• How to write if your VKontakte personal account is closed. VKontakte messages. We reveal all the possibilities of “VK” dialogues

    Hello, today we will analyze another trick that can be performed on the Vkontakte social network. We'll talk about how you can send a message to yourself. Sometimes this trick comes in handy. For example, you are sitting at work, you have found some information you need and do not want to write it down on a flash drive or paper. Just take it and write it to yourself. Come home and read it. Moreover, this information will always be stored in your dialogues.

    I think it’s pointless to list all the advantages of this function, because everyone will have their own. So let's get straight to practice. There are two ways to send a text. In the first case, it will be read immediately, and in the second, it will be marked as unread.

    Sending a message to yourself in the first way

    Go to your page and in the left column of the menu click on the “My Messages” link:

    At the next stage, enter yourself in the “Recipient” field:

    We write and click on the “Submit” button:

    You will immediately open a dialogue with yourself, which will already contain the text that you sent. It will already be listed as read.

    Method 2.

    Everything is also quite simple, so there’s not much to explain there. You go to your friends list. If you look closely, next to each friend there is a link “Write a message...”.

    We find ourselves friends with our friend and click opposite on the “Write a message” link:

    Many people are able to navigate the site “with their eyes closed,” but for beginners it is sometimes difficult to understand the menu. For example, how to write a message in VKontakte is not as simple a question for them as for experienced users. This “science” is very simple, but no one was born with this knowledge.

    How to send a message in VKontakte

    There are several options:

    1. Go to the page of the person you want to write to, click under the avatar on “Send a message”. But there is a nuance here. If you are not on his friends list, and his privacy settings indicate that only friends can write, then this button will not appear. There will only be “Add as friend”. In this case, you can send a message only after a friend request and its approval. The situation is similar for users who carry out, but they not only cannot write a letter, but also ask to be friends.
    2. If you've already messaged someone before and just forgot how to get into the conversations, click on the "My Messages" link in the menu on the left. All conversations you've had recently will open. On the left are avatars, opposite each is the last message. Click on the desired line and the dialogue will open completely.
    3. Use the mini-chat. To do this, click on the small blue square with a number in the lower right corner of the page. The number means the number of friends who are online. Select a contact and you can start communicating in a small dialog box without interrupting other activities on the site. For example, you can watch a video at the same time.
    4. Go to the “My Friends” menu and on the right you will see the “Write a message” link.

    You can also write to several friends at the same time by creating a chat. To do this, in the dialog window with one contact, at the top, click “Actions” and “Add interlocutors”, select people for chat, set the name of the conversation and click “Create conversation”.

    How to read a message in VKontakte

    If you're online, you'll hear a beep when you receive a new email. If it was sent from a chat, the text will pop up on the right. On the left, in the “My Messages” section, a number will be shown with the number of unread messages. If something arrived while you were offline, you will see this number anyway. Click on the section and you will be taken to dialogues where you can read the message.

    Is it possible to restore messages in Contact?

    Unfortunately, this is not possible, which is what the support service warns about. The only option is to ask to send a copy of your opponent’s correspondence if he hasn’t deleted it either. Another option: if you do not have notifications turned off, copies of letters are sent to your email. Try searching there, if they are not too long, get copies.

    The programs and services that are offered online will only help you acquire viruses or lose money, but not restore your correspondence, so be careful.

    Video and audio messages in VKontakte

    Alas, VKontakte does not have an interesting function - to record a video or audio message, as in Odnoklassniki. But you can send in the application: an audio, video file, photo, gift, card or document.

    The recipient will be able to watch the video or photo and listen to the audio directly in the dialog box. While in the dialog window, click in the lower right corner of the text field, click on the “Attach” link, select the file type, upload it from your computer and you can send.

    Almost every person these days uses social networks - VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook or some others. However, many of us are not even aware of some of the convenient features that these social networks have, but do not directly advertise them. One of these useful features for many on the social network vk.com (VKontakte) is the function sending a message to yourself.

    The importance of this option is difficult to underestimate, because everyone probably has a friend who periodically sends you messages with a comment like: “This is me, so as not to forget.” If this is true, then show him this article and he will no longer distract you with useless messages. And you yourself, so as not to forget or lose something, you can simply send it as a regular message in VK to yourself - it’s very convenient, like a notebook, always available to you - whether from a computer or from a phone.

    It's about how to write to yourself on VK we will tell you today in this article. Well or to myself, yes.

    But the majority of people liked the new version of the design of the social network we all love and will probably remain in this form for many years to come. But let's get down to business - sending a VKontakte message to yourself.

    So, we know at least three ways to open a dialogue with yourself (no matter how strange it may sound;)) and one way to do this in an application from a mobile phone. Choose and use the one that is more convenient for you. Despite the fact that in 2018 and 2019 the design of the social network and branded applications underwent changes more than once, all of the above methods of writing to yourself on VK remained working.

    Find yourself in VKontakte messages

    Perhaps the easiest and fastest way to open a chat with yourself is to find your profile in your own messages on VK. You can do this even if you don’t have any messages from yourself yet.

    Just go to the tab "Messages" on the left side of any VKontakte page and type your name in the search bar at the top. Find yourself in the search results and click on the line with your profile - a dialogue with yourself will open in front of you. Have a great conversation!

    Link with dialogue about your id

    This method can sometimes be even faster than the previous one, but if you decide to use it, then you need to know your VKontakte ID (). In order to write a message to yourself in VK in this way, simply log in to the vk.com website and paste the following address into the address bar of your browser.


    Where instead of asterisks, substitute your numeric ID. As a result, a dialogue will open in front of you in which you can write to yourself.

    Find yourself with your friend

    This method is a little longer, but if suddenly the first two for some reason stop working, it wouldn’t hurt to know it as a backup, so to speak. In principle, everything here is also very simple. Let's talk point by point

    How to write to yourself from your phone in the VK application

    If you do not visit the vk.com website from your computer very often and prefer to use this social network only through an application from an iPhone or Android mobile phone, then writing a message to yourself in this case will also not be particularly difficult. You can do this as follows.

    As you can see, writing a message to yourself via phone is no more difficult than in the regular browser version of the vk.com website.

    It is enough to do one of the above actions once, after which the conversation with yourself will be displayed in the general list of VKontakte dialogues in the same way as a conversation with any other user.

    Why might you need to write a message to yourself on a social network? There are a lot of options, and surely everyone will find a use for this function to suit their needs. It is worth noting that letters to yourself can contain not only simple text messages, you can also share music, photos, documents with yourself, and even repost your favorite entries in your personal chat. Try it, it's actually very convenient.


    Create a new VKontakte account. To do this, you will also need a mobile phone and a mailbox that is not linked to the site - according to VKontakte rules, you cannot have two accounts. Log out from the site and click the “Register” button. You will have to enter your first and last name, gender, school where you studied and university (you can skip these steps if you are going to use the new account just to write a letter), then click “Complete registration”. Enter your mobile phone number along with the code. You will receive a four-digit code via SMS. By entering the received code, you can become a new user and write a message. Of course, you have no guarantee that your new account will not be blacklisted as well.

    In order to remove yourself from the user's black list, you need to have the person go to http://vk.com/settings.php?act=delFromBlackList&id=***, where *** is your id (you you can find it out by going to your page and looking in the address bar). For example, you can persuade a friend to send him this link. After a site user clicks on it, he will automatically remove you from the blacklist, and you can write to him. However, there is a caveat: he will notice that he unbanned you, and if he wants, he can deny you access to his page back.

    In a similar way, you can get out of the group’s blacklist “ VKontakte" Just send the administrator a link http://vk.com/groups.php?act=unban&gid=***&id=###, where *** will be (it can also be in the address bar while on the group page, and ## # – your id. The administrator will also receive a notification that he is a user from the ban list, but if there are many people on the black list, you are unlikely to be identified and banned again.

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    • VKontakte blacklist

    Who in our time can not cope with such a task as writing and sending an SMS message, if a mobile phone has already become something like a third hand for people? In fact, some cell phone users who have recently purchased a telephone actually have such problems, and they simply ignore this convenient feature, preferring only to make phone calls.


    First of all, go to your menu. Find the "Messages" item, select "Create message" or "New message". Type your message by pressing the buttons with the corresponding letters. If your keyboard does not have Russian letters, then this is not a problem - you will get used to their location after a couple of sent messages.
    By the way, you should not ignore the possibility of writing messages in Latin letters. The fact is that a message in Latin characters allows you to type 160 characters, and in Russian - much less.

    To avoid having to manually dial the recipient again, fill your phone book with the most frequently used numbers. Now you can quickly find the message to which you need a message, and in addition, you will know who exactly wrote the message to you if his number is in your phone book.

    Start your message with a greeting and end with a signature so that the person knows exactly who wrote the message. Compose your message correctly, following the rules of an email, but keep it very brief.

    Use a program such as Internet Explorer to set a new VKontakte theme or return to the standard view. Find the Tools menu, select Internet Options. Find the "General" tab and the "Appearance" section.

    You need to check the box where there is the item “Design using a custom style”. Then click the Browse button and open the file that you saved earlier. Next, click “OK”. Restart your browser. Now you can go to the VKontakte website. If you want to remove the background, uncheck the box next to “Design using a custom style.”

    Download the Stylish program for a new VKontakte design using the Mozilla Firefox browser. You need a browser and copy the text for the selected design. When entering Stylish, you need to create a “VKontakte” style. Write any text in the “Description” field. In the lower field you need to insert text from the file that contains the table in the form of a cascade. Then save this and restart the browser. Next you need to go to the VKontakte website.

    If you need to turn off this add-on, you can find Stylish in the Tools -> Add-ons menu. Click on it, then select “Disable” and “Delete” - everything will be as before.

    Use the Opera browser if you need to remove or add a new background to your page. Having gone into the settings of this browser, you need to select the item called “Advanced”. Find "Content", then "Style Options" and "Presentation Modes". In the “My Table” field, check the box.

    Copy the text from the table of the selected format, open Notepad and paste this text into it. Now you need to save the file under your name, with the css extension. Go to VKontakte and right-click on the background of this. You will see the name of the item “Change site settings”. Go to “View”, select “Browse” and find this file - you saved the table in it. Click OK. All that's left is yours.

    If you need to remove the background, on the “View” tab, find “Settings” and uncheck the box next to “Enable form styling” - this way you delete the path to the style file (css). Click "OK" and restart your browser.

    Video on the topic


    • how to remove a topic on VKontakte

    "" is one of the most famous, frequently visited and popular social networks. There is even a joke: “you don’t exist if you don’t exist on VKontakte.” This network is used by schoolchildren, students, and graduates. In order for you to find as many of your acquaintances and friends as possible, you need to fill out information about yourself as completely as possible.


    Log in to your account using your name and open the main page. All necessary data can be filled in two ways. The first one is on the left, directly under your photo, you can see the inscription “edit page”, click on it. The window that opens will have several tabs, you need the “education” tab. Next, open “higher education.” Before you are two fields “country” and “city”. First, select the country in which you studied, then the city. If your city is not in the proposed list, then enter it manually. After entering the city, the remaining fields will become available for you to fill out. Select the university on the next line, keep in mind that the same educational institution on VKontakte may have different names (KSMU and KSMI, KSPU and South-West State University). Next, indicate the faculty where you studied, the department and the last item - the year of graduation. After you have made all the necessary changes, save the data. To do this, at the very bottom of the page, click on the “save” button.

    Check the saved changes, go to the main page, on the right in your personal information you will see the “education” block. If you did everything correctly, the block will be filled. If for any reason the information you entered is missing, you will have to enter it again. To do this, you can use the first method or change your data by clicking on the “edit” button, which is located at the top of the “education” block. In the same way, select your higher education and enter your details. Don't forget to save your changes.

    If you do not want other users to see information about where you studied, click “ ” in the upper right corner. Open the privacy window. Opposite the line “Who sees basic information”, set a restriction: “only friends”, “friends and friends of friends”, “only me”, “everyone except...” or “some friends”. Only those users for whom you grant access will see your information.

    Video on the topic

    "" is the largest Russian social network, one of the most visited sites on the Runet, and is one of the fifty most visited sites in the world. “VKontakte” allows the user to create his own personal profile with information about himself, interact with other users, both through groups and meetings, and directly, through personal messages.

    You will need


    Find the right person.If the person you want to send message, is with you, find it in your friends list by following the “My friends” link on the main page of your account. For the convenience of searching for friends in the list, there is a special search field (above the list), where you just need to enter a few letters of the last name or first name, and it doesn’t matter whether they are Latin letters or not - the site itself converts them into the desired layout. If the person you are looking for is no, find him using the people search engine on website. To do this, click the icon in the upper right corner of the interface and select the “Search” section. A section will open in which you can set the necessary parameters to find the right person.

    Send message.When the person you are looking for is found, go to his page. Immediately below your avatar you will see a “Submit” icon message" Click on it and a dialog box will open into which you can enter text. After typing the required text, click “Submit”. The message “Your” will light up on the screen. message successfully sent to (person's name)."

    Track what you sent message m.To find out if it has arrived message to the recipient and whether he read it, go to the “My Messages” section. You will see a list. Select a dialogue with the recipient you need, click on it. The message feed will open. If your last one appeared message, which means it successfully reached the recipient. Determine whether there was message or not, you can by the color with which it is highlighted: unread message highlighted in blue, read in white.

    Video on the topic

    Useful advice

    You can attach additional materials to the message: photographs, documents, audio and video recordings. This is done using the “Attach” button in the message typing window.
    - In the “My Messages” section, the dialog mode can be changed to the mode of displaying individual messages, then each message will be displayed separately.


    • how to forward messages on VKontakte

    You will need

    • - Internet access;
    • - browser;
    • - FTP manager.


    Register at http://webmaster.yandex.ru/ in order to gain access to statistics on indexing your site in the Yandex search engine. If you have already received “Yandex Passport” before, then you will only need to log in to the service using your “Passport” login and password. Otherwise, you will have to go through the full registration procedure.

    Add your site to the webmaster.yandex.ru service by clicking the “Add site” button located closer to the upper left corner of the service control panel. Please note that subdomains will have to be added separately..site”, then they will need to be added one by one.

    Confirm your rights to the site by placing the text file suggested by the system in the root of the site directory. This can be done using the site management web interface or using an FTP manager by connecting to the root directory using the FTP data transfer protocol. To confirm rights to manage a domain and website, you can choose another method, but placing a text file is one of the simplest and safest.

    Wait for your site to be added to the service. This service is updated hourly, and the Yandex search engine is updated with their pages, so do not expect instant results - it may take some time.

    Make sure the site has been added to the service. If during adding you received a message from the system saying that the site was not added to the service because its indexing is prohibited, then you can be sure that the site is banned by Yandex.

    Send a letter to Platon, the Yandex search engine user support service, if you are still not sure that sanctions have been applied to your site.

    Video on the topic

    Please note

    “Black methods of promotion” (“Black SEO”) is a guaranteed way for a site to get banned.

    Useful advice

    If you have removed all “prohibited elements” from the pages of the site and want it to be included in the index again, write to “Plato” (Yandex user support service) and, perhaps, the site will be removed from the ban.


    • Ban is not a sentence in 2019

    Through registration, the state can control population migration. In this case, a distinction is made between temporary (with a specific date of registration of a person) and permanent registration. Failure to comply with the established registration regime will result in fines.

    You will need

    • - computer;
    • - printer.


    The registration certificate is issued at the passport office. This applies to both temporary and permanent registration. In this case, permanent registration is issued in the form of a stamp. This stamp contains standard information (city and line name) and empty columns that are filled in by an authorized person at the passport office (registration location, date, signature).

    Complete the document form if you are the authorized person to create a certificate of temporary registration. In the upper right corner, as a rule, there is: “Appendix 3 to the instructions, form No. 3.” Next, a little lower, write in the middle of the document: “Certificate No.” Please indicate the document number next to it.

    Print under the above title, in a smaller font: “about registration at the place of stay.” After that, write on the red line: “Issued.” In this line you will need to enter by hand the full name, place and date of birth of the person to whom such a certificate will need to be issued. Next, write on a new line “that it was registered from,” and next to it indicate from what date and until what date the registration certificate will be valid.

    Mark the address where the recipient of this document will live. To do this, write “at the address”, then put a colon and indicate the address (city, street, house and apartment number). At the same time, if a citizen (recipient of temporary registration) has children and they live with him, then this must also be noted in this certificate.

    Indicate on the basis of which document the registration certificate will be issued (for example, on the basis of a passport). Next, write down all the important ones (series, number, date of issue and by which authorities it was issued).

    Write which authorities issue this document (full name of your company). Apply your stamp and signature. Please indicate your full name and work phone number next to it.

    Video on the topic


    To remove yourself from another user’s ban list, create a link http://vkontakte.ru/settings.php?act=delFromBlackList&id=****, where **** is your id. Next, send it to the user who blacklisted you. Of course, you don’t need to do this from your page; it’s better to register under a different name or ask one of your friends to do this. Your task is to get the user to follow this link; for this you need to interest him. Add text to the link, for example, with the following content: “Where are you?” or “Look what they write about you!” If a user clicks on this link, you will automatically be removed from their ban list and will be able to view their page and send them messages.

    To remove yourself from the black list (ban list) of a group, create a link http://vkontakte.ru/groups.php?act=unban&gid=XXXX&id=****, where ХХХХ is the group id, and **** is your id. Next, send it to the group leader. Of course, you don’t need to do this from your page; it’s better to register under a different name or ask one of your friends to do this. To interest the administrator, add intriguing text to the link, for example: “Have you seen what they write about your group?” or something else, the main thing is that it prompts the leader (administrator) of the group to follow the link. As soon as he does this, you will automatically be removed from the group’s blacklist and will be able to enter it and view all the information you need.

    If you believe that you have been added to a ban list unjustifiably, please first contact the group administrator to find out the reason why you were placed there. Perhaps your page was accessed by scammers who sent spam or obscene statements from it that you have nothing to do with. If the situation becomes clearer, the group administrator will voluntarily remove you from the blacklist.


    • how to remove from the best contacts

    Almost everyone who registers on the VKontakte website wants their page to look more attractive and interesting. For these purposes, each account contains user information. What and how – everyone chooses for themselves.

    You will need

    • Internet access, presence of your own page on the VKontakte website.


    Go to your page on the VKontakte website, enter your username and password in the appropriate fields when logging in. Next, find information about yourself, it is located on the right side. If necessary, click on the “Show detailed information” link, and then all the components will open in front of you.

    Find the “Personal Information” item in the list that opens. To the right of the inscription, find the inscription “Edit”, printed in gray font. Click on it with the left mouse button once. You will see a page for editing all information about you.

    On the page that opens, find the second window at the top, labeled “Interests” on the left side. Left-click in the field. A small blinking vertical line will appear in it. After that, you can start writing in this empty window.

    In this box you can write everything that is your main activity and hobbies. For example: “I devote myself to working with clients, I enjoy photography and tennis.” You can indicate your main activities separated by commas: “Reading, music, clubs” or “Psychology, KVN, theater.” To characterize, you have the right to use funny words and original phrases: “In my grandmothers’ leisure time, I do paperwork - I write poems.” You can also use various symbols to format the text, edit the height of letters using the “Caps Lock” key, use a Latin font, etc.

    After you finish filling out this field, scroll down the page with your mouse wheel and find the “Save” button under all the fields. Click on it once with the left mouse button. After this, the page will automatically scroll up, and the message “Changes saved” will appear above all the windows in a yellow rectangle. The new data will be reflected on your page." Next, you can go to your page and view the entry about interests in your information.


    • Interests “in contact” for girls. What to write in 2018
    • VKontakte interests in 2018

    Thousands of articles can be found on the Internet talking about what you can write in the “about yourself” section on the “” website. Everyone wants to stand out and come up with something original. However, originality lies within us; there is no need to invent anything, you just have to dream a little.

    You will need

    • - Internet access;
    • - registration on the VKontakte website


    Go to your page on the VKontakte website, filling out the fields that require you to enter a login and password. Next, on the right side of the page, find the “Personal Information” section. To the right of this inscription, find the “Edit” button and click on it once with the left mouse button. After this, you will see a page with fields in which you can enter various information regarding your personality. The “about yourself” field is located at the very bottom. Scroll your mouse wheel down the page and find it. Click in the window with the mouse pointer once with the left button and you can start typing.

    You can tell the truth “about yourself”. What do you do, indicate the main traits of your character (calm, reckless, romantic), write about what you love (I like to read and communicate), etc.

    Many people indicate in their information about themselves their favorite quotes and poems that best describe his personality. If you don’t know such sayings, you can look for them on various websites or in encyclopedias of aphorisms. If you found the phrase you need on the Internet, you can simply copy it into the “about yourself” field. From the book, I'll have to reprint it.

    If you don’t want to write the truth about yourself, then made-up information will do just fine. It can be humorous, erotic, frightening, etc. The main thing is to start composing. However, you can also use some templates. For example, “name, height, weight, mileage, impact force, etc.”

    If you want, you can not indicate anything at all about yourself, leaving this field empty. Or build a drawing from various signs and symbols. To do this, you can use various sites that contain a huge number of different pictures.

    After you fill out the field about yourself, find the “Save” button under it and click on it once with the left mouse button. After a few seconds, the information will be saved, and the message “Changes saved” will appear at the top of the page. New data will be reflected on your page."


    • What should a girl write about herself in contact?
    • what to write in contact on your page

    Sometimes someone who used to be a friend becomes a stranger or even an enemy. And I want to isolate myself from his excessive attention on social networks. It’s a shame, but with the expansion of the information space, this need arises more and more often.

    You will need

    • - registered account on the social network “Vkontakte”.


    Open the VKontakte social network in your preferred browser. Enter your username and password in the fields provided if you are not already logged into your account. You will be taken to your VKontakte page.

    If the person you want to add to your blacklist is among your friends, you must first remove him from there. To do this, on the left, under the inscription “VKontakte”, select the “My Friends” tab. Click on it with the mouse once. A page will open with a list of all the people you have added as friends. Find the person you intend to delete, for which you can use the search: enter a few letters of his first or last name into the search bar. The system will display the person you are looking for, click on the inscription “Remove from friends”.

    Then you should return to your main page. To do this, select the “My Page” tab on the left and click on it once with the mouse. People removed from friends are included in your subscribers. Find the item “My subscribers” under your photo and click on it.

    In the window that opens, you will see everyone who has ever been removed from friends, as well as everyone whose friend request was rejected. If they haven't unsubscribed from your feeds themselves, they will show up in your subscribers. Select the person you want to add to your blacklist.

    Hover your mouse over the person's photo and hold it there for a few seconds. The “Enlarge” message will pop up at the bottom so you can take a closer look at the photo if it is unclear, and a “Lock” cross will appear in the upper right corner of the photo - click on it with the mouse.

    In the “Add to blacklist” window that opens, when asked if you are sure, click the “Continue” button. Now this user will not be able to see your posts, photos, the contents of your page, or write you personal messages.

    Now in the search window, enter the last name and first name of any of your friends or acquaintances and send him a friend request. Now, when your friends list grows, you can write messages to these users. To send any text, audio or video to your friend, find him in your friends list and click on his name. This user's page will open in front of you. On the left you will see the main photo of the person, and under it there will be a button: “Send a message.” Click on this button and a dialog box will appear in front of you, into which you can enter any text you want. In the lower left corner of this window you will see the following inscription: “Send”, and in the right: “Attach”. If you only need to send a text to your friend, click on the first button, and if you want to send him some document, song or video, click on the second button. Select the “Attach” function and you will see the following inscriptions: “Photo”, “Document”, “Audio”, “Video”, “Map”. By selecting one of the functions, you can send a message to your friend with the corresponding attachment.

    In addition to exchanging messages with your friends, you can send messages to other VKontakte users who are not on your friends list. Find any user, open his page by left-clicking on his last name and first name. On the left, under the person’s photo, you will see the inscription: “Send a message.” By repeating the steps described above, you can write a letter to this user. However, there are people who block messaging access for strangers. In this case, try first sending such a person a friend request, and then, if he accepts it, write him messages.

    Try not to write about your feelings on Vkontakte - it’s better to say such things in person. However, you can show sympathy with hints (“It was nice to meet you,” “We had a great time together”). It is advisable to talk about yourself in passing, touching on the topic that you are discussing in correspondence. If a girl tells you that she attended a poetry evening, you can tell about your favorite poets or your favorite hobby.

    Beautiful compliments

    Girls love with their ears - says the wisdom. A compliment can shorten the distance between you and. However, you need to take into account the fact that women cannot stand platitudes. It is advisable to praise the girl for her real dignity. She will be doubly pleased if the compliment is directed at her character and not her appearance. This method of communication will be more effective the more it matches your character. If in life you also often say tender, sincere words to girls, then your VKontakte messages will have great weight.

    Not just messages

    It is advisable to use additional social network services. This method of communication can bring a girl many pleasant moments and win her over. Leave smart sayings and links to events on the girl’s wall. “Like” her photos and her friends’ photos. Give the girl “gifts”. To purchase them you will need “Vkontakte votes”, but the money spent will tell a lot about you. The girl will understand that you care about her, and you will stand out from the mass of her fans.

    To my beloved girl

    If you are in a relationship or marriage, pleasant words can greatly bring you closer, especially in moments of separation.

    Use words that only you understand - your girlfriend will like this even more and will create in her a feeling of your strong emotional connection. Also use your old photos as attachments to your message, and post your favorite songs to the “wall.”

    Your votes are at your own expense. Periodic data reconciliation will help you stop illegal actions in a timely manner. If you notice any inconsistencies, immediately change the password for your page and contact the social network administration using the link located under the vote statistics. You can also contact us here if you have technical problems, for example, if the purchased votes have not been credited to your account. . At the end of the procedure, click the “Save” button.

    The developers of the social network allow you to change your first and last name only a limited number of times. In the future, the account owner will need to confirm its reality and authenticity. To change the surname, passport data is sent, which is photographed on separate files. This fact allows administrators to ensure the relevance and confidentiality of information. Next, you are asked to select a first and last name, which will always be displayed in the profile field. You can change data only for pages to which the phone is linked. Otherwise the user will be blocked. You can link your phone to a page only once. In the future, the number is remembered and completely blocked for re-registration. Therefore, it is best to choose your first and last name unambiguously and irrevocably, which will avoid unnecessary complications and problems.

    Video on the topic

    The issue is quite controversial; using the standard means provided by the VKontakte website, it is impossible to send an anonymous message; the first and last name of the author of the message is always displayed. We will not describe why this is necessary; everyone is guided by their own conjectures. In this case, only improvisation or third-party services will help, which I will discuss later.

    P.S. On November 5, it became possible to add anonymous posts to the wall, read how to do this

    Creating a left account

    To write to any person without him recognizing you, you need to register a VKontakte page with an unreal first and last name and write from this account. You can only send a message if the recipient has access to receive messages from third parties.
    You can write any message you want, and the user will not be able to understand who is writing to him, this way you ensure your anonymity.

    Anonymous message services VKontakte

    There are various services that allow you to send a message to a user without specifying their first and last name. I will warn you right away that your message will most likely be automatically added to the wall of the service group and those who are members of this community will be able to read it. However, your identity will remain unknown to the recipient and the goal will actually be achieved.

    For you, I decided to explore several services to offer you the best option for sending anonymous messages. But the results were disastrous. None of the currently proposed solutions work. Let's look at everything in order.

    Anonymous reporting site MSGVK doesn't work:

    VkAnon Didn't send a message either. In addition, a banner with advertising constantly pops up on this site, which discourages users from using it.

    Using the service KIDRIS You can send messages anonymously, but through a group. A prerequisite is the presence of a public page in which you are an administrator. I think it’s not exactly what you were looking for, but I’ll still attach a screenshot.

    I found another service, but, unfortunately, it did not send my message. I will present it for review so that you do not suffer in vain. ALLINTOP.

    Let's draw conclusions. I was unable to send an anonymous message using third-party programs. Perhaps this is due to the introduction and somehow affected the functionality of the presented programs. If you are aware of working services, please write in the comments. Thank you for your attention!