• How to adjust screen resolution on Windows 8. Changing screen resolution on Windows. Manually changing screen resolution

    When choosing a monitor, video card, tablet or phone, the technical specifications often indicate the parameter Screen resolution. What kind of animal is this? Let’s consider this question in more detail and try together with you to windows 8 change screen resolution.

    Let's briefly look at the main characteristics:

    Screen resolution- the number of dots (pixels) that fit in length and width on our monitor or tablet screen. The higher the resolution, the higher the clarity of our image. For example, a resolution of 1024 * 768 means that our image consists of 1024 pixels in length and 768 in width. But if we have a small monitor, then there is no point in setting a high resolution since the image at a very high resolution will seem very small, and it is difficult something to consider in it. Especially on netbooks with small screen sizes, setting the maximum resolution, icons and text will be microscopic.

    So as not to be confused screen size And screen resolution these are two different parameters.

    Screen size- the diagonal size of our monitor (tablet, phone, TV) and is measured in inches. The distance from the upper right corner to the lower left is the diagonal. Accordingly, the larger the screen we have, the higher we can set the resolution. But even with a large screen size, if our video card does not support normal resolution, we will not be able to admire high-quality video on the monitor. It is also very important that the video card is connected to the monitor using an HDMI cable.

    HDMI— digital video interface for transmitting high-definition and high-resolution video. Mostly modern TVs are connected. The cable length can be 20-35 meters.

    Another important parameter is - Dot size (pixel) depends on physical screen size, for example a monitor or phone, where Dot size (pixel)- measured in mm, or in DPI - generally accepted international measure.

    DPI - the number of points that fit in one inch of area. Those. for example, with a resolution of 1024*768 on a 17-inch monitor, 1 inch will fit 75.294 pixels (pixels), and the size of 1 pixel will be equal to 0.337 mm.

    Optimal resolutions for the most popular screen sizes:

      19" screen (standard): 1280 x 1024 pixels

      20" screen (standard): 1600 x 1200 pixels

      22" screen (wide): 1680 x 1050 pixels

      24" screen (widescreen): 1900 x 1200 pixels

    Having mastered the basic concepts of screen resolution, learn how to change resolution on windows 8.1:

    Method 1:

    On the desktop, right-click on a free area of ​​the screen. A menu opens, in this menu we select the line screen resolution.

    A window will open in front of us screen settings. select an item Permission and select the resolution we need. And then click the save button

    Method 2:

    From panel Metro

    We move the mouse to the upper right corner, it appears control Panel. Let's select a section Options.

    Let's choose to change computer settings.

    In the window that appears, select the section Screen, and use the mouse to indicate the resolution we need

    Screen resolution determines the clarity of text and images displayed on the screen. At higher resolutions, such as 1920x1080 pixels (Full HD), objects appear sharper. In addition, objects appear smaller, and more of them can fit on the screen. At lower resolutions, such as 1024x768 pixels, fewer objects fit on the screen, but they appear larger.

    Typically, the larger the monitor, the higher resolution it supports. The ability to increase screen resolution depends on the size and capabilities of the monitor, as well as the type of video adapter used.

    There are several ways to change the screen resolution:

    1 Using standard Windows tools.

    2 Using third-party utilities (usually when installing drivers on a video card, you already install a program in which you can change image settings).

    Change screen resolution using standard Windows tools.

    In order to change the screen resolution in Windows7/Windows 8.1, you need to right-click on the desktop and select " Screen resolution".

    In the line " Permission"Using the slider you can select the required screen resolution.

    After selecting the resolution, you must press the " Apply", a window will appear prompting you to save the settings if you do not press within 15 seconds "Save changes", resolution settings are not saved. This is done to be able to automatically return the settings to the previous ones, so if you select the wrong screen resolution, click the Apply button and everything disappears/distorts the image, then after waiting 15 seconds everything will come back and you will understand that the selected resolution is not suitable for your monitor .

    In addition, you can change the frequency of the picture changing on the screen, to do this, click " Additional options", go to the tab " Monitor" and in the Monitor settings field select Screen refresh rate.

    Change screen resolution with third-party programs.

    Often, when installing drivers on a video card, in addition to the driver, a program is installed that helps adjust the image on the monitor. In particular, if you have an Nvidia video card, then you probably have the Nvidia Control Panel. In order to launch this panel, you need to right-click on the desktop and select " NVIDIA Control Panel"or launch it from the taskbar (the icon will be near the clock).

    How to change screen resolution

    12/15/2013  windows | for beginners

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    Hello, Friends! Today we will figure out how to change the screen resolution in Windows.

    This is done simply. On an empty space on the desktop, right-click and select “Screen Resolution”

    The “Screen Settings” window opens. In the “Resolution” field, open the drop-down list and select the recommended one (in my laptop it is 1366 x 768)

    The recommended resolution of a monitor or laptop screen can be found in the specification for the device (Usually the recommended resolution is written on the product box. If there is no box, you can look it up on the equipment manufacturer’s website by searching by model. The model of the laptop or monitor is usually written on the device case).

    Resolution is the number of pixels displayed horizontally and vertically on your screen. The resolution directly determines how much useful information you will see on the screen and what size this information will be (about size, see the second paragraph of this article - how to enlarge the image).

    0 0

    Changing the screen resolution plays an important role in Windows 8. A higher resolution allows you to see more tiles on the Start screen, but a lower resolution will allow you to see text better. Connecting an external monitor or TV means you'll want to adjust the resolution as well as which screen has which desktop.

    You can get to the Screen Resolution window from your desktop.

    If on the Start screen, click Windows Key. Otherwise, skip this step Press Windows Key + D to clear the desktop Right click on an empty space and click change resolution

    Right-click anywhere on your desktop and select Change Resolution.

    You can also get there from the control panel. Once in the Control Panel, under Appearance and Personlization, select Adjust Screen Resolution.

    Adjust the Screen Resolution section is what you...

    0 0

    The procedure for changing screen resolution is familiar to most Windows users, but some of the nuances of this operation remain unknown even to experienced users. Therefore, let's once again answer in detail the question of how to change the screen resolution - even if you know how to do this, you will find something new for yourself.

    Windows 7

    Windows 7 users have probably already learned the system inside and out, but sometimes they may have difficulty performing simple actions. So, to change the resolution:

    Right-click on the desktop and go to the “Screen Resolution” section. In the “Resolution” line, set the desired value. Save the changes by clicking the "Ok" button.

    It's simple, but some users have problems displaying text and icons after performing this procedure. To avoid such moments, follow the recommendations below:

    Set the resolution that is marked as recommended. Specify the specific meaning...

    0 0

    Types of monitors

    The resolution of your monitor or laptop screen determines the clarity of text or images shown on the display. With a high resolution, for example, 1900x1200 pixels, all objects will look sharper. Also, objects become smaller, and accordingly more of them will fit on the screen. And at a low resolution, for example, 1024x768 pixels, the size of images and text increases, only their clarity becomes worse.

    The available resolution to use depends on the monitor itself. Thus, older CRT monitors usually have a diagonal of 17 inches and only support a resolution of 800x600 or 1024x768 pixels.

    LCD monitors or laptop screens have a diagonal of 17 and above, and also support higher resolutions. And the larger the monitor itself, the higher the resolution it can support. The ability to increase screen resolution depends on the diagonal of the monitor, as well as on the video adapter used.

    How to change...

    0 0

    A lot of users of the new operating system from Microsoft complain that they can’t figure out how to change the screen resolution, because the feature has disappeared from “Personalization”:

    Some people somehow begin to get used to the incorrect screen resolution, others begin to demolish Windows and return to the old 7/8.1, and we will try to explain how this can still be done on Windows 10, and even in several different ways. We want to say right away that there is no point in getting used to the wrong resolution. You should use the capabilities of your laptop or computer for as long as it is designed for, so if a problem arises, it must be addressed immediately.

    You will not be able to change the screen resolution from “Personalization” 100 percent. In order to do this without leaving “Settings”, you need to click on the gear and you will be taken to the updated “Control Panel”:

    It currently only has 9 submenus, but with updates it will...

    0 0

    Question: Screen resolution does not change on Windows 8.1

    I updated the video card drivers and during the update the screen resolution changed, the resolution became 1024x768 and cannot be changed.

    Answer: Roll back the driver. Newer is not always better

    Question: Screen resolution is not normal

    Video card: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4500 Series
    Drivers are installed.
    I had Windows 7, updated it to 10. The resolution was gone, instead of 1368x768 I now have 1024x768, I thought it was a driver problem, I updated it, installed it, everything is as it should be.
    The problem was not resolved.

    Added after 30 minutes
    The video card is detected in the device manager, but when you look at the adapter in the panel where the resolution changes, it shows the Windows adapter

    Answer: Install the driver for the video card from the laptop manufacturer's website. Provided that there is a driver for win10. Drivers from the AMD website are often not suitable for AMD video cards in laptops.

    Question: Change INI file depending on screen resolution


    GIVEN: The start.exe program displays a background image and two columns of text. The program settings are saved in the start.ini file. In the settings, among other things, the parameters of the path to the file with the picture, the location and size of the columns with text are specified. Files in one directory. Everything works as it should. But after changing the monitor screen resolution (or if, for example, you run the program on another computer with a different resolution), the text appears shifted, including off the screen. In order for the text to be displayed correctly, you have to manually adjust start.ini and then restart the program. Resolutions can be very different from the popular ones, for example: 1024x768,1280x1024,1920x1080.

    TASK: Automate the screen resolution check and, if necessary, make changes to the parameters in start.ini before starting start.exe, run start.exe. The text that appears on the screen should look correct.

    I assume that in order for the text to look correct, the body file should contain parameters tested at different resolutions, which are selected depending on the current resolution. I take on the task of testing). Help please. Thank you.)

    The part of start.ini that has to be changed manually on a regular basis (after the "=" sign) is given below.

    ; Path to the background image. It is advisable to specify the full path.
    ; Allowable time of user inactivity, sec. (accuracy 5 sec)

    ; Parameters of the first column x+150

    ; Parameters of the second column x+150


    Message from alpap

    Windows Batch file
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 @echo off rem Put here all options.ini with the corresponding name, for example 1366x768.ini (x is a Latin letter), any path set "rein=C:\papka" for /f "skip=3 tokens=1,2 delims= " %%i in ( "powershell "Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_DesktopMonitor | select-object -property screenwidth, screenheight"") do ( for %%a in (" %rein%\*.ini") do ( rem path C:\ continue to the folder where .ini is located if %%~ix%%~j==%% ~ na copy /y " %%~a ""C:" ) ) pause

    Either wmic is out of fashion, or the party was a success...

    Message from taurusspb

    I need the batch file to determine the current resolution of the monitor screen...


    Windows Batch file
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 @echo off setlocal set "js=javascript:close(new ActiveXObject(" set "js= %js% "Scripting.FileSystemObject)" set "js= %js% .GetStandardStream(1).Write(" set "js= %js% screen.width+"x"+screen.height));" for /f %%i in ( "mshta " %js% "^| findstr x") do ( if " %%i " equ "" ( echo :An error has been occurred. goto :eof ) echo :Screen resolution: %%i if not exist " %~dp0PAPKA\%% i.exe"( echo :Unsupported screen resolution. goto :eof ) " %~dp0\PAPKA\%% i.exe") endlocal exit /b

    Question: Screen resolution is not set

    The problem is this: the IBM thinkpad 600e laptop cannot be set to a screen resolution lower than 1024x768. It costs windows xp sp2. There is a choice to set only the resolution to 1024x768 and 800x600. But when using 800x600, black fields appear around the screen image. The Windows loading window is always small even at higher resolutions. Before reinstalling windows, the permission was applied. How to do this now? Help please!

    Answer: tramal2016 Does Windows somehow recognize your TV as a monitor? SVGA Monitor or Plug & Play Monitor? How exactly? Click on a free field on the desktop with the right mouse button, then - Screen resolution - Additional parameters - Adapter tab - button List of all modes. There, in the Monitor tab, specify the frequency of 60 Hz and remove the bird - Hide modes that the monitor may not support.
    What modes are available after this?
    Announce your LG TV model.
    Also check the connectors on the VGA cable, maybe you bent one leg by accident?

    Question: Screen resolution changes when turned on

    I've already read similar topics on this forum, but it helped(
    In general, when you turn on the laptop, the resolution changes to the minimum, tell me how to fix it?
    I checked for viruses, the drivers are new.


    Message from Beetlejuice541

    which skype to install

    I would write to them in support...

    Added after 54 seconds

    Message from Beetlejuice541

    Drivers and Windows are not useful at all

    But you still tried the. install the driver? maybe still on business?
    PS: my sister has the same laptop (not quite, without G), everything is fine... Skype doesn’t change anything. Truth not XP, but 7.

    Question: Why in Windows 7 does a laptop have the same screen resolution as a mobile phone?

    Greetings friends!
    The problem is that friends brought their laptop, they killed Windows, but somehow it was unsuccessful. The point is that when Windows starts, a welcome message appears, everything is fine and then bam, Explorer resets the screen resolution to some fantastically minimal settings. The taskbar stretches across the floor of the screen at the bottom, where only a few icons fit next to the clock, and in the second part of the screen, above the taskbar, only a few icons from the desktop fit. And all this on a monitor with a resolution of 1366x768. I can't manually change the screen settings because I can only see one quarter of any open window and many of the switches are simply hidden off the screen. But when you enter safe mode, everything is fine there. I checked dr.web for viruses - everything is clean. The firewood is all fresh, updated from a safe source, but that’s not the problem. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

    Answer: Phew, gee. In short, I don’t know how this happened, but the problem was in the screen settings, namely in the “Change the size of all elements” parameters - there was a custom increase of as much as 500%! And this is all at a resolution of 800 by 600. I started from safe mode, went to Control Panel > Screen and returned it back to 100%, after that everything fell into place. Now I know how to make fun of my friend hahahaha)

    Question: How to understand the pattern of screen resolution. (16:9) ?

    How to understand the pattern of screen resolution. (16:9)
    For example, 1280x720 and 1920x1080, how can I get other resolutions?
    The same 1600x900, for example, I want to use a resolution somewhere lower than 1280x720 and so that it is 16:9, how do I know what resolution it should be?

    Answer: The lowest resolution used by a computer is 640x360.
    To increase the resolution, add the lowest (640x360).
    P.S. The video card costs NVIDIA GeForce 210

    Answer: ...

    Question: Changing screen resolution

    Laptop fujitsu nh532
    When you close the lid, the screen resolution changes to the minimum, presumably 800x600
    When opened, it returns to normal 1920x1080
    But the labels and window sizes get confused.
    Settings to close the lid - do nothing

    Answer: CheshiresCat, and as you assume, if the lid is closed, presumably look at the power settings of the video card CheshiresCat,
    Can you post screenshots of the power settings (covers, power buttons...)
    If you click on pin icons on the desktop, what happens.
    You can also post icons BEFORE and AFTER closing the lid

    Screen resolution is a customizable virtual parameter on each personal computer that determines the output quality of the transmitted image. Typically, this parameter automatically is selected according to the size and format of the monitor, taking into account its characteristics. But each user can change it to suit their own characteristics and needs.

    What for? influences monitor format:

    • On playable content, as well as the ability to play it.
    • For image quality and clarity.
    • The number of objects that will be displayed on the screen.
    • The size of the black margins on the edge of the output image.

    In addition, it depends on the type of monitor itself number of points per inch. Thus, CRT displays maintain low picture quality, while new types of screens made using LCD technology maintain higher picture quality.

    For example, on old computer and laptops recommended set the monitor resolution to no more than 1280x800 dpi, as this is the optimal indicator for the displayed image on unproductive hardware. As you probably already understood, the quality of the picture depends performance PC. That is why this parameter can be changed by each user.

    How to change resolution in Windows XP, 7, 8

    Change quality to Windows XP:

    Change quality to Windows 7 and 8 occurs according to a similar scheme, only the visual design of the context menu items differs:

    Change resolution in Windows 10

    IN Windows 10 The logic of using the operating system has been almost completely redesigned. In the new version of the OS, you can change the screen format in two ways.

    Using the settings

    Via control panel

    What to do if the resolution does not change

    If the screen resolution does not change in the standard way (via the desktop), then the user should try to enter the item parameter changes via the control panel. Also, the inability to perform the operation may be due to the fact that the monitor does not support selected format.