• How to make a group in VK visible. An important question: how to make a closed group "VKontakte"

    Do you want to close your group in contact? In fact, you can change the community type after it has been created. Today we will talk about how to make a group in VK closed. It is not at all difficult and even from the phone it is really possible to make the necessary settings.

    And although in the new design of VK everything has changed a little. It won't stop us. Now you can open and close your community at least every day.

    Many when creating their own group do not even think about its type. Quickly made a community and rejoice. And how it will be open or closed is not important. At least at the initial stage. And now, when the group has already been created and a little promoted, the question arises, how to make the group in VK closed. Is such a change possible at all? And in the new contact, not everyone has figured out what's what.

    How to make a group in VK closed after its creation.

    To close a group in a contact, you first need to enter it. You can do this not only from your computer, but also from your phone. But not everyone knows where to look for these very settings. Now I will show you everything.

    Under the band's logo, you see three dots. Hover over them and click. In the window that appears, select the very first item "Community Management".

    A new "Basic Information" page will open. Here we can change all the settings again. You will have the opportunity not only to make the group in contact closed. Feel free to edit the title, description, subject, and so on. But since we need to close our group in VK, let's do just that.

    In the window that opens, you will see a setting such as "Group Type". If you have "Open", then click on this word. And then simply select the type "Closed" in the window that appears. Then feel free to click Save.

    After saving, we go back to our community. And now, below the photo, there will be an inscription. It was for her that we made all these simple changes. Congratulations guys, your group is now closed!

    Let me remind you that at any time, even immediately, you can return everything as it was. To make the group open again, you need to return to the page for editing. Well, now, when creating a new community, you can immediately decide what it will be like. Or change its type as needed. Moreover, go to the settings and see what else you can change. Perhaps you missed something when creating your group.

    Tell your friends how to close a group in VK. What if they are also interested in this information?

    Please repost!


    How to make a group closed in VK?

    If you decide to create a community for a certain circle of users, for example, only for your school friends, you will need to close the group after creating it. Today we will talk about how to do this in practice.

    In fact, there is nothing complicated in the process, but there are some nuances that you should be aware of.

    Perhaps the most important thing is that you can make a closed group, but not a public page! After all, that's why it is a public page ... Therefore, if you want to close your public page, you will first need to transfer it to a group. It's easy to do.

    Go to public. On the right side of the screen, you will see a menu. In it, select the "Transfer to group" item.

    A small window will appear. Read the conditions for transferring the page to the group and, if everything suits you, click on the "Translate" button.

    The action itself will need to be confirmed with a code that will come to your mobile phone.

    If you have a group, not a public, then you do not need to do everything described above. Let's close the group.

    Go to your group and click on "Community Management".

    Staying on the "Information" tab, lower the page to the very bottom. There is an item "Group Type". You can choose from three group types:

    • Open (anyone can join).
    • Closed (you can join by invitation or by submitting an application).
    • Private (you can join only at the invitation of the head).

    Which type of group to choose, closed or private, is up to you. If the group is private, the user will see this:

    That is, he, the user, will be able to apply to the group. And here is what he will see if the group is private:

    As you can see, everything is very simple. You can ask your questions about the article using the comments.


    How to quickly make a Vkontakte group closed, even if it has already been created

    Good day, dear readers of my blog. My eyes once again fell on social networks. I decided to tell you something interesting about Vkontakte groups.

    Very soon I will dispel one of the common myths that novice administrators firmly believe in. It is he who is the reason that the promotion of the group increases significantly or stops altogether.

    It is likely that the same error awaits you. To prevent this from happening and you can learn from someone else's rake, in a few seconds we will begin to discuss in detail how to make a group in contact closed and whether it is worth using this feature. Let's start with this question. After all, it can cost you your most valuable resource - time!

    Shall we start?

    The fallacy of beginners that hinders the promotion of Vkontakte

    Many novice administrators, and developers in general, tend to believe that the whole world was just waiting for the release of their new project. There is nothing surprising in this, a person turns into a mass media.

    Add to this a healthy self-esteem, and we get the very effect that harms promotion. Some still believe that after the game "Field of Miracles", all participants become city celebrities, and after the release of the blog, the crowd begins to recognize you on the streets and wait for an autograph.

    One client of mine seriously wanted to use the most difficult colors on the site and for the images of social media posts, in the hope that the audience would spend more time trying to read white text on a light background. Of course, this is nonsense. Fortunately, I managed to convince the customer.

    In fact, both on the Internet and in life, you have to fight for the consumer. And until businessmen understand this, the level of quality will remain at a low level.

    Many subscribers find it easier to refuse to join the community than to wait to be added. I have no idea how they need to be lured so that people actually click and subscribe to the news. This is more difficult than gaining an audience in an open community.

    To close the page, to make it elite, the audience must really want to be among the elite, the community must meet fairly high standards. They are listed in order of importance in the list below.

    • The group should already consist of many people, at least several thousand.

    If a community has 1,000 or less subscribers, then few people will join the open community. Not to mention closed. Some may even think that the public is purely “for their own” and will pass by.

    • At first glance, a person should understand that he will receive unique information from you that he will not find anywhere else. You are a worthwhile community.

    I recently had a situation. My friend and I are following the release of new episodes of Vikings. In one of the community, the video appeared very early and he sent me a link (I think this is not the only case, given the popularity of this series). Unfortunately, the group was closed, and while I got access to it, only the man with bananas in his eyes did not see the series.

    By the way, I remained in the community, but the attitude towards it was negative. Think several times before deciding. Do you really need to make the page inaccessible to outsiders?

    • The title and picture should be catchy.

    This is a difficult item to implement, it takes experience and practice. "Vasya Pupkin's group about web design" is unlikely to be of interest to a great many people who want to be involved in this elite closed community. But, as they say, especially on the Internet, nothing is impossible.

    I do not consider this point as significant as the first or second. Do you have people, is there something interesting and unique? Experiment. Try. Test. You can open a group at any time, but now we are more interested in the opposite task.

    A simple method that will make your group inaccessible

    Closing a group if it has already been created and you are its administrator is not problematic at all. Open your page, go to the "My Groups" section, and then to the "Management" tab. Open the desired folder.

    Go to Community Management.

    You will be taken to a new window, scroll down a little and you will see "Group Type". There are three possible options to choose from, each of which can be found in the pop-up menu. I will not repeat what you yourself can see in the picture below.

    Well, at the same time, how to make it impossible or limited to add news

    By the way, while we are here, I strongly recommend that you limit the ability to add posts to the wall. In this case, you will check what exactly readers want to publish and allow information to reach the audience, or refuse.

    If the first method didn't work

    If you have problems closing a group, then most likely they are due to the fact that you cannot find the desired value in the list at all, there is no group type anywhere. When you scroll down, you see this menu.

    This means that you initially created a public page and, of course, it is impossible to close it. Otherwise it wouldn't have been called that.

    What can you do? Move it to a group. To do this, you will need to log into it from the creator's account. I recently wrote an article on how to find who created a Vkontakte group. The publication can be easily found on my blog.

    If you are the full owner, then on the main page, under the picture, you will have a proposal to shine: "Transfer to a group."

    After that, you can close the community from strangers.

    OK it's all over Now. Think about whether you really should make your group inaccessible or there will be more subscribers if you leave it open.

    If time goes by, and the decision to make is becoming more and more difficult, then I can recommend you the video course “A powerful flow of customers from VKontakte“. Thanks to it, you will learn to see your audience, predict the future attitude of the crowd to a particular decision, and plan the best promotion strategies.

    This course is designed for those who want to learn the maximum about making money online. It will take quite a bit of time and you will learn how to create websites, run groups on Instagram, Vkontakte, Pinterest, Vimeo, classmates, Facebook, make your YouTube channel popular and learn a lot of other interesting things.

    While in doubt, you can watch one of the videos that was created and recorded just as part of training at this very school.

    OK it's all over Now. It remains for me to invite you to subscribe to my blog newsletter so that you can receive more interesting publications about making money on the Internet and say goodbye to you.

    Until we meet again and good luck in your endeavors.


    How to make a group in VK closed

    When creating a group, you can make it public or private. Everyone can join the open ones, but the closed ones - only after the administrator approves the application. With such strict moderation, you can carefully control all participants and create a trusting atmosphere in the group.

    It is not at all necessary to immediately close the group, because there is a way to make the VK group closed, even if it has already been created and is functioning.

    First, let's look at the option of creating a closed group. To do this, go to the Groups section and click Create Community at the top right.

    Enter a name (you can change it later), check the Group box and click Create community.

    You now have a group created and it's time to make it private. You immediately get to the menu with the main settings. The required item is at the very bottom:

    Opposite the group type label, click Open and select Closed from the drop-down menu. Scroll down a little and click Save. Great, now each subscriber must go through manual moderation before they can become a member of the group.

    How to make a VK group closed if it has already been created

    But there are situations when the group is initially kept in the open, and then the policy changes and it needs to be closed urgently. This usually happens due to a large amount of advertising, aggressive users who insult other members and arrange a showdown. To create and maintain a friendly atmosphere in the group, you need to close it.

    To do this, under the profile picture, click on the ellipsis and select Community Management.

    In these settings, again go down and select from the drop-down menu Group type - Closed.

    What to choose: open, closed or private?

    If you still decided to make the group closed, then you had reasons for that. But maybe you are too quick to make a decision? Of course, you can change the group type back at any time. But let's compare the features of these types:

    • Open group - any user can freely join it at any time. Subscribers can repost and share information with their friends on the wall and in the news feed. In principle, an open group is not much different from a public page - no privacy.
    • Closed group - users can invite friends to it, by name it is in the search and only basic information about the group is displayed (avatar, number of subscribers, description), and the posts on the wall are hidden. You personally approve all applications for membership, and when subscribers want to leave the group, a warning appears "if you leave the group, information in it will not be available to you." Subscribers cannot share posts from the group on the wall - only send them to friends in PM.
    • Private group - it cannot be found in the search, you cannot invite your friends to it, and even if a person accidentally gets to the group page, he will only see the inscription “This is a private community. Access by admin invitation only. Subscribers cannot invite other users and share posts on their wall, but they can send them to friends in PM.

    Choose the type of group depending on your desires. You can experiment with different formats to find the perfect fit for you. You can afford it, because now you know how to make a VK group closed if it has already been created.


    Greetings to everyone who explores new horizons with the blog!

    We talked about how and how to arrange it in the right way. Today we will continue to analyze the management chips and find out how to make the VKontakte group closed and hide it from prying eyes.

    There are two options to get a closed community - create it initially as such or change an existing one. We will illustrate the second option, since it makes no sense to repeat.

    The question may arise - why is it necessary to close the group?

    Most often, access is limited so that information and any materials do not go beyond a certain circle of people. This may be the management team of the company, a company of fellow students of the university, a personal circle of friends.

    On a closed platform, it is very convenient to conduct training, marathons on personal growth, self-development, healthy eating, courses on various topics.

    The VKontakte platform allows you to implement broad information tasks free of charge.

    How to close a group?

    You must have administrator rights or be a creator. Moderator rights are not enough.

    Already at this stage, it is important to understand well what kind of group we need. You can turn it into a community of a private type, making it completely invisible to outsiders.

    It will not be available in the search. If someone goes to her direct VKontakte address, they will see that access is possible only at the invitation of administrators.

    The second option is the classic one, when you can see the minimum information, the number and names of participants, as well as apply for membership. This option is the most common.

    From a computer

    We go to the managed community.

    On the main page, click on the icon with three dots under the avatar to open a menu of available actions. We select the first action from the possible ones - “Community Management”.

    We immediately find ourselves in the desired section of the menu - “Settings”. On the left, in the “Basic Information” block, just below the community name and description fields, there is a “Group Type” function.

    Here you need to select the appropriate option, that is, “Closed” or “Private”.

    When selected, a brief description of all forms is provided. Study the information.

    After making changes, click on the blue button below - "Save".

    Ready! Access to your platform is now restricted. There are two ways to get into it, by receiving an invitation from the administrator or by submitting an application through a special button that will be available to a person who is not a member of the community.

    How to accept an application in a closed VK group is a topic for a separate review.

    From phone or tablet

    You can change the community from your phone both in the VKontakte application itself, which is installed either through Google Play or through the App Store, and in the mobile version of the site (available from any browser on your gadget).

    In mobile version

    1 way

    Your steps should be done in the following order:

    • We go through the browser to VK.
    • Open the list of your communities and select the one you need.
    • The main page is loading. Click on the “Add Information” function.

    • We scroll through the page in the settings until we find the “Group type” section.

    • We put a dot in front of the required type.
    • Click the blue "Save" button.

    That's it!

    2 way

    On the tab for selecting the desired community from the general list, we find the “Full version” function. We click on it, after which the functionality of the site will become exactly the same as we see it from a computer.

    After that, you can use the standard instructions described in the first part of the article.

    Via App

    We go to the list of our communities and select the one you need. On the main page, in its upper part, next to the name, we find the gear icon and click on it.

    The control menu opens. Click on the first block - "Information".

    A page is loaded where you can change visibility. After selecting the desired option, click on the checkmark icon at the top, the changes are saved.

    How to close the public?

    It is impossible to restrict access to the public, i.e., to the public page, since this contradicts the very meaning of this format. But you can transfer the public to a group, and then proceed according to the standard scheme.

    To transform a public, go to it and find the icon with three dots.

    By clicking on it, select the last item from the possible actions - “Transfer to a group”. Click on it.

    Carefully read the notice that you can transfer a public to a group and back only once every 30 days, not more often. And, if you are still confident in your goals and actions, click "Translate".

    Ready! Now you can restrict access to this community.


    Now you have the knowledge of how to close an existing community or public. I advise you to think about whether it is worth doing this, because if you are interested in popularization and wide coverage of people, then it is better to leave the public or open community format.

    VKontakte does not limit the number of participants, which means that with the help of a closed platform, you can not only solve some personal matters and share materials with friends, colleagues or fellow students, but also use it for business.

    Now, for example, educational trainings and events are widespread, this is one of the most profitable areas.

    I wish you creative ideas and excellent implementation of the information received! See you next time on the blog pages.

    Communities on the VKontakte social network are used for various purposes, from entertainment to business. But we don't always need publicity. In such cases, closed groups help us out. How to make a VK group closed is discussed in the article.

    Closed VKontakte groups have always enjoyed some of their charm. They are closed from public access. They only discuss information between their members.

    Let's start with a definition. A closed (or private) VKontakte community is a community in which access for unsubscribed users is limited. That is, only participants (subscribers) can see news, posts, photos, videos and any other materials.

    It is much harder to get into closed groups than into open ones. When you visit their pages, you will see something like this:

    You will not be able to subscribe on your own. Here you will need to either submit an application and then wait for its approval by the administrator, or receive an invitation and accept it.

    It is also worth noting the fact that only groups can restrict access, but not public pages. If you have a public one, then transfer it first to a group, and then make it private or closed.

    As a rule, people use this opportunity to share information with a limited circle of people. For example, you have made a group where only your close friends are members, and you do not want anyone else to see what is posted there.

    Also, this function serves as a kind of disclaimer. For example, if you publish material that is not intended for minors, then you can restrict access and accept/invite only adult VK users.

    Types of VKontakte groups

    There are two types of restricted groups:

    • closed;
    • Private.

    In the first case, you can become a member by submitting an application or accepting an invitation. The second is by invitation only. Which type to use, you already decide based on your preferences and needs.

    It is worth noting that private groups are no longer inaccessible, since getting into such a community does not depend on the user himself and his active actions.

    How to create a closed VKontakte group

    So, we figured out what the closed and private groups are. Now let's move on to how to create them.

    1. Click the Create Community button.

    1. In the window that appears, enter a name, indicate the subject and, be sure, put a dot in front of the “Group” item. And click create.

    1. Next, we will be transferred to the settings page. Find the line "Group Type".
    2. The default is open type. We need to choose closed / private.

    1. Click Save.

    Thus, we have created a closed/private community.

    How to make an open group closed VK

    Situations are different, including the case when it becomes necessary to restrict access to an already existing community. Unfortunately, not all leaders know how to do this.

    In fact, everything is quite simple, below is a step-by-step instruction:

    1. Click on the ellipsis button and go to "Community Management".

    1. On the right, select the “Settings” section (as a rule, it will open immediately).
    2. Next, find the line "Group type" and select the desired option. If there is no such line, then you have a public page (read on how to transfer a public to a group).

    1. Save your changes.

    After the done actions, the following will appear under the avatar:

    Now, only subscribers will be able to see the news. Everyone else will have to apply or wait for your invitation.

    Similarly, you can change the type back to "Open".

    How to transfer a public page to a group

    As we said earlier, only a group can be closed, but not a public page.

    If you encounter any difficulties when transferring a public to a group, then the instructions below will help you:

    1. Go to the community page.
    2. Under the avatar is a button with three dots. Click on it.
    3. Select "Transfer to Group".

    1. Confirm the action.

    Remember! Transfer can be done once every 30 days. Therefore, your decision should be balanced and well thought out, as there will be no chance to change your mind in the near future.

    How to add people to a closed VKontakte group

    One of the most frequently asked questions when working with closed / private communities is "Where to accept applications for membership?".

    The whole catch is that if there are no applications, then this will not be indicated anywhere. This confuses many administrators. They try to find a page with applications when there are none, and, as a result, face failure.

    So, to accept the application, you must be an administrator (not a moderator) and follow the instructions:

    1. Go to "Community Management".
    2. On the right, find and select the "Participants" section.

    Important! If there are applications, then in the participants section there will be an additional subsection “Applications”. If there are no applications, then there will be no such subsection.

    1. Go to the "Applications" subsection, and then approve or reject them by clicking the appropriate button.

    As you can see, it is the absence of the “Applications” subsection that raises many questions on this topic. But knowing this feature, you will never have such problems.

    Now, with regards to sending invitations. Almost all community leaders know how to do it. But we decided to discuss this point as well.

    So, to send invitations you need:

    1. Under the avatar, click on the "You are a member" button.
    2. Select "Invite Friends".

    1. After that, a window with a list of your recent friends will open. Opposite each will be the "Send invitation" button. By clicking it, you will send an invitation.

    After the done actions, close the window and wait until your friends agree to join.

    Remember that you can only invite friends and no more than 40 per day.

    Pros and cons of closed VK groups

    Let's draw a small line under all of the above and try to highlight the main advantages and disadvantages:

    The benefits of closed/private communities include:

    • Confidentiality - no one (except members) will know what is published within the group;
    • It is possible to choose between closed and private;
    • Pretty easy to use (especially after reading this article).

    The disadvantages include:

    • Such communities are difficult to promote, since people do not have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with your content before joining;
    • It is not possible to set up auto-acceptance of applications according to certain criteria (for example, from 18 years of age and older).


    We talked about open and closed groups. We analyzed all the main nuances of working with them: how to create, how to change, how to add people, etc.

    Now you know the difference between them and you can use the knowledge gained in your work. We hope our article was helpful to you.

    If you decide to create a community for a certain circle of users, for example, only for your school friends, you will need to close the group after creating it. Today we will talk about how to do this in practice.

    In fact, there is nothing complicated in the process, but there are some nuances that you should be aware of.

    Perhaps the most important thing is that you can make a closed group, but not a public page! After all, that's why it is a public page ... Therefore, if you want to close your public page, you will first need to. It's easy to do.

    Go to public. On the right side of the screen, you will see a menu. In it, select the "Transfer to group" item.

    A small window will appear. Read the conditions for transferring the page to the group and, if everything suits you, click on the "Translate" button.

    The action itself will need to be confirmed with a code that will come to your mobile phone.

    If you have a group, not a public, then you do not need to do everything described above. Let's close the group.

    Go to your group and click on "Community Management".

    Staying on the "Information" tab, lower the page to the very bottom. There is an item "Group Type". You can choose from three group types:

    • Open (anyone can join).
    • Closed (you can join by invitation or by submitting an application).
    • Private (you can join only at the invitation of the head).

    Which type of group to choose, closed or private, is up to you. If the group is private, the user will see this:

    That is, he, the user, will be able to apply to the group. And here is what he will see if the group is private:

    As you can see, everything is very simple. You can ask your questions about the article using the comments.

    Hello, friends! Today we will talk about how you can close the Vkontakte group, the creator of which you are.

    This may be required in various situations. For example, you decided to create a community for your classmates, classmates, colleagues. Or it will be intended for a specific circle of people, and there is absolutely no need for other users who are not subscribers to see the information in it.

    Vkontakte has three types of groups: open, closed and private. With the first, everything is clear: users see all the information, join the community on their own. But if you need to hide information from prying eyes, then you need to choose one of the last two types.

    What is the difference between private and closed?

    You can submit a closed application, and if the administrator approves it, you will become a subscriber and get access to the materials. You can get into a private one only after an invitation from the administration.

    If you are not a subscriber of the group, then by going to its page, the following information will be available to you:

    Closed - name, status, description of the community, website, list of participants, avatar, it will also be possible to write a message and apply for membership;

    Private - you will see a message on the page: “This is a private community. Admin invitation-only access" and nothing else.

    Another important point. You can close the Vkontakte community only if you have a group. If the page is public, then you first need to transfer it to a group, and then close it.

    Making a closed group

    If you need to close the community and you go to VK from a computer or laptop, then on your page in the left menu, select the "Groups" item. Then find yours in the list and click on it.

    Click on the three horizontal dots under the avatar and select "Community Management" from the drop-down menu.

    There is a menu on the right side, make sure you are on the "Settings" tab. Next, in the "Basic Information" section, find the line "Group Type". Click on the word "Open". In the menu that appears, select the desired item - "Closed".

    After specifying the type, click the "Save" button.

    How to close from phone

    If you access Vkontakte using your phone or tablet, then let's figure out how to make the group closed through the mobile version of the site (go to your VK page through the browser installed on your phone), or through the mobile application (go to the page through the one downloaded from the Play Market or the App Store application Vkontakte).

    Through the mobile version of the site

    If you are using the mobile version of the site, then open the side menu by clicking on the three horizontal bars in the upper left corner of the page, and then select the "Groups" item from the side menu.

    Find yours and click on it.

    Scroll down the page a little and you will see the "Group Type" item.

    Put a marker in front of the word "Closed" and click on the "Save" button.

    Now you have on the main page at the top it says "Closed group". So they did everything right.

    Using the mobile application Vkontakte

    If you have the Vkontakte mobile application installed on your device, then open the list and find yours in it.