• How to close a VKontakte group: an easy and quick way. How to accept an application to join a closed VKontakte group from a person

    There are three types of groups on VKontakte. Open groups are ordinary communities where any user can go and subscribe to them. social network. In addition, there are private groups that can only be joined by invitation from administrators. And the third type of group is closed communities. They differ in that to join them, you need to submit an application, which will be reviewed by the administrators, and if they approve it, then you will become a subscriber and will be able to have free access to this group.

    Such communities are great for a narrow circle of people, such as classmates, to post content that needs to be limited from prying eyes.

    So, after you have created a group, to make it private, go to the “community management” section and select the “settings” subsection there. The “group type” item will be available here. By default, all groups will always be open; to make the community private, select the appropriate tab and click “save.”

    Now anyone who is not a subscriber to your group will not be able to see your content. In addition, when entering your group, there will be no “subscribe” tab. Therefore, to become your subscriber, a person needs to click on the “apply” tab.

    If you are the administrator of a closed group, then applications from those who wish to become your subscribers can be found by going to the “community management” section. Here you need to select the “participants” item, and in it the “applications” subsection. A list of people who want to become members of your community will be available here. To do this, there will be two tabs next to each participant’s avatar: “accept to the group” or “reject the application”. In addition, at the top of this section there is a tab “approve all applications” in order to save time.

    There are pros and cons to gated communities. For example, on the one hand, people rarely join such groups, since viewing the content requires effort and waiting until the application is approved. Additionally, some are suspicious that the community is closed. On the other hand, in such groups the exit statistics are much lower. This is explained by the fact that such groups are difficult to enter, and therefore, in a sense, subscribers value being in them, and therefore leave much less often.

    It is also worth noting that only groups can be closed. Communities that are public pages are always open. Absent from publics at all this setting. Therefore, if you need a closed community, then you need to create it only as

    Communities on the VKontakte social network are used for various purposes, from entertainment to doing business. But we don't always need publicity. In such cases, closed groups help us out. How to make a VK group closed is discussed in the article.

    Closed VKontakte groups have always enjoyed some of their charm. They are closed from public access. They discuss information only between their participants.

    Let's start with a definition. A closed (or private) VKontakte community is a community in which access for unsubscribed users is limited. That is, only participants (subscribers) can see news, posts, photos, videos and any other materials.

    It is much harder to get into closed groups than into open ones. When you visit their pages, you will see something like this:

    You will not be able to subscribe yourself. Here you will need to either submit an application and then wait for its approval by the administrator, or receive an invitation and accept it.

    It is also worth noting the fact that only groups, but not public pages, can restrict access. If you have a public page, then first transfer it to a group, and then make it private or closed.

    As a rule, people use this opportunity to share information with a limited number of people. For example, you created a group where only your close friends are members, and you don’t want anyone else to see what is published there.

    This function also serves as a kind of disclaimer. For example, if you publish material that is not intended for minors, then you can limit access and accept/invite only adult VK users.

    Types of VKontakte groups

    There are two types of restricted groups:

    • Closed;
    • Private.

    In the first case, you can become a participant by submitting an application or accepting an invitation. The second is by invitation only. You decide which type to use based on your preferences and needs.

    It is worth noting that private groups are no longer accessible, since getting into such a community does not depend in any way on the user himself and his active actions.

    How to create closed group VKontakte

    So, we figured out what closed and private groups are. Now let's move on to how to create them.

    1. Click the "Create Community" button.

    1. In the window that appears, enter a name, indicate a topic and, be sure to put a dot next to the “Group” item. And click create.

    1. Next we will be taken to the settings page. Find the "Group Type" line.
    2. By default it's here open type. We need to choose closed/private.

    1. Click "Save".

    Thus, we have created a closed/private community.

    How to make an open group closed VK

    Situations can be different, including situations where there is a need to limit access to an already existing community. Unfortunately, not all managers know how to do this.

    In fact, everything is quite simple, below are step-by-step instructions:

    1. Click on the ellipses button and go to “Community Management”.

    1. On the right, select the “Settings” section (as a rule, it will open immediately).
    2. Next, find the line “Group Type” and select the right option. If there is no such line, then you have a public page (read on to learn how to transfer a public page to a group).

    1. Save your changes.

    After completing the actions, the following will appear under the avatar:

    Now, only subscribers will be able to see the news. Everyone else will have to apply or wait for your invitation.

    Similarly, you can change the type back to “Open”.

    How to transfer a public page to a group

    As we said earlier, only a group can be closed, but not a public page.

    If you encounter any difficulties when transferring a public page to a group, then the instructions below will help you:

    1. Visit the community page.
    2. Below the avatar there is a button with an ellipsis. Click on it.
    3. Select "Transfer to group".

    1. Confirm the action.

    Remember! The transfer can be made once every 30 days. Therefore, your decision must be balanced and well thought out, since there will be no opportunity to change your mind in the near future.

    How to add people to a closed VKontakte group

    One of the most frequently asked questions when working with closed/private communities is “Where can I accept applications to join?”

    The whole catch is that if there are no applications, then this will not be indicated anywhere. This is what confuses many administrators. They try to find the application page when there is none, and, as a result, fail.

    So, to accept an application you must be an administrator (not a moderator) and follow the instructions:

    1. Go to “Community Management”.
    2. On the right, find and select the “Participants” section.

    Important! If there are applications, then in the participants section there will be an additional subsection “Applications”. If there are no applications, then there will be no such subsection.

    1. Go to the “Application” subsection, and then approve or reject them by clicking the appropriate button.

    As you can see, it is the absence of the “Application” subsection that raises many questions on this topic. But knowing this feature, you will never have such problems.

    Now, regarding sending invitations. Almost all community leaders know how to do this. But we decided to discuss this point too.

    So, to send invitations you need to:

    1. Under your avatar, click on the “You are a member” button.
    2. Select “Invite friends”.

    1. Afterwards, a window will open with a list of your latest friends. Opposite each there will be a “Send an invitation” button. By clicking it, you will send an invitation.

    After completing the steps, close the window and wait for your friends to agree to join.

    Remember that you can only invite friends and no more than 40 per day.

    Pros and cons of closed VK groups

    Let's draw a small line under all of the above and try to highlight the main advantages and disadvantages:

    The advantages of gated/private communities include:

    • Confidentiality – no one (except the participants) will know what is published within the group;
    • It is possible to choose between closed and private;
    • Quite easy to use (especially after reading this article).

    The disadvantages include:

    • Such communities are difficult to promote, since people do not have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with your content before joining;
    • It is not possible to set up automatic acceptance of applications based on certain criteria (for example, from 18 years of age and older).

    Bottom line

    We talked about open and closed groups. We went over all the main nuances of working with them: how to create, how to change, how to add people, etc.

    Now you know what the difference is between them and you can use the acquired knowledge in your work. We hope our article was useful to you.

    The stumbling block was the presence of closed pages that require mandatory membership in the group to view the information located there.

    Let's take a look at the main features of such pages in order and learn about everything related to viewing audio, video and posts in a limited format. ordinary users group.

    Closed group on VK

    Why are closed communities created?

    Let's start with the original source of the problem - the ability to hide information from prying eyes. Why is this necessary? In order not to turn the page into a public yard and freely post any information that is interesting for those who joined, with the exception of that which violates the rules of the social network.

    A closed basis allows you to avoid unexpected complaints from outsiders who might have been paid for such an ugly move. Another advantage is the safety of the wall and albums from uninformative posts and constant spam.

    Well, the last option may be to have a narrowly focused page theme that may not appeal to all users of the resource.

    Creation closed community in VK

    Is it possible to view a closed group?

    Today there is a huge number malware, promising open access to any group that can be found on VK. You shouldn’t believe this, because with the constant improvement of the site, the developers actually managed to destroy all working methods for viewing closed groups through browser extensions or auxiliary software.

    Thus, it is not difficult to conclude that in order to view information in a closed community, you need to join it. Submit an application and wait until one of the administrators reviews and confirms it. As an alternative, you can use a fake page, but it all depends on your intentions and interests.

    So, so that you don’t get hooked by attackers once again and lose access to your page, we will answer frequently asked questions online regarding closed groups.

    How to view the wall of a closed community without joining it

    Allegedly, there is a kind of fake widget that guarantees viewing of groups of any type, including those restricted for viewing. In reality, this is just a ploy for third parties to gain access to your page. Unfortunately, there is no way to view any information from the page unless a user in the group sends it to you. But even in this case, reading the comments on the post will be unrealistic.

    Closed groups on VKontakte

    Watching a video from an album in a closed group

    Again, if a visit to a page is blocked by the main administrator, all information for third parties will be hidden. If you are interested in videos, you can find them at specific name through global search. The only condition will be that the video is in the public domain, and not in the exact same album blocked for others.

    How to view photos on a closed group page

    Another frequently asked question to which there is only one answer - no way. As mentioned above, you should not use certain programs that promise 100% results or use suspicious plugins for the main browser. If for some reason you do not want to join the main backbone of the public, then use a second account. If you don’t have one, you can always create one using an account from another social network attached to a “fake” number of one of the special resources.

    We monitor visit statistics

    Perhaps this is the only thing that a person who has not joined the group can get. However, it is necessary to know serial number page being viewed or id. If you find a certain nickname instead of a sequence of numbers, you shouldn’t be upset, because it’s quite easy to find out through the participants on the page.

    Open a public page that is closed for viewing and, if there is a list of participants there, click on the appropriate item. You see a list of people who have joined. Now you need to click on the magnifying glass image in the top right. As soon as it opens new page, pay attention to address bar, where after 5D, the combination of numbers will appear. This is the same id that needs to be copied and pasted at the end of the following link - https://vk.com/stats?gid0000, where you substitute the received address instead of zeros.

    But, as expected, access will only be possible if it was previously opened by the community administrator. Otherwise, you will receive a notification that you do not have the appropriate rights to view this data. There is no way to correct the current situation, so all your subsequent attempts will be in vain.

    Security measures

    We repeat once again - if you want to view information for a limited circle of people within the community, your use special programs may cause your account to be hacked. None of the methods advertised on the Internet will ever ensure successful viewing of a blocked page. And those methods that once really worked have become only part of history. Therefore, you should not risk your personal information to gain access to information that is not nearly as interesting as it might seem at first glance.

    Bottom line

    As you already understand, this entire article is a complete warning that should protect you from trying to take advantage of malicious software and cause irreparable damage to yourself. The only working option is to apply to join a closed group. And it is not necessary to do this from the main page, when any existing fake will work perfectly. Do not forget about the safety of personal information and never take risks for illusory, unjustified goals.

    Social networks are very handy tool to organize communication between so many in different ways, that keeping track of everyone is quite problematic. And if you are a creator or administrator, there may be logical question– how to accept an application for a closed VKontakte group? Today we will help you figure this out.

    Why are we talking about a closed type? Because the principle of face control only applies there. For other types - open and private, as well as public, this function is not provided.

    Closed group

    Let me remind you briefly that you can gain access there only by submitting a request and receiving approval from the management team. The administrator or creator can accept it, but until then to a stranger no information other than basic information is available – brief description, number and composition of participants, as well as a contact block.

    To get inside private group, you will need to receive a personal invitation from one of the admins or the creator. Until then, you won’t be able to see the community’s materials, even if you have a direct link to it.

    We will not repeat ourselves and will proceed directly to studying the application acceptance process.

    How to accept applications from a computer?

    Log in to your VKontakte account and open the list of publics. Go to the “Management” tab, where the groups that you can manage will be shown, select the one you need.

    Second step - on the main page, under the avatar, find the icon with three dots.

    We get to the main admin menu. We look at the sections on the right - we need the “Participants” tab. Click on it.

    If someone has expressed a desire to become a member of the group, then when you go to this block, immediately under “Participants”, there will be the necessary subsection with those who want to join.

    However, if there are none, you will not see it, but will find the “Managers” subsection.

    Moving inside the section, we see the number of new requests, as well as buttons with which you can give approval or refusal to a person.

    You can accept one person at a time, carefully reviewing each one, or you can click on the button at the top - “Approve all”. Or first reject those who are not suitable and then give the go-ahead to everyone else at once to save your time.

    Once accepted, they will disappear from this subsection and appear in the list of active participants.

    How to accept applications from your phone?

    To approve the entry of new people into your ranks from your phone, you need to do the same first steps as from your computer. That is, it is necessary with home page open the admin panel for management.

    To do this, click on the gear icon at the top next to the name.

    The only difference is the absence of a button with which you can approve all requests at once. Each person will have to take it manually click by click.


    By learning where to view applications and how to accept them, you won't have to worry about missing someone's request. It is important for people that this happens as quickly as possible.

    It also makes sense to find out, since keeping them is not only fun, but also profitable.

    That's all for today, good luck and prosperity!