• iPhone charging process. We charge an iPhone of any model without a standard charger

    If your iPhone is not charging, then now I will try to solve your problem.

    Especially for you, I have prepared 7 reasons why your iPhone may not charge and now I will tell you about them!

    Software glitch

    The first common reason why an iPhone won't charge is a glitch in the system itself. Maybe something in iOS is frozen, and the controller that gives the go-ahead to transfer current to the battery simply does not work. The easiest way to get rid of freezing in iOS is to do a hard reboot. It is done easily and simply. Press and hold the Home key and the Lock button at the same time for about 20 seconds.

    At the same time, please note that when we reboot, a white screen with an apple will light up.

    At this point, you don’t need to release the keys yet. Hold Home and lock for another 5-8 seconds (until this whole thing goes out).

    After such “ hard reboot"turn on the iPhone again and check whether the iPhone is charging or not.

    Problematic firmware

    If your iPhone stops charging after updating the system, it means there was some kind of glitch during the firmware. Of course, this does not apply to any specific version of iOS. Both on the 11th and on the 6th, in principle, on all versions of iOS, the iPhone charges :)

    Another thing is that sometimes after updating the firmware, the smartphone stops charging. Although before the firmware everything worked fine. What to do in this case?

    1. Rollback

    If before updating to the new version you made a backup copy of your device (backup), then in this case it will not be difficult to restore the device via iTunes. This is done very simply. In iTunes there is a special button for this “ Restore from copy...»

    2. Restore factory settings

    If you didn’t make a backup copy, then this is very bad :(Because in this case you will have to. With a full reset, all information from the iPhone will be deleted. This will include all photos, videos and music.

    Faulty charger

    If the iPhone does not charge, then a very important point when looking for the reason is to check the charger and cable. In the next paragraph we will talk about the Lightning cable, and now about charging in detail.

    This block here can also fail:

    Simply put, sooner or later it may burn out. Especially if we are talking about a cheap Chinese charger. In general, you cannot charge your iPhone with a “left” charger. There can be very, very severe consequences. In the best case, the battery will wear out much faster, and in the worst case, something will break in the iPhone or it will simply explode.

    Okay, okay, don't take explosive words too seriously. After all, not many iPhones exploded around the world.

    Try to take another charger, and if you don’t have one, then try charging the phone through the computer. If it works, then good, look for another charger and use it for your health. If the computer does not charge, then we continue to look for the reason!

    Faulty Lightning cable

    I already said earlier that in the next paragraph we will talk about the Lightning cable, because they also fail, and even more often than the charging unit.

    This original cable from Apple fails after 1 year if used carelessly:

    It costs a lot, but it breaks faster than some left-handed one.

    If possible, test the charging functionality using a different cable. Because, even if your old cable looks great in appearance, this does not mean that it is working.

    If there is no other Lightning cable, you will have to buy a new one. I said earlier that you cannot use non-original chargers, but this fortunately does not apply to Lightning cables.

    You can easily buy cables on Aliexpress. Another thing is that their quality is not always decent. But if you buy it from a trusted manufacturer, for example, in the UGREEN store, the cable will last much longer than the original Lightning, and it will also cost 5 times less. You can buy it.

    Cheap wires have also not been canceled, I bought myself a beautiful Lightning cable in a denim braid. Costs less than 3 dollars. You can buy it.

    Lightning port glitches

    We've sorted out the Lightning cable, and now let's touch on the issue of the port itself where this charger is inserted. Now I'm talking about the port where we insert the Lightning cable.

    In the worst case, something could break there, but in the best case, a lot of dust, debris, seeds and other rubbish simply accumulated there and because of this, the contacts with the cable do not make contact.

    Look into the port and if there is dirt there, take a small stick, like a toothpick, and carefully clean the port.

    USB port does not work

    If you charge your iPhone from a computer or laptop, then the USB port may simply not work or provide insufficient power. Try a different port, or better yet, use a charger or PowerBank.

    Faulty parts (battery, cable, recess, etc.)

    If all else fails, and the iPhone still won’t charge. Then most likely the problem is a malfunction of some components. This could be a battery “dead” by time or poor charging, broken cables from a fall, some other damage, and the like. In addition, if your smartphone is “drowned” or moisture simply got into it, then this can also cause a breakdown.

    In this case, there is only one option - to take the iPhone to specialists for diagnostics. Let them watch.


    I hope this lesson helped you in some way. And if you managed to solve your problem, the iPhone was not charging, and now everything is okay, then be sure to write in the comments what kind of breakdown you had.

    That's all. Bye everyone!

    Each of us has at least once found ourselves in a situation where the phone is discharged at the most inopportune moment, and there is no charger at hand. This is especially annoying when at this time you need to make a very important call or urgently use your phone data. This article will tell you how to avoid awkward situations and how to find a way out of them when it seems that there is no way out.

    If you don’t find a charger in your bag, and you need a smartphone right away, then don’t give up; nowadays there are many new technological devices that can save you in this difficult moment.

    The simplest and most obvious way at first glance is to use a laptop or PC as a power source, that is, using a USB port. To charge your phone, you just need to have a charging cord with you, and instead of the power supply, use your PC or laptop, connecting one end of the cord to the iPhone and the other to the computer. Of course, the charge speed will be a little slower, but you are already saved, all that remains is to wait a little time.

    Charging using third-party power sources

    There are many accessories on the electronic goods market that can be used to successfully recharge your battery. This could be a PowerBank from various manufacturers and a variety of portable storage devices. The system of their operation is extremely clear - you connect the gadget to your phone and enjoy the result.

    1 With the help of a portable battery, or as it is otherwise called a Power Bank, you don’t have to worry about how much interest is on your phone, because you carry a “second battery” with you. At the moment, the choice and pricing policy for such devices is very wide, and you can find exactly the one that suits you in terms of color, price and characteristics.
    2 Portable batteries powered by nature. The devices that appeared on the shelves not long ago have already won the hearts of outdoor enthusiasts. If your phone is dead and you are high in the mountains, on a sunny beach, or perhaps just in the country, you will find power sources that will help charge your smartphone using fire, wind or solar energy. Each of these methods is actually very simple and easy to use.

    How can I charge without a cord?

    To charge your essential gadget without using a cord, there are several innovative types of energy sources. Especially for the iPhone 6 and other models, we have developed a very stylish and convenient iQi Mobile charger, both for working at your desk and at home, thanks to which you can forget about a bunch of wires. You just need to place it once on a horizontal surface convenient for you and your phone will always be at hand. This type of charger is suitable for the following models: iPhone 5, iPhone 5s, 5c, 6, 6+. Unfortunately, iPhone 4 does not support this type of device.

    You can also charge your iPhone using a special Smart Battery Case. It fits iPhone 6, 6+ models. One part of this case is flexible enough to easily insert or remove an iPhone. While charging in such a case, the navigation panel of the device will display 2 stages of charging - the built-in battery and the case. Using this accessory, it becomes possible to talk on a cellular connection for about 25 hours or surf the Internet for about 18 hours. Maximum convenience when turned on makes this a top-end accessory, because in order for it to work you just need to press the power button and you're done.

    Charging in public places without a charger

    It happens that you went shopping at the mall or decided to have a cup of coffee with friends, and your smartphone suddenly shows an ominous red battery. Even if you don’t have a charger at hand, there is a way out. In addition to various accessories, there are very convenient and effective ways to charge an iPhone or other smartphone if you are in a public place. We can offer you some of them:

    1 Special terminals for charging devices. These are special cells, inside of which there are several types of charging cords, you can leave your phone there for a while and return for it whenever you want, and it will already be waiting for you with a full battery and ready for further use. Such cases are just gaining popularity, so you can find them inside airport buildings, railway stations, large shopping centers and cafes.
    2 If you are in a cafe, then most likely you can ask the bartender behind the counter or the waiter to put the phone on charge for a while. Almost every cafe has such a completely free service. 3 While walking around the Shopping Center, you can go into the brand store of your phone or any other electronics store and ask them to put your phone on a little charge. You are unlikely to be refused, since such stores have chargers for almost any phone model. 4 If you're driving, don't be upset; when you stop at a gas station, while your car is being refueled, you can ask for a little recharge of your phone, and at the same time drink a cup of tea or coffee. This service is also free.

    False methods or what is better not to do

    The Internet is filled with many videos and detailed instructions on how to charge your phone using fruits such as apples and lemons. In fact, this will not do any good and may even harm your phone, and your charging port may break or burn along with your phone.

    There is also a method on the Internet that describes in detail how to strip the wires on a broken charger or how to charge using wires. We do not recommend performing such operations without proper repair experience and skills in working with electronics.


    1. You can switch your phone to Airplane or Airplane mode. In this mode, the phone will discharge much more slowly.
    2. If it is not possible to use the first option, then simply disable GPS and other additional functions. Also lower the screen brightness.

    As the number of gadgets increases, the number of chargers increases. And if previously almost every device only had its own cable, now many manufacturers have taken the path of unification, that is, the charger has a USB output, and which cable to connect to which device is the user’s choice. So the question arises: is it possible to take one charger and charge an iPhone, iPad, etc. without harming the battery?

    First, a little theory about the battery

    The iPhone/iPod/iPad contains lithium-ion polymer batteries.

    Lithium-ion batteries provide longer device runtime with less weight, since lithium is the lightest metal. In addition, lithium-ion batteries can be charged at any time without having to wait until they are completely discharged, as was the case with the first mobile phones that used nickel batteries.

    In everyday use, keeping a lithium battery in good condition requires that the electrons in it be periodically in motion. To do this and to calibrate the battery indicator, it is necessary to carry out at least one charging cycle per month (fully charging and then discharging the battery).

    How to charge iPhone using chargers

    At the output they provide different current strengths.

    Native chargers for iPhone, Europe and Asia. The output is 5 W (5V – 1A).

    Native chargers for iPad: To the left of the iPad Air - 12 W (5.2 V – 2.4 A). To the right of the iPad of the first version - 5 W (5V – 1A).

    Chinese universal for travelers: - 2.5 W (5V – 0.5A).

    Universal charging from an e-reader (the manufacturer recommends using only this in the instructions) - 5 W (5V – 1A).

    Battery for emergency charging of the device in the absence of an electrical network - 5 W (5V – 1A).

    Remembering the school physics course, I can make the following statement: the stronger the charging current, the shorter the battery life. By the way, lithium batteries are much more sensitive to excessive charging currents than nickel ones, and the faster the battery is charged, the fewer operating cycles it will have before its operating capacity begins to decrease. From this logic it follows that you should not charge your iPhone using an iPad charger.

    However, the Apple website says that using the “native” USB cable and any iPad charger, you can charge the iPhone. .

    The table also lists all power adapters and talks about the ability to connect the iPhone to an adapter that produces a higher current.

    Charging with a lower current simply increases the charging time of the device.

    It would seem, why does Apple not care about the strength of the current entering the device? Everything is very simple, the iPhone has a separate charge controller that regulates the charge current, so nothing bad should happen.

    Charging iPhone from a computer using a USB cable

    Another answer to charging your iPhone is to plug the cable into the USB port of your computer. But first, it is advisable to figure out what USB ports your computer has.

    Today they are equipped with three types: USB 1.0, 2.0 or 3.0. The first and second are capable of providing a current of 500 mA (2.5 W), while USB 3.0 is almost twice as much - up to 900 mA (5 W).

    Depending on the type of USB your phone is connected to, charging time can vary greatly. Accordingly, the iPhone takes a long time to charge from USB 1.0, and almost twice as fast from USB 3.0. It is easy to distinguish USB 3.0 from USB 1.0, 2.0:

    USB 3.0 port color is blue!

    Summarizing all of the above, I came to the following conclusion for myself:

    It is better to use a different adapter for each device.

    For the iPhone, this is a 1-amp adapter that comes included... although if you don’t have time and need to quickly recharge the device, you can also use it from the iPad, although I personally am bothered by the heating of the cable at the point where it connects to the phone.

    The downside of most smartphones is that they run out of battery quickly. Unfortunately, Apple devices are no exception, so many users naturally have a question: how to charge an iPhone without charging. Is this possible in principle? Unlikely, but you can make a little effort and significantly extend its battery life by using third-party charging devices.

    We'll tell you how to make your gadget work longer and look at the process of repairing a broken charger for Apple phones.

    Many smartphone owners are concerned about the problem that they quickly discharge

    How to charge an iPhone without using a special device?

    There are several ways:

    • You can make up for the lack of energy using a USB cable - just connect your device to your computer, laptop, tablet and any other energy source through it.

    Charging via USB

    • Using an external battery or powerbank - such devices can recharge your iPhone several times to a maximum of one cycle of its own energy reserve. External batteries are also charged via the network and are an excellent option for those who need to frequently recharge their gadget. They take up little space and are produced by many manufacturers - be careful when choosing, do not save too much on them.

    • Cases with built-in batteries. If you don't like carrying a separate device with you like in the previous case, you can buy a case that can charge your iPhone. It also needs to be “filled” with energy first, and when you are on the road, the case can provide several days of operation for the gadget. Note that this result, of course, depends on the battery capacity of the device itself.

    Case with built-in battery

    And, of course, many will find such a device an even better solution than an external battery, since the case additionally performs another main function - it protects the device from damage and scratches.

    • Solar panels. They are somewhat reminiscent of a power bank, but they do not need to be charged using electricity. All you need to do is connect your phone to the battery, place it in a sunny place and wait a bit. This is very convenient, especially in summer and spring, when the days are longer and the sun shines stronger. In addition, this option is better because you do not need to pre-charge the battery - solar energy will be an excellent solution when you cannot connect to other sources.

    Solar panels

    • Fire-powered devices. Yes, you can charge your battery using real fire. For this, there are special blocks that convert heat into electrical energy. True, they are not as effective as other means, but in extreme cases they will save the phone from completely turning off.

    Fire-powered devices

    • In the same way, there are wind generator devices that can restore charge using the wind. If there is no wind, you can compensate for it by running, or use the device while walking or cycling. True, it will take 5–6 hours to fully charge.

    Wind generator

    It is worth noting that in the future, chargers in the form of a power supply with a cable may disappear, because plates for wireless power supply will become more common. Why? This way you can better protect the charging connector, which quickly deteriorates due to constant use of the cable.

    What to do if you don’t have all these funds?

    In this case, use the following recommendations:

    • If you're near a shopping center, try looking for chargers in the rest areas or stores there. In addition, mobile operator centers should have network cables for most brands of phones by default.
    • You can go to a service center and ask to charge your phone - even if they ask for money for the service, it will not cost much.
    • There are special charging terminals - they are installed in the same entertainment complexes and are also inexpensive.
    • When charging your iPhone, turn on airplane mode - with this method of operation, all communication modules that consume the most battery power are deactivated, and you will replenish your energy much faster.

    How to fix iPhone charger?

    If your iPhone charger is broken and you are confident in your abilities and capabilities, try to fix it yourself. To do this, do the following:

    • Trim the plastic shell on the end of the charger so as not to touch its insides. We are talking about the thicker end of the charger.
    • Cut the cable where it breaks.
    • Remove the protective winding to have access to the 3 thin wires, which should also be visible from the plug.
    • Remove the insulation from all wires, but so as not to damage the metal core.
    • Connect all the wires together by color and wrap them with electrical tape.
    • The electrical tape must be applied so that there are no bare wires left.
    • If desired, buy heat shrink and put it on the part of the wires that you repaired.

    After all of the above, you will know how to charge an iPhone without the main device. We recommend that you purchase one of the recharging devices to be able to always stay connected. And, of course, you can always try to fix the network device yourself - as you can see, there is nothing too difficult about it.

    The battery is the heart of a smartphone. Without its proper operation, you will not get everything you would like from the device. Of course, if your iPhone battery drains quickly, you can buy one and not worry about it. But fast discharge is only the first sign that an Apple device will soon need to be carried in. How to distinguish this and what to do if your smartphone battery does not work? The question of how to replace an iPhone battery also often arises. It is important to figure out in time whether this is possible.

    Why do smartphone batteries deteriorate over time?

    Unfortunately, the battery is practically the only “hard” part of the gadget that is subject to physical aging. Over time, it will begin to lose capacity, causing the charge to be consumed much faster. Even lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries that do not have the “memory effect” that spoiled the nickel-cadmium batteries installed on older models are susceptible to this.

    Capacity loss occurs after a certain number of charge-discharge cycles. In the process, the battery loses its capacity. It will charge faster, but it will also consume energy too quickly. Manufacturers specifically expect that the battery will last no more than 1000 full charge cycles without loss of capacity. After which it begins to decline quite quickly.

    How to charge your iPhone without damaging the battery

    To properly charge your device, you need to remember some rules. Such an elementary action also requires a competent approach. Otherwise, there is a chance that the battery will soon say goodbye to a good third of its capacity, and you will say goodbye to several hours of device operation.

    General charging rules

    It is necessary to remember some nuances and features when using, which every smartphone owner should definitely know. Compliance with them will keep the battery in perfect order.

    1. You can't discharge your iPhone to 0%. A full charge-discharge cycle will shorten the life of the device. It is much more profitable to charge it after it reaches the 30% mark. In this case, the battery will suffer less. For example, when discharged to 100%, the battery will “live” only 500 discharge cycles. If you constantly charge it, as soon as the energy mark reaches 50%, the number of cycles will increase to 1500.
    2. Do not use the device while charging. Not only will energy accumulate more slowly, but there is a risk that the battery will be damaged. In addition, then the gadget will overheat, which is not good for both the battery and other electronic components.
    3. It is necessary to use only high-quality USB cables and special ones for them. A low-quality wire may not only not fit, but its characteristics will not match the gadget: it can damage the charge controller. And replacing the latter is a big problem.
    4. Do not store the battery in a discharged or fully charged state. Don't use an iPhone? Charge it to 50% and leave it sitting. In this case, its battery will be preserved much better.
    5. It is recommended to completely discharge the battery once a month until the smartphone turns off on its own. This will allow you to calibrate its capacity due to the presence of a minimal “memory effect”.

    At the same time, it’s worth dispelling several myths that have been swarming around modern batteries for phones and tablets. They are not just useless today. These myths to some extent harm the device and its owners.

    • You should not leave your smartphone on charge for a long time. Incorrect - modern iPhones are equipped with a charge controller. If the battery is full, not a drop of energy will flow into it, the controller will not allow this. Consequently, the “recharge” effect will not occur;
    • You cannot recharge your smartphone until it is discharged to 0%. This is very bad advice, because in this case the battery will last less. It dates back to the days of nickel-cadmium batteries, which “remembered” the last value of the battery before charging, and then allowed energy to be taken strictly before it.

    These two myths are relics of the past, when phones didn't do a fraction of what they can do now. Previously, it was easy to damage the battery by leaving the device on charge overnight, and lose some of the capacity by simply charging the battery with 10-20% energy. Now this is no longer relevant - technology has stepped far forward, so it will allow you not to worry about such trifles.

    How to charge a new iPhone battery

    Each new battery requires special treatment at first. It must be calibrated in a certain way so that there are no problems with the duration of its further operation. It is especially important to immediately start calibrating the new battery from the first days of “life” inside the smartphone. Because then correcting the situation and restoring lost capacity due to improper charging will be quite difficult.

    Of course, the battery that went on sale with the purchased smartphone, or any other one, “out of the box” has a certain amount of energy. It is advisable to carry out the first charge immediately after purchase, leaving the smartphone to charge for 12 hours. At the same time, you should not turn it on, much less use the iPhone - the charging process should take place in complete peace for the device.

    After 12 hours, you need to discharge the battery before the gadget turns off on its own. This procedure allows you to calibrate the battery, squeezing all possible capacity out of it. Without it, some part of the battery reserves remained in a “sleeping” state. Therefore, the period that the device could last without recharging would be somewhat reduced.

    You can repeat this cycle of complete charging and discharging several times. But you shouldn’t get carried away - one or two calibrations will be enough. Otherwise, the battery will last longer, but its charge-discharge cycles will end faster. That is, it will exhaust its resource and stop holding energy the way it was originally supposed to.

    Immediately after this calibration procedure, you can fully use the gadget. At the same time, it is important to remember how to charge your iPhone correctly and what not to do with it. This will allow

    Which cable to use to charge iPhone

    It is necessary to correctly select all components and consumables for your Apple device. And even if the special glass may not be branded, then it must be, if not Apple-made, then at least certified. Unfortunately, there are a number of reasons for this.

    The first is a clever iPhone charging system. Regular lightning cords will not work for it. In order for energy to begin flowing into the battery, a special chip located in the plug is required. Otherwise, a smartphone running iOS 7 or a newer version will literally swear at an uncertified cable. This identification chip is not installed in cheap Chinese wires that can damage the iPhone. Therefore, you will have to buy more or less high-quality and expensive cords. Such models will comply with the MFi (Made From iPhone/iPad/iPod) license. Apple certifies some companies, receiving a small percentage from them for cable sales. Therefore, you can safely buy the products of such a company.

    The second reason is the risk of accidentally burning the iPhone charge controller with a low-quality cable. Even if the product is certified, in the lower price category there is a chance to accidentally stumble upon a wire that is not equipped with the chip necessary for current control. Of course, the device itself will cope with the voltage for some time - but constant fluctuations and increased load will first damage the chip controller and then burn out the battery. And a low-quality cord will quickly fray and break. Braided cables, for example, can last a very long time.

    Which company cables can you buy for iPhone?

    There are several specific companies that are closely involved in the manufacture of special products for the iPhone, including Lightning cables. It is worth paying attention to the models produced by these brands. Because they all meet Apple standards and work flawlessly for many years.

    The first company - with its unusual solutions and beautiful appearance of products for the iPhone. USB cables from this company amaze with their variety. The manufacturer is not limited to standard solutions and colors. You can find literally everything on sale - braided cords, flat ordinary cables and wires of incredible colors. The quality, in turn, is as high as the originality of Remax. The product can work for several years without interruption. This is why Remax is loved among many iPhone owners.

    Then you can mention . The company does not have as much variety as the previous representative of the Apple accessories market. But on the other hand, you can find quite interesting and convenient solutions for any purpose. For example, a spring cable, which is ideal for. It does not break or break - it is too difficult to damage such a wire.

    By purchasing cables from these manufacturers, the buyer will never receive a fake that can damage the iPhone during charging. Because these brands are responsible for quality with their own reputation and MFi license from Apple. Naturally, they don’t want to lose her.

    What you need to do to avoid charging your smartphone so often

    If you're worried that your iPhone is draining quickly, it may not be a problem with a poor quality charger or an old battery. There is a chance that the problem lies within a software component.

    It is important to understand that all applications and functions you use, even if they are running in the background, will drain energy from your battery. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly turn them off so that they do not drain the battery. What parameters and applications to pay attention to:

    1. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3G Internet - users often forget to turn off these services after use, and they continue to broadcast a useless signal into space.
    2. Geolocation - it should be turned on only when you need to directly navigate the area or put a mark on a virtual map of the city. In other cases it is not needed.
    3. Increased screen brightness. The display is the main reason why the battery drains quickly. Most often, the brightness of the screen is increased on a sunny street in order to at least see something. But this problem can be solved by something similar on the display.
    4. “Heavy” applications - Skype, MS Office for smartphones and the like. If any unnecessary applications are running in the background, they need to be turned off. And then energy will not be spent on them either.

    In addition, it is important to remember to exit any applications when they are finished, even if you still need them. For example, it's worth minimizing the browser to the background if you don't need it right now.

    Unfortunately, a number of other reasons can negatively affect the battery. Do not overheat the smartphone battery above 35-40 degrees Celsius. Excessive heating leads to capacity degradation. Hypothermia below −15 degrees Celsius has a similarly unpleasant effect on the battery. Therefore, you should not carry your iPhone in your bag or external pocket in winter. But you can purchase either fabric made in the shape of or - it will warm the gadget, which will allow you to use it outside in winter. And in the summer, you can’t charge it on the windowsill or dashboard of a car.

    How to understand when it's time to change the battery

    You can diagnose the battery yourself; it is not necessary to contact a service center to make a “diagnosis”. Most devices simply require a good look and a couple of hours of use.

    The most striking sign is when the device turns off when there is supposedly some charge left inside the battery. As a rule, the iPhone turns off when the charge is 10-20%. This is a clear example of battery malfunction. In addition, if it loses charge literally in a matter of hours, this is already a sign of damage or aging: no program is capable of draining the battery so quickly. But if the smartphone gets hot, there is a risk that it is faulty. Heating of the battery or processor is an indicator that the iPhone is actively working. That is, there is energy, but it is spent on something extraneous. Perhaps a virus has entered your device. It is worth checking what the reason is with the help of a service center.

    The main sign of battery degradation over time or improper handling is too rapid loss of charge and a decrease in the time required to replenish it. If previously the smartphone’s work was enough for the whole day, but now it suddenly began to “starve” after a few hours - this is a reason to think about it. However, do not forget that this can also be affected by a large number of applications or high screen brightness.

    The next diagnostic option is to examine the battery itself for deformation. Unfortunately, for an iPhone this advice is not simple, because for inspection you will have to disassemble the device’s case. Although, with a sufficiently serious level of wear, it will be possible to determine the deformation “by eye”.

    To do this, you will need to examine the back cover if it is made of plastic. It will rise a little and acquire a kind of hump. This is a sign that the battery underneath is swollen. The reason is that over time, the battery begins to release gas as it degrades. And as soon as this process begins, the battery needs to be replaced. Accidental impact or overheating can contribute to a micro-explosion.

    If the smartphone is made of metal or glass (like the latest versions of the iPhone), then the battery will not be able to deform the back cover. But it will affect the operation of the touchscreen - the display will be slightly convex and may squeak when pressed. In addition, if the display swells, it will gradually begin to peel off. In especially sad situations, if you press firmly on the screen, streaks will appear. However, this may happen not because of the battery, but after a fall without. In any case, it is worth visiting a service center to find out the cause of the creaking and streaks.

    Is it possible to replace the battery on an iPhone yourself?

    Apple has a strict policy of never making smartphones with an opening back cover. And they still get it right - the iPhone is very difficult to open to replace the battery. This can only be done by an experienced person who has encountered a similar need before.

    Of course, it is possible to replace the battery on an iPhone of any generation. But this will take a little time and enough courage. Unfortunately, there is a high chance of accidentally damaging your smartphone in the process. Therefore, you should entrust opening the gadget and replacing the battery to professionals from the service center. They can make sure your device lives a long and happy life.

    How to Replace an iPhone Battery

    Different models of Apple smartphones have different principles for opening and removing the battery. In some places it will be more difficult, in others it will be simpler. Naturally, such intervention is associated with certain risks.

    But it’s worth remembering that first you always need to stock up on certain tools. Otherwise, you will not be able to open the smartphone. Need to find:

    1. A flat plastic object used to open latches.
    2. A special screwdriver with five blades called a Pentalobe.
    3. Sufficiently powerful suction cup.
    4. A regular Phillips screwdriver.
    5. A long thin object for lifting the battery.
    6. A small soft piece of fabric.

    This toolkit is enough to open any device without any problems, albeit with a certain risk of damaging the smartphone. Naturally, you need to buy a new battery. Before disassembling the Apple case, be sure to turn off the device.

    iPhone 4

    First of all, you need to take a five-point screwdriver and unscrew two barely noticeable screws located near the charging connector.

    Then carefully slide the back panel of the iPhone away from the charging connector with two fingers. It will move a few millimeters. After this, you can lift it - just carefully pull the upper edge, which protrudes beyond the body. The device must be placed with the charging connector facing you, screen down.

    It is necessary to disconnect the battery cable. It is located closer to the lower left corner of the battery. To do this, you will need to very carefully unscrew the screw and disconnect the silver connector. IMPORTANT! Do not touch the contacts with metal objects! This will cause a short circuit - and then the phone will definitely have to be taken to a service center. It is very important not to bend any fasteners during the process. In addition, under the fixing screw of the cable there is also a coaxial cable clamp - a small strip that is attached under the cable itself. It must be put in place before assembly.

    After this, you can begin to remove the battery from the case. And this is where the problems begin. The bottom line is that the battery is held in place with good glue to avoid “chatter” inside the case. And therefore you will have to literally tear it off the body. But to do this, you can warm up the battery with a hairdryer - it will still be damaged and will be thrown away. If you still need the battery, you shouldn’t heat it, you’ll have to tear it off like this.

    To remove the battery, you need to pull the plastic tab (not for the train!), and insert some long and strong object into the resulting gap. Preferably plastic. Then, like a crowbar, they need to very carefully lift the battery (do not put pressure on the space under it - there is a risk of damaging the device), simultaneously pulling it out by the plastic tab.

    After this, you need to install a new battery - and you can put the smartphone back together. If you did not have a protective cover or film, then dust and dirt will certainly accumulate under the cover. It is recommended to remove it before assembly.

    iPhone 5

    This generation understands differently than the previous one. This time you will need to remove the front panel with the display and touchscreen, and not the back cover. Therefore, there are much more risks during disassembly - there is a possibility of accidentally damaging the screen and camera cable. First of all, you need to unscrew the two screws with a five-point slot near the Lightning connector.

    Then take the suction cup and attach it to the display just above the Home button.

    You need to lift the display - and in the resulting gap, disconnect the Home button cable, to do this, insert some thin plastic object and very carefully use it to first hook the bracket that covers the plug, and then the cable itself.

    And then with the same object you need to very carefully press out the latches that hold the screen in place. After this, you need to EXTREMELY carefully lift the display. It is also supported by trains in the upper part, it is important not to tear them. It is necessary to place the display at a right angle to the body. To the right of the battery, in the very corner of the device, there is a bracket with several screws. They have different lengths - it is important to remember which is which.

    The bar must be carefully removed, and then the screen cables located under it must be disconnected using a plastic tool.

    Then we find a bracket with screws located below the plastic tab. It must be removed by unscrewing all the screws and then using a plastic tool to remove the battery cable. When assembling, it is important not to mix up the screws - they have different lengths.

    Then you need to pry the battery with a plastic tool to remove it from the socket. You can carefully move it around the perimeter several times, disconnecting the battery from the adhesive on the case. Models 5S and older use double-sided tape that will need to be pulled out before removing the battery.

    It is important not to damage the motherboard. After this, you can safely install the replacement battery and assemble the gadget in reverse order.

    The iPhone 6 is disassembled in a similar way - only the position of the screws and cables can change. You will also need to remove the three battery stickers, which are located at the bottom of the device under the battery.

    As you can see, it is easier to disassemble a nuclear warhead than an iPhone of any generation, unless you have certain experience and skill. Therefore, we recommend contacting a service center to exclude the possibility of accidental breakdown during the process of replacing the battery. Giving your gadget to the experts means providing it with high-quality repairs without consequences.

    iPhone battery failed? Contact Monkeyshop service center

    If your Apple smartphone suddenly refuses to charge, or its battery dies after just a few hours of using the gadget, it’s time to change the battery. Of course, you can do this yourself - but there is a huge risk of breaking some important microcircuit or causing a short circuit. In such a delicate matter as disassembling an iPhone, it is better to turn to a professional technician.

    And the Monkeyshop service center is ready to provide you with phone repairs and battery replacement. We will find out why your gadget does not hold a charge, and we will definitely fix the reason. If the problem is the battery, replacement will be quick and painless. If it is something else, the reason will be corrected.

    Our service center operates in Dnepr (Dnepropetrovsk) - at any time you can come to us and give our specialists a smartphone to treat its illness. In the meantime, we are repairing the device - you will have the opportunity to browse our store of cases and other accessories, choosing a high-quality charger and a USB cable for it. Or perhaps you will be interested in some kind of iPhone case or protective glass for it.

    Repair and quality accessories - Monkeyshop will take care of your gadget.