• Dream interpretation mailbox full. Why dream of letters (strangers, in the mailbox, love)

    I often see the same dream, as if I open a mailbox and take out a whole pile of correspondence from there - a lot of letters, packages. I look forward to how interesting all this will be to open and read. Maybe it's a thirst for new experiences?


    This dream is far from being a dream for the first time. I tried to record the events that took place after it, but .... alas ... nothing. But here's what I see:

    I climb the stairs of my former entrance, be sure to check the mailbox .... there is a lot of correspondence: letters, magazines, brochures ... then I immediately find myself in front of the door of my former apartment .... I enter ... the apartment is not up to shine :) ..., but it’s pretty decent in terms of cleanliness ...

    The situation has changed. That's probably all.

    About me:33, female.


    This dream has been repeated for several years. I come to the house where I once lived. I go to the entrance and check the mailbox. There are many envelopes, packages, magazines, letters. I take them out. Never open mail, I think I'll do it at home. I don’t feel any feelings at the same time: neither fear nor delight. I am 23 female.


    I often have a dream that I am standing at the entrance to the garbage chute (where the mailboxes are) in the house in which I lived 20 years ago and changed my apartment a year ago, I left. I am standing there, I know that this is no longer mine, I open my mailbox and take out contents. There are some receipts, scraps of notebook sheets, some newspapers, and letters from acquaintances and strangers, from some men from the army, from other cities. Then some of my acquaintances come into the entrance or say some trifle, or even look at me and are silent. And for some reason I feel very embarrassed that I am there. acquaintances in it change and mail is either more or less. I don’t understand what this means, after this dream I am completely broken. I was terribly tired of it. Because the feeling of discomfort then remains for the whole day.


    04/08/06 Hello, Yaroslav and Arseniy! One night passed without dreams - I had insomnia. And now here's a complete mess. First we moved to the old house where I was born and where we lived (in real life) for sixteen years. My mother and I came through a densely overgrown yard to a small entrance, perfectly repaired. We entered it. I immediately went to the mailbox (very often in my dreams!) with number 78 (we really lived in apartment 78) and opened it. There are two shelves inside, on the first there is some money in banknotes, on the second there are some bright crumpled pieces of paper, like wrappers for sweets or salted nuts. We need to go upstairs, our apartment is on the 5th floor. We go to a beautiful wooden staircase, only very narrow. On the third floor, we are blocked by water taps bolted directly to the railing. A good-natured neighbor comes out of the apartment, he is engaged in business and informs us that he is always ready to treat us with a soft or strong drink. This is very useful, because it's hard to go up the stairs, but we refuse and go higher. We get to the 4th floor. This is a huge terrace, which is “sticky” to the outer wall of the house. Very high. Through flimsy railings. Below is a huge stadium, covered with a thick shell of frosty ice, in the distance - a dump, and on it grows a sprawling willow with needles like pines, some of them yellow. A girl in a tracksuit is running through the stadium. I note to myself that I will also run in the mornings, because the stadium is nearby. At the end of the terrace I see a massive building with columns, like a palace of culture. There is a bright poster, some girls in bright light dresses, and a lively girl in a blue dress with white flowers and two fair-haired goose tails on her head is walking towards me. It turns out that I am lying in bed in a huge bed on the terrace. The girl comes up to me, I easily get to know her. She says that we are neighbors now, and now she arranges interesting events for all the neighbors, mainly for girls, and invites me. Mom and I rejoice at what friendly neighbors are here, how they are in a hurry to help us (on the way upstairs, mom was offered their services: bring furniture, have a bite to eat, help clean the apartment). And we tell each other that we are happy with the move. Although earlier we were afraid that we would be cramped. Then I see myself at work. I dig through old newspapers, accidentally find one and see how on the first page I appear on the list of those convicted for stealing a very valuable ring. I am horrified, because I only saw the editorial ring from afar. And although I was given a suspended sentence (not even a fine), while my colleagues suffered much more, I am outraged at the injustice to the core. And she intends to file a lawsuit to cancel the sentence, because I am not guilty of anything, I need a full justification! Indulgence is not for me. My boss and my colleagues say that nothing terrible happened. I think otherwise. I am wearing a beautiful silver ring with a pink large stone, and the second is heavy, also silver, with a transparent stone and the inscription "Save and save!" But these are my rings. I don't want a working one - thin silver with a bright, bright red stone that glows. The ring of work is a great value. Now he is gone. I demand the phone number of a lawyer, but I myself am convinced that I can handle it on my own. I think in a dream how best to formulate a claim, and whether to file a counterclaim.

    Virtual lo

    This dream had a profound effect on me. It was he who inspired me to register on this site. I really want to understand what is encrypted in it. The beginning of sleep - I see a mailbox, open it, take out a letter, carefully study it and see that it is from my mother, i.e. her last name, first name, and patronymic. I am seized with a slight stupor and strong excitement. (My mother has been dead for 20 years already. Something solid was felt in this letter to the touch. Opening the letter, I first take out some drawings, some written letters, and I understand, that these are my drawings and my letters from childhood. Then I take out a cassette from the letter, and on the side of it, as is the case with ordinary cassettes, there is a paper sticker, and on it is written in my mother's handwriting: "The dream of my whole life." you can listen to this cassette, but I look closely and see that there is no film in it.


    The idea behind this dream is perhaps a bit metaphorical. The thing is, your mom's "dream of my life" is you. Try to imagine yourself as a cassette on which mom recorded everything she wanted. That's why you can't see the film itself, you are the film. The mother experiences her inner reality through her children. For example: Mom is a housewife. Dad is a capitalist. Mom is polite on the outside, but angry at dad on the inside. The son - who expresses the inner reality of the mother - will someday take revenge on the father. He will ruthlessly squander his father's inheritance and destroy his empire. Various psychic dynamics (incentive currents) that come from "an oppressed, divorced, early deceased" parent permeate our affairs through and through. In psychotherapy, this is called "learned feelings." In fact, we have very little of ourselves. Perhaps, on the eve of sleep, you were somehow especially predisposed to being your mother's will. (The unconscious, repressed mother's will, therefore, no one admits to something either to himself or to others, but the children materialize “this”.)

    An ordinary mailbox seen in a dream is a symbolic sign. But what exactly does it mean and what is it dreaming of will help to unravel the dream book. The most popular interpretations will give the most complete picture of the dream, and intuition will help you choose the best interpretation.

    state of mind

    In a dream, this object represents the state of mind of the dreamer. If it is absolutely empty, then loneliness, emptiness and alienation from the world lives in the human soul. Such a dream can hardly be called prophetic; rather, it is a subconscious signal that it is time to make like-minded people and friends.

    There is another interpretation of sleep. Dream Interpretation believes that seeing a mailbox in night dreams is for unexpected news. Especially if there is a package in it. However, the news can be both positive and negative.

    If you dreamed that you yourself were throwing an envelope in the mail, then in the future you will get rid of the bad thoughts that poisoned your life.

    New meetings, news, success

    Particular attention in a dream should be paid to the fullness of this subject. It is these nuances that will give the most accurate information and help determine what the dream is about.

    As already mentioned, an empty box promises loneliness, while at the same time, a full one, according to the interpretation of the dream book, has the opposite meaning. To see that the postman lowers the telegram - to the news from a distant friend or relative.

    In general, a full mailbox promises meeting new people, success in business and insignificant profit. If box full empty before our eyes, then it is not difficult to understand why such a dream is dreaming and on your own. Most likely, your plans will change due to unknown circumstances.


    By the way, today the dreamer can easily dream of an electronic mail with letters. The dream book gives such a dream a very real interpretation. You are probably overwhelmed with work or spend too much time on the World Wide Web.

    It is worth reconsidering your life priorities in favor of spiritual development, and one day you will dream of a mailbox with letters, which will become a sign of a busy life, and not a departure from the world.

    Information in mail

    By the way, the dream book recommends remembering the information that was received. It can be, for example, numbers, names, dates, or descriptions of some events. In this case, the newspaper box can be interpreted as a prophetic dream and wait for its fulfillment in the future.

    If you dreamed that the news related to the letters was good, then in reality it will be possible to earn decent money, if bad, then you should expect trouble. A love message promises a pleasant meeting of a romantic nature.

    Other values

    But the dream book interprets a mailbox with newspapers or glossy magazines as close communication with the world. In reality, the dreamer is waiting for a meeting with interesting people, going out, entertainment and a pleasant stay.

    If in a dream you opened a box with any goods, then you will become the owner of untold wealth. In addition, you will have amazing trips to distant countries, where you will get a lot of positive emotions and delightful impressions.

    An empty box dreams of disappointment in business.

    If a woman saw an empty box in a dream, then she evaluates men only by their sexuality. Thus, it greatly limits the possibility of obtaining new emotions and devices. personal life.

    A box filled with money portends you a pleasant rest from home and office worries.

    Some things were put in a box - in reality you are preparing too carefully for the upcoming meeting with a person you like.

    You are so counting on positive emotions that, unfortunately, nothing will work out. Or you will not meet at all due to some circumstances, or you will quarrel over some nonsense.

    If you dream of a mailbox, then you will soon have news from someone who lives far away from you. You have not seen this person for a long time, but the relationship between you is still very warm.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

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    Dream Interpretation - Box

    A box of goods in a dream - wealth, trips to distant lands.

    An empty box is a disappointment.

    What do you and your friends call a "box"? That's right, TV! Yes, he is also an “empty box”, from which there are only disappointments. Nothing in the world is more interesting than your imagination. No director can make anything like your dreams. Read this dream book again from “a” to “z” and go to bed.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    Dream interpretation mailbox

    A long and painful wait for some kind of news can lead to the fact that night visions turn out to be saturated with images of letters received. Quite often, a symbol of an intermediary between the signs of the subconscious and the process of comprehending reality turns out to be a dreaming mailbox.

    When choosing for yourself one of the options proposed by the interpreter, what the cherished message is dreaming of in a box on the stairwell, consider all the details of dreams.

    As the dream book assures, a box with notes, postcards, parcels personifies the dreamer's internal state, therefore, a hollow compartment in a dream symbolizes the feeling of loneliness experienced.

    If you dream of a mailbox, then the modern interpreter of dreams insists: the sleeping person is in reality surrounded by loyal friends, loyal associates, and in order to implement plans, ideas, plans, you need to seek help from reliable colleagues, business partners.

    Known interpretations

    I dreamed of a letter box

    Common interpretations of mediums, combined with folk beliefs, will help you quickly deal with the signs sent during night visions.

    • To dream of a staircase with letter boxes - the upcoming meeting will change the immediate plans, will radically affect the development of events, - the family dream book interprets.
    • Correspondence, which, according to the plot, fell into the right box, according to Hasse, predicts that a person will be able to catch luck by the tail.
    • Psychoanalyst Miller insists: a dream box for envelopes with information represents future wealth, indicates a significant position in society.

    Love encounters will develop into something more when the thirst for news from a beloved person is dreaming, Freud interprets.

    Receiving a letter

    Why dream that the letter did not reach the addressee? Perhaps there are ill-wishers who in reality hide the truth, try to remove the dreamer from business.

    A dreaming newspaper in a box, as well as receiving any subscription to magazines or almanacs, will tell about the ability to filter the information received, to draw conclusions, guided by sound logic.

    Drop an envelope in a dream

    A similar plot of vision also indicates the person's awareness of a particular issue. Often the value tells about the responsible performance of tasks.

    It happened in dreams to lower the envelope - in reality it will be possible to get rid of obsessive ideas that disturb the soul of thoughts.

    Important information

    If a dream is found in a letter box according to the plot, the interpreter recommends paying special attention to the content, the written material.

    • An empty parcel without an address warns of future troubles for people engaged in entrepreneurial activities.
    • A letter without a stamp is dreaming, which came to the wrong address - the dreamer is overly interested in matters that are not related to him, and excessive curiosity, both in reality and in a dream, is fraught with quarrels, scandals, and a showdown.
    • As the esoteric dream book interprets, a mailbox predicts meetings with interesting people, an empty letter container is a symbol of lonely old age.

    If, according to the scenario, the postman lowered the letter, and the dreamer hurries to pick it up, you will receive long-awaited news that will surely please and reassure.

    state of mind

    Dreamed of an overflowing object

    A full box in a dream will hint at a well-fed life. The vision will not tell people about the future, but will hint at the measured course of life in the present.

    A colorful, visually reminiscent of a foreign box personifies hope, faith in miracles, characterizes a person as an infantile, childish person.

    IN mailbox letters gradually disappear - plans will change, a tailwind will change direction. The news stolen in dreams will indicate that the dreamer is being led by the nose.

    Harbinger of Troubles

    As the saying goes, trouble never comes alone. Why dream of an empty container?

    • A lot of unsorted accounts are a sign that it's time to start dealing with long-abandoned cases.
    • An empty box may be dreamed of by those who are used to solving problems on their own.
    • A box in which letters have not been received for a long time often dreams of troubles and troubles.

    Written good news should be interpreted as a positive omen, and news of the death of a relative or loss of property signals the beginning of a hectic life period.

    Modern technologies

    Why dream emails? The dreamer is too caught up in information space it's time to take a break from modern technologies, take the time to actually communicate.

    The interpreter advises to change priorities in the direction of spiritual development after dreams of receiving spam.

    The letter that came to the "soap" will tell about the huge amount of work, the consequences of which are fraught with nervous breakdowns.

    Possible values

    A lot of mail in a dream is a good harbinger, because a person has a wide circle of friends, influential friends who will not refuse help.

    News about money transfer can be interpreted literally, because in reality a considerable amount will be credited to the account.

    Did you dream of an empty envelope? At home, an unpleasant atmosphere reigned, the intensity of passions, unexpressed aggression will lead to serious scandals.

    The question concerning that interests every person who attaches importance to his visions. And rightly so, because these dreams carry certain meanings. Interpretations differ from each other depending on the presence of certain details in the visions. Therefore, now it is worth considering the different plots of dreams and what explanation they give dream books.

    Interpreter of Gustavus Hindman Miller

    If a person in a dream received a registered letter, then this is not good. It is believed that this vision portends the emergence of financial problems that can adversely affect all areas of life and even destroy old ties. For a woman, this same dream portends the appearance on the horizon of a person who is ready to provide for her. However, it is not certain that she will agree. Perhaps the refusal will be justified by moral views and the fear of being judged by people.

    But that's not all that letters dream of. If the envelope was anonymous, then the person should be prepared for the fact that an unknown malefactor will soon offend him.

    The meaning of shades

    When studying the interpretations that explain why the letters are dreaming, it is worth paying attention to the importance that dream books attach to the colors that appeared in the vision.

    You should be wary if the news was written on colored paper. It is said to portend failure in business and disappointment in love. Even if the words written on paper were nice.

    But bright blue ink is a good sign. They represent constancy, luck and love. But if there was a red color in the letter, then most likely a person will have troubles in his personal life, the cause of which will be jealousy.

    Depression dreams of receiving news written on black paper in white ink. Despondency cannot be avoided, but close and dear people will definitely help to cope with it.

    Dream Interpretation of Sigmund Freud

    This book of interpretations is also able to explain why the letter is dreaming. It is believed that it represents a woman. Accordingly, receiving or sending a letter portends the dreamer the beginning of a relationship.

    But that's not all. Sometimes in a dream a person receives a letter from a member of the opposite sex. This suggests that in reality he strives for thrills in a relationship. Approximately the same is foreshadowed by a vision in which a man received a letter from a representative of his same sex. Or a woman from a girl.

    Satisfaction with sex life, in turn, reflects a vision in which the sleeper writes a letter on good paper to a person of the opposite sex. If he hurriedly sketched lines on a crumpled piece of paper or on a scrap, then this indicates his dissatisfaction with what is happening on the “personal front”. But a dream in which a person tears a letter to shreds portends a violent passion and romantic adventures.

    Interpreter of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

    It will not be superfluous to turn to this source of information if you want to know what is dreaming of. Receive a letter in an envelope - to separation. But again, the details matter. If a letter was sent by a friend, then it is worth considering whether the dreamer has moved away from him too much? Is there some weakening of the feelings that bind them? If so, it would not hurt to contribute to the revival of the "spark".

    The cooling of relations is also foreshadowed by the news sent to the dreamer by his real "soul mate". If in reality the couple broke up a long time ago, then such a dream promises to receive unexpected news.

    Was the letter black? This is also not good, since such a symbol portends separation, which cannot be avoided. And it will bring great sadness. Also, nothing good should be expected if in a dream a person received a letter from a stranger. Perhaps, in reality, someone will try to drag him into an unwanted story.

    Dream Interpretation from "A" to "Z"

    This book is also able to explain why many letters in envelopes are dreamed of. The meaning of the vision depends on the sensations that the person experienced at that moment. Was he pleasantly excited by a mailbox filled with letters? This is good news from afar. Was he worried? This is a warning. If a crucial moment is coming, implying the dreamer making any important decision, he should become more responsible, attentive, and also less hasty.

    I would also like to talk about what other people's letters dream about. Here, as in many other cases, the details matter. The envelope had the address of the dreamer, but the contents of the message had nothing to do with him? This suggests that soon a person will be pointed out to his mistakes solely out of good intentions, but he will take everything as an insult.

    But if the dreamer deliberately read letters intended for someone else, then the dream should be taken as a sign that speaks of the loss of his independence and inability to make decisions without help.

    Interpreter of the 21st century

    There are many interesting things to read in this book. If a person dreams of a letter on official letterhead sent from some organization, then you should be wary - perhaps someone wants to spoil his reputation.

    Nothing good is promised by the vision in which the valuable message in the envelope is lost. This promises a break with the person whom the sleeper considered almost a deity. Burning the letter, in turn, represents the rejection of opportunities and prospects for personal reasons.

    In the event that a person rewrote a letter in a dream, or tried to reproduce it in another way, then there is a high probability that he will actually do useless work.

    But you should be especially wary when you dream of waiting for an answer from the one to whom the message in the envelope was sent. If a person cannot wait for a letter in any way, then in real life he may be struck by an unexpected blow. And very unpredictable.

    Women's dream book

    This interpreter is also worth a look. Ladies often dream of a love letter. So, if an envelope with intimate content was stolen from a girl, and they tried to blackmail her with this, then this suggests that very soon she will be disappointed in loved ones.

    Had a chance to write a romantic message to your loved one on your own? This is to commit irreparable mistakes.

    If a girl dreams of a letter from a man, which she tries to hide from prying eyes, then in reality she will have to worry about a person showing attention to a young man who is not indifferent.

    There are several more visions that are interpreted in a negative way. These include a dream in which they try to intercept the girl's letter. He warns - perhaps they will try to slander her in front of her lover. Not good and the vision, according to the plot of which the chosen one of the girl took away the letter from her. This is to the appearance of unworthy hobbies in him, capable of disgracing her in reality.

    And the dream is interpreted quite sadly, in which the girl gives the letter to her chosen one, and he returns it to her. This portends separation, quarrel and disagreement.

    Interpreter of medium Hasse

    He is also able to help understand why a mailbox full of letters is dreaming. This vision is considered positive. Because the mailbox symbolizes wealth. The more letters it contains, the better. And if there were also newspapers in it, then in the near future a person will realize all his plans and ideas, since he will finally have all the information necessary for this. About the same thing means the dream in which he wrote the letter.

    It is useful to know that the sealing of the envelope represents some kind of mystery. The sudden finding of a letter promises a promotion at work. Reading an emergency message warns of danger. A letter sketched in a hurry indicates that a person will soon have to correct the mistakes he has made.

    English dream book

    Something interesting about the meaning of visions can be learned by referring to this book of interpretations. It says that receiving a letter - good sign, portending gifts, pleasant surprises, and at least unexpected positive news from a person about whom nothing has been heard for many years.

    If the dreamer himself sent an envelope to someone, then this is also good. They say that after such a vision, situations usually occur in which the opportunity to commit a generous and noble act is tucked up. And you should definitely do it. Not only because then it will be possible to be proud of the perfect. It's just nice to help out.

    News from the Other World

    There are visions that are disturbing. And these include those in which letters from the deceased are dreamed. What is it for? It is customary to perceive such a vision as a warning about deceit on the part of business partners or close people, which the sleeper will soon have to face. It is not recommended to recklessly trust everyone, and especially barely familiar individuals. By the way, this same vision is often perceived as a harbinger of unexpected news.

    Many are also interested in what the letter sent to the deceased is dreaming of. In fact, this is the worst vision, since it portends death.

    General interpreter

    Finally, it is worth noting the attention to the meaning of the vision in question, which is given by the popular general dream book.

    If a person saw himself sitting at a table and writing a message for someone, then soon he will happen to be visiting. And in an unfamiliar house. If he typed text on a computer, then one of his good friends will send him an invitation to visit for any reason.

    Did you get a simple letter? This is to the fact that the dreamer will soon have the opportunity to receive a rare, but extremely honored guest in his house. The main thing is that a person does not receive a letter from his close friend (or does not send him a message in response). In real life, this brings joy, but a vision with the same plot promises a quarrel.

    By the way, even a letter can be a harbinger of good luck and the onset of a bright streak in life. But this is the case if it contained hieroglyphs, unusual drawings or rhyming lines.

    As you can see, a dream with the same plot can be interpreted in different ways. That is why, wanting to understand its meaning, you need to take into account all the remembered details, and turn to several interpreters, and not to one.