• Number in federal numbering. III. Russian numbering plan. What is a number in federal format

    Numbering principles

    Fixed telephone networks in the Russian Federation use two numbering plans - open and closed. Open plan is used for local calls (7-, 6-, 5-, 4- or 3-digit local numbers). The closed plan is used for intra-area and long-distance calls, but can also be used for local calls. When establishing a telephone connection in a mobile network, a closed numbering plan is used. It is planned to switch to a closed numbering plan for all local calls “as soon as local telephone networks are ready.”

    Currently, Russia maintains a common numbering space with Kazakhstan. Country code Kc=7 for both Russia and Kazakhstan. In addition, on November 15, 2009, the Republic of Abkhazia switched to telephone codes allocated to it by Russia in the 7th numbering zone.

    Dial order

    City telephone service

    To call a subscriber within your city code, just dial the subscriber's city number, containing from three to seven characters.

    Long-distance and international telephone communications

    As of 2012, in Russia eight operators have the right to provide long-distance and international telephone communications (access to which is possible by dialing the number 8):

    • Mobile TeleSystems ((hereinafter - MTS),
    • Rostelecom (hereinafter - RT),
    • Interregional TransitTelecom (hereinafter - MTT).
    • VimpelCom (through its subsidiary Sovintel) - Beeline trademark,
    • TransTeleCom (hereinafter - TTK)
    • Orange (through subsidiary Equant)


    6, 7

    In order to streamline the use of numbering resources of the 7th world numbering zone, an Agreement was signed between the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Information and Communications and the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation on June 17, 2006, which distributes the numbering resource between Kazakhstan and Russia. In accordance with this Agreement, Kazakhstan is assigned codes starting with the numbers “6” and “7”.

    Allocation and use of numbering resources

    The Federal Communications Agency provides a public service for allocating, changing and withdrawing the numbering resource of the unified telecommunications network of the Russian Federation.

    In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 13, 2004 No. 350 (as amended on May 30, 2016) On approval of the rules for the distribution and use of numbering resources of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation

    Numbering resource allocation

    The deadline for execution of the decision to allocate a numbering resource is 40 days

    Refusal to allocate a numbering resource is carried out due to incorrect execution of the application for the allocation of a numbering resource, failure to submit a payment document for the allocated numbering resource and its non-compliance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 13, 2004 No. 350 On approval of the rules for the distribution and use of numbering resources of the unified telecommunication network Russian Federation

    To obtain a numbering resource, a telecom operator submits a written application to the Federal Communications Agency, which indicates:

    C) the territory in which the requested numbering resource is intended to be used;

    D) a payment order for the allocated numbering resource, certified by the bank, is attached.

    Instructions for completing the application form The application is made on the letterhead of the telecom operator.

    Explanations for completing the application:

    Line 1 indicates the organizational and legal form of the legal entity in accordance with the constituent documents and the name or surname, first name, patronymic of the individual entrepreneur.

    Line 2 indicates the location of the legal entity or the place of permanent residence of the individual entrepreneur.

    Line 3 indicates the postal address for correspondence.

    Line 4 indicates the applicant’s individual taxpayer number.

    Lines 5 and 6 indicate the organization's telephone and fax numbers.

    Lines 7 and 8 indicate the license number to carry out activities in the field of providing communication services and the name of communication services.

    Line 9 indicates the volume of the numbering resource (number of numbers) indicating the numbering zone code ABC or DEF or the access code to communication services or the SS N 7 signaling network indicator to obtain the signaling point code.

    When filling out an application for the allocation of a numbering resource, line 10 indicates the territory in which it is planned to use the numbering resource.

    In case of filing an application for withdrawal of a numbering resource, its change or re-registration, line 10 indicates the territory in which the numbering resource was or was to be used.

    Line 11 indicates additional information necessary for Rossvyaz to make an appropriate decision.

    When filling out an application for the allocation of a numbering resource, line 11 may indicate a specific (proposed) numbering resource in the form: X_1 X_2 X_3 X_4 X_5 X_6 X_7 indicating the code ABC or DEF or KDU.

    When filling out an application for the allocation of a numbering resource to receive codes of signaling points SS N 7 for local, zonal and long-distance telephone networks (in the local indicator N1=11, in the zonal and long-distance indicator N1=10) in line 11 the following is indicated:

    Network elements (stations) in accordance with the List of communication means subject to mandatory certification, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2004 N 896, for which codes of signaling points OKS N 7 are requested;

    Type of equipment;

    Place of equipment installation (city, locality);

    Interaction of network elements (stations) with other stations via SS N 7;

    The volume of numbering resource used and the number of the corresponding decision of Rossvyaz on its allocation (only for receiving SS N 7 signaling point codes in the local indicator N1=11).

    When filling out an application for the allocation of codes for signaling points OKS N 7 (in the international indicator N1=00) in line 11 the following is indicated:

    For connected objects on the territory of the Russian Federation: name of the object, type of equipment, location of equipment installation (city or locality) and network indicator (N1=00);

    For connected objects on the territory of other states: the name of the international telecom operator, the name of the object, the installation location of the object (country and city or locality) and the codes of the SS N 7 signaling points in the international network indicator N1=00 in a structural form.

    When transferring a numbering resource from one telecom operator to another, the application for the withdrawal of a numbering resource in line 11 indicates the name of the telecom operator to which the numbering resource is transferred, and the application for the allocation of a numbering resource indicates the name of the telecom operator from which the numbering resource is transferred.

    The application is signed by the head of the legal entity (individual entrepreneur) or an authorized representative (with a document confirming the authority attached) and sealed.

    List of required documents and attachments to the application The following documents must be attached to the application:

    A) a copy of the license for the provision of communications services;

    B) a copy of the communication network construction diagram, which was presented in the package of documents required to obtain a license to provide communications services;

    C) payment order for the allocated numbering resource, certified by the bank.

    Removing a numbering resource

    Terms of provision of public services

    Criteria for refusal and suspension of the provision of public services Refusal to withdraw a numbering resource is carried out due to incorrect execution of the application for withdrawal of a numbering resource and its non-compliance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 13, 2004 No. 350 On approval of the rules for the distribution and use of numbering resources of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation

    numbering resource change

    Terms of provision of public services The deadline for execution of the decision to allocate a numbering resource is 30 days

    Criteria for refusal and suspension of the provision of public services Refusal to allocate a numbering resource is carried out due to incorrect execution of the application for changing the numbering resource and its non-compliance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 13, 2004 No. 350 On approval of the rules for the distribution and use of numbering resources of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation

    The procedure for applying to Rossvyaz for the provision of public services To change the numbering resource, the telecom operator submits a written application to the Federal Communications Agency, which indicates:

    A) name (company name), organizational and legal form, place of state registration of a legal entity and postal address of its location - for a legal entity;

    Last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence, details of the main identification document - for an individual entrepreneur;

    B) the volume of the numbering resource being changed;

    D) the reason why the numbering resource is changing.

    Re-registration of a numbering resource

    Terms of provision of public services The deadline for execution of the decision to allocate a numbering resource is 30 days

    Criteria for refusal and suspension of the provision of public services Refusal to allocate a numbering resource is carried out due to incorrect execution of the application for re-registration of the numbering resource and its non-compliance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 13, 2004 No. 350 On approval of the rules for the distribution and use of numbering resources of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation

    The procedure for applying to Rossvyaz for the provision of public services To re-register a numbering resource, the telecom operator submits a written application to the Federal Communications Agency, which indicates:

    A) name (company name), organizational and legal form, place of state registration of a legal entity and postal address of its location - for a legal entity;

    Last name, first name, patronymic, place of residence, details of the main identification document - for an individual entrepreneur;

    B) the volume of the requested numbering resource;

    C) the territory in which the requested numbering resource is expected to be used.

    D) availability of grounds for re-registration of the numbering resource.


    1. These Rules, developed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of communications, determine the procedure for the distribution and use of numbering resources of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation, including Russian segments of international communication networks, taking into account the recommendations of international organizations of which the Russian Federation is a member, in accordance with the Russian numbering system and the communication network numbering plan of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation.

    2. Regulation of numbering resources of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation is the exclusive right of the state.

    3. The numbering resources of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation are part of the numbering resource of the international communication network and consist of numbering resources of the telephone communication network, telegraph communication network, data networks, telematic services, Internet identification codes, as well as service identification codes of communication networks, their elements and terminal equipment.

    4. These Rules do not apply to the procedure for allocating and distributing the numbering resource for the Russian segment of the Internet. The distribution of the numbering resource for the Russian segment of the Internet is carried out taking into account the generally accepted international practice of self-regulatory organizations in this area.

    If the global coordination bodies of the Internet allocate numbering resources in agreement with national communications administrations, such coordination is carried out by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

    5. The Federal Communications Agency allocates a numbering resource for telecommunication networks, determines whether the numbering resource is limited, in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, changes, withdraws fully or partially the allocated numbering resource, and reissues decisions on the allocation of a numbering resource.

    6. The forms of decisions of the Federal Communications Agency on the allocation, change and withdrawal of a numbering resource are approved by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

    7. The allocation of numbering resources for telecommunication networks is carried out by the Federal Communications Agency upon the application of the applicant - a telecom operator holding a license to carry out activities in the field of providing communication services (hereinafter referred to as a license to provide communication services), the owner of a special-purpose communication network.

    8. Codes of geographically defined numbering zones, codes of geographically non-defined numbering zones, as well as access codes for telecommunication services and codes for selecting telephone network operators do not have a specific recipient and are assigned, changed and canceled by the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Russian Federation system and numbering plan.

    9. To obtain a numbering resource, the applicant submits an application to the Federal Communications Agency indicating:

    A) full and abbreviated (if any) name, organizational and legal form of the legal entity, its location, state registration number of the entry on the creation of the legal entity, details of the document confirming the fact of entering information about the legal entity into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities , indicating the location of the body that carried out state registration - for a legal entity;

    B) last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the individual entrepreneur, his place of residence, details of his identity document, the main state registration number of the record of state registration of the individual entrepreneur, details of the document confirming the fact of entering information about the individual entrepreneur in Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, indicating the location of the body that carried out state registration - for an individual entrepreneur;

    C) the applicant’s taxpayer identification number;

    D) license number for the provision of communications services, in accordance with which the communications operator provides (is expected to provide) communication services;

    E) volume of numbering resource (number of numbers) indicating the numbering zone code, or access code to communication services, or network indicator;

    E) the territory in which the numbering resource is supposed to be used (used);

    G) telephone number, fax number of an organization or individual entrepreneur and email address (if available);

    H) full and abbreviated (if any) name of the owner of the special-purpose communication network.

    10. The application specified in paragraph 9 of these Rules is accompanied by:

    A) a copy of the payment document confirming payment of the state duty for the allocation of a numbering resource (if payment of the state duty is provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees), - a payment order with a note from the bank about its execution - when paying in non-cash form or an established receipt form issued by the bank - when paying in cash;

    B) a fragment of the communication network construction diagram regarding the use of the allocated numbering resource.

    10(1). The application specified in paragraph 9 of these Rules is sent in electronic form using the federal state information system "Unified Portal of State and Municipal Services (Functions)" or on paper by post or other means that confirm the fact of sending the application and its content.

    When sending an application in electronic form using the specified information system, the applicant attaches to the application a scanned image of the documents provided for in paragraph 10 of these Rules.

    11. It is not allowed to demand from the applicant documents not specified in paragraph 10 of these Rules.

    12. The Federal Communications Agency checks the documents submitted by the applicant, analyzes the numbering resource to identify its limitations in the declared territory, checks whether it is technically possible to allocate a numbering resource, as well as the compliance of the amount of the paid state fee with the declared numbering resource.

    The decision to allocate a numbering resource is made no later than 40 days from the date of registration by the Federal Communications Agency of the application specified in paragraph 9 of these Rules and the documents specified in paragraph 10 of these Rules.

    Decisions on the allocation of a numbering resource in the amount of no more than 1000 numbers based on applications from telecom operators included in the register of small and medium-sized businesses are made by the Federal Communications Agency no later than 30 days from the date of registration of the application.

    13. A numbering resource is considered limited if, in accordance with the Russian system and numbering plan, the numbering volume allocated to all telecom operators and requested in received applications for the allocation of a numbering resource in a specific territory is more than 90 percent of the available resource.

    The Federal Communications Agency sends information about the limited numbering resource within 10 days from the date of establishment of this fact to the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications and to the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, and is also subject to publication on the official website of the Federal Communications Agency. communication agencies in the information and telecommunications network "Internet".

    14. The Federal Communications Agency does not have the right to make a decision on the allocation of a numbering resource if the following grounds exist:

    A) non-compliance of the application for the allocation of a numbering resource and the documents attached to it with the requirements of these Rules;

    B) failure to provide the documents specified in paragraph 10 of these Rules;

    C) the presence in the documents submitted by the applicant of unreliable or distorted information;

    D) discrepancy between the stated need for a numbering resource and the copy of the license for the provision of communications services provided by the telecom operator;

    E) non-compliance of the copy of the communication network construction diagram submitted with the application with the established requirements and the requested numbering resource;

    E) limited numbering resource in a given territory of the Russian Federation, the allocation of which is carried out on the basis of the results of bidding (auction, competition) for obtaining a license to provide communications services;

    G) discrepancy between the requested numbering resource and the Russian system and numbering plan;

    H) discrepancy between the amount of paid state duty and the declared numbering resource.

    If one of the specified grounds exists, the Federal Communications Agency, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the documents, returns them to the applicant indicating the reasons for the return.

    15. The use of a numbering resource that is not allocated in the prescribed manner is not permitted.

    The bodies of the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications and Mass Communications are obliged to take measures to immediately stop such use of the numbering resource.

    These requirements do not apply to the use by a mobile radiotelephone operator of a numbering resource allocated to another mobile radiotelephone operator if the subscriber, when concluding an agreement for the provision of communication services with a mobile radiotelephone operator, decided to retain the subscriber number allocated to him for the provision of communication services another mobile radiotelephone operator.

    16. The Federal Communications Agency interacts with the operator of the database of transferred subscriber numbers and ensures that communication operators organize the routing of the numbering resource allocated to mobile radiotelephone operators with the assignment of a routing number.

    17. A telecom operator has the right to transfer the numbering resource allocated to it to another telecom operator, the owner of a special-purpose communications network only with the consent of the Federal Communications Agency.

    To obtain consent to transfer a numbering resource, telecom operators and owners of special-purpose communications networks submit applications to the Federal Communications Agency that meet the requirements established by paragraphs 9 and 10 of these Rules. Moreover, if one of the grounds provided for in paragraph 14 of these Rules exists, the Federal Communications Agency is obliged to return the documents submitted by them to the applicants, indicating the reasons for the return.

    The Federal Communications Agency does not have the right to give consent to the transfer of a previously allocated numbering resource or part thereof, if on the day of receiving applications from telecom operators, owners of special-purpose communication networks, the numbering resource in the relevant territory is limited. In this case, the Federal Communications Agency sends motivated notifications to the applicants.

    The Federal Communications Agency does not have the right to refuse consent to the transfer of a fully or partially used numbering resource from one telecom operator to another telecom operator that has a license that allows the use of such numbering in accordance with the Russian system and numbering plan, and from the telecom operator to the owner of a special communications network appointments.

    If the subscriber, when concluding an agreement for the provision of communication services with a mobile radiotelephone operator, decided to retain the subscriber number allocated to him for the provision of communication services by another mobile radiotelephone operator, the consent of the Federal Communications Agency to transfer such subscriber number to the mobile radiotelephone operator for a period an agreement on the provision of communication services with a mobile radiotelephone operator is not required.

    18. The telecom operator, the owner of a special-purpose communication network, who have received a numbering resource, independently allocate numbers for subscribers and users of communication services, assign identification codes of network elements, access codes to communication services on their communication networks from the numbering resource allocated to them.

    19. The telecom operator who received the numbering resource is obliged to:

    A) have a numbering plan that determines the distribution of the received numbering resource across the serviced territory;

    B) do not allow the use of the numbering resource allocated to him for the purpose of providing telephone services by other telecom operators, except for cases where the subscriber, when concluding an agreement for the provision of communication services with another mobile radiotelephone operator, decided to retain the subscriber number allocated to him for the provision of services communication with another mobile radiotelephone operator;

    C) use, within 2 years from the date of the Federal Communications Agency’s decision to allocate a numbering resource, at least 75 percent of the allocated numbering resource;

    D) submit to the Federal Communications Agency information about a change in its location (place of state registration or postal address) no later than 30 days from the date of such change;

    E) report to the Federal Communications Agency, in the manner and within the time frame determined by the said Agency, information about the use of the numbering resource on its communication network as of December 31 and June 30 of the current year.

    19(1). The owner of a special-purpose communication network who has received a numbering resource is obliged to:

    A) have a numbering plan that determines the distribution of the received numbering resource;

    B) prevent the use of the numbering resource allocated to it for the provision of paid communication services, connection services and traffic transmission services;

    C) submit to the Federal Communications Agency information about a change in its location no later than 30 days from the date of such change.

    20. The Federal Communications Agency reissues the decision on the allocation of a numbering resource in the case of:

    Receiving an application from the owner of a special-purpose communication network;

    Reorganization of a legal entity in the form of merger, accession, transformation - at the request of the legal successor;

    Reorganization of a legal entity in the form of division or separation - at the request of legal successors;

    Extension of the validity period of the license for the provision of communication services;

    Re-issuance of a license to provide communications services.

    If other legal successors challenge the rights of the interested legal successor to use the numbering resource, the dispute between the parties is resolved in court.

    Telecom operators, owners of special-purpose communication networks, in order to re-issue a decision on the allocation of a numbering resource, submit to the Federal Communications Agency an application that complies with the provisions established by subparagraphs “a” - “e”, “g” and “h” of paragraph 9 of these Rules, indicating the territory , on which the numbering resource is used. Moreover, if one of the grounds provided for in paragraph 14 of these Rules exists, the Federal Communications Agency does not have the right to re-issue the decision on the allocation of a numbering resource.

    Re-issuance of the decision to allocate a numbering resource is carried out within 30 days from the date of submission of the corresponding application by the telecom operator, owner of the special-purpose communication network to the Federal Communications Agency.

    21. The decision to withdraw the allocated numbering resource is made by the Federal Communications Agency in the following cases:

    A) an appeal from a telecom operator, the owner of a special-purpose communication network to which the numbering resource is allocated;

    B) receiving information from the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications:

    On non-use by the telecom operator, owner of a special-purpose communications network of the allocated numbering resource within 2 years from the date the Federal Communications Agency made a decision on its allocation;

    On the use of a numbering resource by a telecom operator, owner of a special-purpose communications network in violation of the Russian system and numbering plan;

    On termination of the license for the provision of communications services issued to the telecom operator;

    C) failure by the telecom operator to fulfill the obligations contained in the terms of the bidding (auction, competition), of which it was recognized as the winner.

    21(1). A numbering resource allocated in accordance with the established procedure is considered unused if it has been used by less than 75 percent within 2 years.

    22. The communications operator, owner of a special-purpose communications network is notified by the Federal Communications Agency in writing of the decision made to withdraw a numbering resource 30 days before the withdrawal deadline, indicating the reasons for such a decision.

    23. The Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, in the event of a change in the Russian numbering plan, makes a decision to change the numbering of communication networks of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation.

    Information about the upcoming change in the Russian numbering plan, the reasons and timing of its implementation is subject to publication.

    The procedure and deadline for changing the numbering on the operator’s communication network are established by the Federal Communications Agency separately in each specific case.

    24. The Federal Communications Agency organizes work on accounting for the numbering resource, forms and maintains a register of the Russian system and numbering plan, containing:

    A) information about the allocated numbering resources of the Russian numbering plan;

    B) information about free numbering resources of the Russian numbering plan;

    C) information about the applicants in respect of whom a decision was made to allocate, change, withdraw a numbering resource or the decision to allocate a numbering resource was reissued, including the information specified in the application in accordance with paragraph 9 of these Rules;

    D) information about the date of the decision to allocate, change or withdraw a numbering resource, the date of renewal of the decision to allocate a numbering resource.

    24(1). The basis for entering information into the register of the Russian system and numbering plan are decisions on the allocation, withdrawal and change of the numbering resource of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation, which are approved by order of the Federal Communications Agency, as well as the fact of re-registration of the decision on the allocation of the numbering resource.

    25. Information on communication operators contained in the register of the Russian system and numbering plan is subject to publication on the official website of the Federal Communications Agency on the Internet information and telecommunications network in the volume, form and manner determined by the Federal Communications Agency.

    When providing public services, Rossvyaz is guided by the Administrative Regulations for the provision of public services for the allocation, withdrawal, change and re-registration of a numbering resource

    I. General provisions
    Subject of regulation

    1. The subject of regulation of the Administrative Regulations of the Federal Communications Agency for the provision of public services for the allocation, withdrawal, change and re-registration of a numbering resource (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) is:

    The procedure for interaction between officials of the Federal Communications Agency (hereinafter referred to as Rossvyaz) with the applicant and other federal executive authorities when providing public services for the allocation, withdrawal, change and re-registration of a numbering resource (hereinafter referred to as public services);

    Timing and sequence of actions (administrative procedures) performed by Rossvyaz officials when providing public services.

    Range of applicants
    2. Applicants for the state service for the allocation, withdrawal, change and re-registration of a numbering resource may be the owners of licenses to carry out activities in the field of communications - legal entities or individual entrepreneurs - individuals, as well as individuals who have the right by virtue of conferring them on the applicants in the manner, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the authority to act on their behalf when interacting with Rossvyaz in the provision of public services.

    Requirements for the procedure for informing about the provision of public services

    3. Information about the location and work schedule of the Rossvyaz structural unit.
    3.1. Location of Rossvyaz: Moscow, Nikoloyamsky lane, 3a, building 2.
    3.1.1. Postal address for sending requests: Nikoloyamsky lane, 3a, building 2, Moscow, 109289, Federal Communications Agency.
    3.1.2. Expedition schedule:
    Monday 09:00 - 18:00 break from 12:00 to 12:45; Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00 break from 12:00 to 12:45; Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00 break from 12:00 to 12:45; Thursday 09:00 - 18:00 break from 12:00 to 12:45; Friday 09:00 - 16:45 break from 12:00 to 12:45; Saturday is a day off; Sunday is a day off. 3.1.3. Rossvyaz expedition address: Moscow, Nikoloyamsky lane. 3a, building 2, 1st floor.
    3.1.4. Consideration of applications for the provision of public services is carried out by the Department of State Services in the Field of Communications of Rossvyaz (hereinafter referred to as the Department).
    3.1.5. Office work schedule: Monday 09:00 - 18:00, break from 12:00 to 12:45; Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00 break from 12:00 to 12:45; Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00 break from 12:00 to 12:45; Thursday 09:00 - 18:00 break from 12:00 to 12:45; Friday 09:00 - 16:45 break from 12:00 to 12:45; Saturday is a day off; Sunday is a day off.

    3.2. Ways to obtain information about location and work schedules.

    3.2.1. Information about the location and work schedules of Rossvyaz can be obtained by calling the telephone numbers specified in paragraph 3.3 of these Regulations.

    3.2.2. In addition, information about the location of Rossvyaz and work schedules is posted on the official website of Rossvyaz (hereinafter - the Site) on the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter - the Internet) and in the federal state information system "Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions) )" (hereinafter referred to as the Unified Portal) at the addresses specified in clause 3.4 and clause 3.6.2, respectively, of these Regulations.

    The procedure for obtaining information by applicants regarding the provision of public services
    3.5. The applicant can obtain public information about the procedure for providing public services on the Website or on the Unified Portal in accordance with clauses 3.6.1 and 3.6.2 of these Regulations.
    3.5.1. On the Site, the applicant is given the opportunity to: download and print an application template for the provision of a public service, an information leaflet on the provision of a public service and these Regulations;
    familiarize yourself with the register of the Russian system and numbering plan (hereinafter referred to as the Register);
    obtain links to regulatory legal acts that establish requirements for the provision of public services;
    familiarize yourself with the procedure for providing public services in electronic form using the Unified Portal.

    3.5.2. On the Unified Portal, the applicant is given the opportunity to:

    Download and print an application template for the provision of a public service, an information leaflet on the provision of a public service and these Regulations;

    Submit an application for the provision of public services in the form of an electronic document;

    Receive information about the progress of the application.

    3.5.3. The procedure for obtaining information by applicants on the provision of public services individually (orally or in writing) is given in paragraph 24 of these Regulations.

    The procedure, form and location of information on the provision of public services

    3.6. Information for applicants on the provision of public services is posted on the Internet on the Website and the Unified Portal.

    3.6.1. The following are posted on the Website in the section: "Activities"/"Numbering Resource":

    Information from the register of the Russian system and numbering plan;

    Reports on the consideration of applications and decision-making in the provision of public services;

    Information on the procedure for providing public services in electronic form using the Unified Portal.

    3.6.2. On the Unified Portal at www.gosuslugi.ru in the section: "Individuals" or "Legal entities"/"By departments"/"Federal Communications Agency"/"Allocation, withdrawal, change of numbering resource"/"Allocation of numbering resource" or “Withdrawing a numbering resource”, or “Changing a numbering resource”, or “Re-registering a numbering resource” is placed accordingly:

    Information about the recipient of the public service;

    Documents required to receive government services;

    The amount of the state fee and the procedure for its payment for the allocation of a numbering resource;

    Duration of provision of public services;

    The result of providing a public service;

    Regulatory legal acts establishing requirements for the provision of public services;

    Grounds for refusal to provide a public service, as well as the procedure for appealing such refusal;

    Location of Rossvyaz, postal address, email address and telephone numbers of Rossvyaz.

    II. Standard for the provision of public services
    Name of public service

    4. State service for the allocation, withdrawal, change and re-registration of a numbering resource.

    Name of the federal executive body providing the public service

    5. The public service is provided by Rossvyaz at the expense of federal budget funds allocated for the maintenance of Rossvyaz.

    Other federal executive authorities and executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation do not participate in the provision of public services.

    It is prohibited to require the applicant to carry out actions, including approvals, necessary to obtain a public service and related to applying to other government bodies.

    Description of the result of providing a public service

    6. The result of the provision of a public service is the adoption of a decision by Rossvyaz on the allocation, withdrawal, change or re-registration of a numbering resource, making a corresponding entry in the Register and sending the applicant a decision on the allocation (change, withdrawal, re-registration) of a numbering resource.

    Duration of provision of public services

    7. Terms for provision of public services:

    For the allocation and change of a numbering resource - 40 days from the date of registration of the application in the electronic document management system (hereinafter - EDS);

    For withdrawal of a numbering resource - 30 days from the date of registration of the application in the EDMS;

    For re-registration of a numbering resource - 30 days from the date of registration of the application in the EDMS;

    For the transfer of a numbering resource from one telecom operator to another telecom operator - 40 days from the date of registration in the EDMS of the last received application;

    Refusal to provide a public service in the cases provided for by these Regulations - no later than 20 days from the date of registration of the application in the SED;

    The decision on the allocation, change, withdrawal, re-registration of a numbering resource is sent to the applicant no later than 5 days from the date of making the corresponding entry in the Register (on the allocation, change, withdrawal or re-registration of a numbering resource).

    List of normative legal acts regulating

    Relations arising in connection with the provision

    Public services

    8. The legal grounds for the provision of public services are:

    Federal Law of July 7, 2003 N 126-FZ “On Communications” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 28, Art. 2895; N 52, Art. 5038; 2004, N 35, Art. 3607; N 45, art. 4377, art. 1752; 2006, art. 1069; art. 3452; 7, Art. 835, Art. 1941; 2010, Art. 705; Art. Art. 4190; Art. 901; Art. 25; Art. 3873; Art. 30, art. 4590; art. 6333; art. 7061; art. 7366);

    Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 31, Art. 4179; 2011, N 15, Art. 2038; N 27, Art. 3873, Art. 3880; Art. 4291; Art. 4587;

    Federal Law of April 6, 2011 N 63-FZ “On Electronic Signatures” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 15, Art. 2036; N 27, Art. 3880) (hereinafter referred to as the Law “On Electronic Signatures”);

    Chapter 25.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, N 32, Art. 3340; 2004, N 45, Art. 4377; 2005, N 1, Art. 29, Art. 30; N 30, Art. 3117; N 50, art. 5246; N 12, art. 2881; 4013, Art. 5553, Art. 6071, No. 6218, Art. 6236; Art. 3582, Art. 6450; Art. 1737; Art. 2145; 4298; art. 4918; art. 6247; art. 2318; Art. 4583, Art. 4593, Art. 6731, Art. 7063; - Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 13, 2004 N 350 “On approval of the Rules for the distribution and use of numbering resources of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 29, Art. 3056; 2006, N 2, Art. 195 ; 2007, N 28, N 41, 2008, N 4832) (hereinafter referred to as the Rules);

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 N 320 “On approval of the Regulations on the Federal Communications Agency” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 27, Art. 2783; 2007, N 24, Art. 2923; N 32, Art. 4151, art. 2008, no. 2706; art. 4825; N 26, art. 3350; 2011, N 6, art. 888;

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 8, 2010 N 697 “On a unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 38, Art. 4823; 2011, N 24, Art. 3503; N 49, Art. 7284 );

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 7, 2011 N 553 “On the procedure for preparing and submitting applications and other documents necessary for the provision of state and (or) municipal services in the form of electronic documents” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 29, Art. 4479).

    List of documents required for the provision of public services and the procedure for their submission by the applicant

    9. The applicant sends an application to Rossvyaz for the allocation, change, withdrawal or re-registration of a numbering resource.

    9.1. The application on paper is sent to Rossvyaz by post or directly transferred to the Rossvyaz expedition.

    The applicant can download and print the application template for the provision of public services from the Website or the Unified Portal.

    9.2. The applicant can submit an application for the provision of a public service in the form of an electronic document using the Unified Portal, including through multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services.

    An application for the provision of a public service in the form of an electronic document is filled out on the Unified Portal and signed by the applicant with an electronic signature in the manner prescribed by the Law “On Electronic Signatures”.

    9.3. A fragment of a communication network construction diagram is attached to the application for the allocation of a numbering resource and to the application for changing the numbering resource.

    The paragraph has been deleted. - Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated September 29, 2014 N 316.

    When submitting an application in the form of an electronic document using the Unified Portal, a fragment of the communication network construction diagram is attached in scanned form.

    9.4. Applications for the withdrawal of a numbering resource, for the re-registration of a numbering resource in connection with the reorganization of a legal entity, the re-issuance (obtainment of a new) license to carry out activities in the field of communications (hereinafter referred to as the license) or the extension of the license validity period are not required to attach documents.

    9.5. A telecom operator has the right to transfer the numbering resource allocated to it to another telecom operator only with the consent of Rossvyaz.

    When transferring a numbering resource from one telecom operator to another:

    The applicant - the owner of the numbering resource submits an application for withdrawal of the numbering resource indicating the telecom operator to which the numbering resource is transferred;

    The applicant, the recipient of the numbering resource, submits an application for the allocation of a numbering resource, indicating the telecom operator from which the numbering resource is transferred, attaching a fragment of the communication network construction diagram.

    9.6. The applicant is responsible for the accuracy of the information specified in the application and attached documents.

    If it is established that the applicant has provided false information after a decision has been made to allocate, change, withdraw or re-register a numbering resource, Rossvyaz makes a decision to cancel the decision made on the application and documents containing false information.

    9.7. An applicant who submitted an application in the form of an electronic document using the Unified Portal is informed about the status of consideration of his application through the Unified Portal.

    9.8. An applicant who has submitted an application on paper (having received information about the incoming application number, last name, first name, patronymic and telephone number of the responsible executor by telephone for information) can receive information about the progress of consideration of the application by telephone from the responsible executor.

    Instruction on the prohibition to demand documents and information from the applicant

    10.1. Submission of documents and information or implementation of actions, the presentation or implementation of which is not provided for by regulatory legal acts regulating relations arising in connection with the provision of public services;

    10.2. Submission of documents and information that, in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, are at the disposal of Rossvyaz, as well as at the disposal of government bodies involved in the provision of public services.

    List of documents necessary for the provision of public services and at the disposal of state bodies, which the applicant has the right to submit, as well as methods for obtaining them by applicants, including in electronic form and the procedure for their submission

    11. The applicant has the right to submit documents necessary for the provision of public services and at the disposal of state bodies.

    11.1. With an application for allocation, change, withdrawal or re-registration of a numbering resource, the applicant has the right to submit:

    A copy of the license;

    A copy of the constituent documents (for legal entities);

    A copy of a document confirming the fact of making an entry about a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (for legal entities);

    A copy of the certificate of state registration as an individual entrepreneur (for individual entrepreneurs);

    A copy of the certificate of registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur with the tax authority.

    11.2. The originals of the documents specified in clause 11.1 of these Regulations are at the applicant’s disposal.

    Duplicates of documents (if the applicant does not have the originals at the time of filing the application) can be received by the applicant in accordance with the administrative regulations for the provision of relevant public services in government bodies:

    In the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (hereinafter - Roskomnadzor) - a duplicate license;

    A document confirming the fact of making an entry about a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (for legal entities);

    Certificate of state registration as an individual entrepreneur (for individual entrepreneurs);

    Certificates of registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur with the tax authority.

    11.3. Copies of the documents specified in clause 11.1 of these Regulations must be certified:

    A copy of the license is certified by a notary, or a copy of the title page of the license is notarized, and a copy of the terms of the license is certified by the telecom operator;

    A copy of the constituent documents is certified by a notary or a state body maintaining the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (for legal entities);

    A copy of the document confirming the fact of making an entry about a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is certified by a notary or by the body that issued the specified document (for legal entities);

    A copy of the certificate of state registration as an individual entrepreneur is certified by a notary or the body that issued the specified document (for individual entrepreneurs);

    A copy of the certificate of registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur with the tax authority is certified by a notary or the state body carrying out tax registration.

    11.4. When submitting an application in electronic form, the applicant has the right to attach certified copies of the documents specified in paragraph 11.1 of these Regulations in scanned form.

    11.5. Failure by the applicant to submit the documents specified in paragraph 11.1 of these Regulations is not grounds for refusing the applicant to accept the application and provide public services.

    List of grounds for refusal to accept documents required for the provision of public services

    12. There are no grounds for refusing to accept documents necessary for the provision of public services.

    List of grounds for suspension or refusal to provide public services

    13. Suspension of the provision of public services is not provided.

    14. The legal grounds for refusal to provide a public service are:

    14.1. To refuse to provide a public service regarding the allocation of a numbering resource:

    The amount of the paid state fee does not correspond to the declared numbering resource;

    Inconsistency of the information contained in the application, as well as in copies of documents submitted by the applicant (if the applicant exercised his right and submitted copies of documents in accordance with paragraph 11.1 of these Regulations), with information received through the unified system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (hereinafter referred to as SMEV).

    14.2. To refuse to provide a public service regarding changing the numbering resource:

    The presence of limited numbering resources in the declared territory;

    Lack of technical ability to allocate numbering resources;

    14.3. To refuse to provide a public service regarding the withdrawal of a numbering resource - the non-ownership of the numbering resource specified in the application by the applicant.

    14.4. To refuse to provide a public service regarding the re-registration of a numbering resource in connection with the reorganization of a legal entity:

    Absence of the fact of reorganization of the legal entity or succession of the applicant (applicants);

    The numbering resource specified in the application does not belong to the applicant;

    Inconsistency of the information contained in the application, as well as in copies of documents submitted by the applicant (if the applicant exercised his right and submitted copies of documents in accordance with clause 11.1 of these Regulations), with the information received through SMEV.

    14.5. To refuse to provide a public service regarding re-registration of a numbering resource in connection with re-registration of a license (obtaining a new license):

    Absence of re-issuance of a license or receipt of a new license;

    The numbering resource specified in the application does not belong to the applicant;

    Inconsistency of the information contained in the application, as well as in copies of documents submitted by the applicant (if the applicant exercised his right and submitted copies of documents in accordance with clause 11.1 of these Regulations), with the information received through SMEV.

    14.6. To refuse to provide a public service regarding the re-registration of a numbering resource in connection with the extension of the license:

    Lack of renewal of the license;

    The numbering resource specified in the application does not belong to the applicant;

    Inconsistency of the information contained in the application, as well as in copies of documents submitted by the applicant (if the applicant exercised his right and submitted copies of documents in accordance with clause 11.1 of these Regulations), with the information received through SMEV.

    14.7. To refuse to provide a public service regarding the withdrawal of a numbering resource from one telecom operator and the allocation of a numbering resource to another telecom operator when transferring a numbering resource from one telecom operator to another telecom operator:

    The numbering resource specified in the application does not belong to the applicant who transfers the numbering resource;

    Lack of technical ability to allocate a numbering resource to the applicant who receives the numbering resource;

    Inconsistency between the conditions for carrying out activities in accordance with the license of the applicant who receives a numbering resource and the conditions for using the declared numbering resource;

    Inconsistency of the information contained in the application, as well as in copies of documents submitted by the applicant (if the applicant exercised his right and submitted copies of documents in accordance with clause 11.1 of these Regulations), with the information received through SMEV.

    List of services that are necessary and mandatory for the provision of public services, including information about documents issued by organizations participating in the provision of public services

    15. Services necessary and mandatory for the provision of public services are not provided. Other government bodies and organizations do not participate in the provision of public services.

    Procedure, amount and grounds for collection

    State duty or other fee charged

    For the provision of public services

    16. For the allocation of a numbering resource, a state fee is charged, established in accordance with subparagraph 106 of paragraph 1 of Article 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

    There is no other payment for the provision of public services.

    16.1. The amount of the state fee for the allocation of a numbering resource is given in Appendix No. 6 to these Regulations.

    16.2. The amount of state duty to be transferred is calculated by the applicant independently by multiplying the volume of the numbering resource specified in the application by the amount of the state duty charged per unit of numbering resource.

    16.3. The document confirming payment of the state fee for the allocation of a numbering resource is a payment order with a note from the bank about its execution, when paying in non-cash form, or a receipt of the established form issued by the bank, when paying in cash.

    For one payment order (receipt), the state duty must be paid in full for the numbering resource specified in the application to which the payment order (receipt) is attached.

    16.4. Bank account details for paying the state fee for the allocation of a numbering resource are published on the Website.

    16.5. State duty is not charged for changing and withdrawing a numbering resource, as well as for re-registering a numbering resource in the following cases:

    Reorganization of a legal entity in the form of merger, accession, transformation;

    Reorganization of a legal entity in the form of division or separation;

    Renewal of a license (obtaining a new license);

    Extension of license validity period.

    16.6. Due to the fact that services necessary and obligatory for the provision of public services are not provided and other government bodies and organizations do not participate in the provision of public services, state duty and other fees for the provision of such services are not provided.

    The procedure for returning partly or in full the state fee paid for the allocation of a numbering resource

    17. The paid state fee is subject to partial or full refund in the following cases:

    Payment of state duty in a larger amount;

    Refusal by the applicant, who has paid the state fee, to perform a legally significant action before sending an application to Rossvyaz for the allocation of a numbering resource;

    Refusal of Rossvyaz to provide government services for the allocation of numbering resources.

    17.1. A partial or full refund of the state fee paid for the allocation of a resource is carried out on the basis of an application.

    The application is signed by the head or an authorized representative of the organization, acting on the basis of a power of attorney, and sent to Rossvyaz.

    17.2. The application for a partial or full refund of the paid state duty must be accompanied by original payment documents.

    It is allowed to attach copies of payment documents certified by the head or an authorized representative of the organization acting on the basis of a power of attorney.

    17.3. An application for a partial or full refund of the state fee paid for the allocation of a resource can be submitted within three years from the date of payment.

    17.4. If Rossvyaz makes a decision to partially or fully refund the state duty paid for the allocation of a numbering resource, Rossvyaz, no later than 20 days from the date of registration of the application with the EDMS, sends an application for a refund of the state duty to the Federal Treasury.

    Refund to the payer partially or in full of the state duty paid for the allocation of a numbering resource is carried out by the Federal Treasury in accordance with Article 333.40 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

    17.5. If Rossvyaz makes a decision to refuse to refund partially or in full the amount of the state fee paid for the allocation of a numbering resource, Rossvyaz, no later than 20 days from the date of registration of the application with the EDMS, sends a notice to the applicant indicating the reason for the refusal.

    17.6. The paid state fee for the allocation of a numbering resource is not offset against other applications for the allocation of a numbering resource.

    Maximum waiting time in line when submitting an application for the provision of public services and upon receiving the result of the provision of such services

    18. The maximum waiting time in line when submitting an application directly to the Rossvyaz expedition should not exceed 15 minutes.

    The maximum waiting period in the queue when the applicant receives a decision on the allocation, change, withdrawal, or re-registration of a numbering resource should not exceed 15 minutes.

    The decision on the allocation, change, withdrawal, re-registration of a numbering resource is issued by the responsible person of the department of public services in the field of numbering resources of the Rossvyaz Administration.

    When receiving a decision on the allocation, change, withdrawal, or re-registration of a numbering resource, the applicant presents an identification document.

    The authorized representative of the applicant submits an identification document and the original power of attorney to receive a decision on the allocation, change, withdrawal, or re-registration of a numbering resource.

    Duration and procedure for registering an applicant’s request for the provision of a public service, including in electronic form

    19. An application received by Rossvyaz by post, directly to the Rossvyaz expedition or in electronic form through the Unified Portal, is registered in the EDMS no later than the business day following the day of its receipt.

    19.1. An application received by Rossvyaz by post or directly to the Rossvyaz expedition is registered by Rossvyaz officials responsible for office work.

    19.1.1. The following data is entered into the EDMS:

    Name (company name), organizational and legal form, location - for a legal entity; last name, first name and patronymic (if any), place of residence - for an individual entrepreneur;

    Number and date of the outgoing document;

    Name of public service;

    Last name, first name, patronymic (if any) of the person who signed the application;

    Incoming number and date of registration of the application.

    19.1.2. The application and the documents attached to it (if they are attached) are stored in the EDMS in scanned form.

    19.2. An application received in electronic form through the Unified Portal is registered in the EDMS automatically.

    19.3. The registered application is sent to the head of the Department, and a note is made in the EDMS.

    19.4. The provision of public services is carried out by the department of public services in the field of numbering resources of the Rossvyaz Administration (hereinafter referred to as the Department).

    19.5. The head of the department sends the application to the head of the department, who during the working day appoints a responsible person to consider the received application.

    19.6. The order of consideration of applications is established in accordance with their registration number in the EDMS.

    Requirements for premises in which public services are provided

    20. The premises for the provision of public services are provided with the necessary equipment (computers, communications, office equipment), office supplies, information and reference materials, chairs and tables, as well as air conditioning systems and fire extinguishing equipment.

    The workplace of a Department official is equipped with a personal computer that provides access to the Unified Information System of Rossvyaz (hereinafter referred to as the UIS), as well as the ability to obtain documents necessary for consideration of applications through SMEV.

    Indicators of accessibility and quality of public service provision

    21. Indicators of accessibility and quality of provision of public services are:

    The sufficiency of the applicant’s interaction with Rossvyaz officials only when sending an application and receiving a decision on the allocation, change, withdrawal, re-registration of a numbering resource;

    Detailed information to the applicant about the procedure for providing public services, including using the Site and the Unified Portal;

    Providing the applicant with the opportunity to submit an application both on paper and in electronic form;

    The ability for the applicant to receive information about the progress of its provision, without the need for personal contact between the applicant and Rossvyaz officials;

    Validity of the reason for refusal to provide a public service;

    Fulfillment by Rossvyaz officials of deadlines for the provision of public services.

    22. Requirements taking into account the specifics of providing public services in multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services have not been established.

    III. Composition, sequence and timing of administrative procedures, requirements for the procedure for their implementation, including features of the implementation of administrative procedures in electronic form

    23. The provision of public services includes the following administrative procedures:

    23.1. Providing information to applicants and ensuring applicants’ access to information about public services.

    23.2. Formation and sending through SMEV requests to the authorities that contain the documents necessary for the provision of public services.

    23.3. Numbering resource allocation.

    23.4. Changing the numbering resource.

    23.5. Removing a numbering resource.

    23.6. Re-registration of a numbering resource in connection with the reorganization of a legal entity in the form of merger, accession, transformation.

    23.7. Re-registration of a numbering resource in connection with the reorganization of a legal entity in the form of division or allocation.

    23.8. Re-registration of a numbering resource in connection with re-registration of a license (obtaining a new license).

    23.9. Re-registration of a numbering resource in connection with the extension of the license.

    23.10. Withdrawal of a numbering resource from one telecom operator and allocation of a numbering resource to another telecom operator when transferring a numbering resource from one telecom operator to another telecom operator.

    Providing information to applicants and ensuring applicants’ access to information about public services

    24. Information is provided to applicants through the Unified Portal, orally or in writing.

    24.1. Oral information about the procedure for providing public services is carried out by an official of the Department (hereinafter referred to as the official) by calling the help desk specified in paragraph 3.3.1 of these Regulations.

    24.1.1. The applicant is provided with the following information by telephone:

    Regulatory legal acts establishing requirements for the provision of public services (name, number and date of adoption of the regulatory legal act);

    Place of placement on the Website and the Unified Portal of information on the provision of public services, including in electronic form;

    Documents attached to the application, as well as

    56. The Russian numbering plan establishes the distribution of numbering resources:

    a) geographically defined numbering zones, identified by the ABC code, in accordance with Appendices No. 1, No. 2, No. 6 to this order;

    b) geographically non-defined numbering zones, identified by the DEF code, in accordance with Appendices No. 1, No. 3, No. 6 to this order;

    c) main route indices of the telegraph communication network in accordance with Appendix No. 9 to this order;

    d) trunk route indexes of the Telex network in accordance with Appendix No. 10 to this order;

    e) communication network identification codes;

    f) access codes for telecommunication services in accordance with Appendices No. 1, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6 to this order;

    g) codes of signaling points OKS No. 7 in accordance with Appendix No. 8 to this order.

    57. The numbering plan for telephone and telegraph communication networks is formed according to the zonal principle, according to which each numbering zone is assigned a three-digit code.

    58. One or more ABC codes are assigned for use on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this order.

    A local telephone network operator providing communication services on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation uses the numbering resource of a geographically defined numbering zone assigned to this subject.

    The numbering plan in a geographically defined numbering zone is formed without taking into account the administrative-territorial division of the subject of the Russian Federation.

    59. The numbering resource in DEF codes is assigned to telecommunication networks operating throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation or in its part in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to this order.

    60. Access codes for telecommunication services provided within the entire territory of the Russian Federation, several constituent entities of the Russian Federation or one constituent entity of the Russian Federation are assigned from the list of codes in accordance with Appendix No. 4 of this order.

    Indices x1x2x3, allocated to telecom operators for the provision of communication services using access codes to telecommunication services, are divided into indices used for the provision of communication services throughout the Russian Federation, and into indices used for the provision of communication services in the territory of one or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with Appendix No. 5 to this order.

    61. The numbering resource of one geographically defined numbering zone is 8 million telephone numbers and is limited by the use of the first digit of the telephone number. The first digits are 2 through 7 and 9; after stage I has been completed in accordance with paragraph 2 of this order, numbers 2 to 9 are used.

    62. The numbering resource of one geographically undefined numbering zone is 10 million telephone numbers.

    63. Distribution of the numbering resource of the first millionth group of a geographically defined numbering zone for access to special services of local communication networks, for access to the services of the information and reference system of local communication operators, to data transmission services and to telematic communication services will be determined in accordance with Appendix No. 7 to this order .

    64. One or more trunk route indexes of the telegraph communication network and trunk route indexes of the Telex network are assigned for use on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with Appendices No. 9, No. 10 to this order.

    65. The resource for numbering the main route indexes of the telegraph communication network and the main route indexes of the Telex network is limited by the use of the first digit of the number. The first digits of the number are numbers from 1 to 9.

    66. The code of the signaling point of the SSCN network No. 7 is assigned only to one of the signaling points of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation in accordance with Appendix No. 8 to this order.

    67. The resource of identification codes for mobile radiotelephone networks (MNC) is 100 codes.

    68. The resource of identification codes for mobile radio networks of the TETRA standard is 16384 codes.

      Application. Russian system and numbering plan

    Order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 17, 2006 N 142
    "On approval and implementation of the Russian numbering system and plan"

    With changes and additions from:

    December 29, 2008, July 15, 2011, June 15, 2012, November 20, 2013, April 18, 2014, April 5, 2016

    5.2. Bring in accordance with the Russian system and numbering plan the Register of operators occupying a significant position in the public communications network, in terms of the names of geographically defined numbering zones.

    6. Send this order for state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

    7. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation B.D. Antonyuk.

    L.D. Reiman

    Open the current version of the document right now or get full access to the GARANT system for 3 days for free!

    If you are a user of the Internet version of the GARANT system, you can open this document right now or request it via the Hotline in the system.

    The Russian system and numbering plan have been approved.

    The Russian numbering system establishes requirements for the structure of digital, alphabetic, symbolic designations or combinations of such designations, including codes intended for unambiguous identification (identification) of a communication network and (or) its nodes or terminal elements, as well as requirements for the use of such designations in combination with indicators that allow you to select different number formats, telecom operators or telecom services. Requirements for the numbering structure are established for telephone and telegraph communication networks, including the Telex network, included in the public communications network.

    Fixed telephone networks in the Russian Federation use two numbering plans - open and closed. With a closed numbering plan, a telephone connection of any type (local, intrazonal, long-distance) is established by dialing a national (significant) number. In the Russian Federation, when establishing an intrazonal telephone connection, a closed numbering plan is used, in which the number of decimal places in the national (significant) number is 10. With an open numbering plan, a local telephone connection is established by dialing a local number, and intrazonal and long-distance telephone connections are established by dialing a national (significant) number. numbers with the prefix Mon.

    The Russian numbering plan establishes the assignment of codes and numbering resources to numbering zones, communication networks and telecommunication services. The numbering plan for telephone and telegraph communication networks is formed according to the zonal principle, according to which each numbering zone is assigned a three-digit code.

    The implementation of the Russian Federation system and numbering plan is planned to be carried out in stages: Stage I (2007) - transition to the use of a closed numbering plan when establishing intra-zonal telephone connections and exclusion from the numbering plans of local telephone networks of telephone numbers with the first digit equal to "1"; Stage II (2008) - transition to using "Pn = 00" when establishing international telephone connections and "Pn = 0" when establishing intra-zonal and long-distance connections, transition to using numbers like "1UV(x_1(x_2)" for access to emergency operational services, reference and information services of telecom operators and special services of local telephone networks; stage III (2009) - transition to the use of a closed numbering plan when establishing local telephone connections.

    By January 1, 2007, it is planned to bring previously issued decisions on the allocation and change of numbering resources into compliance with the Russian system and numbering plan.

    Order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation
    dated November 17, 2006 No. 142
    "On approval and implementation of the Russian numbering system and plan"

    In accordance with Article 26 of the Federal Law of July 7, 2003 No. 126-FZ “On Communications” (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, No. 28, Art. 2895; 2003, No. 52 (Part 1), Art. 5038; 2004 , no. 3607; 2005, no. 1752, no. 636; 2006, no. 31; 1), Art. 3431, Art. 3452) and Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 26, 2004 No. 311 “On approval of the Regulations on the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 27, Art. 2774; 2005, No. 10, Art. 1105; 2006, No. 34, Art.

    1. Approve the attached Russian system and numbering plan.

    2. Implement the Russian system and numbering plan in stages:

    Stage I (2007) - transition to the use of a closed numbering plan when establishing intra-zonal telephone connections and exclusion from the numbering plans of local telephone networks of telephone numbers with the first digit equal to "1";

    Stage II (2010) - transition to using "Pn = 00" when establishing international telephone connections and "Pn = 0" when establishing intra-zonal and long-distance connections, transition to using numbers like "1UV(x_1(x_2)" for access to emergency operational services, reference and information services of telecom operators and special services of local telephone networks;

    Stage III (as local telephone networks are ready) - transition to using a closed numbering plan when establishing local telephone connections.

    3. DICT (Vasiliev), Rossvyaznadzor (Bugaenko), Rossvyaz (Beskorovainy) shall, by 12/20/2006, create a working group to prepare for the introduction of the Russian system and numbering plan on the public communications network of the Russian Federation and, by 01/01/2007, prepare and submit to me for approval an action plan for the implementation of the Russian system and numbering plan.

    4. Rossvyaz (Beskorovayny):

    4.1. Be guided by the Russian system and numbering plan when issuing decisions on the allocation of numbering resources;

    4.2. Bring, before 01/01/2007, into compliance with the Russian system and numbering plan, taking into account the plan for its introduction, previously issued decisions on the allocation and change of numbering resources.

    5. Rossvyaznadzor (Bugaenko):

    5.1. Be guided by the Russian system and numbering plan when implementing measures to supervise and control the activities of telecom operators.

    5.2. Bring in accordance with the Russian system and numbering plan the Register of operators occupying a significant position in the public communications network, in terms of the names of geographically defined numbering zones.

    6. Send this order for state registration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

    7. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation B.D. Antonyuk.

    L.D. Reiman

    Registration No. 8572

    Russian system and numbering plan

    (approved by order of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation
    dated November 17, 2006 No. 142)

    I. General provisions

    1. The Russian numbering system establishes requirements for the structure of digital, alphabetic, symbolic designations or combinations of such designations, including codes intended for unambiguous determination (identification) of a communication network and (or) its nodes or terminal elements, as well as requirements for use such designations in combination with indicators that allow you to select different number formats, telecom operators or communication services.

    2. The Russian numbering plan establishes the assignment of codes and numbering resources to numbering zones, communication networks and telecommunication services.

    II. Russian numbering system

    2.1 General principles

    3. Requirements for the numbering structure are established for telephone and telegraph communication networks, including the Telex network, included in the public communications network.

    4. To identify the terminal elements of telephone communication networks, combinations of digital designations are used:

    country code (Кс) - from 1 to 3 decimal places (Russian Federation, Кс=7);

    numbering zone code (ABC - for a geographically defined numbering zone, DEF - for a geographically not defined numbering zone) - 3 decimal places for the Russian Federation:

    zone telephone number (x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 x_6 x_7) - 7 decimal places.

    The local telephone number can be from 3 to 7 decimal places and can be the same as the area telephone number or be shorter.

    5. The sequential designation of the country code, numbering zone code and zone telephone number forms an international telephone number (Nmn). The maximum number of decimal places in the international number is 15, excluding the international prefix Pmn.

    6. The sequential designation of the numbering zone code and zone number forms the national (meaningful) telephone number Nnational. The maximum number of decimal places in the national (significant) number of the Russian Federation is 10.

    7. An international telephone number uniquely identifies the end element of a communication network within global communication networks.

    8. The national (meaningful) telephone number uniquely identifies the terminal element of the local telephone network or mobile network within the territory of the Russian Federation.

    9. The zone telephone number uniquely identifies the end element of the local telephone network within the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    10. The local telephone number uniquely identifies the end element of the local telephone network within the municipality of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and a city of federal significance.

    11. To establish an international telephone connection, the Pmn indicator is used, which is an international prefix, which is formed by two decimal places with the value “00”.

    12. To establish long-distance and intra-zonal telephone connections, the Mon indicator is used, which is a national prefix, which is formed by one decimal place with the value “0”.

    13. When establishing an international telephone connection by selecting a telecom operator for each call, an indicator formed by two decimal places is used (code for selecting a long-distance and international telephone network operator - XYmn), which follows the national prefix Mon.

    14. When establishing a long-distance telephone connection by selecting a telecom operator for each call, an indicator formed by two decimal places is used (code for selecting a long-distance and international telephone network operator - XYmg), which follows the national prefix Mon.

    15. Fixed telephone networks in the Russian Federation use two numbering plans - open and closed.

    With a closed numbering plan, a telephone connection of any type (local, intrazonal, long-distance) is established by dialing a national (significant) number. In the Russian Federation, when establishing an intrazonal telephone connection, a closed numbering plan is used, in which the number of decimal places in the national (significant) number is 10.

    With an open numbering plan, a local telephone connection is established by dialing a local number, and intra-zonal and long-distance telephone connections are established by dialing a national (significant) number with the prefix Mon.

    16. When establishing a telephone connection in the mobile network, a closed numbering plan with the prefix Mon is used.

    17. The zone telephone number, which uniquely identifies the end element of the local telephone network, which uses 6, 5, 4 or 3-digit local telephone numbers, is expanded to a 7-digit number by adding characters equal to the value “x_1”, “x_1 x_2”, “x_1 x_2 x_3”, “x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4” of the zone telephone number, respectively. In this case, x_1 should not be equal to “0” and “1”.

    18. To identify the terminal elements of the Telex network (subscriber installations) in international networks, a combination of digital designations is used:

    country code (Кс) - up to 3 decimal places (Russian Federation, Кс = 64);

    identification number of the subscriber installation in the destination country (x_1.... x_9) - up to 9 decimal places.

    To establish a connection in the international Telex network, the PMN indicator is used, which is an international prefix that can include up to 6 decimal places.

    The sequential designation of the country code and the identification number of the subscriber installation in the destination country forms the international telex number (Nmn). The maximum number of decimal places in an international telex number is 12, excluding the international prefix Pmn.

    The end of dialing an international telex number and the end of dialing a national telex number are confirmed by the “+” indicator, which is indicated after dialing the last digit of the number.

    19. To identify the terminal elements of the Telex network (subscriber installations) in the national network, a combination of digital designations is used:

    (ABC) - 3 decimal places;

    subscriber installation identification number (x_1 x_2 x_3) 3 decimal places.

    The sequential designation of the main route index and the identification number of the subscriber installation forms the national telex number (Nnats). The maximum number of decimal places in the national telex number is 6.

    When establishing connections in the national Telex network, a closed numbering plan is used.

    The national Telex network number uniquely identifies the end element of the Telex network - the subscriber installation.

    20. To identify the terminal elements of the telegraph communication network, a combination of digital designations is used:

    The sequential designation of the main route index and the lower route index forms a telegraph number.

    The maximum number of decimal places in a telegraph number is 6.

    The telegraph number uniquely identifies the terminal element of the national telegraph communication network - the point of provision of telegraph communication services or the terminal installation of the telegraph communication center.

    21. To identify the node element of the telephone communication network in the general channel signaling system N 7 (OCS N 7), a network indicator consisting of 2 binary digits (IC) and a signaling point code consisting of 14 binary digits (BBC) are used.

    22. The signaling point code, used in conjunction with the network indicator, which has the value "11" for the local telephone network, is formed by a combination of 14 binary digits.

    23. The signaling point code, used in conjunction with the network indicator, which has the value “10” for the long-distance part of the long-distance, international telephone network, is formed by a combination of digital designations:

    24. The signaling point code, used in conjunction with the network indicator having the value “00” for the international part of the long-distance, international telephone network, is formed by a combination of digital designations:

    25. To identify the terminal elements of the mobile communication network, combinations of digital designations are used:

    26. The sequential designation of the mobile country code, the mobile network code, and the subscriber station identification number forms the international subscriber station number (IMSI), used to identify the mobile subscriber station in global mobile networks. The maximum number of decimal places in the international number is 15.

    27. To access special services of local telephone networks, to access the services of the information and reference system of local telephone operators, to access data transfer services and telematic communication services, numbers from the numbering resource of the 1st millionth group of a geographically defined numbering zone are used , including those combined into groups (serial numbers), like “1UV (x_1(x_2))”, where “1UV” is the service number.

    28. To access custom services, custom-reference services and services included in information and reference systems organized by fixed-area, long-distance and international telephone operators, numbering from the ABC code resource of the type “1BC” is used, where “A” = 1 , and "VS" have any meaning.

    29. To access special mobile communication services, to access data services and telematic communication services, numbers from the numbering resource of a geographically non-defined numbering zone are used, including those combined into groups (serial numbers) of the form “XUV (x_1(x_2) )", where "XUV" is the service number. In this case, X is not equal to "0".

    30. To access the services of the information and reference system of telecom operators providing local telephone services within the same settlement, municipal district or federal city using numbering from the numbering resource of the same geographically defined numbering zone, the number format is used of the form "118 (x_1(x_2))".

    31. To access the services of the information and reference system of a telecom operator providing local telephone services from other settlements, municipal districts or federal cities using numbering from the numbering resource of the same geographically defined zone, as well as from the numbering resource of other geographically defined zones defined numbering zones and geographically non-defined numbering zones, a number format of the form “Mon ABC118 (x_1(x_2))” is used.

    32. For subscribers and users of fixed telephone services and mobile communication services to access emergency operational services throughout the Russian Federation, a single number “112” is used.

    32.1. For subscribers and users of fixed telephone services and mobile communication services to access the “Child in Danger” telephone line, single numbers “121”, “122”, “123” are used.

    33. For dedicated communication networks operating on the territory of the Russian Federation, requirements for the identification of communication networks, their nodes and terminal elements, including the significance of the number, are established by the operators of these communication networks independently, taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of the Russian Federation.

    2.2. Number format when establishing a telephone connection automatically

    34. Number format when establishing an international telephone connection:

    Pmn Ks Nnat;

    Pmn Ks Ngl;

    Pmn Ks Ki Na;

    Pmn Ks Kig Na;

    International prefix;

    Country code for a country or group of countries in a master numbering plan, country code for a Global Service, country code for a network;

    National (significant) subscriber number;

    Global Service subscriber number;

    Network identification code;

    Subscriber number;

    Global subscriber number for the international toll-free telephone service.

    Ki Na, Kig Na

    constitute Nnational - national (significant) subscriber number.

    b) when using the method of selecting a telecom operator for each call:

    35. Number format when establishing a long-distance telephone connection for subscribers of fixed telephone networks:

    a) when using the method of pre-selecting a telecom operator

    b) when using the method of selecting a telecom operator for each call

    36. Number format when establishing an intrazonal telephone connection for subscribers of fixed telephone networks:

    a) when using the method of pre-selecting a telecom operator

    37. Number format when establishing a telephone connection between subscribers of mobile radiotelephone networks, mobile radio communications, mobile satellite radio communications:

    38. Number format when providing communication services using access codes for telecommunication services (ACC), including data communication services and telematic communication services:

    2.3. Number format when establishing intra-zonal, long-distance and international telephone connections with the help of a telephone operator

    39. Number format when establishing an intrazonal, long-distance and international telephone connection of a subscriber (user) with custom and information and reference services of telecom operators:

    a) when using the method of pre-selecting a telecom operator:

    Mon - national prefix;

    12, 18, 19 - direction codes used to establish connections with the workplaces of telephone operators of the intrazonal, intercity and international custom service of the telecom operator, respectively;

    14 - direction code used to establish connections with the information and reference service system created by the telecom operator providing intra-zonal and (or) long-distance and international telephone communication services.

    b) when using the method of selecting a telecom operator for each call:

    Mon XYmg 18(x);

    Mon XYmn 19(x);

    Mon XYmg 14(x),

    XY - code for selecting a telecom operator providing the corresponding communication services.

    40. Number format when establishing telephone connections using telephone operators of telecom operator services:

    a) with subscribers of mobile networks:

    Mon DEF x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 x_6 x_7;

    b) with subscribers of fixed telephone networks:

    Mon ABC x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 x_6 x_7;

    ABC x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 x_6 x_7;

    x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 x_6 x_7;

    x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 x_6 ;

    x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 ;

    x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4.

    c) with subscribers of other countries (when establishing an international telephone connection):

    Pmn Ks Nnat.

    41. Number format when establishing a telephone connection between telephone operators of auxiliary workstations (WWP) and telephone operators of telecom operator services providing intrazonal and (or) long-distance and international telephone communication services:

    42. Number format when establishing an international telephone connection between telephone operators of telecom operator services and telephone operators of international services of telecom operators of foreign countries:

    a) Pmn Ks L Kz 11;

    Destination country code;

    Language code:






    Additional area code;

    Exit code to the workstations of telephone operators of the immediate service system.

    b) Pmn Ks L Kz 12ХХХ;

    Ks L Kz 12ХХХ;

    Ks L 12ХХХ;

    International network access prefix;

    Destination country code;

    Language code;

    Exit code to the workplaces of telephone operators of the custom service system;

    Designation of the telephone operator's workplace, designation of a custom service or serial number of an order for establishing an international telephone connection.

    43. Number format when establishing an international telephone connection between telephone operators of telecom operator services of foreign countries and telephone operators of telecom operator services of the Russian Federation:

    b) Ks L 12ХХХ,

    Language code.

    2.4. Number format when establishing a local telephone connection

    44. Number format when establishing a local telephone connection:

    ABC x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 x_6 x_7 (with ABC = 499);

    x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 x_6 x_7;

    x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5 x_6;

    x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4 x_5;

    x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4;

    x_1 x_2 x_3.

    45. Local telephone connections are established with or without the local prefix PM.

    2.5. Number format for access to special services of local communication networks, to the services of the information and reference system of local communication operators, to data transmission services and to telematic communication services

    46. ​​Number format for access to emergency operational services:

    47. Number format for access to special services of local communication networks, to the services of the information and reference system of local communication operators, to data transmission services and to telematic communication services:

    a) federal significance:

    b) others, incl. municipal significance:

    1UV (x_1(x_2)),

    1UV - number to access the service;

    (x_1(x_2)) - service designation (service number).

    48. Number format for subscribers and users of communication services to access the services of the information and reference service system of a local telephone operator from other settlements, city districts, municipal districts or federal cities:

    Mon ABC 118 (x_1(x_2)),

    Mon - national prefix;

    ABC - code of a geographically defined numbering zone;

    118 - number for access to the information and reference service system of the local telephone operator;

    (x_1(x_2)) - designation of the service in the information and reference service system of the telecom operator (service number).

    49. Number format for access to communication services for data transmission and telematic communication services:


    1UV - number for access to communication services for data transmission and telematic communication services;

    x_1(x_2) - designation of communication services for data transmission and telematic communication services.

    2.6. Number format for the provision of communication services on telegraph communication networks, including Telex networks

    50. Number format when providing communication services on a telegraph communication network:

    51. Format of the international Telex network number:

    52. Format of the national Telex network number:

    Connections to the national Telex network are established with or without the country code Ks.

    III. Russian numbering plan

    53. The Russian numbering plan establishes the distribution of numbering resources:

    a) geographically defined numbering zones identified by the ABC code in accordance with the attached tables No.,;

    b) geographically non-defined numbering zones identified by the DEF code according to the attached tables No. , ;

    c) main route indices of the telegraph communication network;

    d) main route indexes of the Telex network;

    e) communication network identification codes;

    f) access codes for telecommunication services according to the attached tables No. , ;

    g) codes of signaling points OKS N 7.

    54. The numbering plan for telephone and telegraph communication networks is formed according to the zonal principle, according to which each numbering zone is assigned a three-digit code.

    55. One or more ABC codes are assigned for use on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with the attached.

    A local telephone network operator providing communication services on the territory of a subject of the Russian Federation specified in its license uses the numbering resource of a geographically defined numbering zone assigned to this subject.

    The numbering plan in a geographically defined numbering zone is formed without taking into account the administrative-territorial division of the subject of the Russian Federation.

    56. One or more DEF codes are assigned to a telecommunications network operating throughout the Russian Federation or part of it in accordance with the attached.

    Values ​​"F" are assigned for use on the territory of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation in accordance with the attached.

    57. Access codes for telecommunication services provided within the entire territory of the Russian Federation, several constituent entities of the Russian Federation or one constituent entity of the Russian Federation are assigned from the list of codes given in the attached.

    Indices X_1 X_2 X_3, allocated to telecom operators for the provision of communication services using access codes to telecommunication services, are divided into indices used for the provision of communication services throughout the Russian Federation, and into indices used for the provision of communication services in the territory of one or more constituent entities Russian Federation, in accordance with the attached.

    58. The numbering resource of one geographically defined numbering zone is 8 million telephone numbers and is limited by the use of the first digit of the telephone number. Numbers 1 to 7 and 9 are used as the first digits, and 2 to 9 in the future.

    59. The numbering resource of one geographically non-defined numbering zone is 10 million telephone numbers and has no restrictions on the use of the first digit of the telephone number.

    60. Distribution of the numbering resource of the 1st millionth group of a geographically defined numbering zone, for access to special services of local communication networks, for access to the services of the information and reference system of local communication operators, to data transmission services and to telematic communication services in accordance with the attached.

    61. One or more trunk route indexes of the telegraph communication network and trunk route indexes of the Telex network are assigned for use on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in accordance with the attached tables No. , .

    62. The resource for numbering the main route indexes of the telegraph communication network and the main route indexes of the Telex network is limited by the use of the first digit of the number. The first digits of the number are numbers from 1 to 9.

    63. The code of the signaling point of the SSCN network No. 7 is assigned only to one of the signaling points of the unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation in accordance with the attached.

    64. The resource of identification codes for mobile radiotelephone communication networks of the GSM standard of the Russian Federation is 100 codes.

    65. The resource of identification codes for mobile radio networks of the TETRA standard of the Russian Federation is 16384 codes.

    Table No. 1

    Table No. 1. Functional purpose of the Russian part of the codes of geographically defined numbering zones (ABC), codes of geographically not defined numbering zones (DEF) and access codes for telecommunication services (KDU) of the 7th world numbering zone

    First digit of the code

    Functional purpose of codes

    Used to indicate the first digit of the international prefix Pmn=00

    Used to designate the first digit of the number for access to custom and information and reference services organized by fixed-area, long-distance and international telephone operators

    Reserve (shared with the Republic of Kazakhstan)

    ABC codes

    ABC codes

    ABC codes and access codes for telecommunication services

    DEF codes and telecommunication service access codes

    Table No. 2
    to the Russian numbering plan

    Table No. 2. List of assigned ABC codes

    Numbering zone name

    Name of the subject of the Russian Federation

    ABC code meaning


    Republic of Adygea (Adygea)

    Altai regional

    Altai region

    Altai Republican

    Altai Republic


    Amur region


    Arkhangelsk region together with the Nenets Autonomous Okrug


    Astrakhan region


    Belgorod region


    Bryansk region


    Republic of Buryatia


    Vladimir region


    Volgograd region


    Vologda region


    Voronezh region


    Republic of Dagestan


    Jewish Autonomous Region


    Sverdlovsk region


    Ivanovo region


    Ingush Republic


    Irkutsk region together with the Ust-Ordynsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug


    Kabardino-Balkarian Republic


    Kaliningrad region


    Republic of Kalmykia


    Kaluga region


    Kamchatka region together with the Koryak Autonomous Okrug


    Karachay-Cherkess Republic


    Republic of Karelia


    Kemerovo region


    Kirov region

    Komi Republic


    Kostroma region


    Krasnodar region


    Krasnoyarsk Territory together with the Evenki Autonomous Okrug and the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug


    Kurgan region

    Kursk region


    Leningrad region


    Lipetsk region


    Magadan region


    Republic of Mari El


    Republic of Mordovia

    Moscow city

    Moscow city

    Moscow regional

    Moscow region


    Murmansk region

    Nizhny Novgorod

    Nizhny Novgorod region


    Novgorod region


    Novosibirsk region

    Omsk region


    Orenburg region


    Oryol region


    Penza region


    Perm region


    Primorsky Krai


    Pskov region


    Rostov region


    Ryazan region


    Samara region

    St. Petersburg

    city ​​of St. Petersburg


    Saratov region


    Sakhalin region

    North Ossetian

    Republic of North Ossetia - Alania


    Smolensk region


    Stavropol region


    Tambov region


    Republic of Tatarstan (Tatarstan)


    Tver region

    Tomsk region


    Tula region


    Republic of Tyva


    Tyumen region


    Udmurt Republic


    Ulyanovsk region


    Republic of Bashkortostan


    Khabarovsk region


    Republic of Khakassia


    Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra


    Chelyabinsk region


    Chechen Republic

    Chitinskaya (together with the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug)*

    Chita region together with the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug


    Chuvash Republic - Chuvashia


    Chukotka Autonomous Okrug


    Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)


    Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug


    Yaroslavl region


    Baikonur city and Baikonur cosmodrome



    * In order to rationally use the ABC code numbering resource for the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are autonomous okrugs, with the exception of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, a numbering resource is allocated in accordance with this table.

    ** In order to rationally use the ABC code numbering resource for the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in the future there should be one ABC code.

    Table No. 3
    to the Russian numbering plan

    Table No. 3. List of assigned DEF codes for mobile radiotelephone networks, radio networks and satellite mobile radio networks

    Table No. 4
    to the Russian numbering plan

    Table No. 4. List of assigned access codes for telecommunication services (ACS)

    Telecommunication service access codes

    Name of telecommunication service

    Free call (FPH - Freephone)

    Call with automatic alternative billing (AAB - Automatic alternative billing)

    Credit card calling (CCC)

    Universal access number (UAN)

    Calling using a prepaid card (PCC - Prepaid card calling)

    Account card calling

    Virtual private network (VPN)

    Universal personal telecommunication (UPT - Universal personal Telecommunication)

    Service for an additional fee (PRM - Premium rate)

    Promising service codes

    Access to data communication services

    Access to telematic communication services

    Table No. 5
    to the Russian numbering plan

    Table No. 5. List of indices assigned to telecom operators when providing communication services using access codes to telecommunication services

    Table No. 6
    to the Russian numbering plan

    Table No. 6. List of reserve codes ABC, DEF and KDU codes

    Number of the first digit of the code

    ABC, DEF, KDU codes

    Number of backup codes


    303, 305 - 307, 308, 309, 319, 331, 332, 334, 335, 337, 339, 340, 344, 348, 350, 354 - 359, 360 -369, 370 - 379, 380, 386, 387, 389, 392, 393, 396 - 399

    400, 402 - 409, 410, 412, 414, 417- 419, 420, 422, 425, 428, 429, 430 - 439, 440 - 449, 450 - 459, 460 - 469, 470, 476 - 479, 480, 488, 489, 490, 497

    810, 856, 857, 860, 869, 880

    (shared use by the Communications Administrations of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan)

    819, 822 - 829, 830, 837 - 839, 849, 852 - 854, 858, 859, 864, 868, 870, 874 - 876

    (shared reserve with the Communications Administration of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

    942, 943, 944, 945, 946, 947, 948

    Table No. 7
    to the Russian numbering plan

    Table No. 7. Distribution of numbers for access to special services of local communication networks, to services of the information and reference system of local communication operators, to data transmission services and to telematic communication services

    Service access number and service numbers

    Assigning a number range for access and service numbers

    Range for 3-digit federal service numbers

    Time service

    Numbers of services introduced in the Russian Federation for the purpose of harmonization with European legislation in the field of communications

    Unified emergency call number

    Blocking electronic payment cards

    Access number to the information and reference systems of the local telephone operator

    Social service numbers

    Drug addiction help service

    Child in danger

    Child in danger

    Child in danger

    Centralized telephone and payphone repair bureau

    Telegram service by telephone

    Traffic police service


    Psychological assistance service

    Call center and emergency numbers

    Reference and information service about medicines and medical services

    Weather service

    SPAS - road emergency service

    Taxi service

    Water utility emergency service

    Electrical emergency service

    Emergency heating service

    Hotel booking

    140Х(Х) - 179X(Х)

    Serial numbers of paid information, reference and order services

    Help desk and air ticket booking

    Help desk and ordering train tickets

    Help desk and ticket booking for intercity buses

    Help desk and booking of tickets for water transport

    Information about entertainment events

    Sports news

    Access to personal radio networks

    147(x(x)) - 149x(x)

    150 X(X) -159 X(X)

    Reserve for 4-, 5-digit serial numbers

    160 X(X) - 169 X(X)

    170 X(X) - 179 X(X)

    VRM telephone number

    183X(X) - 189X(X)

    190Х(Х) - 199X(Х)

    Serial numbers used to access data and telematics services.

    Table No. 8
    to the Russian numbering plan

    Table No. 8. Distribution of the “F” value of the DEF code beyond the territories of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation that form federal districts

    Table No. 9
    to the Russian numbering plan

    Table No. 9. Distribution of the numbering resource for signaling points (SPS) between SS networks of 7 public telephone networks

    Signaling points for public telephone networks

    Signaling Point Code Format

    Alarm Point Code Format Based on Range (Decimal)

    Signaling point code range (binary)

    Alarm point code range (in decimal)

    Signaling points of the long-distance and international telephone network
    (ISmn = 00)

    International format

    from 2-100-0 to 2-119-7

    01001100100000 - 01001110111111

    Signaling points for long-distance and international telephone networks

    National format

    from 0-0 to 255-63

    00000000000000 - 11111111111111

    Local (zonal) telephone communication network signaling points (ISm=11)

    from 0 to 15359

    00000000000000 - 11101111111111

    Table No. 10
    to the Russian numbering plan

    Table No. 10. List of resource for numbering the main route indexes of the telegraph network on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

    Trunk route index

    Trunk route index







    Saint Petersburg












    Perm, Komi-Permyak


    Yakut (Sakha)

    Chitinskaya, Aginskaya-Buryatskaya







    Irkutsk, Ust-Ordynsk, Buryat









    Nizhny Novgorod

    Arkhangelsk, Nenets


    Kamchatka, Koryak





















    North Ossetian (Alania)




    Krasnoyarsk, Evenki






    Altai Republic






    Table No. 11
    to the Russian numbering plan

    Table No. 11. List of resource for numbering the main route indexes of the Telex network on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

    Trunk route index

    Trunk route index





    Nizhny Novgorod

    Volgogradskaya (Volzhsky)








    Rostovskaya (Taganrog)



    Belgorodskaya (Stary Oskol)





    Bashkir (Salavat)

    133,.....313, 347, 633



    Perm, Komi-Permyak


    Yakut (Sakha)





    Komi (Vorkuta)



    Primorskaya (Nakhodka)



    Irkutsk, Ust-Ordynsk, Buryat

    Samara (Tolyatti)

    Irkutsk (Angarsk)


    Irkutsk (Bratsk)

    Kemerovo (Novokuznetsk)


    Tyumen, Yamalo-Nenets






    Arkhangelsk, Nenets

    Arkhangelskaya (Severodvinsk)

    221,.....348, 721, 848


    Kamchatka, Koryak

    Sverdlovskaya (Nizhny Tagil)




    Stavropolskaya (Pyatigorsk)




    Tatarstanskaya (Naberezhnye Chelny)


    Chitinskaya, Aginskaya-Buryatskaya








    Khabarovskaya (Komsomolsk-on-Amur)



    North Ossetian (Alania)

    Orenburgskaya (Orsk)



    Krasnoyarsk (Kansk)



    Vologda (Cherepovets)


    Krasnoyarsk, Evenki, Taimyr


    205,.....206, 346, 846, 570


    Altai Republic



    Krasnodar (Sochi)


    Krasnodar (Armavir)

    Krasnodar (Novorossiysk)
