• Megafon hotline. Megafon Help Desk - Operator Phone

    The need to contact the help desk of a mobile operator has arisen at least once for almost every mobile user. Calls to the Megafon customer service are made not only in complex and confusing situations; most often people ask simple questions that require an urgent answer. The answer is so urgent that there is neither the time nor the desire to look for the necessary information on your own.

    For example, most users are interested in choosing the optimal tariff; asks about the list of connected services; clarifies what Megafon features are available for a specific model of mobile phone, tablet, etc. Often, before traveling abroad, people forget to activate the roaming service and contact the operator while on the road by dialing the help desk number.

    A considerable number of questions are received on the topic of payments, subscribers are interested in the procedure and conditions for their implementation, the availability of options for replenishing the balance, etc. There are a large number of mobile communications users who do not use the Internet and are not familiar with USSD request services - they make up the vast majority of callers to the help desk.

    Whatever help service the user chooses, the mobile operator is always interested in providing high-quality services to all categories of clients, which presupposes the availability of ample opportunities for communication with the help service. Let's look at an example of how to contact the Megafon help desk.

    How to call the Megafon helpline?

    A call to the Megafon help desk for the operator's subscribers is made to the Megafon short number by dialing 0500 . It is possible to send a message to a specified number. In the second option, the answer will also be received by receiving a message with the necessary information to your mobile phone number.

    All conversations and negotiations via messages with a reference number are made free of charge and are available only in Russia. For tablet owners, the operator has developed a special online form of communication via the Internet. On the Megafon website, each user has the opportunity to fill out the proposed welcome form, indicating the requested data and receive advice via chat. The Megafon contact center is always available to users.

    Megafon phone for calls from numbers of other operators

    When consultation is required, but it is not possible to call from the operator’s mobile number (for example, the phone’s battery runs out while on the road), you can always contact the Megafon help desk via the number 8-800-550-0500 .

    Megafon hotline is a service of direct communication with a company specialist, where you can ask any questions and receive comprehensive answers. Megafon subscriber service operates around the clock. There is another Megafon hotline number 8-800-550-07-67 , but this is an automatic help service where it is possible to obtain a standard list of information about the company’s services.

    The convenience of the automatic service lies in the ability to obtain comprehensive information on frequently asked questions about the company’s tariff policy, new offers on the market, methods of connecting services, etc. All calls to the Megafon help desk from numbers of other operators are subject to a fee.

    Megafon contact center for roaming subscribers

    When you need to contact Megafon representatives while roaming, you should dial +7 926 111 0500. Obviously, it is not always possible to look for a complex number while roaming; it is difficult to remember. As a result, the recommendation is to enter the number in your own telephone directory.

    Other types of communication with the Megafon contact center

    Megafon has its own services on Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, LiveJournal, Facebook, as well as a blog on the Habrahabr.ru portal. There is an opportunity to ask questions to company representatives and receive an answer in the same mode. The company provides answers as quickly and completely as possible. There is an element of interest in creating an optimal image on social networks.

    This fact indicates that the company does not shy away from publicity, has an open policy and is interested in developing direct dialogue with its own user audiences. Objective open information on social networks allows Megafon to quickly monitor the wishes of its own target audience, to be a useful and in-demand mobile operator.

    Like any company, Megafon has the opportunity to contact a support operator by contacting the company's email address, going to the official website and sending a message to the specified email address. Have fun communicating on a service convenient for you!

    To talk to a specialist from the unified hotline for support of Megafon OJSC subscribers, call the number

    Don't hang up, listen to what the auto-voice assistant said. Then you need to wait until the specialist in the call center is free.

    During the period of the highest flow of calls to the mobile operator's hotline, short delays in servicing subscribers cannot be ruled out. You will be notified when the operator begins service again.

    It is worth noting that the Megafon help desk number is, but it is only available for calls from the Megafon number. And you need to call the support service from landline numbers and other mobile numbers in the Russian Federation at 8 800 550 0500.

    The Megafon operator and its hotline, as well as the technical support service for cellular subscribers, operate around the clock and are available in all regions of the Russian Federation.

    Megafon help desk telephone number for long-distance calls and from numbers of other operators

    There are situations in life when you need advice from a hotline specialist, but the phone number that works with the required operator is simply not at hand. There is no need to despair, the treasured number of the Megafon help service can be dialed from a mobile phone using a SIM card of any operator, as well as from a landline number. As already mentioned, this number is 8 800 550 0500. The most important thing to know is that calls on it are absolutely free, so you can find out any question without spending a penny.

    Many subscribers who try to call the help desk complain that sometimes it is extremely difficult to do so, all operators are busy. To prevent such situations from arising, it is worth remembering the following important rules:

    • The service is busiest on weekends and Friday evenings;
    • The easiest way to reach the hotline is at night or in the evening;
    • In summer, during holidays, the number of calls also increases due to questions about summer promotions and roaming tariffs.

    Other types of communication with the Megafon contact center

    To begin with, here is very useful advice on how to get through to the Megafon subscriber service operator within a short period of time. If it is impossible to reach the call center for a long time, then there is one way to quickly and effectively “reach out” to the Megafon operator - via SMS. To carry out such a consultation, you need to send an SMS message from your device with the question asked to the hotline.

    And finally, if the above-mentioned methods of communication with the Megafon subscriber support service are not available, all that remains is to try writing a message to the operator on social networks: Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter and others.

    Alternative ways to contact Megafon's contact center:

    • Via online chat or customer contact form on the Megafon OJSC website;
    • Through a blog on the website Habrahabr.ru.

    Calls to the Megafon helpline for people abroad

    If a subscriber has a reason to call the Megafon information support service outside the Russian Federation from roaming, he needs to dial the following international number: +7 926 111 05 00. It is worth remembering that calls to the single number 0500 are not available while roaming.

    If, while in another country, for some reason you cannot reach the operator of the Megafon information center, you can also write to the support service using other possible means of communication - websites and social networks. For complete and current information, you can always visit the company’s official website – www.megafon.ru.

    There is no desire to read the entire article and you urgently need to find out the number of the Megafon operator? Call 0500 . If you need to reach an operator from a landline phone or another mobile operator, use the number 8 800 550 05 00 . For detailed information on how to contact a Megafon contact center specialist, read the entire article.

    Subscribers of the Megafon operator regularly have many questions regarding mobile communication services. It is not always possible to find the answer to a question on your own, and then the only solution is to contact the customer support center. The problem is that not all subscribers know the Megafon operator number and alternative ways to contact support. Why are alternative solutions needed? Everyone knows that waiting for a response from a contact center specialist can take a lot of time, and in some cases it is more convenient to use other methods of contacting the support service.

    Single operator number Megafon 0500 . When you need to call the help center from a landline phone or another mobile operator, you should use the number 8 800 550 05 00 . If you are in international roaming, then to contact the operator for free, you need to call +7 926 111 05 00 .

    The purpose of this article is not only to introduce you to all the numbers of the Megafon operator. As part of this review, we will take a detailed look at the process of contacting the support service, tell you more quickly and what alternative methods of communication are available today.

    Megafon operator numbers

    The Megafon company has provided its subscribers with the opportunity to contact the support service from anywhere in the world at any time without paying for the call. That is, you can call the operator absolutely free of charge both from any region of Russia and when you are abroad, and it does not matter at what time the call will be made. True, there is a small nuance here. The Megafon operator number will differ depending on the specific situation. If the call is made in international roaming, the number will be one; if from the territory of Russia, then communication with the customer support center will be established by dialing a completely different number.

    The following Megafon operator numbers are currently relevant:

    • 0500 (if the call is made from a Megafon SIM card);
    • 8 800 550 05 00 (if a mobile phone of another operator or a landline phone is used to communicate with the operator);
    • +7 926 111 05 00 (if the subscriber is in roaming);
    • 0555 (Megafon help center number for corporate clients).
    • Attention
    • You can call the Megafon operator from a landline phone using the number 8 800 550 05 00. There are also separate support numbers for some regions. You can find out the number that is relevant for your region on the official Megafon website.

    Above are all the currently relevant numbers of the Megafon help center. Some subscribers just need to know the number, while others are interested in the process of connecting to a “live” operator. If you are among them, then the next part of the article will be useful for you. You should understand that after calling any of the above numbers there will not be an instant connection with a specialist and before that you will have to perform a number of simple steps that will be described below.

    1. 0500 . If your device has a Megafon SIM card, then you can safely use this short number to communicate with the operator. After calling the specified number, you will be taken to the voice menu. In order not to waste time, you can try pressing buttons 1 and 0 alternately. After this, you will be informed of the waiting time for a specialist’s response. If all else fails, follow the instructions from the autoinformer. The fact is that the voice menu may differ depending on the region, in addition, it often changes at the initiative of the operator.
    2. 8 800 550 05 00 . This number is suitable in all cases except roaming. That is, you can call the operator on this number for free both from a landline phone and from a mobile phone of another operator. As in the previous case, you will be taken to a single voice menu, so subsequent actions will be similar.
    3. +7 926 111 05 00 . If you want to contact support for free while abroad, then you need this particular Megafon operator number. The numbers above will not work for you. The connection with the support service will take place via feedback. We recommend that you learn more about the “” service.
    4. 0555 . For corporate clients, Megafon has provided the opportunity to contact a specialized help center, which is available at this number. The principle of connecting to an operator is no different from previous cases.
    • Attention
    • The voice menu that the subscriber enters will be the same regardless of which operator number you used. However, some differences are possible depending on the region, and changes may also be made at the initiative of Megafon. Therefore, slight deviations from the above instructions are possible, but the essence remains the same.

    Alternative ways to contact the support center

    Everyone has long known that the support service of any operator is not particularly efficient and Megafon is no exception. Of course, the help center employee will be very polite, but the problem here is different. Very often, subscribers have to wait a long time for the operator to respond. We are not able to influence the workload of the contact center, therefore, knowing the Megafon operator number, it will not always be possible to get a quick answer to the question. If you do not have the time or desire to wait for a specialist to answer you, you can use one of the methods below to contact support.

    You can get an answer to your question regarding Megafon mobile communications:

    • Via SMS message;
    • Via the feedback form on the official Megafon website;
    • Via email address;
    • Through (Service Guide).

    As you can see, there are many alternative ways to solve the problem. Let's look at each of the above methods separately.

    1. You can send your question to the toll-free number 0500, and the answer will come as a return SMS message. Unfortunately, this method cannot be classified as operational. A response SMS message can arrive either in a minute or after a few hours.
    2. You can contact support through the operator’s official website. To do this, you need to use the feedback form. You will be asked to indicate the topic of the appeal and state your question in detail. You will also be asked to select your preferred response option. The answer may come by email, or the operator will call you and help you solve the problem.
    3. Operator Megafon accepts questions by email. Email will vary depending on your region. If you are a resident of Moscow, then the address will be relevant for you [email protected]. There are quite a few regions in Russia, so we will not provide the entire list of email addresses for the Megafon support service as part of this review. You can easily find this information yourself on the operator’s website.
    4. Almost any issue can be resolved independently using your personal account. Service Guide provides subscribers with many opportunities. In addition, through your personal account you can ask a specialist a question via online chat.
    • Attention
    • If your question requires detailed clarification, then it will be more convenient to call a “live” operator rather than correspond by SMS or email.

    It would seem that it is enough to simply find out the number of the Megafon operator, and any issue will be resolved in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, not everything is so simple and, as you already understand, the workload of the help center can significantly delay the time of receiving an answer to your question. To get through to the Megafon operator faster, you should follow simple tips, which will be discussed below. Of course, they will not be relevant in all cases, but some subscribers may still find them useful.

    1) The heaviest load on Megafon’s help centers is at the beginning and end of the month, so during this period it is most difficult to reach an operator.

    2) If you don’t want to waste your nerves waiting for a response from a Megafon support specialist, then you shouldn’t try to get through on a Friday evening.

    3) During the summer holidays, the number of calls to the support service increases significantly. As a rule, most requests relate to roaming. As a result, the waiting time for an operator response increases.

    4) In the evening and at night it is much easier to reach the Megafon help center than during the day. The same can be said about weekends, when the line is busier than on weekdays. Therefore, the easiest way to get through is on a weekday evening or at night.

    This is where we will end this review. Now you know all the numbers of the Megafon operator and alternative methods of communication. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

    Megafon tries in every possible way to help its subscribers in solving various issues. There is a special help desk for this purpose. All residents of the country can use it. The operator also offers help on the official website and provides technical support online.

    The number available to subscribers of the company is 8-800-550-0500 or 0500. You can call the helpline from both landline and mobile phones absolutely free. Calls to these numbers are free of charge, paid directly by the company and valid throughout the country. If you are calling from a mobile phone, then it is better to dial a short number.

    For service in roaming and the capital, there is a separate telephone number - +7-926-111-0500 (toll-free). In this case, subscribers can also call +7-495-507-7777. There is a fee for using this certificate. This option is best used if you are calling from outside the country.

    The following issues can be resolved over the phone:

    • quality of service;
    • working with services and options;
    • tariffs;
    • Internet and so on.

    It should be noted that money may be charged for connecting various options and services.

    Personal account

    If you need some kind of help, you do not have to call the indicated Megafon number from your mobile phone. You can use your phone to log into the Service Guide. This system allows subscribers to control and manage options and services. If the subscriber uses this service for the first time, then he needs to obtain a special password using hints. The account is available on the Megafon website.

    To obtain detailed information about all the features and rules of work in the Service Guide, you can use the help desk at 8-800-550-0500 (toll-free from all phones).

    SMS and online service

    In the event that you cannot reach the operators on a special phone number or cannot enter the office, then you can send an SMS. The service is free for all Megafon subscribers. To use the service, send SMS to the short number 0500.

    In addition, there is another support option in which you may only need your phone to access the social networks Facebook, Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte, which have Megafon groups. These groups provide support for subscribers and provide information regarding the services offered. In addition to an account on social networks, there is a blog on Twitter, where news is constantly published, and a technical blog operates on Habrahabr.

    Features of support work

    The operator's help desk operates in every region of the country. The operator's clients should remember that the telephone number in each region may change, so it is worth periodically checking the information by calling 8-800-550-0500 or going to the company's website megafon.ru. To monitor the quality of the advice provided, when calling the support number, conversations may be recorded.

    Tariffs and terms of payment for services are changing, and new mobile communication opportunities are appearing. Not everyone can figure it all out. Sometimes a voice menu is not enough to solve a problem. And the question arises: how to call a megaphone operator?

    Call centers "Megafon" took care of the availability of a connection with technical support at any time. There are several ways to contact the megaphone operator:

    • call from a phone with a Megafon SIM card;
    • dial from your home phone or SIM card of another operator;
    • call while roaming;
    • take advantage of online consultation.

    How to call an operator on a mobile phone

    To solve traditional and typical problems and misunderstandings, an answering machine is useful. Unique problems should be addressed to the operator directly. The company has done everything to ensure that communication with the support service can be established without difficulty. The easiest way is to call the short free number 0500.

    • After dialing numbers, the subscriber is taken to the voice menu.
    • Follow the prompts and wait for the answering machine to prompt you to contact a consultant.
    • Or immediately after turning on the recording, press the number “1” and then “0”.