• The smartphone display is broken. How to distinguish what is broken - a touchscreen (glass, touch glass) or a display


    Don’t panic even if your phone costs several thousand rubles. The display is not its most expensive part. Screens for most are sold at a price of about 300 rubles. Only very large displays cost about a thousand rubles.

    Take your phone to a store that sells parts for . Show it to the seller, and he will immediately tell you what kind of screen you need and whether it is in stock.

    If you are going to change the display yourself, and you do not have special screwdrivers, purchase them from the same store. Never try to open the phone with a regular screwdriver. You will ruin the slots on the screws, after which it will be impossible to remove them.

    Do not put the screen in your pocket - it is very fragile. Carry it home in a bag.

    If you even slightly doubt your abilities, it is better to immediately take the phone and display to the nearest workshop. You will spend more money on replacing it, but the result will be guaranteed. If your phone has, then it is better not even for an experienced technician to replace its display.

    Enter a search query like: "how to replace display in (model name phone)". Find an illustrated, step-by-step guide to replacing the display in your.

    Select a bit from the screwdriver set that matches the type of slot in the screws used in your phone. Install it into the handle of the screwdriver, then immediately close the kit box so as not to lose the remaining bits. Turn off the phone, remove the SIM card and battery from it. Put them in a place where they won't get lost.

    When disassembling the phone, strictly follow all the recommendations in the manual. Place all parts that are small enough not on the table, but in a jar. Otherwise, you can sweep them off the table and onto the floor with one careless movement. This is especially true for screws. Be sure to write down which length screws fit which holes.

    Replacing the display in most cases is carried out without, so a soldering iron is not needed. Do this procedure carefully so as not to crush the new screen.

    Reassemble the phone in reverse order. Be careful to reinstall all removed parts.

    Place the SIM card and battery back into the phone. Turn it on and make sure the new display is . Also make sure that it still has all the buttons, as well as the vibration alert, microphone and speaker.

    Many cell phone users throw away their devices and immediately buy new ones if they experience broken screens. In fact, you can save money on buying a new device if you try to replace the failed screen yourself. It's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.


    Remove the screws that secure the LCD screen to the front of the phone. Pull the old LCD screen out of the device and set it aside. Place the new LCD screen into the internal compartment of the phone. Fasten all the necessary screws, connect the appropriate cable to the screen.

    Place the board back inside and connect the cable to it. Retighten all the screws you removed earlier. Install the back panel of the device and secure it with screws.

    Smooth out any uneven surfaces on the back panel and press it firmly against all ends of the mobile phone body. Insert the side buttons. Install the battery and back cover of the device. Turn on your to test the new LCD screen.

    Video on the topic

    Almost all of us have speakers, a subwoofer or other devices for transmitting sound with speakers at home. And at least once during operation, the speakers fail. This happens due to a violation of the climate regime, contamination of the speakers, and their mechanical damage.

    If you learn to deal with the cause of the breakdown, then in half the cases you will be able to eliminate it. A simple screwdriver may be enough to fix it. Sometimes soldering irons, additional soldering irons, glue, chewing gum and other unexpected materials come into play. It is worth considering that modern speakers are thin, so they are more difficult to repair. On the other hand, they are better protected, and this reduces the risk of their breakage.

    Here are some small breakdowns and ways to deal with them.

    1. If the membrane in the speaker is bent, you can try to shape it. This must be done very carefully, since damage to the structure is irreversible and can worsen the situation.

    2. The membrane is attached to the diffuser, sometimes the problem of noise and wheezing is in it. It could have been damaged. Therefore, you need to very carefully unwind the speakers and replace the diffuser. The repair in such a situation is quite complicated, and here it is better to simply replace the entire speaker.

    3. Problems may arise due to clogging. Most often, dust, rust or debris gets caught between the magnet and the coil. This leads to the speaker starting to produce “extra” sounds. Everything is simple here. Carefully unscrew the body and get close to the speaker. Then wrap cotton wool soaked in the match around the match and remove the debris. It is important not to disturb the wires and connections of the speaker.

    4. If the wires that go to the diffuser are broken or damaged, then they need to be restored. In this case, the speaker can only be repaired with a soldering iron. Breakage becomes the result of constant dynamics; to avoid it, the wires must be strengthened.

    5. One of the most difficult options is when the magnet of the speaker “leads”. Most often this happens due to the proximity of other magnets and temperature changes. There is only one recipe - replacing the magnet, or better yet, the speaker as a whole. So a magnet of the same strength can be difficult.

    6. If the integrity of the “speaker dish” is damaged, you should try replacing it or making a similar one from paper. The latter is very short-lived and doubtful.

    In general, repairing speakers is not difficult, the main thing is to have at least basic concepts in physics and acoustics. If you want to avoid such tests, buy closed-type speakers, and if they break, just replace them.

    Modern people without phones simply feel uncomfortable, even if they hardly use them.

    However, constant contact with technology requires us to have some new knowledge. That is, if you want to become a technician, be prepared for the fact that you will need to learn the basics of your devices. A problem that is encountered very often is the malfunction of microphones in phones, headsets and microphones to computers. Note that repairing a microphone is usually not difficult, the repair is simple. However, most often we waste time and nerves taking the microphone to the workshop.

    There are three common problems that cause microphone failure. If you consider the problem carefully, you can solve it yourself.

    1. The microphone loses sensitivity due to clogging. Dust, microparticles of skin, small debris fall on the sound-sensitive head and it loses its properties. To repair the microphone in this case, you need cotton wool and a screwdriver. You need to release the microphone. To do this, sometimes you need to unscrew the case, or from it. Then dip the cotton wool in alcohol and very carefully remove the plaque from the head. Make sure that the cotton wool does not remain on it. Let the alcohol evaporate and place the microphone back.

    2. The microphone loses sensitivity due to moisture. Sometimes condensation gets trapped between the gaskets and the head. As a rule, the head itself does not rust, but moisture does its job. You need to again release the head and warm it up under an incandescent lamp. If there are gaskets, you should do the same and remove them.

    3. The microphone fails due to a break in the incoming wire. There are two options here - change, or. They must be applied based on the specific situation. In phones, most often you need to solder the broken one. In , there are situations where the wire is broken in several places, in which case it’s better to change everything.

    If the problems are more serious, they change the entire unit, especially when it comes to the phone. As for, it’s better to just replace it completely.

    According to statistics, cracks that appear on the screen as a result of not too careful handling of mobile gadgets are the most common reason for contacting repair shops. And this is not surprising, because the display is the notorious Achilles heel for any, even the most expensive and famous mobile phone. What to do if the screen on your touch phone is cracked, let's figure it out together.

    What to do if your phone screen is cracked?

    So, there is a problem - after a fall, cracks appeared on the screen of the mobile phone. How to act in this situation and how dangerous are they for both the phone itself and its owner? It all depends on the degree of damage received. For example, if there are one or two cracks, and they do not interfere with the normal operation of the mobile gadget, it is quite possible to do with half measures - stick a protective film or glass over the screen. In this form, the phone will be able to work for a long time, and dust and moisture will not be able to get into it through the cracks. But if the screen is covered with craquelure of tiny cracks, then you cannot do without a visit to a repair shop. The functionality of the touch screen can be fully restored only if it is replaced using special equipment. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that replacing a cracked screen can result in expenses equivalent to half the cost of a new mobile phone. Therefore, in some cases it makes sense to think about replacing a broken gadget with a new one.

    Is a cracked phone screen harmful?

    Mobile technologies appeared not so long ago, but immediately became overgrown with many myths and speculations regarding the harmful effects on the human body. In particular, you can often hear the opinion that a cracked screen turns the phone into a time bomb. But in fact, the only harm it could hypothetically cause is scratching the owner’s skin during a conversation.

    March 07, 2017.

    What to do if the touchscreen or display on your smartphone or tablet is cracked?

    To begin with, I will explain some details, each device has, in common parlance, a screen, this is the part on which you see visual images and can control the device by physically pressing your fingers or using a stylus on the screen.

    Let's take a brief look at what a screen is and what it consists of.

    To be more precise, it is not called a screen at all, as the common people like to call it, but a display module. Why - a module? You ask, because the word itself - module - implies a part consisting of several separate parts glued or pressed together to form a display module.

    You need to understand and distinguish between what a touchscreen is and what a display is, they are not the same thing.

    As we have already discussed above, the touchscreen and display are combined into one spare part called a display module. The full name is display module; the module itself is assembled at the manufacturer’s factory using special machines and combines:

    1) The display is precisely the part that displays the image to your gaze and does not respond to pressing; the purpose of the display is solely to display the image.

    2) The touchscreen is the part that is located above the display, responds to touches and is solely responsible for entering information into the device.

    Together, the display and touchscreen combine a kind of sandwich, i.e. display module.

    How to determine what exactly is faulty in the touchscreen or display module?

    The touchscreen is broken after a fall or any other mechanical impact.

    First, inspect the entire display module. If there are cracks on the touchscreen (glass), but at the same time the image is transmitted clearly, there are no stains, stripes, lines, artifacts, smudges or broken pixels, then the display is intact. You will only have to change the touchscreen without the display, which is much cheaper than replacing the display module as a whole, but we do not recommend this method as it is a makeshift method, we will describe below why.

    The display is broken after a fall or any other mechanical impact.

    First, inspect the entire display module. As a rule, damage to the display responsible for displaying images without damaging the touchscreen (glass) is impossible. Since we have already said that the display module forms a kind of sandwich where the touchscreen stands above the display, it is likely that after a strong mechanical impact, the force of impact or squeezing caused damage not only to the touchscreen, but also to the display.
    If you find that the image is not displayed as it should, has stains, stripes, lines, artifacts, smudges or broken pixels, then this is a clear sign of damage to the display and you will have to replace the entire display module, which we, in principle, advise even though the display intact, but the touchscreen is broken.

    A homemade method of replacing the touchscreen on the display module yourself in the absence of professional equipment.

    There are devices where it is impossible to replace the touchscreen separately from the display because At the manufacturing plant they are strongly glued together under vacuum on a machine and form a single spare part called a module. Of course, on the Internet there are countless video tutorials on how to independently separate the touchscreen from the display by heating it with a hairdryer. Craftsmen heat the display module around the entire perimeter with a stream of hot air, thereby melting the hermetic glue on which the already broken touchscreen is placed.

    But I hasten to note that this is a makeshift method and it has many disadvantages. Most often, after heating, a broken touchscreen does not come off immediately; you have to literally tear off those very fragments, pieces of the broken touchscreen (glass) with tweezers or a stationery knife, like puzzles. When separating fragments of a wheelbarrow from the display, there is a high risk that the display itself will be damaged, broken pixels and micro-scratches appear, and after re-gluing a new wheelbarrow, corner flares and halos remain from pinching and uneven gluing.

    Sometimes, after re-gluing, clearly visible fingerprints are found under the touchscreen, hairs that have fallen from the head during repairs, and dust that inevitably collects. The seal is no longer 100% tight. In the future, you will definitely expect the touchscreen to peel off at the corners of the module due to manual work and the lack of a uniform press with a table of the required pressure along the entire perimeter, the lack of necessary equipment such as a drying chamber for drying the glue, and most likely you will feel complete disappointment.

    Of course, if you have level hands and do everything as it should, at the initial stage the work may look flawless, everything is clean and as if it came straight from the store.
    But all the above-described disadvantages and problems are inevitable and will begin to appear after two or three days due to a simple temperature difference from room to street.

    If, after all, you decide to replace the touchscreen yourself using a makeshift method, here are a couple of tips on how to do it correctly.

    Buying a new touchscreen for plywood.

    Before purchasing a new touchscreen, you need to accurately determine the part number of the spare part. The part number is a unique part number assigned by the manufacturer.
    The touchscreen or display, and indeed any spare part in your device, in principle, has its own unique number, which is determined by a set of some letters and numbers and looks something like this: HY01160I
    In appearance, the spare part sold may look identical, but there may be significant differences; you will not notice it with the naked eye, but if the cable going from the touchscreen to the board is located at least 2/5 of a millimeter to the right or left, or is bent slightly incorrectly then such a spare part simply will not fit on your device.

    How to determine the part number of a spare part?

    Basically, the P/N is located on the back of the touchscreen itself in the form of an engraving or sticker, and in order to determine it, the device must be disassembled and the touchscreen or what is left of it removed. Unprofessional disassembly of the device can lead to irreversible actions; you can tear the cable, having no idea which side to start bending the case from, etc. Of course, if you have a disassembly manual and steady hands, but it’s better to trust the specialists. If you did everything correctly, then this is not all you need to prepare.

    You need to prepare:

    1) Touchscreen for your model - be sure to take into account the part number of the spare part (P/N)
    2) Glue or double-sided tape (superglue, PVA, instant glue will not work)
    3) A set of screwdrivers for mobile devices, a spatula for separating touchscreen fragments.
    4) Acetone
    5) Clean cloth

    Step - 1

    First you need to disassemble your smartphone. Disassembly for each brand of smartphone is slightly different, so I will not describe the disassembly process itself. When your phone is disassembled, take the screen and heat it with a hair dryer. This is necessary to soften the glue with which the touchscreen is attached to the screen.

    Step - 2

    After the glue has softened, take a regular thread and, stretching it between the touchscreen and the screen, remove the touchscreen. After this, you need to wet the napkin with acetone and remove the remaining glue from the screen. Remove the adhesive carefully so as not to damage the fragile screen.

    Step - 3

    Prepare double-sided tape. To do this, cut it into small strips of small width (3-5 mm). Then wipe the screen dry, remove dust from it and cover its rim with strips of double-sided tape. Trim off any excess tape.

    Next, take a new touchscreen, wipe it from dust and carefully stick it to the screen with double-sided tape. If everything went smoothly, you can assemble the phone in reverse order, after connecting the touchscreen connector to the main board of the smartphone.

    Disadvantages of replacing the touchscreen or display yourself using a makeshift method.

    1) Lack of knowledge on how to properly disassemble the device
    2) Lack of mobile engineering expertise
    3) Lack of professional equipment
    4) Time spent on determining the part number and searching for spare parts
    5) Purchasing a spare part without a guarantee of its continued performance
    6) Non-return of spare parts if you made a mistake in the part number or if it is defective
    7) Lack of spare parts in the Russian Federation and ordering them from abroad, waiting, risk of parcel loss and defects
    8) Complete absence of guarantees
    9) Cash costs for searching for spare parts, glue and consumables
    10) Complete disappointment from the artisanal, quick, but not high-quality method of self-replacement.

    Do you need it?

    Here's my advice: change the entire display module right away, even if you just have a broken touchscreen. There is no need to strain yourself and waste your precious time, nerves and money on useless, low-quality, artisanal methods of re-gluing. Of course, I understand that the Russian people will find a cheap and simple way out of the situation even in hunger and cold, but does it always bring the expected result?
    If you want high-quality repair of any of your devices, bring it to me, that is, to a specialist with level hands of the company

    A cracked smartphone screen can ruin your day, and if you don't know how to fix it, your day can ruin your entire week, or even month. Most of us have experienced that unfortunate moment when your phone slips from your hand and the screen cracks or the display breaks into pieces. Not only does your smartphone lose its super look, but a broken screen can make your phone impossible to use. But in most cases, you won't have to buy a new phone or spend half the price of your new smartphone according to the first hack you meet at the nearest repair shop.

    Since service repairs take a very long time, and the screen cracks as usual at the wrong time and if you don’t have a temporary replacement phone. These solutions will come in handy for you. We'll look at the options you can use to fix your broken iPhone screen or Android smartphone screen. There are many ways to fix a broken screen, but we'll highlight five of the best.

    Here are the methods you should use to fix your broken smartphone screen.

    You don't have to buy a new $700 iPhone or buy a new Android phone to get your device fixed. You can get a temporary fix for a few dollars.

    If you have a cracked screen, here are five different repair options that may work for you.

    No. 1 Contact the manufacturer

    Before attempting any screen repairs, you should contact the company that made your phone to replace your broken screen with a new one.

    Apple offers AppleCare+ if you make the purchase within 60 days of purchasing the smartphone. For amounts starting at $99, depending on your iPhone, you receive a deductible for accidental damage. If you have AppleCare+, you'll need to pay $29 for screen repair at a company or partner store, and technicians will replace the screen on-site while you wait, or by shipping it in, send your smartphone in for warranty repair.

    HTC offers a Uh-Oh protection plan that covers screen replacement if the HTC One M9 breaks within the first year. This is a free replacement and you will have to mail the phone back. But don't worry about the time - HTC is fast.

    Samsung sells warranty plans with the Galaxy S7 for other Samsung phones, similar to AppleCare+. If you buy the seven before damage occurs, you will be protected.

    No. 2 Screen protector or film

    If the screen is cracked and you cannot immediately fix the broken smartphone screen in the service. There are some steps you can take to temporarily fix an iPhone or Android with a broken screen. Assuming it's just the glass that's broken, meaning the screen is still displaying an image and responding to touch, you can use the phone temporarily and very carefully until you get home, where you can grab the tools and replace the broken screen yourself.

    Clean any dust from the screen, and then place a wide piece of packing tape over the screen. Trim off any excess edges and you can continue to use your phone. This will prevent cracks from growing on the glass when your fingers touch the screen.

    You can also buy a screen protector and apply it over the cracked glass. A glass protector or good plastic will at least keep the screen in its current condition.

    No. 3 Self-replacement of the screen on a smartphone

    The cheapest way to fix a broken iPhone screen or Android screen is to perform a screen replacement yourself.

    You can easily replace the screen on your iPhone or Android using YouTube. Where professionals share their skills in repairing gadgets or familiarize themselves with the repair stages described on the relevant websites. Sometimes depending on your luck you will need to replace the screen and sometimes you will only need to replace the glass.

    You can buy a new Android or iPhone screen on any website (links to top stores below). But first, analyze the market and choose the right part for your device to get good picture quality. This is when you are planning to buy a part that is not an original replacement (OEM replacement).

    Watch YouTube videos and look at manuals before purchasing parts to make sure they are exactly what you need for your repair. Depending on the tools and parts needed, this DIY screen repair can cost you anywhere from $100 to $250. This is true for smartphones released in the last couple of years, but for older models the price naturally drops proportionately.

    No. 4 Out of warranty repair

    If you can't take the time or don't have the experience needed to repair your cracked iPhone or Android screen yourself. There are other solutions if your phone screen is cracked.

    Explore the possibility of warranty repair for your device. Apple offers a one-time iPhone screen repair option that is cheaper than buying parts and doing the repair yourself, although in some cases it will still be cheaper to do it yourself.

    • iPhone 5 Out of Warranty - Screen Replacement - $129
    • IPhone 5s / Out of Warranty - Screen Replacement - $129
    • IPhone 6 Out of Warranty - Screen Replacement - $109
    • IPhone 6 Out of Warranty - Screen Replacement - $129
    • iPhone SE Out of Warranty - Screen Replacement - $129
    • IPhone 6s Out of Warranty - Screen Replacement - $129
    • IPhone 6s Plus Out of Warranty - Screen Replacement - $149
    • IPhone 7 Out of Warranty - Screen Replacement - $129
    • iPhone 7 Plus Out of Warranty - Screen Replacement - $149

    For other manufacturers, you will need to contact Samsung, HTC or other manufacturers to get a quote for fixing your faulty Android screen.

    #5 Local repair shop

    If your phone screen is cracked and you simply can’t get to the Apple Store or you don’t want to send your Android phone back to the manufacturer. You can contact your local repair shop. Even in small towns, as a rule, there is someone who will repair broken iPhone screens or Android screens.

    Keep in mind that a private repairman may not use original parts. Apple no longer voids the warranty if iPhones are repaired by third-party manufacturers or private technicians. This is good news, but if there is any damage to the iPhone from a third-party repair, you may get your warranty voided. If your phone is less than a year old, it may be worth looking towards an official repair, as for local repair shops. Find out if they provide any guarantee on their work. Many provide a short warranty period, a couple of months or even less.

    In any case, if cracks appear on the screen of your smartphone, you must first assess how extensive the damage is. You may be able to live with minor display cracks that don't interfere too much with normal use of the phone. But if the screen is cracked well, the cracks are deep and occupy a large area, then you should probably immediately contact a workshop or take independent measures to repair the phone.

    If the colors on the screen are abnormal or some pixels are no longer visible, the damage is much more than a cracked glass top layer of the smartphone screen. This means that the damage has affected the LCD panel. In this case, as a rule, phone repair will cost at least 50% of the cost of a new smartphone of your model! If the phone is not associated with any memories, then it is cheaper to sell it for spare parts and buy a new phone. If you found this article useful, then share it on social networks with your friends. Click on your social media icon below!

    If the screen is cracked - 5 best options to restore your smartphone screen updated: February 2, 2019 by: Gold

    It is difficult for modern people to imagine life without a mobile phone. We don’t leave home without this device; it accompanies us everywhere and is exposed to various risks. Very often, when smartphones are used carelessly, cracks appear on the front of the panel, since this is a very fragile part. The glass on your smartphone is cracked - what to do if the sensor works? Can it be repaired? These are the first questions that each of us has when trouble happens. We will answer them in the article below.

    Why doesn't my smartphone screen work?

    The most well-known reason for this is mechanical damage. They do a lot of things to mobile phones - they drop them, they sit on them, they step on them, they put heavy objects on them, they throw them against the wall. And if the owner carries his phone in the back pocket of his pants, then the likelihood of damaging the screen increases significantly. The only way out of this situation is to replace the display.

    A very common problem is the gadget being flooded with liquid. In this case, you should immediately contact a specialist. Only a competent technician, after drying and diagnosing it, will answer the question of whether it can be repaired.

    Important! The problem of recessed gadgets is discussed in more detail by our specialists in a separate article.

    Not all cases are the owner's fault. There are a number of problems with touch phone displays that do not depend on the owner, namely:

    • The phone only displays a white screen. In this case, there may be problems such as a faulty controller on the board, the cable is damaged, the program has crashed, or the display needs to be replaced.
    • The display glows blue - there is a problem with either the controller or the screen itself.
    • Ripples appear on the screen - the controller is faulty or the screen needs to be replaced.
    • The picture is distorted, the image appears and then disappears - the cable is faulty.
    • The picture is hard to see, but the screen still works - in most cases this indicates a malfunction of the backlight circuit.

    Important! Do not delay going to the service center if you notice any malfunctions in the operation of your gadget’s screen. The sooner you do this, the easier it will be to get your phone working again. If, based on the diagnostic results, it turns out that repairs will be unprofitable, we suggest that you immediately look for the optimal model for purchase. Our reviews will help you with this:

    Temporary solutions

    If the cracks on the screen are not very large, you can try to fix the situation yourself. The options proposed below are only suitable if the functionality of the gadget is not impaired, that is, the sensor works:

    • Try carefully polishing the crack with a special product such as a very fine-grain sandpaper.
    • As a temporary solution - or, which will “fix” the screen in its current state and prevent the crack from growing in size.

    Replacing the touch screen

    Touchscreen phones have become very popular because they are easy to use. The touch screen or touchscreen is the part of modern smartphones that is most susceptible to vulnerability. It is usually made of fragile glass or plastic, which can easily be broken, spilled, or scratched. If the glass on your smartphone is cracked, what should you do? Don't worry! Replacing the touchscreen is not that difficult, and it only takes a little time.

    Important! Touch screens that are completely broken and do not work cannot be repaired! Be extremely careful with them.

    Touch glass replacement is required:

    • There are cracks on it.
    • The touchscreen does not respond to touches or does whatever it wants.
    • The smartphone freezes when pressed.

    Important! The sensor is made of several active layers - if one of them is damaged, the touchscreen will not work. Very often, if the screen does not respond to touch, it is necessary to replace the glass, not the screen. In most cases it will cost much less.

    If the image becomes unclear, is not fully displayed, blackouts appear, or the picture is not visible at all, the entire screen must be replaced.

    Do not try to fix the phone yourself - if the glass on your smartphone is cracked, use the services of specialists. When replacing glass, original parts must be supplied, not Chinese ones, since the latter very often break, and after them it is almost impossible to repair the phone. Also, the service center will provide you with a guarantee for the part that was supplied to you and the work they performed.

    Should I change the screen myself?

    If you're a jack of all trades, you can try replacing the screen yourself. To do this you will need: a new display and special screwdrivers.

    To begin, turn off your mobile device and remove the battery and SIM cards from it, select screwdrivers suitable for your phone. Next, use step-by-step instructions that are suitable for your phone model, since different models have different nuances - you can find them on the Internet.