• How to tag a person in a VKontakte post: simple ways. Tag a friend on VKontakte before he tags you

    In this social network you will quickly find your friends and acquaintances. This is a convenient tool for close communication and for easily keeping in touch. After all, you don’t have to constantly write to all your friends all the time so that they don’t forget you. Sometimes a simple like, an invitation to a group, or a simple tag in a post or photo is enough. Still don’t know how to tag a person on VK? It's actually simple.

    Why celebrate?

    Tagging a user is a convenient way to let him know about anything. Information about the mark will appear in his notifications and he can quickly follow the link to the mark. You can add a mark in different places. If you tag a contacter in a photo or picture, he will quickly look at it and appreciate it. In addition, any user can be mentioned with a tag in a text post. This is a quick way to inform.

    Mention in post with link

    In order for the person you need from your friends list to be noted in the status or in the story told on your wall, first write a message. In the place where you want to insert a link to a friend, add an asterisk - *. After this, you need to start writing your friend’s name and a list with suitable candidates will appear. All you have to do is select the person you wanted to tag, he will appear on the post as a link.

    The name of the selected friend can be edited by entering any word, for example, addressing him. This way you can make your message more personal. Another feature is that if you add a user id, the mark will not disappear even when he changes his name. By the way, this way you can tag not only a friend from the list, but also the one you are subscribed to. All these actions can also be done from your phone, in a mobile browser.

    Mark with one click

    There is a ready-made function for tagging a person in a photo. You only need to open the desired image in an album or on the wall and click on the “tag person” button. A selection area will appear in the picture, easily resizable. Once you select the part of the photo you want, all that remains is to add the person. You can only tag friends from your list this way.

    Users can tag photos not only in albums on their own pages, but also on others. Therefore, you need to periodically check your photos so that unwanted marks do not appear on them. Each photo has an edit icon in the form of a pencil. In your privacy settings, you can prevent other users from tagging your photo. Then you won't have to message.

    Offer to look

    To tag a person in a photo, it is not at all necessary to look for the one where he is depicted. You can tag users. It's a quick and easy way to share information with friends. And if someone doesn't want to be tagged, they will ask for it in the comments. Or he will remove the tag himself. To do this, click the cross next to your name in the list.

    Do you already know how to make your page more popular? Even if you have a couple of methods in mind, I will tell you the simplest one. In order not to waste your own time and get results faster, leave the fate of your account to professionals. U There are a lot of options for attracting attention to your VK. They can easily transform both a personal page and an entire group.

    To always stay up to date with the latest news, subscribe to my updates. Enter your email at the top of the page and news will be sent to your email. And by subscribing to my group VKontakte you will be able to see the latest articles in your news feed.


  • Find out the person's account ID to make a mention of them. To do this, just go to the page of the user you need and click on the address bar. Copy the identifier, which looks like the word ID with a specific serial number.

    Sometimes a phrase in Latin letters is indicated instead if a person has set a more convenient and memorable address for his page.

  • Use a special script to create a link to a person on VKontakte: [Link address|Link text]. As the “Link Address” item, set the page identifier of the person you need, and in the “Link Text” - a short description. This way you will receive a link to the person’s VKontakte profile. It can be used during correspondence or when mentioning a person in your own posts. Also, instead of a user ID, you can specify a link to any group or public page of a given social network, music album, video or photo.
  • You can mention a person as a reference if you want to write a response to him in one of the discussions. Click "Reply" under his comment. In this case, at the beginning of your message at the bottom of the topic, you will automatically address the person by his name with a link to his message. You can mention a person in your message without an active link, but in this case it will be more difficult to understand who exactly you are addressing.
  • Press the "*" key (star on your keyboard) before writing a message or posting. You'll be taken to a mini-list of your friends, from which you can select a specific person and mention them. In the same way, you can make a link to a group, a list of dialogs, etc.
  • So, today we are going to learn how to tag a person on a post in Contact. This simple action has several solutions. Plus, it is very useful, especially when used with other fasting techniques. For example, with posting notes on the walls. Let us begin to study the question posed as soon as possible.

    Why is it necessary?

    Before you tag a person in Contact, it’s worth understanding why we need to do this at all. After all, someone considers this opportunity useless. But this is not true at all.

    Quite often this function is also used in various public pages. In particular, in those where they publish news about bona fide employers and scammers. A very interesting application. Now that we know the purpose of “linking” a person to a message, let’s try to figure out how to tag a person on a post in “Contact”.

    Collection of information

    The first thing that can be required of us is to obtain the necessary information about the user of the social network. There is one very important point here - if a person is not registered on VKontakte, then it will simply be impossible to tag him on a post. Why?

    The thing is that each registered page has its own so-called ID, which will be used when linking. It is written in the address bar. But unregistered users do not have an ID on VKontakte.

    How can I get this number from someone already on the social network? To do this, just go to his profile and look at the address bar of the browser. The address will be written there, and then IDxxxxx, where xxxxx is the corresponding page number. That's what we need. Select it and copy it to Now you can think further about how to tag a person on an entry in “Contact”.

    Fill out form

    Now all that’s left to do is come up with a post and then write its text. And insert a special form in the right place, which is needed to link a person’s page to a post. What kind of function is this? Let's get to know her.

    If you are wondering how to tag a person on a post in Contact, then you just need to locate his profile ID. After writing the post, insert the following form in the required place: [profile address/display word]. The address here is nothing more than a person's ID. And a word is a phrase or expression that will redirect users to its page.

    For friends

    There is another very simple approach that will help answer the question of how to tag a person on a record in Contact. The point is that if this person exists in your friends list, then you don’t have to use any forms or IDs. Everything will turn out several times easier.

    Before writing a post, click on the “star” on your keyboard. After this you will have a list of friends. Select a friend there and click on the inscription. Next, write a word or phrase that will appear in the post as a redirect. That's it.

    All that's left to do is start writing a message using a space. Now submit it and see the result. That's it. You know how to tag friends on a post in Contact in a few clicks. As you can see, this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

    In this case, many users have a question about how to tag a person on VK, for example in a photo. Such a need arises often and affects various aspects, and therefore is quite relevant and requires more detailed consideration.

    Method of marking a person

    Regardless of the version of the site and its design, the general procedure for attaching a person to a vk entry will be similar. Often, there is a special button for this action, which is called “Tag a person.”

    If we talk about photographic materials, then such a button is located directly under a separately opened photo. For other materials, there may be variability in the name and location of the button, but in general, it will not be difficult to find it.

    Attention! It should be remembered that the opportunity to mention someone is not intended for all published materials, but, for example, for those photographs that the user took independently or with the company. In addition, you can only tag people who are on your friends list.

    For video recordings, the ability to indicate people was disabled by the administration due to its rare use.

    How to mark if there is no mark button?

    It is possible that the interface does not have a button that allows you to mark a person in the record. In such a case, you will need to replace this standard function with a manually written command. This is done quite simply and quickly and does not require special skills.

    This method will allow you to tag a person on a wall or in a community. If the person you want to mention is not on a specific user’s list of friends, you will need to find out his numeric id. We discussed how to do this in one of the articles on our website.

    So, in order to tag users on the wall in any posts, you will need to enter the * or @ symbol in the input line before starting the text. Next, the system will automatically offer a list of people on the friends list, or the user can immediately enter the id number of the person they are looking for or even a community.

    It's important to understand that the tagged user will receive notification of such a message and will be able to read its contents. To avoid conflict situations, it is recommended to carefully think through the text in advance.

    If desired, the sender can edit the message as he pleases. The addressee can comment on all messages sent to him, thus, directly under the post or on his page.

    How can you find out which posts you are listed on?

    When deciding how to view a VKontakte mention, the user can find out where other users tagged him.

    In the case of photographic materials, everything is quite simple, because as soon as the user is listed in at least one photo, a new album will appear on his page in the photo section - Photos with me.

    In order to see that you have been mentioned in comments, in a post, or anywhere else, you will need to set up notifications accordingly.

    To do this, the user will need to go to the settings of their page in the upper right corner of the screen. In the window that opens, in the right column you will need to find the section – Alerts. Here in the “Feedback” section, each user, based on his preferences, will be able to make settings.

    Among the options offered here, there are many options:

    • Repost notifications;
    • New comments;
    • Replies to posts left;
    • Mentions in entries.

    Advice! If there are important or few dialogues, you can enable notifications about personal messages where you were mentioned. This applies not only to dialogues, but also to conversations.

    In the top panel, when you click on the bell icon, the user will be able to see an expanded list of notifications. Here, in addition to the list of recently performed actions, you can also go to the archive record and view all the necessary information, including marks.


    So, today we will try to figure out how to mention a person on VKontakte in a message. There are several approaches to solve this problem. All of them are extremely easy to understand even for a novice user. However, this process requires a little preparation. Do not be afraid of this action - you will definitely succeed.

    Methods of use

    Now let's go back to the id number. To get it, go to the “victim’s” profile and look at the address bar of your browser. There you will see the address, and after it idxxxxx, where xxxxx is the number we need. Select it and then copy it to the clipboard.

    Sometimes, instead of a number, there may also be a whole word in Latin. This is fine. This word is called the short profile address. It can also be used to solve a problem called “How to mention a person in a post on a wall on VKontakte.” Now let’s get acquainted with the form for publishing a post. It is extremely simple and easy to learn, even for novice users.

    Submit form

    It all starts with the fact that you must come up with the text of the message. And start writing it. Then leave some space where appropriate (highlight it with spaces) and end your post. Next, you will have to come up with a word or phrase that is displayed in the text as a redirecting link.

    When everything is ready, fill out the form in the right place: [profile address|keyword]. The "Address" field is exactly the same id number or short address of the user's profile. “Keyword” is an expression displayed in a post to redirect to the profile of your chosen “victim”. When you're done, you can just post it and see what you came up with. That's all the problems are solved.

    For friends

    How to mention a person on VKontakte in another way? To do this, the user must be on your friends list. If this rule is followed, then accomplishing the task will be as easy as shelling pears.

    Click on the "star" on your keyboard. You will now have a list of friends. There, select the required user, then write the keyword. Next, write the main text of the message separated by a space and publish it. Look at the result. You managed to publish a post with a redirecting link to a person without any extra effort.