• Which monitor is better, matte or glossy? Glossy or matte monitor, which one to choose?

    The article vehemently calls for the purchase of matte monitors, but is not substantiated at all! I use both matte and glossy monitors regularly, depending on the occasion (I own a large computer company, there is no shortage of monitors). I prefer glossy, the glare doesn’t interfere at all, but when working with graphics, especially with small drawings and working with web design, when every pixel is important, you can’t think of a better glossy monitor, it smooths out the image, while matte makes the image lumpy and you can work with it efficiently impossible, especially when there is a difference of 1px or 2px. In addition, on a glossy photo it looks realistic, especially with a good matrix; on a glossy photo, ALL photos look unrealistic, and the same IPS matrix only adds unreality on a matte monitor, overexposing the colors and they don’t even look close to the images in comparison, for example, with a CRT . It’s primitive to sit on a matte one in a browser and it’s fine in Word; for serious tasks, only glossy.

    March 16, 2012 at 10:48 am

    “It’s primitive to sit in a browser on a matte surface and it’s fine in Word; for serious tasks, only glossy.”


    “and the same IPS matrix only adds unreality to a matte monitor”


    “The article vehemently calls for the purchase of matte monitors”


    Since matte films for Apple monitors are on sale, that means there IS a demand for them (this is the law of sales). Therefore, even at such elite monitors it is impossible to sit normally in a brightly lit place. If you don’t believe me, read here: “Yes, the screen glares in the light, but high brightness (375 cd/sq.m.) largely compensates for this drawback.”

    Moreover, I have two laptops of the same price category and practically the same characteristics, and I got rid of the glossy one a long time ago. This time! Secondly, they sell excellent calibrated and tuned matte monitors. I don’t know, no text there is small or cloudy, apparently your EC was completely off the charts on matte.

    December 16, 2014 at 5:33 am

    It’s just that you don’t hear me. You draw a conclusion based on just two laptops and even decided to write an article after that! But how can you be so biased, because there are many more monitors and laptops. And you need to take at least a dozen of them for comparison. This is what I did in stores, as well as in the offices of my friends (choosing a monitor for myself) to really see all the pros and cons.

    Are they selling films for Apple monitors? So these are questions for the Chinese. Few people buy them for a monitor for 60,000 rubles, believe me. And those who buy it only for the sake of experiment or when sitting clearly in front of a window or lamp.

    Understand that the matrix is ​​not initially matte at all, but the matte coating is applied (micro-irregularities), they help prevent the monitor from reflecting, but at the same time they block light. And increasing the brightness will not help here, alas. A cloudy picture and flat colors are the price to pay for the lack of glare.

    Here's some advice for you - take a matte film and stick it on the screen of the same iPad or some smartphone. Yes - there will be less glare on their glossy screens, but the image will also deteriorate. This is even more noticeable on monitors.

    Julia Ria:
    December 16, 2014 at 9:15 am

    No, not two laptops. Again an example of your hasty conclusions.

    And you don’t want to accept the fact that on matte monitors there can be a very small ke, which means no haze. I admit the fact, and I already wrote in the comments, that if it’s glossy, it’s only expensive. If you choose from a budget or mid-price category, then a matte screen is better.

    Moreover, it all depends on the sensitivity of the eyes. Some people can read well in the dark, so I think there’s no point in talking in your key...

    December 16, 2014 at 9:48 am

    Vasya, how much of an expert are you in this matter? If you have something to say, but with links to verified sources, you are welcome. Additional information from specialists is never included if it helps the buyer decide what is best to buy. I can publish your article/note on this issue (if you are somehow related to monitors).

    The Matrix is ​​not only the name of a famous movie, but also nothing more than a liquid crystal screen, which is an integral part of any laptop. The price of a matrix, depending on its type, can vary greatly: it all depends on the properties of a given matrix, its color rendition and image quality. In general, although this part of the computer cannot be called the most expensive, the quality and speed of your work will largely depend on it, or more precisely, on the type of work that will be installed on your “machine”.

    So, before purchasing a computer, you must decide whether you want the screen to be matte or glossy. Physically, in their essence, matte and glossy surfaces are no different from each other, since they are based on the same liquid crystal panels. It's all about the final surface treatment.

    “Gloss” was the brainchild of the Japanese company Toshiba, and at that time the technology had a long and unpronounceable name CASV (Clear Advanced Super View), which can be roughly translated as “clean, advanced super-view / look,” which partly reflects the essence of the phenomenon. Later, “gloss” was so named because it has a smooth, so-called “polarizing layer”. The benefits of gloss are that you get a higher contrast image. This happens due to the fact that a special film is used, which has successfully begun to replace the glass previously used by the manufacturer. In addition, such matrices - in comparison with matte ones - are very popular due to the fact that the image appears more expressive, rich and expressive. You will hardly feel the “graininess” that is more typical of matte surfaces. Black colors are very rich.

    However, this type of coating also has one very serious disadvantage that must be taken into account. The fact is that “gloss” tends to reflect light, which can infuriate anyone. Thus, if the room is very bright, then it will be very difficult to see anything on such a monitor.

    In addition, you should take into account such a “trifle” as light contamination of the glossy surface. Even if you don't look closely, you can easily see dust, dirt and greasy fingerprints on such surfaces. Consequently, if you are tired of daily cleaning and dusting, then these qualities may clearly not be in favor of “gloss”.

    It is interesting to note that some manufacturers (in particular, the well-known company Apple with its LED Cinema Display series) refuse to use any protective anti-glare agents to treat such surfaces and use an almost untreated lens as the topmost layer of the matrix. This is done mainly only for aesthetic purposes, since such a screen does not particularly benefit in color rendition compared to other types of surfaces.

    On the other hand, there is also “mat”, which can act as an analogue to “gloss”. In fact, it is not particularly different from its “comrade-in-arms”, but as for the technology of its manufacture, everything is a little different. The polarizing layer is specially “coarsened”, using mechanical and sometimes chemical means. “Mate” will really be an excellent compensation if you are annoyed by glare, as well as faces and other objects on the computer screen. It doesn't matter if your room is brightly lit, be it daylight or artificial lighting such as fluorescent lamps, you will still see information and images on the monitor.

    Indeed, matte surfaces have a certain coating to diffuse reflected light, but this is where the catch lies. The light is scattered, thereby increasing the degree of blur in the image. To top it all off, this also results in a reduction in contrast, color intensity and viewing angle. In other words, what is the strength of “gloss” is the weakness of a matte surface.

    To give a more practical comparison, it’s like looking at the world around you from a window: everything will seem somewhat muted, somehow wrong and a little unnatural. This is the “world” through the prism of a matte surface. After all, you must admit that we will never be able to see all the colors through glass! We won’t even be sure that the red color is exactly red and not some other color. But if we open the window and look at the world around us without obstacles, we will see the bright colors of real nature, rich tones of greenery and the bright beauty of the sky. And this will already be a real “gloss”.

    As for cleaning matte surfaces, there are also some difficulties here. Since the surface itself is rough and more complex in texture than “gloss,” dirt and dust penetrate deeper into it, thereby making cleaning more difficult. Thus, sometimes it is very difficult to appreciate the fruits of your labor. However, on rough matte surfaces, dirt, dust and grease are still less noticeable than on “glossy” surfaces.

    Of course, sometimes the type of coating is just a matter of habit and does not have any utilitarian character. If you just like the way the picture looks on the mat, then buy it. After all, any advice should always be carefully considered before applying to yourself and your situation, especially when it comes to expensive equipment that you will work with every day for a long time.

    It seems that this war “mat against gloss” will never end. You can spend hours weighing the pros and cons of a particular type of coverage, without ever coming to a decision that suits everyone. But if you approach this problem from the utilitarian side, you must first answer this question to yourself: what exactly do you use your computer for? What problems do you solve with it? Everyone will have an individual answer to these questions.

    Details Updated 01/23/2017 13:48 Published 09/05/2013 09:31 Author: nout-911

    Which laptop screen is better: matte or glossy?

    The matrix is ​​one of the main elements of the laptop; all necessary information is read by the user from the monitor. Poor picture quality may make it impossible to get your work done, even if the laptop's other great performance features are present. A logical conclusion follows from this: saving on the quality of a monitor when buying a laptop is not advisable. The question arises: which laptop screen is better?

    In modern realities, manufacturers are striving to create a screen in terms of energy consumption and cost, while maintaining high-quality image transmission, brightness, resolution, high contrast and color rendition. In the process of innovative development, glossy, mirror screens. Today, most laptops are equipped with these screens.

    Which laptop matrix is ​​better and why?

    Choosing between matte and glossy laptop displays, it is worth considering their disadvantages and advantages. There are a sufficient number of high-quality laptops with both glossy and matte matrices.

    It is worth noting that glossy displays have a number of disadvantages compared to matte ones: they get dirty faster, fingerprints are more visible on their surface; Using such a laptop is quite difficult in a brightly lit room and outdoors, since the screen reflects the sun's rays and other bright objects. The glossy finish has a higher quality contrast and brightness of the viewed image, but glare and increased eye strain are their drawbacks. But in the production of the latest generation of glossy screens, an anti-reflective coating is used, so glare appears on the screen only in bright light. You can also use a special protective matte film to eliminate the shortcomings of a glossy screen.

    Matte laptop screens are still more popular than glossy ones. This is explained by the above-mentioned disadvantages of a glossy finish.

    Basically, a laptop is purchased for a long time, so the buyer should choose high-quality equipment that meets his individual needs in order to avoid unwanted ones.

    The question essentially arises, which screen coating is better?

    The one that turns almost into a “mirror” when the light falls on the screen, or the one where the colors seem faded?

    That’s the question, questions... because each of them has advantages and disadvantages.

    I think that the time has come to make a decision so that before buying a TV or monitor, this question will disappear on its own and you can pay attention to the purely technical parameters of the TV.

    So is it glossy or matte?

    Let's immediately determine that both types of screen use the same LCD panels.

    However, manufacturers are producing glossy and matte TVs, and buyers are struggling with choice.

    Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each coating.

    Glossy displays are more “bright”. They have richer, more intense and contrasting color rendering and good quality images.

    All other things being equal, a TV with a glossy screen provides more saturated colors, high image brightness, deep blacks, and a high level of contrast.

    What is especially pleasing is that the picture on the TV visually looks beautiful and natural.

    A glossy TV screen offers a wider viewing angle than a matte one.
    And this, whatever one may say, is an important parameter that must be taken into account if the whole family gathers around the TV and everyone is located where. That is, not in the center of the TV screen.

    However, such screens also have disadvantages.

    The main disadvantage of a glossy screen is its high degree of reflection.
    In simple terms, the screen, like a mirror, reflects any light sources and more.

    If you have placed the TV poorly, then watching it will be very difficult, and in some cases even impossible.

    In bright lighting, apart from the reflection of light and the arrangement of furniture in the apartment, you simply cannot see anything.

    But there is, of course, the right solution.

    And this is simple... you need to watch TV in a darkened room, and there should be no windows in front of the TV that cannot be covered with curtains.

    And Voala!

    There will be no more problems with excessive reflection. An important point...a glossy screen is more susceptible to fingerprints and dust.

    And this will be visible and very clear to you and your guests when the TV is turned off.

    Matte screens...

    Matte screens have an anti-reflective coating that “quenches” glare.
    Therefore, in rooms with bright artificial or natural lighting, such TVs seem to be preferable.

    The disadvantage of matte displays is their fading.

    The colors look a little duller on them. A matte screen provides images of comparatively poorer quality.

    Colors don't look as vibrant or natural as they would on a glossy TV.

    Why is this and what is the reason for the decrease in brightness and picture quality?

    The problem is the anti-reflective coating (polarizer), which practically eliminates the reflection of light.

    In addition to the reduction in specularity, there is a decrease in the brightness and contrast level of the image.

    The light from the LCD screen passes through an additional layer of coating and as a result, the matte TV screen scatters most of the light.

    The disadvantages of a matte screen include reduced brightness and naturalness of image colors, as well as, in some cases, grainy images (most often the effect is noticed when viewing text on a light background).

    What to choose?

    It all depends on your goals y.

    If you are going to use the TV in a brightly lit room or opposite a window, then a matte screen will be better for you.

    However, often the window can be curtained and excess light can be easily turned off, so many people prefer a glossy screen for an excellent image.

    Some users who have used various TVs say that a glossy TV looks beautiful when turned off, and a matte TV looks beautiful when turned on.

    I use both cases, but I still chose the glossy version...

    But remember, the anti-reflective coating of a matte display will not protect you from glare 100%, but it will be slightly less noticeable than on a glossy screen.

    Of course, it is impossible to create ideal conditions for the entire life of the screen.

    Today your TV or monitor (together) is far from the window, and tomorrow you will rearrange the furniture and furnishings in general and the TV will end up in a space flooded with sunlight.

    Therefore, when choosing a glossy or matte display, you are making a compromise in any case.

    If it were possible to make a TV screen where, at the click of a finger, the matte finish would change to glossy (and vice versa), many would be happy.

    After all, this would allow you to “tune” the monitor to specific conditions. But this is impossible. Therefore, the opposition “glossy or matte” will probably continue to exist.

    After all, how many people there are, so many opinions. In any case, it's up to you to decide.


    Any user of modern technology will be delighted to purchase a brand new monitor or laptop. But often, already in the store, the question arises, which matte or glossy laptop screen is better? To answer this, you should analyze the pros and cons of both options. Moreover, it is better if you figure out this issue yourself, rather than follow the lead of sellers, who are often interested in selling certain models of equipment. In order not to leave the store without purchasing anything at all, prepare in advance and decide for yourself which monitor is better to buy. Actually, we will study and solve this issue in this article.

    Features of glossy screens

    • The main features of glossy screens are brighter and more saturated shades, high color reproduction and significantly pronounced blacks.
    • But when such displays are used, glare and reflections become more noticeable.
    • When choosing which monitor is better - matte or glossy, keep in mind that even when the device is turned off, fingerprints are visible on the screen.
    • If the sun's rays fall on it, the image deteriorates significantly. Because of this, it becomes completely impossible to work on it.

    Important! The glossy surface puts a lot of strain on the eyes.

    Features of matte monitors:

    • Matte “brothers” are distinguished by a special anti-reflective coating, which prevents reflection.
    • Matte displays are convenient to work at any time of the day and under any conditions.
    • They don't put as much strain on the eyes as glossy screens.

    Important! The only caveat is that they do not convey colors well and look dull and faded.

    Under what conditions should matte and glossy monitors be used?

    If you are wondering which screen surface is better - matte or glossy for home use, then consider the following factors:

    • If the lighting in the room is not very bright, then a glossy display with the most saturated colors is ideal.
    • If you plan to work in a room with bright lighting or even outdoors, then a matte screen will be preferable. But remember that it will not protect you one hundred percent from glare. Be that as it may, you will have to hide all light sources located near the screen.
    • Many offices and workspaces use workplace lighting sources such as floor and wall lamps. Therefore, in such situations, the use of matte displays would be appropriate. Due to all their properties, they make the highlights not so sharp, in other words, they blur them.

    Important! It is simply impossible to imagine a modern person without a computer. Some people purchase ready-made options, while others assemble it themselves. If you decide to assemble a personal computer with your own hands, the main thing is to take care of a high-quality power supply. In another of our articles, we have selected useful information about.

    • Glossy surfaces, when working with graphic images and objects, can artificially increase contrast, as a result they turn out more saturated and bright. But excessive contrast only visually creates a feeling of false beauty. Therefore, if you often come across such images in your work, then it is better to give preference to a matte monitor.
    • If you just intend to read news on the Internet or watch movies, play video games, or use a graphics editor for personal purposes, then gloss is the ideal option for you. Reflections are not so noticeable on it, and in films entertainment and color saturation are very important.
    • Please also note that glossy screens on laptops consume a minimum of energy, since with less power the picture looks brighter and more colorful.

    Important! Naturally, it is impossible to foresee in advance under what conditions a brand new computer will be used in a month or even a few days, because situations vary. For example, you can buy a device with a glossy screen, but you will be sent to work outside, then you will need to buy an anti-glare film that will quickly solve this problem. But of course, it won’t be possible to completely convert the monitor to glossy.

    Which monitor to choose for working with numbers or text?

    If you are buying a computer to work with numbers and texts, then when deciding which screen coating is better - matte or glossy, keep in mind that it should be as comfortable as possible for the eyes and so that it can be used in a variety of conditions:

    Important! If you are an active gamer and are looking for a laptop specifically for gaming, it is very important that it meets all the specifications such as processor power, memory capacity, screen extension, etc. Such gadgets are not cheap at all, so in order not to make a mistake, check out our other article about.

    • Experts advise in such cases to buy matte monitors, because, unlike their glossy counterparts, they are not so rich in colors and bright. But if the sun's rays fall on them, they do not glare, and the text is readable.
    • If your first priority is the maximum need to convey the tint range of the image in a room with secondary lighting, then it is better to consider a glossy model.

    Important! If you previously worked on a computer with a matte monitor and suddenly switched to a glossy one, then at first it will be difficult for you and you will feel discomfort in your work.

    Advantages and disadvantages of modern monitors

    To decide whether to choose a matte or glossy laptop screen, you should definitely remember their pros and cons.

    The advantages of glossy screens include the following:

    • Clearly defined black color.
    • Richer, brighter shades and excellent color rendering.
    • They are ideal for working with graphics, watching videos and processing images.

    Important! The central processor is the main component of the laptop, responsible for its operation. However, there are times when the original chip for some reason fails and needs to be replaced with a new one. To make your work easier, we have done a lot of work and made it up-to-date.

    The disadvantages of glossy surfaces are:

    • Negative effect on vision.
    • Glare appears when sunlight hits the monitor.
    • Development of fingerprints.

    Advantages of matte screens:

    • Presence of anti-reflective coating.
    • Comfortable conditions when working with numbers and texts.
    • Minimal response in games.

    Disadvantages of screens with matte finish:

    • Low level of color rendering.
    • Dull and faded colors.
    • The presence of grain in inexpensive models.

    Important! Thermal paste ensures normal heat exchange between the surface of the processor and the laptop heatsink. Based on this, it should be taken into account that it must be of exceptionally high quality. To avoid getting into trouble, follow the direct link and you will learn about