• We search and find using Google Images. Unique Tineye image search

    Search by picture, image, photo in Yandex and Google. Welcome to the pages of the Coolinet website. Today in this article we’ll talk about how you can quickly find the desired picture, image or photograph, as well as all similar images with the searched one and all the information on it in the Yandex and Google search engines. We’ll also see how to find an image, for example, of a product of interest.

    Why might you need to search by picture, image or photo? Checking the image for uniqueness, searching for the author, searching for the image for further work with it.

    How to find by picture, image or photo in Yandex.

    Let's say you need to quickly find an image. For these purposes, there is a tab on the main page of the Yandex browser, when you click on it, you can search by image. Just go ahead and click on it.

    We get to a page that already has a selection of pictures and photographs on topics.

    You can choose a picture from the suggested topics. Let's move, for example, to the “Water World” section.

    All images related to the sea, ocean, marine life, coral reefs and so on are collected here. We can set the parameters of the image we need. For example, by size, set what kind of picture, we need large, medium or small.

    You can specify exact dimensions, let’s say we need an image of “Water World” measuring 1000 by 800, specify the dimensions and get all the images that fit the size we are interested in.

    The parameter settings are quite wide; for example, you can find an image by setting the orientation, horizontal, vertical or square. You can customize the image type, for example, we need pictures on a white background. The Yandex pictures service will accordingly select all the images on the topic we have chosen on a white background.

    Or, for example, we need to find a picture and a drawing on a topic, no question, click on the “Drawings and Drawings” tab and we get all kinds of images that fit this criterion.

    You can also set the color of the image you are interested in, for example, we need “Blue,” set it and get all the pictures available in Yandex with a blue background.

    You can select the image file format from the most common resolutions: JPEG, PNG, GIF. You can, which is very convenient, set search parameters for a product in the pictures. “Water World” cannot be purchased, so it is not suitable as an example.

    For example, we want to look at pictures of sneakers and if we like something, we want to buy it.

    Go to the “Sneakers” section, click the “Product” tab and get the images of sneakers we need, which have a small icon in the lower left corner.

    By clicking on the photo, we will see the price and in which store the shoes you like can be purchased, that is, a link to the website of the seller of this product.

    Not today, Yandex has implemented another very convenient search by image. You need to copy the image address. This is done like this: right-click on the picture and select copy address. Then we paste this address into the field and get the search result. Or upload the file from your computer.

    Here is the result.

    How to find by picture, image or photo on Google.

    Searching by image in Google is very similar to searching in Yandex. Let's take a closer look at how it works. If we need to find, using an image in the Google search engine, we need to do the following steps. We go to the main page of the search engine using the link. Or click on the “Images” tab on the main Google page.

    A camera icon will appear in the search bar. Click and the following input form will appear in front of us.

    There are also two options to search by link or upload an image. Let's try the first method. Copy the image link. You can do this by right-clicking on the image and selecting “Copy image address.” For example, we need to find a picture of a shark and we have the address of this image. The address will look something like this.

    It is also possible to change the search parameters: size, color, pattern type, and so on.

    Now let's look at the second search option. Go to the “Upload file” tab. A window will open for selecting an image on our computer.

    Click on the image file and Google will find the image we are interested in through its search engine. And just like in the first case, it will offer similar images.

    Addition, extension for more convenient search.

    For those who use the Firefox and Chrome browser for even greater convenience and a faster way to search by picture, image and photo. You can download and install the special extension Google Search by Image.

    More services for searching by image, image, photo.

    TinEye service

    TinEye search service website http://tineye.com/

    Let's try to find a picture through it. The principle is the same as that of Yandex and Google. For example, let's find a picture and a photo of a mushroom. Also, use the right mouse button to copy the image address, which is how it turned out in this case.

    Paste it into the search field and click find. We get all the images related to ours.

    Moreover, you can track on which sites this picture is still found.

    That’s actually all I wanted to talk about today in this post.

    Yandex can search for images according to the pattern you specify. This can be a whole image or a fragment of it. In this case, the sample can be posted on the Internet or stored on your computer or other device.

    Image search is based on computer vision algorithms. As a result of the search, both exact copies of the original image and pictures that differ slightly from the original can be found. For example, these may be different photographs of the same architectural monument.

    Note. The search performance depends on the availability on the Internet of images similar to the sample and already indexed by Yandex. Thus, the probability of finding the same photo of an attraction is much higher than the same photo from your holiday.

    How to start searching by image

    • From computer
    • From a mobile device

    Click the button in the search bar of the service and in the dialog box that opens, upload the source image in one of the following ways:

    • Drag your original image into the dialog box.
    • Click the Select file link and specify the path to the image on your hard drive.
    • Enter the URL of the image into the search bar.

    Then click the Find button.

    Image search results are combined into groups. You can open a copy of the picture in a different size or find out on which sites the same pictures are found.

    Click the icon in the search bar, then take a photo of the item you're interested in or download the original image from the gallery.

    How to search for a picture from another site

    If you use Yandex.Browser or extension Yandex elements for other browsers, you can search for a picture from almost any site. For this Right click on the image

    "}}\">call the context menu for this image and select Search by this image in Yandex.

    Note. The ability to search by image from a site page may be limited due to the layout of this site.

    Image search will help you find similar or identical images on the Internet. To search for similar images, online services are used that have large databases of indexed images.

    To successfully search for an image on the Internet, it is necessary that a similar image has previously been uploaded to some site on the Internet. Therefore, if you, at a given moment in time, take a photo and try to find it, then with a high degree of probability the search results will not satisfy you. Of course, this does not apply to photographs of landmarks and other famous places.

    Image search by image is present in the search engines Google, Yandex, and some online services. In this article, we'll look at image search when there is a sample image, rather than searching for images that match the search query entered into the search bar.

    Let's see how you can find similar images on the Internet using Google image search, image search in Yandex, image search using the TinEye online service. Using these services, you can find similar photographs, pictures, images on the Internet.

    Google image search

    To search by image using the Google search engine, you need to go to images.google.ru. Next, click on the camera image “Search by image.”

    In the “Search by Image” window you will need to provide a link to the image, or upload a file from your computer.

    In the first case, in the “Specify link” tab you need to enter the URL address of the image. You can get the address in this way: right-click on the image on the site, and in the context menu select the item: “Copy link to image”, “Copy URL of image” (the context menu items differ in different browsers, but I think the meaning of the action is clear) .

    In the second case, you need to upload the image from your computer. Click the Upload File tab and then select an image from your computer.

    In the third case, you can simply drag the image into the “Search by Image” window.

    After adding an image, click on the “Search by Image” button.

    Based on the search results, you will see the found image, other image size options (if there are other sizes), similar images, pages with matching images.

    This way you will select the desired image option.

    Search by image Yandex

    Using Yandex technology, images that completely match the original picture, or similar images, will be found. Go to the page yandex.ru/images, and then click on the camera image.

    The Yandex Images service will search for images on the Internet. As a result, you will see that you have found: the original picture, this picture in other sizes, similar pictures, sites where the picture is found.

    Now you can select the appropriate image option for further use.

    Search by images TinEye.com

    The online service TinEye com has a very large database of images (millions of pictures on the Internet are indexed).

    Log on to www.tineye.com to search for an image.

    In the “Upload or enter image URL” field, enter the address of the image on the Internet, or click on the button with the arrow located next to the search field to upload the image from your computer.

    Conclusions of the article

    To search by images on the Internet, you can use: the Google Images service in the Google search engine, the Yandex Images service in the Yandex search engine, the TinEye image search service. After uploading an image, or entering its URL from the Internet, search engines will show you all the images found that are similar to the original picture.

    Can you do a Google image search? Or are you still sorting through gigabytes of photos to find the image you need? Stop doing this: we will teach you quickly search any images that match your request, find similar pictures in a few seconds, and also easily check the required photo for uniqueness.

    In this section we will teach you how to find a picture on the Internet using a picture. The answer to such a rather confusing question literally lies on the surface. For example, you found an image of an object or person on the Internet. And you urgently need to find a similar or similar picture. For this There are several ways.

    • If you are using Google Chrome browser, hover your mouse over the image and right-click the command Find this image on Google.
    • When using a browser FirefoxSearch by image is possible after installing the application Google Search by Image. In this case, also right-click and select the option Search Image on Google.

    Google image search: instant solution to the problem

    Let's get started with one of the most common search methods. So, you have a picture of a certain product or person and you need to find out more information about it. Again, 2 paths open before us along which we will move towards our goal.

    For the first search option we will use a link to a photo or picture. We offer step-by-step instructions for searching Google using an image.

    1. Open the search engine.
    2. Find the word “Pictures” in the upper right corner and click on it with the mouse.
    3. We moved to Google Images.
    4. Right on the address bar on the right there is an icon with a camera image. Click on it.
    5. We are presented with 2 search options: by link or by the photo itself, downloaded from the computer.
    6. As we remember, for the first option we will perform a Google search by image using a link. Open the required image in the browser, click the option Copy image link or Copy image URL and move the link to the address bar of the search engine under the option Provide link. Click Search by image and get the result.
    7. We see all the options where we can find this picture, and similar images also appear.

    The second Google search option assumes that you need upload a photo that is already on your computer.

    1. You follow the same steps to log into Google Images, but select the option Upload file, click on it and select the desired photo from your computer.
    2. This way, you can find all similar images based on a sample, view similar photos, or check your picture for uniqueness.

    We will use similar search tools in Yandex. You can see in detail how this works in practice in the video.

    Everything looks even simpler if you start learning how to search Google using an image from your phone. Let's say you need to find a photo similar or similar to one you already have in your browser search results. By the way, we will be using the Chrome app (for Android, iPhone and iPad).

    Sometimes we need to find the movie title from one image and that is also very easy. For example, you saw a beautiful picture from VK and you feel in your heart that this is a frame from some painfully familiar film. But you can’t remember the name. And you also don’t know how to find this film to watch.

    We hasten to reassure you: you are already familiar with the search methods. Use all of the above methods to search in Google or Yandex using an image. They are ideal for find out the name of the movie you are interested in and go to watch it.

    Hello, dear friends!

    Over the many years of the existence of the World Wide Web, Internet users have perfectly learned to find any information, files and data on it by entering a standard text query in a search engine.

    However, in Yandex, the most popular search engine on the RuNet, there is another way to search - by image. What does it mean? Let's say you're interested in a certain image and you'd like to get as much information as possible about it. You form a request by entering the URL of the image or downloading it from your PC, and the search engine will return similar images and articles where it is present and even information about what is depicted on it (monument, person, etc.).

    Very convenient, isn't it? Moreover, such a search can be organized both from a PC and from a phone. This function will be useful primarily for those who often have to look for information for study or work. In this material I will tell you how to search in Yandex by image.

    On the selling pages of most online courses there is a photo of the person who is selling them, his full name. Save the seller's photo on your computer. After that, upload it to the Yandex image search server to find similar photos. You will be surprised if there are similar photos on the Internet, but with a different last name. Draw your own conclusions.

    The situation is exactly the same with your ill-wishers on social networks. Want to know who's in the photo? Just upload it to the service and instantly receive information.

    Or, for example, another option. You came across some unusual thing on the Internet (tool, designer handbag, device, etc.). You contact a well-known service and get information about what kind of product it is, how much it costs and in which online store you can buy it.

    Professional artists and designers often have to look for drawings for their work.

    Step by step instructions

    To upload your image, you need to follow the link images.yandex.ru; no registration is required.

    Click on the “Search by image” button (the image to the left of the search line). You can upload your graphic file in three ways:

    1. Drag the image with the mouse into the appropriate window.
    2. Upload an image from your own PC.
    3. Insert the Internet address of the picture and click “Find”. This method is appropriate if you need to find information from an image from the Internet.

    If your activity involves numerous graphic files, remembering or writing down the URL of the image each time is not very convenient and time-consuming. It is better to save the drawing found on the Internet on your computer.

    Saving a picture from the Internet to your computer

    If the graphic file does not have special protection, then simply click on the picture from the Internet with the right mouse button.

    A menu will appear in front of you, in which you should select the “Save As” option. A dialog box will appear to save the photo to your PC. Select the folder where you want to place the file, and if necessary, give it the name that you like best.

    Search algorithm "Siberia"

    How does Yandex search for images?

    The search algorithm, to which the developers gave the name “Siberia,” is based on special computer vision algorithms. From my own experience, I can say that it functions better when you enter an Internet address, rather than when you download it from your computer.

    The search system works really well - in the search results you can see 100% exact copies of the pictures. But the search database of outlines is formed only from images indexed by Yandex, and if the requested photo is not in it, the result will be zero.

    The service of finding similar pictures has long been provided by Google. The Siberia algorithm is very different from the Google algorithm. This difference is primarily expressed in the fact that the Russian search engine is focused on searching by outline, while the American counterpart distinguishes colors. After performing the analysis, “Siberia” creates a query for a word search using pictures.

    The program usually recognizes all kinds of brand logos without difficulty. This also applies to architectural monuments. That is, those pictures that have clear outlines are found well.

    However, Google image search also does not always work correctly. Let's say you want to find a movie or video based on a screenshot from it, and the search results will contain various pictures with a similar color scheme.

    Image search has just begun to develop; the Russian search system is following its path correctly and does not lag behind its main competitor. Our developers are already announcing that they will soon make a real breakthrough in this direction. Well, wait and see!

    Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan