• How to install a tricolor satellite dish yourself. Crazy hands: how to set up Tricolor TV yourself

    Satellite television broadcasting differs from others in its high image quality, the ability to receive signals in remote and hard-to-reach settlements, a large number of channels and low maintenance costs. Therefore, preference is often given to satellite operators. One of the most famous is Tricolor TV.
    Below are instructions if you have already purchased the kit and want to try setting it up yourself. In the section you can select the necessary equipment and call a professional technician for turnkey setup.

    How does Tricolor satellite TV function?

    The main feature of Tricolor TV is the use of satellites for signal transmission. Before you learn how to set up the Tricolor antenna, you should understand the features of its operation.

    The principle of operation of the antenna.

    The user manual and instructions that come with the antenna kit already give a superficial idea of ​​how to set up the Tricolor dish. To install the Tricolor dish, you will need the following kit: a receiver, a converter (or “head”), the antenna itself with a wall support (bracket) for it, a cord for connecting the receiver to the TV, a coaxial cable that connects the equipment, and F-connectors on the cable. The Tricolor antenna is a mirror that collects the available signal sent by the satellite. A converter is installed in the center of the antenna mirror, which is necessary to concentrate the signal and transmit it through the cable to the receiver. The receiver transmits the signal to the TV.

    Types of plates.

    Installing the Tricolor TV dish with your own hands or with the help of a specialist should be done after the dish has been selected. The quality of the signal depends on its size: the larger it is, the better the signal is captured and transmitted, the more stable the signal in bad weather and the longer you watch TV. The Tricolor TV assortment includes antennas with a diameter of 0.55 to 1.0 m; the dish sizes are selected in accordance with the distance to the satellite from your home. Based on their shape, antennas are divided into direct focus and offset. A direct focus antenna places the converter in the very middle, while an offset antenna places the converter towards the edge. Direct focus antennas are easily covered with snow and ice in winter, while offset antennas, which are located almost vertically, are protected from weather influences. In addition, plates are made from different materials: aluminum is optimal due to its high corrosion resistance and lightness, snow does not stick to steel, and plastic is inexpensive. Before setting up the Tricolor antenna yourself, you will need to thoroughly study its features.

    How to install the Tricolor satellite dish yourself?

    Although instructions on how to install the Tricolor dish yourself are included with the equipment kit, it may be impossible to do this without certain technical knowledge and experience. Therefore, before installing and configuring the Tricolor dish yourself, you must carefully study the included instructions.

    Choosing a location.

    The location where the dish is installed must be open to the signal: no tall buildings or trees in the immediate vicinity of the equipment. It is recommended to install the antenna on the facade of the house near a window, on the outside wall of a balcony or on the roof of the house - in places least exposed to wind and snow, and where the dish can be easily maintained.

    Installation of the support (bracket).

    Special attention is paid to fastening elements, especially if the plate is supposed to be placed in a high and windy place. The antenna bracket is attached using screws, studs, nuts or anchor bolts, which are matched to the wall material. Before finally tightening the bolts, it is necessary to check the level of the correct installation of the bracket. If there are no distortions, you can tighten it.

    Antenna installation.

    The antenna is assembled according to the instructions, and its most important element is the reflector, which is screwed onto the bracket and subsequently makes it possible to adjust the antenna. The antenna cable starts from the converter, the rest of it is run into the apartment and connected to the receiver. The bolts on the reflector must be left loose for the first time, since the Tricolor antenna still needs to be adjusted. Mounts in this condition should allow the antenna to be moved in elevation and azimuth.

    How to set up the Tricolor antenna yourself?

    Self-tuning the Tricolor TV dish to a satellite is a task, the complexity of which depends on the equipment used.

    Necessary equipment.

    Professional installers use a special device to search and indicate signal strength. The cable from the antenna is connected to the device and the antenna is rotated, waiting for a signal. Such a device simplifies, significantly speeds up setup and significantly increases its accuracy, but it is quite expensive. There is a simple mechanical one that is suitable for those who do not know how to set up the Tricolor antenna. Help in setting up the antenna can be provided by special mobile applications that will show the required tuning angles and where to point the antenna.

    Checking the satellite signal.

    How to set up the Tricolor TV satellite dish yourself and check the signal largely depends on the type of the above equipment. The satellite signal is picked up by moving the antenna slowly and carefully: When searching manually without a special device, you need to have a TV nearby, focus on filling the scales on the receiver and search for channels each time until the Tricolor TV channels are found. With a mechanical device, the signal from the satellite must be searched until the needle moves and the sound (squeaking) intensifies. Only after this is the channel searched. Fine tuning with the device becomes even simpler and easier: the plate is slowly turned until the needle stops oscillating and the sound is high. After the satellite signal is found, all that remains is to disconnect the cords and connect them to the receiver.
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    Setting up channels.

    This procedure is simple and straightforward: you need to press the “Menu” button on the remote control and activate the channel search (the “Tricolor TV Search” button). If the channels are already configured, a list of them will be displayed in the menu, and all you have to do is press the “OK” button. If the channels are not configured, the system will scan the available ones and display a list of them on the screen, prompting you to save. From time to time, the number of available channels on Tricolor TV increases, so it is better to repeat this procedure regularly.

    Connect and configure the satellite dish tuner yourself.

    To connect the receiver, you will need to follow the manufacturer's instructions and observe basic safety rules: when connecting, the devices must be disconnected from the network. You should know from the very beginning how to set up the tuner (aka receiver) of the Tricolor antenna, since its incorrect setting can disorient you when setting up the antenna. The tuner is configured using the menu. With the latest versions of the software, the setup has been greatly simplified and has become automatic: the default settings are basic settings that do not need to be changed. To save the data, you must click “OK”.

    How to set up the Tricolor satellite dish yourself? To carry out this procedure, it is recommended to first study the instructions. Otherwise, you may encounter a number of difficulties during the installation or operation of the system. The Tricolor TV company took care of its customers and simplified this process as much as possible. Even with the necessary skills, each subscriber can make the connection independently. This is due to the good coverage of the EUTEL SAT 36/B satellite. It is positioned at 36 degrees east longitude.

    In order to carry out the installation and configuration procedure correctly, you need to know the location of the satellite.

    The signal can be compared to a searchlight beam shining from an altitude of 36-38 thousand km.

    High quality broadcasting is only possible if the antenna is installed on the correct side and at the correct angle. This is due to the fact that the signal from the satellite does not pass through walls and can get lost even in the presence of obstacles such as trees or small buildings.

    You should pay attention to the criterion that the satellite is located above the equator.

    That is why the antenna mirror should be installed in a southerly direction. This point is the most important, since without it the broadcast will not occur. If the windows of your apartment or house face north, then installing equipment in this case is impossible. Even with very great efforts, you can only get a low-quality signal. The best option in this case is to install a plate on the roof of the building. This option is only suitable for private homes.

    Installing a satellite dish is possible without the use of additional equipment, and anyone can connect and configure the receiver. The publication's experts suggest dealing with the satellite dish yourself in a few simple steps.

    Installation of a satellite dish

    Standard satellites - Sirius, Amos and Hotbird - currently broadcast 72 channels. Advantages of satellite television:

    1. price: the subscription fee inherent in all cable TV channels has not been introduced for satellite television. The only cost that pays off over time is the installation of a satellite dish;
    2. high image quality;
    3. large selection of TV channels.

    A standard bundle for three satellites - Amos 4.0W, Sirius 5.0E, Hotbird 13.0E - provides a choice of channels for every taste. Satellite television technologies are constantly developing, therefore every year there are more and more satellites and TV channels for users.

    Antenna operating principle

    1. the satellite signal hits the surface of the dish;
    2. being reflected, it enters the converter;
    3. the converter sends the satellite signal to the receiver;
    4. The signal reaches the TV through the receiver.

    Types of satellite dishes

    • offset: the dish is installed in the direction not strictly towards the satellite, but below it, since the signal reflected from the surface of the satellite dish enters the converter at an angle. Such plates are mounted vertically so that less precipitation collects on them;
    • direct focus: in them the converter partially covers the surface of the mirror.

    IMPORTANT! The Svec dish and receiver are most often used - the reliability and practicality of this manufacturer’s product has been confirmed by ten years on the market.

    Installation options for satellite antennas

    To install a satellite dish, you must select its location correctly. If there is a tree in the signal path, it may degrade the reception quality. The antenna for three satellites must be tuned to the southwest.

    Step 1 - Satellite Dish Location: Top View

    Satellite TV set

    The kit includes:

    1. mirror (dish) for signal reception. The diagonal of the plate must be at least 60 cm (in some models the diagonal of the mirror is 1.2 m). The choice of diagonal depends on the terrain, as well as obstacles in the way of receiving the satellite signal.
    2. the head (converter) converts the signal reflected from the plate and sends it to the receiver. There are converters with different numbers of outputs, allowing you to connect one, two or more receivers at the same time;
    3. DiSEq connects several converters;
    4. cable;
    5. bracket;
    6. The DVB receiver is the most expensive part of the kit. To receive a signal from free channels, a Globo-type receiver will be sufficient, however, to receive paid channels, models with card readers must be used;
    7. F-connectors connect the cable to converters, receiver, DiSEq and other components of the system. The standard installation scheme involves the use of 8 pieces.

    IMPORTANT! To insulate the connections of the F-connectors and cables, you will additionally need heat shrink, as well as anchors for attaching the bracket to the wall.

    Equipment preparation

    We determine the location of the cardinal directions on the ground. The figure below shows the approximate location of south at different times of the day. Of course, you can navigate by the Sun only in clear weather. More accurate readings can be obtained using a compass.

    IMPORTANT! Near a reinforced concrete wall, the compass can become very unstable. Please note that the NTV+ satellite is always in the south, and the Sirius, HotBird and Amos satellites are approximately in the southwest.

    Installing a satellite dish with your own hands: choosing an installation location

    We determine the visibility of the satellite at the installation site.

    The ideal option to eliminate the possibility of interference is to install a satellite dish on the roof. It is not advisable to attach the dish to the collective antenna rod or gas chimney pipes. Mounting on the wall of an elevator shaft is allowed.

    A satellite dish cannot be installed under a roof canopy if the apartment windows face southwest or south: the canopy will simply block the signal. In addition, precipitation can change its position. It is optimal to mount the plate on the south or southwest side, on the outside of the balcony.

    In the case of installing a satellite dish on the facade of a building, permission from the architectural control and a standard installation design are required.

    IMPORTANT! Quite often, satellite dishes are stolen from roofs. If there is an option to install the plate on the wall of a building, it is better to choose it.

    Step 3 - Selecting the antenna angle to receive the satellite signal

    The procedure for installing a satellite dish relative to the elevation angle

    Installing a satellite dish yourself: materials for installation

    1. 10 mm spanners (used when assembling the antenna, as well as for fixing the dish at an elevation);
    2. open-end wrench 10 (used during assembly);
    3. wrench 13, L-shaped socket (used when installing the antenna in azimuth);
    4. adjustable wrench (used if the plate is attached to anchors);
    5. Phillips screwdriver;
    6. pliers (used when cutting coaxial cables, as well as plastic clamps);
    7. hammer drill SDS-plus (used when drilling mounting holes in the wall);
    8. drills for hammer drills d=12 mm, length - from 120 to 180 mm;
    9. extension;
    10. building magnetic level;
    11. a small TV with a low-frequency input (used when Openbox SF-10, SF-20 or SF-30 satellite finders are not at hand);
    12. satellite receiver;
    13. insulating tape;
    14. plastic clamps (used when fastening the cable);
    15. 40 cm of plastic corrugated pipe d=10 mm (used to protect the cable from chafing when descending from the roof);
    16. cap screws (6 pcs.) x 13 with plastic dowels, length - 60-80 mm;
    17. thick and wide metal washers d=30/50 mm - about 4-8 pcs. (used for leveling).

    You can assemble the satellite dish according to the instructions - assembly rules are included with each product.

    Secure the bracket. The choice of fastening elements (anchor bolts, nuts, screws) should be based on the expected wind load and the material of the walls on which the installation is being made.

    Step 5 - Fix the mount to the body of the bracket

    Install the converters in the holder with the connector facing down: after installation, atmospheric moisture should not get inside the converters.

    Step 6 - Attach the bracket to the plate

    Connect the cable to the converters using F-connectors.

    Installation of F-connectors

    Remove the top insulation of the cable by approximately 15 mm. It is important not to damage the shielding braid.

    Step 7 - Remove the top insulation of the cable

    The shielding braid is placed along the cable.

    The foil is placed along the shielding braid. Remove the layer of internal insulation by approximately 10 mm.

    The connector is screwed in until it stops. The center conductor should not protrude beyond the connector by more than 2 mm. If its length exceeds 2 mm, the excess is bitten off. Seal the F-connector. Be sure to seal with insulating tape in two layers along the entire length. A layer of sealant is applied over the tape (it is better to use silicone).

    Step 10 - Screw the connector onto the cable (all the way)

    Attach the cable to the arc of the cymbal converter holder using plastic clamps or insulating tape.

    Step 11 - Install the converters in the holder with the connector down: after installation, atmospheric moisture should not get inside the converters Step 13 - View of the mounted antenna without wire and converter

    Install the antenna on the bracket. Tighten the adjusting nuts so that after installation it can be moved vertically and horizontally with little effort.

    Step 14 - Install the bracket to the wall

    If calibrating the dish relative to the satellite’s position was not part of your plans, you can install an antenna with a motorized suspension that automatically adjusts to the satellite’s location.

    Step 15 - Connect the cable to the converters using F-connectors Step 16 - Install the antenna on the bracket. Tighten the adjusting nuts so that after installation it is possible to move the antenna vertically and horizontally with little effort. We check the fixation of the bracket to the plate. Near the antenna, you must leave a supply of cable 1 m long, securing it to the bracket. The cable is secured to the bracket using plastic clamps or insulating tape. Step 17 - Installing the Cable to the Antenna

    Correctly setting up a plate with your own hands

    Approximately set the azimuth angle and the antenna elevation angle (the azimuth is set with a compass).

    Connect the cable to the satellite receiver (the operating instructions should clearly explain this step) - the cable must come from the converter or DiseC. The F-connector is processed according to the method discussed above.

    The digital receiver is connected to the TV. Turn on the receiver.

    IMPORTANT! Upon purchase, a digital satellite receiver must already be programmed for satellite channels (Sirius, Amos, Hotbird - for conventional dishes, on Yamal 201 - for dishes with a motorized suspension). From the list of receiver channels, select any “open” channel with a signal from the satellite.

    Using progressive, not very strong pushes, move the dish mirror vertically/horizontally around the approximate location point chosen for using the satellite. As a result, a column (quality indicator) and a television picture should appear on the screen.

    IMPORTANT! When rotating by a degree, wait up to 5 seconds - during this time the signal from the satellite should reach the antenna.

    In the satellite receiver menu, find the “Received signal level” item and activate it. The maximum signal level can be achieved by smoothly moving the plate vertically/horizontally.

    IMPORTANT! The signal level will directly depend on weather conditions.

    The adjusting nuts must be tightened while monitoring the signal level received by the system.

    When setting up to receive signals from Sirius, HotBird and Amos satellites, configure the converter by switching the received channel on the receiver to the one corresponding to the satellite currently being tuned.

    Installation of Tricolor TV satellite dish

    Among satellite systems that provide consumers from all over the country and far beyond its borders with a high-quality signal, the most popular is the Tricolor TV system.

    The advantage of the system, in addition to an excellent signal and an audience of thousands of users, is that a wizard is not required for installation: independent installation and configuration will take no more than 2 hours, everything you need is included in the kit.

    Installation of Tricolor TV satellite dish: average price

    The cost of installing a Tricolor TV FULL HD antenna is approximately $300. This price includes payment for a full set of equipment, the Maximum HD package (170 channels, 24 of which are shown in FULL HD format), installation of an antenna, registration of a decoder, as well as activation of an access card to the Tricolor subscriber system.

    Rainbow TV and Telekarta TV are also considered popular satellite television networks.

    On the official website of the Rainbow TV network you can find a special program “Installer Assistant”, which describes in detail all the main points of installing a satellite television antenna, as well as a basis for setting up signal reception.

    Installation of satellite dishes: price issue

    How much does it cost to connect to satellite TV? Everything will depend on several factors:

    1. on the number of TVs connected to the antenna: Kyiv - 950 UAH, 1,550 UAH, 2,100 UAH and 2,400 UAH for 1, 2, 3 and 4 TVs, respectively;
    2. or on the diameter of the antenna itself: Moscow - 2,500 rubles, 4,000 rubles and 6,000 rubles for antennas of 0.6/0.9/1.2 m, respectively.

    The cost calculation may also take into account an additional payment for installation in a hard-to-reach place, installation of a motor suspension, dismantling of plates, and customization of the installation system.

    Video tutorial: installing a satellite dish

    To gain access to a large number of high-quality TV channels, you need to purchase a satellite dish and enter into an agreement with the operator. This article will provide detailed information on purchasing the necessary equipment and how to install Tricolor TV.

    The standard equipment set consists of the following components:

    1. Satellite dish. The material from which the equipment is made is steel. The weight of the equipment is 3 kilograms. The kit also includes parts to secure the antenna.
    2. Satellite receiver. The equipment was manufactured by General Satellite. The receiver supports Full HD video quality. An additional DRE module is also built into the receiver. The receiver performs, provides information about the TV program and has a built-in TV guide.
    3. Converter.
    4. Receiver.
    5. Smart card. This card receives television signals from various channels. The number of TV channels received depends on the tariff plan chosen by the subscriber.
    6. Coaxial cable. Connects directly to the TV.

    You can purchase a complete set of equipment for connecting to satellite television from the Tricolor TV company in the online store at shop.tricolor.tv. You can also contact one of the company's dealers. When purchasing from dealers, always check for a certificate, otherwise they may sell you a low-quality product that will not work. The company received good reviews, the Internet of this provider is of decent quality. And in Moscow it is becoming popular

    The cost of the equipment depends on the model of the receiver included in the kit. The company offers the following sets for connecting to satellite television:

    • with GS B532 receiver. The cost of this kit on the company’s official website is - 7990 rubles;
    • with GS B532M receiver. The cost of the kit is - 10,990 rubles;
    • with CAM module Cl+. Price 6499 rubles.

    You can find out how to connect Tricolor TV to your TV yourself below. However, if you are unable to complete the installation, then you can contact special companies involved in the installation of satellite dishes. The cost of installing Tricolor TV varies in different regions:

    • for satellite dish GS B532 - from 2000 rubles;
    • for satellite dish GS B532M - from 2500 rubles;
    • d For equipment with Cl+ module - from 1500 rubles.

    Installing Tricolor is not difficult if you proceed step by step:

    1. Choosing the optimal location for the plate. It is recommended to install it so that it has a free direction towards the satellite, that is, there should not be any objects in this direction. It is also recommended to mount the dish closer to the TV, as this will greatly simplify the setup process. Recommended placements: balcony, walls of the house near the window, roof of the building. Not recommended places: the inside of the balcony, a place where a large amount of natural precipitation will fall on the plate.
    2. Equipment assembly. It is recommended that you first study the assembly instructions that come with the equipment.
    • first of all, you need to secure the fastenings to the selected location;
    • Next, the converter is installed. It must be installed so that natural precipitation does not get inside;
    • Now you need to connect the cable to the converter. Then seal the joint along the entire length using electrical tape or a special tube. You can also apply a layer of silicone sealant;
    • After connecting the cable, you need to secure the plate to the selected location. The plate must be secured so that it can be moved in different directions.

    1. Installation of the Tricolor antenna is impossible without adjustment:
    • go to tricolor website. tv and find the azimuth and angle data for the nearest city there. After this, adjust the plate according to the data found. Azimuth, it is recommended to set using a compass;
    • now you need to connect the cable that goes from the converter to the digital receiver;
    • After this, the receiver is connected to the TV using a cable.

    1. Setting up TV channels. In order to catch more TV channels, first you need to achieve a high signal level from the satellite. To do this, you need to rotate the plate in different directions until you get the best result. If the signal level does not reach 70%, then try reconnecting the cable to the equipment. Also, the signal may be poor due to weather conditions. For example, in high clouds, during heavy rain or snowfall, the signal level can reach 0%. As soon as you achieve a high signal level, proceed to search for TV channels. To do this, go to the TV menu and select the appropriate “Channel Search” tab. Channels will be found automatically. To get more TV channels, you need to subscribe to a more expensive tariff plan.

    If installing the Tricolor TV antenna caused difficulties, you should contact support.

    Registration of Tricolor TV is necessary to gain access to television from the operator.

    Gaining access is carried out in two stages:

    • passing registration.
    • viewing activation.

    Register Tricolor TV yourself :

    1. You can register on the official website of the Tricolor TV company.
    2. First, you will need to indicate the ID number that is indicated on the purchased smart card.
    3. Next, indicate the model and serial number of the purchased digital receiver.
    4. In the next section, the subscriber is required to provide personal information: full name, date of birth, series and number of passport, as well as date and place of issue.
    5. Then the address of the equipment installation is indicated.
    6. In the last section you must indicate the subscriber's contact information.

    View activation process:

    1. Turn on any channel on your TV.
    2. Wait for the broadcast picture to appear, it will appear later than 8 hours later. In this case, the TV can be turned off, but the receiver must remain on.
    3. After this, viewing activation will be completed successfully.

    Not everyone can successfully install Tricolor TV on their own. Therefore, in case of problems, it is better to contact the company for support.

    Video “Registration of Tricolor TV”

    In order to learn how to set up Tricolor TV yourself, you should familiarize yourself with the general principles on which this system works. "Tricolor TV" refers to satellite systems that send a signal from the transmitting center to the consumer via an Earth satellite (artificial) as an intermediate link. The very principle of satellite television has recently turned half a century old, since the first signal was transmitted in 1962. It was then that an alternative to broadcast television appeared.

    Satellite TV has high picture quality

    The method of transmitting information for satellite systems is quite simple, if you do not go into technical details. It lies in the fact that transmitting centers do not send signals directly to the consumer, but recode them into digital data and send them to a satellite, from where they are “reflected” to receiving devices. Satellites of such systems are in geostationary orbits, which means their own speed coincides with the speed of rotation of our planet. Therefore, the satellite seems to “hang” over a certain territory, providing high-quality signal transmission. However, in order to obtain this quality, you need to know in what order the installation of Tricolor TV is carried out. It’s not at all difficult to do this on your own.

    System components

    The basis of the satellite system is a dish, which is usually made of metal and has a parabolic shape, concave inward. This form ensures the reception of all radio signals and their subsequent reflection to one point. It contains a converter (also called a “head”), which collects signals and transmits them through a coaxial cable system to a satellite tuner (also known as a “receiver”). The receiver converts the received signal into a form understandable for the television system and sends it directly to the inputs of the TV. After you manage to set up the Tricolor TV channels yourself, you will be able to appreciate the advantage of digital technologies, since the signal quality when configured correctly is very high. In addition, you can receive many radio and TV channels, sometimes from other systems.

    You can connect more than one TV under one contract

    Before setting up Tricolor TV yourself, of course, you first need to buy it. In stores you can find kits consisting of an antenna, receiver and convector, supplemented by paid installation and subscription, or simply kits or individual elements of the system. There are also kits that include the ability to connect two TVs to the antenna and watch them independently of each other (for one subscription fee), or even two TVs and a tablet. Viewing channels on the latter (also independent) is done via a Wi-Fi network.

    Cost of system elements and connections

    Prices for individual elements of the satellite system are quite reasonable. Thus, a converter for one output can cost the buyer 300-400 rubles in 2015 prices, for two outputs - about 1000 rubles, for four outputs - about two thousand rubles, a device for searching for a signal from a satellite costs just over half a thousand. Receiving plates are also not very expensive - about 700-1000 rubles, depending on the diameter. Installing and configuring the system itself can cost from 2.5 thousand rubles (depending on the complexity and the need to lay additional cable). Therefore, it is worth finding out how to install Tricolor TV yourself to avoid unnecessary costs.

    Azimuth required

    Tools you may need, at a minimum: a knife, insulating tape, pliers, a screwdriver, wrenches No. 13, 10, 8, a hammer drill or a drill. The television company transmits information from a satellite (Eutelsat w4), which is located at 36 degrees east longitude. The latter assumes that, before installing Tricolor TV yourself, you need to find out the approximate azimuth (the horizontal angle to the right clockwise from the north direction, measured in degrees) and the elevation angle (set from the selected azimuth point upward from the horizon). For Kostroma, for example, the first value is 186, and the second is 24 degrees.

    Optimal placement for the plate

    For installation, you need to choose a place so that in the direction of signal reception (up to 100 meters) there are no high objects (40 meters or more) or objects that distort signal reception (equipment generating electromagnetic fields, etc.). In addition, you need to take into account the availability of the antenna for subsequent maintenance and the need to use signal amplifiers if the cable length (double braid, thick copper core) exceeds 0.1 km. The antenna should not be placed under glass or indoors, as in this case it will not receive the signal. But it can be placed even on the ground if the surrounding conditions are favorable for this.

    Preparing the Bracket and Cable

    How to install Tricolor TV? You will have to assemble the antenna yourself (you can order its assembly at the store), and it is recommended to place the convector in the holder with the connector down to prevent precipitation. The adjusting bolts do not need to be fully tightened, since adjustment will require changing the position of the antenna. For fastening to the surface, holes are drilled with a hammer drill, taking into account the wall material, antenna dimensions and wind load. The antenna must be installed on a bracket and it must be possible to rotate it for adjustment (trees, walls, etc. should not interfere). After this, you need to prepare the cable at both ends by stripping the top layer of PVC by 1.5 cm (without touching the shielding braid). Next, the shielding braid together with the foil must be tucked in the opposite direction, the internal insulation must be cut off by 0.1 cm and the F-connector screwed onto the cable until it stops. The central core must be cut so that it protrudes beyond the edge of the connector by approximately two millimeters. One end of the cable is connected to the convector, the other to the receiver (LNB IN connector).

    Connecting the TV and receiver

    Connecting Tricolor TV independently involves connecting the receiver to the TV. To do this, the receiver's power supply is inserted into the network and turned on using the toggle switch on the rear panel. If the message “boot” appears, then the device is turned on correctly, but if the time is displayed, then the receiver must be taken out of standby mode using the remote control.

    The type of connection of receivers depends on the model. For example, models 5000, 5001,7300 (GS/DRS/DRE) can be connected at high frequencies via an antenna cable to the “RF out” connector. After this, using the TV remote control, you need to select the channel on which “Tricolor TV” will be shown, enter the menu of the TV itself and start the search. If everything is done correctly, the TV will find the channel itself. You cannot change channels at this time!

    Setting up the Tricolor TV receiver independently is also possible for low frequencies of the above receiver models. Here, “bells” or a “Scart” type connector are used, and a button is selected on the TV remote control to switch to the mode for viewing video (A/V). Note that low frequency connection is predefined for models such as the GS (8300, 8300M or 8300N) using the same connectors. After connecting, the message “No Signal” or the receiver setup menu should appear on the screen (if the channel is not programmed). This means that the equipment is assembled correctly. If there is other information on the screen, then you need to look for errors in the system assembly.

    Let's move it a little bit

    And these errors are within the system you purchased, since you cannot configure the Tricolor TV satellite yourself - if only because this device is in space, and you just need to point the receiving dish at it correctly. To do this, it needs to be positioned vertically and slowly rotated in a horizontal plane to the east in the direction of the intended location of the transmission system. The turning step should not exceed one centimeter, as accuracy is important here. After moving, you need to wait a couple of seconds (the delay time for signal transmission from space) and, if there is no result, continue the search. There is no point in quickly rotating the plate over a greater distance, as you may miss the optimal position.

    If the receiver has preset channels, then an image with the channel’s symbols will simply appear on the channel selected under “Tricolor TV”. If the preliminary setup was not carried out, then how to set up Tricolor TV yourself? In this case, a “Signal Quality” scale and a “Signal Strength” scale will appear in the lower right corner of the screen, which will fill as the optimal antenna position is found. If one scale is full and the other is empty, then you need to rotate the antenna until the signal is captured. When the two scales are close to filling, you need to press “OK” on the receiver’s remote control (on the TV screen “Next”) and wait until the received data is read. Perhaps this will be information from another satellite, including a foreign one. Then you will have to use the buttons on the receiver’s remote control to return to “Automatic search” and repeat the search.

    Satellite detection device

    Setting up Tricolor TV yourself can be made easier using the SetFinder satellite search device, which can be purchased or rented from specialized companies. It has a display where you can monitor the level of the received signal, and an audible alarm. To configure the antenna, you need to buy an “Igla” adapter with a double-sided F-plug, and disconnect the cable that goes to the receiver from the converter. The adapter is inserted at one end into the Satfinder device, the “to LNB” connector, which is the output to the converter. The other end of the adapter is connected to the converter on the antenna. The cable from the receiver is also connected to the Setfinder in the “TO REC” connector.

    1. The signal level control knob (indicator arrow) must be set to “5” (turn clockwise).
    2. Connect the receiver to the network and wait until it boots up.
    3. Rotate the antenna, listening to sound signals and waiting for the needle to deflect.
    4. If there is no signal, then the arrow needs to be “twisted” again to “5” and continued rotation more slowly and with a smaller amplitude. "Satfinder" reacts to any manipulation, including movement of hands near the antenna. Therefore, it is necessary to rotate the plate until the arrow deviates from “5”, which indicates the optimal position of the equipment (if the channel, of course, has been found).
    5. After the channel has been found, you can turn off the search device, fasten the cable from the converter to the receiver and move on to fine-tuning the equipment. If receivers recommended by the manufacturer are used to receive information, then in the “Search for channels from Tricolor TV” (receiver main menu) you can find all channels and configure them to your liking.

    Receiver registration required by phone

    You now know how to set up Tricolor TV yourself, without additional costs. It should be remembered that the receiver from this company must be registered. This can be done when concluding a subscription service agreement or on an individual basis. In the first case, you need to call the company's technical support service and state that you need to confirm your registration. In this case, you will be asked for your last name, first name and patronymic, installation address (!) from the contract, and receiver details - DRE ID. The operator will check the data and give confirmation. Within five days from the moment of registration, the “Russia 1” channel will display the inscription “DRE Coded Channel”, and after this period, “Tricolor TV” will be broadcast. If the broadcast has not started, then you need to call the support service again. Those users who have not entered into a subscription agreement must prepare the above data and contact technical support in their region to receive instructions for action.