• A simple and effective way to make Touch ID work better, more securely and faster. Touch ID doesn't work well on iPhone and iPad - five ways to solve the problem

    The appearance of any new function in Apple devices(and not only) causes a wave of discussions, disputes, and criticism. This fate did not spare the fingerprint scanner built into the iPhone 5s and called Touch ID.

    The Canadian newspaper Toronto Star published a report entitled “The fingerprint scanner in the iPhone 5s: 10 reasons why it is bad idea" The title of the article speaks for itself. But let's try to figure out whether Touch ID really deserves criticism - let's take the arguments of the Toronto Star writer and look at them more closely.

    1. There is a video of a cat unlocking an iPhone. How soon will hackers get to the scanner?

    Well, yes, such a video exists. Moreover, there are hundreds of similar videos where Touch ID is unlocked using various parts of the body (including intimate ones), but what does this mean? Only that the scanner is capable of reading fingerprints not only from fingers. This is bad? No. Less secure? Not either. Your cat will only be able to unlock your iPhone if you have added its pawprint to your trusted list. Well, of course, hypothetically we can assume that the attackers, having stolen your iPhone, will also grab your cat in order to unlock the device with its help... Sounds stupid, doesn’t it?

    Well, as for hackers, they have already reached the scanner, but methods of deceiving Touch ID are still far from generally accepted.

    2. If Apple did something wrong, it will set the biometrics industry back years.

    What does “did something wrong” mean? And why should this have such a serious impact on an industry that developed before the advent of Touch ID, and will continue to develop after, even if it turns out that Apple actually got something wrong.

    3. Touch ID is a solution to a non-existent problem

    Here the author of the article asks a question that is painfully familiar from forum battles - why should people buy an iPhone 5s, pay a lot of money for it, if they are satisfied with the iPhone 5. As on the forums, it is very difficult to answer such a question. Or very simply: satisfied old model- Well, don’t buy a new one.

    4. Apple is using fear to promote this product.

    Well, this is actually funny. Fear of what? Before the possible theft of the device? Before possible access to confidential data? But Touch ID does not have any extra security; it simply makes user identification more convenient compared to the usual password entry.

    5. Wet and dirty fingers negatively affect the operation of the sensor, causing errors

    A compelling argument. Also, wet and dirty fingers do not work well with touch screen. So they just need to be washed and dried.

    6. Your fingerprints will be stored somewhere on your smartphone, and someone can use them

    First of all, Touch ID stores its data in a completely separate place designed specifically for this storage. And only the result of the form “ID verification successful/unsuccessful” is transmitted to the rest of the smartphone’s hardware. And it is impossible to intercept this data from the outside in any way.

    Further. iPhone does not store fingerprints. When adding a fingerprint, the finger is scanned and converted into a set of data, which is stored in the smartphone. Then, during identification, the finger is scanned again, another set of data is obtained, which is compared with the first. If the data matches, the user is identified. Moreover, these data sets are specific to the iPhone; using them elsewhere (even assuming that they can somehow be stolen) simply does not make sense.

    The kidnapper will receive gibberish, converting it back into a fingerprint will be as “simple” as recreating the original culinary masterpiece with all the decorations and cream inscriptions from a half-eaten cake, and even broken into small pieces. This comparison was made by a specialist familiar with this issue.

    7. This is complex software, which can lead to problems.

    The author means that complex software is less resistant to hacker attacks. What to answer to this? iPhone 5s is not the only one in the world electronic device with complex software. And it’s okay, others somehow live and cope...

    8. This is only intended for part of the market. Most people don't worry about safety

    Well, don't let them worry. No one is forcing anyone to use Touch ID, just like no one is forcing anyone to use a password. But since the authentication procedure with a scanner is much simpler than with a password, perhaps some of those who have not thought about security before will still use Touch ID?

    9. Possible technical problems with the new product

    Yes, this happens. But so far no problems have been noticed, in fact, users report that Touch ID “just works” and works fine. And if we proceed from the logic that everyone new product may encounter technical problems, and therefore it is bad - then it’s better not to release new products at all, isn’t it?

    10. People will use Touch ID on initial stage, but then they will refuse, since due to sensor wear, identification will occur with a delay

    Will there be this delay? Can anyone say this with certainty? Now there is no delay, the device works quickly and does not cause problems.

    And as a result. Once again, no one is forcing you to use Touch ID in mandatory. The sensor simplifies identification - that’s all, it’s not a panacea for all ills, but it’s not their source either. Whoever wants it will use it, the rest will simply use the smartphone in the manner familiar from previous models.

    They told me how to use it new feature iOS 11.

    Why Apple added the feature to disable Touch ID

    Apple has once again decided to worry about the safety of its users. Function quick shutdown Touch ID gives owners iPhone opportunity protect your smartphones as much as possible if they fall into various emergency situations. By blocking Touch ID, the user will prevent an attacker from gaining access to iPhone by placing the owners' fingers on the scanner. Of course (and fortunately), such situations rarely arise, but Apple decided to provide for the actions of its customers in them.

    Another reason for the appearance of the Quick Disable Touch ID feature on the iPhone is due to Apple's desire to protect its users from law enforcement agencies. There have been several cases over the past year in which police officers have literally forced suspects to give up access to their iPhones by scanning their fingerprints.

    The most high-profile of these cases occurred in February. A Norwegian resident suspected of committing a crime was required to unlock his iPhone using Touch ID. According to the court ruling, fingerprint locking of smartphones was recognized as unprotected by the country's constitution. This means that upon request of the police, any iPhone user is required to remove the lock from their Touch ID-protected smartphone.

    Note: This feature only works on iPhones running iOS control 11 or newer software versions.

    To disable Touch ID on your iPhone, you need to quickly press the Power button five times in a row. Successful completion of the operation will display a screen asking you to turn off your iPhone or make an emergency call. At the same time, the function blocks Touch ID, indicating that to activate the fingerprint scanner you need to enter a passcode. In this case, you can only unlock your iPhone using a password. A similar limitation applies to iOS 11 and previous versions operating system installed after every iPhone reboot.

    You do not need to make any special settings to enable the function. Moreover, these same settings are not provided in iOS. In the menu " Settings» → « Emergency call- SOS» users can only activate the auto call option emergency services when you press the “Power” button five times and configure contacts in case of emergency. Recent contacts will receive notification messages if you call emergency services.

    As for technology, we cannot help but raise the issue of setting up a fingerprint scanner on the iPhone and consider possible problems.

    Let me remind you that Touch ID is great way using a fingerprint instead of the usual four-digit password. One press of the Home button is enough to unlock your iPhone, let's figure out how to set up Touch ID.

    How to set up Touch ID

    Apple says Touch ID can recognize your finger from almost any angle. This is true; when you initially scan your fingerprint, the phone will ask you to re-send your finger to the sensor for additional scanning from different angles and angles.
    1. To begin with we need activate Touch ID, we go along the following path:
    2. Settings - General - Touch ID and password - Touch ID
    3. After turn on Touch ID, iPhone will require you to enter the usual four-digit password, this is necessary in order to ensure additional protection. For example, when adding other fingerprints.
    4. Now you need to gently touch the “Home” button until you feel a slight vibration. This action must be repeated as many times as necessary. In this case, the fingerprint image will gradually fill in. It is important to do everything as if you use the iPhone in everyday life, that is, as naturally as possible. Make sure your finger and button are dry.
    5. At some point, the phone will ask you to touch the button at an angle with your finger to scan the edges of your fingertip.
    It's worth noting that the more you use Touch ID, the more better technology will recognize your fingers. In total, the iPhone allows you to register up to five fingers (it will take more time to recognize), by the way, some manage to register not only fingers... An interesting fact is that Touch ID will still understand you if you suddenly get a severe injury to your finger, which will break the imprint. Touch ID will still require you to enter a four-digit passcode in the following cases:
    • after rebooting the phone;
    • available in the “Touch ID and Password” settings section;
    • after 48 hours have passed since the last unlock.

    What can you use Touch ID for?

    At the moment, Apple is used very sparingly Touch technology ID. With your fingerprint, you can only unlock your iPhone and purchase from iTunes Store, App Store And iBooks Store without entering a password.

    By the way, the ability to purchase content in the above-mentioned stores can be disabled; to do this, you need to go to the following menu section:

  • Settings - General - Touch ID and password - Touch ID

  • There is a corresponding toggle switch “iTunes Store, App Store”.

    But users can afford much more, for example, setting up fingerprint protection to open certain folders or applications.

    Touch ID doesn't work

    If you encounter problems when working with Tocuh ID, the reasons may be very different. In such cases, Apple recommends all sorts of banality - make sure that you have latest version iOS, the “Home” button is not covered with dirt, pay attention to whether your entire finger covers the sensor and stuff like that...

    If all of the above is not the case in your case, then we can recommend trying to register a different fingerprint.

    Is the problem still there? Your case is the worst. Apparently you are faced with a manufacturing defect in Touch ID. Most often this is accompanied by the error " Scanning failed, please go back and try again" when scanning a fingerprint and if reboot iPhone did not help you, then you need to take the phone to the service center.

    The most disgusting thing about this problem is that sometimes it is the seller's fault. The fact is that if there is a defect, unscrupulous sellers assemble one iPhone from two, and since touch sensor The ID is connected to the native processor; they cannot find each other in the same phone. This is just one of possible reasons, you should not assume only this, but such an option is quite possible.

    What to do if Touch ID doesn't work well

    iPhone and iPad users often complain about bad job Touch ID. Moreover, difficulties with fingerprint recognition can arise even with the button cleaned of dirt and dust and clean, dry fingers.

    Few people know, but iOS has a built-in function for correcting your fingerprint data. In other words, the accuracy of Touch ID recognition can be improved and it’s not difficult at all:

    • Go to: Settings – General – Touch ID and password – Touch ID;
    • register multiple fingerprints if you have not already done so;
    • Now in the main Touch ID settings menu, just touch the Home button and you will see the registered “finger” highlight in gray;
    • repeat this procedure several times, touch the sensor at different angles.
    This way you will be able to “train” Touch ID and you won’t even need to re-register your fingers.

    If you have not found an answer to your question or something has not worked out for you, and there is no suitable solution in the comments below, ask a question through our

    In all their new mobile devices Apple is introducing the Touch ID fingerprint scanner. On at the moment the scanner is available in iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Mini 3 and iPad Air 2. Due to the fact that the technology has also affected the iPad, I decided to talk about Touch ID in more detail. Also in the article I will consider the problems that arise with it and their solutions.

    I don’t see any point in changing, for example, an iPad Mini 2 to an iPad Mini 3 for the sake of Touch ID. Therefore, the instructions will be on iPhone example 6 Plus. But this doesn’t fundamentally change anything.

    What do you need to know?

    1. After rebooting the device, Touch ID does not work, you need to enter the unlock password. Well, good. Allows you to remember your password. You also need to enter a password if more than 48 hours have passed since the last unlock (does this happen to you?).
    2. Same with shopping. You must enter at least once Apple password ID, and then you can make purchases using Touch ID.
    3. Sometimes Touch ID doesn't work. The reasons may be different: from dust on the Home button to incorrect finger position. If Touch ID doesn't work too often, try resetting it by following the instructions. Helps. But when correct setting There shouldn't be any problems with Touch ID. Unlocking occurs almost instantly.
    4. The more fingerprints in the database, the longer the unlocking time lasts.
    5. Touch ID does not replace your password. It just adds one more method of authorization. Even if you set up Touch ID, you will still be able to log into your device using a password. Touch ID is not required to use.
    6. You can set up any number of fingers for authorization (currently limited to 5). The fingers do not have to be of the same person. If the device is used by relatives, then you can drive their fingers into the base too. Unfortunately, there is no normal multi-user environment in iOS. How wonderful it would be if a user could use his fingerprint to access his account with his own applications and restrictions.

    This is interesting . Touch ID is a rather complex device.

    The stainless steel ring surrounding the button responds to touch and activates the capacitive sensor. The surface of the button, laser-cut from sapphire glass, transmits an image of a finger to a sensor that recognizes its pattern, allowing you to get detailed print. The software then reads your fingerprint and finds a match, allowing you to unlock your phone.

    From this we can conclude that iOS updates can affect fingerprint recognition, both good and bad. bad side. The story of iOS update 8.0.1, which completely deprived iPhone owners 6 and 6 Plus working Touch ID module.

    How to enable Touch ID?

    1. Go to Settings->Touch ID and Password. To log in, you will be prompted to enter your iPad (iPhone) password.

    2. In the fingerprints section, click on “Add a fingerprint”.

    Now hold the gadget the way you usually hold it when pressing the Home button. To make it clearer: at the moment, the Touch ID module must scan the central part of the fingertip. And put (do not press!) your finger on the button until there is a short vibration that you can’t help but feel. At this time there will be a simple animation on the screen.

    3. After the initial scan, take the iPad (iPhone) the way you usually hold it when unlocking it. And do another scan. Usually at this point the edges of the fingers are scanned, not the central part.

    After the finger is added, you can give it a name: “Big Dima (Right Hand)” or “Decree. Olya." This is for convenience.

    Setting up Touch ID

    There are also two settings for Touch ID.

    1. Unlocking iPhone(iPad) - enable this item if you want to unlock your device using fingerprints.

    2. iTunes Store, App Store - enable this item if you want to make purchases in the corresponding Apple online stores using your fingerprint.

    Touch ID in apps

    Starting with iOS 8, developers were able to build in unlocking of their programs with using Touch ID instead of entering a password. Single settings this is not the case, although it would be logical to do this moment right in iOS settings. Therefore, Touch ID support must be enabled in the settings of a specific program.

    Many respected programs have acquired Touch ID support:

    • 1Password - the most popular safe for passwords and accounts
    • DayOne - great program for keeping a diary
    • Documents - popular free file manager

    and others...

    Let me give you an example Touch activation ID in Documents.

    1. Go to the program settings. Click “Basic”. Turn on the “Password protection” switch. We also turn on the appeared switches “Apply immediately” and “Activate Touch ID”.

    2. Enter New Password to enter the program. This is in case the fingerprint scanner does not work 5 times in a row.

    That's it, now whenever you enter the program, it will be enough to scan your fingerprint.

    Conclusions on Touch ID:

    I noticed how much easier it has become using iPhone with Touch ID. With proper dexterity, you can take the phone out of your pocket and at the same time put your finger on the Home button. Voila: he took out an already unlocked phone from his pocket.

    After a long time using Touch ID, I also want to unlock old iDevices that do not have a scanner. You keep your finger on the machine and nothing happens.

    What do you think of this technology? Have you already made friends with her?

    Touch ID is a technology that first appeared in the iPhone 5S, used as additional parameter operating room safety iOS systems and a means of user identification. The essence of this technology is that a special biometric sensor is built into the Home button, which allows you to read the user’s fingerprints and use them instead of a password to access the phone, as well as to make purchases in the App Store and iTunes Store.

    As mentioned above, Touch ID was first introduced in the iPhone 5S, but it is expected that this year the biometric sensor will appear in new iPads Air and iPad mini, and, of course, in the new iPhone generation, which is expected to appear in the second half of 2014. At the same time, most likely, the new devices will also use a new generation of the Touch ID 2 sensor with improved recognition technology and, possibly, support for additional functions.

    How to set up Touch ID

    If you just bought the device, then passing standard procedure activation upon first launch, you can immediately tune Touch ID. To register a fingerprint and enter it into the Touch ID database, you need to perform a few simple steps. Let us immediately note that the device can store up to 5 fingerprints, which are stored in a special memory compartment of the central processor.

    1. Before immediate setting up Touch ID, we recommend that you thoroughly wash your hands and, most importantly, your fingers, and also thoroughly wipe the Home button on the device, because... It is the Touch ID sensor that is built into it. Only after this you can start setting up.

    2. Before setting up the Touch ID sensor, you need to come up with and enter a four-digit number, or complex password. It will be prompted if Touch ID fails to recognize your fingerprint.

    3. Hold your iPhone the same way you normally hold it when pressing the Home button. Place your finger on the Home button and hold it until you feel a slight vibration or until the system tells you that you can remove your finger. Don't press the button too hard, just tap it lightly.

    3. After the initial scan, the recognition system will ask you to change the position of your finger to complete the scan. Hold the phone as usual and touch the edges of your finger so that the system can fully recognize the fingerprint.

    How to set up Touch ID if your device is already activated

    You can configure the Touch ID sensor and save fingerprints in the processor memory, if the device is activated, through the main settings. To do this, go to Settings and select "Touch ID and password" in the main menu. Next you need to select “Fingerprints”. Then the system will offer the procedure for registering and saving fingerprints already described above.

    Use Touch ID instead of entering a password and for App Store purchases

    Once you've set up Touch ID and stored your fingerprints in your iPhone's processor, you can use your fingerprint to unlock your device (instead of entering a password) and as a means of authentication when making purchases in the App Store and iTunes Store.

    To unlock your iPhone using Touch ID, wake up the device from sleep mode by pressing the power button or home button. After that, gently move your finger to the Home button without pressing it, and the phone will unlock.

    If Touch ID fails to recognize the fingerprint within three attempts, you will be prompted to enter the password that was set when touch settings ID. It is also worth noting that the Touch ID sensor is disabled and a password is required if:

    1. The device turned on after rebooting
    2. More than 48 hours have passed since the device was last unlocked
    3. You want to go to the "Touch ID and password" item in the device settings

    To use Touch ID as your account ID Apple records ID(to make purchases and downloads in the App Store and iTunes Store), you need to go to settings, select "Touch ID and password" and activate the "iTunes Store, App Store" item there.

    Gently place your finger on the Home button and the purchase will be completed. Please note that you will be prompted to scan your fingerprint every time you try to download content from the App Store or iTunes Store. If the sensor fails to recognize the fingerprint within 5 attempts, you will be prompted to enter a password account Apple ID.

    How to improve Touch ID performance

    Some users using touch sensor ID, complain about inaccurate recognition of their fingerprints by the system. There is a couple simple ways to increase the accuracy of identifying your fingerprint using Touch ID.

    1. Touch ID processor memory can store up to 5 fingerprints. To make recognition of the finger used to unlock the device more accurate, you can do the following: assign the same fingerprint to different memory slots. That is, in essence, you need to “scan” one finger several times, as if they were different fingers. Thus, the accuracy of your fingerprint recognition can increase to almost 100%!

    2. Keep the Home button clean so that it is free from dust or moisture. The accuracy of fingerprint recognition directly depends on the surface of the sensor, so, naturally, if there is grease, dust or dirt on it, the accuracy of fingerprint recognition is noticeably reduced.

    3. Check that the latest version is installed on your device software - Apple company can make changes and improvements to the operation of built-in software at the software level iOS functions. So, for example, in iOS versions 7.1.1 officially introduced improvements to Touch ID, making fingerprint recognition more accurate and smoother.

    After updating the software, we recommend deleting all registered fingerprints and adding them again to make Touch ID as accurate and convenient as possible.

    Set up iPhone in a service center

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