• Connect a wifi modem tp link. How to set up a TP-Link TL-WR841N Wi-Fi router - step-by-step instructions. Enabling a password for a Wi-Fi network

    Connecting the TP-Link router is excellent and is described step by step in the instructions included with the router upon purchase. If the documents are lost, then prepare a router, adapter, WAN cable or device capable of receiving a Wi-Fi signal. Make sure that the electrical outlet and Internet cord allow you to connect the router and follow the instructions below, in which I will tell you how to easily connect a TP-Link Wi-Fi router in a few minutes.

    What TP-Link models are these instructions for?

    It should be noted that there is a wide variety of router models. The process of connecting cables is similar for most of them, but the setup will be different, since each model has its own firmware version and features of the design and ergonomics of the administration panel. Such information will be provided in a separate article.

    This instruction is exactly suitable for the models:

    • TL-WR940N,
    • TL-WR941N,
    • TL-WR740N,
    • TL-WR841N
    • TL-WR840N,
    • TL-WR842ND,
    • TL-WA701ND,
    • TL-WR743ND

    In all other models of TP-Link Wi-Fi routers, the connection will be the same or very similar.

    The router version TL-MR3220 will be used as an example device. Unfortunately, the more popular and widespread TL-WR841N is not available at the moment, but all steps are performed in the same way.

    How to connect a computer to the device via a network cable?

    The first task after purchase is to supply power to the router. To do this, connect an adapter to it into a connector called POWER. It is impossible to make a mistake in this case. The other end must be plugged into a power outlet. Some models have a power button. It must be pressed if the lights on the box do not light up immediately. The second task is to connect the router to the computer. A network cable is used for this. One comes as standard. Its end is inserted to your computer's network card, and the second part to the LAN connector of the router. Tp-Link routers usually have 2 connectors. They have a characteristic yellow color. You can use any of the connectors. Their number means how many devices can be connected to this router. This could be a TV, set-top box, or something else connected via cable. Wi-Fi network is also allowed to be used. You may find it useful to look at the instructions for connecting your laptop to Wi-Fi.

    How to connect TP-Link to the Internet?

    The main task of the router is to distribute an Internet connection. In order for it to perform this function, you must connect a network cable from your provider or an ADSL modem to it. Connects cable from the Internet provider to the WAN connector. This connector on the box is available in a single copy. It is usually highlighted in blue.

    If the Internet is provided via an ADSL modem, then the cable from the modem is connected to the WAN connector. It is also included in the basic package.

    In the image, the manipulations performed look as follows.

    If all actions are performed correctly, a connection icon will appear on the computer. Most likely, it will have no or limited network access. You need to configure the router. Recommended reading. Most models are configured the same way, so you can use the TP-LINK TL-WR940N configuration example. If the provider uses a dynamic type of IP address distribution, the Internet can work without preliminary configuration. Likewise, if you have an ADSL modem installed. All data has already been entered on it, therefore, the Internet is distributed automatically.

    Even if you have the situation described above, you will have to change a number of parameters. You will need to set up a Wi-Fi network and set a password for the new wireless connection. Very often, various problems arise when setting up a router. Many are due to the lack of Internet. Therefore, you should read the article “Without access to the Internet”, or “Limited”; it contains the necessary answers and methods for solving problems.

    Good day.

    In order to be able to organize a wireless Wi-Fi network at home and provide Internet access to all mobile devices (laptops, tablets, phones, etc.), you need a router (even many novice users are already aware of this). True, not everyone dares to connect it and configure it themselves...

    In fact, most people can do this (I don’t take into account exceptional cases when an Internet provider creates such a “wild” with its own parameters for accessing the Internet...). In this article I will try to answer all the most common questions that I heard (and hear) when connecting and setting up a Wi-Fi router. So let's get started...

    1) What router do I need, how to choose it?

    Perhaps this is the first question that users who want to organize a wireless Wi-Fi network at home ask themselves. I would start this question with a simple and important point: what services does your Internet provider provide (IP telephony or Internet television), what Internet speed do you expect (5-10-50 Mbit/s?), and at what protocol you are connected to the Internet (for example, now popular: PPTP, PPPoE, L2PT).

    Those. The functions of the router will begin to appear by themselves... In general, this topic is quite extensive, therefore, I recommend that you read one of my articles:

    searching and choosing a router for your home -

    2) How to connect the router to the computer?

    As a rule, the router itself comes with a power supply and a network cable for connecting to a PC (see Fig. 1).

    By the way, please note that on the back wall of the router there are several sockets for connecting a network cable: one WAN port and 4 LAN ( the number of ports depends on the router model. In the most common home routers, the configuration is as in Fig. 2).

    Rice. 2. Typical rear view of the router (TP Link).

    The Internet cable from the provider (which was most likely previously connected to the PC’s network card) must be connected to the blue port of the router (WAN).

    Using the cable that comes with the router, you need to connect the computer’s network card (where the provider’s Internet cable was previously connected) to one of the router’s LAN ports (see Fig. 2 - yellow ports). By the way, you can connect several more computers this way.

    At an important moment! If you don’t have a computer, you can connect the LAN port of the router to a laptop (netbook) with a network cable. The fact is that the initial setup of the router is better (and in some cases, it is impossible to do otherwise) via a wired connection. After you specify all the basic parameters (set up a wireless Wi-Fi connection), you can disconnect the network cable from the laptop and continue working via Wi-Fi.

    As a rule, there are no issues with connecting cables and power supplies. Let's assume that your device is connected, and the LEDs on it start blinking :).

    3) How to enter the router settings?

    This is probably the key question of the article. In most cases, this is done quite simply, but sometimes... Let's consider the whole process in order.

    By default, each router model has its own address for entering the settings (as well as login and password). In most cases it is the same:, however, there are exceptions. Here are a few models:

    • Asus - (Login: admin, Password: admin (or empty field));
    • ZyXEL Keenetic - (Login: admin, Password: 1234);
    • D-LINK - (Login: admin, Password: admin);
    • TRENDnet - (Login: admin, Password: admin).

    At an important moment! It is impossible to say with 100% accuracy what address, password and login your device will have (even despite the brands I listed above). But this information must be indicated in the documentation for your router (most likely, on the first or last page of the user manual).

    Rice. 3. Enter your login and password to access the router settings.

    For those who were unable to enter the router settings, there is a good article with reasons (why this could happen). I recommend using the tips, link to the article below.

    How to log in to Why it doesn’t log in, the main reasons are:

    How to enter the Wi-Fi router settings (step by step) -

    4) How to set up an Internet connection in a Wi-Fi router

    Before describing these or those settings, a small footnote should be made here:

    1. First, even routers from the same model range can have different firmware (different versions). The settings menu depends on the firmware, i.e. what you will see when you go to the settings address ( The settings language also depends on the firmware. In my example below, I will show the settings of a popular router model - TP-Link TL-WR740N (the settings are in English, but understanding them is not so difficult. Of course, setting up in Russian is even easier).
    2. The router settings will depend on the network organization of your Internet provider. To configure the router, you need connection information (login, password, IP addresses, connection type, etc.), usually everything you need is contained in the Internet connection agreement.
    3. For the above reasons, it is impossible to give universal instructions that are suitable for all occasions...

    Different Internet providers have different types of connections, for example, Megaline, ID-Net, TTK, MTS, etc. use a PPPoE connection (I would call it the most popular). In addition, it provides higher speed.

    When connecting PPPoE to access the Internet, you need to know the password and login. Sometimes (as for example, MTS) uses PPPoE+Static Local: access to the Internet will be provided, after entering the password and login for access, the local network is configured separately - you will need: IP address, mask, gateway.

    Necessary settings (for example PPPoE, see Fig. 4):

    1. You need to open the “Network / WAN” section;
    2. WAN Connection Type - indicate the connection type, in this case PPPoE;
    3. PPPoE Connection: Username - specify the login for accessing the Internet (specified in your agreement with the Internet provider);
    4. PPPoE Connection: Password - password (similar);
    5. Secondary Connection - here we either do not indicate anything (Disabled), or, for example, as in MTS - we indicate Static IP (depending on the organization of your network). Typically, this settings item affects access to the local network of your Internet provider. If you don’t need it, you don’t have to worry too much;
    6. Connect on Demand - establish an Internet connection as needed, for example, if the user accesses an Internet browser and requests a page on the Internet. By the way, please note that there is a column below Max idle Time - this is the time after which the router (if it is idle) will disconnect from the Internet.
    7. Connect Automatically - connect to the Internet automatically. In my opinion, the optimal parameter is what you need to choose...
    8. Connect Manually - connect to the Internet manually (inconvenient...). Although for some users, for example, if they have limited traffic, it is quite possible that this type will be the most optimal, allowing them to control the traffic limit and not go into the red.

    Rice. 4. Setting up a PPPoE connection (MTS, TTK, etc.)

    It is also worth paying attention to the Advanced tab - in it you can set DNS (they are sometimes necessary).

    Rice. 5. Advanced tab in the TP Link router

    Another important point - many Internet providers bind your MAC address to the network card and do not allow you to access the Internet if the MAC address has changed ( approx. Each network card has its own unique MAC address).

    Modern routers can easily emulate the desired MAC address. To do this you need to open the tab Network/MAC Clone and press the button Clone MAC Address.

    Alternatively, you can tell your new MAC address to your Internet provider and they will unblock it.

    Note. The MAC address is something like this line: 94-0C-6D-4B-99-2F (see Fig. 6).

    Rice. 6. MAC address

    By the way, for example in “ Billine» connection type is not PPPoE, A L2TP. The setup itself is done in a similar way, but with some caveats:

    1. Wan Connection Type - the connection type must be selected L2TP;
    2. Username, Password - enter the data provided to you by your Internet provider;
    3. Server IP-address - tp.internet.beeline.ru;
    4. save the settings (the router should reboot).

    Rice. 7. Setting up L2TP for Billine...

    Note: Actually, after entering the settings and rebooting the router (if you did everything correctly and entered exactly the data that is needed), the Internet should appear in your laptop (computer) that you connected via a network cable! If this is the case, all that remains is to set up a wireless Wi-Fi network. In the next step, we will do this...

    5) How to set up a wireless Wi-Fi network in a router

    Setting up a wireless Wi-Fi network, in most cases, comes down to specifying the network name and password to access it. As an example, I’ll show the same router (though I’ll take Russian firmware to show both Russian and English options).

    First you need to open the Wireless section (wireless network), see fig. 8. Next, set the following settings:

    1. Network name - the name that you will see when searching for and connecting to a Wi-Fi network (enter any);
    2. Region - you can specify “Russia”. By the way, many routers don’t even have such a parameter;
    3. Channel Width, Channel- you can leave Auto and not change anything;
    4. Save your settings.

    Rice. 8. Setting up a Wi-Fi wireless network in the TP Link router.

    Next, you need to open the “ Wireless Security". Many people underestimate this point, but if you do not protect the network with a password, then all your neighbors will be able to use it, thereby reducing your network speed.

    • Version: you don’t have to change it and leave it automatic;
    • Encryption: also automatic;
    • PSK password is the password to access your Wi-Fi network. I recommend that you indicate something that is difficult to find by regular search, or by random guessing (no 12345678!).

    Rice. 9. Setting the encryption type (security).

    After saving the settings and rebooting the router, your wireless Wi-Fi network should start working. Now you can set up a connection on your laptop, phone and other devices.

    6) How to connect a laptop to a wireless Wi-Fi network

    As a rule, if the router is configured correctly, there should be no problems with setting up and accessing the network in Windows. And such a connection is made in a couple of minutes, no more...

    First, click on the Wi-Fi icon in the tray next to the clock. In the window with a list of found Wi-Fi networks, select yours and enter the password to connect (see Fig. 10).

    Rice. 10. Selecting a Wi-Fi network to connect your laptop.

    If you entered the network password correctly, the laptop will establish a connection and you can start using the Internet. Actually, this completes the setup. For those who did not succeed, below I will provide several links to typical problems.

    The laptop does not connect to Wi-Fi (does not find wireless networks, there are no connections available) -

    Problems with Wi-Fi in Windows 10: network without Internet access -

    Recently, Wi-Fi has become an integral part of the user’s life and is gaining momentum at an ever faster pace, since it is a very convenient thing. Wi-Fi made it possible to use one Internet connection for several devices such as a laptop, tablet or smartphone, and also eliminated unnecessary wires in the apartment.

    This article will talk about how to set up Wi-Fi at home. Namely, we will analyze how to connect and configure the router or how it is called R12 correctly; router.

    What is a router for?

    Many users are mistaken and initially think that the router itself is the Internet and that when you buy it at home, wireless Internet will immediately appear. But this is not true at all. In simple words, the Router is actually a “tee”, then it divides one connection into several, this is its fundamental function. That is, you should at least have wired Internet in your apartment. It connects to the router, and it, in turn, distributes it to other devices via Wi-Fi wireless communication.

    So let's assume that you bought a router. Now you need to connect it to your computer. I will look at TP-LINK as an example, although they all connect in a similar way. All routers have LAN sockets on the back. This is where all the wires need to be connected.

    As a rule, the wire through which the Internet comes is connected to a separate socket. It is always highlighted in a separate color. It may be blue, grey, white or yellow depending on the manufacturer, but it is always a different color from other sockets. The remaining sockets are intended for connecting other devices via wire that do not have Wi-Fi.

    In our case, we connect the Internet wire to the blue connector and plug the separate wire included with the router into a laptop or computer and insert its other end into the yellow socket, preferably number 1.

    So the router is connected, now let's start setting it up.

    WiFi setup

    Almost all routers come with an installation disk. We will use it to make the settings. So, insert the disk into the drive and wait for the installation wizard to launch. If the Wi-Fi setup wizard does not start, then open “My Computer” on the desktop, find the DVD-ROM and launch it manually by double-clicking the left mouse button.

    So the wizard has started. Select the model of our router (you can see it on the box or on the bottom wall of the device) and run the “Quick Installation Assistant”

    In this window we check the indicator readings. It is necessary that the indicator signals correspond to the actual readings of the router. If everything matches, then we continue setting up further.

    After this, a message indicating successful verification will appear. Click the “Next” button

    Here we select the router connection type. We choose the most common option R12; Dynamic IP, it suits any connection.

    Here we select the second item. Nowadays, connecting by MAC address is practically not used. This can be checked at home. But for this you need to have at least two devices, for example two laptops (in extreme cases, you can ask your friends). We simply connect another laptop directly to the Internet. If the Internet is working, then your connection is not to the MAC address and accordingly we need to select the second item.

    In this window we need to come up with a name for our network. Enter in English. These names will be displayed in detected wireless networks on a laptop, tablet or smartphone.

    Here we select the Wi-Fi protection level. Select WPA2-PSK R12; this is the most reliable protection. After this, set a password. The password must be entered in English, you can also add numbers. I advise you to make the password length at least 10 characters. This password will be needed to connect your devices wirelessly. That is, until you enter the password on the device, you will not be able to connect to the network, so no one will be able to connect to your Internet without knowing the password. This way we will protect ourselves from your neighbors using your Wi-Fi.

    In this window we confirm the settings. Check the “Save settings in a text file” checkbox. This way, a text file with your Wi-Fi settings will be created on your desktop, namely, there will be the name of the network and the password for it so that you don’t forget it.

    TPLink routers are designed for creating local networks in offices, cafes, clubs, and at home. With their help, you can easily provide access to both files stored on network-connected devices and the Internet. The company produces many models that support modern wireless communication standards. In offices, they will ensure stable work with documents and excellent video communication, and at home they will provide the opportunity to play online games and watch streaming videos without interruption.

    Features of TPLink Wi-Fi routers

    The advantages of TP Link Wi-Fi routers are:

    • simple setup using step-by-step instructions - even those who are trying to set up a router for the first time can handle it;
    • powerful, stable signal and high-speed data transfer;
    • reliable protection of transmitted data.

    The catalog of the M.Video online store also presents other products from this manufacturer:

    • Wi-FiTPLink receivers;
    • TPLink Wi-Fi signal repeaters;
    • Powerline adapters TP Link.
    • TP-Link routers are presented in a wide range of 24 models in the M.Video online store;
    • Prices range from 625.0 to 14390.0 rubles;
    • Compare prices for TP-Link Routers, read specifications and customer reviews;
    • Buy TP-Link routers with a guarantee on favorable terms of purchase (including on credit or in installments);
    • Order TP-Link routers in the cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, Kazan online on the website or by calling 8 800 200 777 5, arrange delivery to the specified address or pickup from the store.

    Good afternoon.

    In today's regular article on setting up a home Wi-Fi router, I would like to focus on TP-Link (300M Wireless N Router TL-WR841N/TL-WR841ND).

    Quite a lot of questions are asked about TP-Link routers, although in general, the setup is not much different from many other routers of this type. And so, let's look at what you need to do step by step to ensure that both the Internet and the local Wi-Fi network work for you.

    1. Connecting a router: features

    There are several outputs on the back wall of the router; we are most interested in LAN1-LAN4 (they are yellow in the picture below) and INTRNET/WAN (blue).

    So, using a cable (see picture below, white) we connect one of the LAN outputs of the router to the computer’s network card. Connect the Internet provider cable that enters your apartment from the entrance to the WAN output.

    That's all. Yes, by the way, after turning on the device, you should notice the LEDs blinking + a local network should appear on the computer, without access to the Internet for now (we haven’t set it up yet).

    Now you need go to settings router. To do this, in any browser, type in the address bar:

    Then enter the password and login: admin. In general, in order not to repeat myself, here is a detailed article about that, by the way, all the typical questions are discussed there.

    2. Setting up the router

    In our example, we use the PPPoE connection type. Which type you choose depends on your provider; all information on logins and passwords, connection types, IP, DNS, etc. should be in the contract. We now include this information in the settings.

    2.1. Setting up the Internet (PPPoE type)

    In the left column, select the Network section, WAN tab. Three points are key here:

    1) WAN Connection Type - indicate the type of connection. It will determine what data you will need to enter to connect to the network. In our case, PPPoE/Russia PPPoE.

    2) Username, Password - enter your login and password to access the Internet via PPPoE.

    3) Set the Connect Automatically mode - this will allow your router to automatically connect to the Internet. There are also manual connection modes (inconvenient).

    That’s it, the Internet is configured, click the Save button.

    2.2. Setting up a wireless Wi-Fi network

    To set up a wireless Wi-Fi network, go to the Wireless settings section, then open the Wireless Settings tab.

    Here you also need to pay attention to three key parameters:

    1) SSID - the name of your wireless network. You can enter any name, the one that will be convenient for you to search for later. The default is “tp-link”, you can leave it like that.

    2) Region - choose Russia (or your own, if someone is reading the blog not from Russia). This setting is not found in all routers, by the way.

    3) Check the boxes at the very bottom of the window, opposite Enable Wireless Router Radio, Enable SSID Broadcast (thereby you enable the Wi-Fi network).

    Save the settings, the Wi-Fi network should start working. By the way, I recommend protecting it with a password. More on this below.

    2.3. Enabling a password for a Wi-Fi network

    To protect your Wi-Fi network with a password, go to the Wireless section, Wireless Security tab.

    At the very bottom of the page there is an option to select the WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK mode - select it. And then enter the password (PSK Password) that will be used every time you connect to your wireless network.

    Then save the settings and reboot the router (you can simply turn off the power for 10-20 seconds).

    Important! Some ISPs log the MAC addresses of your network card. Thus, if your MAC address changes, the Internet may become unavailable to you. When you change the network card or when installing a router, this address changes. There are two ways:

    first- this (I will not repeat here, everything is described in detail in the article; TP-Link routers have a special section for cloning: Network->Mac Clone);

    second- register your new MAC address with your provider (most likely a phone call to technical support will be enough).

    That's all. Good luck!