• Hashtags on Instagram and their importance in promotion. Hashtags - why they are needed and how to use them How to find information on a hashtag

    And social networks, facilitating the search for messages by topic or content.

    Represents a word or combination of words preceded by the symbol , for example: #art, #technique, #video. Hashtags are used in promotional items, political events or art performances as a reference to or in an attempt to create a trend on the Internet.

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    For the first time, hashtags became popular and were used on the IRC networks to tag topics and discussion groups. They are used to refer to individual posts belonging to a group, as well as belonging to a particular topic or "channel".

    Typically, channels or topics that are available throughout the IRC network begin with the hash symbol # (unlike local servers, which use the "&" ampersand). The popularity of hashtags has risen in parallel with the rise of Twitter. This inspired Chris Messina, now called the father of hashtags, to come up with similar systems to tag topics of interest on the network's microblogs. He posted the first hashtag message on Twitter: "What do you think about using the pound sign (#) for different groups?" — Chris Messina, August 23, 2007 . Messina's tweet and subsequent discussion helped solidify the hashtag's position in the "Twitter Universe" by equating the # symbol with the popular @ symbol. Starting as a form of indexing, the hashtag later became a form of announcement, mood, sarcasm, internal monologue, or subconsciousness.

    Hashtags became popular in 2007 during the San Diego wildfires, when Nate Ritter used the hashtag "#sandiegofire" to keep up to date with all disaster-related updates.

    Internationally, the hashtag became a style recording practice for Twitter posts during the 2009-2010 Iranian elections. Hashtags in English and Persian have become useful for Twitter users inside and outside of Iran.

    Beginning July 1, 2009, Twitter began hyperlinking all hashtags to search results containing all recent posts that mention either the hashtag or the standard spelling of such words, provided the words are written in the same order. This was highlighted in 2010 with the introduction of "Topical Topics" on the main Twitter page.


    Hashtags are primarily used as an unmoderated invitation to discussion; any combination of characters beginning with "#" is a hashtag, and any hashtag backed by enough people can create a trend and get even more users into the conversation. On Twitter, if a hashtag becomes extremely popular, it will appear in the "Topical Topics" on the user's home page. Trends may differ depending on the geographic location of the user or be global. Hashtags are not registered, controlled by any user or group of users, nor can they be "removed" from the public domain, meaning that hashtags can be used for as long as desired. They do not have unambiguous definitions and therefore a single hashtag can be used for any purpose implied by different users.

    Because of their loose nature, hashtags often become more recognizable in relation to certain topics of discussion based on more specific hashtag spellings (e.g. "#cake" as opposed to "#thecakeisalie"), which will differ from more general spellings. However, it can also prevent topics from becoming "hot topics" because people often use different spellings of words to refer to the same topic. Hashtags can also function as beacons for users to find and follow ("follow") or organize public contact lists ("list") of other users with similar interests.

    Hashtags are also used informally to express context around a given post, with no intention of actually classifying posts for later search, sharing, or other reasons. It can help express humor, excitement, sadness, or other emotions. For example, "It's Monday!! #excited #sarcasm"

    Work outside of social networks

    This feature has been added to user comments on systems on YouTube and Gawker Media. In the latter case, hashtags are used for blog comments and directly submitted comments to maintain a more consistent level of user action even when the user is not logged into the website. Real-time search engines such as Google Real-Time Search and Tagboard also support hashtags in syndicated posts. This means that hashtags inserted into Twitter posts can be hyperlinked to incoming posts that match the same hashtag; this further included the presentation of a "river" of Twitter entries, which may result from search terms or hashtags. Tagboard is a service that provides a unique, visual, landing page for hashtags used on social media sites such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

    Websites that support hashtags


    One of the phenomena characteristic of the Twitter system is micromemes, topics in the infancy, for which a hashtag is being created. They are widely used for a few days and then disappear. These hashtags also show up in many off-topic websites, including Twitter's own front page.

    Definitions for some hashtags are available at hashtags.org. Other sites, such as hashable.com, have chosen to use hashtags for other purposes.


    The hashtag phenomenon has also been collected on advertising, promotion and emergencies. Most large organizations will only focus on one or a few hashtags. However, some people and organizations use a large number of hashtags to highlight their wide range of topics they are interested in. The decision on whether to specialize in certain hashtags or promote a range depends on the participants' marketing strategy.


    TV series on various TV channels are increasing their impact through the use of "branded" hashtag errors. This is used as a means of feedback (backchannel) during the online discussion (highlighting the right side before, during and after the transmission episode). The hashtag of the error appears in any corner of the screen, or they may appear at the end of an advertisement (for example, a movie trailer).

    Broadcasters also help increase the impact of their corporate or personal names in

    Since the amount of information on the web began to explode, users have had the problem of searching for the given criteria, as a rule, this is a topic. During this period, the concept of a “tag” appears (in other cases it is called a “label” or “key”), the prototype of a hashtag.

    Technically, a tag is a word or phrase that most accurately characterizes the text under which it is placed.

    A tag is a key query (phrase, word) by which users must find the material marked by it. Several similar tags can be placed under the same publication.

    Later, with the development of social networks, a prefix was added to the tag and it turned into a hashtag without losing its meaning. The hash is the pound symbol "#" (from the English hash). This prefix means that the keyword is preceded by a pound sign - nothing else.

    What is the hash symbol for?

    Everything is simple. When it comes to designing site pages and specifying tags for search engines, there are special sections in the code where tags are placed. These tags are invisible to the user, but search engines see them. The tagging system in Youtube and some other services works similarly - there are special fields for specifying keywords that characterize the content.

    But there are services with a simple interface, where nothing extra is provided. They have only one common field for entering information - this is instagram, twitter, vkontakte and other, as a rule, social networks and instant messengers. In order to add tags when posting content to these systems, the main content is separated from the tags by a "#" sign. More precisely, a hash mark is placed in front of each label, and the main text is not highlighted in any way.

    A hashtag is a word or phrase that characterizes the text, image or video under which it stands, with the hash symbol “#” substituted in front of it.

    An example of using hashtags:

    For the first time, a search system using hashtags was used by the developers of the Twitter microblogging service when they faced an avalanche-like increase in the number of users and their problems in finding congenial interlocutors. After that, the text with the bars began to spread across the network, infiltrating other social networks.

    What is a hashtag and how does it work?

    The only purpose of a hashtag is to search for information. If you put a hashtag under a photo on Instagram or a message on Twitter, the service automatically understands their content and in the future, when one of the users of this network indicates the corresponding word in the search, your picture will be offered to him as one of the options.

    A hashtag is a tool for promoting content through social media searches.

    An example of a hashtag search on Instagram:

    If you keep your accounts not only for friends and relatives and want them to gain popularity, you need to put tags under each of your publications.

    For any entrepreneur developing his business through the Internet using social services, the use of hashtags is mandatory, but there are benefits from them for ordinary users who do not promote anything.

    Tags allow us to quickly find materials of interest through the search. We enter a request and get a complete list of materials on the desired topic published in this social network.

    In addition, by carefully tagging your posts, you can easily sort materials by the hashtags that unite them in the future.

    To summarize:

    • Hashtags help in promoting a business;
    • Hashtags help in finding the right information;
    • Hashtags allow you to group different posts around specific topics.

    How to make a hashtag correctly

    In general, we figured out the hashtags, but how to use them correctly so that there is a real benefit. I will give a few rules, among which there will be both technical and organizational ones.

    1. How to write a hashtag

    Remember that the pound sign and the words of the tag are written together and without spaces. Individual hashtags are separated by a space.

    • #May 9 - so right
    • # May 9 - here the label will be empty,
    • #9 May – only #9 will be a hashtag here.

    If the key phrase is large (many words), then you can separate the words in it with an underscore, like this:

    • #9_may - so right.

    The hashtag spellings without separators and with underscores are perceived by the search as one and the same.

    2. What words to use

    You can find lists of popular hashtags on many sites, but you should only use them if they are appropriate for your content. Putting a photo of a tractor and signing #love to it is at least strange. Use tags appropriate for your post, if the tags are not relevant, there will be no benefit.

    The frequency in different topics differs by orders of magnitude, but, in any case, choose hashtags in your category with an average level of popularity. In too popular, your post will be lost, and rare hashtags will not bring visitors. In terms of length, it is optimal to use phrases of 2-3 words.

    Hashtags can be divided into 3 groups according to their meaning:

    1. Event-news;
    2. branded;
    3. Informational.

    Event-news words are popular for a certain period of time and have an abrupt strong demand, which subsides over time. The recent holiday of May 9 brought the request #May 9 to the peak of popularity. To get the maximum traffic for such hashtags, you need to seize the moment. The growth of some of these network trends can be predicted.

    Brand queries are associated with well-known companies or trademarks. In some cases, you may use well-known names to promote your content. But, most often, the competition in such requests is great and your publications will be lost in the flow of information. Your best bet is to work on building your own brand and promoting the hashtags associated with it.

    Informational hashtags are the most stable source of attracting traffic, as once they become popular, they have a stable demand for a long time. An example of such a hashtag would be #what is a hashtag. People will be interested in this topic as long as hashtags are used in our lives or until everyone knows about this term.

    3. How many hashtags to put

    On Instagram, you can add up to 30 hashtags, while Twitter is limited to a total post length of 140 characters. Other social networks have no restrictions. But you should focus not on the technical possibility, but on the optimal description of the publication.

    In most cases, 3-5 hashtags are enough to characterize the content. It's not worth sucking the excess out of your finger.

    4. Best hashtags

    You can put hashtags anywhere in the publication (if we are talking about a text message), even at the beginning, even in the middle, even at the end. But when designing, look at the appearance and readability of the material. It is best to list the tags at the very end, as sidebars within phrases can make them difficult to read.

    When publishing media content (pictures, videos), it is recommended to make a brief text description for it and put hashtags after it.

    5. Which alphabet to use

    Currently, all networks, including Instagram, Twitter, VKontakte, understand both Latin and Cyrillic. Use the alphabet that is convenient for you and your readers and subscribers, any hashtag will be understood and accepted.

    That's all, today a new word has appeared in your dictionary and you can take it into service and benefit from the use of hashtags in your online activities.

    hashtag(hashtag) this thematic label, inserted into the posts of Twitter, VKontakte and other social networks and containing the keyword or phrase that is being discussed in the post. Word Hashtag can be translated from English as "distribution mark".

    The hashtag must start with a pound sign (#) and not contain spaces, and almost all platforms support hashtags written in Cyrillic. By placing a hashtag in their entry, the user, as it were, “tags” the entry, which then becomes available in the list of this hashtag. List of all tweets or posts tagged with this hashtag is available by clicking on the hashtag and contains the most popular tweets with that tag.

    The hashtags #thank youputin for this and #pathetic(after a visit to the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, Medvedev received this hashtag as a gift). Hashtags were in use in 2012 #let's break up And #lawscoundrels dedicated to the so-called "Duma".

    In November 2012, a brain hashtag was reported by a couple of American parents who gave their daughter name hashtag Jameson. Let's congratulate the girl on the fact that her parents #banulled perfectly.

    Here is a funny and interesting video about hashtags:

    Do you know where the word came from? hashtag, its explanation in simple words, translation, origin and meaning.
    Please share the link "What is a hashtag?" with friends:


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    Hi all! Vasily Blinov is with you and today I want to tell and show how to put hashtags on Instagram.

    But I will start not just with how to make them, but with what it is - hashtags on Instagram, what they are for and how to use them correctly in your posts. I think that without understanding how they work, there is no point in using them.

    What is an Instagram hashtag?

    On Instagram, photos are grouped by such tags. Using them, you can find photos on a specific topic, place, event, etc. Sometimes you click on such tags that interest you and you find a lot of interesting information, people and beautiful photos.

    Since I travel, I often look at places that people havehtaged on their Instagram. It happens that through him I get in touch and get acquainted with these interesting guys, I ask them about the place, city, where to go, what to see, etc.

    Sorting by hashtags is an indispensable feature, but recently many have begun to use it not for its intended purpose, but for. Which leads to spamming of left photos according to the necessary tag words.

    For example, according to the tag of my city #Perm, there is a very small percentage of live photos, mostly on it, I would say 90% - this is the sale of clothes, watches, some services and other nonsense. Because of spam and advertising, it simply became useless.

    In addition to the fact that hashtags are used for the entire instagram, and they are visible to other users who do not follow you, they are also needed to sort personal content. Due to the unique words in the tag, you can break all your photos on Instagram into different topics. For example, I have several topics that I write and post about: #vasily_about_remote or #vasily_journey_bali. No one uses these hashtags, and for me they have become unique.

    That, in principle, is all about what hashtags are and why they are needed. I think everyone understands, if you have questions, write in the comments.

    How to tag photos?

    Everything is simple here, but there are some features.

    To make a hashtag on Instagram on a phone or computer, you need to put the “#” symbol immediately before the word in the description and this word will automatically become a link, when you click on it, a search will open with all the photos in the description or comments to which this hashtag was used.

    What you need to know when writing hashtags on instagram?

    1. You can put hashtags in any part of the text and in the comments. Usually they replace individual words in the text or are written in order through a space at the end of the text or in a separate comment.
    2. The tag can be written in both Russian and English, and also contain numbers.
    3. It can contain both uppercase and lowercase letters. For example: #Vasily and #vasily are the same hashtag.
    4. If you change at least one letter or symbol in it, then this will already be a different hashtag. For example: #travel and #travel are different tags.
    5. It cannot contain spaces. To write a hashtag of several words, either write them together or separate them with an underscore "_". For example: #VasilyBlinov or #Vasily_Blinov.
    6. Instagram remembers all the hashtags that you entered earlier, after you enter the hashtag and the first letter, a list of all words will drop out. Also, when you enter "#" and the first letters, the Instagram search will automatically show you a list of tags. Just be careful, because phrases with errors are often shown there.

    Instagram remembers hashtags, and the next time you put a hash and enter the first letter, it will offer you a ready-made word.

    How many tags can you put on Instagram?

    The maximum number of hashtags that can be added to a photo is 30. If you accidentally write more, then none of them will be published.

    I made a separate selection where I collected . This article will help you in generating a selection of the right number of words. I saved it in my bookmarks and use it as a cheat sheet, it’s not always possible to remember the right words without it, it will also help you pick up hashtags if you use cheat services like pamagram.com, to find a more accurate target audience.

    Search by hashtags in insta

    Now we have conveniently made a search on Instagram, you can search in 4 categories:

    1. The best
    2. Tags
    3. Places

    To search for photos by a specific tag word, go to the application, click on the magnifying glass search icon, then click on the text input line and select the Tags tab.

    How do I use hashtags to get likes and followers?

    The other day I read an interesting article in which a guy told how he promotes his posts using hashtags. So, his scheme is a complete tin. First, he posts a photo on Instagram with one list of hashtags, after a few minutes he deletes this set, writes another in a comment, then deletes it again and writes back the first option.

    This is some perversion! I don't understand why you're so bothered. Hashtags should be used, but they do not play the main role, they are only an auxiliary element.

    It’s better to bother with the quality of content and photos, put tags that are appropriate in meaning, do it for people. I used to try to add as many tags as possible to each of my posts, but the result is almost zero.

    Firstly, all the popular tags that we usually put live for a few minutes. If you click on them an hour after publication, then you will not find your photo, it will fly far down the feed, and no one will see it.

    Secondly, a lot of tags in the text prevent your follower from reading, and the post does not look very nice.

    Third, if you use unique tags to group your posts, then they will simply not be noticed in a bunch of others.

    1. Take high quality photos and descriptions.
    2. Use your own unique tags that will divide your posts into different topics.
    3. Do not add a bunch of obscure and illogical tags.

    Thus, making your account interesting for readers, you will grow subscribers and, accordingly, likes to photos.

    That's all I have, if you have any questions, then ask them in the comments. And also subscribe to my newsletter to receive other interesting and useful articles in the mail.

    Time is moving fast, and keeping up with all its new trends is quite difficult. Social networks, endless correspondence, thousands of different Internet resources surround us every day. If you want to always stay in the center of events and have only up-to-date information, but you don’t have the necessary amount of time for this, the #hashtag will come to the rescue.

    The appearance of the hashtag

    The hashtag first appeared on Twitter and only then moved to all the social networks we know, be it Vkontakte, Facebook or Instagram. But his story began a little earlier, namely in 2007. In short, it was invented by Chris Messina, who was one of the developers of the FireFox browser and was a Twitter user almost at the initial stage.

    The idea was to use a special character to separate news into categories, which could make it easier to navigate the web and find any information in the future.

    But alas, Chris' ideas did not immediately inspire the developers of Twitter.

    It should be noted that after the fact hashtags had only a positive impact on the Internet community, because not only strengthened, but also created new discussions about brands and events. They also significantly increased the time spent by the user in social networks.

    What does this word mean

    The word "hashtag", if we take its original spelling in English (hashtag), consists of two words - hash and tag, which, in turn, are translated as a sign "lattice" and a label.

    In order to correctly convey the meaning and meaning, the translation will be more understandable - “bar mark”.

    As for the correct spelling of this uncomplicated foreign word, everything is rather deplorable here, since there is no general opinion on this matter.

    Wikipedia alone offers as many as 3 spellings ("hashtag", "hashtag" and "hash tag").

    The question of how this word is spelled correctly remains open to this day.

    Hashtag sign#

    The hashtag is denoted as a regular pound sign #. Everyone remembers the good old push-button phones, clamshells and sliders.

    Every phone on the keyboard had this symbol under the number 9. For the most part, it was used to check the balance on the phone, since the same Russian Beeline or Megafon used the code * 102 # and * 100 # for this.

    Now this icon has evolved in its functions, but it has not changed at all.

    It still looks like two parallel lines that are slightly slanted to the right and crossed out by two horizontal lines.

    This “grid” became a hashtag, and a hashtag is needed to specify information.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Everyone will agree that everything has its pros and cons, whether it be an object, a message, or actions. It will be useful to analyze the hashtag.

    1. Simplifies the search for information;
    2. Helps to understand the main meaning of the publication without reading the full text of the post;
    3. Groups information by topic;
    4. Helps to find interlocutors on interests.
    1. In a large amount of information, some hashtags have become too broad (an example would be #love or #happiness);
    2. Not all people know how to use them correctly;
    3. To concretize the topic, you need to come up with longer hashtags, which is hard to remember.

    Terms of use

    The hashtag is a pretty versatile thing, but it has its limitations. For example, numbers and punctuation marks cannot be used in it.

    The only allowed character in a hashtag is the bottom space, and it serves to combine several words in one hashtag. For example, the hashtag "life is beautiful" can be written in two ways #life is beautiful and #life_is beautiful.

    The only condition is that it must start with #hash.