• Add-on firefox under the order. Mozilla Firefox: required add-ons. Mozilla: what add-ons you need to pay attention to

    Mozilla- reliable browser with many options. However, as in other browsers, its functionality is expanded through special add-ons. The official store publishes various extensions for Firefox. They are available for download to all users on whose computer this program is installed.

    Expanding browser capabilities

    Add-ons are small scripts that are built into Mozilla Firefox expanding the range of functions. In this article, we will tell you what are useful extensions for Firefox, which are aimed at creating a comfortable environment for users. In addition, we will learn where to download them and how to solve the download problem.

    Where to download and how to install add-ons?

    The first question newbies ask is how to install an extension in Firefox? Integration takes place either in the extension store or through official resources, which host setup files extensions for Mozilla Firefox. In the first case, the procedure is the same for all additions.

    • First you need to go to the store. Open it from the link: https://addons.mozilla.org/ru/firefox/. Find a specific extension for Mozilla browser Firefox can also be found in the browser's "Add-ons" menu. In the "Extensions" tab, find the search bar in the right upper corner and enter the name of the utility there. Search Firefox add-ons in the store also happens through a line with a magnifying glass icon.
    • Click on the green "Add to Firefox" button.
    • The installer will download. Now install: in the small window, click on "Install".
    • Restart your browser. The next time you start the program icon will appear on the add-ons panel. If the icons are present, the Firefox add-ons have been successfully installed.

    Installation problems

    Sometimes there are difficulties with downloading applications. They just don't install. There are several reasons for this. We will identify them one by one and solve the problem at the same time.

    1. Add-on and browser version are incompatible. As a rule, the official store publishes Mozilla extensions Frefox latest versions. What to do in this case? There are three possible solutions here:

    • update the browser itself if the version is outdated;
    • try to look for versions of the plugin that are compatible with the version of Firefox that you have on your PC (a rather complicated way);
    • download another extension that is similar in functionality - there are plenty of alternatives now, fortunately.

    2.The browser is blocking the installation of the add-on because the site is not trusted. A yellow bar appears with a message. Here you just need to click on "Allow". You can also simply disable the extension check in the browser so that the blocked add-on can be safely downloaded.

    3.If the message appears: Load error -228, it means that the browser cache is disabled. To enable it, you must:

    • Go to Settings, and then to the "Advanced" section.
    • Go to the "Network" block.
    • Look at the cache section. It must be at least 1 MB.
    • Close the about:preferences tab.

    Error 228 may be caused by another program. For example, a firewall or anti-spyware screen. Temporarily disable this utility to check if this is the reason. If the problem is in it, you just have to make a choice in favor of the application or program.

    5.Configuration files in the browser may be corrupted. Hence the error. What should be done in this case? Delete these files. Upon restart, the browser will restore them, but there will be no damage. To do this, open the profile folder.

    Click on the menu button. We need Help - a round icon with a question mark. Select the Troubleshooting Information option from the context menu.

    In the "Application Details" section, click the "Open Folder" button.

    Exit the browser.

    Remove documents from the list of files:

    1. extensions.sqlite,
    2. extensions.ini,
    3. extensions.json.

    Open the browser.

    6.Others additional programs in the browser may not be compatible with the extension you are trying to install. Solution: put safe mode for the new addition.

    Where can they be found?

    Where are downloadable Mozilla Firefox extensions stored? in the profile folder. To make it appear on the screen, do the following:

    1. Hold down Windows and R to launch the Run window.
    2. In the line we write the command: %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\\. The easiest way is to copy it.

    Where are the extensions in the menu of the browser itself? You can open a tab with their list in a couple of clicks: open the "Add-ons" window through the icon with three lines. You will immediately be taken to the "Extensions" tab. This is where program management takes place. In this menu, you can enable, disable, or completely remove a specific extension. The "Settings" button will take you to a window with utility options.

    Several popular add-ons

    There are many programs, but only some of them are loaded with an enviable frequency. Let's find out what useful extensions for Firefox can be downloaded from the official store.

    AdBlock and Adguard

    Since every site is now full of advertising banners, users begin to wonder if all these elements can be eliminated. You can use these extensions. Adguard will also provide additional protection from phishing sites. These applications are absolutely free.

    If a site is unavailable to you due to blocking by your provider or administrator, you can download friGate and bypass restricted access.

    The connection is made through a proxy server. The connection will change to normal when you visit the allowed resources.


    This program also allows you to open prohibited sites. It is free shareware. The paid version has more countries through which you can connect. Baud rate in free version also below. However, it is sufficient in most cases.

    This one and best supplements to ensure anonymity on the Internet. You will get access to prohibited resources and additionally protect yourself from Internet bugs. Information will no longer be collected about you, including your name, age, gender, browsing history, and more.

    The add-on is able to hide information about which browser you are using from resources. this moment use for surfing. Further, the information is replaced - data is provided on the operation of an alternative browser (what you install in the extension).

    This is useful when a site works correctly when used, for example, only Internet browser Explorer, which you won't have if you have Linux.

    The disadvantage of the add-on is that its interface is not in Russian, but in English.


    The application helps to download audio and video content from the most popular sites: YouTube, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, etc. From time to time in functionality other sites appear. Thus, development and updating is underway.


    If you no longer want to perform the same type of actions in the Mazila browser, write your script using this add-on. It has a simple interface - even a beginner will understand. Then you can simply enable script execution and the computer will do everything for you.

    Elements from Yandex are popular, in particular, visual bookmarks. They can be customized (number of cells, background, search string). Thus, they provide maximum performance and convenience.

    The plugin competes with . There are also many settings here. You can set the most appropriate personalization options. You do not have to worry about the safety of your settings - they will be stored in the cloud.

    Here you can disable plugins such as Java, JavaScript and Adobe Flash Player, thus closing the two most important vulnerabilities of Firefox. If necessary, you can create your own White list resources for which the program will not work.

    LastPass Password Manager

    This small program stores passwords for various accounts. Since it is highly undesirable to put the same logins and passwords on different accounts, they accumulate a huge amount in the head. Remembering everything is impossible. LastPass Password Manager comes to the rescue.

    You will only need to remember the password for this service. Passwords from accounts are stored in a safe place - on the servers of the server. They will be encrypted. At any time, they can be automatically substituted during authorization on some resource.

    Add-ons for Firefox expand the functionality of the browser, of course. Their download occurs mainly in the extension store. There you will find ad blockers, protectors, personalization tools start page and much more.

    Mozilla Firefox- popular browser, characterized by convenience and speed of work. This collection contains useful additions and plug-ins with which you can expand the set of program functions.


    Popular ad blocker. Removes annoying ads - banners, video inserts and everything that interferes with the smooth viewing of content. In addition to direct advertising, Adblock does not allow scripts to analyze the data you enter on sites (they are usually recorded and then shown in ads).

    Anonymizers Hola, anonymoX, Browsec VPN

    The Hola application allows you to access a site that is blocked in a country or region for one reason or another.

    The extension increases the speed of surfing and blocks ads

    The anonymoX plugin changes the computer's dynamic IP address, which can be useful for browsing the web anonymously. Automatic and manual settings are available.

    The extension allows you to change your IP address by connecting to a proxy server

    Browsec VPN- application to access blocked sites. Extended paid version The product allows you to increase the speed and select the country, and also provides a dedicated channel.

    The extension encrypts traffic and helps to gain access to prohibited sites

    All three extensions work well and allow you to surf the Internet safely without leaving any traces, but Browsec VPN connects to sites faster than others.

    Easy Video Downloader

    Easy Video Downloader downloads files from any site, unlike its counterpart Savefrom

    An application especially appreciated by fans of movies, series and music. It is able to download media files from a page where direct download is not provided.

    Save from

    One of the key amenities Savefrom plugin- the ability to select video quality

    Plugin for downloading media files (music and video). It is convenient because after installation, the download buttons are built into the site interface. In Vkontakte, YouTube, Odnoklassniki, the corresponding links for downloading files appear.

    The application is especially useful for those who want to download videos from Instagram, since this function is not available in the service itself.

    LastPass Password Manager

    The generator built into the plugin generates random long passwords that prevent hacking

    If you forget logins and passwords from sites, LastPass Password Manager will solve the problem. Data is securely encrypted and stored in the cloud. In fact, the only password you will have to remember is from LastPass itself.

    A big plus of the plugin is multiplatform. If you also use Firefox on your smartphone, you can synchronize the manager and log in to any site from your list.

    Awesome Screenshot Plus

    The plugin is easy to use and does not load the browser, it works without freezes

    Screenshot app. Awesome Screenshot Plus allows you to not only take a screenshot of a specific area, but also the entire browser window, as well as individual elements On the page. A simple editor is built into the plugin, with which you can circle important details on a photo or add text notes.


    The ImTranslator plugin accesses the Google database, which makes the translation the most accurate and understandable

    If Chrome and Yandex.Browser have a built-in translator, then Firefox users do not have such a function. The ImTranslator plugin can translate both a whole page from a foreign language and a selected piece of text.

    Visual bookmarks

    Yandex plugin that allows you to make home page panel with frequently used sites. It has a lot of settings - you yourself add the necessary bookmarks, you can put a background from a huge gallery of high-quality images (live wallpapers are also available), choose the number of tabs to display.

    Popup Blocker Ultimate

    Popup Blocker Ultimate plugin blocks any popups

    Some sites have scripts that launch popup windows with offers to buy something on the resource itself, about paid subscription and so on. Some notifications pop up intermittently, even if you have repeatedly closed them. Popup Blocker Ultimate simply solves the problem - blocks any notifications on the site.

    Dark Reader

    The dark background of the Dark Reader reduces eye fatigue when long work PC and web browsing at night

    Plugin to change the background on the site. You can set a dark base by adjusting the Hue and Saturation as you like. Great for sites with videos, as the eye is no longer drawn to contrasting images in the background.

    Useful plugins for Firefox increase the program's capabilities, help you customize and optimize the browser for the user's needs.

    Mozilla Firefox Browser is one of the most loved by users. It is praised primarily for its speed and ease of use, but its openness to various add-ons is also appreciated.

    What are the best extensions for Firefox? Of course, everyone will answer this question differently, but we also have our favorites. In this report, we recommend, first of all, those extensions that increase security and allow you to maintain privacy while browsing the Internet. Our offerings also include multimedia add-ons that help you improve your productivity.

    Category - security

    Our review reveals extensions designed for users who are aware of the threats lurking on the web and who want to take care of their privacy.

    uBlock Origin - ad blocker

    There are many different adblockers available, but we specifically recommend uBlock Origin. First of all, because it is efficient, as well as very light and easy to use, and allows you to conveniently set exceptions (i.e. specify pages on which you do not need to block ads).

    uBlock Origin add-ons- intuitive for beginners, and at the same time offers many options for more advanced users, making it a universal solution.

    NoScript - script blocking

    Another extension that allows you to take better care of your privacy is NoScript. This is a small addon that for many people is an absolute must-have component of Firefox.

    What does NoScript do? Allows you to block execution JavaScript scripts and Java or Flash applets on web pages, which helps protect against attacks using them. Of course, in a situation where you trust a website and such elements are necessary for it normal functioning, they can be locally or temporarily unlocked.

    Ghostery - for connoisseurs of privacy

    Ghostery is an indispensable extension for those who consider themselves a conscious user and value their privacy. This solution scans visited sites for so-called "bugs".

    After quick analysis web page being viewed, Ghostery warns the user about the presence of various kinds of scripts and elements that have the task of collecting data about activity on the network, as well as all kinds of objects, the origin of which is in some doubt.

    Everything is displayed in a small window in which you can quickly and easily block the found elements or learn more about them.

    The trio of uBlock Origin + NoScript + Ghostery can improve security and speed up websites.

    Facebook Container

    Recent weeks have brought several messages that raise serious doubts about how responsible Facebook cares about the privacy of user data. Apparently, this issue needs to be addressed by the users themselves.

    The main thing is the responsible use of social networks, but their tentacles reach further. That is why the Facebook Container extension was born, which "denies access" to Facebook, creating an isolated environment for it - thanks to this, it has no way of knowing what we are doing on other sites. The app also works with Messenger and Instagram.

    Note A: Due to the isolation of the portal, its plugins may not work properly on other sites. This means that, for example, it will not be possible to leave a comment or log in with an FB account on "foreign" pages.

    Category - multimedia

    Now it's time for multimedia extensions, which, for example, allow you to more comfortably use YouTube (and not only).

    YouTube Enhancer

    Although the owners of YouTube do a lot to improve the viewing of movies, thanks to the extension, you can get fast access to several different configuration options.

    Enhancer for Youtube allows you, for example, to automatically play videos in desired resolution, use custom color themes, or enlarge the viewport.

    But that's not the end, because this add-on also allows you to remove ad annotations from movies (and whitelist channels).

    An interesting option may be to pin the player so that it remains visible when scrolling the page (which makes it convenient to read comments, for example).

    Video DownloadHelper

    How many times have you wondered how to quickly upload to HDD YouTube video? Probably, more than once Video DownloadHelper came to the rescue.

    At the same time, it should be added that the scope of the extension is wider, because you can also use it on many other portals, such as DailyMotion, Facebook, Periscope, Vimeo, Twitch and others.

    The Video DownloadHelper icon, located in the browser toolbar, tells you which and how many videos on the page you are viewing are available for download.

    Note: may require installation Companion apps app.

    Turn off the lights

    Turn Off the Lights is one of those extensions that aims to make it easier for you to browse your favorite websites, and more specifically, the videos they host.

    The application makes it so that the entire text of the page will be darkened, and only the movie will remain in the foreground. This can happen automatically (after the video starts playing) or on demand (by clicking on the add-on icon).

    It is worth noting that there are several options for personalizing said background dimming according to individual preferences, as well as many additional, more complex options related to the YouTube portal.

    Category - others

    Extensions that are not required, but may make the use of the Mozilla Firefox browser more convenient.

    LastPass Password Manager

    Firefox Quantum like any modern browser, has its own password manager, but LastPass Password Manager can do it better. This extension eliminates the need to enter data in the login windows, because logins and passwords are stored in a safe place. Moreover, there is no need to add other information to various web forms.

    This add-on also offers a feature to save notes (which will only be available to the user). It also matters that LastPass keeps passwords in sync between your computer and smartphone.

    Tile Tabs

    Tile Tabs B is an extension for people who profess the principle of multitasking in their work. It allows you to conveniently arrange tabs on the screen - so that you can conveniently view several pages at the same time.

    This add-on allows you to split the screen, for example, into two, three or four windows (or more if necessary). There are several different configurations to choose from.

    To get started with the extension, simply right-click and select an interesting configuration from the Tile Tabs menu.


    It seems to you that by visiting the selected portal you are doomed to it appearance? Nothing is further from the truth. Stylish is very interesting application, thanks to which you can change the appearance of web pages.

    You can only select change colors individual elements or font size, or a complete remodeling of the page.

    There are options for using ready-made styles, the base of which is very extensive, and you can also edit them or even create your own, which, however, requires some knowledge from the CSS area.

    Mozilla Firefox is a friendly browser that supports add-ons in the form of applications and plugins for customization for each user. Below you will find only a small part of the most commonly used applications for maximum convenience work on the Internet.

    Firebug for Mazila - Analysis of site code in two clicks

    When creating a site, editing a template, or program code individual pages webmasters often face the fact that the result of the work does not meet expectations.

    Online radio for Mazila

    Today, the radio remains as popular as it was in the days of the old transistors, but the way you listen to it has changed markedly. In the age of the Internet, almost all media resources have smoothly moved to the worldwide network and there is legitimate question- How can I listen to radio on the Internet, for example, through the popular Mozilla Firefox browser?

    Adobe Flash Player

    Probably, each of us at least once encountered a problem when friends threw off a link to watch an interesting video, but for some reason it does not want to open under any circumstances.

    VKopt (VKontakte Optimizer)

    VKopt (stands for VKontakte Optimizer) - very handy free add-on for the Mozilla Firefox browser, which allows you to use the functionality social network using many useful services. In a word, the script greatly simplifies the life of VKontakte.

    Installing Yandex bar on Mozilla Firefox

    Yandex Bar is a kind of assistant for the rapid search for information on the Internet, taking into account the geopolitical position and certain preferences of specific users. Also, like many useful plugins, for example, Personal Plus, Yandex Bar is very easy to install.

    IE Tab V2 - support for the Internet Explorer engine.

    Many users at least once, but still had to deal with problems on the Internet with the correct display of some web resources or with limited functionality visited pages. Such a incorrect work using Internet Explorer web sites as the basis.

    FireFTP: Cross-Platform Intermediary

    The additional FireFTP application is used for the correct and safe operation of the Mazilla Firfox browser in the environment used by FTP-SFTP networks.

    Lightbeam for Firefox - your information about all connections on the network

    Lightbeam Plugin is an application for the famous Mozilla Firefox browser. Designed to monitor visible network communication joint work, between any web-resources.

    High-quality plug-in from Chrisa Pedericka for browser programming

    The Web Developer plugin was released in 2007 by London-based developer Chris Padaric. This plug-in greatly expanded the possibilities for web programmers to work in the environment of such browsers as Mozilla Firefox. And also the add-on is compatible with any Operating System where Mozilla Firefox is used, that is - in all versions of OS - Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

    Flagfox - all the necessary information about sites

    First of all, the Flagfox add-on for the Mazila browser is designed for informative and educational purposes. The plugin has the functionality to track all the exact information about any correctly working website.

    SnoozeTabs is new way tab control, which allows you to open them in strictly given time. Mozilla plans to make this feature standard in the future, but for now it is testing it as a standalone extension. After installation, the browser panel will display new button, which, when clicked, opens a pop-up window. In it you will see stylish icons that allow you to choose the next time the page is opened at the moment. You can download the extension.

    Capture & Print

    Very often a situation arises when it is necessary to print the page of interest to us not entirely, but only a certain part. For example, we are only interested in a fragment of an article or a few pictures in a gallery. There are several ways to solve this problem, but the simplest of them is provided by the Capture & Print extension. With it, you can simply select the necessary content on the page and immediately send it to print.

    video preview

    YouTube service contains not only millions of videos on any topic, but also a huge number of comments on them, from which you can sometimes learn more useful information than from the video. For convenient study of them, and at the same time as watching the video, the extension .


    Firefox browser is different from all competitors big amount interface customization options. The Puzzle add-on once again proves this. It adds a number of customizable panels to Firefox, giving users the ability to group buttons installed add-ons in the most convenient way. In this case, the program interface does not become overloaded, because each panel you create appears only when you hover the mouse.


    You know that the LastPass service is unexpected, right? In this regard, many users decided to just in case look for an affordable alternative solution for storing passwords, the best of which turned out to be KeePass. And the extension will allow you to integrate this open source service with the Firefox browser.

    clean links

    This is a small extension that should be in the arsenal of every Firefox user. It can recognize sponsorship, affiliate and any other "crooked" links and turn them into normal ones, that is, directly leading to the desired site. In addition, it cuts off various tracking additives in links that transmit the history of your movements.

    Tab Group Helper

    IN latest versions Firefox developers have removed the Panorama feature, which allowed grouping open tabs into sets. If you have been actively using this feature and now you are missing it, then try the . It allows you to distribute open tabs into several groups and work with them individually.


    If you are preparing a report, essay or research work, then you probably had to use various sites as a source of information. The extension greatly facilitates such tasks, allowing you to select and save the necessary fragments in own storage. The selections you make are saved even after you reload your browser, so you can always review them later.

    Beyond Australis

    This extension will appeal to fans of minimalism. With the help of Beyond Australis, you can make an already modest browser interface even more concise. In fact, all that remains of it is a thin strip of tabs on top. All other panels will be hidden and will appear only when you move the mouse cursor over certain active areas of the program window.

    Firefox for iPhone and iPad

    The last item on this list, although not related to extensions, is so important to Mozilla that we couldn't help but mention it in the results of the year. Exit to new platform is always important step, and if it's iOS with its huge fleet of gadgets, then it's doubly important. Let's say right away that the debut turned out to be quite successful and our reviewer gave the new browser a high rating.