• How to send a picture in a message in Odnoklassniki. How to share a photo or send a card. We give useful advice. FAQ. How to insert a picture from your computer into a message? How to insert in a message

    As soon as it appeared and began its work, all services and functions in it were free. However, as time passed, the situation changed. Now, in order to perform certain actions on this site, you need to be willing to pay for them. Well, in our difficult times, staying afloat is not easy, you need to find ways to earn money, and the popular social network has not come up with anything better than introducing paid services. Unfortunately, some users (especially beginners) are not aware of them, which raises many questions. The most common one is how to send a picture in a message in Odnoklassniki. You will find out if and how this can be done by reading the article.

    According to the letter of the law

    We’ll disappoint you right away: you won’t be able to simply insert any picture taken from the Internet into a personal message. This is explained by this. Not long ago the law “On Copyright Protection” came into force. According to this document, the use of any copyrighted works (which includes all photographs and pictures from the World Wide Web) without the permission of the copyright holder is an unauthorized action and is punishable by a fine. Of course, as a result of numerous copies of images, their original owner is not easy to find, but the Odnoklassniki website decided not to take responsibility, so as not to accidentally get involved in legal cases regarding pictures/photographs posted on this site in violation of copyright.

    It is not known whether these are the true motives, or whether this is just a “smart” move to make money on paid images. But the fact remains: you won’t be able to send any pictures on Odnoklassniki for free.

    Smiley pictures in Odnoklassniki: methods of sending

    To pay or not?

    Emojis are a simple and fun way to convey emotions to someone on the other side of the screen. Any social network has such an opportunity, because their purpose is communication between people. And the brighter and more interesting it is, the better. And in the form of a smiley? There are two options - paid and free. If you don’t want to spend money, you’ll have to be content with a small set of 50 rather primitive pictures. Were they not enough? Please pay 140 rubles and you will receive more (namely 175) different emoticons. They are provided for a limited time: after 45 days you will have to pay again or refuse the service.

    Option for creatives

    By the way, some creative individuals have figured out how to send a picture in a message in Odnoklassniki if the free set provided is not enough. They started drawing smiles themselves. You can do this using the keyboard. Try it, you just need to use a little imagination. If you don’t have enough ideas, then join thematic groups on this social network and get inspiration there.

    How to share photos with friends?

    But emojis are not all that users like to share. Most of all, many people are interested in another question: “How to send a photo in Odnoklassniki?” Again, simply attaching it to a message will not work. But you can do it differently.

    Another option for sending a photo in Odnoklassniki is as follows. First, you upload the desired photo or picture to a thematic album on your page, and then tag your friend/friends on it. When viewing an uploaded image, to the left of it you will see a “tag friends” button; by clicking on it, you can add links to the people you need. They will see the photo in the news feed, as well as on their page in a separate album.

    Greeting cards: send for free

    What about cards for birthdays, New Years or other holidays? for free to congratulate your friend? There are several options here.

    The first is to upload the selected postcard to the forum. First, find a site with free images: next to each picture you will see an embed code - copy it. Now go to your friend’s page and paste the appropriate code into the “Add a comment” field. When you click "Send", you will see the selected postcard instead of the code. It will be available for viewing to all users who visit your friend’s page, but you will send it for free.

    The second is to use free applications. Find a list of greeting card apps in the Games menu. Typically, they offer a range of paid and free images. Choose the option you like and follow the instructions to send the postcard to a friend. He can see it by logging into this application.

    To sum it up

    As you can see, the possibilities for sending images to the Odnoklassniki social network are limited. But still they exist. We hope that the suggested tips on how to send a picture in Odnoklassniki in a message, in an application or on a forum will help you spice up your communication with friends without using additional paid services.

    When communicating on a social network with friends using private messages or leaving notes on our wall, in some cases we leave links to other VK users or communities. At the same time, copying and pasting a link in the form of a URL is not difficult even for an inexperienced user. Just copy the link to the page or group from the address bar, as it is, for example: .
    But we are not interested in a simple link, but in a hyperlink. When a user clicks on one or more words (part of a hypertext document) and is taken to another page. If you want to leave a link to the community for your friends, you can format it in the form of one word or a whole phrase that characterizes it. For example, write “Music” and put a link to: . By clicking the word "music", your friends will be redirected to this group.

    The functionality of VKontakte allows you to place links not only to internal pages of the social network (accounts, communities, events), but also to external web resources. But it’s not always possible to insert a working hyperlink. To create it, VK provides special codes. If you learn to use them correctly, you will succeed. And we will tell you what these codes are and how to use them correctly to create a hyperlink.

    How to make a link to a person on VKontakte?

    To insert a link to a VK user page, you do not use text formatting using HTML, but a special syntax reminiscent of BB code. It is also allowed to use * (asterisks) And @ (dogs). This way you can format personal messages, other people’s or your own comments on posts, notes, descriptions of groups or videos.

    How to insert a link to a person in VK using BB codes

    So that part of the hypertext document becomes a link to the user’s social account. VKontakte network, you must formalize it correctly. The first step to this hyperlink design is two square brackets, separated by one vertical bar and located inside. To paste this design onto the page, switch to the English layout and press the corresponding three keys on your keyboard or simply copy the following:

    A word is added to the vertical bar before the closing square bracket, which will become a hyperlink. But you will see it only after the entry is published. If you need to insert a link to a user's page, write their real or online name after the vertical bar. In this case, its name will be the link text (anchor or anchor).

    But our hyperlink has not yet been created, because we need to indicate the address of the user’s page. To do this, immediately after the opening square bracket, before the vertical line, indicate the account ID without a space. The page address can consist of both a set of numbers and letters, if the user has chosen a beautiful name for the page. Since we only format internal addresses this way, there is no need to write the full URL; the system itself will convert the user ID and redirect to his page in Contact.

    First design

    Second design

    In both the first and second cases you will be taken to the same page. The text can be different: first name, last name, title, any phrases.

    The anchor text can be diluted with emoticons or put them instead of words.

    You have already figured out how to insert the ID of the account you need or its short address to create a hyperlink. And to find out it, you need to go to the page and copy it from the address bar. Everything after vk.com/ is an ID or name.

    For example, this is what the user page ID looks like:

    To find out the address of your personal page in Contact, go to “ My settings" and copy the data from the corresponding field.

    As you can see, everything is simple.

    How to quickly make a hyperlink to a VKontakte page?

    The method we described above is somewhat tricky. If you want to create a quick and easy hyperlink with a word or phrase, try another method. In this case, the construction of two square brackets separated by a vertical bar is not used.

    We will use one of two symbols: * (asterisk) or @ (dog). There is no need to put a space after such a symbol, but immediately write the account ID or its address if the user has changed it. This social network has a hint system: start typing the person’s last name, and the system will immediately offer you options. All you have to do is indicate the desired name.

    Click in your post on the page, for example, the symbol @ and follow the prompts.

    Want to try it? Put * (asterisk) and you will see the inscription: “Start typing a friend’s name or group name.” Enter " durov” and you will be asked to put a link to his page.

    At the same time, you will not need to add anything: just click on the name of P. Durov, and the hyperlink will be created without your participation. If the user you're linking to has more than one page or community, you'll need to choose one of the options.

    You send a note and see the design converted into a hyperlink. Your friends, by clicking on a word or phrase, will be redirected to the desired page. And if special BB codes are used to create hyperlinks on forums and websites, then on the VKontakte social network you can do without the structures.

    Or you can simply indicate your account number after the “asterisk” or “dog”.

    You can also do this:

    As you can see, the result is the same.

    How to insert a link into the text to a community with the necessary words

    There is nothing complicated here either, even for an untrained user. The method is no different from where we created a hyperlink to the page. You can link not only to the page of an individual user, but also to a group or event. The only difference is that there is no ID. Instead, you will have to indicate the names: public, club, event. And just as when creating a hyperlink to a page, after the words you need to add the number or short address of the community, group, or event. The numbers or names of communities are taken from the same place: from the address bar.

    If you place links from other people's communities to a group that you own, do not overdo it. Such links are fraught with blocking, especially if you leave them in comments and posts on someone else’s wall. If you provide hyperlinks, choose anchor text that is relevant to your community. Otherwise, such a link will be considered spam and it will be good if it is simply deleted. The community can also be blocked for spreading spam on VKontakte.

    It's even easier to create a hyperlink using the symbols: * (asterisk) And @ (doggy). This method is similar to the previous one, when we created hyperlinks to user pages. Write @ and start entering numbers or letters of the address of the community, event. The system itself will offer you options. All you have to do is select the desired community, and the link will be generated automatically.

    Try it, there is nothing extremely complicated in creating hyperlinks to internal VKontakte pages.

    Is it possible to make any word a hyperlink in VKontakte?

    As you already understand, only pages of users, groups, and events within a social network can be formatted as verbal hyperlinks. If you want to link to an external resource, you will have to write it in full. Some words from the text cannot lead to an external site - the functionality of VK does not allow it. For example, this construction would be erroneous:

    If hyperlinks from words to external resources are not possible, leave regular links, where instead of text “ All about social VK networks» use the full address of the site or page. The user will simply go to the site by clicking on the URL.

    VKontakte not only allows you to link to external sites, but also offers to design the link beautifully by adding a small announcement to it. An interested user will definitely visit your website if he reads the information that interests him in the announcement.

    This way you can advertise your new publications. The announcement and pictures, if any, are added automatically. All you need to do is specify the address of the external page, Contact will do the rest.

    If the page you are linking to is too long, the system will truncate it, and in an unfortunate manner. You can fix this by using a service, for example, vk.cc to convert long addresses. You will receive a short address for your site/page and do not have to worry about crooked links.

    As you can see, hyperlinks in VKontakte are possible, but only within social networks. networks. And to create a link to an external web resource, you will have to specify the address. Create personal messages, wall posts, and comments using a variety of links.

    We place beautiful hyperlinks

    If there is a need to insert an anchor link into the text of a message, most users try not to bother and proceed in the standard way - copy what is needed from the address bar of the browser and simply paste this text. We get a fully functional hyperlink in a standard, but not the most readable form.

    To make the appearance of the link in the text more convenient and readable, the long line with the address can be replaced with a word containing the link. To do this, you need to use the VKontakte hyperlink insertion templates. In particular, to add a link to a custom page you need to enter text . Using this template, a link is made to a personal page or group.

    The required ID address can be found in the address bar of the browser. Your id can also be found in the page settings or in code view mode. To do this, right-click anywhere on your page and select “View Code” (for Chrome) or “Page Source Code” (for Firefox) from the drop-down menu.

    On the page with the code we find the required id.

    Now if we insert into the text of the message a construction in the form and we will send the message exactly in this form.

    As a result, we get text with a beautiful hyperlink.

    If you want to format a link to a group in the same form, the template syntax will be different - the id in the text must be replaced with the community identifier. For example, to create a beautiful and clickable link to the group game “Police”, write the following in the message: .

    How to insert a link into a message

    If you want to send it to only one friend on Odnoklassniki, then it is better to do this using messages. To do this, open your profile and select “Messages” in the top menu.

    Find the person you need in the list on the left and put italics in the “Write a message” field.

    In this example, I will show how to link to another site in Odnoklassniki. You can send a link to a video or photo in the same way.

    Now open the page with the desired site in your browser, select everything in the address bar and copy this text (by pressing Ctrl+C).

    The required address will be sent to your friend. By clicking on it, a person will go to the specified website on the Internet.

    How to add a link to the Odnoklassniki feed

    If you want all your friends to see it, you need to add it to your feed. Open your profile and under the page menu items, click in the “What are you thinking about?” field.

    Then insert the address of the desired page on the Internet. You can copy the address of absolutely any page according to the principle that I described above.

    The address in the Odnoklassniki feed will look like this, and this is how other users will see this post. By clicking on the text highlighted in red, anyone can go to the site you specified.

    In the example, I linked to the site. If you have a video or image, then it will be displayed, and by clicking on it, you can immediately watch it.

    If you need to insert it into the status, then when adding a new entry, as described above, simply check the “To status” box.

    The entry you make will be pinned to the top of the page. If necessary, you can hover your mouse cursor over it and “remove it from status.”

    How to add a link in a group

    If you need to insert it into a group, then this can only be done if you are its administrator. If you are just a participant, then you will not be able to add a link, for example, to a feed or to another group.

    You can try inserting it in the comments under the photo in the group’s albums. Well, if you are very lucky and the group feed is not closed, then simply create a new topic by inserting text with the active address into it. This field is outlined in orange and is located immediately below the group menu.

    To do this, open the group, click on the “More” button in the menu and select “Links” from the list.

    Here I would like to note that you can only add it to the group of which you are a member as an Odnoklassniki user.

    Find the group you need, hover over it and click on the “select” button, then click “Add”.

    How to write a message in a diary?

    In order to add a photo to a message, you must use the photo upload button:

    In the window that appears, select a photo file from your local disk and click the “Upload and Paste” button

    It is recommended that if you have a slow Internet connection, you first reduce your photos to a size of 600-800 pixels in width. Otherwise, they may take a very long time to download, until the connection is lost.

    How to add a link in a message?

    And then click on the lit link button on the panel:

    After this, in the window that appears, you need to insert the address to follow this link:

    After clicking the save button, a hyperlink will appear in your message.

    How do I upload my photo (Avatar) next to a message?

    This is done on your Personal "Me" page:

    In the first tab “Edit Profile” there is an “Image” block. Click on the "Upload Image" link:

    A new image upload form will open. Select a photo from your computer and click the "Upload" button.

    The system will prompt you to select the area for cutting out your future avatar. Then click the "Continue" button. The image will automatically appear on your profile.

    How to insert a video into a message?

    You can add a video to your message from popular video hosting sites - YouTube.ru, RuTube.ru, [email protected], Yandex.Video and others.

    When creating a message, click the insert video button:

    In the window that opens, insert the video code; you can see examples of the required code in the “Instructions”:

    It is enough to fill in only the field with the video code; the remaining fields are optional.

    Before and after the location of the video in the message, you can write any text.

    How to insert a link to another site user into a message?

    In the window that opens, enter the user's nickname, for example, helper. And click the "Insert" button:

    And in the message input field a link to the user with his avatar will be placed.

    How to use the transliterator?

    If your keyboard does not have Russian letters, and you enter Russian text in Latin letters, use the “Translate Latin characters” function.
    After you have written a message, click on the “Translate” button:

    The editor will automatically translate your message from Latin characters to Russian.

    Always use this function if you type in Latin letters, because text written in Latin letters makes reading much more difficult.