• Fix “\\computer is not accessible. You may not have permission to use this network resource." “Access denied” error - solving the problem More complex methods

    Sometimes an error message may appear when you try to open a folder. Let's figure out what can be done if there is no access to the folder.

    The reasons that a folder cannot be opened are very different, but I will try to tell you about each of them and instruct you on what to do in each case if access to the folder is denied. To begin with, I must say that everything The following actions must be performed using an administrator account.

    You are not the owner of the folder

    After reinstalling or updating Windows, you may no longer be listed as the owner of a folder, so the system quite reasonably prevents you from reading files that do not belong to you.

    Now I will tell you how to access the folder in this case. First, go to the “Control Panel” menu item and there select “Folder Options” or “Folder Options” depending on the system.

    In the “View” tab, find the item “Use the sharing wizard (recommended)”, if you have Windows 7 or XP, if you have Windows 8 - “Use simple folder sharing (recommended)”, uncheck the box, click “OK”.

    Now right-click on the folder and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu. In the “Security” tab, click on “Advanced” and in the new window, click on the “Owner” tab at the top of the window. At the bottom left click “Change”.

    It is possible that you will not have such a tab. Then you need to go into safe mode and then follow the steps described below.

    In the window that opens, select the username you want to allow access to and click “OK.” To gain access not only to the folder, but to all the files and folders inside, we selected the “Replace owner of subcontainers and objects” option and then clicked “OK”.

    As you can see, there is nothing complicated. The very essence is that the owner of the folder has changed and to fix this, you need to indicate yourself as the owner. It's a different matter when you encrypted data and after reinstalling Windows you decided to open this folder. Then your head might just explode, but your problem can be solved and you don’t have to worry! Hopefully, after following my instructions, you are no longer denied access to the folder you need.

    By the way, if such an error appears when opening a flash drive or disk, be sure to check your computer for viruses.

    Here is another option, from the person who posted the video:


    When you try to install, update, or run a program or file, you receive the following error message:

    Error: "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the correct permissions to access this item."


    This issue occurs when any of the following conditions are true on your computer.

    • You do not have permission to access the file or its location.
    • The file is in a location that is not currently accessible, such as a network folder or on an external drive that is not currently connected to the computer.
    • The file has been moved or deleted.
    • The file or shortcut is damaged.
    • Windows may be blocking the file.
    • Antivirus software may be blocking the file.

    To resolve this issue, follow the steps below, starting with method 1. If this method does not fix the issue, move on to the next method.

    Method 1: Check if you have permission to open the file.

    Note: You must have administrator rights or be a member of the Administrators group if the computer is part of a domain.

    Permissions are rules associated with files that determine whether a user can access a file and what actions they can perform on it. To check the permission of a file or folder, follow these steps:

    Method 2: Make sure the file location is accessible.

    This error can occur if a shortcut or installation tries to access a location that is not currently accessible (for example, a network folder or removable drive). Check the path of the file that Windows can't access and make sure the location is accessible. (A screenshot for this step is below.)

    Method 3: Make sure the file has not been moved or deleted.

    A similar error may also occur if the file has been moved or deleted. Navigate to the folder containing the required file and make sure it is there.

    Method 4: Recreate the shortcut to check for damage.

    A similar error can also occur if a shortcut or another type of file has been damaged. You can check your shortcuts for damage by re-creating the shortcut.

    Method 5: Check if Is the file blocked by Windows?

    In some cases, Windows may block the file. Review the file properties details - they may contain the following note: "This file came from another computer and may have been blocked to protect your computer." To check this and unlock the file, follow the steps below.
    1. Right-click the locked file and select Properties.
    2. On the General tab, click the Unblock button if the option is available.

    Method 6: Check to see if your antivirus software is blocking the file.

    To check if antivirus software is blocking a file, temporarily disable it and try to open the file. If you need to temporarily disable your antivirus software, turn it on immediately after completing the required action. If your computer is connected to the Internet during this outage, it is vulnerable to attack.

    Problem: The network resource cannot be accessed. The network folder is displayed...

    but when I try to log in, the system displays the following message:

    Windows cannot access \\computer\network_resource. Permission to access \\computer\network_resource absent. Contact your network administrator to gain access.

    In the Windows XP operating system, a similar message sounds like this:

    No access to \\computer\network_resource. You may not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to obtain the appropriate access rights. Access denied

    Why can't I access the network resource?

    The reason may be due to the following factors:

    • The user does not have permission to access the share.
      These rights are configured on the tab Access and are relevant only for setting up network access.
    • The user does not have permission to access the folder at the NTFS permission level
      Configured on the tab Safety. This setting regulates access rights both over the network and locally.
    • The user does not have network access permissions or NTFS rights.

    How to share a network folder with all users

    Settings must be performed on the computer where the network resource is located.

    Go to Computer Management:

    Open the section Shared folders. Select a subsection Shared Resources and find out the local path to the folder that is open to the network.
    In our example, we see that the network resource temp matches local path C:\temp :

    Find the local folder, right-click on it and call Properties:

    1 The first thing to check is network access permissions. Open the tab Access and press the button Advanced setup:

    Press the button Permissions:

    We check for whom network access is open, and also check the rights.
    In order for all users to be able to access the network resource, the list Share Permissions need to add a group All.
    In our case, full access is open to the group All. This means everything is fine with network permissions:

    2 The second thing you need to check is NTFS rights. Go to the tab Safety and check the global permissions to access the folder.
    In our example, we see that only users and administrators of the local computer can see and enter this folder. This means that if we try to log into a network resource under a user who does not have an account on the local computer, we will be denied access.

    In order to allow access to the folder to all users, even those who do not have an account on the local computer, you need to add the same group to the list All. To do this, press the button Change:

    Click Add:

    Adding a group All and press OK.

    Attention! It is NOT necessary to search for a group in the list of groups and users. You can simply write the word “Everything” with your hands - always with a capital letter.

    Each folder has its own instructions. The created rules protect and prevent data loss, which, unfortunately, often causes problems for the user. Very often, when deleting, moving, or trying to launch some folders, users may encounter the restriction “You do not have permission to access this folder.” In this article we will tell you what to do and how to unlock access to resources in Windows (7, 8, 10).

    Main reason for refusal

    Often, the main reason for blocking is a mismatch between the name of the administrator and the owner of the PC or the lack of proper rights to perform the operation. This happens when reinstalling the OS, and especially during the transition from seven to ten or when using several operating systems on a computer. In particularly severe cases, the user tries to change something in the system directories, which is highly undesirable. Is it possible to quickly gain access? Yes, you just need to find the right solution.

    We give permission to access a folder in Windows 10

    Second way

    An alternative option is to repeat steps 1-5 from the previous instructions, but instead of choosing a name, we will set it ourselves. Through the window "Enter the names of the objects to select" You can enter one of the options:

    • users or user;
    • administrators, Administrators, Administrator;
    • Users.

    One of them will definitely do. Make sure you have all permissions for this account.

    If you don't have permission in Windows 7

    With seven everything is much simpler. Going into Safety and selecting the item "Additionally", your account name and Administrators group will be immediately offered. If this does not help you, then in this window select the button "Change", and similarly find or register the owner. Don't forget to set the change for subfolders (this notification appears when there are subfolders in the main folder).

    More complex ways

    In most cases, the previously described methods are quite sufficient, but in particularly severe cases they will not help. You'll have to take a more complicated path - assign an owner to the registry key.

    1. Right-click on the required section and select Permissions.
    2. At the bottom of the window, click “Advanced”.
    3. We indicate the Owner.
    4. Set the required permissions.

    This solution is necessary in situations where installed programs or games are involved. It is assumed that several accounts are used on the computer, and the software is installed for a specific one of them.

    Interacting with the Command Line

    It is immediately necessary to clarify that you need to open the console on behalf of the Administrator, regardless of the running account.

    “takeown” is a command that assigns the current user as the owner (of a folder or file).

    • takeown /f “(file location)”;
    • takeown /f “(path to folder)” /r ​​/d y.

    Here are some illustrative examples:

    • takeown /f “D:Music1.mp3” – for a file;
    • takeown /f “C:Windows” /r /d y – for the folder.

    The “icacls” option is a command that changes permissions on a folder or object. In our case, we are interested in discovering the full set of actions, so we will only talk about them.

    To open full access, use the commands:

    • icacls “(file path)” /grant (username):F /c /l;
    • icacls “(path to folder)” /grant (username):F /t /c /l /q;

    You can use any other group instead of the username. In addition, you can find batch files online that will automatically perform the described procedures.

    In the case of a flash drive

    If you have a similar problem with folders on a flash drive, then changing the owner and permissions does not always solve the problem. The reasons for denial of access may lie in blocking software. For example, antiviruses and, in fact, viruses are often blamed for this. Disabling protection or scanning the system and the flash drive itself can help in this case. If the flash drive is empty, format it.

    If suddenly the steps described above do not help in the case of a flash drive, then you should use special programs to unlock access to files. So, the Unlocker, Uninstall Tool, and Total Commander utilities cope well with the problem. They already provide a mechanism for working with such conditions and restrictions. Any such program must be run as administrator.

    Let's sum it up

    All of the above methods fully solve the blocking “You do not have permission to access this folder” and you now know what to do about it. In any case, remember that Windows activates protection for some folders for a reason. This is especially true for system directories and files located in them. Before deleting, moving or changing, always check the information on such objects.

    Hello again, dear readers! Today we'll talk about fixing the error " Access denied".

    Many of you, probably after reinstalling Windows, encountered the fact that you forgot to copy the “My Documents” folder from the previous system, and when you tried to access it (unless, of course, you deleted it when installing the new OS) you received the message: "Access denied."

    Today, we will talk about how to gain access to such a folder, which (ultimately) will help you save information that is quite valuable to you.

    To begin with, it should be said that to solve this problem, you need to disable simple file sharing and become the owner of the folder, thereby gaining rights to access and change it.

    Solution " Access denied" for 7 / 8 / 10

    It's simple:

    Done, use the daddy, as they say, to your health!

    If you have an old system, then...

    Solution " Access denied" for Windows XP

    1. Click the "Start" button and select "My Computer";
    2. In the "Tools" menu, select the "Folder Options" command and go to the "View" tab;
    3. In the section " Additional options"uncheck" Use simple file sharing(recommended)" and click the "OK" button;
    4. Right-click the icon of the folder whose owner you want to change and select the "Properties" command;
    5. Open the "Security" tab and click the "OK" button if a security message appears;
    6. Click the "Advanced" button and go to the "Owner" tab;
    7. In the "Name" column, highlight your user name, the "Administrator" entry (if you were logged in using the "Administrator" account), or the "Administrators" group. To take ownership of the contents of a folder, select the " Replace owner of subcontainers and objects";
    8. Click "OK";
      You may receive the following error message (folder is the name of the folder whose owner you want to change): "You do not have permission to read the contents of the folder. Do you want to change the permissions for this folder so that you have Full Control rights? All permissions will be changed if you click the button "Yes"";
    9. Click the "Yes" button;
    10. Then, click "OK" and configure security settings for the folder and its contents.

    Let's move on to the option for more modern operating systems.


    That's it, it's simple;)

    If you have any questions, write them in the comments, because initially the article was written for Windows XP users, and then it was supplemented to meet the needs of modern users (therefore, there may be some shortcomings).

    See you on our wave! ;)