• Who can I complain to about the poor performance of the post office? Complaint against the Russian Post Office

    Russian Post - main government organization Russian Federation, engaged in the delivery of letters, parcels, notifications and much more. The quality and speed of work of Russian Post have long been a reason for jokes and anecdotes. At the same time, in many cases there are no alternatives, and both ordinary citizens and organizations (including government ones) are forced to use the services of Russian Post.

    If you used the services of Russian Post and were still dissatisfied with the quality, then you can protect your rights. AND best way to do this is to send a complaint. Remember that your own rights are not only possible, but also necessary to be protected. Moreover, the laws are on your side.

    How to submit?

    There are three ways to complain about bad job. You can fill out a form and submit it to the department, write an email, contact management via mobile application or call the hotline. It is worth noting that complaints about postal shipments or only Russian Post considers the work of employees.

    How to file a claim through the post office?

    Most the right way To ensure that your application is accepted, bring it in person to the post office. You can download the form on the website. In this case, there are two different forms: for sending within Russia and for international sending. The forms are practically no different from each other. Once they are filled out (on the website), they will need to be downloaded. When downloading, the form will be translated into PDF format, and it can be printed. You will need to go to the post office with this printout.

    How to file a claim through the public reception?

    Russian Post also accepts complaints in the form of emails. The letter is submitted through the official website. To do this, you will need to follow the link, read the rules and click the “send letter” button. To complain about an email, please indicate your full name, contacts, the subject of the complaint and to whom the complaint will be sent. Then write the text of the appeal in accordance with the rules, attach documents and click “Send letter”.

    Submitting a complaint through the mobile application

    “Russian Post” has its own own application for smartphones. It is very convenient and has very rich functionality. Using the application you can:

    • Track your parcel;
    • Find out where the letter is;
    • Set up a real-time parcel status check;
    • Order parcel delivery to your home;
    • Get advice from a postal employee
    • Find out where the nearest branch is located.

    At the same time, using the application you can also register and submit a complaint. Filling it out will not differ in any way from filling it out through the website. The application is available on all platforms, you can download it through stores - it is completely free.

    How to complain by phone?

    Russian Post has its own hotline. You can call 8-800-2005-888 and follow the instructions to leave a complaint. The hotline is 24/7 and the call itself is free.

    What rules should you remember when writing?

    • The text must be entirely in Russian;
    • The complaint must not contain profanity or insults;
    • An appeal to Russian Post must be clear, understandable, and contain specific and formulated claims;
    • Anonymous requests to Russian Post are not accepted. Each application must contain information about the applicant and his contacts;
    • If the complaint is written in electronic form on the website, its size should not exceed two thousand characters;
    • If necessary, you can attach a photograph, scan or other copy of documents confirming your case to your application. In most cases, complaints without evidence are not accepted.

    How long does it take to process a complaint about sending parcels?

    • If the appeal concerns sending a letter or parcel within one locality, then it will take five days to review the application and prepare a response;
    • If the appeal concerns sending a letter or parcel between different cities or towns, then the consideration of the complaint will take two months.
    • All other cases (for example, damage to a parcel or unsatisfactory performance of a specific employee) are considered individually, and indicate exact time consideration of the application is impossible.

    Should I complain to Roskomnadzor or the court?

    It is worth noting that contacting Roskomnadzor in disputes with Russian Post is surprisingly ineffective. Most disputes are not considered minor or do not affect any laws Russian Federation. And if the proceedings do begin, then Russian Post always has a wide margin for maneuver. They can always say “you yourself sent such a package, already broken” or something similar. Therefore, in case of serious complaints, do not waste time with Roskomnadzor, but immediately


    First, try to solve the problem at the level of management of the postal facility where you were provided with poor quality service. Write a statement or make an entry in the “Book of Reviews and Suggestions”, which is available at all communication facilities. If your aspirations remain unsuccessful, then complain about the post office to the management staff of the branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian Post”, which includes this branch.

    Make a written claim for non-payment cash, non-delivery or late delivery, damage or loss postal item or about other violations and dishonesty of employees addressed to the director of the Office of the Federal postal service at the place of receipt or destination of the postal item. Send the claim by letter with a notification and a list of the attachments, or give it to the secretary of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" branch, who is responsible for mandatory must register the application.

    Double the importance of your problem by first making an appointment for a personal meeting with the head of the branch, and when you meet, verbally state your complaint.

    Regarding the quality of service, provision postal services and regarding the work of the Russian Post, use a free call from anywhere in Russia at 8-800-2005-888. If you have the Internet and a personal mailbox, send an email to: [email protected] or send an electronic appeal from the “Public Reception” page of the official website of the Russian Post.

    If the postal operator refused to satisfy your claim, did not satisfy it completely or did not satisfy it, go to the arbitration court with a statement of claim, where you complain about the postal facility that violated the rules for the provision of postal services. Indicate all the circumstances of the case, the rules of law violated and present the requirements for the postal facility.

    You have the right not to waste time submitting an application to any postal organization. Immediately complain to the Russian Post to the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare - ROSPOTREBNADZOR or to the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, information technology And mass communications– ROSKOMNADZOR. Send your application by letter to contact addresses or electronically directly to the head office or the relevant territorial department. At the same time, submit your claim hotline or make an appointment for a personal meeting with the management team.

    Please note

    When sending electronic appeals using public receptions and mailboxes It is necessary to indicate true personal data.

    Useful advice

    Information about branches and post offices of the Russian Post can be found on the main website. On the website of each branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" there are telephone numbers of hotlines and "Public reception" of the corresponding federal district.

    Lost parcels, money transfers arriving late, inappropriate behavior of employees - all this is just a small part of the reasons for a complaint against the post office.


    Services provided by FSUE Russian Post must comply with the requirements of Federal Law dated July 17, 1999 No. 176-FZ “On Postal Services” and the approved Rules for the provision of postal services. In the case where the service does not comply with the rules and regulations, the person has every right file a complaint or make a claim against the organization.

    The client can find out where to file a complaint about poor quality work of postal employees from the following sources:

    Directly at the post office of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Russian Post” on a stand with posted information “Information about the place of receipt and consideration of claims”;

    Having done free call to the hotline help desk 8-800-2005-888;

    By writing a message to email address [email protected].

    You should complain to the manager about incorrect service at the post office. Dissatisfaction, of course, can be expressed verbally, but in this case you will be deprived of the opportunity to find out about the punitive measures taken against the offender, and you will also not receive an official response, which you can, for example, appeal. Therefore, it is wiser to submit a written complaint, in which you must indicate your credentials (full name, address for sending a return letter, telephone number), and also state the essence of the complaint. You can attach copies of documents to your application that confirm your words (checks, receipts, etc.) It is not necessary to make an application in two copies, just make sure that your application receives an incoming registration number. Remember or write it down.

    The speed of service and the work of Russian Post itself have long been the topic of numerous jokes. Indeed, the quality leaves much to be desired: queues move slowly, items get lost, parcels take forever. An option to solve the problem is to complain: Russian Post will not work faster, but it will probably solve a specific problem.

    You can complain in person, by phone, online, orally or in writing. There are also enough control organizations: the police, Rospotrebnadzor, Roskomnadzor, the Main Post Office.

    Herself postal service actively makes contact with consumers: an application has been developed, a hotline has been opened - everywhere you can leave your feedback or complaint about the actions of branch employees.

    Complain via the Internet

    The official website contains a public reception area (www.pochta.ru/claim), through which messages can be sent. The applicant fills in information about himself and his application:

    • email;
    • topic of appeal;
    • main text.

    Additionally, you can attach scanned images or photographs of documents: checks, receipts, envelopes, videos.

    The form requires you to select the addressee: general manager, Deputy, Head of Directorate.

    The main text of the appeal should be concise and restrained. There should be no curses, threats, or obscene language in the letter, otherwise the complaint will not be considered.

    Mobile application and online consultant

    The site provides the opportunity to communicate with an online consultant. You can ask a question or leave a complaint via special form. Feedback almost instantaneous: the answer will be given in 2 minutes.

    The Russian Post application gives you the opportunity to leave your opinion about the work of the branch, report the loss of a parcel, delivery.

    With its help it is convenient:

    • track the location of the shipment;
    • look for the nearest post offices;
    • receive notifications about the movement of a parcel or letter;
    • leave feedback on the quality of delivery;
    • order delivery;
    • get help from a consultant.


    You can complain about a queue that is not moving to branch employees by calling the postal hotline at 8-800-2005-888. The call is free.

    The specified phone number will provide explanations on tariffs, delivery times, and office opening hours.

    By email

    You can send a complaint about the department, violation of deadlines or other circumstances to the following address: email [email protected]. It will be reviewed on time. The requirements for composing a letter are the same as when sending a message through the office. website: briefly, concisely describe the essence of the problem and violations. If possible, it is recommended to attach supporting documents: scanned images, photographs, videos.


    This organization oversees the communications sector. Almost half of all requests received are related to the work of the Post Office.

    Roskomnadzor accepts complaints sent to electronic form through the official website (https://rkn.gov.ru/treatments/ask-question/), or in paper form. A complaint executed on paper is delivered personally to the office, by courier or by mail.

    Main Post Office

    The main post office in a region or city is authorized to resolve issues related to the work of territorial offices. Personal appeal or submission of a complaint in writing is allowed.


    When a person purchases services from Russian Post, he falls under the scope and protection of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. By violating deadlines or providing poor-quality service, department employees violate the norms contained in the specified legislative act, which is the basis for.

    You can file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor about violation of deadlines, in case of lost shipment and other violations of customer rights.

    Sending methods are standard: through the public reception located on the official website, and in paper form in person, by mail or courier.


    Sometimes the situation requires calling the police. For example, when expensive poisonings went missing or they were given to another person, intentionally or by mistake. Problems are quickly resolved by staff law enforcement agencies without lengthy investigations: the culprits are found immediately.

    Terms of consideration

    Appeals sent by any means via Russian Post communication channels will be considered within the following time frames:

    • 5 days for claims for shipments and transfers carried out within one locality;
    • All other requests are considered for 30 days;
    • It takes 2-3 months to study complaints regarding international shipments.

    All other organizations consider citizens' appeals within one month.

    Filing a complaint against the Russian Post is not difficult: there are a lot of options and organizations that control the activities of this service. The main task is to choose the most effective levers of influence so that the issue is resolved quickly and without unnecessary delays.

    How should a complaint to Russian Post be formalized correctly? Despite the fast paced, computerized life modern man often resorts to the services of the Russian Post company. This organization became the legal successor of the Soviet postal service. All letters, correspondence, parcels, money transfers, and periodical printed materials are delivered to consumers by this organization.

    The scope of services provided to the population is quite wide, so conflict situations often arise. A person simply does not know how and to whom to write a complaint to the Russian Post Office.

    How to properly file a complaint by email

    When filing a complaint against Russian Post, you need to know several essential requirements. These requirements are specified in legislative framework. You can complain about unsatisfactory postal service either in writing or in print.

    Electronic form of claim

    There are many sites on the Internet where a statement about poor quality mail can be sent electronically.

    Requirements put forward by the Russian Post for electronic appeals:
    1. When clients contact the post office management through the website, the written version of the complaint should not exceed 2 thousand characters.
    2. It is required to fill out the following fields: full name, email address to send the answer to the author.
    3. The electronic version makes it possible to attach documents and materials to the application, but this file should be no more than 5 MB. It can be of any format in the form of one folder without archiving.
    4. All text is written only in Russian, without using the Latin alphabet. It should also be broken down into sentences.
    5. The content of the document must contain a specific description of the problem and proposals for resolving this conflict situation.
    6. Russian Post will accept the claim for consideration if the real postal address consumer.
    7. If the text contains offensive words or profanity, it will be rejected.
    8. You can submit a claim for compensation or damages by attaching a file with a scanned receipt. The receipt must be clear and easy to read.
    9. At the end of the procedure for considering the claim to the author for email a response is sent with the results of the check and the actions taken in connection with this.

    The applicant's data provided is not disclosed or transferred to third parties in accordance with the Russian law on personal data.

    Written form of complaint

    Apply for incorrect operation mail is permitted in writing. To do this, in the branch of the organization you can see a sample complaint to the Russian Post. This will help you arrange it yourself at home.

    Contents of the complaint:
    • Full name, address of the applicant;
    • a comprehensive description of the conflict;
    • options for the applicant's requirements;
    • date and signature.

    A written complaint is submitted at the post office, and can also be sent to the central office at the address: Moscow, Varshavskoe Shosse, 37. Index: 131000. A complaint sent to Moscow emphasizes the serious intentions of the applicant, and if no action is taken, the consumer will go further in solving your problem.

    Calling the hotline

    If a person has no desire to describe a conflict situation on paper, then the Russian Post suggests calling the hotline at 8–800-2005-888. Calls throughout the country are free from all phones. Operators try to quickly respond to criticism and resolve the conflict without bringing the matter to court.

    Where to send a complaint

    How to write a complaint was stated above. Now let’s look at where it’s best to direct it.

    According to the Federal Law “On Postal Services”, as well as the approved Rules for the provision of postal services, all postal services must comply with them.

    If the Law and Rules are not followed, then the client can write a statement about poor performance.

    Where exactly the applicant has the right to apply can be found out from the following sources:

    1. Contact the post office directly, on the sign with useful materials There is a section where the places of reception are listed, as well as the consideration of statements about unfair work of the post office.
    2. 8–800-2005-888 is free phone hotline.
    3. [email protected] is an email address to which every dissatisfied customer can write a message.

    Complaint to the postmaster

    At the post office, on the information board there are specific materials about the reception location and consideration of the application. You can complain to the postmaster orally, but in this option the client will not receive a written response to his complaint and will not know how the offender was punished. A written complaint written to the postmaster is drawn up in two units. The first document goes directly to the boss’s desk, and the second remains in the hands of the applicant. But it is necessary to put a resolution on it to accept the complaint.

    If the claim was written in the singular, then it is necessary to ensure that the document is registered. The applicant will need to write down the registration number so as not to forget it in the future.

    Not all postal managers respond to customer complaints. If a written response has not been received within a month, the applicant can contact a higher-level company, that is, the head of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post in the region. The complaint is also filed, but with only one caveat: it requires to indicate the number and date of the previously written document and note that, according to the law, a written response was not received within the required time frame.

    In every post office, a complaint book hangs in a place visible and accessible to customers. Do not underestimate its importance, because all entries, including negative ones, are transferred to the main post office. There they are examined and the result is rendered. This response is sent in writing to the client and is also attached to the complaint book itself.

    Complaint to RosKomNadzor

    RosKomNadzor is an organization that controls the work of all postal organizations. The easiest way to get to the site is through the official portal public services, of course, if there is registration. If you don’t have one, you can send a written application directly to the office at the address: Moscow, Kitaygorodskoy proezd, 7, 2. Index: 109074.

    When a person receives a complaint regarding the work of the post office, the head office sends it to its territorial office. This department begins to check the contents of the claim, and upon completion sends a full response to the claim originator.