• Ideas for names of groups on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. How to choose a beautiful name for a group

    When creating a VKontakte group, you should carefully choose a name, because it has great value. This is what can help attract people to the community or scare them away.

    When thinking about what to name a group, you should definitely take into account its theme, but don’t forget about keywords, which will help attract people through search engines.

    The theme of the group is the basis of the name

    The first thing you need to start from is the topic of the community. It should be immediately clear to the user what exactly can be found in this community. The name should be short and clear, and it is not advisable to call the group a set of keywords.

    This option, of course, will inform the topic of the public, but will not attract people’s attention. It is advisable to come up with an interesting and beautiful way to use a keyword by which people can find the community through search engines.

    Originality is the key to success

    In order to attract the attention of social network users, it is necessary to name the public in an original and beautiful way.

    You can take a beautiful quote as a basis, but rewrite it in other words, and if the topic of the community allows, you can use humor.

    Brevity is the sister of talent

    What public names help bring them to the TOP? Of course, they are short, you can see this by looking popular communities in contact.

    Therefore, if the goal is to make the community popular, as well as bring it to the TOP of searches in VKontakte, you should try to name it briefly. The best option- is to come up with one to three words that should reflect the essence of the community.

    Simplicity and clarity

    You can often find public pages on VKontakte that, although original, have stupid and incomprehensible names.

    It is important to remember that the name must be written in Russian, because not every user knows foreign languages, and accordingly he will not be able to immediately understand what the community is about.

    The only exceptions may be public pages directly related to the topic of foreign languages.

    It is also worth considering the target audience, because people’s interests depend mostly on age and gender. If a funny name with obscene language attracts the attention of teenagers, an adult is unlikely to be interested in it.

    Where to get the idea?

    Not everyone can immediately take an original, beautiful, and suitable name out of their head, and therefore you can use some methods. To begin with, it is worth remembering literature and films, this is where you can find a beautiful literary expression, or original, funny quote, which will suit the theme of the group.

    You can also use an application such as a name generator. Using it, you can choose a name from several suitable words, and this will take very little time.

    The generator will select various phrases from which you can choose the most suitable one. To do this, you need to set up a filter and enter keywords.

    Naming a VKontakte group is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. To make a successful choice, you must follow the following rules:

    1. Focus on the topic and target audience.
    1. Use keywords.
    2. Be creative and original.
    3. Don't use more than four words.

    These rules will help you come up with a suitable and memorable name for the VKontakte public page that will attract users.

    Now you have already decided on the topic. We’ve also decided whether you need a group or a public page – we’ve fully covered this topic. Now the next “most important and most difficult” task is the name for the group.

    Let’s not go into too much detail about how complicated and important this is, but let’s just move on to what should be in the title.

    It is better to warn about this from the very beginning, because later you may have problems - the name should not contain something for which the group can be blocked. In general, this applies not only to the name, but also to the content of the group.

    Typically blocks those who break the law or VKontakte rules. For example, a nationalist group will not be blocked if it does not call anyone to violence. Another group or public page can be blocked if the name contains obscene language or calls for breaking the law.

    What will you name the boat...

    Now that you've been warned, let me tell you this - the title has to be catchy. There are several ways to get a person to click on a link. Anyone who has visited the Internet at least once knows them all - just turn off your ad blocker and look at these cheap ads:

    • "SHOCK!!! Doctors discovered THIS...";
    • “You just need to use...”;
    • “What do business and sex have in common?” and so on.

    Only we don’t have a cheap article, but a whole group - we need something more solid, but with the same principle. If inspiration doesn’t come, look at what your competitors call their bands.

    Be sure to check out groups that are specific to your topic. By looking from the outside at the situation in the search results, you can learn a lot for yourself.

    And remember that your target audience will depend on the name, and the name will depend on the target audience. Under no circumstances should you call the group “Psychology” if it is about car services. Although no one forbids calling it “The Psychology of Auto Repair.”

    The impact of the name on the search results

    Many group owners who are familiar with SEO strive to add as many keywords as possible to the title in order to get to the top of the search results. On VKontakte, when people search for groups and public pages, they enter monosyllabic queries: “kittens,” “humor,” “news,” and so on. And when a person enters the word “Humor”, he is given a list of groups sorted by popularity. That is, first there will be those with the most subscribers.

    But that's not always the case. Look at the screenshot. The “Subtle Humor” public has fewer subscribers than the “Jokes | Humor | Anecdotes." But the public is given above. Even though groups usually rank better.

    This happens because the group name contains more keywords. Therefore, it is not recommended to cram in the maximum number of words - it is better to make a short, but simple and memorable name (it’s unlikely that anyone wants to be subscribed to 5 different groups with the same name like “Shoes”).

    If you already have a name, then it’s better to name the group the same as your website/business. Then people who already know you can easily find you. But if your business is not very popular, then you can insert one keyword into the title. For example, “Title | key".

    Name for people

    A name for robots is good, a name for people is better. Please note that the most popular public pages and groups have a creative and concise name, and not a set of keys (MDK, Pikabu, Science, Habrahabr, “BORSCH”).

    If you come up with a name that is too long, people won’t remember it; if you come up with a name that is not creative but short, the result will be even worse. And think about how your name sounds. You don’t need anything too complicated, you want people to talk about you? MDK, for example, is pronounced “eMDeKa”, although according to the rules one should sound like “eMDiKey”.

    Here are some examples of good names that our competitors have come up with:

    • Business youth;
    • TED Talks;
    • Brain explosion;
    • HSE Business Incubator;
    • BrainUP;
    • Biografum;
    • Corporation "I";
    • Ronum;
    • Success Diary;
    • Business.Strategy;
    • And here will be the name of our group;).

    7 approaches to coming up with a name

    To make it easier for you to navigate all this, look at the list and choose one or more approaches to come up with a name:

    1. Key words. Just insert one or two keywords into the title;
    2. Take a look at your competitors. Just remember that the name must be unique;
    3. Hire a namer. It may be expensive, but it's simple and you'll most likely have a good name;
    4. Catch on. Intrigue people. Then people will come to you from search more people, even if your competitors have more subscribers;
    5. Name it after the business. Everything here is clear without explanation;
    6. Give me some options. Then, when you run out of ideas, you can choose best name from those invented;
    7. Choose what you like. It may sound trivial, but if you don't like the name, you will subconsciously sabotage the work.

    If you personally don’t like the name, then the subconscious is blocking success.

    Knowing these 7 principles will help you choose a name faster.

    What to do when the name of the group is invented?

    After you have named the group, go to settings and change its short address. It may coincide with the name of the group, or it may contain another key. It is recommended that the link be the same, but this is at your discretion.

    What did we do?

    There is a task to gather in a group of people - fans of self-development, who have hit the personal income bar and cannot break through it. Those who temporarily broke through their usual level of earnings, but somehow lost what they had earned and fell back to their previous level of income.

    Here are some options from fifty titles on A4:

    • “Cluster of Billionaires”;
    • “Self-development fans”;
    • “Master of Thinking”;
    • “Master of Thoughts”;
    • “Cockroaches of success” – I don’t like the word “cockroaches”, and these guys are extinct;
    • "Temple of Thoughts" This option may not be suitable because we specialize in achieving success, and this name is suitable for a club of philosophy lovers;
    • “I make money with my head”;
    • "Brain Trainer";
    • “Training eaters” – the word “eaters” both attracts and repels;
    • "Profitable Brain"

    However, the name should appeal not only to us, but also to our subscribers - you. After all, in order to choose the truly best name, we simply have to look at what the people we need are looking for more.

    Here are the statistics of exact queries, how many times were searched per month in Yandex (with a “!” sign), from Wordstat:

    5397 – thinking
    2769 – the power of thought (many groups and requests about the thoughts of the great, quote books)
    850 – brain training
    4114 – brain (the word “brain” is more often searched for in relation to anatomy)
    1524 – the subconscious can do anything (many requests for the book of the same name by John Kehoe)
    4846 – self-development (it’s nice to see such interest in improving oneself)
    11305 - willpower (unexpectedly, because it is a myth that you can solve problems with willpower and discipline - willpower does not last long)
    4498 – training
    2017 – goal setting
    1244 – how to change yourself
    1479 – thoughts are material

    We chose keywords for the options: “thinking”, “thoughts” or “brain”. We looked at the names and numbers of participants in groups with similar themes, spoke out loud, slept through the night, and in the morning we launched the “Master of Thoughts” option. Thoughts are the key frequently requested word, master - the word gives power (for example, look at the number of subscribers for a group with the strong name “brain explosion”) and the meaning of the content corresponds.


    Coming up with a name is a big step, so think carefully before making your final choice. If the group becomes successful, you probably won't be able to change the name without confusing subscribers.

    Internet services for business.
    A link to the material is required!

    Whatever you name the boat, that’s how it will float. So before you name your community on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, you should think a little, surf the Internet and look at existing groups at the top. Not to rip off someone's name, but to general development, this will definitely give you some brilliant idea. But first, let's figure out for what purpose you are creating a group on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki and from this we will build on what we can call the community. The group can be of an entertaining or commercial nature, as well as informative and others. The criteria for choosing a name are different here, but in any case it must be original and creative.

    How to name a VKontakte and Odnoklassniki community of a commercial nature

    The name for a group for commercial use should maximally characterize the product that is sold in it, but this does not mean that the community should be called “clothing store”, but, for example, “Choose your style without leaving classmates” or “clothes directly on VKontakte”. Content with a humorous twist will make the group memorable and expand the circle of visitors, the main thing is not to overdo it so that they do not forget why they are here. Any information should be diluted with jokes and vice versa.

    Name of the VKontakte community for entertainment purposes

    There is room to expand here. You can use an excerpt from a song, a quote, a status, a famous phrase from a movie or TV series, or part of a famous joke. Names in poetic or sarcastic form work well. The main thing is to be on topic. This is designed so that when people see something familiar, they react to it. For example, when people hear a familiar song at a concert, they start singing along to it, even if they don’t like it in everyday life.

    Name for a group in Odnoklassniki of an entertaining nature

    You can use all the options proposed above (VKontakte), but there are still some differences, since Odnoklassniki has an older audience that may not understand certain jokes. If you compare the top groups on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, you will notice that in the second case there are more literary and decent names. Although, perhaps, among them, your “informal” group will attract more visitors.

    Since there are a lot of topics, we’ll try to touch on everything as much as possible at once, and so, let’s go, the name should attract attention, so it could be:

    • intriguing - “Girls will understand”, “Secrets of cooking”, “What are we having for dinner? ", "Rare footage", " Interesting facts", "Secrets of success of great people", "Only stylish things."
    • positive - “Anything is possible”, “It happens in life”, “Crazy humor”, “Killer humor”, “There is no tastier group”
    • informative – “1000 best fast food recipes”, “Cheap Chinese clothes”
    • strange - “Weird Humor”, “Evil Corporation”
    • absurd – “Jolly Cement”
    • sarcastic – “I’m not a bitch, it’s my nerves”, “Rude? Sorry", "Boorish"
    • inviting - “Think about it,” “Think and grow rich,” “Cook dinner without leaving Odnoklassniki,” “Let’s watch something,” “Every year, go somewhere you haven’t been before.”

    I signed up for courses on how to open your own VKontakte store. You'll have to create a group. I think the title, “Cheap Chinese Clothes,” doesn’t sound very good. The combination of cheap and Chinese creates an unpleasant feeling of rubbish. You need to think about the right combination of attractive words.

    If it is cheap, it is not necessary to indicate that it is also Chinese. Although not all of China is bad.
    If they ask, say yes, they say the product is Chinese, but the quality is normal.
    Come up with something like “City Flea Market” or just universal names: “ShopSter”, biShop, ChiShop, chistore, store4china, goodstore, 20 little things, etc.

    I think “shop on the couch” or a derivative of it with an emphasis on not having to leave the house to make a purchase will be received with a bang.
    You should not focus either on China or on cheapness. People themselves will understand that it is cheap when they see your prices) As for Chinese goods, there are plenty of Chinese goods everywhere and their quality varies, sometimes even very good.

    the name needs to briefly reflect the essence of the community, but also be creative

    Dara, prolisk, ksun4ik, Well, yes, maybe you are right, depending on what you focus on, it’s just that in my understanding “cheap Chinese clothes” sounds like a joke or something, and people like the emphasis on ironic jokes, well, something like that. In general, if you take this seriously, you need to come up with a more serious name, the main thing is not to overdo it, because people don’t accept boring names either.

    The name “cheap Chinese clothes” may not sound very good, but that’s not the only point when calling your group names 🙂. After all, we still need promotion and there we need analysis for specific keywords and preferably fewer words.

    Would you mind sharing your knowledge? Maybe you could create your own topic on the forum and describe step by step the opening and promotion of your store? We are also interested in knowing how this is done and where it begins. I personally promise to join your group.

    We will help you come up with a name for your VKontakte group.

    The whole store consists of creating a VKontakte group and coming up with a name, and posting product names and contact information there, that’s the whole store. There is nothing to share here, everything is very clear, this is not an online store that requires a lot of money and a lot of work.

    Polina, I'll take you at your word. I’ll study for a week, figure out a little about the topic myself, and then, if possible, I’ll open a topic here and we’ll learn to earn money together.

    And I don't think mentioning the sofa will help matters. On the contrary, it seems to me that people sitting on the couch want to make sure that the product sold online is better than what is available in stores. Or is it a continuation of a store product. Only the service is improved for the buyer as much as possible. For example, I love shoes from the Dr. Martens." The Internet has everything you need to sell goods. I can also give advice about cheap Chinese clothes. In Germany, for example, there are two types of Chinese goods - high-quality and standard. The price of the former is not inferior to the European one, the price of the latter is junk, just like ours. Name your group “Quality Clothes... from China.”

    The main thing is that it reflects the essence, but is not too long, i.e. briefly, precisely.

    What is important is not even the direction of your VKontakte community, but your plans for its promotion and monetization. So, if you want to get to the top for traffic requests, you won’t get by with sonority and thematic content alone. There are completely different rules.

    Probably a month has passed, and I still haven’t decided to open a VKontakte store. Everything is simple in principle, but it takes a lot of time to promote if you don’t spend your money. It’s still a little scary to take other people’s money. Suddenly the package gets lost. These are the brakes in my head. While I was studying, somehow the passion and excitement disappeared.

    The main thing is not to give up! To get started, order inexpensive goods from Chinese websites and try to resell them. If you reach volumes, make a full-fledged store.
    You can also try on affiliate sites - where you just need to bring people.
    Don't give up!

    Hello! Can anyone tell me? What methods can be used to block a group when promoting a group on VK? Thank you!


    High-quality Chinese inexpensive clothing for everyone! For example!

    I don’t know about the VKontakte account, but in Odnoklassniki the group name can be changed. I observed several times when a group was recruited according to the principle “join - you will receive a few coins into your account” - something like that and it was always in the name. And then the group was renamed into a bulletin board or the next “notes of a millionaire,” etc. I think that under such conditions, when the name changes, you can experiment with which name will “go better”, under which more people will agree to join the group.

    Maybe we should open a separate topic?
    1) For cheating participants. Even if it’s from 30 a day.
    2) For exchanges. BUT! If the topics are similar and there are 2-3 groups, then everything is ok, but if the group is not full and there are a lot of links, there may be a blocking.
    3) Many user complaints about the content.
    4) At the request of the administration. There are rules, they are described there. If there are lies about competitions, deception of users, etc.

    You are right, under no circumstances should we call the group that. I would suggest as an option a name like “Inexpensive foreign-made clothing” or “clothing for young people from abroad.” Many of our fellow citizens do not believe at all that they can produce anything of high quality in China.

    The calling card of a group on vk.com is its name. It is advisable to call it original. For example, the very well-known community “MDK”, which was previously an ordinary set of letters, but is now a well-known brand. If you are planning to create not just a group, but a real good community VKontakte, then already on initial stage we need to figure out what to name a possible future brand. What to start from and in what direction to think will be discussed further.

    Name for the VKontakte group

    Let’s analyze the tops by their names, for this we’ll use , and do it by sections:

    1. “Sports and Health” - this includes the subsections “Fitness”, “Sports Nutrition”, “Football”, “Other”, “Weight Loss” and “Workout”. Popular group has more than 3 million subscribers:

    As you can see, the names of the groups are ordinary, and the leaders were probably created earlier than the others - hence large number visitors.

    2. “Nature and Travel” with subsections “Travel”, “Nature” and “Animals”:

    Here, even the tops only have about half a million subscribers, which is not such a big figure. The names are not original, but there is a springboard for creativity.

    3. Let's consider another section - “Society”, with subsections “Professions”, “Politics”, “Religion” and “Geopolitics, Economics”:

    We look at the names - they are mostly specific, that is, they reflect what information is published about in the group.

    Let's look at the general statistics on VKontakte, that is, the most popular:

    Again, we see that the names of the leading groups reflect the direction and theme. Let’s say “In Fun” - it immediately becomes obvious that the group contains cool materials, pictures, jokes and everything from this opera. It is much more interesting to analyze public pages on VK.com.

    To select beautiful name for VKontakte group First, it is important to define the purpose of the community. Are you creating a group for personal or commercial use? What will you write about in it? Who are your subscribers? The answers to these questions will help you navigate when choosing a name. I would like to note that for some communities, excessive creativity and beauty are useless. This primarily applies to groups created for commercial use. If you sell something through a group, the most important amount of profit for you will depend on whether your community is in the TOP.

    The name plays an important role here. Because in search engines, when you enter a query, VK communities are also reflected. In this case, open Wordstat and look for suitable medium and high frequency queries on your topic and feel free to type it into the group name. Find out how to sell through it in the future from our previous blog article .

    For those who are planning to create a community for personal purposes, we advise placing more emphasis not on the beauty of the name, because this is a subjective concept, but on the target audience. Study carefully who you are going to invite to your group, what these people are interested in. Perhaps in their crowd there is a certain slang or expressions of speech known only to them that are quite suitable for the name. The gender of the group's audience is also important. In communities where we are talking about science, psychology, historical events, film reviews, the name should reflect the topic. When searching, people look at the headlines; if nothing is clear from the headline, a person is unlikely to join such a group. You can split the title into two parts.

    In the first, indicate the name that you think is beautiful, in the second, specifics. For example, “The Big Bang Theory. All about science”, “That’s what Coco Chanel said. Tips on fashion and beauty”, you can choose a bright quote as the title “To burn people’s hearts with a verb. Copywriting and more" If the group is young and you don’t have 50-100K for its development, indicate in the title what it’s about. Otherwise, you can lose up to 80% of subscribers. Also monitor incoming traffic and periodically .

    Original names of VKontakte groups

    About two or three years ago they appeared VK groups with original names like: “The goal is 1 million rubles.” Surely, you have more than once come across communities in which the creators talk every day about how they are moving towards their goal; now there are more than a thousand such communities and there is nothing creative in such a name. However, in contrast to them, public pages with humorous and parodying names also appeared.

    For example, “Goal: 10,000 rubles in 5 years.” If you are going to start a personal blog and talk about your everyday life, you can also come up with a name in the form of a joke. People at all times have been fascinated by names that contain numbers, facts, and secrets. For example, advice from millionaires, 10 laws of happiness, how to become rich and recognizable, real stories about... If you lack imagination, VK group statistics will help. You can find it in the block where advertising is created. Under the menu on your page, go to the “Advertising” item. Open the “Advertising in Groups” tab. In the right area of ​​the site, tap “Available sites”. Here you will find a lot of original and non-standard examples. And to get your first subscribers, you can always use our service here .

    Cool names for VKontakte groups

    What can be called cool name for the VKontakte group? Just like beauty, everyone's idea of ​​cool is different. To summarize, cool is something that fascinates, surprises and intrigues. What kind of name could this be? Public