• Megaphone customer service number. Megaphone help desk, personal account and technical support

    Contact with reference Megafon– the easiest way to solve any problem with cellular communication. Most users prefer this method to office visits service and attempts to deal with the “Service Guide”. However, it is not always possible to call the Megafon helpline from a mobile phone - that is why it is necessary to indicate all the contact details with the operator.

    How to call the Megafon help desk from a mobile phone?

    For Megafon subscribers there is a single short number 0500. Calling this number is completely free, regardless of whether you are calling from your region or from intranet roaming. To communicate with a “live” consultant, you need to press the number 0 in conversation mode.

    To subscribers of others mobile operators you need to dial the entire helpline number, namely 88003330500. It is also free and available 24 hours a day.

    If you need to call the Megafon help desk with home phone, you must dial the number in full format, as when calling from a SIM card of another operator.

    Megafon helpline number for contacting a virtual consultant

    In order to obtain information, you can also contact the virtual consultant Megafon (number 88005500500) - a program that is being actively refined and improved. A virtual consultant can tell you how to connect or disconnect a particular service, but explaining where the money goes from the number is beyond the scope of his competence. On at the moment a virtual consultant is not very popular among subscribers who prefer to deal with “live” specialists, but attitudes may change when the robot learns to solve all problems.

    The virtual consultant is also available at 88005500767. Important: calls to the virtual consultant from numbers of other operators are charged.

    You can contact the Megafon help desk while in another country by calling +79261110500. At the same time, it is important not to change +7 to 8, because this is the country code of Russia. The call will also be free exclusively for Megafon subscribers.

    Telephone numbers of Megafon help services Moscow and St. Petersburg

    To contact Megafon Moscow you can dial the number +74955077777. This number is free when calling from the Moscow region, but for provincials it is better to use other, less expensive communication methods.

    The Megafon helpline number for North-West Russia (including St. Petersburg) is as follows: +78129600500. When calling from international roaming, you should use a different number: +79211110500.

    There are many different ways to contact the Megafon helpline, however, you should be careful if you are calling from another operator - in this case, some of the listed numbers are charged.

    Most of the services that Megafon provides can be activated independently. For this purpose, there is a short number 0500. By pressing the keys dictated by the answering machine, the desired service or function is selected, and the listened information becomes a guide to the given goal. However, often the autoinformer’s explanations do not provide a detailed answer to the question or the explanation is not clear. It may also happen that you do everything in accordance with what you hear, but there is no result. Or there is no information about your problem in the answering machine database at all. In this case it is required live communication with a qualified specialist.

    Megafon is always happy to help its customers contact the operator and get an answer to their question. There are several ways to do this.

    How to contact Megafon operator via cell phone

    To hear the operator’s response, you need to call the short number 0500 specially designed for this. You can use this service from your phone, even if it has a minus balance. For Megafon subscribers this call is completely free. The short number 0500 is federal number, the same for all residents of any region of Russia.

    The autoinformer will give a short consultation, after which it will be clear whether this information is enough for you or whether you need the help of a competent specialist. If the answering machine information is not enough, press “0”. Automatic service will warn you that Call Center conversations are being recorded, and will also indicate the waiting time for a response from the operator. After waiting for a connection with a specialist, explain your problem in detail and politely and try to solve it together with the operator.

    You can also contact the Megafon operator by calling the hotline +79261110500 (for residents of Moscow), 88003330500, +74955077777, 88005500500 (for all other regions).

    How to contact Megafon operator via the Internet

    Another option to get a response from the Megafon operator is to contact him through the official website of the company megafon.ru. in this case, you can count on an online consultation through the video camera built into your computer. On home page On the site you need to find the “Help” section, from there go to the “Ask a question” tab and click on the “Video call” button. This option is suitable for those Megafon subscribers whose computer is equipped with a web camera and microphone, and whose Internet speed is high enough so that the connection does not break or freeze.

    If your Internet speed is insufficient and you couldn’t get a video consultation, Megafon’s website offers help from an Online specialist. It is located in the same “Help” section.

    Here, on the official website, you can find an email address or the “Feedback” section, where you can get an answer to your question. Just fill out the standard form or write an email. Please check that your email address is correct for your region.

    If all of the above methods for some reason did not produce results, and the question related to Megafon cellular communications remains open, you can try to state it in an SMS message, which should be sent to number 0500. You should receive an answer in the near future.

    Company technical service cellular communication Megafon works around the clock, so the problem can be solved at any time.

    If you have problems with mobile communication, you can call the service technical support Megaphone from your mobile, landline or any other handy phone. To solve a problem with cellular communication services, it is not necessary to contact service center company, you can always make a call to the Megafon operator.

    Megafon technical support consultants will answer all subscribers’ questions, assist in setting up various services, report the current account balance, issue a financial certificate and tell where the funds were written off. You can also get high-quality advice on tariff plans or leave a complaint about communications in a certain area.

    How to call Megafon technical support from a mobile phone

    All calls to Megafon technical support are free of charge for subscribers. Any subscriber, even with negative balance, has the opportunity to make a call to the Megafon operator for free.
    For quick and convenient communication with the operator, you need to dial only four digits - 0500 . By using this number, the caller is directed to an automatic voice menu.

    There he can get necessary information by contacting a consultant directly, and also listen to voice guidance. For care with automatic mode and communicating directly with the operator, you need to listen to voice prompts. Unfortunately, the number 0500 is only available to subscribers of this operator, for consultation with mobile phones other operators must be used special numbers Megafon technical support telephone numbers.

    Recently, users can contact another technical support number. It is typed in a format familiar to everyone 8-800-550-05-00 . By calling it you will be taken to an automatic menu from which you can contact the support service directly using voice prompts.

    If you are tired of waiting a long time for an operator to respond, you have the opportunity to use a virtual consultant. There is no automatic voice menu. To solve your problem, you just need to ask a virtual consultant, wait and listen to his answer. At the same time, it is important to ask questions clearly and concisely, since they are being listened to by a robot with speech recognition function, and not by a real person. Calls to this number and contacting a virtual consultant is free only for Megafon subscribers.
    The company's corporate clients can call the Megafon operator free of charge at 0555, which is easy to remember.

    How to call Megafon technical support from your home phone

    There are different situations when your phone is dead or you simply don’t have it at hand, and you need to make a call to the Megafon operator. In this case, you can use your home phone by dialing 8-800-333-05-00 , and again wait for the consultant’s response. As soon as a free operator becomes available, he will help solve any of your problems. Calls to this number are free from all over Russia.

    There is no desire to read the entire article and you urgently need to find out the number of the Megafon operator? Call 0500 . If you need to reach an operator from a landline phone or another mobile operator, use the number 8 800 550 05 00 . To receive detailed information For information on how to contact a Megafon contact center specialist, read the entire article.

    Subscribers of the Megafon operator regularly have many questions regarding services mobile communications. It is not always possible to find the answer to a question on your own, and then the only solution is to contact the customer support center. The problem is that not all subscribers know the number of the Megafon operator and alternative ways contacting support. Why are alternative solutions needed? Everyone knows that waiting for a response from a contact center specialist can take a lot of time, and in some cases it is more convenient to use other methods of contacting the support service.

    Single operator number Megafon 0500 . When you need to call the help center from a landline phone or another mobile operator, you should use the number 8 800 550 05 00 . If you are in international roaming, then for free communication with the operator you need to call +7 926 111 05 00 .

    The purpose of this article is not only to introduce you to all the numbers of the Megafon operator. As part of this review, we will take a detailed look at the process of contacting the support service, tell you more quickly and what alternative methods of communication are available today.

    Megafon operator numbers

    The Megafon company has provided its subscribers with the opportunity to contact the support service from anywhere in the world at any time without paying for the call. That is, you can call the operator absolutely free of charge both from any region of Russia and when you are abroad, and it does not matter at what time the call will be made. True, there is a small nuance here. The Megafon operator number will differ depending on the specific situation. If the call is made in international roaming, the number will be one; if from the territory of Russia, then communication with the customer support center will be established by dialing a completely different number.

    IN present moment The following numbers from the Megafon operator are relevant:

    • 0500 (if the call is made from a Megafon SIM card);
    • 8 800 550 05 00 (if a mobile phone of another operator or a landline phone is used to communicate with the operator);
    • +7 926 111 05 00 (if the subscriber is in roaming);
    • 0555 (number help center Megaphone for corporate clients).
    • Attention
    • Call the Megafon operator from landline phone you can use the number 8 800 550 05 00. There are also separate support numbers for some regions. You can find out the number that is relevant for your region on the official Megafon website.

    Above are all the currently relevant numbers of the Megafon help center. Some subscribers just need to know the number, others are directly interested in the process of connecting to a “live” operator. If you are among them, then the next part of the article will be useful for you. You should understand that after calling any of the above numbers there will not be an instant connection with a specialist and before that you will have to complete a series of simple actions which will be described below.

    1. 0500 . If your device has a Megafon SIM card, then you can safely use this short number to communicate with the operator. After calling the specified number, you will be taken to the voice menu. In order not to waste time, you can try pressing buttons 1 and 0 alternately. After this, you will be informed of the waiting time for a specialist’s response. If all else fails, follow the instructions from the autoinformer. The fact is that the voice menu may differ depending on the region, in addition, it often changes at the initiative of the operator.
    2. 8 800 550 05 00 . This number is suitable in all cases except roaming. That is, you can call the operator on this number for free both from a landline phone and from a mobile phone of another operator. As in the previous case, you will be taken to a single voice menu, so subsequent actions will be similar.
    3. +7 926 111 05 00 . If you want to contact the support service for free while abroad, then you need this particular Megafon operator number. The numbers above will not work for you. The connection to the support service will take place via feedback. We recommend that you learn more about the “” service.
    4. 0555 . For corporate clients, Megafon has provided the opportunity to contact a specialized help center, which is available at this number. The principle of connecting to an operator is no different from previous cases.
    • Attention
    • The voice menu that the subscriber enters will be the same regardless of which operator number you used. However, some differences are possible depending on the region, and changes may also be made at the initiative of Megafon. Therefore, slight deviations from the above instructions are possible, but the essence remains the same.

    Alternative ways to contact the support center

    Everyone has long known that the support service of any operator is not particularly efficient and Megafon is no exception. Of course, the help center employee will be very polite, but the problem here is different. Very often, subscribers have to wait a long time for the operator to respond. We are not able to influence the workload of the contact center, therefore, knowing the Megafon operator number, it will not always be possible to get a quick answer to the question. If you do not have the time or desire to wait for a specialist to answer you, you can use one of the methods below to contact support.

    You can get an answer to your question regarding Megafon mobile communications:

    • Via SMS message;
    • Via the feedback form on the official Megafon website;
    • Via email address;
    • Through (Service Guide).

    As you can see, there are many alternative ways to solve the problem. Let's look at each of the above methods separately.

    1. You can send your question to toll free number 0500, and the answer will come in the form of a return SMS message. Unfortunately, this method cannot be classified as operational. A response SMS message can arrive either in a minute or after a few hours.
    2. You can contact support through the operator’s official website. To do this, you need to use the feedback form. You will be asked to indicate the topic of the appeal and state your question in detail. You will also be asked to select your preferred response option. The answer may come to email or the operator will call you and help you solve the problem.
    3. Operator Megafon accepts questions by email. Email will vary depending on your region. If you are a resident of Moscow, then the address will be relevant for you [email protected]. There are quite a few regions in Russia, so here is the entire list email addresses We will not discuss Megafon support services as part of this review. You can easily find this information yourself on the operator’s website.
    4. Almost any issue can be resolved independently using your personal account. Service Guide provides subscribers with many opportunities. In addition, through your personal account you can ask a specialist a question via online chat.
    • Attention
    • If your question requires detailed clarification, it will be more convenient to call a “live” operator rather than correspond by SMS or email.

    It would seem that it is enough to simply find out the number of the Megafon operator, and any issue will be resolved in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, not everything is so simple and, as you already understand, the workload of the help center can significantly delay the time of receiving an answer to your question. To quickly reach the Megafon operator, you should follow simple tips, which will be discussed below. Of course, they will not be relevant in all cases, but some subscribers may still find them useful.

    1) The most heavy load to Megafon help centers at the beginning and end of the month, so during this period it is most difficult to reach an operator.

    2) If you don’t want to waste your nerves waiting for a response from a Megafon support specialist, then you shouldn’t try to get through on a Friday evening.

    3) During the summer holidays, the number of calls to the support service increases significantly. As a rule, most requests relate to roaming. As a result, the waiting time for an operator response increases.

    4) In the evening and at night it is much easier to reach the Megafon help center than during the daytime. The same can be said on weekends, when the line is busier than usual. weekdays. Therefore, the easiest way to get through is on a weekday evening or at night.

    This is where we will end this review. Now you know all the numbers of the Megafon operator and alternative methods of communication. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

    Many subscribers of the Megafon operator at least once face the need to receive answers to important issues regarding mobile communications. Some people have problems connecting to services, others need information about debiting funds, others want to know how to switch to new tariff. To resolve all these issues, you can call the Megafon hotline number or contact consultants in other ways.

    Officially, the telephone and other contacts of the Megafon operator hotline work around the clock. However, subscribers should be aware of some features of the support service:

    • they are least likely to turn to operators for help in the evening and at night, so it will be easier to get through during these hours;
    • loading on weekends subscriber service The megaphone is higher and the chances of getting a quick response are reduced;
    • maximum load contact centers companies - on Friday evenings, at the beginning and end of the month.

    The number of calls to the support service also increases during the summer holidays - most subscribers are interested in roaming and promotions. On weekdays, during normal business hours, the load on service numbers and other contacts is average.

    Options for contacting consultants

    You can contact hotline operators in 2018 in different ways:

    • call the service number;
    • send SMS to a specific number;
    • ask a question on a social network;
    • use for treatment special form on the company website;
    • visit any branch of the company.

    All options are convenient and accessible to any client of the company. The appropriate method should be selected depending on Internet access and the user’s desires.

    Call the contact number

    To call the help desk, the subscriber needs to call 0500 or 0505, available to all Megafon SIM card holders throughout the Russian Federation. The call, regardless of the call time, is free.

    If for some reason it is not possible to call a consultant from a Megafon SIM card, you should try contacting support from a number of another operator. To contact the hotline, dial the numbers 8-800-550-0500. The service will be paid in accordance with the tariffs of another company.

    You should know: A subscriber in roaming can also use the support service by calling +7-926-111-0500. The service is paid, and it is recommended to save numbers that are not easy to remember in your contact list when going abroad.

    Send SMS message

    Megafon users can also receive remote support via SMS. To receive information, you should send a message with the text of the question to the number 0500. The time until a response depends on the consultants’ workload.

    Message length by service number not standardized. The service is free for Megafon subscribers - but only in the Russian Federation. When sending a message while roaming, you will be charged according to the selected roaming tariff.

    Write a question on a social network

    For the convenience of users of the company's services, Megafon maintains contact with them via social media. You can find operator consultants on the following resources:

    You can try contacting consultants through the website livejournal.com and the portal Habrahabr.ru. However, asking questions on social media. networks are more convenient, and answers come faster. Here you can get acquainted with the problems faced by other subscribers. The method is available to users already registered on one of these resources.

    Use chat or feedback form

    The list of ways that the operator’s client can obtain the necessary information includes contacting the website mobile operator. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Open main page.
    2. Select the support section located on the right, at the very end of the list on the first line.
    3. Go to frequently asked questions.
    4. Try to find answers to your questions or immediately write to the support service using the “Write to us” form located here.

    When sending a question, the subscriber is asked to indicate his data (phone number, full name, other contacts) and describe the problem. The service responds within 24 hours, sending email to the address specified in the application. If necessary, next to the same form you can find other contacts for communication - including a link to your Personal Account, which has a special chat for clients to communicate with specialists.

    Visit the nearest company office

    If a subscriber has problems logging into the Internet, sending SMS or making calls, it is worth using the last method - contacting the nearest (or convenient for the client) company office. Megafon employees can not only answer any questions related to its services, but also help:

    • advise the client on current tariffs;
    • disconnect or connect tariff plan or service;
    • configure incorrectly working options.

    The method is available to any subscriber who has the time and opportunity to visit the company’s office. When applying, you must have your passport with you. To a client without documents, employees will provide only verbal support, but are not required to help set up the phone.

    List of all Megafon support contacts

    You can contact the support services of your mobile operator using the following contacts:

    • Megafon help desk numbers – 0500 and 0505;
    • Megafon information service for another mobile operator - 8-800-550-0500;
    • number for questions in roaming – +7-926-111-0500;
    • To receive information from the support service via SMS, you need to send a message to Megafon 0500.

    Get information on social media. networks can be accessed at vk.com/megafon, ok.ru/megafon and facebook.com/MegaFon.ru. To contact representatives of the operator via LiveJournal, go to ru-megafon.livejournal.com.