• The frigate for muff does not download. What to do if Frigate for Firefox stops working - instructions. friGate add-on for Mozilla Firefox

    The friGate extension is designed to gain access to blocked sites. The friGate extension can be used to bypass site blocking, because without the use of special tools and resources, it will be impossible to open a blocked web page on the Internet.

    At the moment, the number of blocked sites on the Internet is rapidly increasing. Therefore, users have to look for workarounds to overcome the prohibitions. What can you do if this is reality? There are many ways to circumvent the ban on visiting websites on the Internet. You can read about many methods on my website in the “Anonymity” section.

    One of the popular ways to bypass site blocking on your computer is to use a browser add-on, in this case, the friGate extension (plugin). According to Frigate developers, when surfing the Internet using the extension, the speed of access to sites does not decrease, thanks to special operating algorithms.

    The friGate extension differs from other extensions in the way it works: when the extension is enabled, all traffic does not go through a proxy server, like other extensions, but as usual. Only traffic to blocked sites that are on a special list passes through a proxy. You can independently add sites to your user list so that Frigate immediately opens these sites.

    Main characteristics of the friGate extension:

    • unblocking sites
    • traffic encryption
    • speeding up access to sites
    • change IP address

    Thanks to its operating algorithm, the friGate extension itself determines the accessibility of the site. Therefore, if the site has not been blocked (the extension has a special list of blocked sites on the Internet), access to the site is carried out without using a proxy.

    friGate, to bypass site blocking, works only with sites included in a special list. Other blocked sites that are not on the list will not open. In order to access such sites, these sites will need to be added to the list of supported sites.

    The friGate extension can be installed in your browser from the official website. The extension is available for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera browsers.

    frigate website

    The extension is also available for installation in the Chrome and Firefox stores. friGate can be installed on their computer by users of browsers based on Google Chrome (Yandex Browser, Amigo, Chromium, etc.) and Mozilla Firefox (Pale Moon, Cyberfox, Waterfox, etc.).

    To install friGate for the Opera browser, install the extension directly from the developer's website in the Opera browser, or install the extension from the Chrome store using this method. After downloading, agree to install the friGate CDN extension in the Opera browser.

    The friGate extension for Yandex Browser can be installed in the browser directly from the Chrome Internet Store.

    After installing the extension in the browser, you will see the extension icon, with which you can find out the operating status of this extension.

    In this image, you can see the statuses of the Frigate extension in different situations.

    Thus, based on the image of the extension icon, you can understand the state of work with sites on the Internet.

    When you go to a site that is blocked and has been included in the list, a window will appear under the extension icon with a message stating that this site is on the friGate list. Here is the flag of the country on behalf of which, using a proxy, you enter this blocked site. After clicking on the flag, you can change the country through which you enter the site.

    friGate settings

    The extension settings differ in Firefox and Chrome browsers. More convenient and advanced settings are available in the version of the extension for the Google Chrome browser. You can enter the friGate CDN extension settings by right-clicking on the extension icon and selecting “Options” in the context menu.

    In the settings you can configure the following extension options:

    • Setting up a list of sites
    • Proxy settings
    • Anonymity
    • Alert Settings
    • Additional settings
    • Advertising settings

    In the site list settings, you will see that a global friGate list has already been created, which includes a number of sites. You can create your own custom list, or multiple lists if you prefer.

    To add a new list, enter the name of the list in the appropriate field, and then click on the “Add List” button. Next, click on the created list to add sites that are blocked to this list.

    In the appropriate field, enter a domain name of this type: “site.com” (without quotes). For those sites that have subdomains, it would be better to enter a domain name like this: “*.site.com”. Next, you will need to select a mode for the extension to work: “proxy always enabled”, or “analytical algorithm”.

    If you use an analytical algorithm, then in addition you will need to enter the URL address of the site page for verification. If you know for sure that a given site is blocked (for example, many torrent trackers are blocked “forever”), then it makes sense to immediately select the “proxy always on” mode.

    In this image you can see that I have added two sites to the list. I specifically selected sites that are accessible by IP address only to users from the USA and several other countries.

    By default, “Proxy Settings” uses friGate’s own free proxy servers. You can add your own proxy to the settings. To do this, enter the IP address of the proxy, followed by a colon, the port number, something like this: “”.

    You can enable anonymity in the Frigate extension. Anonymity is recommended to be used only in cases of extreme necessity. In this case, you will need to configure the Google public DNS servers in the network card settings: (primary) and (alternate).

    In Advanced Settings, you can enable Google's PageSpeed ​​optimization to speed up access to sites. This mode only works when traffic passes through a proxy.

    Along with the Frigate extension, “Yandex.Market Advisor” is installed (developers also need to live on something). You can disable this feature in the Advertising Settings section.

    After completing the settings, you can visit the necessary resources on the Internet, bypass site blocking using friGate CDN.

    If you suddenly find that the site you need has become unavailable due to blocking, you can add this site to the friGate list in order to bypass the blocking of this site using the extension.

    Due to the increased activity of Roskomnadzor, in the last year many sites with films, audio recordings, books, and conditionally prohibited content have been blocked in the Russian Federation.

    To bypass such blockings, various applications or are used, of which Frigate is one.

    What to do if the browser utility stops working, and how to restore its functionality.

    It is installed on computers to bypass blocking of various sites.

    What sites can be blocked?

    1 By order of Roskomnadzor, many sites are blocked, containing information prohibited for children, but without a corresponding warning;

    2 Video libraries, audio libraries and other resources, presenting for review materials that are intellectual property, and whose owners have not confirmed that they have the appropriate permission from the creators or owners of this intellectual property;

    3 Often providers themselves block even those sites, which were not yet legal, just in case.

    When a user tries to go to such a site with his standard browser settings, he sees only a page with text information stating that this resource has been blocked for one reason or another.

    But if the appropriate special extension is installed on the browser and it is activated, then the site is displayed normally.

    That is, the way it is displayed in other countries, since p Such blockings based on Russian legislation are valid only on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    How does it work?

    And it is precisely on this fact that the operating principle of this extension is based.

    At the same time, unlike an anonymizer, this application has actual user information and transfers it to the site’s algorithms to calculate statistics.

    Why might this happen?

    • The site is not included in the extension lists, therefore it is not considered by him as blocked;
    • Servers disabled, through which the extension operates, for example, as a result of overload or hacker attacks;
    • The extension was not installed correctly, incorrectly configured, etc. (if it was downloaded for the first time and did not previously work on this browser);
    • There is a specific blocking on the site, which does not allow the expansion to bypass it.

    Some of these problems can be resolved by the user themselves, while others cannot be easily resolved.

    For example, in the event of an attack on the server, the user cannot do anything.

    The only thing left for him is wait until the problem is resolved.

    If installed incorrectly

    Fix extension and browser compatibility issues you can try in the following ways:

    • Restart the browser;
    • If this does not help, then disable the extension;
    • Now turn off your browser;
    • After that, launch the browser again and enable the extension;
    • If after this the extension does not work, try running it in another browser, as it is possible that this version or the extension is not compatible.

    However, this method is only applicable if the extension does not work one time and does not open any blocked sites at all.

    And also in the case when it does not work immediately after installation.

    If a specific site does not open, then it will be more difficult to fix the problem.

    When protected against expansion

    As mentioned above, some sites have a blocking system that cannot be bypassed using standard application settings.

    These are systems where blocking occurs at the provider level, and it is not possible to bypass it with a simple proxy. What to do in this case?

    Under such circumstances, it is necessary, that is, to use the anonymity mode in the application.

    To do this, follow the algorithm:

    1 Follow the path Control Panel > Network and Internet > Network connections;

    2 V select your connection type and click on it with the left key;

    3 In the drop-down menu, go to Properties;

    4 Find the item in the menu that opens IP version 4;

    5 Click on it, and then to the properties button located on the right, below the window;

    6 The settings window will open, where you need to set a marker in the checkbox next to the phrase "Use the following DNS addresses to connect";

    8 Press the button OK.

    In your browser, open the extension settings and set anonymity in the corresponding menu block.

    Quite by accident, I found out that the classic and, in my opinion, the best extension, which allows you to access mistakenly blocked sites, disappeared from the Chrome online store, either the developer deleted it, or some other force intervened; this is of little interest to us as consumers. There are alternative forks and other substitutes, but they are no good. And this is absolutely sad, because I have never seen a more convenient, fast, functional extension that does not require manually enabling a proxy. If you have this extension installed, then there is no need to worry, at least not yet. But what about those who want to also not have to worry?

    Manual installation of extensions is still possible in Google chrome, so we need an installation package .crx, which you need to download from the direct link below. Unpack. You won’t be able to just run and install, but if you follow these simple steps, everything will work out.

    Open chrome://extensions/ or go through the settings in the installed extensions and drag the downloaded file extension friGate CDN, Perhaps you will have a more recent version, this does not change the essence. Then agree to the installation and start using the excellent extension.

    I would recommend enabling anonymity mode in the extension settings. For this function to work, you need to set Google DNS in the settings of your network card or router, provided that your provider allows it. It would also be a good idea to enable optimization. Pagespeed Google.

    Your FriGate list

    If you need to create your own list of sites for which the proxy is always enabled, then this is very easy to do. Go to the parameters, set the name of the list and add the address of the page or site as a whole. To add all links to a domain, put an asterisk in front of the name *.vk.com

    With these simple steps you will solve the problem of surfing the Internet and accessibility of information. It is my deep conviction that only your personal censor should be the yardstick in this matter.

    Starting from version 55, Google Chrome blocks all extensions that are not installed from the Google WebStore. Moreover, these extensions, even if the user knowingly installed them, are simply deleted without any messages. Perhaps some of you have already stopped working. And you won’t be able to install applications directly from the developer tools. Additional protection against extensions that bombard with spam and change settings. By the way, you can read how to get rid of them in this

    List of sites

    The list of default sites that is contained in for adding to other services, for example, may be useful. You can download it in a convenient text file and use it at your discretion.

    Surely, many people, while surfing the Internet, have encountered the fact that it is simply impossible to get to a certain site. This is due to the law restricting the dissemination of information in Russia on the global network, which came into force in 2013. There is a useful FriGate plugin - an anonymizer for the Yandex browser, with which you can easily bypass all visit bans and blocks.

    When you try to open a blocked resource, the system automatically redirects you to a special page that provides information about the reasons for such a restriction. Residents of Crimea also face a similar problem, for whom access to essential services such as Google Play or Adobe Flash updates is denied.

    FriGate installation

    Since the Yandex browser platform is built on Chromium, you can easily use the Google extension store to install the anonymizer:

    Working with an anonymizer

    To understand what we are talking about, try opening the popular file hosting service Ex.ua. If you are in Russia, most likely instead of the main page of the site, you will see the following:

    Whenever you try to open a site that is on a special blacklist, it will certainly be blocked in a similar way. The only way to get around this is to trick the system into thinking you're not from Russia. Proxies are used for this.

    The Frigate extension was created to open sites that cannot be accessed for some reason, for example, due to blocking of resources by the provider. The Frigate plugin works according to this scheme: first, the application checks whether the site is accessible; if this is not the case, then it connects a proxy for it (an intermediary computer between your PC and the Internet). The difference between this extension and them is that it turns on the proxy server only for those resources that are not currently available, loading other pages as usual. If you want to download Frigate for free, this guarantees that site owners will be able to calculate the statistics of their resources and improve their security.

    Although this application is suitable for most browsers, the settings for example Frigate for Chrome and Frigate for Opera may differ significantly. Working with Google Chrome, you will have access to advanced settings and will be able to create lists of sites that must be accessible, as well as regulate the behavior of proxy servers. However, this version of the extension is not able to proxy all sites, unlike Frigate for Mozilla Firebox, which does not have such restrictions, but does have others. In the browser for Mozilla, you cannot view your own list of sites, and you can add new items to it only one at a time, which is not the case in Firebox for Yandex browser, Opera and Chrome.

    After installing Frigate, “How to use?” - one of the most common questions from app users. In fact, working with Frigate is quite simple, the utility itself recognizes sites that do not load and launches them through a proxy server. If this does not happen for some reason, you can independently add the desired site to the list of resources with which the extension works. You can download Frigate not only for the Windows operating system, but also for any other on which the above browsers are installed.

    Advantages of the Frigate browser extension:

    • encryption of user traffic;
    • access to blocked and inaccessible sites;
    • the ability to change the IP address and location;
    • automatic detection of site accessibility by the plugin;
    • using your own proxies;
    • Russian-language interface.