• Is it possible to repair the headset? Why doesn't one earphone work? Individual features of repair

    In this article I will tell you how to repair headphones or a computer headset yourself, or mobile phone We will look at the main breakdowns and how to fix them.

    Major headphone failures:

    Repairing a broken headphone wire

    A broken wire is the most common cause of headphone failure. To repair the wire we will need:

    • solder;
    • scalpel or wire cutters;
    • heat shrink tube;
    • hot glue;
    • thread.

    First, it is necessary to determine the place where the break occurred, since the outer rubber braid may not have externally visible deformations. You can find the location of the wire break by connecting the headphones to the sound source and bending the wire from the connector to the speakers, we find the place where bending causes sound to appear in the headphones. Having determined the break point, we cut out a section of the wire, taking a few centimeters before and after the break point. Next, we strip the wire from the outer insulation and tin the wires. How to tin a headphone wire is a fairly pressing question. Now I’ll tell you how to do this efficiently and quickly. For this we need: a board, flux (for example organic flux F-99), solder and a soldering iron.

    We apply flux to the wire, place the wire on the board and press it for a few seconds with a soldering iron, making movements with it as if you were removing varnish from the wire.

    Having tinned all the wires, we put a thin heat-shrinkable tube on each wire, solder the wires, observing the color scheme, and using a lighter or soldering iron, shrink the heat-shrinkable tube.

    The heat-shrinkable tube acts as an insulator and prevents the wires from shorting together. Now we need to ensure the strength of our connection. To do this, we fold the wires in a Z shape and use a thread to make a bandage for our connection.

    The last stage of repairing the headset wire is of practical and aesthetic importance. Using a soldering iron, carefully apply hot-melt adhesive to our bandage; on one side, hot-melt adhesive will prevent the thread from unwinding; on the other hand, it will give normal appearance connection of wires. If you can’t get black hot glue, you can put a heat-shrinkable tube of the appropriate diameter over the bandage.

    A few more words about artistic modeling from hot-melt adhesive: if you heat up the hot-melt adhesive and wet your fingers, you can use your fingers to give it any shape before it completely hardens. Irregularities can be made glossy using.

    Damage to the headphone plug (connector)

    Before repairing the plug, we need to carefully disassemble it; to do this, carefully use a scalpel to cut the housing lengthwise. Breakage of a headphone plug (connector) can be divided into breakdowns associated with mechanical deformation:

    • the last link is broken, as a rule, this link remains in the mating part of the device and can only be removed with the help of an awl and tweezers for SMD installation. Such a breakdown can only be eliminated by replacing the plug.
    • rotation of the first link (general) around its axis is characterized by a change in sound to “metallic under water” and a decrease in volume. IN in this case The repair consists of soldering the contact between the link and the contact blade.

    And not related to mechanical deformation of the plug - this is a wire break at the base. It is treated by shortening the wire a couple of centimeters above the break point and soldering it in place, observing the color scheme.

    If you break a wire and don’t know which one was soldered where, don’t despair! Using a multimeter you can easily determine this. We put the multimeter in the resistance measurement mode and alternately find 2 pairs of wires between which you will see an equal value (depends on the resistance of the winding of your speakers and usually lies in the range of 16-100 Ohms. We take one wire from each pair, weave them together, this will be a common We solder the wire to the first (most massive) link. We solder the remaining wires to the 2nd and 3rd links. You will probably have a question about how to determine where the right channel is soldered and where the left one. You can check the correct connection by connecting the headphones to and starting the sound adjustment by clicking on the left one. and the right column. There is a second option: we launch an audio player, for example Winamp, and adjust the balance by comparing it with what we hear and conclude that the channels are connected correctly.

    Microphone failure

    The headsets are equipped with capsule electret microphones. There is an amplifier inside the microphone, which makes it necessary to maintain polarity when connecting the microphone. Microphones are sensitive to diaphragm deformation, so do not try to clean the hole in the microphone. Microphones are also very sensitive to high temperatures, so you need to resolder the microphone quickly and carefully. Before you start soldering, it is advisable to apply organic flux to the microphone contacts, this will improve heat transfer and the contact time with the soldering iron necessary for reliable soldering. You can check the functionality of the microphone only by replacing it with another one, or connecting it to another device that is known to work. And yet, you can check whether the microphone is working or not if you have an oscilloscope (or an active speaker system) and a microcircuit at your disposal operational amplifier(any), you can assemble a simple circuit (for example, an inverting amplifier with a single polarity supply.

    Do not forget that the microphone must be powered through a resistor, and the signal must be collected through a 0.1 µF coupling capacitor. This will allow you to clearly see whether the microphone is working or not, amplified signal from the microphone will change the picture on the screen in time with your voice. If you don’t have an oscilloscope, you can connect the output of the circuit to the active speaker system, if the microphone is live, you get a megaphone.

    Headset speaker repair.

    If the supplied power is exceeded, the speaker may fail; the winding wire in it burns out. Check the integrity of the speaker winding using a multimeter.

    For a working speaker, the winding resistance will be equal to the winding resistance of the second speaker +\- 10%. Typically, this value is 16-100 Ohms. If there is sound in the speaker, but it is wheezing, this means that the winding is intact, but it has either peeled off from the membrane or is clinging to the magnet. This can be a consequence of an impact (displacement of the magnet), or a consequence of excess power (boiling of the varnish in the winding and “hooking” it on the magnet, as well as peeling off part of the coil from the membrane). This one requires carefulness. The coil can be glued to the membrane using superglue; it can be applied using a toothpick or a sharpened match. To avoid jamming of the diffuser, do not connect the speaker housing and the membrane until the glue has completely dried. You can speed up drying by placing the speaker under a table lamp.

    Headphone volume control repair.

    One of the weakest points of the headphones is the volume control, provided that it is used frequently. The volume control is a dual variable resistor consisting of 2 strips of resistive coating and 2 sliders moving along the surface of the resistive layer when the control wheel is turned.

    During operation, dust gets onto the surface of the resistive layer, which causes poor contact between the slider and the resistive layer. This failure manifests itself in the form of a crackling sound when adjusting the volume level, or loss of signal in the headphones. Repairing the volume control involves applying a resistive layer of graphite grease or technical petroleum jelly to the surface. At the same time it is restored reliable contact and the crackling noise disappears when the regulator is turned.

    Repair of headphone arms (the suspension on which the speakers are mounted).

    Broken headphone arms are one of the most common problems. Some manufacturers who rely on the quality of their products have already reduced the possibility of such a breakdown of their headsets to 0. Instead of classic plastic arms, they use flexible metal spring hangers coated with a layer of PVC or rubber. But we are talking about a classic plastic suspension and a method for repairing it.

    In the photo we see that the arch is broken in half. To repair it, we will need several thin metal plates, M2 or M3 screws, 2-component epoxy glue and. To begin with, we apply our plates to the bow and, using a marker or pencil, make notes: where we have to drill holes. holes in the arms and plates and tighten the structure with screws. Please note that the metal plates are quite long and do not end immediately after the screw hole, this adds to the reliability of the design under loads. Also pay attention to the 3rd plate, which is located on the back of the headphones. It is installed before pouring epoxy glue, and is also designed to increase the strength of the headphones and resistance to future tests.

    Microphone mount repair.

    The microphone mount (boom, “antenna”) is usually made elastic and quite resistant to mechanical damage, but it can still be broken. In the photo we see how the plastic base of the microphone mount was damaged as a result of the headset falling. Its function was to adjust the position of the microphone in the vertical plane. Naturally full functionality it will not be possible to restore it, but it is quite possible to securely fix the microphone in one position. For this we will need: a drill, a wire with a diameter of 0.6-0.8 (mm) and hot melt glue. Having determined the optimal position for mounting the microphone, we outline the places from which we will drill holes. Next, using a wire, we tightly tighten (sew together) the base of the mount and the body of the headphones at 3-4 points. We twist the wire from the inside of the earphone using pliers. Next, we apply hot melt glue on top, giving it the shape we need using fingers moistened with water. Next, you can take nail polish or spray paint and cover the repair area.

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    IN modern world When music is an integral part of life, it is extremely important to be able to listen to it regardless of place and circumstances. However, many headphones tend to break, which prevents you from getting full spectrum the sensations of a mesmerizing melody or your favorite rhythmic track. Of course, you can buy a new pair, but quality products cost a lot of money. And why buy when you can revive your favorite headphones yourself?

    Today we will tell you how to make headphones and continue to enjoy your favorite music to the maximum.

    Looking for a problem

    Cable repair

    Plug repair

    1. Purchase a spare plug. First, buy a new plug to replace the worn one. Cheap goods can be found in online stores or companies that sell electronics. Make sure the connector is suitable for your phone. The best option would be a metal plug with a stereo signal. The universal plug size is 3.5 millimeters.
    2. Get rid of the old plug. Some plugs can be unscrewed from the cable, others will have to be cut off. Step back a little (2-3 centimeters) and cut it off along with a small piece of wires. Most likely the problem lies in the cable itself, which is located near the plug.
    3. Strip the wires. Remove insulation from wires. Usually there are three wires - one free, non-insulated (this is grounding) and two isolated (left and right signals). There are headphones with two free, uninsulated wires, but their repair is no different from repair with three wires.
    4. Connect the plug to the cable. Usually there are no difficulties with this procedure - you need to first put on the heat-shrinkable tube, attach the wires to the plug and connect them to the ends. Please note that if on the plug itself you see not two contacts, as is the case with stereo connectors, but one, then you have purchased a mono type of connectors.
    5. Twist the exposed wires so that they form a thin strip with a sharp tip. The free wire must be connected to the sleeve, and the isolated wires must be connected to the other two contacts. If there is no ungrounded wire, then connect a wire with striped (two-color) insulation to the sleeve. It's hard to go wrong here. There is no correct way to join color scheme, so you can connect incorrectly, but the headphones will work as before. Only the right and left will change places.
    6. Secure the wires to the contacts. Take special pliers and clamp the wires, but they should not intersect or touch each other. Do not press too hard - this may damage the contacts.
    7. Solder the wires. The next step is to solder the wires to the plug. To make the fusion more reliable, you can use sandpaper and make the surface a little rough. Do this manipulation with all wires.
    8. Attach the cover. The last stage is screwing the lid. It must be placed above the spring and connector. The wires must not cross each other. Then check the headphones, if the problem with sound loss persists, the wires may be touching. You will have to disassemble and check the design.

    Speaker repair

    • cut the rubber seal near the main cone with a knife;
    • remove the speaker from the device;
    • Place the new speaker in the recess. be careful, because the membrane must not be touched;
    • If the speaker turns out to be smaller and loose, then you can apply a couple of drops of glue along the edges to fix it.

    We told you how to fix your headphones if one doesn't work. We hope these instructions will help you bring your favorite accessory back to life. A few tips below will contribute to a successful repair.

    1. If you are planning to repair headphones, but do not have enough experience, then it is advisable to practice. Old non-working headphones are perfect; if they fail, you won’t mind throwing them in the trash.
    2. Watch your soldering iron carefully while soldering. Do not press it for too long while connecting the contacts. High temperature may destroy the plastic or damage the contacts.
    3. Follow safety precautions. The soldering tool gets very hot, so it is best to wear protective gloves when using it. If you handle the tool carelessly, you can damage the headphones and get a severe skin burn.
    4. If during repairs you damage the liner lining, you can replace it with a similar material. A small piece of silicone rubber is perfect for this case.

      If you checked the connection to the device, whether they are plugged in tightly and everything else, then most likely one of the small wires directly in the ear itself is damaged.

      It’s certainly a painstaking task, but you can try cutting out the damaged area, stripping the wires, twisting them and wrapping them with electrical tape.

      This everyday problem, since headphones are mostly bought cheap. And if one of them doesn't work, then best option in this case, throw them away, or listen to music in one earphone, which is completely unusual for those who love stereo sound.

      It is best to buy more expensive headphones; such an incident rarely occurs with them.

      Nothing surprising. Our headphones are the cheapest and cost just a penny. The material from which they are made is of very poor quality. What to do? Buy at a more expensive price, branded and with a guarantee. Believe me, in the end you will save money.

      I came across this problem. In my case, one earphone did not work because the wire was slightly damaged. This could be solved surgically, that is, cutting off the damaged area. This method can be used if the headphones are expensive. If the price is not high, you can simply buy new ones.

      Another possibility is that the headphone pin is not inserted properly.

      Such problems are far from uncommon. The point is that if the headphones are not too good quality, then it very often happens that the wires inside break, because they are so thin there. In this case, the headphones need to be replaced. You can, of course, take it apart and see if the wiring has come off the solder in the earphone itself; I don’t rule out the possibility of a break there. In this case, you can fix it yourself.

      My earphone did not work due to poor wire contact. Then I just thought about it and took it apart. Everything worked. They also correctly said above that the headphones are inserted poorly. Sometimes it’s enough to just twist the headphone pin in the connector and everything returns to normal. If you're on a computer, you can look at it in the dynamics settings.

      We always buy inexpensive headphones. As soon as one earphone stops working, I saw my husband start shaking them... It’s funny... True, I didn’t find out from him whether his method of repairing headphones helps or not...

      If it doesn't work on any device, there's nothing you can do about it.

      But it happens that the headphones work well on the player, but only one earphone works on the computer. But if the pin is not inserted completely, then for some reason two headphones work.

      Despite the fact that everything is fine with the settings.

      Question, what to do if one earphone does not work, I think almost everyone has asked themselves at least once in their life. It’s a shame, of course, because everyone is used to stereo sound, and listening with one ear is inconvenient and unusual.

      The reasons are why one earphone doesn't work, usually only two: firstly, the wire on one of the headphones broke. And secondly, sometimes the jack plug is bent and there is simply no contact on one channel.

      By the way, almost no one takes into account the second reason, and it does not happen so rarely, the plug bends easily.

      Therefore, in the second case, you need to carefully straighten the plug, preferably with pliers. And in the first - try to get to the gap and solder it. I warn you: this is not so easy to do, I tried it. And not for long.

      Therefore, the third option is to simply buy new headphones.

      It very often happens that cheap headphones break, and the reason is more often in the wire; it happens that there is a break in the wire or a contact has come loose somewhere, of course the wire can be re-soldered, but if the headphones are cheap, it is better to buy new ones, but if the headphones are dear to you, then you can contact the center for equipment repair.

    In everyday life modern man Headphones are an indispensable attribute that allows you to enjoy listening to your favorite music and audiobooks anywhere and at any time. Unfortunately, this gadget does not last forever and is prone to breakdowns. In such a situation, you have to wonder whether you can repair the headphones yourself, or whether it is better to buy new ones. It is recommended not to rush to throw away old ones, since broken ones, in most cases, can be repaired at home. This article will discuss how to repair headphones yourself.

    Headphones are enough simple device, so all the faults can be listed literally on your fingers. Common reasons The reasons why the headphones stopped working include the following:

    • plug breakage;
    • The headphone cord is faulty;
    • The volume control is faulty.

    Plug failure

    If your headphones break, the first thing you should pay attention to is the connection point between the plug and the cable. Often the cause of the breakdown lies precisely in this place. Due to frequent bending, the cable cores break, so the signal does not pass into one “ear” of the gadget or into both at once. The microphone may also not work.

    The breakdown is quite easy to detect. When the gadget is turned on, you need to try bending the cable at the site of the supposed breakdown in different sides. If a sound appears or a crackling sound is heard, this means that one of the wire strands is broken. What to do if a problem spot is found on the cable?

    To repair headphones, do the following.

    1. Cut the plug from the cable.
    2. To repair the plug will be used inside of old with a slight modification. To remove this part, you need to cut the plastic shell using a utility knife, as shown in the picture below.

    3. After cutting the plastic, remove the insides of the plug. You will see contacts to which several thin wires of different colors are soldered. In the same way, you can disassemble iPhone headphones.

    4. Remember or sketch on paper which contact and color the wire was connected to. The pictures below show standard wiring diagrams cable cores. The color of the conductors may vary depending on different models, in this case, green is the left channel, red is the right, and copper (without isolation) is common.

    5. If you need to repair headphones with a microphone, which are connected with one plug (usually there are 2 plugs on the cable), then the wiring diagram will be as in the figure below.

    6. Next, you need to free the internal cable cores from the external (general) insulation.

    7. Headphones cannot be repaired without a soldering iron. This is explained by the fact that it is necessary to connect common wires and tin the tips of all conductors using flux and solder. Since the conductors are covered with insulation (varnish), the tinning process will be a little difficult. To make it easier, it is recommended to use a lighter to lightly ignite the ends of the wires. You can also clean the ends from the varnish layer using a regular knife.

    8. To continue repairing headphones with your own hands, for example, Defender headphones, you need to find ballpoint pen, from which you only need one part, namely the bottom. It will serve as a housing for the plug.

    9. Prepare a small piece of heat shrink tubing to protect the wire from sharp bends.

    10. At the next stage, you will need to put the tip of the handle and heat shrink on the cable, and then solder the tinned ends of the wires to the plug part.
    11. We solder the contacts, strictly following the wiring diagram (using our sketch).

    12. After you have soldered all the conductors, you need to check whether the headphones are working or not. To do this you can use a multimeter and call all contacts. If there is no device, then simply plug the plug into the phone socket and turn on music playback on it. Make sure that both channels of the headset work separately by turning the balance control in the equalizer.
    13. If the test result is positive, wear heat shrink tube to the soldering place and using a lighter or a hair dryer, make sure it fits snugly to the plug.

    14. To proceed, prepare a small amount of epoxy resin.

    15. Add a few drops of resin to the tip of the pen and slide it onto the soldered plug. At this point, the headset repair is considered complete.

    The procedure for replacing the plug is the same for any type of headset, for example, such as: beats headphones By Dr, Sennheiser HD 215, Razer Kraken Pro, as well as for Steelseries Siberia v2 headphones, Audio-technica ATH-ES7 and Defender headphones.

    Headphone cord is faulty

    How to repair headphones if the headset cord is faulty? You can try to find fracture site internal wires of the cable, probing and bending all its sections while the gadget is running. If you hear a cracking sound or a sound during the test, mark this place with a marker. Next, at the break point, the cable is cut and stripped. After which the ends of the thin conductors must be soldered, observing color, and insulated.

    If the break point is not found, then the entire cord will need to be replaced.. The following example will show the repair of vacuum headphones.

    Replacing the cord in large headphones

    Large gadgets, such as, for example, Philips headphones or Sven headphones for a computer, differ from in-ear ones only in the size of the speaker (diaphragms in small gadgets). Difficulties may arise when trying to get to the speaker in order to solder the wire contacts.

    U different manufacturers The methods for opening them vary. These may be latches that are difficult to detect or hidden screws hidden under soft “pads” - ear pads. For example, the question often arises: how to disassemble Sennheiser HD203 headphones?

    This is done simply.

    When repairing Steelseries Siberia headphones, the ear pads hold adhesive based. You can remove them by carefully prying them up with a screwdriver, after which you can find the fasteners. Some models use latches instead of screws, which can be broken if pressed hard. If they break, you will have to glue the cups of the gadget together, after which they will become inseparable.

    In the Razer Kraken headphones, the ear pads are not glued and can be easily removed.

    After disconnecting them, the fasteners can be found under the glued paper.

    In the Audio-Technica M30 or ES7 headset, they are also placed on the rim of the gadget’s cup. Philips headphones are no exception.

    By the way, the Audio-Technica ES7 headphones have hinges for rotating the cups. Therefore, if you disassemble it while repairing a gadget, you must be careful.

    The Philips SHD 8600 headset is devoid of all the disadvantages associated with replacing the plug and cable, since it is a representative wireless devices.

    Volume control problems

    How to fix headphones if you have problems with the volume control in the form of loss of sound or crackling? In this case, you can use graphite lubricant to apply it to the resistive layer to restore contact. After this, the headset should function without problems.

    If after lubrication the headset continues to work poorly, then the regulator needs to be replaced with a new one.

    Thus, in most cases, before you run out and buy a new headset, you can repair it yourself. To do this, you will need a soldering iron with a thin tip and skills in handling it.

    DIY headphone repair

    How to repair headphones

    Stopped playing in one ear? Has it started rustling? Wait, throw it away, repair it!

    Below are typical headphone problems. In 99% of cases, one of the options is yours.

    Internal break in the cord

    Manifestations: the sound begins to rustle in one of the headphones (less often in both), and over time disappears completely.

    Diagnostics: The break occurs at the bend of the cord, i.e. either directly at the connector, or at the wire entry into the earphone itself. You can accurately set the location if you turn on playback and rotate the cord. A cracking sound or sound indicates the exact location of the break.

    Repair: Cut the cord below the break point and solder it again.

    Option with a break at the connector

    Plugs usually come in two types - solid, flexible plastic, a molded hard core, and a soft rubber cap. It is necessary to remove the rubber cap; if this is not possible, cut it with a knife.

    Cut through the casting with wire cutters and get to the place where the wire is soldered to the metal contacts of the connector. Strip and solder the wire, and put everything back together.

    Fill cavities due to removed plastic parts with epoxy glue, faster curing is better.

    The cut elastic can be strengthened with bondage made from synthetic threads. Heat shrink tubing can also give good results.

    Option with a break at the earphone

    It is necessary to disassemble the earphone. Large headphones are assembled with screws. Smaller headphones with clips. Headphones droplets, earbuds - adhesive connection. The adhesive joint is disassembled either with a knife, or by squeezing the headphones in a yew - due to elastic bending, the crack usually runs along the glued joint.

    The wire inside the earphone is tied in a knot to prevent it from being pulled out. Cut the wire, strip it, tie it in a knot and solder it as before. Glue the earphone back together.

    Channel blockage

    This malfunction is only possible with closed acoustic earphones. The membrane is separated from the channel by a thin metal mesh. Earwax, as the earphone is used, covers this mesh and interferes with the passage of acoustic waves.

    Diagnostics: no sound, although the continuity test shows the integrity of the headphone windings.

    Repair: disassemble the earphone and wash the mesh in alcohol. Disassembly is preferable so as not to stain the membrane with leaking alcohol and dirt particles.

    Membrane damage

    Manifestations: crackling, rattling in one of the headphones, difference in playback timbre.

    Diagnostics: visual inspection and opening the earphone.

    Repair: after opening, straighten the membrane if it is wrinkled. The effect will be temporary and the headphones will need to be replaced. If there are foreign particles on the membrane, remove them. Wash the mesh that separates the membrane from the surrounding space.

    Why is this happening?

    Let's look at the photo of the place where the veins broke:

    With a small bending radius, the strands accumulate a large fatigue load and break. If you take a paper clip, straighten it and bend it in the middle, first in one direction, then in the other, then after several such bends it will break. The same thing happens with the conductors in the wire.

    They fight this in two ways. At first, it is a special wire with a special weave of cores. The central channel made of synthetic threads provides the wire with tensile strength, and the cores wound in a spiral when the wire is bent experience more load torsion than bending. When loaded with torsion, the core is more stable. The second method is to increase the bend radius. To do this, the connector or earphone ends in an openwork flexible plastic structure, which, bending along with the wire, increases the bending radius. But correctly selected rigidity of the plastic is strictly necessary; if the plastic is too hard or too soft, the design will not be of any use.