• How to Bypass Windows Administrator Password to Enable Blocked Features. How to Bypass Windows Administrator Password to Enable Blocked Features Bypass Windows 7 Administrator Password

    In XP and their families, this is done by ALT+Ctrl+delete, enter Administrator / Admin / Administrator and went in, there is a “default” user there, but in seven and Vista I don’t know, I tried it, but the window does not come out.

    Method for Win 7:

    Stage #1 - Setting up the command line to start before the Windows login screen

    1. Boot from the Windows 7 installation disc or recovery disc.


      If you do not have an installation disk or a recovery disk, but have a LiveCD with Windows PE or another Windows is installed on another partition of your hard drive, you can use them - go to step No. 3.

    2. In the language settings window, click Next --->[only if booting from installation disk] click System Restore ---> Next ---> Command Line.
    3. At the command line, type regedit and press Enter. The Registry Editor will open.
    4. Select a section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Then from the menu File select item Load thread.
      Go to the drive where Windows 7 is installed (the letter may differ from the usual WITH), and open the file:


      In some cases, the OS disk may not be visible to the recovery environment, in which case you will need to download the driver in step 2. You will need the same driver that was used when installing the OS.

    5. Enter a custom name for the loading section. In the example - 888.
    6. Go to section

      Then double-click on the parameter:

      • CmdLine, enter cmd.exe and press OK.
      • SetupType, replace 0 on 2 and press OK.

    Select a section 888 V HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, then from the menu File select item Unload bush.

    [*]Remove the installation disk, close the registry editor and command line, click in the recovery options window.

    Stage No. 2 - Reset your password or create a new user and log in

    After rebooting, continue to log into Windows 7 normally. Before logging in, you will see a command prompt window.

    Password reset

    To reset your password, enter the following command and confirm its execution with the key Enter:

    Net user [i]username [i]new password

    Important! If your username or password contains spaces, enter them in quotation marks.

    In the picture below for the user Adm7 password is set tL942G8dWp, but you can specify your own.

    If you have forgotten your account name, enter the command net user without parameters to display all available accounts.

    Create a new account

    If you don't have any administrator accounts, you can easily create one. To do this, enter the commands below sequentially, pressing the key after each Enter.

    For Russian(localized) Windows:

    net localgroup Administrators username /add

    net localgroup Users username /delete

    For English Windows:

    net user username password /add

    net localgroup Administrators username /add

    net localgroup Users username /delete

    The commands sequentially perform the following actions:

    1. Creating a new user.
    2. Adding a user to the Administrators group.
    3. Removing a user from the Users group.

    If you want to set the password to never expire for all accounts, enter the following command at the end:

    Net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited

    When you finish typing, close the Command Prompt window.


    You now have an account with administrator rights and a new password. Simply select a user and sign in to Windows:

    How does this work?

    To change user settings, you must have access to the Windows Control Panel or Command Prompt running with administrator rights from Windows. Since login is blocked, changes must be made before login.

    To do this, at the first stage, we enter the registry editor of the recovery environment and load into it a part of the registry (hive) of installed Windows 7. Using the SetupType parameter, we indicate that before the next login to Windows we must execute the command from the CmdLine parameter, and in CmdLine we specify the command line (cmd.exe). These options are originally intended to perform administrative tasks during silent Windows installation, but we use them for our own purposes. After this, the registry hive is unloaded and the computer is sent to reboot. Then everything is simple - in the command line window that appears, we perform the necessary operations with users and log into Windows.

    There are also programs like Windows Key Enterprise 9.3 Build 815 Bootable CD

    The king walked into the palace.

    The guard demanded: “Password?”

    And the king replied: “Damn!”

    The verse will pass for third grade!..

    You forgot your password Administrator. What to do?

    There is a lot of advice on the Internet about what to do if you have forgotten your password. Administrator, – advice ranging from harmful to useless.

    For example, I strongly do not recommend for password reset Administrator delete files SAM* (\WINDOWS\system32\config\). After this, major problems are possible, including reinstallation OS! As a rule, it is not possible to boot the system; a window appears when loading lsass.exe – System error with the message “Failed to initialize SAM due to the following error: The device attached to the system is not working. Error status: 0xc0000001. Click OK to shut down the system and reboot in safe mode, see the event log for details." After pressing the button OK the computer will reboot and so on ad infinitum.

    There is also this advice: delete the file logon.scr (\WINDOWS\system32\), and the file cmd.exe rename to logon.scr. After the reboot, supposedly after 15 (!) minutes it should (?!) open, in which you need to type EXPLORER, after this you can supposedly log in with the rights Administrator.

    Nothing will come of it!..

    Password recovery

    To complete this procedure, you must be logged in with your account. Administrator or group member Administrators(If to the network, then network policy settings may prohibit this procedure).

    Click the button Start -> Settings -> Control Panel ->;

    – on the tab Users select the name whose password you want to change and click the button Password reset;

    – enter and confirm a new password (to change the password) or leave the fields empty (to reset the password) –> OK.


    Resetting your password using the built-in account Administrator(V )

    When booting/rebooting, press F8;

    - V Windows Advanced Boot Options Menu select ;

    – select a built-in account Administrator (Administrator), which is not password protected by default (you can select any account of any member of the Administrators group for which you know/or do not have a password);

    - in the window Desk with the message that Windows works in Safe Mode, press Yes;

    – after loading Desktop click Start –> Control Panel –> User Accounts;

    – click the icon of the account whose password you want to reset;

    – select the item on the left in the menu Changing your password;

    - in the window Changing your account password<Имя_учетной_записи> enter and confirm a new password (to change your password) or leave the fields blank (to reset your password);

    – press the button Change password;

    – close the window User Accounts;

    – close the window Control Panel;

    – reboot.

    Reset your password using Windows

    Click Start -> Run... -> Run a program ->cmd–> OK;

    - in the window that opens Command interpreter after the system prompt, enter control userpasswords2

    – a window will open User Accounts;

    - in the field Users of this computer select the required account;

    – uncheck the box Require username and password –> OK(or below in the section User password<Имя_пользователя> click Change password... –> in the window Change password enter and confirm a new password (to change your password) or leave the fields blank (to reset your password) –> OK –> OK –> OK);

    - in the window that appears Automatic login enter and confirm a new password (to change your password) or leave the fields blank (to reset your password) –> OK;

    – in the command line window, enter exit (or just close the window);

    – reboot.

    How to reset your built-in account password Administrator

    If the built-in account Administrator computer is also “safely” forgotten password, you can use emergency recovery boot disks like Windows miniPE edition or ERD Commander.

    1. Disc Microsoft Windows miniPE edition contains a stripped down version Windows XP.

    To download miniPE needed in BIOS install boot from CD-ROM"ah, put it in the tray CD-ROM"and the boot disk with miniPE and reboot;

    - when it loads miniPE, press the button miniPE(alternative to button Start) –> Programs –> System Tools –> Password Renew;

    – a window will open ;

    – click the button Select Windows Folder(bottom right);

    - in the window Browse for Folder specify the folder location Windows and press OK;

    – press the button Renew existing user password;

    – in the drop-down list Account select the desired account;

    – in the text field New Password enter a new password;

    – confirm it in the field Confirm Password(remember the new password!);

    – click the button below Install;

    – a window will appear Information with a message Password Renew for NTs is successfuly done!;

    – click OK;

    – close the window Password Renew for XP-based Systems;

    – press the button miniPE –> Reboot;

    – after reboot, install in BIOS booting from hard drive;

    – you can boot the system with a new password Administrator.

    2. ERD Commander is a bootable emergency recovery disk, such as Windows miniPE.

    When booting from disk ERD Commander in the boot menu select ;

    – to skip local network initialization (and speed up loading!) click the button Skip Network Configuration;

    - in the window Welcome to ERD Commander select OS to restore, click OK;

    – after loading ERD Commander click Start –> System Tools –> Locksmith Wizard –> Next;

    – in the next window in the drop-down list Account select the desired account;

    - in the field New Password enter a new password, confirm it in the field Confirm Password –> Next –> OK;

    – press the button Start –> Log Off –> Restart –> OK;

    – after reboot you can log in with a new password Administrator.


    1. Any (!) information can be used for both good and evil: it all depends on who uses this information and for what purpose... I hope that you need this information for a good purpose: you forgot the password on your (! ), don't reinstall!..

    2. Using a password increases security. If there are several running, personal settings, programs and resources will be better protected if a password is assigned to the login name or account name.

    3. Built-in account Administrator present in the welcome window Welcome only if no other accounts exist (except the account Guest), or if loaded in .

    4. lsass.exe [LSA Shell (Export Version); 11,5KB] – Security Account Manager(disk address – \WINDOWS\system32\)

    Purpose: Is a local security authentication server (security mechanism process Microsoft Windows), creating a process responsible for checking for the service Winlogon. This process uses authentication packages such as Msgina.dll. If authentication is successful, the process lsass.exe creates a user access token that is used to launch the shell. Other processes that are initialized inherit this token.

    Stores security information for the local account. Responsible for local security and login policy. The program is necessary for stable and safe operation, so it is not recommended to interrupt its operation.

    Settings: Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services -> Security Accounts Manager -> Properties.

    Startup type – Auto. Login - with an account.

    Dependencies: Depends on Remote procedure call (RPC). From Security Account Manager depends Distributed Transaction Coordinator. If this service fails, it reboots. Recovery actions are not supported for this service.

    Sometimes under the name lsass.exe a network worm or Trojan is hiding. The most famous network worms Sasser, Nimos And Lovgate contain an executable file named lsass.exe.

    5. You can try to crack the password using special programs (a long and tedious process!).

    6. Reset the password using the password recovery/reset diskette - see.

    Valery Sidorov

    Good day, dear readers.

    If you need to bypass the Windows login password, and for this you do not need to install additional programs. You might have forgotten your password or you might need to gain access to someone else's computer.

    Option 1

    The essence of the method is to reset or change the computer account password. To do this you need to log in safe mode Windows. There are several ways to enter the Windows boot options menu. The most common is to press a key F8 on the keyboard before the system boots. After which a window will appear for selecting system boot options, where we select the desired item using the arrow keys.

    There is also a more radical method, for example, if you have problems with the keyboard keys. First, turn on the computer and as soon as the operating system starts loading, you need to interrupt it.

    To do this, you can press the power button or completely unplug the power cord from the outlet. After this, turn on the computer again, the menu for selecting system boot options will be automatically loaded, since the work was completed incorrectly in the previous session.

    Next we need to select safe mode and log into the operating system under the account we are interested in, for example Administrator. Now let's open Control Panel and go to the section User Accounts. Select the current entry from the available ones Administrator and press the button Remove password. The account password will be removed and you will be able to log in normally without entering a password.

    You can also not only delete the password, but change it by clicking the button Change password and enter the same password twice in the line. If you leave the fields empty, no password will be specified, which is the same as deleting the password.

    Option 2

    You can also reset your password using . To do this, when selecting Windows boot options (after clicking F8) select safe mode with command line support. Select an account Administrator and launch through the Start menu command line. You must enter the following command to reset the password:
    Where NAME is the account name, in our case Administrator
    PASSWORD is a new password that you can enter to log into your account after a reboot.
    Moreover, if the username has spaces, then enter the name enclosed in quotation marks.

    If you don’t know or have forgotten how to spell the username correctly, then simply enter the command NET USER, which will display all available accounts on this computer.

    You can also not only change or reset your account password, but also create a new account in the Administrators group by entering:
    NET LOCALGROUP Administrators NAME /add
    NET LOCALGROUP Users NAME /delete
    These commands will create the NAME account, add it to the Administrators group, and remove it from the Users group.
    Now after rebooting you will be able to log into your account using the new password.

    Option 3

    You can also use another method by disabling the password request when logging in. To do this, in safe mode with command line support, enter the following command into the command line:
    control userpasswords2

    This command will open the User Accounts window. On the Users tab, select the desired account or user group from the list provided and uncheck the box Require username and password.

    You can then change the password or leave the fields blank if you do not want to have a password set for this account. Confirm your changes with the button OK and restart your computer. In this case, logging into your computer account will occur automatically without prompting for a password.

    Option 4

    It happens that these methods cannot be used, since the system does not allow you to log into Windows even in safe mode. In this case, you will need to have an installation disk with the operating system or any other LiveCD.

    When loading a disc, when selecting language options, press Next and press System Restore, where in the next step you will select Command line. For Windows 8 you need to select Diagnostics, Additional parameters and only then Command line.

    Now you need to open the Registry Editor window by entering:
    Select a section HKLM and in the menu File select an item Load bush. Now specify the following location as the hive:
    Specify any name for the hive, for example 111
    Now go to the section in the registry editor:
    Change the setting CmdLine on cmd.exe
    A SetupType With 0 on 2 .
    Now select this section again and in the menu File select unload the bush.
    Then restart your computer, and before logging into your account, a window will open, with which you can perform reset operations or change your account password.

    Now you can bypass passwords on Windows easily. Bye everyone and see you again.

    Sometimes forgetting your Windows 7 password is very annoying because you lose control of all the data on your computer under that account. You can find solutions on the Internet and still don't know how to unlock your computer. And some wrong actions can be harmful to your locked computer.

    So here we will show you how bypass Windows 7 password 5 effective ways, whether you want to bypass the admin password or don't want to login.

    Part 1: How to Bypass Windows 7 Password Using Command Prompt

    CMD, Command Prompt, is an advanced administration tool on Windows computers. This is a powerful feature that helps solve some system problems.

    The solution to bypass Windows password is quite old-fashioned, but works well every time. Here, to bypass Windows password, you need to first log in to your Windows 7 computer as a guest and then reset the Windows account password.

    Log into your Windows 7 computer using a guest account. (Guest accounts do not require a password at all).

    Copy and paste “cmd.exe” to your desktop. Rename "cmd.exe" to "sethc.exe".

    Copy the file to C"\Windows\System32 and overwrite the file in that folder.

    Restart your computer and press Shift 5 to enter CMD. Enter "net user myusername mypassword".

    Here "myusername" is the user account name and "mypassword" is the new password for the administrator account. Press "Enter" to execute the command and restart your computer.

    You can then use the new password to log into your Windows 7 computer.

    Part 2: How to Bypass Windows 7 Password by Creating a New Account

    If you simply forgot one of the administrator passwords on your Windows 7 computer, but you still have other administrator accounts available, you can log into your computer and create a new administrator account to bypass it.

    Click Start and then type "cmd" into the search box. Right-click and select Run as Administrator.

    When the Administrator Command Prompt opens, copy and paste the following command to reset a lost user password.

    net user username new_password

    "username" is the new account you will create and "new_password" is for your new account.

    In this way, you can bypass the forgotten Windows 7 password and create another new account with a new password.

    Part 3: How to Bypass the Administrator Password Using Windows Password Reset

    If you forgot your admin password and didn't get an admin account, then you should use a password reset tool to help you bypass and create a new password for the admin. You don't even need to log in to your Windows 7 computer.

    We don't intend to use here, but only use secure Windows password reset software to do this.

    Tipard which can help you deal with such headaches in simple steps. With the help of a brilliant program, you can easily remove the password of your local admin accounts from CD/DVD and USB drive. Moreover, you can also create a new administrator account in the software interface without going to the control panel.

    Follow the instructions and bypass the password on your Windows 7 computer to use it again.

    Download and install the appropriate Windows Password Reset software on an accessible computer.

    To bypass a locked computer password, you may need to prepare a CD/DVD or USB disk as a bootable tool to burn Windows Password Reset on a locked Windows 7 computer. This way, you can download and install the appropriate Windows Password Reset software on an accessible computer.

    Create a bootable CD/DVD or USB drive (consider the Windows Password Reset Ultimate version as an example).

    Once you have successfully registered your chosen version of the program, you have two options to select CD/DVD or USB drive.

    1. Insert the boot tool (CD/DVD or USB drive) into your computer, downloading this program. Then click "Burn CD/DVD" or "Burn USB".

    2. Select "Burn CD/DVD" or "Burn USB" and click "Yes" to wait for the burning process to complete (for example, take "Burn USB").

    Set to boot locked computer from boot disk/USB drive

    1. Insert the boot tool into a locked Windows 7 computer and reboot the locked computer

    2. Keep pressing F10/Delete/Esc/F8/F12 when the screen lights up

    This write data will need to enter your BIOS interface of your locked computer, so you need to press a key to enter the BIOS interface.

    Adviсe. The button required to press depends on your locked computer's motherboard, you may need to figure out which key you should press.

    3. After entering the BIOS interface, select the "System Configuration" tabs and select "Boot Options" > enter "Boot Order" > change the "Boot Order" menu option and place the boot tool (CD/DVD or USB drive) first. At the bottom of the interface you will find some key tips to help you save your settings. And then close the BIOS interface. After this, your locked computer will restart again. Your computer will then enter the "Windows Preinstallation Environment".

    Once you enter Windows PE, Windows password reset will begin automatically. Select Windows 7 where you want to bypass the administrator password.

    If your Windows 7 was created by multiple administrators, then you can selectively select the user as you like by clicking on it.

    Then click Reset Password and select Yes. And click "Restart" to start your Windows 7 computer. After this, you will find that the password of the selected account will be removed from Windows 7.

    1. If you want to bypass password only in Windows 7, you can do it in this step. If you want to add another administrator for your Windows 7, you need to follow more steps as shown below.

    2. This software will also help you bypass administrator password in Windows 10/8/Vista/XP and more.

    Add an administrator account or other user account if you need it. Click "Add User". You can add another account and set a password for the new account (Ultimate version only). Click Reboot. And after that, take out your loading tool.

    The bypass process will be completed and take out your boot tool and the computer will restart again. You will see multiple accounts (administrator account, previously locked account, or new account if one has been set) in the logging interface on your Windows 7 computer. And you will be glad to know that you can log into your account without typing anything. one password for your original locked account.

    More password recovery tools for Windows, check it here.

    Part 4. How to Bypass Windows Password Using Reset Disk

    If you have created in the past, below were the simplest steps to help you bypass forgotten password in Windows 7.

    When you enter an incorrect password, a message will appear in the Windows 7 login interface, and you need to click OK to close the message.

    Click Reset Password and then insert the password reset disk you created earlier.

    Follow the onscreen instructions to create a new password.

    Then you just need to log in with the new password.

    Note. The drive only works in the account you created, if you changed the Windows XP password for that account it still works.

    Part 5. How to Skip Windows 7 Login Password

    If you can remember your password but just want to skip the login window, then you can easily remove the password by following simple steps.

    Click the Start button and then click your account picture to go to your accounts.

    Click "Remove Your Password" and enter your current password and "Remove Password" to confirm your work.

    You can then restart your computer to ensure that you are not stuck at the Windows 7 password login interface.

    The whole process is simple, isn't it? You can try to bypass the administrator password on your Windows 7 yourself.


    Here we are mainly talking about 5 ways to bypass forgotten password in Windows 7. No matter your password is admin or you don't want to login, you can also find precise solutions to fix it. Last tip: You can remove Windows 7 password directly to avoid additional stoppage when accessing your computer.

    Of course, you could remove the set password.

    Was your problem resolved?

    Let me know if you have any questions by leaving your comments.

    How to reset your Windows password if you suddenly forgot it? I will talk about this today in this article. To change the password, we need a disk with a windows distribution. I will analyze the example on Windows 8. But this scheme allows you to change passwords on all modern operating systems including Windows 7.

    Please do not consider this guide as instructions for hacking Windows. This is precisely to help those who want to restore access to their computer account.

    Using this method, you can work with any account, including administrator. So now you can easily get out of the situation even if you forget your password or you can help those who find themselves in this situation.

    By the way, if you don’t know how to enable the administrator account, then read here. Also, for clarity, I recorded a video. It's at the bottom of this article.

    Booting from the boot disk

    So. We install the operating system distribution into the drive and boot from it.

    In the next menu, press the key combination shift+f10. A command prompt will open.

    Switch to the English layout using the key combination “alt+shift” and enter the command “regedit”. Confirm the command with the “enter” key and the registry editor will open.

    Select the directory with the installed operating system. In my case it is “Local Disk D”. You choose yours.

    We are looking for the file “utilman.exe”. This is an accessibility program file. It boots with system rights.

    Right-click and select “Rename” from the context menu. We call it “utilman1” (any other name can be used; it doesn’t matter).

    Closes all windows and restarts the computer.

    Resetting the user's password

    After reboot. On the welcome page, click the “Special Features” button

    Launch command line

    In it you need to give a command like “net user username password”. After the command, we indicate, separated by a space, the name of the user whose password needs to be changed, and then, also separated by a space, the password itself that we want to set.

    That's it! The password for the forgotten user has been changed and you can log in to the system. Now all that remains is to rename the files back. To do this, boot from the disk again and do the reverse procedure.

    Rename the file “utilman” to “cmd” and “utilman1” to just “utilman”. This will set a new computer password for your account and you can continue working.

    In conclusion, as promised, a video about - how to reset a forgotten password in windows: