• I can't change my last name in a contact. How long does it take for a new name to be checked by the VK administrator? How to change your first and last name in VK

    Initially upon appearance social network On VKontakte, a person could enter absolutely any first or last name. Often these were fictitious words, but recently the administration began to moderate this item. Before you rename yourself to VK, you should know that fake data will not be approved by the system.

    Is it possible to change the name on VK

    For various reasons, people could register contact pages under fictitious nicknames, for example, so that they would not be found by a friend with whom they did not want to communicate. Some just wanted to stand out, and they took nicknames for themselves famous people. Currently, the service company's policy prohibits the use of fake data. For the same reason, changes in first and last names are moderated.

    To prevent a person from having their account blocked, you should find out how to change your VKontakte name. This procedure is possible if you enter the correct data correctly. Before this procedure, you should consider some nuances:

    1. You won't be able to change your data without a linked phone. Every time you submit an application, a window will pop up asking you to link your number to the page.
    2. You will be denied editing your profile if you write in Latin, but there is a method to bypass this problem.
    3. If you submit applications and they are regularly rejected, after a certain number of attempts this opportunity will be blocked for a certain period. The date when you can try to change again will be written to you separately.

    How to change first and last name in VK - step by step guide

    If you don’t know how to rename yourself on VK, then the instructions below will help you quickly, easily, without extra effort do it. Guidelines for changing personal data:

    1. Go to your profile.
    2. Under your avatar, find the inscription “Edit page”, click on it.
    3. The personal data settings page will open, allowing you to change the entry in the first cell. Before changing your VK last name and first name, make sure that they do not contain Latin characters.
    4. After filling out the information, click the “Save” button below.
    5. At the top there will be an inscription about creating an application to change the data, which will be reviewed by the moderators.

    As a rule, it takes half an hour to consider a request, but there are times when a response does not come within 24 hours. Then you should contact technical support and describe the problem that has arisen. Sometimes you receive a refusal to change without explanation, although you filled out everything correctly, according to the rules. You can do the following:

    1. When you enter correct data, click on the “Help” section (next to “Exit”). In the search bar, enter the word “How can I change my VKontakte name” and select the item at the bottom “None of these options are suitable.” Describe the problem and send it to service. They will ask you to provide a digital copy of your passport, which shows your last name and first name, to confirm your details.
    2. The second method is a little strange, but it works. Find a person of the opposite sex with the desired last name and ask to set the status to married. Make the request again and the data will be changed. This only applies to last names.

    How to change your VK name to English

    It was described above how to change the VKontakte name, for some reason people want to enter it in Latin, which is prohibited by the rules of the service. Previously, this approach complicated the online search procedure, because the system did not compare requests in translit and Cyrillic. Now the service accepts English characters even if they are written in Russian. The benefit of such a change is not clear, but if necessary, it will be possible to carry out it, but not in a completely standard way. Instructions on how to change your VKontakte name in English.

    There are situations when you need to change your name in a contact, but the service stubbornly refuses to agree to your demands. Let’s find out in more detail how to change your name on VK.

    The global social network “VKontakte” allows its users to change their first and last names, but only if the name is not fictitious, but real. If you registered out of habit and indicated, for example, your shortened name, and now want to indicate the name as written in your passport, then this is possible, you just have to wait a little.

    How to change your name on VK

    Do you have a non-standard name? Let's say your passport name is Nikanor. Only mom and dad and grandparents call you that. Everyone else: friends and neighbors are used to calling you Kolya. It's fast and convenient. But at some point you realize that there are a lot of guys with such a name, and with a name as rare as yours, there are literally only a few. And you decide to change your personal information in the contact.

    To do this, you need:

    • Log in to your account (enter your password and login).
    • In the upper right corner next to the photo and your name, click on the triangle.
    • A pop-up window with information will appear, you need to select “Edit” and click on this tab.
    • An editing field will immediately appear in front of you, where you can change your first name, last name, date of birth, gender, marital status, city of residence and indicate the country.
    • We change the data. Click the “Save” button.
    • If the name is rare and non-standard, then verification will take some time. On your part, we recommend that you carefully check the spelling of your name again. Perhaps there was a typo and therefore the VK site does not want to immediately change the name.
    • If the name is very rare, then your application will be transferred to the administrator of the social network “VK” for detailed study.
    • Once the changes are accepted, the name will automatically change to the one you specified.

    How to change a name in VK - why does authentication take a long time?

    The fact is that the administration of the VK site strongly recommends that people indicate their real names and do not make abbreviations. Another reason is that people can provide false information, create pages on VK to promote their products, do advertising, or indicate the name of the company instead of their personal information.

    The social project “In Contact” was created in order to give people the opportunity to communicate more, to find their friends, classmates and fellow students. Therefore, it is so important for VK management that the service is accessible and of high quality.

    How to change personal data without checking the administration in VK

    If you need to change your last name, this can be done without verification from the administration and without waiting. That is, without wasting time.

    The reasons why you want to change your last name can be different. In most cases this is marriage. Or if before official registration relations have not yet reached a conclusion, but I really want to quickly announce to the whole world about my plans for the future.

    How to do it:

    • go to your page;
    • select “Edit”;
    • and for now we are in no hurry to change our last name right away, because we need to change our status. Instead of "Free" or "In active search» you need to indicate the status “In love” and DO NOT save this information for now;
    • then we go in search of our soulmate, in a new tab we open the page of our loved one, copy his “id*******” to paste into the appropriate column;
    • Now you can save this data. It turns out that so far we have indicated new status and confirmed it with weighty arguments;
    • then you can immediately save the entered information and then continue editing;
    • after saving, the status will change to “In love” and you can change your last name (don’t forget to indicate the last name of your lover in the feminine gender);
    • Save again and check the changes on your page.

    How to change your first or last name in VK. Method 2

    There is another method that also allows you to change your last name without verification. It can be used not only by girls, but also by boys if they want to change their data.

    How to change your first or last name:

    • go to “subscribers” (there are usually a lot of subscribers there);
    • select a subscriber with beautiful surname(gender does not matter);
    • in this person’s “SP” it is necessary to indicate that he is “married” or “Married”;
    • Now you can change your last name, just indicate it in the required gender (change the ending);
    • if you only needed this person to change your last name, you can remove him from the “SP”.

    And another simple article - step-by-step instructions from the site, in which we will teach the reader how to change the first and last name in the profile. Using the same procedures, we will be able to supplement the surname, for example, with our nickname, by which it will be easier for friends and acquaintances to recognize us in the vastness of the endless social network.

    Before changing your name in VKontakte, it’s better to think again - won’t such a change confuse our existing friends? After all, if previously they knew our profile under the old name, which was easily found by searching through the list of friends, now these parameters will be replaced. However, it is not at all necessary to completely change the last name and first name, and we will limit ourselves to only a small addition to this data.

    In particular, in the article “How to change a name in VK” we will look at a simple example of adding a new nickname to an existing name (which we will not change). By doing this, we increase our recognition on the social network, but do not mislead our friends and acquaintances. Don't understand what we're talking about? Read the following step by step instructions, and everything will fall into place!

    How to change your name in VK: step-by-step instructions

    1. Log in personal profile VK user using login and password.

    2. Go to the menu home page, item “Edit”.

    3. We get to the “Basic” section and the first thing we see here is the FIRST NAME and LAST NAME items.

    4. Place the cursor in the Name field (click on it), after the main user name, add the desired nickname in Russian letters through a hyphen. In our case, we will add the signature “Webmaster” to the name.

    IMPORTANT: There are very few options when adding a nickname. Firstly, you need to use ONLY Russian letters, plus wait for confirmation from the moderators. Any name change applications using Latin (English) letters will be rejected immediately!

    It is customary in VK that first and last names must be real, therefore, in our example, the application was sent for confirmation by the administration.

    5. Scroll down the settings page to the “Save” button, with which we confirm all the operations performed.

    6. Check the result obtained. If the application was sent to the administration for approval (as in our case), we wait for a positive or negative decision.

    Thus, in just a few seconds we managed to change our name on VK, which made our profile more recognizable. And if any of the many users of the social network search for this page using the phrase “Webmaster”, he will definitely find us in the list of search results!

    The situation with a nickname will work similarly. By adding a nickname or nickname to our name, we will make our account more recognizable, displayed in searches by nickname, and it will be easier for friends to find us. The only condition is to use only Russian letters without third-party symbols and signs.

    Today, a page on a social network is like a second passport. It is checked by employers when applying for a job, by lenders to collect information about the client, by business partners to assess risks. But when registering, not everyone takes filling out personal data seriously. Therefore, sooner or later the need arises to edit your profile, in particular to change your VK name.

    How to change your name in VK

    When registering on a social network, the administration strongly recommends that you provide only reliable information. And there's a good reason for this. If you want to edit your profile in the future, the user may encounter a number of problems, since all new information is moderated. And if the entered data raises questions among administrators, changing the nickname will be denied.

    1. We go to our VK page.

    1. Click the “Edit” button, which is located under the profile avatar.

    1. In the “Name” field, enter your real name in Russian, but only in full form. Otherwise, the changes will not pass moderation, as evidenced by a pop-up message.

    1. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page and click the “Save” button.

    1. Next, a message will appear stating that the application has been accepted for consideration.

    Similar actions can be performed from your phone. This can be done through the VKontakte application or a mobile browser.

    It takes 24 hours to review your application. However, there is no guarantee that the changes will take effect after this time. The moderator has the right to reject an application if:

    • the user changes his personal data too often;
    • less common words were entered into the questionnaire field;
    • the new name or surname contains letters of the Latin alphabet (names of foreign language users are translated into English language automatically);
    • the new name is written in an abbreviated form, for example “Masha”, “Petya”, etc.

    When editing a profile, the first and last names are written in the form in which they are indicated in the documents. Transliteration in Japanese characters, Latin alphabets and letters of other alphabets is not permitted.

    Mainly the result of consideration of the application depends on the human factor. After all, administrators are ordinary people, and they may consider the user's real first or last name to be implausible.

    What to do if your name change application is rejected

    If new data was entered into the questionnaire in accordance with the rules of the social network, then the refusal can be contested. To do this, you need to directly contact the site administration and prove that your new name and surname are not fictitious. To do this, you need:

    1. Scan or photograph your passport, birth certificate, driver's license, or other identification document.
    2. Next, go to your VKontakte page and hover your mouse over the “More” link, which is located on the left side of the page under the user menu.

    1. In the list that appears, select “About the company.”

    1. After following the link, you need to go to the bottom of the page and find the “Support” button. You can also get there using link.

    1. Next in search bar You need to enter the problem that caused you to contact support. This can be any sentence that reflects the essence of the matter, for example, “I can’t change my name.” After generating the request, you need to press “Enter” (English “Enter” on the keyboard).

    1. A message will again appear in the search results, briefly describing the rules for changing your name. Ignoring it, click the “Solve name problem” button.

    1. Next, a form will appear that you need to fill out. You must attach a scan or photo of your passport to it as proof of the authenticity of your new name or surname.

    When filling out the fields, the user will see hints describing how the request has been filled out correctly.

    1. To attach a photo to your appeal, you need to click the button in the form of a camera under the main field. If you need to send a scan of your passport to pdf format, you need to click on the button to insert documents.

    1. After uploading the files, click the “Submit” button.

    All support requests are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, you will have to wait at least 7 days for a response.

    Is it possible to avoid moderation?

    At first glance, the procedure for changing a name seems long and complicated. There are many tips online on how to quickly change your name without checking with the admin. These include shift source code and page elements, the use of anonymizers and other manipulations that should not be done in order to avoid blocking the page.

    The only one instant way changing personal data without moderation means changing your last name due to marriage. In this case, the fact of marriage must be recorded in the user’s profile. To do this you need:

    1. Go to profile settings.

    1. Then you need to change your marital status to “Married” or “Married,” respectively.

    1. After this, you need to select from the list the user with whom you married. Naturally, in order for it to appear in the drop-down list, your spouse must first be added as a friend.

    1. For the changes to take effect, go to the bottom of the page and click the “Save” button.

    After setting the new status, you can freely put your spouse’s last name in your profile. The replacement will take place immediately, since, according to the rules, changes in personal data in connection with marriage do not require moderation.

    It is also worth recalling that VK has a limit on the number of nickname changes. If it is exceeded, the user will see the following message:

    Having seen it, you will be able to change your nickname next time only after 7 days. In this case, the message will also indicate the exact date of lifting the ban on editing the profile.


    Now you know how to change your name on the VKontakte social network. All that remains is to put what you read into practice. If you still have questions, write them in the comments, and we, in turn, will try to help.

    Video instructions

    When registering on the VKontakte social network, each user must indicate his first and last name. Some people initially provide inaccurate information, while others decide to change them over time. And there can be many reasons for changing a name. Some people might want to change personal data, but they don’t know how long the name in VK is checked by the administrator. Today we will look at how to change the name in VKontakte, and how much the name is checked by the administrator in VK.

    Officially, when performing an action, all users are warned about the need to use real names in full form.

    Judging by the various strange names that exist, written including in Latin letters, before such restrictions did not exist. And if the name is changed now, the user will forever lose the previous unusual name.

    In what cases may it be necessary to change the name in VK

    In life, completely different situations may arise that entail the need to change the name on VKontakte, among them are:

    • valid change of first or last name in the passport. For the administrator, such a version will look implausible, so if this is really the case, you will have to provide a scan of the document;
    • changing your last name after getting married is a suitable reason for girls;
    • a person needs to change the degree of anonymity, hide his real name or surname. Relevant for people entering the civil service, running a business, and others. This reason for changing a name is also relevant for residents of Ukraine in connection with the latest trends and laws.

    To change the name on VKontakte, we indicate real and compelling reasons. We present our arguments.

    To convince the administration to accept the application, you can use this option: tell them that present moment a fictitious name is used, but you, as a private user, have decided to reveal your real initials to the world. In any case, the original and unique reason for changing the name will only benefit the user, since he will not have to wait long for the administration’s decision, and the likelihood of a positive outcome will be very high. The main thing is to write the truth.

    How long does it take for a new name to be checked by the VK administrator?

    Every time something new happens on VKontakte, new rules and laws appear. If before it was possible to change your first and last name at least 100 times a day. At the same time, using various options that only had enough imagination. Now the site administration is restricting such actions.

    VK moderators

    After changing the data, an application is created, which can be checked by moderators. We have to wait for her approval. This will take time. It depends on how busy the moderators are with applications. If the moderators are free, they will quickly review your application. But, as a rule, everyone is busy, so the verification takes several days.

    On average, the process takes a few minutes, but due to the creation large quantity For fake accounts, the verification process has become more stringent.

    Therefore, the process of changing your first and last name can last up to several days.

    On average, technical support is expected to respond to such requests within 10-15 hours, but there are no clear deadlines for making a decision.

    How to change your name in VK: step-by-step instructions

    The procedure for changing a name on VKontakte is quite simple and includes the following steps:

    To perform a similar operation from the VK application on Android, you need to perform the following steps:

    The same steps are performed for the VK application on iOS:

    • you need to open a personal profile;
    • click on “…” in the upper right corner;
    • A drop-down menu will appear;
    • select “edit page” from the list;
    • write the necessary information in the first two lines;
    • Click the “done” button in the upper right corner.

    Possible problems when changing your name in VK

    • If your application to change your name is rejected, wait for a certain time change, submit the application again, or contact the site administration personally.
    • The name does not change to English or written in transliteration - for foreign language users, the name is transliterated into Latin automatically, just indicate the USA or any European country in the settings;
    • If you don’t receive a response to your request after several days, you need to delete the existing one and repeat the request.


    Changing the VK name is quite easy, but the procedure requires checking with the site administration. How long this will last, one might say, depends on luck and how the card falls. You can use special tricks from programmers to bypass administration checks or create the appearance of a fictitious marriage on the Internet. If you really need to change your name in VK, then the administration will definitely accommodate you. Because it prevents the process of creating fake accounts.