• How to Improve Your Business Ranking in Google Local Search Results. How to Improve Your Business Ranking in Google Local Search Is your business not showing up in search results? Provide more complete and accurate information about her

    Video cross-posting is when you post your video on one video service and it is automatically published on several other sites. A lot of time is saved and your video will be seen by many more viewers.

    There is no need to say that video promotion is very promising and effective in many areas - on the English-language Internet this method has long been used to attract visitors and obtain clients.

    I thought that video promotion would be great for attracting English-speaking visitors to the site I was promoting. The videos will show tours of Moscow and the Golden Ring much more clearly than photographs. The Moscow company ordered several videos of 3-7 minutes each from professionals. The end result was some great videos. Then I started looking for a service that would provide the ability to cross-post videos.

    Of several video services offering video cross-posting, I chose Blip.tv, which allows you to organize cross-posting to services such as:

    In addition, cross-posting of videos on standalone blogs on the WordPress and MovableType engines and free blogs on blogger, wordpress.com and typepad services are supported. Can you imagine what a freedom it is? You can read more about cross-posting on blip.tv.

    đŸ”„ By the way! I am conducting a paid course on promoting English-language SEO Shaolin websites. If you are interested, you can apply on his website seoshaolin.com.

    Without purchased links, it would not have been possible to get to the top of this topic; I felt this at the very beginning of promoting this site, when I was studying competitors. There is too much of a top topic on this topic on the English-speaking Internet, so it is unrealistic for a young site without a link mass to get into it, especially in a short time. In any case, you need to feed it with purchased links.

    I will give the dynamics of the positions of the promoted site in google.com over the past 2 months for the main search queries, data taken as of March 27:

    Request Positions Bottom line
    Moscow tourism +134 top 7
    golden ring Moscow +52 top 5
    Moscow golden tours +72 top 5
    Moscow suburbs +69 top 10
    Moscow travel +34 top 20

    English-language website for transportation to the USA

    As I expected, to promote this site, I was able to refuse to buy links on the English-language exchanges text-link-ads.com and buy-text-links.biz due to the fact that the sponsorship of WordPress themes by my friend Indian web designer began to provide the required number links and link weight. In total, I ordered sponsored links from him in 12 WordPress themes (on average, 1 link in a theme costs $25-40). Of course, links don’t start appearing immediately, it takes time. As a result, more than 900 blogs installed topics with my links. Moreover, end-to-end links are generally great for Google. You can read more about how to buy links in WordPress themes in the post about.

    The other methods I used to promote this site were writing and publishing English-language articles in article directories (4 articles per month in 240 article directories), social bookmarking (1-2 pages 2-3 times a week through bposter) and exchanging links ( exchanged with 23 neighboring sites on dmoz.org).

    Dynamics of the position of the promoted site in google.com over the past 4 months. Position data was taken on March 27:

    Request Positions Bottom line
    trucking companies +38 top 7
    interstate motor carrier +30 top 5
    freight transportation +22 top 10
    interstate freight services +19 top 10
    interstate trucking +3 top 20

    Women's online magazine

    In the last two months, I decided to experiment and find out a point that has long interested me - how do links in the form of a site address affect positions? After all, what are natural links in most cases? The site address plus next to it a small description of what the site is about, that is, keywords. Logically, search engines should take into account the text around the link, even if the link is in the form of a site address. But how many characters of text do they take into account?

    I used paid articles ($100, article exchanges Seosaurus and Miralinks) and links from blogs through blogun ($80). I focused on links in the form of a site address - when the site is in the top, you can experiment to further increase your rankings. Before and after the link, I added near-link text using the necessary search queries. That is, the links were like this:

    You can visit an interesting women's online magazine http://site.ru

    Useful site for women http://site.ru

    http://site.ru - healthy lifestyle

    I found out that links in the form of a site address improve rankings well, and Google takes into account 32 characters of text before and after the link, Yandex - 24-30. That is, if you place the necessary keywords close to the link, then the positions will increase for these keywords. I did not change the text of the link itself, that is, I used the site address everywhere. In general, I plan to make 20-30% of such links for other sites.

    Regional portal of building materials

    For this site, the share of purchased sites on sap was gradually reduced, since a significant number of permanent links had already accumulated. I don’t like to constantly pay for links, so when promoting I immediately try to build up permanent links for which I don’t have to constantly pay.

    I spent quite a lot of time collecting links from leading competitors through the siteexplorer service and crawling them; if I came across directories and message boards, I added them manually. Of course, you can easily download all the links of leading competitors and scatter them with filters by type of page addresses, then set up automatic registration and go through it automatically.

    Manual registration is always more effective than automatic registration, especially since there are not so many thematic catalogs and message boards. The machine may simply “skip” some directories. If I came across purchased links (there were not many of them), I collected their addresses and then inserted the collected list into my favorites and bought links to them. As a result, the budget is saved and working links are installed in terms of position growth.

    In fact, the site is now firmly held in the top by permanent links that I installed as a result of manual registration.

    Music blog

    As in previous months, the English version of this music blog was promoted. Links in blogrolls on English-language music blogs gradually became a thing of the past, as sponsored links from an Indian friend of mine began to have an effect - I bought such links for the music blog for the company.

    A good influx of targeted visitors came from music social networks:

    (for $50), and also agreed with several music communities on livejournal.com to publish two posts reviewing new albums with links to the music blog I promote - another $80. By the way, in terms of traffic, the effect was good.

    Not everything works out, of course. For example, I have not yet learned how to get good traffic from yahoo groups and google groups. It’s okay, I’ll study 😉 . This is so interesting!

    Request Positions Bottom line
    lounge music +29 top 7
    chillout +21 top 10
    groovera +2 top 10
    downtempo +20 top 20
    easy listening +7 top 10

    In general, I would say that in website promotion, not everything is decided by money. The main thing is to think creatively and look for new ways to promote, which is what I wish for you!

    Guard: Effective from “A” to “Z”

    Today there are two desserts - in the first video you will see a simple effect of ferromagnetic fluid (to make the next video clearer):

    And in this video you will see ferromagnetic fluid in all its glory:

    There are many ways to improve your site’s position in the Google search engine http://mnogoslov.com.ua/page/prodvijenie. But we consider the most valuable and effective thing to be the study of competitive sites that have already won and taken strong positions in the TOP for a niche market, or rather for a key phrase of interest to the client. It's no secret why this is done. Find out what your competitors know-how: how and what they did. Why do this? Improve the achievements of competitors. It is written clearly and simply, but following all the steps is not an easy task.

    Select the required key

    Usually they try to target the page with the top Google keyword in order to reach and attract a huge number of visitors. The right decision, with one caveat - your key should not be high-frequency in the request. If you have the strength, means, and ability to defeat those who have invested billions and millions, then go for it. And even if you have such investments every month, you must have a trust site and extensive experience in how to promote a site in search engines. Therefore, leave the HF and find the MF or LF key phrases and promote the resource using them.

    The key is in the title - how to put it correctly

    The title must have a key. Direct entry is desirable, but recently search engines have been focusing on the convenience of visitors. Therefore, clumsy and complex keys can be changed. Particular attention is paid to the title tag. It is written briefly from 3 to 5 words within the key phrase.

    Follow tag H1, H2

    The key is to embed in the H1 tag. This is an important condition for Google. The search robot reads the page from the top to the bottom of the text, and not vice versa. The H1 tag should be placed as high as possible towards the top of the page.

    Use Key Synonyms

    The number of H1, H2 tags is strictly regulated. The first one is entered only once. But the second one can be placed 2-3 times. Moreover, the H2 tag in the first part of the text contains a synonym or a diluted key phrase.

    Highlight and accentuate

    When inserting links with a key phrase into the anchor, be sure to use other tags - bold, underline, different color of the word. But this only works on one key; you shouldn’t dazzle the text like a mosaic.

    Use tags for infographics

    Pictures, graphs, charts and any infographics must contain alt and titl tags. The search is carried out not only by text content. The system receives additional information about the picture and provides a link to the page with its placement.

    An important indicator is nausea or tightness

    Improve your site's position in Google based on keyword density. The parameter is tracked in Advego online services. It should be within 3-5%. Google evaluates a site based on its usefulness, and bans spammy resources.

    Nobody likes to work more than they should. As the famous saying goes: you need to work not 12 hours, but with your head. Today we are talking about just that.

    Too many companies put a lot of effort into creating content instead of analyzing and updating existing articles or landing pages.

    Most often, search engines (especially Google) are not predictable, and despite an excellent, clear technical specification for an article, optimized images and a bunch of other nuances, promoting a query is still a bit of a lottery every time. It is impossible to say with certainty which article for which request and in what time frame will appear in the TOP of Google.

    Usually it happens like this: you post an article, wait for it to be indexed, monitor its growth dynamics in search results, and sometimes this process takes more than one month before the result seems satisfactory to you, and sometimes this may not happen at all.

    It also happens that after spending a week collecting semantics in depth and, you are surprised to discover that in the Google results the article was surpassed by a post of only 300 words.

    This situation can be very revealing and useful if you know how to further work with this data.

    Selecting pages for content reoptimization

    Not every publication on the site is suitable for reoptimization, let's figure out how to select those articles whose effect from reoptimization will have the maximum effect.

    1. Go to Google Analytics
    2. We fall into the “Traffic Sources” section
    3. Go to the “All traffic” section - “Source / channel”
    4. And select Google / organic

    Then select the additional option “Behavior” and “Login Page”

    Thus, we will sort the most popular pages of the site, which account for the bulk of Google search traffic.

    View the top 100 selected pages. Select the following pages:

    • Pages that contain little text but receive a lot of search traffic
    • Pages that have been published recently but are already generating a large amount of traffic

    Now answer the question: is it possible to add to the selected articles in the form of instructions, extended information, reviews, etc.?

    Those articles that meet all of the above criteria can potentially turn into a magnet for generating search traffic on Google.

    How to properly edit articles to increase search traffic on Google?

    Selecting the most popular entry pages to your site is the first step. Now we’ll look in detail at how to do it so that, thanks to them, we can attract the maximum possible amount of search traffic from Google to the site.

    Here are the three most effective ways:

    Increase the length of the article

    If the length of the selected article is less than 2000 characters, then the easiest and most effective way to attract more traffic to it is to increase the number of words. Make sure the content you add also adds meaningful value. Do not write “watery” paragraphs, add new sections to the text that reveal the topic of the article as fully as possible.

    Adding new information sections to an article will ensure that you attract traffic to it using an additional list of related keywords.

    Related keywords

    When adding related key queries to an article, focus on additional long-tail queries. For example, you have an article about CTR, add paragraphs to it containing clarifying low-frequency queries like “Which CTR is considered good” or “ctr for additional relevant phrases.”

    This will allow you to increase your keyword density without the risk of over-optimization, and will also attract more traffic to your list of targeted low-frequency keywords.

    Increase the number of keywords and their synonyms

    Check at what position and for what queries the pages you have selected are currently displayed. This can be done using services like serpstat

    If the article is in the 5th position or lower, further optimize it by adding keywords and their synonyms to the text, metadata and subheadings, also do not forget to put contextual links containing key queries for thematically related articles on the blog, all this will allow you to raise the page in the search results .

    Once in the TOP3, you will be able to collect up to 80% of organic traffic on request!

    It is much easier to promote a page from the top 10 to the top 3 than to immediately bring a new article to the leading position.

    Track the dynamics of position growth in Google!

    In any internet marketing strategy, it is important not to forget about analytics! Track changes in the positions of reoptimized articles. This will not only allow you to see the fruits of your efforts, but will also give you the opportunity to select a few more topics for future posts for the site.

    To adjust your promotion strategy, pay attention to changes in the following indicators:

    • Change in search traffic volume
    • Change in bounce rate for reoptimized articles
    • Time spent on the site
    • New keywords in the ranking
    • Key query positions from reoptimized articles

    Often, having made a website, you don’t know where to start promoting it. Next, we will give you 10 tips on where to start.

    1. Start slowly. If this is acceptable, then start with a new site that has never been registered in directories and search engines. Find the right domain and start optimizing your homepage.

    2. Learn HTML. A large number of optimization techniques include editing HTML code. Your high rankings can often depend on knowing which codes are necessary and which are not.

    3. Prepare a text of 250-300 words based on the selected keywords. This is a crucial part of achieving significant rankings and creating a good website. Search engines “read” keyword-heavy text on your pages in order to correctly categorize your site. Use key phrases in the text more often - this helps to achieve better results.

    4. Choose your keywords carefully. The ideal keywords for your site may be different from what users are actually searching for. To find the right keywords you need to use services like WordTracker (Yandex.Direct and Rambler Association for Runet). Select 3-4 most targeted phrases for each page of the site. Try not to pay attention to general queries like “vacation” or “tourism”.

    5. Create appropriate TITLE tags. These tags are very important, as all search engines attach considerable importance to them. You need to place your keywords in this tag and try not to overload it with additional words. Don't use the TITLE tag to write your company name or phrases like "Home Page." Try to think of it as a "key TITLE tag" and structure it accordingly. Add your company name at the very end of the tag if you absolutely need to use it.

    6. The Keywords meta tag is not as important as the Description meta tag. Contrary to popular belief, the text you place in this tag will have little in common with the words that come to the site, and Google does not pay any attention to the content of this tag. Use this tag, but don't expect too much that it will help.

    7. Write meaningful meta tags. They can be quite useful. Add a Description meta tag that will contain your keywords and characterize the site. The content of this tag often appears in search results.

    8. To rank your site higher in Google, add additional goodies. Elements such as headings, alt parameters of img tags, H1...H2 heading tags, keywords in file names, links from other pages, keywords in hyperlinks can increase your ranking in search engines. Use whichever one you want or all of these elements where they make sense for your site.

    9. Register carefully in directories such as the Open Directory Project (DMOZ) and Yahoo. The presence of a site in them is one of the criteria for successful indexing in Google. Mistakes made when registering in catalogs can cost you dearly later, since it is very difficult to change the description in the catalog. Therefore, it is important to read the registration instructions offered by the directories themselves.

    10. Don't expect quick results. It takes time to achieve high positions, and there is nothing you can do about it. Once your site is added to a search engine or directory, its rankings may be low before it slowly moves up. Some search engines take into account “click-through popularity”, i.e. The more people go to the site, the higher its ranking becomes. Don't worry and give your site time to strengthen.

    There is no need to constantly fix your site to achieve better results. It would be best not to change your optimized pages for about 4-6 months after registration. Search engines often spend a lot of time adding your optimized pages to their directory database. Register your site and leave it for a while!

    If you followed these recommendations, wanting to know how to rank your site in Google, and still can’t find your site in search engines, the first thing you need to work on is the page texts. It's likely that pages with fewer than 250 words of visible text are causing poor results. In addition, check your keyword density several times and make sure that each page is optimized for 3-4 phrases. In the end, you will see the fruits of your labor - your site will be in the top ten for many queries in Google and other search engines!