• How to learn speed reading and develop long-term memory. Speed ​​reading and intelligence development

    Yuri Okunev School

    Hello friends! I am with you, Yuri Okunev.

    Scientists have established a pattern between reading speed and the performance of secondary school students: excellent students, as a rule, read at a speed of 130-170 words per minute, good students are content with a speed of 100-135 words, C students - 90 words per minute and below.

    This is a clear illustration of the fact that it is simply necessary for our children to learn speed reading methods. The topic of our conversation today will be speed reading and exercises for school-age children.

    Your child has known the alphabet for a long time, reads words, but his reading speed still leaves much to be desired. The reason is not his desire/unwillingness, but completely different factors:

    • Undeveloped attention;
    • Weak articulation (diction);
    • Eye regression;
    • Quite a narrow field of view.

    In the previous article, we already discussed in detail each of them. Methodology quick reading for children the goal is to get rid of these side effects.

    What will we work on?

    1. Development of articulation;
    2. Improved attention;
    3. Suppression of regressive eye movements;
    4. Suppression of articulation (visual reading);
    5. Expanding the field of view;
    6. Development of ancipation.

    Methodology of conducting classes

    The optimal regime for speed reading exercises at home is daily exercise for 20 minutes and 5 minutes before bedtime.

    The lesson will look something like this:

    • Articulation warm-up. We read pure twisters and tongue twisters in a whisper and in a full voice. Reading a short text out loud;
    • Main part. Working with Schulte tables;
    • Suppression of articulation. 1-2 exercises;
    • Exercises to correct attention;
    • Exercises to combat regression(on initial stage) or for the development of antecedents (in subsequent classes);
    • Reading with an adult for accelerated speed development;
    • The final part. Drawing based on the text read.

    Before going to bed, spend five minutes reading with retelling (the child reads a short text and retelling it in his own words), or buzz reading.

    Articulation warm-up (exercises)

    1. Consonants. We ask the student to take a full breath, exhaling, he pronounces a series of 15 consonant sounds: F, Ш, Л, В, Ш, К, Т, С, П, Н, Г, Ж, Б, Н, Р.
    2. Blow out the candle. Let the child take in more air into his lungs and blow out one large imaginary candle. Now let’s blow out 3 small candles: exhale air in three portions;
    3. The elevator started moving. An adult and a child are in an imaginary elevator that moves from the first floor to the tenth. We call the floors loudly, raising our voices more and more each time. We name the numbers clearly, without swallowing the endings. We reached the last floor - we went down, gradually lowering our voices.

    Visual field development

    It has been proven that the process of reading text consists of:

    • Eye movements;
    • Their stops.

    Moreover, the perception of the text occurs precisely at the second stage. This means that in order to increase reading speed, you need to reduce the number of eye stops, while the field of view should increase as much as possible in order to capture neighboring words and sentences.

    This effect can be achieved by studying with Schulte tables.
    The tables are a grid of 5X5 squares, in which numbers from 1 to 25 are written.
    The student sequentially finds all the numbers for speed.

    The ideal result is to do it in 5 seconds. The secret of this task is that the eyes should always be in the central part of the table, in this case the field of view will be maximum.

    In addition to the field of view, Schulte tables contribute to the development of RAM.

    Regression Suppression

    Regression is the reader's ability to return his eyes to a line that has already been read. Anyone will say that this method of reading is extremely slow and irrational.


    We read the text and cover each word we read with a specially prepared bookmark. By training in this way, you can get rid of regression within a week.

    Articulation suppression

    Articulation is speaking readable text. It is important when a student reads aloud (the less he stumbles, the higher his reading technique), but it is completely unacceptable if we want to achieve a speed of 150 words or more (a person cannot speak at that speed).

    The speed reading technique for children involves the development of visual reading, when articulation is suppressed in every possible way and the text is read with a quick glance of the eyes. It has been established that in this case the quality of text perception sharply increases and the memorization process improves.

    1. To the music. We read the text with the music on; for starters, it’s better to just take the music, without singing. Over time, switch to reading with song accompaniment. Required condition: upon completion, the child must answer questions based on the text.
    2. Bumblebee. The student reads while making a buzzing sound, as if a bumblebee is flying. This is one of the most important exercises in speed reading.
    3. Knock rhythm. We read the text and tap a certain rhythm with a pencil. The rhythm should be learned separately and brought to automatism. The task is performed at an average pace at first, accelerating towards the end.
    4. Lock. The child closes his mouth tightly, presses his finger to his lips and begins to read the text as quickly as possible. After reading, answers questions.

    Exercises to correct attention

    This part is very important, since due to insufficient attention the quality of perception of the text being read deteriorates.

    1. Troublesome words. Pairs of words are written on a piece of paper in which one letter is different, the rest are similar, for example, SLEEP - KON, LAZY - STUMP, etc. Ask the student what is special about these words, how they are similar and how they are not. Let the student continue the series;
    2. Given long word, for example, INDEPENDENCE. Let the student make as many short words as possible from the letters of this word. Compete with him. Who will come out first?
    3. Fonts. The child is asked to read a text in which each word is written different fonts mixed up. Purpose of the task: learn to read any text with distortions at maximum speed.
    4. Confusion. First, we write sentences on a piece of paper, rearranging the words, for example, “late the girls were spinning at window three in the evening.” 6-10 pieces of such confusion are enough. The child's task is to unravel.

    The Development of Ancipation

    Ancipation is the ability to guess a word by its meaning. In the speed reading training program, exercises to increase antecedents must be included so that the student, without seeing the outer words on the page, can understand their meaning.

    1. Ruler. We cover part of the text on the right or left with a ruler or bookmark with a width of 5 to 12 characters. The child reads the text at a normal pace.
    2. We read upside down. The student must read the text first in normal form, and then, turning it upside down. The exercise develops semantic guesswork and memory well. You can try reading the text by rotating it 90 degrees.
    3. Halves. We take a sheet of paper and half cover one line of the text that the child is reading at this time. Only the upper halves of the letters are covered, the lower halves should be visible. The line has been read. Now close the next line and move on. This method contains a “military trick”: if the child is even a little smart, he will try to read the lines even before they are covered with a sheet. This is how speed increases!

    Reading with an adult

    This is teaching school-age children to read quickly using an imposed reading speed. The child has to adapt to the adult’s speed, which means he can read a little more quickly.

    1. Parallel reading. An adult reads the text, changing speed - sometimes faster, sometimes slower. The student must place his finger on the text and follow, without ever getting lost.
    2. Relay. The text is read alternately by an adult and a child. Moreover, the change of roles can be sudden (not necessarily at the end of the paragraph). If possible, the adult tries to speed up the pace.
    3. Ponytail. The adult begins to read the text, and the student begins a little later, 4 words late. The text is read aloud, in a low voice. The student’s task is not to get lost.


    This is where I end. Train, learn, master new heights!

    If you want to learn more, I recommend the book by Shamil Akhmadullin “Speed ​​reading for children. How to teach a child to read and understand what they read correctly". It provides exercises for developing reading techniques in three age categories children, including speed reading for preschoolers.

    The technique is convenient for practicing reading techniques at home, as it contains theoretical material V in brief and tasks with detailed instructions.

    Write about your impressions, difficulties or victories in the comments. Invite your friends and acquaintances.

    Speed ​​reading is a powerful engine for the development of intelligence. A person who has this skill reads 1-7 books a week, spending significantly less time.

    Speed ​​reading includes: speed, comprehension, and memory of what you read. With this skill, you can quickly study a subject, area, specialization, or science of interest.

    How more people reads useful literature, the more educated and intellectual one becomes. With speed reading, intelligence develops with virtually no restrictions. Its development is similar to driving a car compared to walking speed. When the brain works in turbo mode, there is no time to think and pronounce words, understanding comes instantly. The brain no longer wastes time on talking and extraneous thoughts.

    Exercises online

    Schulte tables

    They develop peripheral vision, searching for the desired element in the text, memory, concentration, and speed of thinking. This is the most popular exercise for developing speed reading. Click on the start button and look for numbers from 1 to 16, looking only at the center of the table.

    Red-black Gorbov-Schulte tables

    First find the black minimum number, then the red maximum, then the next black minimum and the next red maximum. For example, for a table of size 5x5: 1 and 12, 2 and 11, 3 and 10, and so on.


    Solve words for a while, learn to see the whole word.

    Letter search

    The faster you find letters, the faster you will navigate the text.

    Search for numbers

    We train in finding numbers by analogy with Searching for letters:

    Reading by sighting

    School course for the development of speed reading

    To quickly and easily achieve the required speed, I recommend signing up for the Speed ​​Reading course in 30 days. In this course we will work:

    1. with classic exercises
    2. synchronize the hemispheres of the brain to speed up brain function
    3. use techniques that I have personally developed to accelerate reading speed
    4. understand the psychology of speed reading
    5. address questions from other course participants.

    Reviews about the course

    School courses for the development of intelligence

    Interactive development courses

    In addition to the Speed ​​Reading in 30 Days course, brainapps interactive courses are perfect for developing speed reading, memory, and attention. For 490 rubles a month or 1400 a year you get 4 browser-based programs for training speed reading, memory, attention and a bunch of games for brain fitness.

    For example, among the exercises there is the game “Find all the words”. In this game, 256 letters will be shown on the screen, of which only 3 words are made up that need to be found. This exercise trains your eyes to quick search the right words in the text, which significantly speeds up speed reading. Other exercises in this course train other skills important for speed reading.

    Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

    The course includes 30 lessons with useful tips and exercises for children's development. In every lesson useful advice, several interesting exercises, an assignment for the lesson and additional bonus at the end: an educational mini-game from our partner. Course duration: 30 days. The course is useful not only for children, but also for their parents.

    Super memory in 30 days

    As soon as you sign up for this course, you will begin a powerful 30-day training in the development of super-memory and brain pumping.

    Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games in your email that you can apply in your life.

    We will learn to remember everything that may be required in work or personal life: learn to remember texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that happened during the day, week, month and even road maps.

    We speed up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic

    Secret and popular techniques and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course you will not only learn dozens of techniques for simplified and quick multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, and calculating percentages, but you will also practice them in special tasks and educational games! Mental arithmetic also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained when solving interesting problems.

    Secrets of brain fitness, training memory, attention, thinking, counting

    If you want to speed up your brain, improve its functioning, improve your memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in a playful way and solve interesting problems, then sign up! 30 days of powerful brain fitness are guaranteed to you:)

    Money and the Millionaire Mindset

    Why are there problems with money? In this course we will answer this question in detail, look deep into the problem, and consider our relationship with money from psychological, economic and emotional points of view. From the course you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial problems, start saving money and invest it in the future.

    Bottom line

    To quickly develop your intelligence, practice speed reading. Speed ​​reading will help develop intelligence and turn the brain into a supercomputer, making common man genius.

    In this article I talked about 5 classic exercises for developing speed reading. These exercises will double your reading speed in 2-4 weeks.

    IN lately The topic “Speed ​​reading for children” is actively gaining popularity. Parents want to increase their child’s reading speed so that he grows up smart, studies well, has time to do his homework, reads faster than classmates. The question immediately arises: at what age can a child be taught speed reading? And the answer is very simple:

    Children can practice speed reading as soon as they learn to read whole words!

    And our anagram simulator for children can help with this:

    In this game you have to choose 1 option out of 4, in which only those letters that are included in the composition are mixed of this word. Each round a new word is given. Remember that time is limited! The faster you look for the answer, the more points you will get at the end of the game.

    Speed ​​reading course for children

    Exercise from the course

    Let's start with the simplest words

    To read whole words, it is better to start with the smallest words, for example: House, Hedgehog, Cat, Dog, Ditch. The child must learn to read them at speed, each word separately, preferably at separate screen or a piece of paper. You can also cover unread words with another sheet of paper.

    If three-letter words are read easily and quickly, then you need to go straight to a little more difficult words: Dad, Mom, Rama, Ivan, Masha, Misha, Table, Chair and so on..

    After the child begins to quickly read 4-letter words, we move on to 5-letter words. Try to select lighter and heavier ones first. understandable words, then a little more complex. Together with words of 5 letters, you can sometimes give words of 4 or 3 letters to raise the child’s interest, since they are easier.

    Let's move on to phrases

    After your child has learned to read phrases, you can safely start reading children's books. The brighter and more colorful they are, the better. If you instill in your child an interest in books now, then later they will be more interested in reading school and educational literature. And there is a greater chance that the child himself will read books that interest him.

    Use as many senses as possible

    If you can show, illustrate words with pictures and pronounce the words yourself, so that the child remembers it as best and quickly as possible. The more senses that are used, the better! If a child is just learning to read, then you can first give him words with pictures, and when he learns to read them, then the same words, but without pictures.

    Important at the same time, pronounce the words themselves after the child has read them. If he reads them slowly, then let him read them first, and then, looking at the word, repeat it 2-3 more times. Pictures with words can be made as a presentation on the computer and, if necessary, opened on a tablet or phone. The main thing is that the words are large and easy to read. The words should not blend into the background or image. When you walk on the street, let your child quickly try to read the names of stores.

    Take breaks

    You need to study for 10-20 minutes, giving the child time for a short break. After a good workout, the break should be 20-30 minutes, no less, so that the brain has time to form new neural connections. This greatly increases efficiency.

    During the break:

    • it is forbidden: read, write, watch TV, play games, sit with your phone or tablet.
    • you can and should: relax, take a walk, breathe fresh air, eat (if the time has come, there is no need to eat again), play with soft toys, drive the car, and so on.

    Download exercises for free

    In order for your children to learn to read whole words, we have prepared for you special presentations with words, consisting of separate pictures, which you can download to your computer, tablet or phone for free to show to your children:

    Fast reading technique

    This was one of the articles in the course, which is suitable for both children and adults. Sign up for our course to learn how to read quickly using a special program.

    Our course is based on hemisphere synchronization techniques and secret techniques fast acceleration reading, traditional exercises for the development of speed reading, psychology and discussion best questions from course participants with detailed answers to them.

    When synchronized, working together both hemispheres, the brain begins to work many times faster, which opens up much more possibilities. Attention, concentration, speed of perception intensifies many times over! Using the speed reading techniques from our course, you can kill several birds with one stone:

    1. Learn to read very quickly
    2. Speed ​​up brain function, improve attention and concentration
    3. Read a book a day and finish your work faster

    Trainers for developing speed reading

    Train right now on this page, for free and without registration.

    Schulte tables


    We speed up mental arithmetic, NOT mental arithmetic

    Secret and popular techniques and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course you will not only learn dozens of techniques for simplified and quick multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, and calculating percentages, but you will also practice them in special tasks and educational games! Mental arithmetic also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained when solving interesting problems.

    Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

    The course includes 30 lessons with useful tips and exercises for children's development. Each lesson contains useful advice, several interesting exercises, an assignment for the lesson and an additional bonus at the end: an educational mini-game from our partner. Course duration: 30 days. The course is useful not only for children, but also for their parents.

    Super memory in 30 days

    As soon as you sign up for this course, you will begin a powerful 30-day training in the development of super-memory and brain pumping.

    Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games in your email that you can apply in your life.

    We will learn to remember everything that may be needed in work or personal life: learn to remember texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that happened during the day, week, month, and even road maps.

    Secrets of brain fitness, training memory, attention, thinking, counting

    If you want to speed up your brain, improve its functioning, improve your memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in a playful way and solve interesting problems, then sign up! 30 days of powerful brain fitness are guaranteed to you:)

    Games for developing speed reading in children

    Children love to play most of all, and this is natural. Game-based learning traditional learning is more effective for both children and adults. Therefore, we strongly recommend using special educational games to increase reading speed, memory, attention, improve mental arithmetic, and so on.

    Speed ​​Comparison Game

    1. Develops memory
    2. Improves attention
    3. Speeds up reaction and thinking

    In this game you need to compare the figure shown on the screen with the previous one as quickly as possible, answering the buttons “Yes” - similar or “No” - not similar.

    Game "Visual Search"

    1. Develops voluntary attention
    2. Improves concentration
    3. Improves attention span

    Figures will appear on the screen, among which you need to choose a unique one that is in no way similar to other figures. Some figures may differ in just one small detail, which you need to learn to quickly find. With each successful round the difficulty increases and more points are given :)

    Game "Find a Pair"

    In this game you will need skills such as the ability to search for the necessary objects among others, speed of thought, reaction, comparison skill, search skill. And the game, in turn, will help develop these skills to more high level. Excellent brain development game, like all other exercises from this site. Register and develop with us!

    Game "Visual Geometry"

    I recommend a game that is among the free ones available immediately after registration - “Visual Geometry”. This exercise will help speed up your train of thought, increase memorability and memory. With each level the game becomes more difficult. A great game for brain development. How many levels will you be able to complete? Shall we check?

    Letters and numbers game

    Now you see a screenshot from brain development games“letters and numbers”, which will require your: attentiveness, reaction, intelligence.

    Game "Number Span".

    Also in memory improvement Number Reach can help you. The player is given time to memorize the number, after which the player must reproduce it. The game starts with two-digit numbers, then the number of numbers increases.

    Numerical coverage

    1. Develops memory capacity
    2. Improves semantic memory

    Remember the numbers shown to you and reproduce them in in the right order. You can use the keyboard.

    Bottom line

    In this article, we discussed speed reading for children and learned that a child can be taught speed reading immediately after he learns to read whole words. And so that he can learn this faster, we have developed a special simulator that not only children, but also adults can train with!

    Training on such a simulator helps you quickly learn to read words. All you need to do is choose desired mode and start training. Don't forget to sign up for our course.

    The more our content,the richer our inner world,
    the wider our perception.

    The most mysterious mystery for scientists in the world is memory. Millions of experiments and scientific research never led to a solution to this phenomenon.

    It is unknown how it works, and even where it is located, what its resources are and how much information each of us is given to remember per day. But only lazy people do not know how to develop memory and strengthen it.

    But without this ability, a person would not have come to civilization, and there would be no opportunity to learn. How would a person adapt to the variability of the world or would evolution take place without genetic memory?

    Fortunately, we are given this ability as a gift from nature. We are capable of remembering and learning. Our thinking is built on its basis. Information flows to us from a variety of sources, in which various analyzers are involved.

    Types of human memory

    Visual memory allows us to remember what we see, what we hear is remembered thanks to auditory memory, but we draw information about the location of the body or limbs from the receptors of our muscles, tendons and joints, on which kinesthetic memory is based.

    The action of becoming this ability is generated from several stages:

    • The limitations of traces at the boundaries of the analyzer form instantaneous memorization. It is quickly recorded in the process of a phenomenon seen, heard and felt by a person.
    • All necessary information instant memory passes to another process - to short term memory, able to last for several hours. It is analyzed by the brain, and if it is determined to be valuable, it goes, one might say, to the “warehouse.”
    • Essential and repeated information leads to memory consolidation, making it long-lasting. And then the information will be stored and can be reproduced throughout life.

    The entire human brain is involved in the process of memory development, but the hippocampus, according to scientists, plays a special role.

    The hippocampus is part of the limbic system of the brain (olfactory sector). Participates in the mechanisms of emotion formation and memory consolidation (i.e., the transition from short-term to long-term).

    Its minor pathology can lead to a person’s loss of the ability to develop attention and memory. As people age, they inevitably lose many abilities, and memorization is no exception.

    As a rule, immediate events are erased, while distant ones are more persistent. But without strengthening and developing one’s memory, a person risks losing it altogether, which will lead to serious problems and illnesses. Therefore, various methods of memory development have been developed.

    Universal ways to improve memory

    People with a good memory are envied by many people, and representatives of humanity with a phenomenal memory are envied by everyone. People envy spend so much time, which can be used in their own interests - for the development of memory.

    And it's not that difficult. It is important to understand that this ability, like any human ability, develops and trains in response to a request, that is, if the ability to remember is in demand by life, then it develops.

    Holotropic breathing – both relaxation and training

    Psychotherapist S. Grof has developed a method by which a person can expand his consciousness and connect to external flows of information, after which development occurs hidden possibilities person.

    This technique allows you to improve physical fitness, reduce nervous tension, remember what happened to a person many years ago, and expand memory capabilities to the desired size. Why not a method for developing memory?

    The person lies down on the mats, relaxes, rhythmic trance music turns on, and he begins to breathe deeper and more often. During holotropic breathing, the brain is oversaturated with oxygen, as a result of which a state occurs when the brain stops limiting the flow of information coming from the outside.

    Even in ancient times, shamans used this breathing technique to expand consciousness and travel into the past or future.

    Cramming - experience from past years

    In the royal gymnasium, ancient Greek was a compulsory subject, which no one really knew afterward, but they didn’t think about how to strengthen their memory.

    It was actually cramming, which exercised the students' brains. The fact that the brain, like any other organ, atrophies without developing, remains a fact.

    No, no one offers the younger generation or older people to study the ancient Greek language, but by memorizing poetry, prose, excerpts from works to develop memory - great way. And if you want to remember not only five words or numbers in a sequence, but, for example, thirty or more, then daily quatrains will lead to amazing results not only in the development of memory, but also in the rapid memorization of information.

    Cramming doesn't come easy to everyone. And there should be an individual approach to the question of how to develop memory. Some people can remember information by imagining it on a mental screen, while others find it more convenient to imagine a range of colors or remember it by touch.

    There are many methods of memorization, and everyone can find a method to which they are more inclined. The human brain is anatomically divided into areas that are responsible for different processes; in each person, some area is more developed than another. Your preference for one or another method of memory development depends on what you do better.

    Mnemonics - effective and fun

    Experts say that the brain is trained not when information is remembered, but when it tries to make memories.

    Mnemonics is a method of memory development, which includes two directions (chains and Cicero), which allow the development of memory processes. All memorization techniques are based on working with images.

    For example, in order to remember a few words, you need to associate them with well-known objects in your room. By remembering these objects sequentially, the words associated with them also pop up in the brain. This memorization technique has an excellent effect on the development of memory and attention.

    If you need to connect a group of words, then the chain method, that is, fantastic connections, can be memorized. For example, the words umbrella, boat, horse, bicycle are easy to remember by connecting them in the imagination in this way: the umbrella covered the boat in which the horse was sitting on a bicycle. Unrealistic, but easy to remember.

    When using mnemonics, it is very important to maintain rhythm and uniformity, that is, the associative series is built in an absurd sequence for all words in the same way.

    Try testing your memory using this method. If you like this method and are interested in it, then the question of how to strengthen your memory has already been resolved. Strengthen it in this way, each time increasing the number of words.

    Eidetics – for children and adults

    How to develop phenomenal memory is perfectly explained by eidetics.

    This method of memorization was demonstrated by the eidetic scientist Stephen Wiltscher, who is able to draw in detail the entire skyline of an unfamiliar city after seeing it once.

    This technique is used in schools in the United States and Europe, where weak students become excellent students in a few lessons.

    The secret of this method lies in positive imagination and fantasy. The more vividly a child or adult develops imaginative thinking, the easier it is to remember and reproduce information.

    First of all, this method develops the area of ​​the brain that is responsible for imaginative thinking, which undoubtedly has a direct bearing on the development of memory and attention.

    Specially designed exercises are used. For example, the game “Fist, finger”. Two arms extended forward, the right one clenched into a fist, and the left one showing that everything is fine. After clapping your hands, you should show that everything is fine with your right hand. After each clap, the position of the hands changes, and the frequency of clapping should be increased.

    There are many such exercises aimed at developing photographic memory or static memory, which relate to short-term memorization, and after some manipulations, you can remember information for a long time.

    The exercises are designed to develop attention and memory, which is important, since developing memory and attention is a great way to train brain activity. Eidetics combines mnemonics, pictograms, physical exercises, and many other techniques.

    Learning to remember music

    About how to develop musical memory, one could ask Mozart, who managed not only to play music he once heard, but also to transfer it to notes. This is not possible, but experts have developed a technique for memorizing sounds.

    It begins with simple exercises of tapping a pencil on the table with a certain rhythm. All music is based on rhythm. Therefore, starting with simple tappings and ending with entire works, you can develop a sense of rhythm in any person.

    Those wishing to continue their musical education are greatly helped by Beletsky's 19th-century syllabic technology. By the way, when developing musical abilities, there will be no need to think about how to strengthen your memory; everything happens on an automatic level.

    Samvel Gharibyan's School of Memory

    Samvel Gharibyan became the world record holder for memorization and wrote a book on how to quickly develop memory for any person. Using his method, you can become a walking encyclopedia, quickly learn foreign languages ​​and make a career.

    In the eighties of the last century, Samvel created his own school of memorization, and the careers of many of his students experienced a fantastic rise. Samvel has developed his own methodology and guarantees that it is suitable for everyone without exception.

    Memorization according to Gharibyan is based on creating an image for each word that carries a personal emotion for a person.

    Samvel knows firsthand how to quickly develop memory by memorizing foreign words. For example, in Hebrew, air conditioner sounds like “brain.” For Samvel, this word is easy to remember if you imagine that conditioning is necessary in the brain. After that, we all already know that air conditioner in Hebrew sounds like “brain”.

    Here's how to develop phenomenal memory without making Herculean efforts. Try to test your memory by remembering this word tomorrow and in a month. Memorizing twenty words a day will allow you to learn a foreign language in an amazing amount of time. short time. In addition, such techniques allow you to quickly remember information of any nature.

    Alexander the Great had an incredible ability to remember, he knew all his soldiers by name, Adolf Hitler had a phenomenal photographic memory, which allowed him to remember the faces of all the people he met, we have already talked about Mozart, and there are many such people even today. Most likely, they know the secrets of how to develop their memory.

    Learning speed reading is absolutely not a pain

    Teaching speed reading techniques is based on a serious scientific basis. It was developed with the participation of psycholinguist V. Leontyev and psychologist L. Grimaki.

    This truly effective technique, where science and methodology is involved, significantly improves the principle of speed reading and memory development.

    Experts say that there are five shortcomings in the traditional reading method that prevent people from mastering speed reading, and memory development is significantly reduced:

    • How to develop memory and attention if users traditional way Readers often use back-and-forth eye movement (regression) to re-read text that is not entirely clear? How can memory and attention develop in such a rhythm?
    • Absence flexible program reading, when texts are read equally slowly, even if some of them require quick reading.
    • The main obstacle to fast reading is articulation, that is, the sound of the text while a person reads it to himself. Many people mentally recite the text while they read. This defect takes up too much of the reader's time. This is the most difficult defect to correct, but thanks to the speed reading program, it is corrected over time.
    • The fourth disadvantage is that people have a small field of view when reading. This is the area that is perceived by the eyes at the fixation (stop) stage.
    • Lack of attention, which is a catalyst for the reading process. Without attention there is no fast reading. That’s why memory development and speed reading are so interconnected. After all, memory cannot exist without attention either.

    Small explanations

    It has been proven that eliminating regression allows you to double your reading speed and triple your comprehension. But, if part of the text is incomprehensible, then you can go back only after the text has been rethought by the reader within two minutes. This will no longer be a regression, but a meaningful return. Conducting an analysis of your reading automatically rejects the question of how to strengthen your memory.

    The development of memory and speed reading are also tightly linked by the fact that the application of the latter involves the program of the integral reading algorithm, which determines the sequence of mental activity when reading a text, when it is remembered:

    • title of the text, article, book;
    • the author of the proposed or selected work;
    • source (book, newspaper, Internet);
    • the problem to which the text is devoted;
    • facts mentioned in the text;
    • features considered in the construction of the text;
    • novelty that is learned from a written text.

    All this is initially noted in pencil and numbered until the analysis reaches automaticity. It is unlikely that after such manipulations anyone will doubt that memory development and speed reading are dependent on each other.

    Well, the ways to memorize information are listed, and the reader’s brain will make the choice itself.

    The human mind is like a data warehouse with a limited resource free space. If disturbances occur in the process of forgetting unnecessary information, then the mind begins to become overwhelmed. He begins to memorize everything:

    • car numbers;
    • dates;
    • inscriptions and numbers on posters;
    • names;
    • diet strangers etc.

    A person suffers greatly from this.

    Women are annoyed that men forget everything. Men are annoyed that women remember everything.

    People with phenomenal memory

    On at the moment there are 4 officially registered with phenomenal memory. This condition is not congenital. Remembering everything comes from disorders such as autism or obsessive-compulsive disorder.

    Bob Petrella. This person is able to remember dates and numbers. Bob used his abilities to create a career. He is the head of a famous sports television channel.

    Bob remembers the results of most matches played. If you show him a fragment of a game, he will tell you which teams played, when the match took place and with what score the game ended.

    Petrella discovered his phenomenal abilities at the age of 5. His brain remembers all phone numbers, cards, PIN codes. He told. What I once lost mobile phone. But the loss was no cause for concern. Because he stores all the phone numbers in his head.

    Jill Price. Jill, starting at the age of 14, remembers her life down to the smallest detail. She most often appeared on television screens and newspaper pages because of her abilities. Jill began to remember everything in detail after suffering trauma and psychological distress. The woman says that her life is like a video camera that is on around the clock. If she needs to remember something, it’s as if she rewinds the tape to the required fragment and remembers. If this woman had lived during war times, she would have made a good spy.

    Jill does not lead a popular lifestyle. She teaches at a Jewish school and lives near Hollywood. She herself believes that this gift is more of a burden than a joy. Because it's hard to live with clear unpleasant memories.

    Kim Peak. Kim suffered from a brain pathology in the cerebellar part. He was considered a crazy person. However, among other brain abnormalities, the man lost the ability to forget. He could read a book spread in 8 seconds, while remembering up to 99% of the information he read. At the age of 7, Kim memorized the Bible. And at the age of 20, he could provide a complete collection of Shakespeare from memory.

    Due to his injuries, Kim was unable to walk fully. His gait was strange. He couldn't even button the buttons on his shirt. The thing is that his brain was aimed at remembering information. Of course, during his long life he learned to zip up and even play the piano.

    Brad Williams. The man works as a radio presenter. He does not consider his phenomenal memory to be a pathology; rather, on the contrary, he takes every opportunity to demonstrate his abilities. Unlike Jill Price, the man prides himself on his ability to remember everything. If you ask him what happened on a certain date, he will unmistakably name the significant event on that day.

    Brad remembers what day the weather was like. Able to reproduce his diet from a year ago. In America he was called the Google Man. Taking part in one famous TV show, the radio host almost became a winner. The only thing that let him down was that he had little interest in sports. And the questions were of a sporting nature. Brad himself does not consider his abilities to be supernatural.

    Rick Baron. Rick successfully uses his abilities to make money. He does not hold any position; he earns his living by taking part in intellectual competitions.

    Rick's memory began to retain everything starting at the age of 11. Since then he has been winning discount coupons and free tickets. Rick's family believes he suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder. Rick tries to keep everything under control and in order. He does not throw away all paid bills, checks and tickets, but carefully stores them.

    Benefits of Speed ​​Reading Skills

    Speed ​​reading is a very useful skill. Moreover, the skill of speed reading and memory development needs to be mastered not only by pupils and students, but also by busy people. Speed ​​reading will especially benefit mothers on maternity leave.

    The benefits of speed reading include:

    • the time spent studying the material is significantly reduced, which is important for those people who have little free time that can be spent usefully;
    • increases the ability to process text by quickly finding important information from the entire volume;
    • memory, vocabulary, and attention develop;
    • studying new materials, both professional and fiction;
    • Thanks to books, better quality and quick learning;
    • all complex books will become understandable and accessible;
    • Learning a new skill will greatly improve your self-confidence and self-esteem.

    Speed ​​reading is not only the ability to quickly perceive and process information, but also the development of memory and attentiveness.

    How memory affects speed reading skills

    Scientists have proven that speed reading has a special effect on memory development. But the opposite result has also been proven. Developing your memory has a positive effect on quickly learning speed reading.

    To develop speed reading, you need to exert not only various influence factors. Individual characteristics humans also have an impact on the speed of learning. The development of speed reading is influenced by the following:

    • stopping in reading due to encountering an unfamiliar word in the text;
    • the amount of information a person perceives through peripheral vision.

    Memory directly affects speed reading. After all, the more words a person knows, the less time he spends on perceiving the material from the book. By memorizing terms and different words, the technique of speed reading and memory development will improve.

    Exercises to develop speed reading and memory

    Many people wonder how to develop speed reading and memory. To learn to read quickly and clearly, while understanding all the information provided, you need to use the following 3 exercises:

    1. Choose 1 item. Select 3 details from the object that characterize it. Then close your eyes and imagine the object as clearly and in detail as possible. Open your eyes and compare the real picture and the picture in your imagination. Next, select the other 3 features. Close your eyes and repeat the exercise several times, changing the distinctive features of the object.
    2. Read any short text. Close your eyes and try to remember as many facts from the text as possible. Highlight those things that you need to remember the next time you read the text. Open your eyes and repeat the exercise.
    3. Take any story and read the first page as usual, read the second page upside down. Then turn the book over and read the second page again. The text you have already studied will be perceived much easier and faster.
    4. This method suggests reading texts backwards. After this exercise, perception and reading in normal mode will increase much.
    5. Read some text and, closing your eyes, highlight 3 important details of this text. Then open your eyes and check whether important details were remembered correctly. Then close your eyes again and try to remember the other 3 features, come up with a short wording for the text. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times to consolidate.


    Speed ​​reading and memory development techniques will improve reading performance by 4-6 times. In addition to exercises for speed reading and memory development, there are many other ways. The main thing is not to be lazy, but to look for suitable techniques for yourself and develop your horizons.