• How to move tabs down under the address bar in Firefox. How to bring back the old Firefox interface

    He brought with him a noticeably updated interface, which was called Photon and replaced Australis. The last users could watch all previous years, thanks to which they managed to get used to it. Today we'll show you how to partially return this old interface Firefox.

    So, we have before us the “headers” of the interface of the current Firefox Quantum (version 57 and higher) with its new UI Photon:

    and top part the Australis interface that has been with users since Firefox 29 and ending with Firefox 56:

    As you can see, there are a lot of small differences between the two interfaces. Actually, we will try to eliminate these differences to one degree or another further.

    Full width address bar and search field

    The address bar in Firefox Quantum is notable for the fact that it no longer stretches to the entire space available on the panel, but is always located exactly in the center, leaving unused space around the edges.

    You can remove it and thereby return the address bar to its classic location. To do this, open the main menu and click on the "change" link there.

    You will be taken to the interface constructor " Setting up Firefox". Remember this place, we will return here more than once in the course of the article.

    Here you need to drag the two empty rectangles on either side of the address bar to the design area, and then click the "Finish" button:

    As a result, we will return the normal interface - the address bar, which will now occupy all available space, leaving no empty seats around the edges and giving you more room to work with addresses.

    Of course, another important change is the lack of new Firefox Quantum of a separate search field.

    If you need it, then you can return it from the same constructor by simple drag and drop.

    Another option: go to the settings, go to the "search" section and switch this visual option at the very top:

    The search field will be returned safely:

    Bookmark list button, download button and more

    Even in the new Firefox, the location of most buttons has changed. This is how it was before:

    And now it's like this:

    Among other things, by default, the buttons requested by many for displaying the bookmark menu and the list of downloads have disappeared.

    You can return buttons from the interface constructor mentioned above. They are there and returned to the main interface with a simple drag and drop:

    Please note that the "download" button since Firefox 57 can disappear when it is not needed. If these disappearances take you by surprise, then the button has a new parameter, responsible for ensuring that it is always displayed. Would you like to see this option? Then just click on the button while in the constructor:

    In turn, the home button did not disappear, but moved to the left, to the navigation elements. Being in the interface designer, i.e. in the “Firefox Settings” mode, you can also return it to its original place to the right by simply dragging it.

    But what you definitely won’t be able to do using the browser itself is to move the “refresh page” button to the address bar where it was before. However, this can easily be done with the Reload in address bar extension. Install it in the usual place, at the end of the address bar you will have a button to reload the page:

    Here, however, we will clarify that the original button will also remain. The command to hide this navigation item is in its context menu. If you want to return everything as it was, disable the extension, and return the original button to its original place from the interface constructor.

    Shrinking the Firefox interface

    If it seemed to you that, being expanded to full screen, on Windows, the interface of the new Firefox takes a little more space than before, it didn’t seem to you:

    Indeed, by default new interface, takes up a little more space in height than the old one. If you are, for example, a user of a device with a small screen, then you may want to free up content for more space. You can do this by adjusting the interface dimensions:

    If you install the compact version there, then the new interface, which was originally larger than the old one, will, on the contrary, become smaller:

    New Tab page

    UPDATED: since Firefox 60 this way unfortunately doesn't work. An alternative has not yet been found.

    Another thing that has changed noticeably is the "new tab" page, which has site tiles for quick access. There can now be no more than 12 elements here, and you can no longer drag them. About how we wrote this page quite recently.

    In short, you need to go to about:config and change the value of the browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.enabled parameter there from true to false:

    As a result, you will see the usual large tiles instead of the tiny current ones:

    They can be moved among themselves, and on a large big screen they will be displayed up to 15.

    Customizing tabs in Firefox Quantum

    It's time to work on the tabs, as in the new Firefox they have also changed noticeably and not everyone may like these changes:

    Alas, we have not yet learned how to return the previous rounded shape to the tabs, but some other changes can be made.

    For example, tabs can be made light again:

    Even in the new Firefox, Mozilla has reduced the minimum width of tabs. Previously it was 100px, but now they are 76px wide. This will be more convenient for users of Chrome and other browsers, where tabs can be greatly reduced, but among Firefox users, this change will not be appreciated by everyone.

    Fortunately, everything can be returned as it was. To do this, in about:config, find the setting browser.tabs.tabMinWidth and return it to 100. Then the tabs will shrink a little less. Scrolling will turn on more often, but tab titles will also contain more characters:

    If, on the contrary, you like exactly the options “like in Chrome” and “like in Opera”, then using the same parameter you can. Alas, for some reason it is still impossible to set the minimum width of the Firefox tats to less than 50 px.

    Finally, in windowed mode, newer versions of Firefox no longer display blank space above tabs by default. This saves space, but it makes scaling the window a little more difficult. To return the space above the tabs, you need to enable this option:

    Instead of a conclusion

    Finally, let's take a look at what we have this moment happened. This is what Firefox 56 looks like - latest release with the old interface:

    This is how Firefox 57 came out - the first release with a new UI called Photon.

    And here is how we managed to return the old version, using almost all the settings described in this article:

    Actually, that's all for now. If we learn more ways with the help of extensions, some hidden settings or something else to return the old features of the old Firefox interface, then the material will be supplemented.

    When I first started using the Internet, I did not know about such an icon: and I constantly typed in the search engine necessary words to go to the desired site. It became much faster and more convenient to use the Internet when I began to open pages through tabs. I work in Google browser Chrome, which is in the same bundle with Yandex.


    Tabs allow you to open multiple pages in the same browser window. The tab bar is located at the very top of the window, above the address bar.

    Use tabs so as not to increase the number open windows browser - then all the pages you open will be available from one window.
    To open new tab, on the tab bar, click the button (to the right of the already open tabs) or use a combination Ctrl keys+T (on Windows) or ⌘+T (on Mac OS).

    The tab can be pinned. Pinned tabs will always be located on the left side of the tab bar, in front of all newly opened tabs (even after restarting the browser). To do this, right-click on the title of the tab and select "Pin Tab" from the menu that appears.

    Also, I have installed updated Yandex a browser that shows the weather in your city, exchange rates, news, etc. and makes it easy to collect necessary information. You can download Yandex Browser 2014 for free, Yandex Browser 2014 settings will speed up your browsing experience.

    Page screenshot

    Here you can set the theme of the page:

    You can choose a theme from the "spring" section

    I chose a theme from the "Fashion" section - "Knitted hat":

    Great convenience at work is created by bookmarks that you make for yourself in the browser.


    Bookmarks are a set of links to pages you need. Bookmarks can be divided into subject folders.
    All bookmarks and folders are displayed on a special bookmarks bar, which is located directly below the address bar. By default, this panel already contains links to the main Yandex services and the Other Bookmarks folder.

    I have a lot of bookmarks! My biggest disappointment was when I reinstalled Window because I lost my bookmarks. that's where I collect all important information, which I then use, or did not have time to use and delete.

    Here are just some of the bookmarks I currently use

    You can bookmark important sites yourself, as well as edit or delete unnecessary ones. If necessary, create folders and distribute bookmarks among them.

    The bookmarks bar can be removed from under the address bar and added if necessary. To do this, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+B (on Windows) or ⌘+Shift+B (on Mac OS). Or click the button (at the top of the browser window, to the right of the address bar); (I have a different icon: in the menu that opens, select "Bookmarks" → "Show bookmarks bar".
    You can also hide the bookmarks bar by right-clicking on it and in the menu that appears, unchecking the "Show bookmarks bar" checkbox.

    Bookmark this page

    Adding a bookmark is very simple:
    Open the page you need and click on the star on the right side of the address bar.

    In the "Bookmark added" window that appears, specify the name of the bookmark and the place where you want to place it - in the bookmarks bar, in "Other bookmarks" or in any other folder.

    You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+D (Windows) or ⌘+D (Mac OS) to add a bookmark.

    Edit Bookmarks

    To edit a bookmark, right-click on it and select Edit from the menu that appears. In the "Bookmark" window that opens, you can change the name of the bookmark and the page address (URL).
    If you want to delete a bookmark, right-click on it and select "Delete" from the menu that appears.

    Managing Bookmarks (Bookmark Manager)

    To work with bookmarks, it is convenient to use the Bookmark Manager.
    To call it, press the or button (at the top of the browser window, to the right of the address bar); in the menu that opens, select Bookmarks → Bookmark Manager. Or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+O (on Windows) or ⌘+Shift+O (on Mac OS).

    In the bookmark manager, you can add, edit, and delete bookmarks and folders. All these actions are performed through the "Organize" menu or through the menu called by right-clicking on the list of bookmarks.
    Also in the Bookmark Manager, you can transfer bookmarks from one folder to another, swap them - simply by dragging them.
    Import bookmarks from another browser

    You can import bookmarks from browsers Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer.
    To do this, click the button (at the top of the browser window, to the right of the address bar), in the menu that opens, select "Bookmarks" → "Import bookmarks and settings".

    When browsing websites and Internet services, users often want to save the material they like. To do this, just make a bookmark in Yandex Browser and the page will be available in two mouse clicks, and their number is not limited.

    You can add a bookmark in several ways and even transfer them from another browser, and we will tell you how to do this at the end of our article.

    How to bookmark a browser window

    1. Look at the browser's address bar. On the right side is a dark gray star. Click on it.

    2. A window with settings opens. Enter a name for the bookmark, for example, "My Favorite Page", select a folder for storage and click "Finish".

    3. Go to the browser menu and click "Bookmarks".

    4. Select "Show bookmarks bar".

    To create a bookmark, you can use the hotkey combination - ctrl+d.

    It would not be superfluous to mention the possibility of creating bookmarks for everyone open pages browser, this can be useful when the program is closed in an emergency, for example.

    1. Select "Bookmarks" from the browser menu.

    2. Find in the list and click "Bookmarks for open pages".

    An alternative would be to use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+D.

    Bookmarks board for quick access

    For the convenience of users, the developers of the program have added a special scoreboard that displays the most visited sites. This board is displayed by default when opening a new tab. Also, it is possible to manually add pages.

    1. Open a new tab in Yandex Browser and under the scoreboard itself, click the "Add" button.

    2. Enter in the field that appears, the address of our site - website and click done.

    Now helpful tips to work with your computer is always at hand.

    How to transfer bookmarks from another browser

    No less relevant topic will be the transfer of existing bookmarks from other browsers. This may be needed when changing the "main" browser, or simply, they wanted to try the "domestic development".

    1. To synchronize, open the browser menu and go to settings.

    2. In the "Profiles" section, select "Import bookmarks and settings".

    3. Select the browser from which you want to transfer data and mark what exactly will be transferred and click the "Transfer" button.

    After some time, depending on the speed of your computer, all data will be available in Yandex Browser.

    So, briefly, but succinctly, I told you about ways to create a bookmark in Yandex Browser, and your task is to thank me with a like or a flattering comment. And be sure to read up on how to create a , might come in handy.

    Sometimes the tab bar may disappear from the working window of any browser, most often the reason for this disappearance is to make changes to the settings of the browser itself. Sometimes this situation can occur due to a failure of the browser itself or exposure to malware. To restore the tab bar in the browser, do not use additional applications, this problem solved by setting the browser itself. To restore the tab bar you will need:

    - Computer (upgrade your old computer for a new and powerful one by buying it in ours);

    - Web browser.


    1. In every modern browser there is a special tab bar, it serves for the convenience of switching between open pages of sites. This panel contains additional buttons, which allow you to perform certain actions on tabs.
    2. Opera

    For start this browser click on the "Start" button and select the "All Programs" section. Find the Opera folder and open it, click on the browser launch icon. You can also use the shortcut on the desktop or in the panel to launch the browser quick launch, if such labels exist.

    3. Click on the button with the browser logo, which is located in the left upper corner browser and select the "Appearance" command, next to the "Tab Bar" function, check the appropriate box. If you wish, you can select the display option for this panel using the options that are located in this window, click the OK button. Open the "Settings" section of this browser, click on the "Advanced" tab. Click the "Tab Settings" command and uncheck the "Open window without tabs" option. Click OK.

    4. Mozilla Firefox

    Open this application and expand the list of "Tools" commands. Select the "Settings" command and open the "Bookmarks" page in the loaded window. Check the box next to "Always show the tab bar", close the settings by clicking on the OK command.

    5. Internet Explorer

    Open the program and expand the "Service" section, it is located at the top of the window. Click on the "Internet Options" command, in the loaded window, select the "General" tab. Click on Options and check the box next to Customize Tabbed Browsing. Apply changes made by clicking on OK and restart the program.

    6. You can also set the display of tabs in an additional line. To activate this feature, right-click on the tab bar and check the "Show tabs in a separate line" option.

    Video: How to set Bookmarks in Browsers

    Sometimes I completely refuse to understand the logic of some developers software. It seems that initially a group of competent programmers, up to some version, do everything correctly and beautifully. But then a bad boss is introduced into their team, who, moreover, abuses illegal substances. There is no other way I can explain the version race of my favorite Firefox browser, accompanied by such turns, from which "cockroaches in the head applaud standing."

    Over the years I've been using Firefox, I've gotten used to tabs of open pages below the address bar, just above the page's content. Before the 15th version (I could be wrong, but somewhere around that) in the browser, the layout of the tabs easily switched through context menu, but then this item was removed from the menu. And they removed it completely, I could not find this parameter in any dialogs or browser settings menu. However, if you customize the layout of the tabs in some old version and then update to latest version, then the tabs will remain where they should be. A clean install of the latest version will invariably place the tabs on top.

    I did this for a while, installing an intermediate version, setting it up as it should, and then updating to the latest, but I found a better solution.

    In the address bar of the browser, type about:config, a list of browser settings will open. Finding the parameter browser.tabs.onTop The easiest way to do this is to use a filter. Right-click on the parameter and select "Toggle". After that, the tabs are moved to the correct place.

    Concerning new version Firefox 29. With the release of this version, insanity finally won over all common sense, the interface turned into something unimaginable in general, and without the ability to fix it with regular means.

    Fortunately, a German programmer Aris developed an add-on for Firefox 29 Classic Theme Restorer (Customize Australis), which allows you to at least slightly return the familiar look of the browser. With his help in Firefox 29 you can move the tabs down. To do this, in the settings of the add-on, select the "Tabs not at the top" item.

    After that, the tabs are moved under the address bar. The add-on is still in beta, but I really hope that the author will not leave its development and familiar interface can be returned in full. It still remains a mystery to me who or what drives developers to give a damn about the opinions of millions of users and make such global changes to the interface.