. The famous photograph of Scarlett Johansson, the criminal who stole it was sentenced to 1 year in prison

    The phone of TV presenter and former participant in the show “Dom-2” Olga Buzova was hacked as a result of a hacker attack, writes Trinixy. A number of Olga’s correspondences and her intimate photos were leaked online. The TV star's personal life appears to be taking on the dark hue of divorce. Judging by the information received from correspondence, a happy marriage with football player Dmitry Tarasov is going through difficult times. Thirty-year-old Buzova lives separately from her husband and communicates very closely with the odious Dmitry Nagiyev.

    The Moscow Lokomotiv football player is credited with an affair with Anastasia Kostenko (Miss Russia 2014). Judging by the correspondence, his mother knew about Tarasov’s affair, but did not say anything to her daughter-in-law. Buzova thanked her mother-in-law with the following message.

    After a quarrel between Buzova and her mother-in-law, her husband began writing to Olga.

    Olga’s mother intervened in the conflict, trying to save her daughter’s marriage to a football player. Of course, my son-in-law makes good money.

    As can be seen from the correspondence, Dmitry was tired of the constant dirt in the house, since his wife did not do housework or clean the apartment at all. Although the earnings of both spouses allow them to hire a housekeeper... After persuasion, Buzova’s mother switched to pure pragmatism.

    A little later, Olga’s younger sister joined the discussion.

    In addition to her mother and sister, the TV presenter found another comforter. He turned out to be the famous showman Dmitry Nagiyev, with whom Olga has been communicating for quite some time. Messages contain profanity.

    A small attempt at conspiracy from Olga

    Judging by the following messages, the TV star, offended by everyone and everything, kept her promise.

    An attacker hacked into the stars' iCloud accounts and stole their personal information, including explicit photos and videos. As it turned out, many celebrities store them in their smartphones.

    These images began to appear online the night before: the hacker decided to make a business out of the stolen images and, having demonstrated some of them, offers to show the public more in exchange for bitcoins (digital currency).

    Photos of Jennifer Lawrence were the first to surface. The hacker claims that he has more than 60 “naked selfies” of her.

    A spokesman for Lawrence said: “This is a gross violation of privacy. We have already contacted the relevant authorities: anyone who publishes stolen photos of Jennifer Lawrence will be punished,” notes hollywoodreporter.com.

    Hackers also posted explicit photos of Kirsten Dunst, Teresa Palmer, fashion models Kate Upton, Bar Refaeli, two-time Olympic soccer champion Hope Solo, and many other stars.

    Among the victims of a cyber attack on Hollywood celebrities was the future wife of Ukrainian boxer Vladimir Klitschko, actress Hayden Pannetiere.

    iCloud accounts are designed to allow iPad, iPhone and Mac users to sync calendars, photos, settings and other data on their gadgets. The service has been repeatedly criticized for its unreliability.

    Earlier this year, Jennifer Lawrence herself complained about the inconvenience of iCloud in an interview with MTV: “My iCloud keeps telling me to back up, and I'm like, I don't know how to back up. Do it yourself,” notes Gazeta.Ru.

    The first case of such an attack on stars occurred in 2005, when hackers managed to gain access to Paris Hilton's phone and download photos from there. Then the attackers managed to gain access to the phone by answering a secret question, to which the socialite chose the name of her dog as the answer.

    The largest leak of star intimate photos, called The Fappening, did not go unnoticed by fans. Sympathizers for the victims of the leak publish their own intimate photos on social networks with the tag #leakforjlaw.

    Photos of beautiful naked girls will not surprise anyone, or rather, not even interest anyone. There are billions of photographs of different girls on the Internet, therefore something special, inaccessible is required, because the forbidden fruit is always sweet.

    This inaccessible thing is the intimate photos of celebrities, where our beloved idols show off all their charms.

    Today almost every girl has such personal photos, but it is the personal photographs of stars that are of great interest to ordinary people. That is why the ubiquitous hackers penetrate the mailboxes of stars in order to steal precious photographs and disinterestedly post them online for public viewing and enjoyment.

    These hackers are so noble, they care about ordinary people, and in order to satisfy their curiosity they are ready to risk their freedom by breaking the law!

    Perhaps sometimes such disinterested hackers are found, but too often stolen photos are posted online. Who benefits most from this theft? Hackers? They will not receive financial benefits, but can only brag about their victories over the stars in a narrow circle. Although usually such hackers do not remain free for long. A reasonable person, even among people he trusts, will not brag about actions for which he faces serious punishment.

    Maybe hackers have a financial gain? It is highly doubtful, because the photographs are scattered across public entertainment resources. Real hackers strive to do things that make money or are simply interesting and challenge them. And opening the mailboxes of most stars is not at all difficult.

    Posting photos online benefits only stars. Most stars cannot attract attention with new achievements in the form of great films, songs and other achievements. Let's be honest - today there are a lot of songs being created and thousands and thousands of songs being recorded, but almost all of them are incredibly low quality, and essentially merge into a single stream of low-quality public entertainment.

    But being a star, you cannot allow people to stop talking about you; you must constantly stir up interest in your person! All means are good for this; you can show off your charms in photos and videos. Only if a celebrity independently posts his intimate photos over and over again, do they very quickly cease to interest the public.

    The inhabitants quickly looked at everything and lost interest.

    If a situation occurs where a star allegedly became a victim of theft, and then a noble hacker posted everything online, this can attract everyone’s attention. Even journalists from serious publications discuss such news. Everyone is interested to know who this hacker is and how he got into the personal space of a celebrity. And of course I want to look at the charms that the star hid from them for so long.

    And these lines – the FBI will investigate the case! This is so interesting!

    In such a situation, the average person feels involved in something significant and secret, but in reality he does not gain anything, he only wastes time and emotions discussing stupid news.