• Mts how to choose a tariff plan. Tariffs without obligatory payment. Hidden conditions of the Smart MTS tariff

    If you often use the services of the mobile operator MTS, then it would be advisable to choose for yourself optimal tariff plan. This will not only save money, but at the same time receive all the necessary services in the proper amount. For example, if you talk a lot on the phone, have to constantly write messages and perform other tasks, then in this case it is recommended to give preference to tariffs that imply a monthly subscription fee, in return for which you can receive certain service packages. Another thing is if you order a similar tariff, but in the end do not spend all the resources that are provided to you by the operator. When this situation manifests itself, it is much more efficient to use tariffs that do not imply subscription fee.


    For example, even if you use the most economical tariff plan, you will have to pay two hundred and fifty rubles a month, but will there be any point in this if you do not use even half of the resources of this package? Speaking about when it makes sense to choose tariffs without mandatory monthly replenishment, we note that you can completely waive the monthly fee if you use certain services of the MTS operator more than others. There are many similar offers, so that each subscriber, having given a little time to study the tariffs, can choose for himself the one that turns out to be economical, justified and most suitable in all respects.

    MTS tariffs for calls without a monthly fee

    Considering MTS tariff plans without monthly fee First of all, let's pay attention to the tariff "Per second". Its basic difference from others lies in the fact that here outgoing calls will be billed in per second mode. Each second of communication on the phone will cost you 5 kopecks, and a minute is equal to three rubles. It is worth noting that such billing will be implied regardless of the numbers of which operators you will make outgoing calls to. One hundred regarding the cost of messages, but they will be valued at two rubles, and for each megabyte of traffic, 9.9 rubles are charged from the subscriber. This tariff is often chosen by those MTS customers who are constantly forced to be busy and for this reason rarely make calls and use other services from this company. As for the basic benefits, here it is necessary to highlight the fact that you will not make mandatory payments, so the costs will be minimal and predictable. You don't have to spend money on options that you won't use to the full extent or at all.

    « Super MTS "- another extremely favorable tariff, the peculiarity of which is that they are given twenty minutes to call within home network. In addition, the cost will be one and a half rubles per minute for calls within the local network after the end of free twenty minutes of calls, and for calls with subscribers of other operators, the billing will increase to two and a half rubles. Five rubles will cost a minute of conversation with operators located in other regions of Russia. A message costs only two rubles, and a megabyte of Internet costs 9.9 rubles.


    1. Ability to connect a children's package;
    2. Free Internet;

    As for the profitability of this tariff, it will be extremely high for everyone who rarely makes outgoing calls, and when calling to MTS, you will not overpay for the provision of specialized services.

    « red energy "- a good tariff plan from MTS, which does not imply a monthly fee. Calls to mobiles, regardless of operators, will be priced at 1.6 rubles per minute, and messages cost 1.9 rubles. As for the Internet, subscribers pay 9.9 rubles for each megabyte of traffic. This tariff will be the best solution for everyone who constantly has to call numbers different operators. When using this product from given operator you will be able to minimize the cost of mobile communications and get the opportunity to properly use the services that you really need in everyday life.


    1. No subscription fee;
    2. Separate connection of services;

    MTS tariffs for calls with a monthly fee

    Rates With subscription fee they are good because they include full-fledged packages of services, for example, outgoing calls, messages, as well as Internet traffic. Having made simple calculations regarding how many minutes a month you talk on the phone, how many messages you send and how much traffic you spend, it will not be difficult to choose the best tariff. There will be no difficulties at all if you use all the resources without exceeding the limits set by the tariff plan you have chosen. Moreover, you will have a clear idea of ​​how much money you will have to spend on mobile communications in each month, which is extremely convenient for a wide range of people.

    Tariff SMART MINI

    « Smart Mini' is one of the most popular tariff plans, characterized by a minimum subscription fee. It must be admitted that this tariff will be extremely beneficial, provided that you spend a lot of time talking on a mobile phone. If you exceed the tariff limit, then the cost of calls will be two rubles per minute to other operators, and within the network they will be made free of charge.

    1. Subscription fee 400r;
    2. 350 minutes for calls per month;
    3. Unlimited Internet;

    Tariff SMART

    « Smart”- here communication will be provided without time limits with all MTS subscribers in different regions of the country, as well as 550 minutes for calls to other operators. This tariff will be beneficial for everyone who calls to different cities quite often, but not only for MTS subscribers.

    1. Subscription fee 500r;
    2. 1 GB internet traffic;

    Smart Tariff Unlimited

    1. The subscription fee is charged daily - 10 rubles. per day; Then 550r per month.
    2. The optimal solution for active smartphone users.

    « Smart Zabugorishche”- if you choose this tariff, you will pay two hundred and fifty rubles a week. This tariff is focused on calls while traveling. If you are in other countries, then calls and messages will be charged as part of the basic package.

    « smart top "- one of the most popular tariffs, for which subscribers pay one thousand nine hundred and fifty rubles a month. In return, three thousand minutes of calls will be allocated to all operators in the country, as well as the absence of limits on communication within the network. Three thousand messages and twenty gigabytes of Internet are also received by everyone who prefers this tariff plan. Perhaps this The best decision for everyone who is forced to communicate on the phone for a long time and actively use the mobile Internet.

    Separately, it must be said about the tariff called "Ultra", which implies premium service at a cost of two thousand nine hundred and ninety rubles. In return, the subscriber will be provided with five thousand minutes of outgoing calls to third party operators, the same number of messages on them, as well as unlimited communication within the network. This is a popular tariff plan, which is often chosen by entrepreneurs and simply active people who want to always stay in touch.

    Tariff plan mts connect-4 is quite popular in this moment. Thanks to this set, subscribers can get a good Internet connection, no matter where in the country they are located. It should be noted that networks of any generation can be used here. This product comes with wireless router, which supports 4G technology or a high-speed modem. Relatively recently, it was also possible to purchase a kit with a 3G modem, but at the moment they are no longer relevant, so the company excluded them from sale. By choosing this set, the subscriber receives everything necessary to provide for himself good internet, that is, not only specialized equipment will be purchased, but also the corresponding SIM card.

    This tariff has a fairly high flexibility, so each client can choose the best offer for himself, taking into account financial possibilities. If you nevertheless firmly decided to become the owner of this product, then you should take into account that they are put on sale with the “Internet VIP” service already activated. This will allow you to get thirty gigabytes of Internet during the day, and at night the traffic will not be limited at all. For example, if the user does not choose the best option services, then after the end of the monthly period, payment will be charged in a predetermined amount.

    If this tariff does not suit you for one reason or another, then it makes sense to prematurely think about connecting this or that service. Many are wondering if it is possible to use this modem in combination with packages from other operators. In fact, it is possible not only to change tariffs if necessary, but also to resort to unlocking the purchased equipment, and later use it with cards from other operators.

    Tariff MTS Smart mini

    Tariff plan MTS smart mini relatively recently became available to MTS customers. This tariff joined the list of others extremely unexpectedly and smoothly, and advertising practically did not accompany it. It is for this reason that many subscribers of this operator, until recently, did not know at all about the existence of this tariff. Probably, marketers simply did not begin to recommend to customers a package in which only half a gigabyte is provided, since such an offer only in the first few days could seem like an excellent offer in practice. After some time, it could begin to seem extremely uninteresting to subscribers. The point here is not only in the Internet, but also in the number of minutes that are allocated for conversations within the network.

    Initially, the subscription fee was only two hundred rubles for the first two months of using this package of services, and already from the third it increased by fifty rubles. At the moment, the cost of the package has reached three hundred rubles a month, so each subscriber should evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages of this tariff before connecting it. It is important to take into account that during the first two months you will pay two hundred rubles, as stated in the advertisement, but from the third month the amount of payment will increase by one hundred rubles, and then it will be 350 rubles a month.

    Choosing a tariff is one of the most important decisions when connecting to a particular mobile operator. If you are looking for truly advantageous rates for calls within Russia, SMS messages and the Internet, pay attention to MTS tariff plans. Each of them is designed taking into account the interests of a particular category of users - a schoolboy, a businessman, and a housewife will choose for themselves, one has only to calculate the current costs of mobile communications.

    We offer you the most favorable MTS tariffs, about which mobile operators do not tell their customers directly. With us you will receive impeccable quality favorable price, because we offer tariff plans with the most attractive features. It depends only on you whether it will be 100% unlimited or limited unlimited on MTS. Conditionally unlimited tariffs include a certain "package" of services, after exhausting which the conditions for the provision of services change. Full unlimited MTS has no limits on the volume of calls or other services, and we will help you choose the best tariff plan.

    What will you get from changing your usual tariff plan?

    First, significant savings of your money. MTS mobile communications are really cheap calls. You will feel the difference already after the first month of using the new tariff! Regardless of how many SIM cards are connected, you will feel the real benefit from unlimited, because the more calls, the more savings. By the way, when you buy one SIM card from us, you get the second one as a gift!

    Secondly, cheap calls within Russia. If you make a lot of calls outside your city, then unlimited in Russia is the best choice. Cheap long distance calls will save you a huge fortune.

    Happy communication!

    Tariff plans that imply a subscription fee are very convenient with the offered package of services, such as free minutes, SMS, MMS and even a certain amount of MB of Internet traffic. However, among users mobile communications There are also those people who have absolutely no need for such a set of services. It is for such mobile users that tariff plans without a monthly fee have been developed.

    Tariffs for pensioners do not imply a large amount of package data and services, but they are very interesting due to their tariffing. This article will help you understand the best tariff plans without a subscription fee offered by MTS. Each of them has its own advantages, which will help you decide on the tariff. You have the option to connect one of them depending on what you need: cheap local calls, cheap long distance calls, or cheap Internet access. Especially convenient are MTS tariff plans without a monthly fee for pensioners.

    MTS tariff plans with cheap local calls

    As a rule, cheap tariff plans are very attractive due to their interesting service conditions. For example, for laconic subscribers, the company offers a tariff plan without a monthly fee with per-second billing. We are used to paying by the minute, but MTS is ready to make such an exclusive offer to its customers. Tariff plan "Per second" is useful if you need cheap local calls.

    All other services are charged as follows:

    • A call to a Moscow or regional MTS number will cost you 5 kop/sec;
    • Call to any other mobile number in Moscow or the Moscow region - 5 kop/sec;
    • Call to the regional telephone of the MTS network - 5 rubles per minute; Intercity call in Russia - 14 rubles / min;
    • Voice call to any of the CIS countries - 29 rubles / min;
    • A call to a European number is 49 rubles per minute;
    • Call to other countries - 79 rubles per minute;
    • Send an SMS to a local number in the city of Moscow and its region) will cost you 2 rubles;
    • Send an SMS to a Russian number - 3.80 rubles;
    • Send SMS to any other country - 5.25 rubles;
    • Send MMS - 6.5 rubles;
    • And for 1 MB of Internet - you will pay 9.90 rubles.

    In addition, this tariff plan allows you to connect service packages that reduce the cost of SMS and Internet use. "Per second" will help you save money if you rarely talk on the phone for more than a minute, if you are a frugal student, laconic taxi driver or courier. The next tariff without a subscription fee is Super MTS. You need it if your calls are limited to one network.

    The cost of services and calls in it is as follows:

    • A call to a local telephone of the MTS network - for the first 20 minutes a day, the fee is not charged, and for all subsequent ones, the fee is 1.5 rubles;
    • A call to a local landline number - no fee is charged for the first 20 minutes a day, and for all subsequent minutes the fee is 2.5 rubles / min;
    • A call to an MTS network phone in another region - 5 rubles / min;
    • Intercity calls in Russia - 14 rubles / min;

    A call to a CIS country, Europe and other countries, SMS-messages, MMS-messages and Internet traffic costs the same as for the "Per second" tariff plan.

    Useful option " Call for free on MTS Russia 100» will add free minutes to your package. In addition, by enabling the appropriate options, you will reduce the cost of SMS and Internet traffic. " Super MTS. Region"- this is an improved version of the Super MTS tariff, which will be useful to subscribers who frequently visit the Moscow region.

    An option like " Beneficial Calls » will provide you with benefits for charging calls to other local operators: only 0.75 rubles per minute. Be careful, in the first 30 days of using the tariff plan, no monthly fee is charged. However, after a month, you need to reactivate the service by typing the following USSD command: *111*857# or by sending an SMS with the text 857 to a free service number 111.

    Connecting the service will cost you 1.5 rubles. It is important to remember that the boundaries of the geographic area may not coincide with the boundaries of the operator's tariff zone. Another interesting tariff from MTS - “ red energy". Its peculiarity is the equally favorable price for all local calls, which is 1.6 rubles / min. SMS messages to local numbers will cost you 1.9 rubles, all other services, including international calls, are similar to the standard tariff.

    Calls on the Russian intercity cost 8 rubles / min. You ask if there are MTS tariff plans without a subscription fee for pensioners? Unfortunately, tariff plans with such target audience the operator does not, but the proposed tariff plans will be convenient for pensioners as well.

    What MTS tariffs without a monthly fee are suitable for pensioners?

    For them, the tariff " Super MTS", and summer residents will be useful" Super MTS. Region". Tariffs from MTS for cheap long-distance calls and access to the Internet One of the tariffs offered by MTS is " Your country» - is very pleased with its prices for calls to the countries of the Far East and the CIS countries. Any local call will cost you 2.5 rubles/min, a call to MTS Russia and any other Russian number will cost 3 rubles/min.

    Calls to other destinations are charged as follows:

    • A call to phones in the Middle East costs 8 rubles/min;
    • A call to the number of the Republic of Belarus and Azerbaijan will cost you 13 rubles / min; Call to Armenia - 2.5 rubles / min;
    • Call to numbers in Moldova - 9 rubles / min;
    • A call to the number of the TCELL operator in Tajikistan - for the first minute of the conversation - 7 rubles, the next 7 minutes - 1 ruble);
    • Call to any other Tajik number - 8 rubles / min;
    • Call to a number in Uzbekistan - 4 rubles / min;
    • A call to the Ukrainian number of the MTS network - 10 rubles / min;
    • Any other call within Ukraine - 15 rubles/min;
    • call to South Korea and China - at 3 rubles / min;
    • Call to Vietnam - 8 rubles / min. SMS messages in this tariff plan cost:
    • 2.5 rub. - to any phone of the city of Moscow and the region;
    • 2.5 rub. - to any Russian number, to any region;
    • 3 rubles - to the number of any of the CIS countries;
    • 6.5 rubles - MMS messages.

    Tariff plan " Your country» is especially useful for tourists, travelers and people on business trips. Well, the last one on this list is the tariff plan " Lighthouse". It is beneficial to people who understand a lot about telematic services. This means that you can install your SIM card connected to this tariff plan both in the navigator and in the GPS beacon, and even in the GPS tracker of your car.

    Unlimited MTS tariffs

    If cellular and the Internet have firmly entered your life, and it’s already hard for you to imagine how you can do without them, then MTS’s profitable unlimited tariff plans with a monthly fee are the most optimal choice. Don't waste money on services mobile operator: just connect the appropriate tariff and do not limit yourself in communication. It is for you that the team of PJSC Mobile Telesystems (MTS) has developed unique service packages "Unlimited Russia", "Unlimited VIP", "SMART Zabugorishche". You can choose direct or federal number. After connecting, you do not have to monitor the balance and check the status of the account: it is enough to pay a monthly fee once a month (from 1000 rubles per month, depending on the tariff used), and you don’t have to worry that at an unexpected moment the funds on the phone will run out.

    MTS tariffs for business

    to corporative clients we propose to pay attention to tariffs with a monthly fee, focused on commercial use.

    If the scope of activity provides for the commission a large number outgoing calls throughout Russia, we recommend paying attention to the "Unlimited Russia" tariff, and if only in Moscow and the Moscow Region - to the "Unlimited Start" offer. These tariffs are united by the fact that for a fixed subscription fee you get a direct or federal number and impressive packages of free outgoing minutes every month.

    MTS tariffs for Internet access

    MTS offers favorable internet tariffs providing its users high speed connections at minimal cost. Especially for mobile phones and tablets, the tariff plan "Connect-4" has been created, the connection to which will be free! laptop owners and desktop computers the operator provides a package of monthly traffic up to 50 GB.

    MTS offers us a lot of really favorable tariffs. Some of them are focused on Internet access, others - on calls, and still others are designed for a certain category of subscribers. There are a lot of tariff plans, so we decided to talk about which MTS tariff is the most profitable. As part of this review We will consider several categories of tariff plans:

    • For the Internet;
    • For calls;
    • For pensioners.

    Some of these tariffs overlap, as separate offers combine low-cost calls and low-cost network access. Let's talk about this in order.

    The most favorable MTS tariff with the Internet

    Per-megabyte tariffication of Internet access is almost completely a thing of the past, today tariffs with package offers are relevant. The most favorable MTS tariff with the Internet is one of the tariffs of the Smart line:

    All these tariffs include certain Internet traffic packages. And everywhere there is a subscription fee, which includes traffic, voice calls and SMS.

    • The "Smart Mini" tariff will provide us with 1 GB of Internet for 400 rubles / month, this is the youngest and most inexpensive offer.
    • For 500 rubles / month we can connect ourselves Smart tariff, which includes 5 GB of traffic.
    • The tariff plan "Smart Unlimited" will give you 10 GB of Internet traffic for 550 rubles / month.
    • The next tariff is Smart Zabugorishte, which provides us with a package of 7 GB per week (available in international roaming) with a weekly fee of 250 rubles/week. The most expensive tariff is Smart Top, which offers us 20 GB of Internet traffic for 1950 rubles per month.

    As already mentioned, the presented line includes not only traffic, but also various packages of minutes. If the subscriber only needs the Internet, he should use the MTS Connect-4 tariff, to which the following options are connected:

    • Internet Mini - 7 GB of traffic for 500 rubles / month;
    • Internet Maxi - 15 GB during the day and white limit at night for 800 rubles / month;
    • Internet VIP - 30 GB and night unlimited for 1200 rubles / month;
    • Internet 4 Mbps - unlimited traffic with a speed limit for 770 rubles / month;

    As you can see, in this scenario, traffic is cheaper and more profitable.

    The most favorable MTS tariff for calls

    Many subscribers are interested in what MTS tariff is the most profitable for calls? It is difficult to answer this question, since each tariff is beneficial in its own way. If we consider the above tariff plans from the Smart line, then they can offer very advantageous call packages:

    • Smart-mini – the tariff includes unlimited calls to local MTS numbers and 350 minutes of calls to all-Russian MTS numbers and other local calls. Subscription fee - 400 rubles / month;
    • Smart - these are unlimited calls to all-Russian and local MTS numbers, 550 minutes to any Russian numbers and 550 local SMS for 500 rubles per month (these conditions also apply when roaming in Russia);
    • Smart Unlimited - these are unlimited calls to all-Russian and local MTS numbers, 350 minutes to any Russian numbers and 350 local SMS for 550 rubles per month (these conditions also apply when roaming in Russia);
    • Smart Zabugorishche includes unlimited calls to all-Russian and local MTS numbers, 350 minutes per week to numbers home region and 350 SMS within Russia per week for 250 rubles/week (these conditions also apply when roaming within Russia);
    • Smart Top is the most expensive offer, including unlimited calls to all-Russian and local MTS numbers, 3,000 minutes to all Russian numbers (mobile and landline) and 3,000 local SMS for 1,950 rubles per month (these conditions also apply when roaming in Russia).

    In addition, these tariffs provide Internet traffic.

    How is the most favorable MTS tariff without the Internet? We will include two tariffs in this category - these are the “Per-second” and “Super MTS” tariffs. Tariff plan Per second will offer cost-saving subscribers inexpensive local calls for only 5 kop/sec. If your calls are not very long, then this tariff is for you.

    As for the Super MTS tariff, it is no less profitable proposition. The first 20 minutes a day to local MTS numbers are free of charge. Then the billing is as follows - 1 minute within the network is 1.5 rubles, from the 2nd to the 20th - free of charge, from the 21st minute - 1.5 rubles / min. Calls to other local numbers - 2.5 rubles / min. In addition, this tariff can be supplemented with unique options that make communication cheaper and more profitable.

    For some, other tariffs may also be beneficial, so each subscriber, before choosing a suitable tariff plan, should carefully read all the offers on the official MTS website or at the nearest service office.

    The most favorable rate for pensioners

    As for pensioners, they usually need economical tariffs. For example, they are perfect for the tariff plans described above Per second and Super MTS.