• How to restore a page in Odnoklassniki on your phone. Simple and effective tips on how to restore a page in Odnoklassniki

    The social network is incredibly popular in Russia. More than 100 million accounts are already registered on the site. Therefore, every minute, at least several users worry about how to get their page back on Odnoklassniki? Now we will look at the most basic reasons why a visitor may lose access to his account and tell you about effective ways to get your profile back at your disposal.

    What to do if your page is hacked or blocked?

    • due to suspicion that the profile has been hacked;
    • for violations of the rules for using a popular resource - for example, you publish obscene images or “bad” videos in your group or profile.

    If your account is blocked, then before you return Odnoklassniki to your possession, you need to remember the names of 5 of your friends. Click on the “Unblock” button and correctly say the names of your friends and relatives. But, as practice shows, it is better to restore your profile using a mobile phone to which your social network account is linked. A code will be sent to your number, which you will need to enter to gain access to your profile. Now we will tell you how to return the old page in Odnoklassniki if it was hacked by attackers:

    How to get back an old (deleted) page on a popular social network?

    Many users delete accounts, but after a while they want to return to virtual communication, so they are interested in how to return to the old page in Odnoklassniki. It is important to remember that a deleted profile cannot be restored, because all confidential information and password have been erased from the social network databases. You will have to create a new account.

    Read also: How to register from a mobile phone

    What to do if you forgot your Odnoklassniki password?

    First of all, go to the website and click on the “Forgot password” button

    The social network is actively developing. Its design is gradually being improved. Many users are also concerned about how to return the old version of Odnoklassniki on a tablet or phone. In fact, there is no need to return the old version, because the updated site is better adapted for mobile devices, so “heavy” pages with numerous photos will open faster on a tablet. Use the mobile version of the social network and enjoy virtual communication!


    How to find your old page

    You will need


    On many social networks, users register under their real first and last names. If you are in the habit of doing this, enter your information into the search box. For those whose first and last names are not particularly common, this may be enough. You will see a list of pages, most of them your own.

    Those whose first and last names are quite popular will require other data. Please enter your middle name. This will narrow your search somewhat, but you may still see several dozen, or even hundreds of links, among which will be not only your pages, but also those created by your namesakes.

    Try using other information about yourself. On VKontakte, you can enter your year of birth, city, educational institution, place of work, etc. in the specially designed windows. Having entered all the data at once, you will quickly find your page. Odnoklassniki will help you with the name of the city, school number and year of graduation, that is, the data that is usually entered during registration.

    On LiveJournal and some other social networks it is common to use nicknames. Remember under what username you usually register on social networks. If you tend to save nicknames and passwords in a separate file, find it on your computer. When registering on different sites, many users use the same username or indicate it as an additional name, for example, on the Vkontakte social network. This is convenient because it allows you to quickly find not only your own page, but also those people with whom this user has already communicated on other sites and forums.

    Open the search engine page and enter your nickname in the box. If you really have already registered somewhere under it, a number of links will appear in front of you. True, it is possible that someone else chose the same username for themselves. Other data may help. For example, if in the list you see links to pages with information that clearly does not correspond to your interests, you can safely ignore them.

    Think about whether you have made any changes to your usual nickname. Maybe during registration you discovered that this username is already in use and decided to add a few letters or numbers. Try entering different options.

    On literary sites with the possibility of free publication, such as "Poetry.ru" or "Proza.ru", users usually register under real names or under permanent pseudonyms, since one of the tasks of such sites is to promote their works. You probably remember your nickname. Enter it into the search engine window and add the word “Stikhira” or “Stihira.ru”. You will be taken straight to your page.

    When access to a page on social networks is suddenly closed, this can happen for various reasons - from an incorrect password to it being hacked by a hacker. In any case, you shouldn’t be upset, because the creators of such sites have already provided a solution to this problem.

    You will need

    • - computer with Internet access;
    • - mobile phone.


    Go to the main page of the site and carefully enter your username and password again. Perhaps the problem is just one incorrectly typed word or the Caps Lock key is turned on.

    If this does not help, pay attention to the home page inscriptions. Near the “Login” button there is always a link to reset your password. It can be in the form of the phrase “Forgot your password or login?”. By clicking on it, you will be taken to the page for restoring access to the site, where the recovery stage is described step by step.

    Enter your login, email address or phone number specified during registration in the top field. And in the bottom field is the password shown in the picture. Then click the "Next" or "Continue" button.

    In the field that appears, enter the code that was sent to you within a few minutes by email or phone.

    After that, enter a new password and duplicate it again. If the problem was with the password or login, access to the page will be opened again after the steps have been completed.

    If you cannot find the page this way, contact the site support service. A link to access it is usually present on the main page. In a message to support, you should identify the problem and write some information about the page that was lost. This could be a login or phone number.

    On some sites, for example, on vkontakte.ru, at the bottom of the main page there is a link that will allow you to use the access restoration form if you do not have information about your email address, phone number and login. After clicking on it, you will need to provide a link to your own page. You can find such a link through the friend search, which is located at the bottom of the page in the access recovery form.

    After inserting it, click the “Next” button, fill out the form that appears, upload a photo of your identity document and your photo in the background of this page. Then click “Submit request” and wait for a message to be sent to the specified email indicating that access to the page has been restored.


    • How to find your page in 2017

    Saving your username and password in the browser is an automatically installed feature. Which is not always convenient for several users working on the Internet from one computer. It’s good that the developers of the Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox browsers provide the ability to disable this function, which makes it possible not to save your name and passwords when browsing the Internet.

    You will need

    • - Internet;
    • - popular browser;
    • - computer mouse.


    If you want to disable the autocomplete feature in Internet Explorer 6 and higher, go to the “Tools” menu. In it, select “Internet Options”. In the properties window that opens, go to the “Contents” tab. Find the “Personal Information” section in it and click on “Autofill”.

    A new window will open in front of you with the “Use Autofill” section. You will see a list of functions where this command is used. To prevent your username and passwords from being saved, uncheck the “Forms” and “Usernames and passwords on forms” boxes. Use the OK button to confirm your choice.

    From now on, the data you enter will not be saved, but the data already remembered will remain. If you want to completely clear the autofill memory, use the Clear Passwords and Clear Forms commands in the same window.

    In the Mozilla Firefox browser, go to the “Tools” tab. If the command line does not appear at the top of your browser window, press the Alt key on your keyboard. Select the "Settings" command. In the window that opens, go to the “Privacy” tab. In the History window, you have Firefox set to "remember history." Click on the arrow and select: “will not remember history.” You can also clear your browsing history.

    Go to the "Protection" tab. In the “Passwords” window, uncheck the “Remember passwords for websites” option. Using the "Exceptions" button, add sites for which you want to save passwords. To see what passwords are saved in your browser, click Saved Passwords. In the window that opens, you can selectively delete or leave them using the appropriate buttons.

    When deleting passwords, be sure that you will not need them. Copy them to a safe place so that in the future, if necessary, you can easily restore them.

    Video on the topic


    • how to find an old page in Odnoklassniki


    How to restore a page on the Odnoklassniki social network

    This article will answer the question: “How to recover an accidentally or deliberately deleted account in Odnoklassniki?”

    The Internet has become widely integrated into the modern life of most of the world's population, replacing outdated radio, television, mail and telephone. Instead of going to the cinema, many now prefer to watch high-definition films directly from the Internet in the comfort of home, through online cinemas. Instead of watching TV and reading the newspaper, news portals and information aggregators are being used with all their might. The computer in one compact case combined a huge set of devices that occupied extra living space. Naturally, the rapid development of telecommunications technologies has not bypassed such an important area of ​​life as communication. Hundreds of millions of people spend a lot of time on social networks every day, exchanging information, messages, and thoughts with friends and acquaintances. Often, as soon as a person wakes up, he reaches for his laptop or tablet in order to check in the morning before work what new happened while he was sleeping, whether anyone wrote messages, or sent anything interesting.

    Some users, having registered on a social network, continue to use one old page without creating new ones. Many users create personal profiles not in one, but in several social networks at once, so on different sites you can communicate not only with friends, but also with colleagues, relatives, people with similar interests or leisure preferences. Sometimes, for a number of reasons, a profile on the site may be deleted, sometimes even by the user himself, or access to it may be lost. This happens if your profile was attacked by intruders and they stole your username and password, or if you were blocked by the resource administration - this also sometimes happens. This could happen by mistake, or, again, due to the fact that your page was taken over by scammers, and the support service froze it, depriving anyone of access to this page. If this happened by mistake, as a rule, access to the questionnaire will open automatically. Today we will touch upon the problem of deleting a profile in one of the most popular social networks in Russia and the CIS - Odnoklassniki.ru. What to do if access to my page has not been restored automatically and how to restore the old page in Odnoklassniki - we will discuss the answers to this question in this article.

    Why can't I access my page?

    There are only a few reasons why you cannot get into your profile:

    1. Your account was hacked by attackers and they changed your password;
    2. You have been blocked by the administration for violating the rules for using a social network;
    3. You have been blocked by the administration due to complaints from other users of the resource;
    4. For some reason you deleted your profile on your own.

    In the first three cases, restoring access is possible and we will consider this procedure further, but in the fourth case, alas, it is not possible to return your old page. Even contacting the support service will give you nothing but wasted time. The answer to any pleas and requests from users to return a deleted profile will be the same - unfortunately, this action is not possible. But in this case, you can use a trick, and then there will be at least some chance of returning the deleted profile and old page. No one can guarantee that everything will work out, because a lot depends on various factors: how long ago you deleted your profile, what kind of technical support agent you come across, etc., however, here is an algorithm that may help you regain access to your classmates in the worst cases .

    First, you need to go to this Internet address. In the window that opens below, you need to find and click on the “Contact technical support” link.

    Enter your details exactly as they were indicated in the application form, leave your correct and working phone number and mailbox. You also need to describe the whole situation as completely as possible in the “Description of the problem” field in such a way that it is not you yourself who deleted your old page, but the attackers, having gained access to it, deleted it for unknown reasons. You, in turn, are in dire need of recovery, and still want to use the Odnoklassniki website and get your deleted profile back.

    If you are lucky, the technical support agent will meet you halfway by restoring your profile. If this does not help, then the only option to solve the problem is to create a new profile, and there is no other way to return to the old one.

    How to get my page back if it was taken over by attackers

    If you have not deleted your profile, then the procedure for restoring access will be much simpler, and it comes down to restoring your password. When registering on the site, you had to indicate your phone number, to which an SMS with a code was sent to verify your page. Thanks to this simple procedure, performed at the very beginning of your acquaintance with the Odnoklassniki site, returning data will not be such a difficult task. So, let's take a closer look at this procedure.

    In order to get to the recovery form, you need to click on the “Forgot your password?” button on the main login page for your Odnoklassniki profile. By clicking on it, you will be taken to a page where you will need to enter your phone number, after which you will see two empty fields.

    Fill out both fields by entering your phone number in the top one and a combination of characters (letters and numbers) in the second field, these are the signs from the picture next to the field to confirm that you are a person and not a data hacking bot. Previously, the administration of classmates allowed data recovery using mail, but since mail itself is not protected from hacking, now it remains possible to recover forgotten data only by phone number.

    Make sure that the code from the picture was entered correctly, it is often hard to see and the characters are unreadable, as this protects against the possibility of scanning the text by bot programs that are created to gain access to other people's pages. If you cannot make out the characters, try refreshing the page several times, or click on the “Show another picture” button. After entering it correctly and pressing the “Continue” button, an SMS code will be sent to your phone, which you must enter in the window that appears.

    After entering the received SMS on your phone, make sure that it is completed without errors and click the “Confirm” button. If for some reason the code did not arrive on your phone, click “Request code again.” If after some time you have not received the code again, return to the previous page and check that you entered the phone number correctly. If for some reason you did not immediately enter the code from the SMS and returned to the recovery procedure later, it may not be valid, since it is valid for a limited amount of time, about an hour. If you have not entered it within an hour, then in order to gain access to your page, you will have to go through the recovery procedure from the very beginning. Finally, after confirming the SMS code sent to your phone, you can enter a new password to enter the site in the window that appears.

    If for some reason the phone number you specified during registration is not available to you, for example, you lost your SIM card a long time ago and don’t remember the number, which means there is no way to restore and use it, or during registration you used someone else’s phone, etc., and you enter the number, different from the one with which you were verified during registration - you will not be able to restore data over the phone. Therefore, if you still want to return your old profile and not create a new one, you need to proceed to the next proposed step, namely, perform a restoration by indicating your email address. By entering your email, you will receive a letter with a code in your mailbox.

    Code received. How can I restore my page further?

    Once you have received the requested code on your phone or mailbox, enter it in the field that appears and click the “Confirm” button. You will then be prompted to create a new password. To avoid becoming a victim of someone else's malicious intent again, we strongly recommend that you come up with the most complex password possible. It is also not recommended to use elements of your name and date of birth in your password; as a rule, this is the first thing hackers try when guessing the password for your account. After creating a new complex password, you will finally regain access to your profile.

    My page was blocked for violating the site rules. How can I regain access to my profile?

    If, when you try to log into Odnoklassniki, you see a window in which you will be informed that your page has been blocked due to a violation of the rules for using the site, for example, for sending spam messages, this most likely means that your account was hacked and attackers were sending spam on your behalf, using your friends list as recipients. Most likely, most of them, having received such spam emails, reported you and you were blocked.

    To regain your good name and access to your profile, you will need to contact support. To do this, go to this address.

    In the window that opens below, you need to find and click on the “Contact technical support” link. Next, in the window that opens, you need to select the topic “Profile blocked”, and then carefully fill out all the fields. Then you will act in accordance with the instructions of the technical support agent.

    There is also another way. After you have entered your username and password, you will be taken to a page where it will be indicated that you are blocked due to suspicion of hacking and spamming. There will also be instructions, following which you can regain access to the blocked page. Depending on the complexity of your case and the damage caused by spammers, as well as the number of complaints, you will need to either enter your phone number or guess from your friends’ photos. Unfortunately, the review is selected based on the severity of the situation, so you cannot choose how to restore your profile.

    As soon as you enter the code from your phone or select the names of your friends correctly, you will have access to your old profile, without having to register again and go through all the procedures for adding information, friends, photos.

    What should I do to prevent my page from being blocked in the future?

    First, you need to create a password that is difficult enough to crack, much less guess. Do not write it down anywhere and do not check the “remember me” box if you are using someone else’s computer. Also, if you logged into Odnoklassniki from someone else’s device, before giving it back to the owner for use, log out of the Odnoklassniki social network so that your data does not remain on someone else’s device. Never, under any circumstances, transfer your login and password to third parties, as well as the code received from the ok.ru website to your phone or email if you have followed the password or page recovery procedure.

    Please note that the page recovery procedure occurs exactly as described above.

    My page is blocked and Odnoklassniki.ru is asking me to top up my account to regain access

    Never believe such messages, they are obviously scams. The entire procedure for restoring access is absolutely free and they just want to deceive you. Either this is a so-called “fake” site or a virus. In both cases, do not top up your account for scammers, this will not return you to the site, and you will only waste time and money. Either contact a qualified specialist, or install a high-quality antivirus, find extensive instructions on how to remove malware from the depths of your computer and its registry, and visit the site either via a link from search engines, or strictly to the addresses ok.ru or odnoklassniki.ru. By fulfilling these simple requirements, you will no longer have to ask the questions “How did it happen that my page was blocked?” or “How was my page deleted and what should I do?” And also think many times before you delete from the site; perhaps in the future you will want to use the old page, but this will no longer be possible, since the old page cannot be restored and you will have to create a new profile.

    Many people do not know that you can delete classmates forever, and, if necessary, restore them. A page is usually deleted if you already have another account or your page is infected with viruses.


    To delete a page in Odnoklassniki forever, you will need to open the Odnoklassniki page and log into your account. Then find the small triangle on the panel, click on it and select Change settings from the context menu that opens.

    How to delete a page in Odnoklassniki for free

    In the page that opens, at the very bottom, find the Regulations item and click on it. A page called License Agreement will open.

    How to remove yourself from classmates

    At the very bottom of this page, find the option to refuse services and click on it. A context form will open in which you will need to indicate the reason why you want to delete your Odnoklassniki profile and enter your account password.

    How can I delete classmates

    To delete a page in Odnoklassniki, all you have to do is click the Delete button.


    It will be possible to restore a deleted profile in Odnoklassniki for only 90 days, after which it will be impossible to restore the account. To restore deleted classmates, you need to open the classmates page and go to registration. In the registration, indicate your country, your phone number and click Next. A code will be sent to the specified phone number, which you will need to enter into the window in Odnoklassniki and click Next. The name of the account will be displayed in the registration window and if it is yours, then click the This is me button and after that the deleted page in Odnoklassniki will open.
    If you no longer have this phone number, then you can restore the old page on Odnoklassniki as follows. On the registration page, you need to click on the link in the word Regulations, which is located above the Next button. A page called License Agreement will open. At the very bottom of this page, find the Contact support item and click on it.

    How can I restore an old page in Odnoklassniki?

    A context form will open in which you will need to specify:

    • The subject of the appeal is profile deletion.
    • Category of the question: I want to restore my profile.
    • Profile information - your login.
    • Email for feedback - your email address.
    • Text of the appeal - write for example I want to restore my profile

    After filling out all the lines, click the send message button and wait for a response to restore your account in the email you specified.


    This video shows how to restore a page in Odnoklassniki.

    In the questions that blog readers ask us, the following is often mentioned - how to restore a page on the Odnoklassniki social network? Is it even possible to do this? Let's try to figure this issue out together.

    First of all, you need to find out the reason why the page was blocked or deleted. There may be several of them:

    You independently decided to get rid of your profile for reasons known only to you

    Your profile has been blocked at the project administration level

    Now we will analyze each point more carefully.

    I deleted the page myself

    Fortunately, it is almost impossible to accidentally delete your profile from the site; to do this, you need to go through a simple, but not the fastest procedure. If you did this intentionally, then, unfortunately for you, account recovery is impossible. Of course, you can write a letter to the support service, but they will answer you the same way - there are a lot of such cases.

    Much less often people delete only data about themselves. If you did this, then the problem is solved much easier for you - you need to place information about yourself back on the page. In all other cases, only the website can save you. There is no other way out of the situation.

    The page was hacked by attackers

    Attackers very often select or steal data from profiles on social networks. They need this for “dirty deeds” - on behalf of a real user, they start sending spam to his friends, which often contains malicious links with viruses. As a rule, scammers change the password and it is no longer possible to get into the account.

    If this situation happened to you, then first calm down - panic will not lead to anything good. Now you need to remember whether you linked your profile to your mobile phone? If yes, then everything is just great. On the main page of http://odnoklassniki.ru/ (or http://ok.ru), click on the link “Forgot your password or login?”.

    In the window that opens, enter your phone number, and just below - the captcha. Wait a few minutes and the new password will be sent via SMS.

    What if I only have an email address? The procedure is not much more complicated than in the previous case:

    Visit the website http://odnoklassniki.ru/

    In the top line, enter your e-mail, in the bottom line, again, enter the captcha, click “Continue”

    Now you can change your password to a new one. It must be at least eight characters long and must contain both letters and numbers.

    The page was blocked by the administration

    Quite often the profile is blocked by Odnoklassniki administrators. There can only be one reason - you violated the site rules. By the way, sending spam is also a violation of the rules. Therefore, if you think that the blocking was not your fault, but, say, scammers, you can report this to the support service. To do this you need to do this:

    Go to the main page of the resource. Click "Forgot your password?"

    At the bottom of the screen, select the “Regulations” section

    A window will open in which, first of all, you need to select a topic to contact: “Forgot your login or password”, “Can’t recover”, “Profile deleted or blocked”, “Problems with registration”, “Problems with activation”. Let's say you chose the topic "Unable to recover." Now you need to fill in all the fields, including first and last name, age, city, phone, e-mail, etc. Please note that you need to indicate the data that is indicated directly in your profile on the Odnoklassniki website.

    Send a letter. The waiting period for a response ranges from several hours to several days. The answer will be sent to your specified mailbox.

    Popular questions

    Now we will answer the most popular questions related to blocking.

    How to restore a page in Odnoklassniki:

    If you forgot your login and password? Answer: you must use your cell phone number as a login - you are unlikely to forget it. We recover the password using the method.

    By first and last name? Answer: to do this, you need to contact the Odnoklassniki support service and explain the situation, not forgetting to indicate your first and last name, as indicated in your profile.

    What if your phone number is lost? Answer: using email, which is your login to the social network site. If you did not add your email after registration, you need to contact the site support service.

    Without phone number and email? Answer: only through the Odnoklassniki support service.

    Sites, otherwise called social networks, have become incredibly popular in recent years. And this is not surprising, because the most interesting thing for a person is communication with his own kind. And social networks, in addition to entertainment functions, have many opportunities for communication: for example, it is incredibly interesting to look at a person whom you have not seen for several years. And in general, it’s convenient to contact family, friends or acquaintances who are even on another continent!

    As for the Odnoklassniki network, a profile on this site becomes a real window to the world. The social network also attracts businessmen; the site is flooded with advertisements and offers of various kinds. Unfortunately, they also attract criminals. The only pity is that in such a struggle, ridiculous misunderstandings periodically occur, and as a result, innocent users become victims and lose access to their pages. At such moments we ask ourselves: how to restore your profile in Odnoklassniki? There may be several reasons for losing an account, and therefore there may be several ways out of the situation. Let's talk about the main ones.

    Profile in Odnoklassniki

    If you are unable to log into the site, do not rush to blame the administration. It is possible that the cause is your computer itself, or more precisely, the viruses that have settled in the system. There is only one way out. You need a good antivirus and system cleaning. It is likely that this problem will be resolved and the site will work again. At the same time, it is recommended to clear the folders with user data saved on your computer. These are the same “cookies” that also store your data for the site. And this may be the reason why the profile in Odnoklassniki is blocked. Open drive C, enter the Documents and Settings folder, then open the folder named after the computer user name. In it you will see those same Cookies.

    How to restore a profile in Odnoklassniki using a phone number

    If you are still blocked, try to restore your account using
    phone. When you try to log into the site, you will be prompted to restore your account using a phone number. Don't be afraid to choose this option! When you indicated your mobile phone number when registering on the site, this may have been an annoying rule for you, but now the time has come when it can help out. In three to five minutes you will receive an SMS with a code on your phone. With its help, you can change your password and continue to use your own account with interest.

    How to restore a profile in Odnoklassniki after deletion

    It happens that in a bad mood or for some other reason you delete your profile from social networks, but after some time the impulse passes and you want to return. There are two possible options here. If you just deleted your account information about yourself, then to restore it you will need to log in to the site again by entering your password. Your profile will still be there as a blank page. All you need to do is fill in the now empty fields. It's worse if the deletion was done using the Referent function. Try writing to the administration with a request to restore your profile. However, it is not a fact that your account will be restored. Then the easiest way would be to re-create your account. After all, it’s not difficult at all!

    Well, now you know how to restore your profile in Odnoklassniki. I really hope you don't have to ask this question again. Good luck!

    Many users are now meeting, communicating and working online, for example, housewives and young mothers are turning to various forums for help and advice, sharing posts and photos on social networks.

    In addition to live communication, this network is full of entertainment, such as watching videos, movies and TV series, listening to music. Odnoklassniki contains a huge number of popular games. It is also possible to share interesting moments of your life, post photos, view and comment on friends’ photos.

    Unfortunately, some users sooner or later encounter authorization problems, i.e. to a social network. The case when at work the entrance to social networks is specifically blocked by the system administrator (system administrator) for the reason that “you have to work at work” will not be considered in this article.

    How to recover an account in Odnoklassniki

    Access may be blocked for various reasons, for example, due to the page being hacked by scammers. There are cases when all attempts to enter a login and password are unsuccessful, login is impossible because personal data is forgotten or lost.

    If for one reason or another you need to recover your password, then to do this, on the main page of the site, click the “Forgot your login or password?” button, then follow the instructions.

    Rice. 1 Click on the link “Forgot your password or login”

    Typically the page is linked to an email or mobile phone number. In this case, recovery is quite simple, just:

    • indicate data,
    • receive a confirmation code and
    • enter it into the required form.

    Access to your account will be restored as soon as possible.

    If for some reason you cannot simply recover your password, you have lost access to the phone number to which the page is linked, or you do not know your email, perhaps you do not remember either one or the other, then the recovery process becomes more complex and lengthy.

    How to contact Odnoklassniki Support Service

    If you are a real user of the Odnoklassniki social network and the real owner of a blocked account, then to restore it you need to contact support. On the main page of the site, below the login button, select – “Forgot your login or password?”, and on the next page click – “Write to support” and fill out the application (Fig. 1, 2).

    Rice. 2 Link “Write to the support service” of Odnoklassniki

    To contact Customer Support, you can use the direct link below.

    To fully recover your password, you must fill out all fields of the application as much as possible, indicate the reason for recovery and, accordingly, describe the problem in detail.

    Rice. 3 Write to Odnoklassniki support service

    After the application has been reviewed, letters with further instructions will be sent to your email address (Fig. 3, 4). These instructions will indicate what needs to be done to restore access to Odnoklassniki.

    Rice. 4 Automatic letter that your application has arrived and will be considered

    Depending on how truthful and complete the information you provide is, the support service may request additional data to confirm that you are the real owner of the specified profile. Such confirmations can be: photographs of the user against the background of correspondence with the service, against the background of a page on a social network, as well as any other information related to access to the account and confirming your personal data (Fig. 5). Rice. 5 Conditions for restoring access to Odnoklassniki

    Rice. 6 Letter about restoring access to Odnoklassniki

    The letter from the Odnoklassniki Support Service says that “in order for everything to be OK, please copy your login and password so as not to make a mistake and enter them correctly.” Just in case, I’ll explain how this can be done.

    To copy the login or password given in the letter from the Odnoklassniki Support Service:

    • First you need to select your login or password in this letter,
    • then you can press Ctrl+C,
    • let's go to Odnoklassniki,
    • place the cursor where you should enter your login or password,
    • Press the hot keys Ctrl+V.

    Useful links