• How to view deleted VKontakte photos? Effective and working ways to view a deleted VKontakte page

    Procedure for viewing deleted page is the same both when the profile was erased on one’s own initiative and when it was forcibly blocked.

    At self-removal page on VKontakte, the user is given 6 months to change his mind. To restore your profile, log in and restore information in one click.

    For VK pages that have been frozen due to suspicion of hacking, instructions with restoration are displayed upon login. This mainly happens through a code that is sent to the linked phone. Pages blocked by the site's decision are restored only after certain time.

    An alternative method is to write to technical support VK to resolve the issue urgently.

    Viewing a saved copy in search engines

    In cases where you need to view deleted page for a user who does not want to restore it, use the saved copies. Information from the network does not disappear without a trace. There are resources that store data about each site in a cache. Such services as they are now do not help in finding pages from social networks, so it remains to use popular search engines.

    It is convenient to view such information through Yandex. The address of the desired profile is entered into the search bar, after which the results are displayed.

    In the list, select the “Saved copy” item, after which a copy of the profile saved some time before its destruction will be opened in a new tab.

    This method allows you to still view posts and photos that users have previously erased. Similar actions are performed in other known search engines, such as Google or Bing.

    Services and tricks with which you can find EVERYTHING.

    Why is this needed: Did you briefly read the article in the morning and decided to take a closer look in the evening, but it’s not on the website? Several years ago you visited a useful site, today you remembered it, but there’s nothing left on the same domain? This has happened to each of us. But there is a way out.

    Everything that goes on the Internet is stored there forever. If some information is posted on the Internet for at least a couple of days, there is a high probability that it has become the property of the collective mind. And you will be able to reach her.

    Let's talk about simple and publicly available ways to find sites and pages that have been deleted for some reason.

    1. Google cache that remembers everything

    Google specifically stores the text of all web pages so that people can view them if the site is unavailable. To view a version of a page from Google cache You need to type in the address bar:


    Where http://www.site/ must be replaced with the address of the site you are looking for.

    2. Web-archive, which contains the entire history of the Internet

    6. Archive.is, for your own cache

    If you need to save some web page, you can do this on archive.is without registration and SMS. There is also a global search for all versions of pages ever saved by users of the service..

    7. Caches of other search engines, you never know

    If Google, Baidu and Yandex did not manage to save anything sensible, but a copy of the page is really needed, then we go to seacrhenginelist.com, go through the search engines and hope for the best (so that some bot visits the site at the right time).

    8. Browser cache when all else fails

    You can’t view the entire page this way, but images and scripts from some sites are stored on your computer for a certain time. They can be used to search for information. For example, using a picture from the instructions, you can find a similar one on another site. Briefly about the approach to viewing cache files in different browsers:


    Looking for files in a folder ~/Library/Caches/Safari.

    Google Chrome

    In the address bar we type chrome://cache


    In the address bar we type opera://cache

    Mozilla Firefox

    Type in the address bar about:cache and find on it the path to the directory with the cache files.

    9. Trying to download the page file directly from the server

    We go to whoishostingthis.com and find out the address of the server on which the site is or was located:

    After that, open the terminal and using the command curl trying to download the required page:

    What to do if nothing helps at all

    If none of the methods yielded results, and you desperately need to find the deleted page, then all that remains is to contact the site owner and shake out the treasured information from him. First, you can get through the contacts associated with the site on emailhunter.com:

    And about collecting information about people, read the articles and.

    You can restore your VK page in different ways depending on how exactly it was lost (deleted or blocked). Below are step by step instructions for recovery in each case. In case they cannot be presented in the article and alternative method. If it doesn’t help you, then be sure to write to us in the comments and we will consider your problem personally.

    What to do if your profile is deleted

    If you deleted your VK page, you can restore it within 7 months. You don’t need to pay any money for restoration - if you see such a request on the page, then know that this is a scam.

    Check your system for viruses to get rid of notifications that your profile is locked and you need to pay to unlock it.

    To restore your VK page:

    After clicking the “Restore” button again, you can fully use your VK account again - all friends, messages, posts and other information from the page will remain intact.

    What to do if your account is blocked

    If the VK page was not just deleted, but blocked for sending spam or other suspicious activity, then you can restore it using a special form.

    The service will automatically find a page that meets your specified requirements. If the correct account is found, click "Yes, this is desired page"to regain access to your profile. A message with a code will be sent to the number associated with your profile. Enter it and click “Change Password”. If you do not have access to the phone or the message does not arrive, then click on the “Click here” link.

    A small three-point questionnaire will appear - if you fill it out, you can return your page by linking it to another phone number. You need:

    1. Specify another number to which the VK account will be linked.
    2. Write the login you used to access your page before (number or email address).
    3. Enter Old Password(You can leave this field blank).

    Account recovery is only possible if your profile contains your photos. Anonymous pages without photos are difficult to return, even if you provide full information about the old password and login.

    If a profile is blocked for violating site rules, then the blocking information will indicate specific reason and the expiration date of the ban. Before this period expires, access to the page cannot be restored.. If you did not violate the rules (your page was hacked and used by third parties), then report this to the support service - the procedure for contacting will be discussed in detail below.

    What to do if your login and password are lost

    The form described above will allow you to restore your VK page if you have forgotten your login and password. This is a fairly common problem among users, so the VKontakte administration has made the procedure as simple as possible, but safe - you can only restore your page, you cannot gain access to someone else’s account.

    The page was found, but to restore it you will have to send a request in which you must indicate old number, available number, and account password. If your profile contains your photos, then you can do without a password, but then there is a chance that the VKontakte administration will reject your request.

    Alternative method

    If your profile was hacked and then blocked for actions that violate VK rules, you cannot remember your login (password) or you cannot find your account address, then try to restore access directly through the VKontakte support service.

    Note: To use this feature, you need to be logged in to the site. If you decide to create an appeal new page, under no circumstances link it to the same number as the old one, otherwise you risk losing access to the old account. You can open a support page from another person's profile - it will be safer.

    F.A.Q. VKontakte.ru

    1. What is a user identifier (abbreviated ID):

    This is a unique number-code of the user, his number in the VKontakte.ru database. When accessing any user information, this code is transmitted to the server.

    How to get it:

    1) hover the mouse over the button “Friends of Ivan Ivanov” and see something like http://vkontakt.ru/friend.php?act=add&id = 0000, where 0000 is the required id

    2) or if we have the profile address in the form http://vkontakte.ru/id0000, then 0000 is the id here.

    3) most often, trying to gain access to a deleted or blocked profile, we go to the address:

    Where XXXXX is replaced with the user ID.

    4. Change the date of birth to any month and year:

    1) if not, then download Opera 9

    2) in contact, click on “edit.” next to the "My Page" button

    3) press Ctrl+F3 or right-click select "source text"

    4) scroll down the opened code to a list with lines like (or use search

    5) in the found piece, change in the line both digits 1 to the same desired number

    6) scroll down a little more to the list of years and in change both numbers 1996 to the same desired numbers

    8) click on the tab with the contact page editing page and select the numbers you just made from the lists

    10) go to your page and make sure everything is working

    ATTENTION: this trick may not work the first time!

    5. How to download music from Contact (in addition to VkLife and VkMusic programs):

    Method 1:

    1. Open the page with audio recordings

    2. Copy the following into the address bar

    Javas cript:function operate(konfuze,loves,you,all_,xP)(you=you.toString(10);while(you.length<5){you="0"+you;}document.getElementById("audio"+konfuze).innerHTML="

    Download "+document.getElementById("performer"+konfuze).innerHTML+" - "+document.getElementById("title"+konfuze).innerHTML+"


    3. REMOVE THE SPACE between javas and crypt and press ENTER. Now, when you click on the play button, a download link will be shown instead. Right-click on the link and select "Save link as... (save link as...)". In some browsers, you can simply click on the link. Sometimes you can click on a link and after downloading the melody, select “File->save”.

    Method 2:

    The method is complicated:

    1. Select the Play button for the corresponding entry, right-click, and select “View source code of the selected fragment.”

    2. find the text:

    Onclick="return operate(6035468,1094,28944,"18570a58a1",97);"

    Remember "18570a58a1"

    3. Click Play.

    4. Click the right button anywhere on the page, select the item DownloadHelper->18570a58a1.mp3

    Way 3:

    On the page where there are audio recordings that you want to download, copy this line to the address bar:

    Javasc ript: function operate (id, host, user, file, dur, wall) ( var str = "http://vkontakte.ru/u "+user+"/audio/"+file+".mp3\">Download
    "; mydoc = window.open(); mydoc.document.write(str); ) alert("Patched!");

    // don't forget to remove the space between javaсс and ript

    Press ENTER.

    Now, when you click on the Audio playback button, a new (!!) window will open with a “download” link. To download, right-click on the link and select "Save As". To listen, you can simply follow the link. Also, by clicking on the link and waiting for the download to complete, in some browsers the “Save As” item in the File menu is activated.

    6. How to download a video from Contact:

    1. Open the page with the waterproof

    2. Insert into address bar:

    Java script:(function())(var s=document.createElement("script"); s.src="http://xantorohara.jino-net.ru/videovkontakte/videovkontakte.js"; s.type="text /javascript"; document.getElementsByTagName("head").appendChild(s); ))();

    2. Remove the space between Java and Script!

    7. How to find out who unfriended you:

    1. Open the Friends tab: http://vkontakte.ru/friend.phр

    2. Press CTRL+A (i.e. select all)

    3. Create an EXCEL file on your desktop.

    4. Copy the contents of the buffer to this file and save

    5. That's it, a powerful database has been created!

    6. When you suspect that someone deleted you, then do steps 1 and 2 of this algorithm and open that file

    7. You insert the content next to the already stored data, but in the same line where the beginning of the previous one comes from

    (i.e. if yours starts with A1 or B1, then insert it into D1, F1)

    8. We stupidly compare lines, scrolling to the end of the file. Where the columns “flowed”, the one who removed you from friends settled in!

    8. How to find out who left an opinion about you:

    (0000 is your ID)

    ATTENTION: you must have applications enabled!

    9. How to tag all your friends in a photo:

    First download the file depositfiles.com/files/5055488

    Ifolder.ru/6370153 (adostes.user.js)

    1. For Opera

    IN top menu select

    "Preferences" →

    "Advanced" →

    "Content" →

    “JavaScript options” →

    Field “User JavaScript files”


    "Tool" →

    “Settings” →

    “Additional” →

    “JavaScript Options” →

    "My JavaScript files" field

    Select downloaded file

    2. For Firefox

    Install the Greasemonkey extension


    Just open the downloaded file to install the script.

    An icon of a monkey's face will appear at the bottom; by clicking on it, the script can be turned on and off at any time.

    3. For IE

    In the “Reify” panel that appears, select “Options” →

    “Install feature” - specify the downloaded file (adostes.user.js)

    How to use?:

    Go to the page with the photo you uploaded to your contact.

    The “Mark all friends” button will appear under the “Delete” button. Before clicking it, you need to load the list of friends into the browser: to do this, click on “Mark a person”, then click on “Mark all friends”. Confirm that you really want to tag all your friends.

    Congratulations, the process has started!

    10. How to tag all your friends in a video:

    1. go to the page with the video

    2. paste this script into the address bar

    Java script:for(blabla=0;blabla<5000;blabla++){ var elem = document.getElementById("f"+blabla); if(elem == null) break; elem.onclick(); }

    First remove the space in the "java script".

    3. press Enter - and wait)

    11. How to bookmark a private page:

    2) enter your email and password for the contact (the same as in contact)

    3) just in case, refresh the page

    4) at the top there will be several buttons, click on the Bookmarks button (it is necessary that you have at least 1 person in your bookmarks, otherwise this button will simply not be displayed for you) and there at the very bottom there will be people who have you in their bookmarks.

    ATTENTION: you must have bookmarks turned on and at least one person added!

    13. How to make it so that it is not obvious that you are online. Or “invisible” in VKontakte:

    Don't go to profile.php page.

    Just follow these:

    Mail.php etc.

    14. How to download the application:

    In Firefox:

    1. Open the page with the application.

    3. At the bottom, select “Web page, complete”.

    4. Save.

    7. There will be several files, among which there will be one in SWF format. This is the application.

    In Opera:

    1. Open the page with the application.

    3. At the bottom, select “HTML file with pictures”.

    4. Save.

    5. Now open the folder where you saved it. The HTML file and folder are saved.

    6. Open the folder that was saved (it should end with the word files).

    7. There will be several files, including one in ZIP format.

    8. Change the file type to SWF.

    (to change the file type, you need: service - folder properties - view - uncheck "hide extensions for registered file types")

    15. Change the design of your page:

    16. How to come up with a university for yourself:

    In the higher education column, select any country that you like. When you choose, you can add your university there, as well as the department and faculty to it)

    17. How to join a closed group:

    To encode and watch flv videos, download the SUPER program, everything is encoded and looks great with it;)

    20. How to leave an anonymous opinion for someone who is not on your friends list:

    $1 = ID of the person you want to send an anonymous message to

    $2 = message itself

    21. How to delete all messages from a wall at once:

    How to clean a wall:

    Want to clean your wall in contact? Nothing could be easier!

    A mega bibian named Greasemonkey, who lives in a zoo called FireFox, will help us with this.

    If you have not yet installed FireFox and Greasemonkey https://addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/addon/748, then let's catch up.

    And those who have already dealt with this install this script http://www.x-code.name/data/projects/vkontakte/vkontakteruclearwall.user.js. Then go to the page http://vkontakte.ru/wall.php and go drink tea. No further action will be required from you. After all messages have been deleted, the script can also be deleted; you will not need it until the next cleaning.

    MUST READ: And now a little attention. If you have Greasemonkey enabled and a script for cleaning the wall is installed, then every time you visit the address http://vkontakte.ru/wall.php or http://vkontakte.ru/wall.php?id=[your id] an automatic clearing messages from the wall. Therefore, after the planned cleaning, you need to delete the script so that you don’t accidentally clean something again. This is my first script for Greasemonkey, therefore I don’t know all its capabilities yet, it is quite possible that it will be further developed and the start of the operation can be confirmed or canceled, but this is not a fact later

    Deleting messages is not instantaneous, since, with frequent requests to the server, the page is blocked and for some time you will be shown http://vkontakte.ru/blank.php when accessing the page, walls are installed between requests to the server to prevent blocking a waiting period of 1 second, as well as +2 seconds for each page before it is updated again. Those. It will take approximately (20*1)+2 seconds to clear one page with 20 messages.

    Enjoy using it, if you have any problems, please write in the comments. When using this script at your own peril and risk, users take full responsibility%)

    P.S. When writing the script, not a single wall was damaged.

    22. How to respond to a closed page offer:

    Method 1:

    1) If you have not yet enabled the "Offers" service, then check the appropriate box in "My Settings" and click the "Add services" button.

    23. How to remove yourself from another person's blacklist:

    IceIM (In Contact Extended Instant Messenger)

    client program for convenient communication on the well-known portal Vkontakte.ru. Main features: sending/receiving messages to friends on VKontakte, viewing friend's info, support for friends' avatars, visual notifications about new events (friends, photos, groups, meetings, videos), message history, sound notifications, many skins (you can customize the appearance to your taste), status on the site, translation of Winamp track names into status on the site, groups in the Contact list.


    don’t want to part with VKontakte even for a minute? The VKClient Java application for mobile phones allows you to stay in contact even when you are not able to be on the Internet via a personal computer.

    The tray program hangs in the tray as an icon, periodically checks for new messages on the vkontakte.ru website and informs about new messages with a flashing icon. When you click on the icon in the browser, a message page opens; to close the program, right-click on the tray icon and select “Exit”.


    rocking and search tracks from a huge database of mp3 files uploaded by Vkontakte users. VKMusic allows you to automate the search for the audio recordings you need and download them to your computer, the choice of music is organized. No authorization required.

    painter/picture downloader VKontakte.ru will help you add the desired element to your graffiti or completely transfer the picture you like to your friends’ wall. Supports 2 operating modes, “redrawing” the image and downloading directly. Unlike sites that provide image downloads, you do not have to give access to your account to third parties.


    has an intuitive interface and is very easy to use. For programs of this level, this is a decisive factor, because if there is the slightest inconvenience, the utility will not be used. All you need to do to upload a picture to a friend is to launch the program, select the friend and the picture (the latter is done using a standard Windows dialog box). After this, do not forget to click on the “Publish on the wall” button on the site itself.


    This script will help you download audio files uploaded by VKontakte users to your computer. The script adds a download link and a link to quickly search for the words of the song near the music listening buttons. A description of how to use the script is attached.




    a program for managing statuses in contacts, allows you to quickly switch to “hot” statuses (prescribed in advance), make your status multi-line and hang in the tray.


    a collection of very useful tips on VKontakte.ru. Contains tips for viewing “private” user profiles, “private” photos, and much more.

    Vktoolbar official toolbar for Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer and receive instant notifications about new messages, events, groups, etc. without going to the vkontakte website.

    You will need

    • - Internet access;
    • - Total Commander or other file manager;
    • - Handy Recovery file recovery program.


    Use the system restore feature. This is the most accessible, although not particularly convenient, method. Enter the “Start” menu, find the “Programs” tab, and in it - the “Accessories” line. Select the System Restore option. In some versions of Windows, this tab is located in the Utilities section.

    After choosing system recovery, carefully read the help that will appear as soon as you click the appropriate link. The fact is that when using this function, changes that occurred to your computer after the checkpoint are erased. The files created during this time will not go anywhere, but program settings may change. The certificate states what you will gain or lose if you take advantage of the opportunity offered.

    Before restoring your system, be sure to save changes to the files you were just working on and close all applications. After that, click the “Continue” button and recover the deleted log.

    If you only want to view the history, but do not need to “roll back” the entire system to the last checkpoint, use one of the deleted items viewer programs. There are many such programs, one of the most common is Handy Recovery. It is paid, but you can use it freely for a certain time. It is installed on the computer in the usual way. Close your browser, launch the program and scan the disk. This program has several analogues with free licenses.

    The Handy Recovery program interface consists of two windows. The right one provides the browsing function, and on the left you will see deleted files, among which is your log file. It must be isolated and then restored. You will see the corresponding button at the top of the interface.

    Find the folder on your disk dedicated to your browsing history. It is usually located on drive C, in the Program Files directory. Move the files you just recovered into it. Open your browser and view your browsing history.


    • how to highlight the visit log

    There are different logs in the system. One contains records of events in the operating system. The other records data on login attempts, changes in security settings, and access to objects. The third contains records of events caused by programs. They can all be conditionally combined into an event log. There are several ways to view it.


    To view from, right-click on the “My Computer” icon. In the drop-down menu, select the “Manage” item by clicking on it with any mouse button - the “Computer Management” dialog box will open. Expand the “Computer Management (local)” branch by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button, select the “Utilities” section in the expanded list, and open the “Event Viewer” item in the submenu.

    If you can't find the My Computer icon on your desktop, set it to appear. To do this, right-click on any free space on the desktop and click on “Properties” in the drop-down menu with any mouse button. The Properties: Display dialog box opens. Go to the “Desktop” tab, click on the “Desktop Settings” button. In the additional window, go to the “General” tab and place a marker in the field opposite “My Computer” in the “Desktop Icons” section. Apply the new settings and close the windows.

    If you don't need the My Computer icon on your desktop, open it another way. From the Start menu, call up Control Panel. If the panel is in classic view, select the Administration icon. In the window that opens, click on the “Event Viewer” icon. If your dashboard is displayed by category, look for the icon you're looking for under the Performance & Maintenance category.

    You can get quick access to the “Administration” folder in another way. From the Start menu, select Run. On a blank line, type control admintools and press OK or press Enter. In the window that opens, select the “Event Viewer” icon. To immediately open the Event Viewer window without opening the Administrative Tools folder, enter the eventvwr.msc command in the prompt and click OK.

    Video on the topic

    If you accidentally erased a file you need and you need to look at it, be prepared to spend time restoring it. Fortunately, in most cases this is possible. There are special programs for such manipulations.

    You will need

    • You will need a file recovery program.


    Programs of this “recovery” direction include Restoration, Roadkil's Undelete, SoftPerfect File Recovery, PC Inspector File Recovery, DataRecovery, NTFS Undelete and others. These are free utilities that help recover deleted information of any kind - texts, images, etc. test them all and choose a utility that is more convenient for you. You can start with one of the easiest to use - the free Recuva utility.