• How to remove standard applications from your phone. How to remove standard applications

    Smartphones running the Android operating system quickly become cluttered with unnecessary applications that not only take up disk space, but also affect the performance and battery life of the phone. It's time to clean your gadget of unnecessary garbage. In this article, we will list five of the most popular apps that almost every user has but should uninstall immediately.

    1. Apps to clean up disk space

    Programs running in the background eat up RAM and significantly reduce battery life, even when they are in standby mode. The idea of ​​such applications is to automatically “Increase” the disk space of the smartphone. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

    Thus, these “Memory Savers”, constantly working in offline mode, absorb most of the gadget’s resources; if you use them, be sure to remove them first.

    2. Clean Master

    Applications of this kind promise to clean your phone of junk to improve productivity. There is a small grain of truth in this. Indeed, the cleaning wizard removes the old cache from programs or the browser, which allows you to improve the performance of the gadget, but this can also be done using standard means. Typically, to clear the cache, you should go to settings and delete cached data.

    In addition, in the stock Android OS, you can clear the cache in individual applications, which allows you to manage unnecessary data quite flexibly. Clean Master and other similar applications often consume a lot of energy, and advertising in such applications is even more annoying. Remove these applications as soon as possible.

    3. Antiviruses

    Do I need to install antivirus on Android? We considered this issue in detail. Without going into too much detail, we will say this: an Android device with Google apps installed can do everything that antivirus software can do. To protect your smartphone from theft, there are standard methods that allow you to control your phone without installing additional applications.

    Antivirus programs for Android are only useful for those who frequently download and install APK files outside of the Play Market. The antivirus may examine this application during installation, and will warn you before installation occurs. However, it will not protect you and will not cure your smartphone from a virus; the best way is to install only third-party applications that have been tested by many users and have reviews.

    4. Screen “Batteries”

    Boosters similar to Ram, battery “economizers,” quite often load the gadget with third-party garbage. These applications offer solutions to one of the most common problems - saving battery. There is only one truth in this, as a rule, such applications are delivered under the guise of a “Widget”, which, apart from the load on the offline mode, does nothing useful.

    In order to really increase battery life, you should separately consider the statistics on charge consumption, and turn off the most energy-consuming applications. Wakelock Detector and Disable Service are most suitable for such tasks. Carefully study which programs “Wake up” your phone using the “Wake Up” detector. You should be careful here, because... disabling system applications may lead to unforeseen circumstances. Be careful!

    5. Pre-installed applications

    Many smartphones have a significant number of programs and games that were pre-installed by the gadget manufacturer. As a rule, these are dubious office applications, hotel booking or useless games. Ideally, they simply take up disk space; in the worst case, they affect the battery life of your device.

    Which Android apps should be removed? Which of them had problems deleting? We will wait for your answer in the comments below.

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    When there is a need for extra free space on the built-in storage of an Android device, but everything that could be deleted has already been cleared, it’s time for system applications. In this material we will try to figure out which of them can be removed with virtually no consequences, and which are extremely undesirable.

    Let's start with the fact that even if it is, in principle, possible to delete an application, we still lose the functionality that it provided. But whether this functionality is needed is up to each individual user to decide independently.

    What can be removed without significant consequences.

    DownloadProviderUi.apk– “Downloads” application.

    DualClock.apk– a widget responsible for “Dual Clock”.

    SamsungApps.apk– an application that is available in Samsung devices called “Samsung Apps”, that is, the Samsung application store.

    YouTube.apk– an application responsible for launching and viewing videos from the well-known YouTube. You can delete it, accordingly, if you do not watch videos from this resource.

    VpnServices.apk– VPN connection service, if you don’t use VPN, you can safely delete it.

    PicoTts.apk– a service for translating text into voice speech, needed for visually impaired users.

    TtsService. apk– a service related to PicoTts.apk.

    TwWallpaperChooser. apk– a service of standard wallpapers for Android devices.

    Memo.apk– a standard application for taking notes. You can delete it, because its functionality is quite limited; it can be easily replaced with third-party programs, such as Evernote.

    Maps.apk– maps from Google. In general, they are used quite often, but can be replaced with other similar software, for example Navitel.

    GlobalSearch.apk– application for searching via Google.

    What can be deleted, but with certain reservations.

    AxT9IME.apk– standard keyboard on Samsung devices. When removed, naturally, a replacement is necessary (of course, you can use the device without an on-screen keyboard, but entering text will be impossible). When replacing, for example, with Swype or Go Keyboard, or with other on-screen keyboards, you can safely remove it.

    Swype.apk– on-screen keyboard, like AxT9IME.apk.

    Browser.apk– a standard Android browser, an application for viewing pages on the Internet. You can remove it, but you need to replace it if you use the Internet. Third-party browsers like Opera Mini, Opera Mobile or Firefox are fine.

    Camera.apk– standard photo/video camera in Android devices. You can remove it, but you need to replace it if you use the camera. An alternative is, for example, LG Camera.

    Email.apk– standard Android POP/IMAP email client. Can be removed if not needed.

    FMRadio.apk– a standard application for listening to FM radio. You need a replacement if you plan to listen to the radio, otherwise you can safely remove it.

    SnsAccount.apk– synchronizes records from social networks facebook and twitter. It is possible to replace it with alternative clients for social networks, of which there are a great many.

    Stk.apk– SIM menu of the cellular operator card.

    UserDictionaryProvider.apk– a standard Android user dictionary for predicting words when typing, into which all previously unknown words are automatically added. In general, you can delete, but only when using a third-party keyboard; if you use a standard one, you cannot delete.

    MyFiles.apk– standard Android file manager. You can delete it if you have a third-party file manager installed, otherwise using the device without an explorer is quite problematic.

    Calendar.apk- a standard calendar for Android devices, you can delete it, but the benefits of such “cleaning” are doubtful.

    DeskClock.apk– alarm clock application. You can replace it with third-party software or remove it if you don’t need it.

    TouchWiz30Launcher.apk– graphical user interface shell on Samsung devices (launcher). You can’t just delete it directly, otherwise the system will stop working, but there is a way. Download the Go Launcher Ex application, install it and transfer it to the folder /system, now TouchWiz30Launcher.apk can be deleted. If you do wipe, then first you need to go to the folder data/data/com.gau.golauncherex/lib and copy absolutely all files with the .so extension to the directory system/lib. After executing wipe, wait for the Android device to fully boot and press the soft key (to call up the Go Launcher Ex menu), after which we can see a terribly “slow” interface. Go to “Menu” -> “Settings” -> “Applications” -> Go Launcher Ex, clear the data and cache. Now everything should work fine.

    What should not be deleted under any circumstances, as this may adversely affect the performance of the device.

    jobManager.apk- Android task manager.

    AccountAndSyncSettings.apk– a service for synchronizing contacts and calendar through a created profile.

    Bluetooth. apk– provides data transmission via Bluetooth.

    CallSetting. apk– phone application.

    Contacts.apk– contact list (“phone book”).

    ContactsProvider.apk– a service for synchronizing contacts with Gmail.

    The removal of system applications must be approached with the utmost care and responsibility. Keep in mind that after wiping, it will be impossible to restore the files; only flashing the device will help.

    Are standard procedures. They can be performed by any user who is at least a little familiar with the operating system itself, but in cases with standard utilities and built-in programs, removal using conventional methods is impossible.

    The fact is that the manufacturer sews them into the “body” of the operating system, which, as is known, can only be accessed by experienced users. But there is still an opportunity to “demolish” unnecessary software or services. This will free up more space for the programs you really need, and will make working with the gadget much more convenient.

    Removing system applications cannot be done with a “clean” OS. It is secure by default, and ordinary users are prohibited from accessing system files. Permission can only be obtained with special rights. They are called root rights. Moreover, they must be complete and not partial. Otherwise, the deletion action will not be possible.

    Each gadget has its own programs that provide root rights, but among them the following universal applications can be distinguished:

    • Framaroot.
    • Root Explorer.
    • Root App Remover.

    In addition to one of these programs, you need to have an explorer installed on your gadget that can give you access to the file system.

    Snap to conductor

    To delete files, you need to provide root access to the explorer at the very beginning. Step by step, using the ES Explorer program as an example, it looks like this:

    1. Install and launch Explorer.
    2. Swipe right to open the menu.
    3. Tap on the “Tools” item.
    4. Next, select “Root Explorer”.
    5. After this, a window will pop up in which you must provide the conductor with “Superuser” rights with your consent.
    6. Next, another window will pop up. In it you need to specify the item “Connect as R/W”.
    7. In the drop-down menu, set all checkboxes to “RW” and confirm the action.

    Conductor permissions have been granted.

    In File Manager this procedure is even simpler. Here you need to select “Settings” in the menu, then find “Root Explorer” and check the box next to it, confirm the request for Superuser and you can delete what you don’t use.

    Procedure for removing unnecessary applications

    Before uninstalling system applications in, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following tips:

    1. The search for all standard programs should be carried out in the folder at /system/app. This will make finding installation locations a little easier.
    2. To gain access, you must install a special application that will provide root rights and link it to Explorer.
    3. Be sure to think a few times before you start uninstalling. In some cases, seemingly insignificant applications may be responsible for the operation of necessary and important services.
    4. If you don’t need programs from Google, of which there are often quite a large number of them, then you can delete them without hesitation. But under no circumstances should services be demolished.

    Let's proceed directly to the removal.

    First, find the /system/app folder. Go into it and delete apk files that have the same name as unnecessary programs. Along with them, you must delete the file of the same name with the .odex extension. This completes the entire procedure. The programs will be completely removed from the registry and memory of your smartphone or tablet.

    Removing preinstalled ones, as can be seen from the method described above, is not difficult. But despite its simplicity, only you are responsible for all actions, and there is something to harm there. For example, by accidentally deleting a service, you can completely lose wireless data transmission, so be vigilant and think a hundred times before uninstalling.

    Pros and cons

    Having grouped all the above information, we can highlight the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure for removing “hard-wired” programs.


    1. A large amount of RAM is saved if the programs that need to be removed are constantly running.
    2. Expanding memory for installing useful applications.
    3. Complete replacement of standard software with applications that will be more convenient and functional.
    4. If you remove unnecessary applications, you can significantly expand your knowledge of the work and structure of this OS.


    1. Very often, uninstalling unnecessary programs can lead to inadequate operation of the gadget.
    2. Without complete software, the operating system may lose a large number of functions.
    3. If you remove built-in Android applications, this may also affect the operation of some services, for example, a refusal to send SMS, etc. may occur.

    Low-quality software for granting root rights comes across very often. It causes applications and services to display incorrectly, and you may uninstall useful ones by mistake.


    All users who decide to remove built-in standard ones must definitely figure out what can be “demolished” and what cannot, because there is a high probability of further defective operation of the device if important system programs are affected.

    Android smartphones have unnecessary system applications. You can safely delete them if you don't use them. You also install various programs yourself, which over time you no longer need. You want to remove them, but you can’t. In this article, we'll look at how to remove any app from your phone - even the ones that won't uninstall.

    How to remove system (standard) applications in Android

    Standard or system applications are programs that were originally installed when you purchased your phone. These tools most often cannot be removed using conventional methods, and uninstalling them will save space for new games and programs. You should be careful when deleting programs such as launcher, maps, mail, YouTube and others. This may disrupt the functionality of the system. For example, if you delete the standard browser and do not install a new one, you will not be able to access the Internet - the OS will throw an error.

    Before uninstalling an application, make sure it will not harm your system. Read the hints when uninstalling - this will help you avoid mistakes. You can also simply deactivate the application. This will allow you to check whether the software is important and how the smartphone will work after it is removed.

    You can remove standard programs from your Android phone and tablet in different ways - using third-party utilities or standard tools. In almost all cases, you will need to obtain Root rights. These are administrator privileges that allow you to work with firmware files. Methods for obtaining root rights differ for different smartphone models and versions of the Android OS. Most often, you can get rights through the KingRoot application.

    How to remove a pre-installed application from your phone?

    If you try to remove a pre-installed program using the standard method, but nothing works, use the help of third-party programs. Some of them are simple and suitable for beginners. Here are 10 of the most effective ways to help you remove an unnecessary utility permanently.

    Method No. 1 - “KingRoot”

    The “KingRoot” application will help you obtain superuser rights quickly and without problems. To root using this tool, do the following:

    • Download and install the KingRoot utility on your smartphone or tablet. The service detects the device model automatically, after which you will receive superuser rights.
    • For superuser rights, click on the “Try to root” icon and wait for the process to complete. The device may reboot - this is normal.
    • After receiving administrator rights, the user can remove unnecessary applications, even if they were originally installed in the firmware.
    • Before removing unnecessary software, it is better to activate data backup through the Titanium Backup tool. This will help avoid problems associated with improper removal of programs.
    • When uninstalling software, select “Uninstall programs”. In it you can see 2 tabs - “Built-in” and “Custom”. The first contains applications that were originally present in the firmware, and the second contains programs downloaded and installed by the user himself.

    Method No. 2 - “Root Explorer”

    This method involves uninstalling applications through a third-party explorer. Root Explorer is a popular and convenient tool for obtaining superuser rights and uninstalling software. To work with the application, follow these steps:

    • Download the Root Explorer service from our website or Google Play service. Install the program on your phone or tablet.
    • Open the /system/app folder. It stores all installed programs.
    • Check the programs you want to remove.
    • At the bottom of the screen, tap the trash can icon.
    • Confirm the action, wait for the process to complete and reboot the device.

    Ready! Now unnecessary applications will be deleted permanently, and the freed up memory can be occupied by more necessary and useful things.

    Method No. 3 - “Titanium Backup”

    You can uninstall programs that cannot be removed in the standard way using a useful and effective tool - “Titanium Backup”. The service has excellent functionality and automatically backs up data. With its help, you can quickly remove useless or annoying applications from your Android smartphone or tablet.

    To uninstall a program using this software, use the following method:

    • Download the service from the link or visit the Google Play store. Install the application on your device.
    • Open the “Backups” menu section.
    • Select all unnecessary applications by tapping on them.
    • A menu will appear in front of you where you need to select “Delete”.
    • Confirm the action. When the process is completed, unnecessary applications will disappear from your device's memory.

    If a system configuration notification appears after opening the Titanium Backup application, follow the system prompts and disable USB Debugging. After this, follow all further steps according to the instructions.

    Method No. 4 - “ES Explorer”

    On many smartphones and tablets, this file manager is installed natively, which means you do not need to download software from third-party resources. If you do not have such an application, download it from our website. To uninstall useless software from your device, you need to do the following:

    • Open and run the program. If ES Explorer is not installed, download it.
    • In the upper right corner, find the APPs item and tap on it.
    • A window will appear in front of you. Select the “Installed on device” section.
    • In the corner on the left, click on the “Menu” item.
    • Move the “Root Explorer” slider to the right.
    • Allow administrator rights by selecting the appropriate section.
    • Open the list of programs and highlight the ones you want to remove.
    • A window will open in front of you. Select the “Uninstall” action. Confirm the specified action.
    • After a few seconds, all unnecessary programs will be deleted forever.

    Method No. 5 - “Root App Deleter”

    If games and programs cannot be removed using standard tools, but you need to free up memory, the Root App Deleter service will help you. The program is compact and easy to use. To perform this action, follow these steps:

    • Download, install and open the program. The application is available for download on our website.
    • Find the “System Applications” item in the menu.
    • Select “Pro” mode for further actions.
    • A list of applications will open in front of you. Select software to remove.
    • Allow activation of superuser rights.
    • Confirm the removal of unnecessary programs.

    In the case of Root App Delete, you also need to make a backup copy in order to erase unnecessary programs from memory. This will help solve the problem if the system malfunctions due to the removal of important applications.

    Method number 6 - “Root Uninstaller Pro”

    Another useful development will help eliminate useless software - the Root Uninstaller Pro service. The program is easy to use and is installed via a file manager. You can remove applications that are not needed and take up a lot of memory using the following steps:

    • Download the software from our website or the Android app store, install it on your smartphone or tablet, and then open the program.
    • Click on the “Accept” button to confirm the license agreement.
    • Select useless programs from the list and tap on them.
    • A window will open asking you to provide administrator rights. Confirm the action.
    • Select the “Uninstall” action and wait until the uninstallation is completed.

    Before uninstallation begins, Root Uninstaller Pro will prompt you to make a backup. Confirm this action - it will help restore programs if something goes wrong.

    Method No. 7 - “Removing system applications”

    A special development called “Removing system applications” will help you quickly get rid of unnecessary programs. There is nothing complicated about this:

    • Download the application, wait for the installation to complete and launch it.
    • In the open window, confirm granting administrator rights.
    • Select unnecessary programs from the list by checking them.
    • Tap the big red “Delete” button.
    • Wait a few minutes - all selected applications will disappear from your device.

    You can download the “Uninstall system applications” program from our website on your Android phone or tablet. The program is available in Russian, so there will be no problems using it.

    Method No. 8 - “Easy Uninstaller Pro”

    One of the simplest programs with which you can remove unnecessary software. The main difference between this service and its analogues is that there is no need for administrator rights, which is why the entire process is carried out in two clicks. You can remove programs using Easy Uninstaller Pro like this:

    • Download and open the application on your desktop. If you downloaded the apk, install it through the file manager first.
    • A list of programs will open in the menu. Tap on those that are to be deleted.
    • Click on the green “Delete” icon.
    • Wait for the process to complete. There is no need to reboot the device.

    Method number 9 - “CCleaner”

    One of the most famous programs for working with applications is “CCleaner”. You can remove unnecessary software using this tool by performing the following algorithm of actions:

    • Download the application from Google Play or Apk from our website, install it on your device and click on the program icon on your desktop.
    • In the upper left corner, select “Application Manager”.
    • Select the “System” tab.
    • Check the boxes next to the programs to uninstall and select “Delete”.
    • Allow administrator rights and wait for the device to reboot.
    • Ready! Unnecessary programs are deleted forever.

    Before using CCleaner, activate backup - this will protect against the removal of important programs and maintain stable system operation.

    Method No. 10 - “Debloater”

    This method is considered one of the most difficult, but effective. To use it, you will need not only a smartphone, but also a PC or laptop. You should use Debloater when all the above methods do not help. The service is compatible with Android OS 4+, but for older devices it is better not to use it.

    • Download and install the Debloater application on your computer.
    • Find and install ADB drivers on your computer for your device model. Without this, the PC will not be able to recognize the device.
    • Open the settings section on your device and find the “For Developers” item.
    • Enable USB debugging mode.
    • Open the KingRoot application on your smartphone (you need to download it if necessary).
    • Click the “Manage Root Rights” icon.
    • Near the “ADB Program” icon you need to select the “Request” item.
    • Select “Allow” from the drop-down menu.

    All of the above actions are carried out on a mobile device. In the Debloater application on PC, you need to do the following:

    • Open the application. It should successfully recognize the mobile device.
    • In the corner on the left, select “Read Device Packages” and wait until the action is completed.
    • A window will appear on the PC screen where all installed mobile applications will be visible. Select those to be deleted.
    • Select the “Remove” action and confirm with the “Apply” button. Now the unnecessary software will be uninstalled.

    How to remove installed applications?

    You can find many games and applications on Google Play and third-party resources. However, the device’s memory is not unlimited, and many programs may become boring or irrelevant over time. Even when inactive, disabled programs load the system and consume the battery faster. It also happens that users download programs that are not compatible with the device, so such files simply do not run. How to remove applications installed by the user? There are several simple methods to help uninstall unnecessary software.

    Uninstall via main menu

    The fastest and easiest method of removing programs is using the main menu. To do this, you do not need to activate administrator rights or download additional software. Removing programs through the main menu requires the following actions:

    • Open the tablet or phone menu.
    • Select the icon of an unnecessary program, tap on it and hold your finger for a few seconds.
    • A small menu will appear at the top of the screen. It should have a “Delete” item in the form of a trash can.
    • Pull the application icon, without releasing it, towards the trash can.
    • Confirm the removal of the program and release the icon. The application will be removed from your device.

    After uninstalling applications from Android OS, be sure to use a system cleanup program to remove unnecessary files. The most effective tool for this is Clean Master.

    Uninstalling via Application Manager

    You can eliminate unnecessary software using the program manager. To do this, do the following:

    • Open the smartphone menu and select the settings section.
    • Find the “Program Manager” item.
    • Select the “Downloaded” tab. It should display all the applications that you have downloaded previously.
    • Find the application you don't need and click on it.
    • Select “Delete” and wait for uninstallation.
    • Carry out similar actions with other applications to be removed.

    If you need to free up your smartphone's internal memory without deleting programs, you can move applications to an SD card. To do this, open the program manager, select the list of installed applications and instead of “Uninstall” click “To SD card”.

    Removal via PlayMarket

    If you have unnecessary games and programs on your smartphone, you can get rid of them not only using standard methods, but also through the Google Play Android software store. This can be done this way:

    1. Find the Google Play icon on your desktop and tap on it.
    2. In the store, find the “Games and Applications” menu section.
    3. Select the “My games and applications” subsection. Here you can find a list of all the programs that you have previously downloaded to your device.
    4. Find the applications you want to get rid of in the list and click the “Delete” button.
    5. Confirm the action and wait until the applications are completely uninstalled.

    Removal via file manager

    You can erase unnecessary and annoying programs that you have installed from your memory using a file manager service. The most famous standard tool of this type is “ES Explorer”. In most cases, there is no need to download it - the program is installed in the basic firmware of the Android device. To remove third-party programs, start the service and start doing the following:

    • Open File Explorer and swipe right on the screen.
    • Find the “Tools” section.
    • Tap on the “Root Explorer” item.
    • Grant administrator rights to remove programs.
    • Tap on “Root Explorer” and hold the icon for a few seconds.
    • A menu will appear on the screen in which you need to select the “Connect as R/W” section and check the boxes next to all RW items.
    • Open the internal storage partition and find the folder called “/system/app”.
    • Select the program file to remove. The permission must be apk.
    • A context menu will open in front of you. In it you need to select the “Delete” section.
    • In addition to the APK file, also erase all files with the .ordex extension.
    • After uninstalling, you need to go to the folder called /data/app to erase all updates for unnecessary programs.
    • To remove unnecessary processes associated with remote software, open the /data/data folder.

    Pay attention! In Android 5.0 Lollipop, all kinds of system developments are scattered in different folders. To delete in this case, you need to open and select files in each folder. The file manager is equally effective for standard applications and for those programs that users have installed themselves.

    Even if applications on Android are not removed using standard methods, you can always use the help of third-party tools. Of all the above methods, you are sure to find one that suits you. Before deleting applications, take care of the backup, and you can also simply deactivate the game or program to see how the device will work without this software. Before downloading the tools, read the reviews on the forums, and also watch thematic videos if necessary.

    The user of a new Android device, regardless of manufacturer, discovers pre-installed programs that he will never use, but cannot remove. In this material, we will tell you how to remove unnecessary applications on Android in order to rid the system of useless “garbage”.

    Types of Applications

    OS Android, in the form in which you receive it on your new device, contains applications that can be divided into several large groups:

    1. Custom. Everything is clear with this category. It includes programs that are installed and used by the device user. They can be removed, updated, or reinstalled at any time.
    2. Manufacturer installed or factory installed. Present at the time of purchase of the device. The user can update them, but cannot delete them without root rights.
    3. System. These include Google services and standard Android programs. Applications in this category cannot be uninstalled without the risk of damaging the device's operating system.


    The term root or superuser came to Android from Linux. In this OS, this is an account whose owner has the rights to perform any operations, including with system partitions. There are more than 30 ways to obtain administrative rights on Android. They differ depending on the device manufacturer, installed processor and even OS version. On smartphones of the same brand, for Android 5.0 and Android 6.0 these can be completely different procedures. For example, for Meizu MX 4Pro, which runs on Android 4.4.2, it all comes down to a simple registration on the manufacturer’s website, during which you accept an agreement about responsibility for your actions.

    For this reason, we will not dwell on obtaining root rights, implying that you will find a way for your device. We have a separate article for this.

    Required programs

    It's painless to remove built-in applications; it's safer to use third-party programs. You can download them from the Google Play store after gaining administrative access to the device.

    ES Explorer

    After installation, to ensure full access to the smartphone’s file system, you will need to enable root explorer in the settings.

    The next step is to directly remove interfering applications. Let's use a file manager with administrative rights to go to the system partition /system/app. It stores all installed programs in the form of apk files.

    A long press will bring up an additional menu at the bottom of the screen and a selection position next to application icons. At this stage, using administrative rights, you can remove previously uninstallable programs, including those related to Google services.

    The system will warn you that these actions are irreversible. By confirming your choice, you will use your root rights. Any action performed using them is perceived by the OS as unconditionally correct, so be careful and remove truly “unnecessary” applications.

    This program can not only clean the system, but also remove standard applications on Android after you give it the appropriate access. The choice fell on CCleaner because it has versions for all popular operating systems and is familiar to users. The program has the ability to clear the software cache and batch uninstall.

    Using the built-in application manager, you can disable or remove them at your discretion.

    When working with system services, you will receive a warning. Any program that uses root access when working with Android-related files will warn you to be careful.

    Warnings issued by the system provide the time necessary to convince you that the actions being taken are correct. With the ability to uninstall applications that are not otherwise uninstallable, the user must be careful and careful not to cause breaking changes.

    Another free manager, specially created to work with the system after obtaining root rights. Its main purpose, unlike previous programs in our review, is to remove applications built into the device by manufacturers.

    As you can see, Jumobile's functionality allows you to perform all types of operations. By moving built-in applications to the memory card, you can free up space on your device without deleting them.

    An attempt to remove Facebook Lite pre-installed on the system raises a familiar warning about a possible violation of the integrity and stability of the system.

    A useful feature implemented by Jumobile developers is the ability to batch work with deleted files. The selection can be made alphabetically or by installation date in the system, as is more convenient for the user. By checking the boxes for the program to be uninstalled, you confirm that you understand the consequences of the actions being performed and clear the device of the “garbage” in it in one click.

    In conclusion

    The ability to clear your smartphone of bonuses imposed by manufacturers is always present, in every version of Android, on a device of any brand. The owner's main concern will be obtaining root access and choosing the program with which these actions will be performed.

    Let us remind you that obtaining root access is considered by manufacturers as an action that removes the device from warranty service. No one will refuse repairs if the protective glass on a rooted phone is broken, but if the malfunction is a consequence of the fact that native applications or services have been removed from the device, the case will not be considered under warranty. Therefore, before performing changes or modifications to the smartphone software, make sure that this will not harm the operation of the operating system.