• Schedule of educational webinars for March. Financial literacy, primary school, foreign languages ​​and much more - in the April webinars of the publishing house “Prosveshchenie. Formation of uud in orkse lessons

    14.03.2016 12:00-14:00 Primary school

    “Resources of the information and educational environment of the educational complex “School of Russia” for diagnosing and monitoring subject, meta-subject educational results in lessons of the surrounding world” - Olga Vladimirovna Karatsuba, leading methodologist of the editorial office of natural and mathematical subjects of the Center for Primary Education of the publishing house “Prosveshcheniye”.

    14.03.2016 14:00-16:00 Biology

    “Formation of skills in research and design activities using the educational complex “Spheres.” Biology" (5-9), (10-11)" - Sukhorukova Lyudmila Nikolaevna, professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences, head of the department of botany, theory and methods of teaching biology, YSPU; Morsova Svetlana Grigorievna, Orlashkina Elena Viktorovna, biology teachers, physics and mathematics school No. 33 of Yaroslavl; Matyushenko Elena Evgenievna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, biology teacher of MAOU “Gymnasium named after. N.V. Pushkova", Troitsk, Moscow.

    14.03.2016 16:00-18:00 Story

    “Recommendations for preparing for the State Examination 2016, approaches to writing and assessing a historical essay” - Igor Anatolyevich Artasov, winner of the competition for the best teachers within the framework of PNPE in 2007, since 2011, head of the group of developers of control measuring materials for the State Examination in history, since 2012 - Deputy Chairman of the Federal Commission for Developers of Test Measuring Materials for the Unified State Examination in History at the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI).

    15.03.2016 14:00-16:00 English language

    “Communicative technology for achieving educational results in writing lessons” - Olga Viktorovna Duvanova, member of the team of authors of the line of teaching materials “English 2-11” authors V.P. Kuzovleva, N.M. Lapa, E.Sh. Peregudova and others.

    15.03.2016 16:00-18:00 Russian language

    “Interactive forms of activity in Russian language lessons in grades 5-6 according to T.A. Ladyzhenskaya (5-9)” - Bondarenko Marina Anatolyevna, Ph.D., professor of the Russian language department of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations, member of the Union of Writers of Russia, author of lesson plans in the Russian language for grades 5 and 6.

    16.03.2016 14:00-16:00 Primary school

    “How to help a student successfully cope with problems in mathematics? How to prevent typical difficulties and mistakes?” - Oksana Anatolyevna Rydze, Ph.D., senior researcher at the Center for Primary General Education of the Institute for Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education.

    16.03.2016 16:00-18:00 French

    “Preparation of students to complete tasks 39 and 40 of the written part of the Unified State Exam in French” - Victoria Vyacheslavovna Nikolaeva, Deputy Chairman of the Central Subject-Methodological Commission for the French Language of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren, leading expert and consultant of the French language commission during the state final certification (USE ) (Moscow), author of the manual “French Language. Unified State Exam. Oral part"

    17.03.2016 16:00-18:00 Informatics

    “We are building basic skills. ICT competence of schoolchildren: results and assessments, problems, solutions” - Svetlana Mikhailovna Avdeeva, Ph.D., Deputy Executive Director of the National Personnel Training Fund (NFT).

    18.03.2016 9:00-11:00 Music

    Webinar series: Textbook for a music lesson: arguments for and against. Part 4. 4th grade" - Nelly Vyacheslavovna Suslova, Ph.D., methodologist at the Center for Artistic, Aesthetic and Physical Education of the Prosveshchenie publishing house.

    18.03.2016 11:00-13:00 Primary school

    “Designing a lesson using electronic forms of a textbook (UMK “School of Russia”)” - Dina Aleksandrovna Stavtseva, leading methodologist of the editorial office of natural and mathematical subjects at the Center for Primary Education of the publishing house “Prosveshcheniye”.

    18.03.2016 15:00-16:30 Chemistry

    21.03.2016 14:00-16:00 English language

    “Methods of teaching students to write reasoning (with the educational complex “Star English” and the simulator “Writing an Essay”)” - Milrud Radislav Petrovich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of “International Professional and Scientific Communication” of Tambov State Technical University, author of the teaching and learning instruction line "English (Star English)".

    21.03.2016 16:00-18:00 English language

    “Communicative technologies for achieving educational results in lessons for teaching dialogical speech” - Natalya Mikhailovna Lapa, associate professor, member of the team of authors of the line of teaching materials “English 2-11” authors V.P. Kuzovleva, N.M. Lapa, E.Sh. Peregudova and others.

    21.03.2016 16:00-18:00 Biology

    “Features of preparation for participation in the Biology Olympiad. Plant Anatomy” - Tatyana Andreevna Dmitrieva, Associate Professor of the Department of Methods of Teaching Biology and Ecology at Moscow State University.

    22.03.2016 12:00-14:00 life safety

    “Lifestyle as an element of the cultural and educational environment of a modern school” - Valentin Sergeevich Potkin, methodologist of the Center for Artistic, Aesthetic and Physical Education.

    22.03.2016 14:00-16:00 Physics

    "UKM" Spheres. Physics" (7-9) as a modern educational and methodological complex that motivates students to learn the subject" - Vladislav Viktorovich Zhumaev, coordinator of the Spheres Center of the Prosveshchenie publishing house.

    22.03.2016 16:00-17:00 Psychology

    “Psychological and pedagogical features of working with gifted children” - Kobzeva E.M., educational psychologist.

    23.03.2016 9:00-11:00 Primary school

    “How to help a fourth-grader successfully cope with the final work (FPR) in the Russian language? How to prevent typical difficulties and mistakes?” - Kuznetsova Marina Ivanovna, Ph.D.; senior researcher at the Center for Primary General Education, Institute for Education Development Strategy, Russian Academy of Education.

    23.03.2016 13:00-15:00 Story

    “History of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages in historical-comparative and synchronous coverage using the example of the educational complex “Spheres”. General History (5-6)” - Victoria Ivanovna Ukolova, Doctor of Science. Sc., professor at MGIMO, author of textbooks from the Prosveshchenie publishing house.

    23.03.2016 15:00-17:00 ORKSE

    “Methods of teaching the module “Fundamentals of Buddhist Culture” of the ORKSE course” - Tatyana Valentinovna Emelyanova, associate professor of the department of agro-industrial complex and software development, author of the teaching manual and workbook “Fundamentals of Buddhist Culture”.

    24.03.2016 12:00-14:00 Geography

    “Diagnostics of meta-subject results using the educational complex “Spheres”. Geography (5-9)” - Vadim Vladimirovich Barabanov, senior researcher at the Center for the Development of Control Measuring Materials of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements.

    24.03.2016 14:00-16:00 Social science

    Webinar series “Building 21st Century Skills”

    “We are building basic skills. Literacy in the field of civics: results and assessments, problems and solutions" - Petr Grigorievich Polozhevets, editor-in-chief of the Teacher's Newspaper.

    24.03.2016 16:00-18:00 Chemistry

    “Solving complex problems in chemistry” - Ostroumov Igor Gennadievich, Doctor of Chemistry. Sc., Director of the Engels Technological Institute (branch) SSTU named after. Yu.A. Gagarin

    25.03.2016 11:00-13:00 ISO

    “ICT in fine arts lessons” - Tupikova Galina Anatolyevna, methodologist of the laboratory of computer technologies in art education of the Center for Continuing Art Education (head academician B.M. Nemensky) Link for participation: https://my.webinar.ru/event/714865

    25.03.2016 14:00-16:00 English language

    “Project activity as a means of achieving educational results in foreign language lessons” - Kuzovlev Vladimir Petrovich, professor, head of the team of authors of the line of teaching materials “English 2-11” authors V.P. Kuzovleva, N.M. Lapa, E.Sh. Peregudova and others.

    28.03.2016 15:00-17:00 Physics

    “Implementation of problem-based learning technology in physics lessons as one of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards LLC based on the educational complex “Archimedes” by O.F. Kabardin” - Natalia Aleksandrovna Konovalova, Ph.D. Sc., head of the editorial office of physics and chemistry at the Center for Science and Mathematics Education.

    29.03.2016 14:00-16:00 Biology

    “Teaching educational complex in biology “Life Line”. The author's method of organizing cognitive activity in the process of teaching biology" - Vladimir Vasilievich Pasechnik, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Vice-President and Academician-Secretary of the Department of Biology and Geography of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education, author of the educational complex "Life Line" of the publishing house "Prosveshcheniye" "

    29.03.2016 16:00-18:00 Mathematics

    “Interval method” - Natalya Viktorovna Lakhova, author of the “Fast and Effective” series. Mathematics in 7 lessons."

    30.03.2016 12:00-14:00 ORKSE

    “Project activities in lessons on the ORKSE course” - Natalya Ivanovna Sharko, senior teacher of the department of aesthetic education and cultural studies, MIOO

    31.03.2016 11:00-13:00 ISO

    “Continuity in the visual activities of children of preschool and primary school age” - Irina Borisovna Polyakova, head of the structural unit of gymnasium No. 1597, Art. teacher at MIOO, senior teacher at the Center for Continuing Art Education (headed by B.M. Nemensky), fine arts teacher at gymnasium No. 1597.

    31.03.2016 13:00-15:00 Physical training

    “Technological map of a physical education lesson in elementary school” - Olga Aleksandrovna Rycheva, methodologist at the Center for Artistic, Aesthetic and Physical Education of the Prosveshchenie publishing house.

    31.03.2016 15:00-17:00 Biology

    “Features of preparation for participation in the Biology Olympiad. Plant Physiology” - Tatyana Mikhailovna Efimova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Methods of Teaching Biology and Ecology at Moscow State University.

    Webinars of the publishing house "Prosveshchenie" - October 2016

    Participation in webinars is free.

    03.10.2016 14:00-16:00

    Primary school. Informatics

    Methodological foundations for teaching an initial course in computer science (Series of webinars on the new educational complex “Informatics, 1-4”, edited by A.V. Goryachev, BINOM Publishing House. Knowledge Laboratory)


    04.10.2016 16:00-18:00


    Textbook for a music lesson: arguments FOR and AGAINST. 8th grade

    Suslova Nelli Vyacheslavovna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, methodologist at the Center for Artistic, Aesthetic and Physical Education of the Prosveshchenie publishing house.

    05.10.2016 14:00-16:00

    English language

    Sharp corners of the new Federal State Educational Standard in the field of foreign language education

    Kuzovlev Vladimir Petrovich Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, head of the team of authors of the UMK “English” line 2-11

    05.10.2016 16:00-18:00


    Organization of students' research activities when working with the educational complex "Archimedes" of the publishing house "Prosveshchenie"

    Yulia Vladimirovna Kazakova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, physics teacher at Moscow State Budget Educational Institution “School No. 1862”, author of the publishing house “Prosveshcheniye”

    06.10.2016 16:00-18:00


    Implementation of the regional geographic approach using the Polar Star educational complex

    Gimervert Gavriil Petrovich, methodologist of the editorial office of geography, economics and ecology of the Center for Humanitarian Education of the Prosveshchenie publishing house.

    10.10.2016 14:00-16:00

    Primary school. Informatics

    Features of the implementation of the course “Informatics for everyone - 1st grade” (Series of webinars on the new educational complex “Informatics, 1-4” edited by A.V. Goryachev, BINOM Publishing House. Laboratory of Knowledge)

    Pavlov Dmitry Igorevich, co-author, senior lecturer of the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education, State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University. (Author’s website: http://dpavlov4ever.ru/)

    10.10.2016 16:00-18:00


    Chess at school

    Prudnikova Ekaterina Anatolyevna - candidate of pedagogical sciences, FIDE chess master, 1st category judge, head teacher of primary classes at school No. 1883.

    Volkova Ekaterina Igorevna - candidate master of sports in chess, commercial director of the Moscow Chess Federation (MSF).

    11.10.2016 14.00-16.00


    We implement the requirements of the ICS. Everyday life and culture of Russia in the XVI-XVII centuries. in the educational complex “History of Russia. 7th grade" ed. A.V. Torkunova

    Bykov Pavel Nikolaevich, methodologist of the editorial office of history, social science and law, Center for Humanitarian Education, publishing house "Prosveshchenie"

    11.10.2016 16:00-18:00


    Examples of solving problems in physics (10-11). Statics

    Parfentyeva Natalia Andreevna, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, author of the publishing house "Prosveshchenie"

    12.10.2016 10:00-12:00


    Education of civil identity through the comprehensive course of ORKSE

    Matsiyaka Elena Vladimirovna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of APKiPPRO

    12.10.2016 12:00-14:00

    Primary school

    Achieving educational results from the Federal State Educational Standards of NEO. Features of teaching morphology to junior schoolchildren (Teaching Educational Complex “School of Russia”)

    Boykina Marina Viktorovna, senior teacher of the Department of Primary Education of the St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, co-author of the educational complex “Literary Reading”.

    12.10.2016 14:00-16:00


    Literature lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard, features of working with teaching materials, edited by V.F. Damn.

    Chertov Viktor Fedorovich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Methods of Teaching Literature at Moscow Pedagogical University

    12.10.2016 16:00-18:00


    Possibilities of using EFU UMK Rudzitisa G.E., Feldmana F.G. in chemistry lessons

    Sindryakova Elena Vladimirovna, methodologist of the editorial office of physics and chemistry of the Center for Natural and Mathematical Education of the publishing house "Prosveshchenie"

    13.10.2016 16:00-18:00


    Current issues of preparation for the OGE in the Russian language

    Narushevich Andrey Georgievich, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Taganrog Institute named after A.P. Chekhov Rostov State University of Economics (RINH), author of textbooks and manuals

    17.10.2016 14:00-16:00

    Primary school. Informatics

    Features of the implementation of the course “Informatics for everyone - 2nd grade” (Series of webinars on the new educational complex “Informatics, 1-4” edited by A.V. Goryachev, BINOM Publishing House. Laboratory of Knowledge)

    Pavlov Dmitry Igorevich, co-author, senior lecturer of the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education, State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University. (Author’s website: http://dpavlov4ever.ru/)

    18.10.2016 16:00-18:00


    Possibilities of using the educational educational complex “Life Line” in biology lessons

    Khaibulina Karina Vladimirovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Natural Sciences at ASOU

    19.10.2016 10:00-12:00

    English language

    Preparation for the OGE in English with the teaching materials of the publishing house "Prosveshcheniye"

    19.10.2016 14:00-16:00

    English language

    Peculiarities of teaching English in elementary school through the teaching and learning complex “English2-4” by Kuzovlev V.P. etc.

    Kuzovlev Vladimir Petrovich, candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of the team of authors of the UMK line "English 2-11".

    20.10.2016 14:00-16:00

    Primary school

    Achieving the planned results of the Federal State Educational Standard of Non-Educational Education using the educational subject “Literary Reading” of the educational complex “School of Russia”

    Kolosova Marina Valerievna, leading methodologist of the editorial office of the Russian language and literary reading of the Center for Primary Education of the publishing house "Prosveshchenie"

    20.10.2016 16:00-18:00


    Development of speech competence in Russian language lessons in order to prepare for the final essay using the teaching materials of the publishing house "Prosveshchenie"

    Meshchankina Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, methodologist of the editorial office of Russian language and literature.

    21.10.2016 12:00-14:00


    Features of religious art within the framework of mastering the ORKSE course. Christianity. Part 2.

    Sharko Natalya Ivanovna, senior lecturer of the Department of Aesthetic Education and Cultural Studies, MIOO

    24.10.2016 14.00-16.00

    Primary school. Informatics

    Features of the implementation of the course “Informatics for everyone - 3rd grade” (Series of webinars on the new educational complex “Informatics, 1-4” edited by A.V. Goryachev, BINOM Publishing House. Laboratory of Knowledge)

    Pavlov Dmitry Igorevich, co-author, senior lecturer of the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education, State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University. (Author’s website: http://dpavlov4ever.ru/)

    25.10.2016 14:00-16:00


    Series of webinars “Implementation of Sample Basic Educational Programs in Mathematics in Educational and Methodological Kits of the Prosveshchenie Publishing House”

    Webinar No. 1. “Development of the number line of the school mathematics course in the educational complex of the publishing house “Prosveshcheniye”

    Generalova Marina Vladimirovna, methodologist at the Center for Science and Mathematics Education.

    26.10.2016 14:00-16:00

    Primary school

    Methodological features and experience of working with content lines “Spatial representations. Geometric figures" and "Geometric quantities" in the course "Mathematics" by M.I. Moro et al. (UMK “School of Russia”)

    Stavtseva Dina Aleksandrovna, leading methodologist of the editorial office of natural and mathematical subjects at the Center for Primary Education of the Prosveshchenie publishing house.

    26.10.2016 16:00-18:00


    Using electronic textbook supplements to create learning situations, motivate students, and formative assessments. (using the example of a lesson on the history of the ancient world, grade 5)

    Akimova Elena Yuryevna, methodologist at the Center for Humanitarian Education of the Prosveshchenie publishing house.

    27.10.2016 10:00-12:00

    Primary school

    “Family Thought” in the content of the course “The World Around You” (UMK Perspective) as the basis for systematic interaction with the family and the integration of classroom and extracurricular activities

    Novitskaya Marina Yurievna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, leading researcher at FIRO, member of the team of authors “The World around us” of the educational complex “Perspektiva”

    27.10.2016 16:00-18:00


    Financial literacy, where to start?

    Krylov Vyacheslav Vladimirovich - Candidate of Philosophy, Head of the Department of Financial Literacy and Interaction with Civil Society Institutions of the Service for the Protection of the Rights of Consumers of Financial Services and Minority Shareholders of the Bank of Russia.

    28.10.2016 12:00-14:00


    Achieving the planned learning outcomes when working on the educational complex “Mathematics-5”, author. CM. Nikolsky and others.

    Shevkin Alexander Vladimirovich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, laureate of the Moscow City Hall Prize.

    31.10.2016 14:00-16:00

    Primary school. Informatics

    Features of the implementation of the course “Informatics for everyone - 4th grade” (Series of webinars on the new educational complex “Informatics, 1-4” edited by A.V. Goryachev, BINOM Publishing House. Knowledge Laboratory)

    Pavlov Dmitry Igorevich, co-author, senior lecturer of the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Education, State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education, Moscow State Pedagogical University. (Author’s website: http://dpavlov4ever.ru/ )

    Details on the website of the publishing house "PROSVESHCHENIE".

    Publishing house "Prosveshcheniye" in order to provide methodological support teachers in the regions of the Russian Federation, in the context of the introduction and implementation of federal state educational standards for primary and basic general education, continues a series of online seminars (webinars) on textbook systems and educational and methodological complexes of the publishing house.
    We invite specialists from subject departments and offices of institutions of additional professional education, methodologists of municipal services, and teachers to participate in the events.
    To participate in the webinar you must go follow the link , which is indicated after the topic of each seminar, in the “Guest” tab, write your name and city and press “Enter”.
    Technical requirements: computer connected to the Internet, sound speakers. Participation in the webinar free.
    The start time of the webinar is Moscow.
    We invite you to familiarize yourself with Webinar schedule for March 2012:

    March 1
    12.00 – 14.00 “Culture as the content of learning and the subject of testing: based on the material of the educational complex “Star English” (“Starlight”)” –Milrud Radislav Petrovich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Language Teaching, TSU. G.R. Derzhavina, author of the UMK line “English (Star English)”
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/01_03

    March 5
    9.00 – 11.00 “Conceptual foundations of Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education” –Fedina Nina Vladimirovna, Ph.D., Deputy Director for Preschool Education of the RAO Institute for Strategic Studies in Education, head of the “Success” project of the Center for the Development of Preschool Education of the publishing house “Prosveshcheniye”, member of the Expert Council on Preschool Education of the State Duma Committee by education
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/05_03

    12.00 – 14.00 “Features of teaching the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” (ORKSE) based on the educational and methodological set of the publishing house “Prosveshchenie” – Svetlana Vladimirovna Tretyakova, Ph.D., head of the department of methodological work of the scientific and educational center of the publishing house "Prosveshchenie", project manager for testing course textbooks
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/05_03_2

    March 12
    13.00 – 15.00 “Formation of UUD using the educational complex “School of Russia” (using the example of the subject area “Philology”)” (1st part of the webinar) (Part 2 of the webinar will take place on March 13, information is given below) .
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/12_03

    March 13
    10.00 – 12.00 “Substantial and methodological aspects of teaching the module “Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” of the complex course of ORKSE” – Kuraev Andrey Vyacheslavovich, protodeacon, professor of the Moscow Theological Academy, senior researcher at the Department of Religion and Religious Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Moscow State University
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/13_03

    13.00 – 15.00 “Formation of UUD in the textbook system “School of Russia” using the example of the completed subject line “Literary Reading” by authors L.F. Klimanova and others.” (2nd part of the webinar) – Stefanenko Natalia Alekseevna, Ph.D., Associate Professor, author of methodological manuals on literary reading, methodologist at the Center for the Development of Primary Education of the Prosveshchenie Publishing House
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/13_03_2

    March 14
    14.00 – 16.00 “New edition of the popular educational complex “English Language” by authors I.N. Vereshchagina, O.V. Afanasyeva and others for grades 2–11. Additional educational materials for teachers and students" – Natalia Isidorovna Maksimenko, deputy head of the Center for the Germanic Languages ​​Group of the Prosveshchenie publishing house.
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/14_03

    March 15
    10.00 – 12.00 “Methodological features of the course “Teaching literacy” in the textbook system “Perspective” –Ryabushkina Inna Valerievna, methodologist at the Center for the Development of Primary Education of the publishing house “Prosveshchenie”
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/15_03

    Dear colleagues, please note that we are repeating the webinar from March 12, 2013!
    14.00–16.00 “Electronic applications to modern foreign language textbooks: structure, content, methodological possibilities for achieving educational results of the new Federal State Educational Standard (using the example of EP for the educational curriculum “English 2”11”, authors V.P. Kuzovleva, N.M. Lapa, E.Sh. Peregudova and others, publishing house "Prosveshchenie")" –Vladimir Petrovich Kuzovlev, Ph.D., professor, head of the automated control system department of the Center for the group of Germanic languages ​​of the publishing house “Prosveshcheniye”, head of the team of authors of the line of teaching materials “English 2–11”
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/15_03_13

    March 16
    10.00 – 12.00 « Development of the main educational program of an educational institution" –Fedenko Lyubov Nikolaevna, Ph.D., Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Deputy Director of the Institute for Strategic Studies in Education of the Russian Academy of Education (ISIO RAO)
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/16_03

    14.00 – 16.00 « Implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC in a new line of textbooks on German as the first foreign language “Geeks” –Irina Valerievna Karelina, Deputy Head of the Center for the Group of Germanic Languages ​​of the Prosveshchenie Publishing House
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/16_03_2

    March 19
    10.00 – 11.00 « Teaching the Teenage Mind" (webinar language is English)
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/19_03

    14.00 – 15.30 “The Development of Learner Language Competence. Being Specific" –Steve Lever, Lead Methodologist, Express Publishing ( language webinar English )
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/19_03

    16.00 – 17.00 « Getting the Right Writing Right" –Steve Lever, Lead Methodologist, Express Publishing (webinar language is English)
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/19_03

    March 20
    15.00 – 17.00 “Implementation of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC in the new line of teaching materials on German as a second foreign language “Horizons” –Bratishko Anton Aleksandrovich, project manager of the Center for the Group of Germanic Languages ​​of the publishing house “Prosveshchenie”
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/20_03

    March 21
    10.00 – 12.00 “Implementation of project activities in technology lessons when working on textbooks for primary schools by authors N.I. Rogovtseva and others (MK "School of Russia" and MK "Perspective")" – Svetlana Vsevolodovna Anashchenkova, member of the team of authors of the educational educational complex “Technology”, leading methodologist at the Center for the Development of Primary Education of the publishing house “Prosveshchenie”
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/21_03

    13.00 – 15.00 “Literature from the publishing house “Prosveshchenie” on geography in the federal lists of textbooks for the 2012/13 academic year” – Lyudmila Evgenievna Savelyeva, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State Pedagogical University, co-author of the line of textbooks in the “Spheres” series on geography, deputy editor-in-chief of the publishing house “Prosveshchenie”; Lipkina Elena Karlovna, co-author of textbooks in the Polyarnaya Zvezda line of teaching materials, deputy head of the Natural Science Center of the Prosveshchenie publishing house
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/21_03_2

    15.00 – 16.30
    Part 1. What are blogs and why do teachers need them? – Daria Alekseevna Omelchenko, head of the PR department of ABBYY Russia (Part 2 of the webinar will take place on March 27, information is given below)
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/21_03_3

    March 22
    12.00 – 14.00 “Formation of universal educational actions in the process of teaching mathematics to primary schoolchildren using textbooks by Moro M.I. and others. Electronic supplements to textbooks as new information and educational resources of the educational complex “School of Russia” and educational complex “Perspective” (1st part of the webinar) (Part 2 of the webinar will take place on March 23, information is given below)
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/22_03

    March 23
    12.00 – 14.00 “Formation of universal educational actions in the process of teaching mathematics to primary schoolchildren using textbooks by author. Moro M.I. and others. Electronic supplements to textbooks as new information and educational resources of educational complexes “School of Russia” and “Perspective” (2nd part of the webinar) – Irina Aleksandrovna Igusheva, methodologist at the Center for the Development of Primary Education of the Prosveshcheniye publishing house
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/23_03

    March 26
    12.00 – 14.00 “Achieving personal, meta-subject and subject-specific learning outcomes in lessons about the surrounding world using textbooks by the author A.A. Pleshakov" (UMK "School of Russia")" – Solovyova Anna Evgenievna, member of the team of authors of the line of teaching aids for the course “The World Around us”, methodologist at the Center for the Development of Primary Education of the publishing house “Prosveshchenie”
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/26_03

    14.00 – 16.00 « Literature from the publishing house "Prosveshchenie" on physics in the federal lists of textbooks for the 2012/13 academic year" – Vladislav Viktorovich Zhumaev, coordinator of the “Spheres” Center of the “Prosveshcheniye” publishing house; Tretyakova Svetlana Vladimirovna, Ph.D., head of the department of methodological work of the scientific and educational center of the publishing house "Prosveshchenie"
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/26_03_2

    March 27
    10.00 – 12.00 « Content and structural features of teaching materials in mathematics as a means of implementing the Federal State Educational Standard, using the example of teaching materials “Algebra” for grades 7, 8, 9, edited by Yu.M. Kolyagina" – Nadezhda Evgenievna Fedorova, Ph.D., co-author of the educational complex “Algebra” for grades 7, 8 and 9, ed. Yu.M. Kolyagina
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/27_03

    12.00 – 14.00 « Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education and its implementation in the completed subject line of textbooks “Russian Language” by L. M. Zelenina, T. E. Khokhlova” – Lidiya Mikhailovna Zelenina, author of the “Russian Language” textbook line of the School of Russia Educational Institution, Ph.D., author of the concept of philological education and development of junior schoolchildren of the Russian Academy of Education, was awarded the K.D. medal for the development of the textbook line. Ushinsky; Khokhlova Tatyana Evgenievna, author of the “Russian Language” line of textbooks of the educational complex “School of Russia”, Honored Teacher of Russia
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/27_03_2

    15.00 – 16.30 “The teacher’s blog is a new tool for learning and sharing experiences.
    Part 2. How to create and maintain your own blog? – Omelchenko Daria Alekseevna, head of the PR department of ABBYY Russia »
    Link to participate: http://connect1.webinar.ru/go/prosv/27_03_3

    Publishing house "Prosveshcheniye" in order to provide methodological support The pedagogical community of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation conducts webinars that cover a wide range of educational issues.

    We invite heads of educational organizations, specialists from subject departments and offices of organizations in the system of additional professional education, methodologists of municipal methodological services, librarians, teachers and educators to participate in online events.

    To participate in the webinar, you must follow the link provided and fill out the “Register for the event” form. An email will be sent to the e-mail you specified with a personal link to enter the webinar, which you will need to follow at the appointed time of the start of the online meeting (the start time of the webinar is Moscow, we recommend going online 15 minutes before).

    Participation in the webinar is free.

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with schedule of webinars for April 2016.




    Preparation for the final forms of certification of students from the educational educational complex of the publishing house "Prosveshchenie" in the German language

    Bazhanov Alexander Evgenievich, Deputy Director of the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​of the State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education in Moscow "Moscow City Pedagogical University" (State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education MSPU) for academic work.



    Corrective pedagogy

    Implementation of the requirements of adapted general education programs in reading textbooks for students in grades 2-4 with intellectual disabilities

    Ilyina Svetlana Yurievna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Oligophrenopedagogy, Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen.



    Russian language

    Open lesson with Enlightenment. Russian language

    Irina Nurgainovna Dobrotina, teacher of the highest qualification category, Moscow Cultural Lyceum No. 1310, Moscow, researcher at the Center for Philological Education of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Institute for Educational Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education"



    Corrective pedagogy

    Innovative approaches and traditional vision of the content and ways of implementing mathematical education for children with problems in intellectual development in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for the education of students with mental retardation (intellectual impairments)

    Antropov Alexander Petrovich, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, dean of the faculty of correctional pedagogy of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. A. I. Herzen;

    Kudrina Svetlana Vladimirovna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of oligophrenopedagogy.



    Achieving planned results in a life safety lesson

    Potkin Valentin Sergeevich, methodologist at the Center for Artistic, Aesthetic and Physical Education of the Prosveshchenie publishing house.




    Oral part of the Unified State Exam in French: analysis of typical mistakes

    Nikolaeva Victoria Vyacheslavovna, Deputy Chairman of the Central Subject-Methodological Commission for the French Language of the All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren, leading expert and consultant of the French language commission during the state final certification (USE) (Moscow), author of the manual “French Language. Unified State Exam. Oral part."




    Difficult problems of modern history using the example of educational complex “Spheres. General history. 9th grade"

    Belousov Lev Sergeevich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Modern and Contemporary History of European and American Countries, Faculty of History, Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. Editor-in-chief of the journal "Bulletin of the Russian International Olympic University".




    UMK "Spheres. Biology (5-9, 10-11)" for successful preparation for the final certification

    Bezukh Ksenia Evgenievna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Physiology and Zoology of Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, Chairman of the Unified State Examination Subject Committee in Biology of the Yaroslavl Region;

    Vlasova Elena Aleksandrovna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Medicine, Biology, Theory and Methods of Teaching Biology, co-author of the educational complex “Spheres”;

    Sukhorukova Lyudmila Nikolaevna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of YSPU, leading author of the educational complex “Spheres”.




    Didactic possibilities of a modern open educational environment: organizing work with multimedia information in history lessons

    Torop Valeria Valerievna, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Moscow Institute of Open Education, author of manuals for the educational complex “History of Russia”, ed. A.V. Torkunova.



    Primary school

    How to help a student successfully cope with problems with the world around them? How to prevent typical difficulties and mistakes?

    Demidova Marina Yuryevna, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Center for Pedagogical Measurements of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FIPI".



    Russian language

    Malygina Lidiya Evgenievna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Stylistics of the Russian Language, Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov.



    “Webinar series “Building 21st Century Skills.” “We are building basic skills. Financial literacy: results and assessments, problems, solutions"

    Rutkovskaya Elena Lazarevna, senior researcher at the Institute for Education Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education.




    West and East in the Middle Ages: new scientific approaches and school textbooks

    Vedyushkin Vladimir Aleksandrovich, Candidate of Historical Sciences, senior researcher at the Institute of General History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, corresponding member of the Royal Academy of Heraldry and Genealogy of Madrid.



    Primary school

    Achieving educational results of educational institutions. Formation of the foundations of reading independence of junior schoolchildren using the teaching materials “Russian Language”, authors V. P. Kanakina, V. G. Goretsky

    Tyurina Natalya Petrovna, methodologist of the editorial office of the Russian language and literary reading of the Center for Primary Education of the Prosveshchenie publishing house.



    Primary school

    Resources of the teaching and learning complex of the publishing house "Prosveshchenie" for the development of information skills in primary schoolchildren. Working with text. Part 3

    Boykina Marina Viktorovna, senior teacher of the Department of Primary Education of the St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, co-author of the educational complex “Literary Reading”;

    Digina Alla Georgievna, Deputy Head of the Center for Primary Education of the Prosveshchenie Publishing House.




    Student research work as part of a geography course. Experience in approbation of Federal State Educational Standard 2.0

    Barinov Sergey Leonidovich, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, research fellow at the Center for Socio-Economic Development of the School of the Institute of Education of the National Research University Higher School of Economics




    Formation of UUD in ORKSE lessons

    Razumovskaya Margarita Mikhailovna, professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, excellent student in public education, laureate of the Russian Government Prize for school education, author of more than 200 works that made it possible to bring the study of the Russian language to a higher level.



    We form key competencies and personal characteristics. Values ​​and moral competence of schoolchildren: results and assessments, problems, solutions



    English language

    Features of the first year of teaching English in primary school: technology of interconnected teaching of pronunciation and reading by transcription



    Primary school

    Mastering subject-specific universal knowledge and skills in technology lessons in 2nd grade

    Luttseva Elena Andreevna, Professor of the Department of Primary and Preschool Education of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Further Professional Education "Academy for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Education Workers", Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences.



    Social science

    Possibilities of social studies textbooks (L. N. Bogolyubov’s line) in preparation for the OGE and the Unified State Exam

    Lazebnikova Anna Yuryevna, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Head of the Center for Social and Humanitarian Education of the Institute of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Education, Editor-in-Chief of the magazine “Teaching History and Social Science at School”, author of textbooks on social studies UMC A.N. Bogolyubova.




    Series of webinars “Textbook for a music lesson: arguments FOR and AGAINST”

    Suslova Nelli Vyacheslavovna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, methodologist at the Center for Artistic, Aesthetic and Physical Education of the Prosveshchenie publishing house.



    Primary school

    Stavtseva Dina Aleksandrovna, leading methodologist of the editorial office of natural and mathematical subjects at the Center for Primary Education of the Prosveshchenie publishing house.




    All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in French: results of 2015-2016

    Bubnova Galina Ilyinichna, Doctor of Philology, Head of the Department of French, Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Regional Studies, Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosova, chairman of the central methodological commission of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in French.



    Primary school

    Designing a modern lesson. Designing a lesson using electronic forms of the textbook (UMK “School of Russia”)

    Karatsuba Olga Vladimirovna, leading methodologist of the editorial office of natural and mathematical subjects of the Center for Primary Education of the Prosveshchenie publishing house.




    Preparation for final certification using the teaching materials of the publishing house "Prosveshcheniye"

    Artasov Igor Anatolyevich, winner of the competition for the best teachers within the framework of PNPE in 2007, since 2011, head of the group of developers of control measuring materials for the Unified State Exam in history, since 2012, deputy chairman of the Federal Commission for developers of control measuring materials for the Unified State Exam in history at the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI).



    Series of webinars “Building 21st Century Skills.”

    We form key competencies and personal characteristics. Independent replenishment, transfer and integration of knowledge. Problem resolution. Design and research skills. Curiosity and initiative. Critical thinking, creativity, innovation. Results and assessments, problems, solutions

    Olga Borisovna Loginova, scientific consultant of the Scientific and Educational Center of the Prosveshchenie Publishing House.




    Expansion of subject IOS with the use of computer technologies in the educational process using the example of the educational complex “Spheres. Physics (7-9)"

    Belaga Victoria Vladimirovna, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, leading researcher at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna. Author of more than 100 scientific papers in the field of high energy physics. Participant in several major international collaborations in the field of high energy physics.




    Power function and its properties




    Teacher's experience: Modern teaching materials in chemistry to help the teacher to implement a system-activity approach in the educational process



    Physical culture

    Working with electronic textbooks on physical education

    Olga Aleksandrovna Rycheva, methodologist at the Center for Artistic, Aesthetic and Physical Education of the Prosveshchenie publishing house.




    Improving the teaching and learning complex “Life Line”, taking into account the approximate basic educational program of basic general education

    Sumatokhin Sergey Vitalievich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Deputy Director for Research at Moscow City Pedagogical University, co-author of the line of teaching materials in biology “Life Line”.

    29 04.2016


    Preschool/Primary School

    Implementation of the Basic Educational Program of a kindergarten in the form of an educational proposal for the whole group using the PMC “Continuity”

    Gorbunova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, leading methodologist of the editorial office of preschool education.



    English language

    Technology of teaching grammar" with educational complex "Star English" 2-11

    Milrud Radislav Petrovich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of International Professional and Scientific Communication at Tambov State Technical University, author of the line of teaching materials “English Language” (“Star English”).