• How to reset ios version. How to downgrade iOS version on iPhone, iPad

    Developers from Apple New versions are published quite often operating system. But the updated version will not always be better previous iOS. Fortunately, if you want to rollback more earlier version, it's not that hard to do.

    In updates, developers change the way some applications work, optimize programs, and fix bugs. But it happens that new opportunities are not to your liking, while the old ones are no longer available. Yes, and the occurrence of errors in the updated version is also possible, and it will take a lot of time before they are corrected. It is in these situations that a rollback to a previous version of iOS may come in handy.

    There can be many reasons to roll back to a previous version of iOS.

    The easiest way to roll back to the old version is the official one. But it has a number of limitations. Officially, you can only “roll back” to a previous version of the system and only for a short time after the update is released. Then developers block the rollback option, and users have to look for other ways.

    Preparatory steps before downgrading to an earlier version of iOS

    Before you begin the rollback process itself, you need to perform preparatory steps. To do this you need:

    • create a backup copy of your files so as not to lose the data stored on your device;
    • select and download the firmware - it is very important that the firmware is downloaded from a reliable source and does not contain errors;
    • disable the Find My iPhone feature.


    There are two ways to copy data from an Apple device: this backup to iCloud or copying data from using iTunes.

    Copying data using iCloud

    Once the process of transferring data to iCloud is complete, it will be contained in cloud storage. To copy, do the following:

    After this, the backup will be created. To avoid having to repeat manual steps on a regular basis, you can set up the entire process automatically. However, to create a copy before rolling back to the previous version, this is not necessary.

    Copying Data Using iTunes

    To create backup copy With iTunes, you will need to install a media player on your computer. After that do the following:

    You can get one of the latest firmware versions for your device on third-party sites. Read reviews beforehand to make sure the site can be trusted. Most likely, during the download process you will be asked to indicate which Apple device you use, specify the model and then select the proposed version from the list. After downloading the version you need, be sure to remember where you downloaded the file. You will need it later.

    Disabling the Find My iPhone feature

    If you did everything correctly, you will receive a message by email notifying you that the “Find iPhone” option has been turned off on your device.

    Reverting to a previous version of the operating system

    Firmware rollback is safe function, and in any case you will be able to return your device to previous state. However, you still act at your own risk. Be careful and you won't have any problems.

    To rollback, follow these steps:

    This way you can go back to one of the previous versions of iOS. But is it possible to choose the old version? No, they won't let you download it from the site. Even if you find it in third-party sources, the correct installation will not be carried out. These are restrictions from Apple, and official way there's nothing to solve here.

    Officially you can downgrade iOS devices to one of the previous ones

    Rolling back the iOS version using a special program

    In addition to the ability to return the previous version using iTunes, there is another way. You can roll back your device using special program. For example, a program called RedShow copes well with this task. But it is worth noting the following:

    • this method is much more complicated and may require you to install a jailbreak (unless, of course, you have already installed it);
    • if you want to rollback not only to the previous version, but also to earlier ones, you will need a SHSH certificate from old version. Saving occurs automatically if jailbroken. Or you can save the data manually after each update using the TinyUmbrella program;
    • The rollback option is not available for all devices. iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPod touch 4G are ideal, and rollback is also available on iPad 2. Until recently, this feature was not available on other devices, but now the developers have added support for several more phones.

    The rollback process itself using this program is done as follows:

    Rolling back applications on iOS

    We figured out how to roll back the operating system. But what if you need to rollback one of the installed applications? After all, unsuccessful updates happen there too. There is an official Charles Proxy tool for this. It allows you to access older versions of apps or games on your iPhone or iPad. Using this program is not very easy, so this is a topic for a separate article.

    You can roll back apps on iOS to one of the previous versions

    Video: rollback iOS from any version to an older one

    For most users, the option of officially returning to one of the latest versions of the device will be enough. The main thing is that this version is still supported by Apple. If you need to revert to an earlier version, you can use one of the unofficial methods. In any case, now, when installing failed update, you know how to act.

    Hello everyone, dear iOS users devices – iPad and iPhone. In today's article I will tell you how you can return the previous, old version of iOS. Why might this be needed? For example, you updated to new version operating system, you don’t like it and want to return to the previous version of iOS. Standard methods You won’t be able to do this (return), you will have to carry out some manipulations.

    The process of “rolling back” to the old version of the operating system iOS systems looks like this:

    • Select and download from the Internet the version of the iOS operating system you need.
    • Connect your gadget (iPad or iPhone) to your computer and launch iTunes.
    • Adding the downloaded iOS version to iTunes program, then automatic system rollback.

    But, before you start restoring the old version of iOS, I want to clarify a few points:

    • Before starting work, be sure to make a backup copy of your iOS device, this will prevent you from losing data if the rollback fails.
    • You will not be able to or the iPad is too old versions of iOS, for example, iOS 6 and below. Apple simply stopped signing (activating) these versions. Perhaps by the time you read this article, Apple has stopped signing iOS. Before rolling back, please take this into account.
    • The rollback process is painless for your iPhone or iPad, even if you fail to rollback successfully, you can always restore your iPhone or iPad. But in any case, you act at your own peril and risk.

    So let's begin the process of upgrading your iOS operating system to an earlier version..

    First of all, before you downgrade, you need to download the version of the operating system that you want to install on your iPhone or iPad. I’ll say right away that you can download iOS completely free of charge. So, let's move on to the download process:

    • Follow the link - http://www.getios.com/.
    • In the “YOUR DEVICE” field you need to select the type of your mobile device. For example: iPhone or iPad.
    • Next, in the “THE MODEL” field you need to select the model of your device. For example: iPhone 4s or iPad 2 Wi-Fi.
    • Next, in the “iOS VERSION” field you need to select the version of iOS that you want to install on your iOS gadget.
    • To complete the entire operation, you need to click the “Download” button, after which the process of loading the operating system will begin.

    So, after the file with the system is downloaded to your device, proceed to the next step.

    Skip to the most interesting part - to replacing iOS to an earlier version. To return iOS, follow these steps::

    • Connect your gadget to personal computer on which it is installed latest version iTunes (if there is no program, then you need to install it. You can download it from the link - http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/).
    • Launch iTunes.
    • IN side menu(if not visible, press CTRL+S) select your device.
    • In the field that opens, in the “Overview” tab, find the “Update” button.
    • Clamp Shift key(if you have Windows) or Alt (if you have a Mac) and click on the “Update” button. A window will open in which you need to select the previously downloaded file with the operating system.
    • After all the steps described above, it will begin iOS rollback versions. This usually doesn't take much time.

    That's all for today, I hope this short note helped you, you were able to return the version of iOS that you need.

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    Apple technology is subject to fewer changes than devices running Android. On iOS you cannot work with files downloaded from the network, change the interface significantly, or install software from third party sources bypassing App Store.

    It’s even more difficult to configure the operating system - the developers do not allow you to roll back iOS at any time (for example, to the legendary firmware version 10.3.3). And yet the rollback function is available, albeit in a greatly reduced version and with a lot of nuances. Which ones? Find out more below!

    Is it possible to rollback iOS?

    The procedure for rolling back the iOS operating system is possible on any Apple devices– this includes Mac, iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch and Apple TV, and Apple Watch. Of course, you shouldn’t count on returning to iOS 7, 8 or 9 on smartphones - the rollback works under the conditions that are pre-set by the developers. So, for example, if there is an opportunity to test the beta version of iOS, then the opportunity to rollback will certainly appear, but before the first stable version, next to beta.

    Possible problems

    Range of possible technical errors extensive There may be problems with activating the device after an incorrect (the instructions described in the next chapter exclude such problems) rollback, difficulties associated with using biometric scanners, launching the camera and saving photos, playing music and even activation mobile network. There are situations that are much worse when, due to the wrong algorithm of actions, neither smartphones, nor tablets, nor “ smart watch» no longer turned on without contacting the service center.

    The only way to avoid encountering such irreparable errors is to not deviate from the instructions, use firmware files from trusted sources, do not improvise, and in no case interfere with devices connected to the PC via USB (if the wire comes loose, the recovery process will be disrupted, and serious consequences will follow).

    Working methods

    It is always worth starting the process of returning to the old version of the iOS operating system from the website, a kind of database where independent developers have created a real cult of admirers of Apple technology. Firstly, we have put together a whole collection of instructions and answers to frequently asked questions. So, for example, anyone can find out whether it is possible to install JailBreak on iOS 11.4, whether it is worth downloading 12 Beta, how to turn off all service notifications and change the wallpaper.

    And secondly, we took care of preserving the last ten official updates iOS operating system, and those versions to which it is realistic to roll back are marked with special green checkmarks. And here it is important to understand that the set of versions available for rollback is strictly limited and depends on Apple’s actions.

    For example, if iOS Beta 12 appears specifically for developers, then they will be allowed to roll back to 11. If beta 13 appears, then to stable 12 and so on. There is no way to install via IPSW.ME (and by third party methods) iOS 8, 9, 10, of course not. Therefore, if you want to roll back from beta to something stable, there is a way:

    Preparing the device

    Before restoring, it is important to disable the “Find iPhone” mode on any device suitable for the rollback:

    And yet – without the “Find iPhone (iPad, iPod, etc.)” function, any Apple technology is under serious threat, and therefore there is no need to delay the recovery mode, it is better to get down to business right away. And, after returning to the required version iOS - immediately activate the function back.

    Recovery Mode

    If there are no problems with the save firmware, backup and settings, then it’s time to get to the point:

    Rolling back iOS is possible - the main thing is to carefully understand the instructions described above and, most importantly, not to use firmware downloaded from unverified sources.

    If you upgraded to iOS 10 but then changed your mind, there is an option to roll back to iOS 9.3.2. There are two main ways to do this. One of them requires a backup copy, and the second, fortunately, does not. Apple signs iOS 9.3.2 to at the moment and no other previous version. Therefore, iOS 9.3.2 is the oldest version that you can restore to your device.

    Method 1: No backup

    You will lose everything you have text messages, but all other settings and applications will remain after the rollback.

    1. Download the appropriate IPSW file for your iPhone or iPad.
    2. Make sure your computer has the latest iTunes version. If not, download and install it.
    3. Connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer and then click on the device icon that appears.
    4. In the Summary section, click the Check for Updates button while holding down the Shift key (Windows) or Option key (Mac).
    5. Now find and select the IPSW file you downloaded earlier.
    6. Your device will be updated to iOS 9.3.2.

    Next time you want to download the beta, either create a full backup first or suppress the urge.

    Method 2: Using a previously made backup

    Apple does not approve of rollbacks previous versions iOS, and for good reason. However, such a possibility exists. Currently Apple servers are still signing iOS 9.3.2. You cannot roll back beyond this version. So the problem may arise if your backup is made to an earlier iOS firmware. So, let's be clear: to roll back, you can only use the backup that was created when your device was running iOS 9.3.2.

    The key is that you should always have a full, up-to-date backup. The best way to create a password-protected copy is through iTunes. You can also do this through iCloud to get another opportunity to restore your contacts, images and other things.

    Step 1: Prepare IPSW

    For iOS reinstallation 9.3.2 you will need the appropriate ipsw file for your iPhone models or iPad. Outdated versions will not work, because they are not “signed”, i.e. not approved by Apple servers.

    Mac users who have the ipsw file stored on their hard drive need to go to the following path: youruserfolder/Library/iTunes/, and then find it in iPhone folder Software Updates or iPad Software Updates.

    If you don't have the latest version of the file, whether you're a PC or Mac user, you can easily find it by searching for "ipsw download". Next, you need to select and download the file corresponding to your device. A search will bring up a variety of sites, including https://ipsw.me/, which will tell you which versions are currently up to date.

    Step 2. Rollback procedure

    Keep in mind that if you are reading this article after the official release final version iOS 10, you have very little time to rollback. Based on recent experience, you only have a week after the original release date (not after the date you upgraded), after which downgrade will be impossible, except for jailbroken smartphones.

    So let's get started. Disable Find function My iPhone/iPad on your device if it was turned on. You'll find it by going to Settings > iCloud. Then connect your iPhone or iPad to your PC or Mac. Launch iTunes. Click on the device icon in the iTunes interface and select Summary. Now, hold down Alt/Option on Mac or Shift on PC and click Restore iPhone. Next, find and open the IPSW file, after which the computer will reinstall iOS 9.3.2 on your iPad or iPhone. Or should...

    Go to Recovery mode

    If iTunes reports that your device is already running the latest version of iOS, you may need to use Recovery Mode ( Recovery mode). Turn off the device's power completely, plug one end of the sync cable into your computer, and then hold down Home button on iPhone/iPad, connect the other end of the cable to it. When the Connect to iTunes screen appears, release the Home button.

    iTunes will tell you that your device is now in Recovery mode. Next, while holding Option key(Shift for PC), click on Restore, find iOS file 9.3.2.ipsw and install it on your device.

    Restoring from a backup

    If the above procedure is successful, you will get an almost clean iPhone with nothing on it. Now it's time to apply the backup you created earlier. In iTunes, click the Restore iPhone button and select the appropriate backup. The process may take about an hour, but your smartphone will return exactly to the state it was in when the copy was created.

    If you don't have any copies, you'll have to sync your music, videos, and other content from iTunes or iCloud. You can then go to the App Store with your Apple ID and download everything you've previously purchased.

    iOS 7 made a lot of noise in its time; until the recent release of the 10th version of the “Seven” operating system, it held the pedestal of the largest update to the Apple mobile platform. In addition to a bunch of new options, it also brought a completely new, so-called flat design. Needless to say, all i-users immediately rushed to update their devices.

    However, it soon became clear that not all Apple devices that are allowed to update to iOS 7 work with it quickly and without glitches. So, for example, if there were practically no problems on the iPhone 4S, but the four seriously lagged. That’s why many iPhone 4 users, some time after “communicating” with the seven, wondered: is it possible to roll back to iOS 6?

    We answer - you can! In this article we will tell you how to return iOS 6 to your fourth iPhone.

    Interesting question, the answer is simple - no way! Apple does not officially support rolling back devices to previous versions iOS. The position of the Apple giant is this: have they updated? There is no turning back!

    It turns out that if we decided to roll back an “Apple gadget to a version younger than the one in present moment installed on it, we have to perform an unofficial procedure, and not a single unofficial procedure is possible on an i-device without jailbreak!

    For reference: Jailbreaking is essentially hacking an i-smartphone. The operation allows you to access private system files and expands personalization options. After jailbreaking, a store appears on the device applications Cydia is an alternative to the official App Store, it contains a lot of unofficial applications for Apple devices.

    How to return iOS 6 to a jailbroken i-device?

    Let us note right away that the rollback procedure is, in fact, not very complicated, but still some knowledge and ability to handle Apple equipment will be required. However, we will try to present the rollback instructions as clearly as possible, and if you are a novice user, but strictly follow the instructions, there will be no “blank spots” left.

    Important point number one! The described rollback methods answer only the question - how can you install iOS 6 on iPhone smartphone 4. Other iPhone models cannot be returned to the sixth version of the platform using the guides below!

    Important point number two - before doing a rollback, you will definitely need to jailbreak!

    Important point number three! The most important! The author of the article and the portal publishing it are not responsible for possible negative consequences that may result from jailbreaking and rollback.

    Well? Aren't you scared yet? Then let's get started.

    Jailbreak iPhone 4 iOS 7.1-7.1.2

    Judging by the title, you probably realized that in order to jailbreak your iPhone 4, you must have one of the following installed: next versions iOS. So if you have any of the “zero” versions of the seven, you will have to update first. To do this, go to “Settings” of the iPhone, then “General”, “Software Update”, search for and download the available ones. Maximum version for the four - 7.1.2, most likely, this is what you will see when searching for updates, it will suit us quite well.

    Has the update been completed? The next step is to create a backup - remember the warning? No one guarantees that jailbreak and/or rollback will be successful. A backup will help return everything to normal in case of failure.

    To create a backup in iCloud, go to “Settings”, then “iCloud” / “Backup”, activate the “iCloud Backup” slider, click the “Create a backup” button.

    To make a backup in iTunes, connect your device to your PC, when it is detected, click the “Browse” tab, then “Create a copy now.”

    Well, that's all, if the backup is made, we are ready to jailbreak. Let's get started:

    A successful jailbreak will be indicated by the Cydia icon on the desktop.

    Rollback iPhone 4 to iOS 6

    For reference! I wonder what SHSH hashes are, why they are needed and how to store them? Here's some great material on this topic.

    So the first group executes the following instruction:

    All! Once iFaith installs the firmware, the device will automatically reboot and you can happily use iOS 6 again.

    Well, now about the second group of users who were not lucky enough to have saved SHSH. In their case, the path to rollback will be much more difficult - but in order not to frighten you with lengthy instructions, we’ll just give you a link to an excellent video.

    What to do if a jailbreak or rollback turned your iPhone into a brick?

    Yes, such a situation, unfortunately, is not excluded, but in 99% of cases the device only “pretends” to be a brick and you can save it, to do this, connect your iPhone to iTunes and enter it into DFU mode, most likely the program will detect the smartphone, but, of course , only in recovery mode. This means that the gadget will work after this procedure, but all data will be erased. However, if you followed our advice and performed a backup before jailbreaking and/or rollback, if initial setup you can pull out all the information from the backup copy.

    Let's summarize

    So, now you know how to install iOS 6 on an iPhone 4 smartphone. Unfortunately, it’s simple this procedure you can't name it. However, if the device on the seven lags mercilessly, do you have another option? If it doesn’t work out, you can use a backup copy to return everything to normal (in 99% of cases!).