• Doesn't connect to Wi-Fi network on phone. Why doesn't my phone see the wifi access point? Why doesn't Android see WiFi? Video: switching the Wi-Fi channel in TP-Link routers

    A very common situation: a user tries to connect to Wi-Fi from his phone, but nothing works. After reading the information below, you will learn why this is happening and how to solve the problem.

    Initial phone check

    Manufacturers are actively working to improve the stability of mobile operating systems, but from time to time any program crashes. That is why it is recommended to start solving the problem by checking the functionality of the phone. For Android, iOS and Windows Phone (Windows Mobile) the recommendations in this case are identical. Follow the sequence below.

    1. Restart your device and try connecting to Wi-Fi again.

    2. Evaluate the number of connection signal strength indicators. If there are less than 3, try moving closer to the router or other wireless Internet source you are using to improve the quality of the connection.

    3. Make sure Battery Saver mode is turned off. If necessary, connect the network adapter.

    4. Turn off Bluetooth. Wireless connections may operate in the same range, which causes interference.

    5. Turn off Airplane mode, if active.

    6. Try to activate access to information about your location and connect to Wi-Fi - the legislation of some countries blocks connections via wireless networks when this option is inactive.

    If the WiFi connection worked previously

    If you have successfully used the currently problematic network in the past, delete the connection from your phone's memory. To do this, go to the list of networks, click on the problematic connection for a few seconds (until the context menu appears) and delete the connection.

    If all else fails, try connecting from your phone to any other available connection. Failure in this case will most likely indicate a breakdown of the radio module - only service center employees will help correct the situation.

    Check if the connection is working. To do this, try connecting to it using any other device that has Wi-Fi functionality. If the connection does not work, change the router settings.

    Important note! The procedure for entering the router settings varies depending on the manufacturer and model of the equipment. In most cases, to gain access you need to enter the address or into the browser's address bar. The standard login and password are admin. If this doesn’t work, check the manufacturer’s instructions for the information relevant to your router.

    First, try simply rebooting the router - quite often they freeze, which is why access to the Internet is blocked.

    The further procedure is as follows.

    First, you must ensure that the security key you entered is correct. Try entering the password to connect to the selected access point again, but more carefully, with the “Display symbols” (show password) option activated.

    If you don't remember the password, check it in the router settings.

    As an example, the procedure for interacting with a D-Link router is shown. In your case, everything will be almost the same; minor changes may only affect the interface, menu item names and other little things.

    Once on the router settings page, do the following:
    click the “Advanced settings” button;
    in the Wi-Fi window, open the “Security Settings” link;
    in the “PSK encryption key” line, look at the password and make sure that this is the combination you enter when trying to connect to Wi-Fi from your phone.

    Secondly, make sure your router settings are correct - you need to check if DHCP is enabled. If it is turned off, the phone will not be able to obtain an IP address, which is why the connection will not work.

    On the router settings page, click “Advanced settings” again and in the “Network” window, find the “LAN” category.

    Enable DHCP if the function is disabled by changing the “Mode” line to the “Allow” state.

    Save the changes, restart the router and try connecting to Wi-Fi from your phone.

    If this does not help, there are 3 options left:
    call the provider’s support service and find out whether the Internet works at all and whether any changes have been made to the connection settings;
    submit your phone for repair;
    have your Internet router repaired/replaced.

    If our instructions did not help solve the problem, then write in the comments and we will definitely look into your problem.

    Hi all! As I already said, I work as a sys. I am an administrator at an Internet cafe, and naturally I understand computer equipment and local networks.

    So, recently my Aunt called me and asked me to come set up the D-link wi-fi router that she had just bought in the store. I arrive, set it up, everything is fine. Aunt is happy. Surf the Internet on a netbook via Wi-Fi

    But that was not the case! The next day he calls and says the phone doesn’t see wi-fi and the laptop doesn’t see wi-fi! It only finds some neighbors’ access points and that’s it, well, I come, I think, let me check the router at home, I take it home and connect it. Everything is ok, everything works! I'm shocked =) I come back to Auntie and connect it again, it doesn't work... So I went to a friend, it also worked... Then I started rummaging through the settings of the router, but I couldn't find anything.

    Then my Uncle comes into the room and says there is a security company downstairs, maybe their equipment is blocking them? I think for sure! The problem is there, you won’t see Wi-Fi Aunt And I’m leaving...

    But a few days later 1 more person called me with the same problem! And after a long time I found a solution to this problem! In this article, I will now explain everything step by step how to solve this problem!

    Nowadays, a Wi-Fi router has appeared in almost every apartment, and when you turn on the router in a neighboring apartment, your Wi-Fi Internet may disappear (everything will work fine through the cord in the computer).

    Solving the problem

    I’ll show you the example of a wi-fi router D-link DIR 300

    The problem was that when setting up the router, the Wireles channel is selected by default automatically (auto), shown in the screenshot:

    We need to go to the router (web interface), if you did not change the local IP address when setting up the router, then it remains the default , write this IP in the browser and go to the router’s Web interface.

    We go to the item as in the screenshot and change the channel, set a number different from the one set automatically (I always got it the first time and everything started working).

    Every user sooner or later is faced with the fact that for some reason Wi-Fi does not work on the phone. This article is designed to help you identify the sources of these common problems and find the fastest and most effective way to fix them.

    Wireless communication malfunction is usually caused by several reasons:

    • Incorrect Wi-Fi settings.
    • Errors in the operation of the router itself.
    • Incorrect mobile device parameters.
    • The action of malware or antivirus software.

    Below we will look at each item in detail and formulate recommendations for troubleshooting. All of the following is relevant both for Wi-Fi on an Android phone, iOs, and for other operating systems.


    You can cope with the problem only if you accurately determine its cause. To do this, you do not always need to contact specialists. Many errors that relate, for example, to wireless mode parameters, can be identified independently. If the Internet slows down or works slowly, this may be due to third-party factors: for example, network overload when many gadgets are connected to it. Sometimes slow Wi-Fi is a reason to check the computer itself or the communication line of your Internet provider.

    Incorrect Wi-Fi setting

    First of all, you should pay attention to how the Wi-Fi access point is configured. To do this, you need to access the router menu through a browser: but you will need to enter a series of characters in the address bar, the combination of which is individual for each device. Usually this data is located on the back of the router, look for the Login and Password lines, they will be needed in the next step.

    Enter your username and password. If you managed to gain access to the menu, first of all you should pay attention to the wireless mode parameters. There are a few simple options here:

    • Channel - Auto, but you can try setting a different channel.
    • Mode - 11 bg Mixed, but changing the parameter to 11 bg only can give a positive result.
    • Channel Width - auto.
    • The transmission speed, if any, is set to the maximum value.
    • Region has little effect, but theoretically it can be a source of malfunction.

    If everything is configured correctly, but the Internet still does not function correctly, you should contact a service center or look for the problem elsewhere, for example, by contacting your ISP. The device may be technically faulty, so it is recommended to check it immediately after purchase.

    Router settings

    You should check whether it is possible to access the Internet at all. If it is not there either from a personal computer or from another device, it is advisable to check whether the router itself is turned on and whether it is working correctly. Indicators signal this.

    The power indicator should be green. Next to it is a system indicator that should blink. The next indicator, WLAN, shows whether wireless is enabled on the router itself or in its menu. Next are numbered LAN ports, to one of which a cable must be connected. Ideally, it should also blink. After them usually comes WAN, the indication of which indicates that the router is connected to the Internet.

    In some cases, reconnecting helps.

    Incorrect time or date

    Wi-Fi on a mobile device may not function well due to such a small thing as an incorrect date - this is one of the first on the list of common causes of Internet problems. You just need to go to the time settings section and set the correct values. It is important to take into account the time zone correctly.

    Wi-Fi password error

    Another possible reason is the password. If the phone connects to the hotspot automatically, this error occurs when the user changes the password. In other words, the password has been changed, but the gadget itself “does not know” about it and automatically enters the old one. The solution, again, is simple - create the connection again and enter the correct password.

    Malware and antivirus programs

    Viruses that the smartphone has “caught” on the network can also interfere with the correct operation of Wi-Fi. If you suspect an infection, it would be advisable to install an antivirus program on your phone and run a scan. There are many such programs, but they usually use established brands like Kaspersky and ESET Nod.

    The other side of the coin: antivirus and other security programs, such as a firewall, can themselves be a source of problems. The antivirus creates a kind of “shield” to filter traffic, which sometimes affects communications. If after removing the anti-virus software the connection works correctly, in this case you will have to try another software or abandon it.

    Software glitches

    For many users, wireless communication fails due to incorrect software operation. For example, when the user installs alternative firmware or makes any other interference with the factory characteristics of the software.

    Problems with the Android system are also evidenced by other errors in the operation of the gadget - constant, systematic freezes, random shutdowns, and others.

    In this situation, you can do a Hard Rest - it will return the system to factory settings.

    If the problem is with the phone's firmware, this will help solve it. But you need to know that “non-native” firmware is not deleted in this way.

    When the source of incorrect operation lies in the router, you often just need to reboot the router. This is not always easy to do, since some models are not equipped with an on/off button.

    If the device itself does not have a reset function, you can simply unplug the cable for 10-30 seconds.

    It can also be done through the device menu. The procedure for entering there is described above. This method is relevant if it is difficult or impossible to get to the router itself. The “Reboot” option is located in different parts of the menu in different router models, but, as a rule, on the system settings tab.

    If the error in Wi-Fi operation is due to software glitches, you can try rebooting the device. In addition to the standard “Restart”, there are several more radical and thorough methods:

    • Through the menu: “restore and reset”.
    • By entering the number *2767*3855#.
    • Through Recovery Mod - you can call it by holding down “Home”, “Power” and volume down at the same time. Next, select the “Wipe data” section.

    Other problems

    If these recommendations did not help restore the normal functioning of the wireless connection, it may be due to a technical malfunction of the Wi-Fi module itself. In this case, only a qualified specialist can help.

    Ask a question to a virtual expert

    If you still have questions, ask them to a virtual expert, the bot will help you find the problem and tell you what to do. You can talk to him about life or just chat, it will be interesting and informative!

    Type your question in the field and press Enter or Submit.


    Issues with the functioning of Wi-Fi, as a rule, can be resolved easily and without the involvement of specialists. But it is worth remembering that independent technical intervention can damage the machine to the point of complete loss of functionality. If connection difficulties cannot be solved using available methods, it is better to contact a service center.


    The problem when a mobile device (smartphone, tablet) cannot find a wi-fi network and, accordingly, connect to it, is not uncommon. Devices running the Android operating system are no exception. If android does not see wi-fi, what do they do? b? Let's look at possible options for which such a problem may arise. Does the mobile device see your network specifically, but does it see other networks (neighbors, cafes, etc.), or does it not see any network?

    • Check the router through which you are connecting to the Internet (perhaps it is frozen and needs to be rebooted, or it is simply not turned on). It is possible that your mobile device with Android OS is trying to connect and the connection process stops at the stage of obtaining an IP address. In this case, the problem can be solved by rebooting the router.
    • Android does not see your wi-fi network, but it catches other networks. In this situation, reconfiguring the access point (router) can help you. You need to go to the settings of the wi-fi access point. Finding the section "Wireless Network Settings", then select the item "Enable Auto Channel Selection".If there is a checkmark next to this item, you need to uncheck it. After this, the field will become active "Wireless Channel" with drop-down lists where you can select default options.
    • If android still does not see wi fi, what should I do then? Try resetting your mobile device (smartphone, tablet) to factory settings. If this option does not work, then you should contact a service workshop. It is possible that your device's antenna or built-in module that provides wi-fi functionality is damaged.