• Contact the Beeline operator directly with a phone number. "Beeline", contact center. How to call the Beeline contact center

    Nowadays, every person uses cellular communication. And everyone has certain questions about the service, quality, or cost of services. And many people would find it very convenient to receive advice on their issue directly over the phone.

    Many of you will think that it is better to come to a communication shop or technical department for advice, because a cell phone call will obviously not be cheap. But that's not true. Let's look at several ways to get a free consultation over the phone.

    The first way to obtain information is very simple - just dial from mobile number 0611 and you will be taken to service department"Mobile Consultant" - Beeline's smart answering machine. Who is always ready to tell you about the most interesting and necessary information or transfer you to a technical specialist.

    Please note that in order to dial this number you need to be within the network coverage area, and also make sure that the Beeline SIM card is installed in the phone. This number is completely free and you can call it as many times as you like, the main thing is that your phone has enough charge for all this time.

    The second method is similar to the first, just dial the number 8 800 700 0611 and you will also be taken to the “Mobile Consultant”, through which you can also transfer to a technical specialist. Which, by requesting some of your personal data, will be able to provide you with any support regarding communication services.

    A technical specialist can advise you on tariff plans, the cost of calls on the current tariff plan, about foreign roaming, change tariff plan, block SIM card and much more.

    By the way, here is some information on using the “Mobile Consultant”

    Listen to all the consultant's messages again - press 9

    Listen to the previous paragraph again - press #

    Return to main menu – press *

    The third method of calling a mobile operator for free can help you if you, being in international roaming(that is, you are in another country) dial the number +7 495 9748888 . And you will be greeted again by the “Mobile Consultant”, with which we congratulate you.

    What is important to know!

    So that the technician can identify you and not give your personal information to strangers, he will ask you a couple of questions such as: passport serial number, full name, code word. Therefore, make sure in advance that you have your passport with you and do not forget the code word that you set when registering the SIM card, or after calling the operator.

    Please note that sometimes if something breaks or global disruptions on the network, many subscribers, just like you, want to reach the operator, but sometimes the waiting time exceeds 20 minutes. Determine for yourself whether the question you are dealing with is so important to you. at the moment Do you want to contact the operator, maybe he’s not so serious? And it can be set the next time the network is unloaded. Of course, if it’s very important for you to call right now, and your mobile is making strange sounds, then of course try to get through, maybe it’s not the cellular network.

    Today we will look at one of the main questions that sooner or later arises for any Beeline subscriber - “How to call the Beeline operator?”

    All companies mobile communications Without exception, almost from the moment of its founding, they have been creating their own divisions with call centers in different parts of the world in order to help customers when they have any problems. However, Beeline, like many others, provides its clients with only some types of communication with its consultants, transferring the majority of incoming requests to an answering machine.

    How to call a Beeline operator using a service number

    To contact one of the consultants, you are offered the option of dialing a short number 0611 , however, many of those who tried to wait for a response from a live operator sooner or later realized the pointlessness of waiting.

    Often at the other end of the line you hear the friendly voice of an answering machine, actively talking about the status of your balance, the current tariff, the latest notifications from Beeline, as well as everything in the world except information about contacting a live specialist.

    The remaining operators at least reserve the right for the client to listen to the information, and one of the menu items will be to wait for the operator’s response. Right here this service so well hidden behind dozens of commands voice menu, the contents of which, moreover, may change depending on the subscriber’s region, and simply over time.

    Therefore, you have the opportunity to listen to the autoinformer for a long time and confidently dial the required combination to contact the call center. However, it is worth considering that dialing may take a very long time.

    Alternatively, immediately after calling 0611 and connections to the answering machine, you can press one and then zero. With some probability, you will hear a voice informing you that the connection with the operator will occur within a minute. Now all that remains is to wait and hope for a miracle.

    “We will call you back” function

    Surely few people know about its existence. Yes, now you can order for free call back from the operator instead of spending tens of minutes on the line waiting for an answer. It is worth considering that this service is active only when there are no available call center operators.

    To use the “We will call you back” function, you must dial service number 0611 , and then carefully listen to the information from the answering machine, among which may flash an offer to order a call from a representative of the Beeline call center. If you hear this, feel free to press one and wait for someone to call you.

    The service is free and available both in roaming and home network.

    If you do not have a large number time, then later in the text we will suggest a way to contact one of Beeline’s consultants using a federal number.

    How to reach an operator using a federal number

    If you do not want to wait on the line for a long time, then this option contacting a live Beeline call center consultant is just perfect. The only BUT this method- this is what to call the hotline 8 —800 —700 —0611 You can from any phone (yes, even landline), but not from a Beeline number.

    Before you are connected to an operator, wait until the answering machine message starts playing, and then press 0. You will be offered to hear everything previously said by the answering machine again by selecting one of the options, but you don’t even have to listen to all this and feel free to press 0 again. After this action, you will be informed that the call has been forwarded to the operator - all you have to do is wait for his response.

    In addition to this hotline, Beeline has others free numbers call centers where they will help you solve this or that problem:

    • 8-800-700-0611 – number for questions regarding mobile communications and Internet traffic
    • 8-800-700-0080 – number for solving problems with USB modem
    • 8-800-700-2111 – questions about Wi-Fi operation
    • 8-800-700-8000 – problems with home Internet or television
    • 8-800-700-9966 – resolving issues related to “ Home Internet Light" or home phone

    We call Beeline operators while roaming

    If the client is roaming on the internal network, you can call the operator using a federal number 8 —800 —700 —0611 , which we mentioned just above, as well as by dialing the short number 0611 .

    If you want to reach a specialist while in international roaming, you can do this by calling + 7 —495 —974 —8888 . Please note that dialing must be mandatory be carried out through +7 . This service is free only for calls from Beeline numbers.

    Several more ways to contact Beeline call center specialists

    None of the options we listed above could help you? Don't be upset! There are several more alternatives for connecting to operators and now we will tell you about them!

    whatsapp Beeline

    Beeline has introduced a new option for communicating with customer service

    All you need to do is add it to your contact list +7 —968 —600 —0611 , after which you will automatically be able to write text messages directly to the operator using WhatsApp messenger. This method is the most convenient for those who are abroad.

    There is no need to call the specified number or try to add it to a group conversation - they simply won’t answer you!

    Tariffing at using WhatsApp carried out in accordance with the subscriber’s tariff if he uses mobile Internet. Via Wi-Fi, of course, free of charge.


    Ask a question to a Beeline specialist using a regular SMS by sending it to the number 0611 . The answer is in the form text message You will receive within 2-3 minutes. The service operates around the clock and is completely free.

    Online chat

    You will be able to talk with one of the operators via online chat. To do this, just follow the link http://moskva.beeline.ru/customers/contact-page/, and then select the item called “Chat with a specialist” in the interactive menu located at the top right. Before starting a conversation, do not forget to fill out all the fields in the form that opens.


    This service is slightly reminiscent of ordering a call, which we described above in this article, but a different mechanism of action is used here. To begin with, you need to go to the contacts page on the official Beeline website using the link http://moskva.beeline.ru/customers/contact-page/, then write a letter to the support service using the item interactive menu called "Feedback Form".

    Do not forget to clarify the topic of your appeal and describe the question, down to the smallest detail. The response will be made by e-mail or via phone call at a time convenient for you. In addition, if you have a problem accessing a Beeline number, then you can specify any other number and they will call you back!

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    All operators existing today claim that their technical support is available around the clock. However, unfortunately, this is not always the case and contacting a specialist can be extremely problematic. The fact is that operators are aimed at attracting new customers - people with phone numbers of others cellular networks Therefore, they answer these calls first. The Beeline operator began its activities in 1993 and since then has managed to win the trust of more than one million people. Many people have wondered at least once in their lives how to call a Beeline operator from MTS and is this even possible in principle? The answer to the question is discussed in detail in this article: knowing about this will be useful for every person.

    It’s very easy to call the Beeline operator

    You can call Beeline for free from MTS using one of the following two methods:

    1. 8-800-700-06-11. This phone number is for receiving all necessary information at any time of the day or night. The call is completely free. This can be done either from a stationary communication device or from a mobile device. The main advantage of this option is that if employees are very busy, the system will tell you how long you will have to wait.
    2. 8-495-974-88-88. This same phone number was created to answer questions from Beeline customers who are roaming. As in the above case, the call can be made from a landline and mobile device. The peculiarity of this phone number is that only its clients can contact a specialist of the operator we are considering for free. There is a fee for users of other cellular networks. The main advantage is the opportunity to contact a specialist from abroad.

    These are the main ways by which you can call the Beeline operator from MTS.

    Operator Beeline

    Phone numbers for problem solving

    It will also be useful to note telephone numbers where you can get an answer to any specific question. So:

    • 8-800-700-21-11: you should call this phone number if you have problems with mobile Internet via Wi-Fi;
    • 8-800-700-80-00: by the same phone number you can find answers to questions related to home Internet, landline devices and cable television;
    • 8-800-123-45-67: this phone number was created to provide professional advice on setup mobile internet on all types of communication devices existing today.

    Advice: if none of the above methods help, and you cannot reach the Beeline operator from MTS, then you can always use alternative communication channels, for example, the Internet support service.

    Video instructions

    To do this, just go to the operator’s official website and select the appropriate menu item. Currently, network users have several opportunities to get an answer to any question they are interested in: email, V personal account and an electronic assistant-consultant that provides assistance automatically.

    Beeline hotline


    Having learned about the basic methods of communication with the operator, it will be easy to get answers to all your questions.

    You might also be interested.

    If a Beeline subscriber is unable to change his tariff, connect to any service, or has problems with his balance, he immediately calls the help desk to get advice. That's why it works on the network special number hotline. But it is not available from phones of other telecom operators - for example, from Tele2 operator numbers. Let's find out how to enable the Beeline operator with Tele2 for free and what is needed for this.

    Call the Beeline operator from Tele2


    Beeline operator telephones

    The Beeline operator network operates a help desk staffed by experienced specialists who are ready to answer any question. Usually the short number 0611 is used for dialing, although in lately an answering machine has settled on it, which in no way wants to connect callers with consultants. This number is created exclusively for calls within the network - it is not available for other networks.

    In order to be able to call the Beeline operator from Tele2 for free, a special number was created with federal numbering– 8-800-700-0611. This is the one you need to call if you have problems with communication. The call is free, provided you are on your home network. Moreover, you can call it from Beeline phones - there is not much difference between a short and federal number.

    Let's look at cases when you may need to call a Beeline operator from Tele2:

    • You were stolen mobile phone– in this situation, you should immediately call the hotline and block your SIM card so that attackers cannot use communication services;
    • You have lost your mobile phone - a situation similar to the previous one;
    • You can’t get through from an on-net phone - then you can try calling from Tele2.

    The last point is relevant for many Beeline subscribers. They cannot call the operator to solve their problems with specialists - there is no one here except a tedious answering machine. Of course, some problems are easier to solve in the office or through the My Beeline application, but sometimes the matter requires the intervention of consultants.

    Therefore, we recommend calling the Beeline operator from Tele2. A similar answering machine will be waiting for you here, but with its help you can reach real consultants help desk – to do this, you need to wait for the system to respond and press the “1” button several times. Today this method allows you to quickly get necessary help hotline specialists. Calls to this number are not charged.

    You can call 8-800-700-0611 from any other mobile phones, as well as from landlines all over Russia.

    There is another number where you can call the Beeline operator from Tele2, but not for free. This is +7-495-797-2727, intended for those who are in international roaming. If you have communication problems, you can call here from any phone in the world. But free call will only happen if you call from Beeline.

    Remember that in international roaming all Russian numbers should be dialed in full international format, starting from +7.

    Other phone numbers

    Now you know how to call the Beeline operator from Tele2 if an on-net call is impossible for some reason. It will also be useful to familiarize yourself with additional numbers:

    • 8-800-700-0800 – information about USB modems;
    • 8-800-700-2111 – line for solving problems with Wi-Fi access points;
    • 8-800-700-8000 – Beeline help desk to resolve issues related to home Internet and television;
    • 8-800-700-9966 – hotline on issues of landline telephony (as well as on the “Home Internet Light” service;
    • +7-495-752-5-725 (or 8-800-725-5-725) – issues regarding the Beeline online store are resolved here.

    You can also call these numbers from Tele2 phones.

    Reasons to contact an operator cellular communication there may be several: questions with choosing a tariff, finding out the cost of services, desire to connect additional function etc. But not all subscribers know how to call the Beeline operator and receive necessary information. This is, in fact, what this article is about.

    Any Beeline user can get the information he needs in several ways:

    • office visit;
    • independent search answers on the Internet, including on the official website of the provider;
    • call technical support and talk with the operator on duty.

    Each option has distinctive features, not always positive. The customer service office is not open 24 hours a day. Information obtained on the Internet may not satisfy the user, without giving him a comprehensive answer to his questions. And only the last option can be called optimal - a qualified consultant will help resolve any problem with the tariff, payment, settings, etc.

    How to call the Beeline operator for free from your mobile

    For free 24/7 communication with the service technical support There are 2 phone numbers:

    • Beeline operator short number - 0611;
    • multichannel - 8800-700-06-11.

    Often the subscriber hears first, because there are always many people wanting help and operators may be temporarily busy. If, following the robot’s prompts, you cannot solve the problem yourself, you need to wait for a response from a technical service specialist.

    Option to contact Beeline technical support via number 0611

    Among the options for calling a Beeline operator directly for free, many subscribers prefer short number 0611. The answering machine lists the menu items in detail, the listener selects the one they need and presses the transition button.

    The only disadvantage of contacting technical support is the wait. At heavy workload line, an available operator can answer within 15-30 minutes. To avoid listening to a repeating melody on the handset, you can press the “1” button - and the first available consultant will call you back.

    To prepare for a call to 0611, you need to know the following information:

    • button “9” means listening to the answering machine message again, from the beginning;
    • “asterisk” is used to return to the main menu;
    • “grid” - listening to the text heard in the previous paragraph;
    • “1” while waiting for the operator’s response, as mentioned above, is equivalent to the “call back” service.

    Contacting Beeline customer support via the federal number 8-800

    Beeline technical support can be contacted at one of the following federal numbers:

    • 8-812-740-6000 ;
    • 8-800-700-0080 ;
    • 8-800-700-0611 .

    Moreover, you can call these numbers even from a landline home phone. To talk to the operator, while the answering machine is listing the available functions, you need to press the “0” key.

    Attention: before calling the Beeline operator, the subscriber should prepare the following information about himself:
    • passport details (series, number, by whom and when issued);
    • registration address;
    • your Beeline number;
    • code word.

    Call Beeline technical support in roaming