• Simple ways to instantly charge your smartphone. How to speed up the charging process of your smartphone

    Oops. Have you forgotten that you were going to dine with your beloved wife, who is supposed to meet you in a luxurious restaurant? But what's wrong with that? The problem is that your smartphone battery is already running low, and you need to be accessible outside the office.

    And then you start to think, maybe you can postpone lunch with your wife, but perhaps this development of events will upset her? Or maybe there is a way that will allow you to quickly charge your smartphone or tablet in the time you still have left? The good news is that there is indeed a very simple a way to charge your smartphone and tablet up to 50% faster.

    Probably, each of us has encountered a similar case when we needed to quickly charge a smartphone or tablet. In this small article we will try to tell you about simple actions, which will help charge your smartphone or tablet twice as fast.

    Did you know this?

    Please note that the power generated by the battery in your smartphone or tablet will feed a bunch of hungry radio modules (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, mobile network radio module). If you turn off all radio stations on your device, then you can charge your gadget about 30–40% faster. It is also worth not forgetting about other two very important battery consumers: the processor and the display. The display can be turned off by locking your smartphone or tablet, but what should you do with the processor and why does it consume energy if the device is locked? The fact is that there are many applications running in the background, and the device uses CPU, for this we recommend that you unload all running programs. By turning off the display and unloading all applications, you will be able to increase the efficiency of the charging process by 10–20%.

    Here's how simple solutions may affect the charging process. If you have never thought about this, believe me, you will be surprised that such short time Your smartphone or tablet will be sufficiently recharged, and this charge will be enough to last throughout lunch. This way you can meet your wife and be in touch all the time.

    Once again step by step: what to do to charge your smartphone and tablet up to 50% faster?

    • First– put your device into airplane mode. This way you will turn off all power-hungry radio modules;
    • Second- unload everything running applications in the background (we finish their work);
    • Third– turn off the display, just lock the gadget. We do not use the device while charging;
    • And of course, don’t forget to charge your phone :).

    The only downside is that while the phone is in airplane mode, the radios are turned off, which means you won't be able to make or receive calls. But heck, there are also landline phones.

    If you are interested in other questions, go to ours, there is something to read there. Stay tuned, there is still a lot of interesting things ahead.

    All smartphone owners are familiar with the situation when the phone becomes needed more than ever, but the battery charge is catastrophically low. What to do in this situation at home, on the street, or in conditions where there is no way to recharge your phone at all, read this article.

    How to quickly charge your phone at home

    For fast charging phone at home, you need to do the following:

    Fast charging outdoors

    How to charge your phone faster without being at home:

    Charging the battery without charger

    There are often cases where there is no charger, no USB cable, or any other “legal” way to connect the phone to an outlet. Or there is no source of electricity nearby at all. Then how to quickly charge your phone without charging? You can try to use the methods below, but remember that they can be dangerous both for the battery and gadget, and for you:

    • If there is a power outlet nearby and a charger that is not suitable for the phone. It is necessary to cut off the connector for the charging port, then release the visible wires and clean them. Then remove the battery and connect the wires, strictly observing the polarity: “+” to “+”, “-” to “-”. Then the bare wires should be insulated and the device connected to the mains.
    • You can try charging the battery using alkaline batteries, paper clips, and tape (to secure the ends of the paper clips to the batteries and phone battery). In this case, it is also important not to confuse the polarity.
    • Another method that uses tape is to seal the battery contacts with adhesive tape.

    Dangerous methods

    These battery charging methods can only be used in emergency cases:

    • How to charge your phone faster in nature - with a knife and fire. Heat the blade over a fire, and then touch the contacts of the phone battery to the hot (but not red-hot) metal.
    • Quite tough, but effective way- hit the battery against a stone.
    • Another “inhumane” method is charging with water - the battery is pierced with a needle and placed in water for a short time.

    We've figured out how to charge your phone faster. It would be worth mentioning now lifehacks that help you get the most out of your battery:

    • In order for the battery to charge quickly and hold a charge for a long time, it should not overheat or cool too much. The most optimal temperature for him - 22 degrees Celsius.
    • It is important to charge the battery at least once a month “to the point of victory”, and then use the phone until it turns off due to lack of charge.
    • If the phone constantly loses 20-30% of its charge, then you need to do the following: charge it while it is turned on until the end of the cycle, then disconnect the wire and turn off the device. And after these steps, continue charging the battery of the already turned off smartphone.
    So, imagine that you come home in the evening. It doesn’t matter from work, from school or just after shopping. The only important thing is that a friend unexpectedly called you and asked you to meet in an hour at a cafe. And, as usually happens, at the end of the conversation your phone announced that the battery was low. This is a very dear person to you, so it will not be possible to refuse or reschedule the meeting. You understand that the journey will take you about 20-30 minutes, which means you have about half an hour left to charge the phone, which is 15-20% of the charge. Few, even very few. After all, you have never been to this cafe before and you may have to call your friend and find out where it is and where he is. But you are not sure that by this moment your smartphone will not run out.

    Any modern mobile device, even background continues its vigorous activity. For update social networks, weather widgets, news, balance, exchange rates and other services consume a lot of energy. Of course, you can turn off all synchronization on your phone manually, but this will take time that you no longer have. But that's not all. The radio module of the smartphone constantly scans cellular network, which also takes a lot of battery resources. Yes, you can enable Airplane mode. Then all processes that used mobile network will stop working. However, there will still be many system processes that do not depend on the presence of communication. So what to do?

    The solution is simple. You must completely turn off your smartphone/tablet and connect it to a power source. When turned off, the device will not waste energy, but only receive it. In other words, 100% of the charge entering the battery will remain in it. Charging time is significantly reduced.

    On the contrary, when the device is turned on, it also receives 100% charge, but immediately about 50% is spent on maintaining system processes and other services. Therefore, in reality, the gadget only gets half a charge, which increases the charging time.

    Let's return to our story. Immediately after your friend called, you turned off the phone and set it to charge, while you yourself began to get ready for the meeting. In half an hour you are completely ready. Unplug your phone from charging, press the power button and go put on your shoes. Then leave the house, close the door and look at the screen of your smartphone. Oh, miracle! It was charged 50-60%. When used sparingly, this is enough to call your friend several times and even order a taxi at the end of the evening.

    Extra 20% charge

    As a bonus, I want to tell you about one more useful trick: how to increase your phone's charge by 20%. You may have noticed how a fully charged smartphone for some reason lost 20-30% of its charge for a very short period of time (15-20 minutes), and then the charge went on as usual.

    Perhaps every person has encountered an unpleasant situation when, before leaving home for an important meeting, they suddenly discovered that the charge in the mobile phone battery was almost exhausted. Moreover, there was sorely not enough time to charge it. It is not surprising that the question of how to charge a phone very quickly worries every second owner. mobile device. Fortunately, there is still an effective answer to this. This is exactly what we will talk about today. It’s worth noting right away that you shouldn’t expect any miracles.

    Change the power source

    Always included with every mobile phone charger. Its task is extremely simple: convert the alternating mains voltage of 220 Volts into direct voltage and reduce it to a certain value determined by the features of the device model used. If you carefully study the data provided on the charging case, you can see Input/Output there. For an owner interested in how to charge a phone very quickly, the data presented in the second line is most valuable. For example, it could be "5V/300mA". What does this mean? The first number indicates the output voltage. The vast majority of chargers are from modern mobile phones it is always equal to five volts. This is done for compatibility with the computer standard which provides exactly the same 5 V.

    Now everyone knows how to charge a phone without charging - just connect it to the appropriate port system unit or laptop. But the second number is the charger’s output to the phone per unit of time. Depending on the charger model, given value can range from 300 mA to 1.2 A. Those who do not want to read further about how to charge their phone faster can be advised to simply replace the charger with one in which the current is higher than in the “native” one.

    Amps and battery

    One of the characteristics of any battery is that it indicates the amount of accumulated For example, a battery with a capacity of 1 Amp after complete discharge will be able to recover to its original state in 1 hour, provided that the charger supplies it with a current of 1 A. Accordingly, a charger that produces 300 mA will charge such a battery in about 3 hours. IN in this case Capacitance is usually specified in watts rather than milliamps. You can find out the battery current simple division power per voltage. It would seem that it is enough to replace low-current charging with a more powerful one - and you don’t have to think about how to charge your phone faster. However, this does not give results in all cases.

    Features of charging replacement

    Sometimes from people who at one time studied how to quickly charge an Android (phone), you can hear that if you change the “native” charger with a low current to a more powerful model, then you can disable your mobile phone. This statement is only partly true. Modern mobile communication devices use a special microcontroller that regulates the amount of current supplied to the battery. That is, if the “native” charger produces 300 mA, and it is replaced with a model with 1 A, then you may encounter a situation where the controller will limit the incoming current to 300 mA. The difference in this case is dissipated as heat. From all of the above, the conclusion follows: if after the phone began to get very hot, then from this simple way need to refuse.

    Use the updated version

    Those who are interested in how to quickly charge a phone should know that there are two universal serial bus standards in the world - USB 2.0 and 3.0 (older versions are practically no longer found). One difference is the amount of current that can be transferred through the corresponding port. In the second version, its value reaches 500 mA. But in the newer revision 3.0, not only the data exchange speeds were changed, but also the power circuit, making it possible to transmit through such USB port as much as 900 mA. Thus, one of the effective and safe options How to charge a phone without charging is to connect the mobile phone to a computer USB 3.0 connector and watch the process of filling the battery. Since the port itself in the standards is externally the same, to determine which is which, it is recommended to use the instructions for motherboard or laptop. Some manufacturers highlight the newer, third version of the nest in color, but this is rather an exception. In principle, this method is similar to replacing the charger with a more powerful one.

    Take advantage of the software feature

    Anyone looking for an effective way to charge their phone faster can be advised to look through the instructions for the computer board. In many modern solutions manufacturers provide the opportunity accelerated charging battery mobile phone For example, Asus offers proprietary technology proudly called AiCharger. Although there is nothing revolutionary about it, it still works. You just need to install the application of the same name and connect your phone to the port. In this case, the current passing through the connector increases to 1-1.2 A. A similar mechanism is offered by the Gigabyte company. On boards from this manufacturer, the function of increasing the current per port is called On/Off Charge (sometimes 3x USB power boost). True, the phone will have to be connected to certain connectors, which are indicated in the instructions. These features are still inferior in terms of ease of use to simply replacing the charger.

    Buy a special USB cable

    Everyone knows what a standard Universal Serial Bus wire looks like. However, owners of external hard drives and floppy drives are familiar with modified USB cords made in the shape of the letter Y. On one side of such a wire there is a plug connected to the device (phone, CD drive), and on the other there are two connectors connected to free USB connectors on the computer. This is a kind of “tee”. When using it, the output current almost doubles. That is, for USB 3.0 you can theoretically get 1800 mA. The disadvantage of this charging method is that not everyone has a Y-wire on hand.

    Turn off your device

    There is a completely effective solution to charge your phone faster. Many mobile phone owners do not charge their electronic assistant correctly. Speed ​​up this process possible by simple shutdown power supply to the phone while charging the battery. Sometimes this gives an almost twofold reduction in the time spent.

    Some smartphones have the unfortunate property of running out of charge at the most inopportune moment, and therefore sometimes there is a need to charge the device as quickly as possible. However, not all users know how to do this. There are some tricks by which you can significantly speed up the charging process, which will be discussed in this article.

    Several things will help you complete the task: simple recommendations, which can be used both together and each separately.

    Don't touch the phone

    The simplest and most obvious method of speeding up charging is to simply stop using the device for this period. Thus, energy consumption for display backlighting and other functionality will be reduced as much as possible, which will allow you to charge your smartphone much faster.

    Close all applications

    Even if you are not using the device while it is charging, some open applications still drains the battery. Therefore, it is necessary to close all minimized and open programs.

    To do this, you need to open the application menu. Depending on the brand of your smartphone, this can be done in two ways: either press and hold the lower center button, or simply tap one of the remaining two. When the required menu opens, close all applications by swiping to the side. Some phones have a button "Close all".

    Turn on airplane mode or turn off your phone

    To achieve better effect You can put your smartphone into airplane mode. However, in this case, you lose the ability to answer calls, receive messages, and so on. Therefore, the method is not suitable for everyone.

    To enter airplane mode, hold the side power button of your phone. When the corresponding menu appears, click on "Airplane mode" to activate it. This can also be done through the “curtain”, by finding there the button of the same name with an airplane icon.

    If you want to achieve maximum effect, you can turn off the phone completely. To do this, do all the same steps, only instead "Airplane mode" select item "Shutdown".

    Charge your phone through an outlet

    If you want to quickly charge your mobile device, then you should use only a power outlet and wired charging. The fact is that charging using a USB connection to a computer, laptop, portable battery or wireless technology, takes much longer. Moreover, the original charger is also much more efficient than its commercial counterparts (not always, but in most cases for sure).


    As you can see, there are several good reception, which can significantly speed up the charging process mobile device. The best of them is complete shutdown device while charging, but it is not suitable for all users. Therefore, you can use other methods.