• How to take care of your health. How to take care of your diet. This can be done in two ways

    Simple truths, but we still repeat them - you need to monitor your health, because this is the only thing you cannot do without. Everything is acquired, but if health, energy and vigor are lost, then it is difficult to fill the gaps in life.

    It is not only about being treated at the time of the disease itself, although, of course, you need to buy ear drops in time if the need arises. But diseases must be foreseen, or rather, they must not be allowed at all.

    How can I do that?

    Medicine tells us that the body can be healthy if we take care of it. This includes healthy sleep, proper nutrition, active physical activity, hardening. We really pay little attention to all this. For example, from ignorance of how to eat right, we have to buy anti-diabetic medicines over time, and it’s good if they can stop the running processes of the disease.

    But what does it take to get enough sleep for at least 8 hours, go to the gym or do exercises in the morning, take walks in the parks on weekends? And that's not to mention trying to eat right and wisely. After all, if we observe such simple truths, then our body will serve us not 60 years, but more than 100.

    Of course, one cannot discount the general standard of living, work schedule, predisposition to diseases, heredity. But we can still bring our body to a healthier state. Often the only reason is not knowing how to properly take care of yourself.

    We will buy medicines for hemorrhoids in time if the doctor insists on it, but we rarely have a hearty breakfast or do exercises while no one is watching us.

    How to start leading a healthy lifestyle?

    1. Learn more useful information. Doctors share such information with great pleasure, you just need to find expert opinions and listen to them. For example, a nutritionist will tell you how to lose weight, and a fitness trainer will select an individual exercise program for you.

    2. Take small steps. It is not necessary to change your life radically and abruptly. Out of habit, you will hate all these changes. Better make adjustments to your schedule gradually. For example, exercising 3 times a week in the morning sounds less threatening than every day for 5 hours in the gym.

    3. Properly motivate yourself. If you do not have a specific goal in front of you, for example, to be energetic and cheerful every day, then you will not do all this. Only in comparison can you understand how you can feel, and everything takes time. So give yourself a chance for a better life.

    "- the action" Invitro ", according to which you can pass the basic laboratory tests for 3333 rubles. The complex is designed specifically for people who daily cope with a heavy workload at work and experience emotional stress.

    Analyzes will allow you to assess the general condition of the body, identify possible inflammatory reactions, as well as disorders of fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism and abnormalities in the functioning of internal organs. The promotion will last until December 31, 2018. You can take a set of analyzes at all Invitro offices.

    What medical research should be done even for those who feel well, what can a lack of vitamin D lead to in Petersburgers and why is it important to know your own norm when evaluating the results of tests?

    In partner material with "" "Paper" learned from doctors and medical experts how to make a plan of examinations for a person who wants to check their health, and what it depends on.

    Petersburg has a terrible climate and little sun. Does it affect our health in any way?

    Yes, for example, Petersburgers are characterized by two deficiencies: iodine and vitamin D, say the experts she spoke to. "Paper". Lack of iodine can affect the functioning of the thyroid gland.

    Vitamin D, most of which is produced by exposure to sunlight, affects many processes in the body: it affects both the health of bones and the immune system, as well as the rate of aging and the level of the hormone testosterone. So a deficiency of this vitamin can lead to a variety of health problems. “For St. Petersburg and our gloomy weather, its deficiency is very typical and leads to broad consequences: to less stress resistance, to the development of hypertension, and to depression,” says Vladimir Emanuel, head of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics at Academician Pavlov First Medical University.

    To avoid vitamin D deficiency, St. Petersburg residents can additionally receive it in the form of medicinal vitamin preparations with or without calcium, says Nadezhda Ekimova, a general practitioner of the Consultative and Diagnostic Center with a polyclinic of the Presidential Administration. This is especially important in childhood and adolescence, when the body is actively growing. However, you should start taking vitamin D only as directed by your doctor.

    And what else do people often get sick in St. Petersburg?

    In St. Petersburg, as in Russia as a whole, for example, cardiovascular diseases are common: they account for 47% of all deaths in the country. Therefore, prevention of these diseases is also important.

    In St. Petersburg, says Invitro medical expert Kirill Belan, a sharp change in weather conditions has a particularly strong effect on people with diseases of the cardiovascular system and meteorologically dependent citizens. "Headaches, weakness, heaviness in the region of the heart or interruptions in its work often occur."

    Illustrations: Elizaveta Semakina / "Paper"

    I feel fine. Do I still need to be tested and tested?

    Yes, experts recommend doing this periodically so that you can detect the disease at an early stage, when you do not notice symptoms yet. “Even an increase in blood pressure is often not felt, and the patient first learns about it at a doctor's appointment,” says Kirill Belan.

    The appointment of examinations, as a rule, begins with a general examination by a therapist. In the absence of complaints or pronounced pathologies, the patient may be assigned a number of general laboratory or instrumental studies.

    Standard checks - for a person over 18 years of age - include a complete clinical blood test, determination of glucose and total cholesterol in the blood, a general urine test, and a chest x-ray. These studies, says general practitioner Nadezhda Ekimova, are recommended to be done once a year for both men and women.

    In Russia, there is also a medical examination program: it is supposed to be done every three years. To do this, you should apply with a passport and compulsory medical insurance to the clinic at the place of residence. At the same time, every year in St. Petersburg, medical examinations take place only for people of certain years of birth.

    How does my gender and age affect examinations?

    Some regular examinations are advised to take place at a certain age. For example, both women and men from the age of 40 are recommended to take a fecal occult blood test. And women over 40-50 years old - once every two years to do a mammogram.

    In addition, women from the age of 30 should take a smear for cytology - to assess the risk of cervical cancer. And for men, starting from the age of 45, every three years to determine the level of total PSA (prostate specific antigen) in the blood to rule out prostate cancer, adds Kirill Belan.

    An electrocardiogram (ECG), according to doctor Nadezhda Ekimova, should be performed regularly from the age of 35 - if there are no complaints about the cardiovascular system. But if they are present, the study must be carried out at an earlier age.

    Is there anything else that counts besides gender and age?

    Yes, when drawing up a research plan, the doctor must take into account other parameters. Therefore, one cannot speak of universal examinations - they must be prescribed individually, Vladimir Emanuel explains.

    For example, in addition to your complaints, you may be taken into account earlier illnesses or illnesses that your relatives were ill with. “In many ways, our life is our genetic reserve. Today we can open it. Now we are undergoing revolutionary transformations in medicine. It will change very soon - and above all thanks to laboratory tests," says Emanuel.

    Laboratories offer whole complexes of analyzes - why do they do it?

    In laboratory centers, there are research complexes compiled taking into account the age, type of activity or state of health of a person: for example, for women planning pregnancy, children, athletes or people about to go on a diet.

    However, it is even better to go through them after consulting with a doctor and, if necessary, adjusting for yourself, says Vladimir Emanuel: “In principle, these checklists are thought out, and you can go this way. But I think the best option is to talk to a medical specialist first.”

    I lead a sedentary lifestyle. And I'm constantly under stress. Does this somehow affect the checks I need?

    Basic studies do not differ from standard ones, says Nadezhda Ekimova. At the same time, according to her, it is important for people with a sedentary lifestyle or stressful work to pay special attention to a healthy lifestyle: monitor blood pressure, give up bad habits, regulate nutrition (for example, reduce the intake of salt, animal fats and fast carbohydrates). ). In addition, it is necessary to control body weight, adds Ekimova: its index should be in the range of 20–25. To calculate it, you need to divide the weight in kilograms by the squared height in meters.

    A sedentary or unhealthy lifestyle can also be associated with the risk of developing a variety of diseases, such as obesity, diabetes, or diseases of the cardiovascular system. You can check if you have a risk of heart and vascular diseases using a lipid profile study, says Invitro medical expert Kirill Belan: this includes, among other things, cholesterol indicators - they allow you to determine deviations in the body's fat metabolism.

    The risk of developing obesity and diabetes can be judged by the state of carbohydrate metabolism: it can be checked using a glucose test or

    Most people, unfortunately, visit doctors only when absolutely necessary. It's also rare that people do all sorts of an*lises. However, our body is constantly changing, and various processes take place in it, which may indicate pathological changes. Today we will tell you what you should pay attention to and how to diagnose your health.

    Healthy lifestyle indicators

    Every day, evaluate the alignment of your lifestyle with indicators of a healthy lifestyle. There are 4 of them:
    The amount of fruits and vegetables eaten.
    Physical activity, including walking.
    The amount of fiber foods eaten.

    If each day passes in accordance with these criteria, then the day passed with health benefits. If most days go by like this, you can boast of a healthy lifestyle.

    Watch your sleep

    Much has been said about the need for quality sleep. In order to check how much sleep you get, ask yourself the following questions: how difficult is it for you to wake up in the morning? Do you experience sleepiness during the day? Do you take a nap after dinner? Even if the answer to one of the questions is yes, then you are not getting enough sleep. If you sleep at least 8 hours a day and still experience weakness and lack of strength, you should consult a doctor.

    Pay attention to the comb

    After each use of the comb, check it for hair. If there is a lot of hair left on it, or if it falls out noticeably, you should consult a doctor. Hair loss may indicate a low level of iron in the blood, or an abnormal functioning of the thyroid gland.


    Pay attention to your urine. Healthy urine should be completely clear or very light. The smell should be completely absent or barely noticeable. Otherwise, if your urine is dark, orange, or brown, and if it has a strong bad smell, then you are dehydrated. If your urine looks like this despite drinking water regularly, you should see your doctor.

    Keep your finger on the pulse

    The pulse corresponds to the heart rate - heart rate. There is an important indicator associated with the pulse - HR. This is the restoration of a normal heart rate. If the pulse is restored for a long time, this may indicate some kind of violation and mean that the risk of a heart attack is quite high. In order to find out these indicators, first at rest, count the number of contractions in one minute. And then after exercise, count again. You will find a significant difference between the two indicators. Sit for 2 minutes and repeat the procedure. If the difference between the indicator immediately after training and after a short rest is no more than 55 beats, your heart rate recovery is normal. If not, see a doctor.

    Measure your height

    Check your feet

    Diabetes mellitus reduces the sensitivity of the extremities, most often the feet. Examine the feet for various skin defects and wounds. If you find something like this, you should start monitoring your blood sugar levels.

    keep your balance

    Test your ability to keep your balance. To test this, stand on one leg and see how long you can stand. Alternately stand on each of the legs several times. If you find it difficult to stand on one leg without any support, you may have problems with the vestibular apparatus.

    Check your pressure

    Check your blood pressure from time to time. If it does not always correspond to the norm, consult a doctor.

    Check your cholesterol

    Check your blood cholesterol level every 1-2 years. If it is too high, measures must be taken to reduce it.


    Check your skin every few months. If you find defects that are not clear to you, or find a significant number of new moles or dark spots, consult a dermatologist.


    Check your toenails every few months. Look, their edges have not grown into the skin. See if there are any cracks on them. Their fragility, combined with a cloudy, uneven surface, may indicate the presence of a fungal infection.

    Watch your weight

    Measure your weight and monitor its dynamics. If you are rapidly gaining it, you should think about your diet in the first place. You should also pay attention to physical activity.

    We all know how valuable our health is, but we begin to monitor it only in old age. How can we avoid this mistake in our lives?

    Our health consists of several components, and it is much easier to monitor it with a vision bracelet. .

    This is because this device allows you to create harmony among all aspects of our lives, strengthening us. However, for good health, ordering a bracelet will not be enough, you need to take care of it yourself.

    Physical health is one of the most important components, since it is in many ways that determines our inner strength. You can fix it with the help of two things - proper nutrition and sports. At the same time, you do not need to immediately switch to the strictest diets and spend several hours in the gym per day. Your body will be grateful for small changes.

    First, review your lifestyle. Perhaps you work in an office, move little, and eat at the nearest eatery during your lunch break. In this case, just add movement to your life. It may seem inefficient, but get off at the previous stop when you are on your way to work or home. Walking develops not only the joints, but also the cardiovascular system.
    As for nutrition, try to make it more balanced. It must have a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, limit yourself to sweets. Over time, you yourself will feel all the changes.

    However, not only physical health plays an important role in our lives. Our mental state affects us in many ways. Medical bracelets are good because they give a person confidence, a positive attitude. It is quite difficult to create such an atmosphere around yourself. What needs to be done for this?

    First, surround yourself with positive people. A person can only give to others what he has in his heart. Positive people always inspire and charge us with the same emotions.
    Secondly, do not allow stressful situations in your life, try to avoid them. If this does not work out, adequately respond to stress. Do not seek to solve this problem on your own, you can always consult with someone and get the necessary answers.

    So, we found out that our health depends on two components, and only their full-fledged harmonious development helps to strengthen the body.

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    Hello dear friends!
    How to maintain and improve health? Scientists think about it and ordinary people think about it. Doctors, paradoxically as it may sound, are "guardians of disease."

    So what to do? That is life! Where do you find healthy people today? So the doctors work tirelessly: operate, prescribe injections and pills.

    But we are committed to health! That is why we must figure it out: what are these 12 rules that can help us with this?

    Let's keep and improve our health!

    Rule 1 Before treating a disease, deal with your psychological state. Any disease is formed at the level of emotions and thoughts. If you are oppressed: fear, eternal discontent, resentment, jealousy, envy, anger - you take away energy from your physical body.

    At the same time, a person does not openly talk about his thoughts. He tries to suppress everything unpleasant in himself. Gradually, the negative finds a way out in the development of some physical ailment.

    We go to the doctor and start complaining about or pain in the right hypochondrium, i.e. for physical condition! All! The circle is closing! There is you! There is a physical ailment! No one remembers psychology! But it's all about her.

    Rule 2 Learn drink properly. In our body, only the bones have a solid structure. Everything else is filled with liquid. If you drink little water, your blood will thicken. And this threatens with thrombosis of blood vessels. With insufficient intake of fluid into the body, the intercellular spaces disappear. Cells will not receive food and there will be nowhere to allocate waste. The body will be poisoned by its own toxins. It all starts with lethargy and malaise, and ends with the development of a wide variety of diseases.

    Drink about 2 liters per day clean, safe, structured and slightly alkaline water. In tap water or boiled water, hydrogen and oxygen atoms are arranged randomly. In the human body, fluids have a clear crystal lattice. Therefore, when you drink ordinary water, our body spends a lot of energy on structuring it. And this energy could be spent on movement, on metabolism, on health. You're stealing your physical condition again!

    The easiest way to get structured water is the old-fashioned way. Place boiled water in the freezer, freeze, and then let thaw. Melt water will become structured. Alkaline water is also very easy to prepare. To two liters of liquid, add half a teaspoon of sea salt.

    Rule 3 Learn Healthy food. Food should be safe, so do not eat a lot of processed foods with various preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers. Food should be balanced in terms of the content of Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrates. It should be saturated with energy, and these are natural vitamins, minerals, biologically active substances.

    Why have dietary supplements found notoriety in our country? Although worldwide they are the primary source for health prevention? Companies that entered our Russian market began to pursue an aggressive marketing policy. They did not pay attention to nutrition in general, but persistently offered jars for all diseases.

    It is not right. First you need to adjust the drinking regimen and learn. Then, in addition to your diet, take vitamins from a pharmacy or otherwise, half of the natural complexes will go to adjust nutrition and water, and only half to improve health. The power contained in the capsules will be wasted!

    Rule 5 Protect your body from the thoughtless use of medicines. Many medicines are so harmful to the body that they have been discontinued in the EU countries many years ago. We also sell freely in pharmacies. Which of the elderly does not use Corvalol. Buy five bottles. And in Finland, you can be held criminally liable if this drug is found during the inspection of luggage.

    Why is this drug so good for soothing? Because there is a drug there - phenobarbital (luminal). It is purely an antiepileptic drug. Someone will say that its dosage in Corvalol is negligible. Wow, if you fall asleep after taking it after 10 minutes. So, rule 5 says - try to take only the medicines that you need for health reasons. Everything else - think very seriously. Follow first all the rules that will lead you to a healthy lifestyle. Perhaps then the need for drugs will completely disappear.

    Rule 6 beware of injuries, fractures, concussions. If during the year, injuries are repeated, it is worth considering why this happens. Usually a person at a subconscious level, at the level of intuition, protects himself. He senses danger and avoids all unfavorable moments. Psychological problems in a person's life prevent him from being focused, living more calmly and consciously. One of the indicators of psychological discomfort are injuries.

    Rule 7 Get rid of in time bad habits, so as not to fall into a persistent dependence on them. Smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism - it's terrible. But there are other, less dangerous bad habits. But that doesn't make it any easier. Everything that is too much in your life takes away your energy, disturbs your psychological and physical condition. Someone cannot be torn away from the TV, from computer games! Someone suffers from gluttony. And the habit of sleeping on your stomach! Also bad, because the head is at an angle of 45 degrees. This leads to cerebrovascular accident.

    Rule 8 Never refer to heredity if you have developed hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, osteochondrosis, obesity, oncology. This is not heredity, but a wrong way of life. No wonder all these diseases are called diseases of civilization. And we think so: since mom and dad had a heart attack or a stroke, it means that there is nothing surprising in the fact that a 40-year-old son also developed a stroke. After 30 years, maintaining your health is also necessary, like, say, repairing an apartment, a summer house, or changing a means of transportation. Inanimate objects age over time. So our health without taking care of it will also fall into decline!

    Rule 9 How can move more. This improves blood circulation, increases metabolism in tissues, improves the figure. It is important that your classes are regular and bring you pleasure. Therefore, choose your physical activity to your taste: aerobics, yoga, callanetics, belly dancing. In general, whatever you want. Just not upside down all day in the beds. This will be "pathological motor activity."

    Rule 10 Improve ecology in your home. It is clear that we cannot influence the ecology of the entire planet. But in your home you need to protect your health. Replace the Fairy detergent with a natural, safe one. Otherwise, all the chemicals from your dishes will be in your stomach. Take care of the humidity in the rooms when the batteries are hot in winter. Ask if the apartment building is old, what is its history. If people in this house are constantly getting sick, dying, it is possible that mercury can be found somewhere there. Now such a survey can be carried out. Run away wherever your eyes look from the basement. Take care especially of children. Perhaps your house is generally built on anomalous soil faults. And you wonder why the whole family is sick all the time.

    Rule 11 And then there is such a thing as bioenergy. Scientists have proven that the human biofield is material. Surround yourself with nice people with whom you feel comfortable and have a good life.

    Rule 12 time factor, which is always present in our lives. Time only goes in one direction - forward. What is lost today can never be returned. This is how you treat your health. Just take care of it.

    I wish you good health and prosperity in life!

    P.S. The idea to write this article came to me after attending a very interesting lecture on health, which was conducted by the doctor M.V. Stepanova. Very interesting lecture, I liked it.

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