• How to recover mail in Yandex if you lost your phone. How to enter Yandex mail if you forgot your username and password: the most effective tips for the forgetful. How to delete a Yandex mailbox

    If you wondered how to restore mail on Yandex, then you forgot the credentials that you need to enter for authorization, or you haven’t visited your account for a long time. We will tell in this article how to be in both cases.

    How to restore mail on Yandex?

    In a situation where you have forgotten your login or password from your email account, a special site service will come to your aid, which will help you remember your data. What needs to be done to take advantage of it?

    First you need to find out which particular identifier you cannot restore in memory, namely: login or password. How to restore mail on Yandex? Login can be found in the following ways:

    1. Use the autocomplete function (if you have it activated in your browser). To do this, simply go to the main page of the Yandex website and double-click on the empty field called "login".
    2. Ask acquaintances, friends with whom you have exchanged electronic messages earlier from this mail, so that they send you your address or a link to an account on the Ya. RU".

    In extreme cases, to restore the login, you can contact the technical service of the site. Through the feedback form, you need to specify all the data that you could register when registering e-mail. After writing the appeal, you will approximately have to wait 1-2 days until it is reviewed by specialists.


    If you have lost the second identifier required for authorization, then you also have several options for how to remember it. How to restore mail on Yandex? We go to the main page of the site. In the upper right corner, under the data entry fields, there is a link "Forgot your password?". We click on it and get hints from the Yandex system. She will offer you several options for solving the problem:

    Is it possible to recover Yandex mail?

    Pay attention to the fact that is spelled out in the terms of the site's agreement, which states that if no actions are recorded on the email within six months, then the account will be deleted. That is, if you do not send messages yourself, but receive them regularly, then the profile is saved for you.

    Yandex.ru is the largest and most popular Russian-language search engine. And this is a huge number of various services, including mail, which is used daily by millions of users. By creating an account in the mail, you get access to all the company's services where you need to pass authorization. That is why it is so important not to lose your email password. But what if you still lost it?

    There is only one way out - to restore access to the service. Now I will show how this can be done.

    We go to Yandex, enter the username and password, click "Login" - we try to go to the mail.

    Since the password was incorrect (you forgot it or just lost it), then click on the "Remember password" button. A new page opens. On it we enter our login, captcha and click on the "Next" button.

    Now the most interesting. You must enter the answer to a security question (officially it is called secret, although what is secret in it, if any user can see it, is not clear). If the answer is correct, you will be prompted to enter your new password.

    In some cases, it's even easier. If your account is linked to a mobile phone, then you need to enter your cell number - it will receive an SMS with a code to restore access and you do not need to answer any security questions.

    What to do if you forgot the answer to your secret question? There is only one way out - you need to write a letter to the Yandex support service, describing the problem. However, the restoration of the mailbox is only possible if you have indicated your real data and can confirm them by presenting your passport. If the name is fictitious, then nothing can be done, alas. By the way, the support service cannot send you the answer to the secret question, because they simply do not know it.

    Yandex mail is a modern and secure service, therefore, with proper handling, all scientific data that the user has forgotten can be restored without any problems using a phone link or secret question. Frequent reasons due to which this procedure is resorted to is the loss of such data as login, password, as well as accidentally or by the decision of moderators deleted email. box.

    Yandex mail password recovery

    This is the most common case - it is easy to forget it, but it is also not difficult to restore it:

    After that, the system will redirect you to the service, where the user who has forgotten the credentials is offered various options for solving the problem using a link to a mobile number, mail or secret question.

    Mobile phone use

    When registering an account, Yandex offers to link your phone to it. You should not refuse this service, as it significantly increases the security of your correspondence, and also makes it easy to restore access to e-mail if you lose your password:

    A window will appear - here you can set a new password for your mail.

    Another way to remember credentials

    You can also restore them by phone, and if an additional email was previously linked to the account. box:

    1. In the recovery window, open the additional mail tab;
    2. After that, specify the mailing address to which the code for password recovery should be sent;
    3. Next, repeat what was described for actions using the linked phone.

    Another way to get access to the mail is through the answer to the security or secret question specified by the user at the moment when the mailbox was registered.

    If the user has not forgotten it, then by specifying this item in the selection menu, you can activate the password change procedure. If both this information and the answer to the security question are lost, if an error message appears, follow the link in the window that opens to fill out the support contact form.

    How to restore Yandex mail login

    It is already more difficult to reanimate these credentials. If you opened your Yandex account not so long ago, try to access the link https://passport.yandex.ru/passport?mode=restore . Here, under the input field, the system can write a hint with your name.

    Often, the login can be restored when communicating with acquaintances or friends in social networks or according to other data. They can look at your correspondence and tell you the email address you forgot. mail.

    If these methods do not work, you can not do without a question to the Yandex support service.

    The support service itself promises to restore data when the user can provide at least one of the following data:

    Links to these services can be found here - https://yandex.ru/support/passport/troubleshooting/problems_forgot-login-email.xml . Otherwise, if you do not have a wallet or a site that uses Yandex services, then you will only have to restore electronic information with the help of friends who will have to view your previous correspondence with them.

    How not to forget your login

    To always remember the login from Yandex mail, it is useful to take the opportunity to make an additional account as your linked phone number. This is done either during the process of linking the phone, or at any other time. To resolve the issue:

    1. Follow the link https://passport.yandex.ru/profile/phones;
    2. Use the button to enable the function of using the mobile as an additional login.

    After that, so that the user does not forget the information anymore, one mailbox can use a double postal address - the old and the new type. [email protected], where N is your main number, written without the plus sign and spaces.

    How to recover a mailbox

    There are situations when it is necessary to restore an address that has not been used for a long time or was accidentally destroyed (sometimes moderators block mail for sending spam, etc.). To access mail:

    1. If the mailbox was deleted from the database by the administration for sending spam, the issue will have to be resolved only with the technical support service.
    2. You will also need to call the same service if you want to restore a mailbox that has not been used for a long time. Usually not used for a long time for its intended purpose. the address is automatically deleted and it is not possible to enter the mail in the usual way.

    Sometimes not only mail is deleted, but also an account in Yandex. In this case, you will need to register again. As a rule, within a three-month period, even a destroyed account is considered still busy, so you will not be able to immediately restore the old credentials. At this time, you will have to register under a different name.

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    Today, emails have almost completely replaced paper ones. With their help, you can not only exchange news with friends and relatives in other countries, but also register on websites, forums, receive news from various services, etc. In addition, e-mail boxes are divided into personal and corporate. Accordingly, one Internet user can have several mailboxes. And somewhere you need to store passwords and logins for each of them. If this information is lost, then you have to restore your email.

    How to restore email step by step

    Each mail service has its own recovery scheme. First, the user identification procedure takes place, then the password reset and data recovery.

    On Yandex

    Yandex- This is the most popular search engine, which includes a large number of programs, as well as a mail server. To restore email, the user must:

    • open browser;
    • enter login, password (if the password is lost, it is enough to enter any combination of numbers);
    • press the "Login" button.

    Since the password is incorrect, a link "" will appear below.

    In the access recovery window, you need to specify the login, the numbers from the picture and click the "" button.

    The system will ask for a verification word….

    Or the phone number to which the mailbox was registered. A password with access will be sent to it.

    Here's how to quickly restore Yandex mail.

    You can recover your email as follows:

    3) In a new window, specify the mailbox.

    4) Answer the security question and enter the password from the picture.

    If all information is entered correctly, then access to e-mail will be restored.


    To restore email in Google, you must:

    • In the authorization window, click the "" button.

    • Enter your mailbox address and click the "" button.

    • Specify the password recovery method: via SMS or as a message to another mailbox.

    • Click the reset password link and then create a new password.

    Here is how to recover Gmail email.

    How to recover email if you forgot your username or password

    In the process of creating a mailbox, additional contact information is specified: a phone number, another mailbox, and the answer to a security question. This information will be required to identify the user in the event of a password reset.

    It should be noted right away that only those users who indicated it during registration can restore mail by phone number. If the mobile phone was not attached to the mailbox, then the user will not see a link to this recovery method.

    Let's consider in detail how to restore mail using a phone number on the popular Mail.ru service. After an unsuccessful attempt to log in, a link " Forgot your password". You need to follow this link to the access recovery page.

    The user will need to specify a password, phone number and code from the picture.

    In a few seconds, a message will be sent to the specified number. SMS with code. The latter must be entered into the form on the page. The user will need to immediately come up with a new password for the mailbox.

    After that, access to the mailbox will be restored.

    In the same way, you can restore Yandex mail. RU. On the search engine page, click on the question mark in the password field. The Restore Access page will appear. Specify the login and characters from the captcha. In the next window, you will need to enter 10 digit number, which was previously linked to the mailbox, and click the " to get the code". The phone will receive a message that you need to enter in the form line. After resetting the data, the system will prompt you to enter a new password.

    To be able to quickly restore mail by phone number, you need to specify a valid number in the e-mail settings in the personal data section. Within 5 minutes, a confirmation code will be sent to it. It should be entered in the appropriate field. This will confirm the phone number and the user will be able to use it to restore access.

    No phone number

    The user can forget not only the password, but also the login from the e-mail. How to be in that case?

    • In most cases, one browser is used to surf the Internet. The first time you visit a new page, a window appears with the message "Remember data". Most users approve this request. In such a situation, if the login is lost, just click on the empty window to enter the address, as soon as a list of logins that are used on the PC is displayed. You can use this scheme if the browser data was not cleared at the end of the previous session.
    • Usually the same mailbox is used for registration in different services, social networks. For example, Vkontakte e-mail often replaces the login. To restore mail, you need to go to VK and in the settings see the name of the mailbox. As part of security, the login is not displayed in full, but only the first few letters. Even this information may be enough to recover the name of a frequently used mailbox.
    • Today, email clients are also installed on mobile phones. If it was not possible to open an email box on a PC, you can see its name in an account on Android OS or in a mail client on a smartphone.
    • In order not to deal with mail recovery, it is best to use one mailbox. In this case, it is likely that it will be filled with spam (unnecessary advertising information). If there is a need to create several e-mails, then the logins and passwords for accessing them should be stored in writing in a separate notebook.

    How to recover deleted mail

    The hardest thing is recovering a deleted mailbox. In this case, you will have to contact the support service and fill out a form to restore access. The same method is used if none of the previously described methods can restore access. Think thrice before using this method.

    The administration immediately blocks all other unlocking methods. until she receives a response to all messages, the account will not be restored. To identify the user, completely different questions can be asked. The most tricky of them:

    • Current Password.
    • The very first account password.
    • Indicate 10-15 addresses to which letters were most often sent.

    So, for example, a questionnaire with questions on the Mail site looks like. RU.

    Most users cannot answer even half of these questions. This makes the account recovery process difficult.

    Applications are accepted around the clock. The "Help" button is located on the access recovery page. By clicking on it, a window with instructions for mail recovery will open. Scroll down the page and go to the link "Access Recovery Questionnaire". The user needs to fill in as much information about the account as possible: parts of the login, password, last visit date, attached phone number, etc. Additionally, you need to attach a photo with a passport in hand. All this information will be worked out in detail by the support service in order to identify the user. If you have any questions, please contact the support hotline.

    The procedure for restoring mail through the support service seems long, but data and personal information protection looks exactly like that. The more fields are filled in, the more likely it is that support specialists will be able to identify the user and restore access to mail.

    After filling out the questionnaire, it remains to wait for a response from a specialist from the support service. Response time varies and depends on the workload of the department. This process usually takes 21-45 business days. If the administration approved the application, then a letter with a link will be sent to the specified mailbox. By clicking on it, a password entry window will appear. This is the only way to recover deleted mail.


    Many users often face the problem of losing credentials such as the username and password from Yandex. You can restore them in several ways that the service provided: through a mobile phone, additional mail, technical support.

    Yandex mail recovery methods

    Quick restoration of access to mail is performed using the mail.yandex.ru service.

    Step-by-step instructions on how to recover a Yandex password:

    1. Go to the electronic service or use any application that provides access to mail.
    2. In the line below the password field, there is a slightly visible link that prompts you to “remember” it: click on it.
    3. A new page will open where the user needs to enter their email address or login.
    4. Below is the captcha input field (short alphabetic or numeric code) from the image next to it. Enter the code, click the "Next" button.

    After the system will redirect to the service, where the user is offered different options for solving the problem. You can restore access to mail in the following ways:

    • by phone number (which is linked to the account);
    • through a secret question;
    • through another mail.

    By phone number

    When registering, Yandex offers to link to a mobile phone. You should not refuse this service, as it significantly increases the security of correspondence, while making it easy to restore email by phone number if you lose your password:

    1. After opening the access recovery window, select the "Phone" icon.
    2. In the next window, enter the mobile number attached to this account, click on the "Get Code" button.
    3. Your phone will receive an SMS message with a one-time confirmation code, enter it in a special field.
    4. After that, a window will appear on the screen where you can set a new password for mail.

    Through security question

    Another way to recover mail is to use the answer to the security question, which was also specified at the time of registration:

    1. In the Yandex service, select the "answer to a security question" access recovery method.
    2. Enter the answer in the field, often it is "mother's maiden name" or "pet's name", click the "Next" button.

    If the user has not forgotten the answer to the secret question, then this item will help activate the password change procedure. If this information is lost or the answer is wrong, an error message will appear. Follow the link provided and fill out the support form.

    Via another mail

    You can restore Yandex mail through an additional email box if it was previously linked to your account:

    1. In the recovery window, open the additional mail tab.
    2. Enter the email address to which the password recovery code will be sent.
    3. Repeat the same steps as in the case of restoring access via phone.

    How to recover a mailbox through technical support

    If none of the above methods helped restore access to the mailbox, then you should contact technical support operators for help. This method unlocks access only if the data is fully verified. Steps to reset your password via tech support:

    1. On the Yandex website, find the "Feedback" button (it is located at the bottom of the screen).
    2. After that, follow the instructions of the operator who will supervise the procedure.
    3. To resume access, you will need to provide scans of documents, the data of the questionnaire that were specified during registration.

    What to do if you forgot your login

    It will be a little more difficult to reanimate these credentials. You can often restore your login when communicating with friends, through dialogues in various social networks. If it was not possible to find the lost login in this way, then you can not do without a request to the Yandex support service. Operators may request the following data:

    • Yandex wallet number;
    • counter number, if you have your own website with the Yandex.Metrica service;
    • number of the advertising company in case of site promotion in Yandex.Direct.

    Restoring deleted mail on Yandex

    Often there are situations when you need to restore a long-unused or accidentally destroyed email box (sometimes mail is blocked by moderators for sending spam). Deleted mail recovery options:

    1. If the mailbox was crossed out by the administration from the database for sending spam, then the issue can only be resolved with the technical support service.
    2. Inevitably, the same service will be used if it is necessary to restore a mailbox that has not been used for a long time. If the mail is not used for its intended purpose for a long time, the address is automatically deleted and it will not be possible to log in in the usual way.

    Together with the mail, the Yandex profile is often deleted. In this case, you will need to re-register. As a rule, a destroyed account is considered busy for three months, so it will not be possible to immediately restore the old data. During this time, you can register under a different name.


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