• Push notifications do not arrive on VKontakte on a computer: problems and solutions. Why doesn't VKontakte allow you to listen to music in the background? VK disconnected

    More and more messages are appearing on the Internet from angry users who write that the VKontakte and Boom mobile applications do not allow them to listen to music with the device screen locked. The fact is that with the latest update of the mobile client, a limit has appeared on listening to music in the background - 60 minutes per day.

    What are the forecasts?

    This restriction appeared on October 1, but later the limit will be tightened to 30 minutes per day. To remove it, you need to subscribe to the Boom music service (it costs 149 rubles/month). In addition to canceling the limit, this subscription also allows you to cache audio recordings for listening to them offline.

    Note that in addition to VKontakte, similar changes affected the Odnoklassniki service, also owned by Mail.Ru Group. At the same time, the web versions of both sites do not have such restrictions. There is also no word yet on the possibility of their introduction. In the same way, we can hardly expect a change in the mode in mobile applications, at least in the near future.

    Why is this so?

    These rules are related to the specifics of the agreement between the Mail.Ru Group holding company and copyright holders. The latter include Universal Music Group, Warner Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment and Merlin Network.

    What to do?

    Buy a subscription or use older versions of VK. More details on how to roll back to the old version of VK are shown in our video:

    Fans of the VKontakte social network often encounter the problem of lack of push notifications. Windows with quick dialogues do not pop up, which causes some inconvenience. Problems can be different, we will try to talk about them and understand the methods of solution.

    Problematic issues with notifications in VK

    In fact, dealing with each problem is not difficult. Among them are the following:

    1. Social network site updates, server overload and other technical issues. You can often encounter something similar when global changes occur in a social network. Many features are unavailable, including push notifications;
    2. Global account settings failed. Perhaps you yourself or your relatives could accidentally or intentionally change some parameters in VK. The solution to the problem involves checking individual parameters and returning the required values ​​to their original position;
    3. Changing settings in private conversations with multiple people. The appearance of messages is often annoying and intrusive, so some users turn off certain elements and complain about the lack of pop-up windows;
    4. The browser does not support java scripts. Of course, this is rare today, but problematic issues do arise. Only one remedy will help here! What exactly, read further in the article.

    Technical points: waiting and updating

    In this section we will try to solve problems with points No. 1 and 4. As for the first, everything is quite simple here. Updates and system overloads are temporary and you will need to be patient and wait. How long will this inconvenience last? It all depends on the specific situation:

    1. If a major revision of individual elements of the site is carried out, the process will take up to 8 hours. During this time, individual modules will be rebooted, connections will be established, and functionality will be checked. To keep track of updates, we recommend subscribing to the official development group on VK;
    2. Server overload can also be a problem when working with notifications. Now the developers have reduced the load on the site, but sometimes it is possible to encounter the phenomenon, especially in the summer. There is only one solution, wait and hope to correct the situation on your own. If red errors occur, we recommend clearing your browser cache.

    Applications for working in the web environment are a different story. Some programs do not support java scripts or are simply blocked in global settings. Use different software, reset everything to its original values, or reinstall the latest version of the software. We've sorted this out, now let's move on to the parameters for VKontakte.

    Incorrect or broken settings

    Often the problem appears due to incorrect or broken parameters. The issue can be resolved through the following steps:

    1. You need to go to the appropriate section. This is done by clicking on the name icon in the upper right corner;
    2. In the new “Settings” window, you will need to find the “Notifications” section, after which sliders will appear on the central screen. They must be in the right position. If it's wrong, correct it;
    3. In the case of mass dialogs, you need to check whether the corresponding function is enabled directly in the dialog. To do this, go to the desired chat, find the three dots at the top, and select “Disable/enable notifications.”

    The problem is solved, in some cases you will need to log out and log in and clear the cache. We hope the tips helped and you eliminated the inconvenience. You also need to pay attention that VK uses notifications via email and SMS, we will talk about this in future articles.

    Despite the fact that the functionality of the VKontakte website is ensured by a large amount of computer equipment and is monitored by experienced specialists, malfunctions still occur.

    This reflects on users the inability to access their page. When you try to open a contact, you receive an error message.

    I will now show you how to fix this and what to do in this case.

    Video tutorial: why the VKontakte site does not work

    What are the errors?

    The most common is that the browser cannot open the requested page.

    You will see this picture if the VKontakte website is not working at the moment.

    Error options may vary:

    • Request timed out
    • The site is not responding
    • The browser was unable to display the web page

    It all comes down to the fact that we cannot access the VK website.

    Why is the VKontakte website not working now?

    There are two main reasons: the problem is on the side of the VK itself, or it is an issue with your computer or Internet connection.

    It's time to determine which of the problems is observed in this case. And this is done very simply. All you need to do is open any other website in your browser. If successful, then your computer and the Internet are working normally. And the problem is precisely on the contact side.

    What should be done in this case? Be patient and wait. In my memory, the most serious problems were fixed within a few hours. Most often within an hour. Today the VKontakte site did not work for about 10 minutes. Then everything was fixed and access was restored.

    It's more difficult if the problem is with your computer. Here you will have to strain a little.

    Fixing a problem with access to the VKontakte site

    First of all, you need to do two things - reset your browser cache and reconnect the Internet.

    Resetting your browser cache

    Let's do this using Mozilla Firefox as an example. In the upper right corner, click the menu button.

    Everything is ready.

    Reconnecting the Internet

    It’s easier here - just turn off and turn on your router. Or disconnect and reconnect the connection.

    Now we check - the VKontakte site should work.

    If it doesn’t help, then with a high degree of probability, your computer is infected with a virus (see). Here you need to do the following.

    Download the AVZ and Cureit antivirus utilities and run a full scan. Found threats will need to be removed or neutralized. And be sure to check the system hosts file - there should be no extraneous entries in it.

    Quite often lately, users have been wondering why the VKontakte page is constantly updated. On the one hand, there is nothing dangerous in this. But cyclical updating of any website is a huge problem for a person. Sometimes you can’t work with a particular site. So why does this problem occur? And how to deal with it? The best tips and tricks will be presented below. The user himself can decide what is best for him to do. The most important thing is to find the cause of the phenomenon being studied. Sometimes a rolling update is the result of a minor glitch and is fixed quickly. But in some cases, the problem occurs due to serious computer problems!


    Why is it always on VKontakte? Sometimes other sites also start to restart in browsers. The update frequency is about 5 seconds. There is no need to panic, because the first cause of the problem being studied is a system failure. The least dangerous scenario, but it does not occur very often.

    System failures are not dangerous for your computer. What could have been the impetus for this? Anything. For example, installing a program. Especially if it is originally intended for the Internet or browser. Solving the auto-update problem in this case is not so difficult. But more on that a little later. First you need to understand why the VKontakte page on your computer is constantly updated.


    For example, this happens due to viruses. This arrangement is much more common among modern users. In fact, there is no need to be scared. Depending on the infection caught, the algorithm of actions will change, which will help correct the problem.

    No one is safe from either the first or the second situation. Therefore, you should remember that it is impossible to protect your computer 100% from failures and malfunctions. It's easier to eliminate persistence in the browser. It's not as difficult as it seems.

    Browser crash

    Why is it always on VKontakte? The next reason is a browser crash. This option should not be confused with a regular system failure. Indeed, in reality, there is a serious difference between these concepts.

    However, if we talk about ways to correct the situation, the methods for a system failure and a browser failure are also different. That is why you will have to learn to distinguish between these options. For the user they are not so significant. Determining what kind of failure is taking place can be very problematic. Therefore, you should first exclude the browser one, and then the system one. How to do this? About ways to deal with the problem - a little later.


    Is the VKontakte page updated all the time? The cause of this phenomenon may be... the computer's system registry! A fairly common problem that is often not taken into account by users.

    As practice shows, such a problem can be corrected in just a few clicks of the mouse. And if the user experiences constant page updates in the browser, it is recommended to start combating the problem with the registry.

    Browser settings

    Why is the VKontakte page constantly updated? Another reason may be the fact that some applications for accessing the World Wide Web have such an item as “automatic page refresh”. Most often, the problem being studied is observed in the Chrome browser.

    For one reason or another, the named menu item is activated. And then the user’s VKontakte is updated all the time. And not only this page, but in general all the tabs that are just opening. It is easy to guess that the problem can be solved without much difficulty.

    How exactly? You just need to turn off this setting in your browser. It is recommended to check all programs for accessing the Internet. If the automatic function is enabled there, you will have to turn it off. No? Then the reason lies in one of the previously listed points. Accordingly, you will have to choose a different method of resolving the situation.

    Update or reinstall

    Is Opera's VKontakte page constantly updated? It doesn't matter what browser we're talking about. It has already been said that sometimes browser crashes lead to the problem being studied. And you need to know how to correct the situation.

    There are several options. The first is to reinstall the browser. Quite often this method helps. But then you will have to type and save all the data entered into the program again.

    The second method is to update the browser. It helps very well when the said software is outdated. In any case, if there has not been an update for a long time, it will not be superfluous.

    System rollback

    If the VKontakte page is updated all the time and the reason for this is a system failure, then it helps a lot. It is recommended not to use this method if there are suspicions of the presence of serious and dangerous viruses. Indeed, in this case, the rollback will most likely result in a lot of negative consequences. Up to the destruction of the operating system.

    At the moment, the function being studied is in “Standard” in Windows. It's called "Recovery Tool". It is recommended to select a rollback point whose creation date corresponds to a time in which the cyclic refresh of pages in the browser was not bothered.

    Cleaning the registry

    Is the VKontakte page constantly updated? What to do in this case? It is recommended that you clean your computer's registry first. And a browser. Namely: history, cookies, cache.

    In order to get the system registry working, you must first download a special application. For example, CCleaner. Then it starts, the user clicks on “Analysis”, then on “Cleaning”. A few minutes of waiting - and the job is done.

    But clearing the browser cache occurs through the settings of the mentioned software. You need to look in the same place where the parameters for storing the history of visited sites and privacy are located. A few mouse clicks and you're done!

    System files

    The next step is working with system files. Both in case of system failures and viruses, this scenario is very helpful. To fix permanent updates, you will need to delete one file.

    It is located in the Windows/system32/drivers/etc folder. We are talking about a document called hosts. You need to either delete it (including from the trash) or open it with notepad and then erase all the contents. Of course, the changes remain. Next, the computer is sent to reboot. That's it. Now the pages in the browser should work properly.


    But there is another solution. Helps when the computer is infected. As a rule, it is not particularly effective. Is the VKontakte page constantly updated (Chrome or any other browser - it doesn’t matter)?

    Then it’s time to check your computer for viruses and then treat it with an antivirus program. After this the machine reboots. And the browser starts working at full capacity. This is exactly what you need to do if the VKontakte page updates itself and crashes (freezes). Especially when all the previously proposed methods no longer work.

    Social media addiction is considered one of the most serious “cyberdiseases”. Every day, tens of millions of users around the globe visit their personal accounts, communicating with friends and discussing the latest events in the world. Social networks have entered our lives so tightly that it already seems unusual to spend a day without looking there at least for a second. According to statistics, only the social network VKontakte in Russia is used daily by about 30% of the population.

    Therefore, it can be argued that human life without social networks is impossible. Many may deny this, but they would never agree to an experiment in which they would be isolated from communication on the Internet. Although this happens involuntarily for a reason beyond people’s control - VKontakte stops working. This can happen for various reasons, but it always causes a strong reaction from the social network audience. So, let's try to figure out why VK doesn't work.

    How does VK work?

    For many, this social network is just a means of communication, and they have rarely thought about the principles of its operation. However, it is worth giving credit to the developers, because the project works quite stably, despite the huge number of requests (about 200 billion per day). VKontakte servers are located in four data centers in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and their number is approximately ten thousand, with a colossal load on everything.

    An interesting fact is that every day about 10 hard drives on which user information is stored fail, but thanks to the data duplication system, losses can be avoided. Sometimes it happens that the “VK” page does not work for the reason that information about it was stored on a disk that turned out to be damaged. However, after the data center specialists replace it, performance is restored.

    Reasons for the unavailability of VK

    There may be several reasons why “VK” does not work. Due to the sustainability of the project, they are mainly associated with problems with the user himself - this happens more often than system failures. For example, there was a disconnection. You can diagnose this by trying to load any other website. In this case, you need to find out the reason for suspending Internet access. It happens that VK does not work now because the site itself has been added to the black filter base. As a rule, this happens in workplaces and institutions, since the employer deliberately prohibits employees from accessing sites that may distract him from his work. Sometimes it happens that everything is fine, but the site still does not load. If in this case “VK” does not work, what should I do? To find out the real reason, just visit other social networks. The failure of VKontakte is such a “significant” event that news about it spreads extremely quickly. In this case, all that remains is to wait.

    Unavailability of certain services

    It happens that, for example, video recording or music in VK does not work. This occurs due to a loss of communication with the servers that contain this type of content. Thus, in the fall of 2014, many users experienced problems with playing most audio recordings. Many believed that this was due to the management's statement about the fight against piracy. However, this turned out to be just a guess. The real reason was that the Moscow data center was replacing media that contained audio and video content. As a rule, it is for this reason that one or another section of “VK” is inaccessible.

    Suspending peripheral programs

    Many people install special add-ons for VKontakte, which provide more opportunities to use the social network - plugins. Various video and audio downloaders and browser add-ons that allow you to communicate while browsing websites are very popular. It often happens that VK Saver does not work. What to do in this case? Tip number one is to reinstall the add-on. There are errors in the system that block the program from working, which can be fixed by reinstalling the component.

    It may also be a matter of updating the version when the old one becomes irrelevant. If after the procedures described above the plugin does not function, then it may be a browser issue. It should also be reinstalled, checking compatibility with Adobe Flash Player, problems with which, by the way, may also be one of the reasons why music in VK does not work. However, now there are many analogues of any programs, so if one does not work, then another will work.

    Stopping work on VKontakte

    There will always be reasons for the unavailability of a social network, because problems mean tens of thousands of dollars lost for the company. Why doesn't VK work? In most cases, this is due to the loss of communication between servers and user computers, namely, if this happens due to the company, then the fault lies with the provider providing communication services for VKontakte.

    Sometimes problems occur with the host servers that are responsible for the overall functioning of the system. Such problems are resolved quickly enough, because the condition of the equipment is constantly monitored by specialists. There are also intentional server shutdowns to avoid more serious breakdowns. For example, in the summer of 2014, during an abnormal heat wave, several main servers of the social network were disabled. In this case, whether the VK would work depended on weather conditions.

    Signs of VKontakte not working

    When a social network is about to stop working, signals appear that indicate failures. This happens because a separate server is responsible for each segment of the system, and, basically, only one breaks down, while the rest continue to function for some time. Maintenance personnel notice the malfunction, turn off all other servers, fix the problem and restart the devices. Rarely can problems be resolved without turning off the power. For example, if you notice that messages or any other data are disappearing, this means that VK is not working and will now be turned off.

    Mobile application "VK"

    The VKontakte mobile application for various platforms can be considered one of the most popular programs in the Markets. Millions of people use it every day, so stopping its work will also not go unnoticed. A separate group of servers is responsible for it, which has a connection with the main ones. Therefore, it often happens that the application does not work, but everything is fine with the website version. However, such breakdowns have a local scale, so if VK does not work, its functionality will be restored today. Perhaps the problem is with the version of the program itself. To do this, it is recommended to update it from the platform's official application store. Sometimes the Internet speed does not allow you to download data, in which case you need to test it on other sites. If they open well, but the data in the application does not load, this means that it is not working. You need to wait a little and try to log in again. Usually the work is completed within two to three hours.

    What to do if you can’t log into your VK account

    If “VK” does not work, what to do in such a situation? First, you need to make sure that you have a network connection on your computer, and if it is OK, then try to access the site through an anonymizer - a special site that allows you to change your IP address and bypass the filter. If it works, then the problem is that the site has been added to the unwanted list. To solve this problem, you should contact the person who installed the filter. If this does not help, then you should contact the official VKontakte representative on Twitter. There, the administration promptly posts information about the site’s unavailability and the estimated time to restore functionality. Problems with the mobile application may be caused by the unavailability of its servers, which will also be reported on the organization’s official Twitter. In this case, you can try to access the social network through mobile browsers.

    The largest outages

    Recently, the site has not stopped working for a long time, and few questions have arisen as to why VK is not working. The last outage was recorded on January 24, 2015 at approximately 8 pm Moscow time. The summer shutdown due to abnormal heat can be considered the largest in recent times. Then VKontakte was turned off for a little less than a day to give the equipment a break and create a small cooling system. Nowadays, site malfunctions occur once or twice a month, but this was not always the case. During the period of rapid development of the project, when the audience increased exponentially, “VK” was turned off several times a day, after which a decision was made to expand the technical base.


    So, we figured out why the VKontakte website is sometimes unavailable. Due to the fact that this is a very large system, it is quite difficult to keep track of every little detail, so failures occur periodically. Sometimes they are provided by peripheral programs, for example, if VK Saver does not work, but this is no longer related to the social network. However, if “VK” does not work, the service centers will immediately begin setting it up and soon access will be restored. In any case, the inaccessibility of the project is a big disappointment for many, although this is wrong, because we have time to relax and do more important things, such as walks and hobbies. As its creator himself, Pavel Durov, advised, there is no need to allow virtual communication to replace real communication. Probably, his departure from the project is associated with a rethinking of some life values. As he stated in his last interview, what he created will sooner or later consume him.