• Image size for the VKontakte group menu. How to make a VKontakte menu. Complete Guide

    They are increasingly used to conduct business, sell goods or services. An excellent tool that simplifies working with a group is a menu created using wiki markup.

    Recently, the number of public sites that use the wiki list has grown significantly. After all, this is a great way to give the group a more pleasant and aesthetic appearance, and also helps participants navigate all sections more easily.

    In this article we will tell you how to make a VKontakte wiki page for a group, how to make a menu in a VK group, what types there are, how to create it and much more.

    Creating a clickable wiki page is possible due to the fact that the VK text editor has the ability to use wiki markup. It allows you to insert pictures, links to them, videos and other elements using special commands.

    The list allows you to create direct links to each category of product/service or to various sections/discussions of the community (for example, portfolio, how to order, about the company, etc.). Any user can find the necessary information by pressing just 1 button.

    This solution is a navigator for ordinary visitors and serves as a beautiful and stylish design for the community. This is an interactive tool, using which, people will be satisfied.

    Unfortunately, VK developers have not yet created the ability to post a wiki list on the main wiki page of the public (for now it is only available in a new tab). Therefore, people are forced to get sophisticated and create separate posts that lead to a menu page.

    Basic commands and features of the wiki menu

    The functionality of the wiki page is very wide. With its help you can make your menu visually pleasing, easy to read and structured.

    Unfortunately, we won’t be able to fit absolutely all the teams into our material, so we’ll only talk about a few.

    Making a menu using media files

    This is done using special buttons.

    In text form, media files are: [​].

    Where media XXXX_YYYY is the media file itself, options are various settings (for photos and videos), link is the inscription that will be displayed when you hover over the photo/video.

    For photo options there are:

    For video:

    We create headings of different levels using == signs

    Add "==" signs at the beginning and end of the title. See the screenshot for an example:

    Working with title text to design a VKontakte group menu

    You can also use the following text options: italic, bold or gray, strikethrough or underline, superscript or subscript. It is also possible to align text to the center or right. Below is a table with commands:

    Using quotes to attract attention

    Using a tag will allow you to beautifully design someone's quote.

    Lists can be either numbered or bulleted.

    For a numbered list, use the "#" symbol before each new item.

    For a bulleted list, similar to the previous one, only with a “*” sign.

    Working with indentations

    To indent, add a “:” sign before the word. Depending on the number of characters, the indentation will increase or decrease.

    Internal links in the group menu

    These are links to internal social resources. VKontakte network (link to person, community, discussion, application, page, video and image). They are added using the following construction: [].

    External links in creating a VKontakte menu.

    Wiki markup creates a table menu

    Using the wiki page and markup, you can also create a table. See screenshot:

    Informative spoiler

    With its help, you can make information hidden or revealed with one click. Well suited if you need to create a section with “Frequently Asked Questions”.

    A spoiler is created using the design:

    ((Hider|Spoiler name

    And it will look like this:

    Thus, the teams will help make a complete list with all the design elements.

    Types of menu: what are they?

    Wiki pages on VKontakte can be divided according to different criteria:

    • Text (text only);
    • Graphic (using images of buttons, backgrounds, etc.).

    By display (depending on the image used):

    • Z covered (the structure itself is not visible);

    • Open (all items are visible at once);

    • With an adjacent or common banner (can be either open or closed).

    Regardless of the type you choose, they all work on the same principle.

    Also, don't be afraid to combine these types. For example, you can first make a graphic part with buttons (background, style, design), and then supplement it with various text information (for example, “Frequently asked questions”, using spoilers).

    How to create a text menu

    Less popular and simpler is the text list on the wiki page. It does not contain any images or buttons. This is just a list of anchor links.

    Below are step-by-step instructions on how to make a text list for a VK group:

    1. First you need to set up a community. To do this, go to “Community Management” and select the “Sections” section. Find the “Materials” line, select “Restricted” and save the settings.

    1. Next, “Latest News” will appear on the main page of the public. Go to them and click "Edit".

    1. Enter the name.
    2. Below is the VK text editor. This is where we will create our list.
    3. Use the following construction:

    Do all the necessary steps. Each new item is on a new line. Here you can use various commands that we talked about above.

    For example, we will write a simple and small construction:

    1. Click save.

    Here we have used “==” signs to highlight the heading and “*” signs to highlight the sub-clauses. As a result, we got the following:

    Thus, having completed just a few steps, we received a completely understandable wiki menu, where each item will allow you to quickly go to the desired page.

    You can add anything you want, as long as your imagination and wiki markup capabilities are sufficient.

    How to create a graphical menu

    To create a graphic menu, you need to have at least basic skills in working with graphic editors (such as Photoshop, GIMP, various applications, etc.). If you don’t have them, then we can recommend using the help of professionals or resources with ready-made templates (read more below).

    Here we will talk about how to create a wiki page menu yourself. Below are step-by-step instructions:

    1. Follow steps 1-3 from the previous instructions.
    2. It is necessary to create blank images with buttons. We will not talk in detail about working in graphic editors, since there are many lessons on working with Photoshop and other programs on the Internet.
      We will take the following images.

    All three pictures are part of one big one. Therefore, when we create navigation, these images will look like one whole picture with buttons located on it.

    1. Upload images to the VKontakte text editor.

    1. By clicking on each picture, you can select options and provide a link.

    1. On the right there is a switch between visual and text editing modes.

    1. In text form, our images look like this:

    1. We change the inscription “noborder” to “nopadding” to remove the distance between the pictures and close them together. And after the “|” sign add a link.

    1. Click “Save Page”.

    As a result, we got this menu:

    With a little effort and ingenuity, you can create an original design that will fit into the overall design of the group.

    How to secure

    In order for the created wiki menu to be displayed on the main page of the community, you must complete the following steps:

    1. Create a new post.
    2. Copy your menu link. To do this, go to edit again and copy the URL from the browser address bar.

    First add an image, see the image below.

    Now publish and pin the post.

    Here you will have to work hard on the image. After all, it will be constantly visible. It should also fit into the overall design of the public and tell users that by clicking, they will be taken to the menu.

    How to remove

    Removing a wiki menu is not a difficult task. Simply go to “Community Management”, “Sections” section and turn off the materials.

    It is important to remember that if you used a pinned post, it will remain. Therefore, it will also need to be deleted (or at least removed from the pinned ones).

    Ready-made templates

    We would also like to present to your attention services that will help you download ready-made templates or create new ones in just a few clicks.

    • You-ps.ru is a service with ready-made wiki menu templates and other ready-made community design elements.

    • Vkmenu.com is an online constructor. It allows you to easily and quickly create stylish menus.

    Hiring a professional can also be considered a ready-made solution. In this case, you also do not have to do everything yourself, but you will have to pay.

    Bottom line

    We looked at what a wiki menu is in VKontakte communities. We learned how to create it and use various commands.

    We believe that the menu has not yet been fully appreciated. For a lot of people, this “wiki markup” is something super complex and scary. They don't even want to take it on. But in reality, as we see, everything is quite simple.

    Don't be afraid to experiment and be original!

    Today, more and more public pages on VK are adding a menu to their interface, which not only serves as a navigation assistant, but also adds aesthetic appeal to the community and helps increase conversions. Today we’ll talk about how to make a menu in a VKontakte group.

    For what purposes is it used?

    The menu in the VK group can serve the following purposes:

    • Navigation. The presence of navigation in the VKontakte community allows your potential clients to quickly find the necessary information and sections of the group, which shortens the path to converting a visitor into a buyer. Such a menu may contain not only links to internal VK pages, but also to third-party sites. For example, to the official website of your company.
    • Aesthetic appeal. Another, no less significant goal is to give the public a beautiful appearance. By combining this element with other design elements (avatar, cover, banner, pinned post), you can give an individual, unique and memorable style to your community.
    Well, isn't it a beauty?
    • Motivation for performing a target action. You yourself can push the user to read or view certain information, click on a certain button, etc. High-quality and thoughtful design can create a clickable menu that will attract the attention of users, interest them, and call to action.

    How to create a text menu?

    The creation of a navigation menu in a VK group is carried out using wiki markup. This is a technology that provides advanced text formatting capabilities. For the VKontakte social network, this markup has become an indispensable tool for creating and designing attractive educational, selling, and entertainment pages, including navigation menus.

    So, how to make a menu in a VKontakte group:

    Important! Make them limited so that only you have access to editing. With open access, any community member can edit the menu.

    When you hover over a button<>, the inscription “Visual editing mode” should appear. If "Wiki Markup Mode" appears, it means it is not enabled.

    The “Preview” button allows you to see the result in advance.

    1. If everything is done correctly, click the “Save Page” button.

    Voila! Now we have a menu in our public page. By clicking on each item, we will be taken to the corresponding page.

    By default, it will be available in the tab with the name you specified (instead of “Latest News”). But not all users will see it. To make it more clickable and visible, create a post with a link to the menu, style the post accordingly, and pin it. Thus, by clicking on the link in the pinned post, the group menu will open in front of the user.

    Below is an example of such an entry:

    A text menu is rarely used, as it will not give your community any attractive appearance. And they will be reluctant to click on it. But I showed you how to create it so that users will pay attention to it.

    How to make a graphical menu?

    Another thing is a graphical menu, where images are taken as a basis. Here, the buttons will not be text with hyperlinks, but PNG images. Therefore, to make a graphical version of a wiki menu for your community, you will need at least some skills in Photoshop or another graphic editor.

    It will be necessary to create images of buttons. To prevent the menu from looking like a collection of random images, the buttons created in Photoshop should be combined with each other so that together they look like one whole. For example, like in the screenshot below:

    How to create a graphic menu in a group:

    Thus, we got a menu consisting only of images. If you have the desire and sufficient skills, you can create a unique style and new design for your community.

    If you do not have Photoshop skills, but want to get a high-quality and attractive design for your menu, contact the professionals. Or use the method I will describe below.

    Using Templates

    If you do not have the opportunity to allocate a separate budget for the development of a wiki menu, but still want to get a professional design, use ready-made templates.

    Today on the Internet, there are a large number of online services and sites where you can download ready-made templates for free (or for a fee). It is enough to enter the appropriate request in the search bar of your browser. Well, after downloading them, use the instructions I described above.

    How does having a menu contribute to the success of a community?

    A high-quality, beautifully designed, interactive menu is both a smart design solution and a useful tool. Moreover, it brings benefits to both community visitors and marketers, whose task is to force these visitors to take targeted actions.

    When entering a regular public page, the user has a large choice of actions. He can click anywhere and view anything, but typically 80% of the items are left unattended. The menu, in turn, is able to focus the user’s attention on certain things, on certain information that it contains.

    This is exactly how the menu works in VK groups. It guides people and tells them what to do, what to see, etc. And if you compose it competently and skillfully, then it will guide you along the path you have planned, the conversion path. This is psychology that plays an important role in marketing.

    Bottom line

    Today I told you about how to make a menu in VKontakte groups, about its types and benefits. This is a multifunctional and very useful tool. Use it in your work. I hope the article was useful to you.

    Social networks have long been part of the lives of most people and are an important component in it. Many people even manage to create their own virtual businesses in them: getting likes, subscribers, selling goods both from other countries and copyrighted ones. Almost all of them have a group. How can you quickly convey to users what a person or even an entire organization does? Create a special menu that will contain the most necessary information. And this is where we need Wiki markup. How to make a VK group menu? What should I add to it? The article will discuss creation rules and examples.

    What is Wiki markup?

    How to make a VK group menu? Wiki markup is a good help! This is a very effective and convenient way to create a group on the VKontakte social network. This markup is very similar in principle to html code. But for people not involved in programming, it will be more understandable due to the ease of implementation. Wiki markup got its name thanks to Wikipedia, where many users were able to get acquainted with the main features of its functioning for the first time. Wiki markup allows people without programming knowledge to quickly and easily design the appearance of a group:

    1. Create graphic spoilers and tables.
    2. Format text and images.
    3. Work with anchors and links.

    How to make a menu for a VK group? Recommendations can be so necessary, but in general, you can figure it out with the help of a good guide. If we talk about html, then to study it and work with it it was necessary to sit for several days or even a week. Wiki markup requires only a little time if you have a good memory. How can it be created? What approaches are there? So we will talk about technology, but who made it? We will figure out how to make a menu for a VK group. Ward Cunningham first introduced the concept of “wiki” (translated from Hawaiian as “fast”).

    Ways to create wiki markups

    You need to ask yourself not only the question: “How to make a menu in a group on VK,” but also clarify how to implement it. You can choose several paths. Each of these depends on the focus and purpose of the group. So what could it be:

    1. If the group has a social direction, then you can create a text menu. Advantages are given to him due to his more serious appearance.
    2. It is advisable for groups of a commercial and entertainment nature to rely on a graphic menu. The use of images in it will allow you to draw the attention of users to what should be visible. Taking this approach will also help you make your group experience more enjoyable and relaxing.

    As an example of work, we will consider working with pictures and photographs, how to make tables, insert links, open and much more. Of course, this is not all the functionality, but you can design your group’s menu in this way easily and on a fairly significant scale.

    Working with Images

    How to make a menu in a group in VK that would be beautiful? On the VKontakte social network, it is possible to insert a photograph or picture using wiki markup only in cases where they are uploaded to the site’s photo albums. So, go into it, select the desired photo and copy its address. For example, let it be like this: photo12345_67890. Now you need to take it into doubles. You should get the following result: []. What if text or a link should be attached to a photo or image? Or maybe you want to edit the appearance a little? Then the following will help with this: it is necessary that the file looks like this - [[photo12345_67890|options|text/link]]. Instead of the last three words, what is needed is substituted. Text - we write what is needed. I think no special explanations are needed. Link is translated from English as “link”. Specified so that the user's machine knows where it needs to go. Options - the following values ​​can be set here:

    1. Plain - the link to the image is formatted as text and does not contain an image.
    2. Noborder - removes the frame around the photo.
    3. Box—the image opens in a window.
    4. Nolink - the link to the photo is removed.
    5. Nopadding - spaces between images are not displayed.
    6. NNNxYYYpx or NNNpx - indicate the size of the image in pixels. The first option provides width and height. If desired, you can “compress” the image. And the second option involves editing the width.

    How to create tables using wiki markup?

    Typically, both graphical and textual menus require an element that allows you to present data in a convenient form, namely tables. Few groups on VKontakte can manage without them. To create a table in wiki markup, you must use a specific set of characters. We invite you to familiarize yourself with what functionality they are responsible for:

    1. (| - this is how the beginning of the table is indicated. It is impossible to do without it when creating this element; it is a required attribute.
    2. | - used to give cells a transparent effect.
    3. |+ - using this character set, the table name is centered. This is not a required attribute, but it must be placed immediately after the signs that indicate the beginning.
    4. |- - this is how new lines are designated (including for cells).
    5. ! - gives a dark color. If this is absent, you must use the sign from point No. 2.
    6. |) is a set of characters that denotes the end of the table. It is an optional attribute. But it is still recommended to use it to prevent errors from occurring.

    How is the cell filled? All data that must be entered into them is placed after the | signs. If you want to separate cells from one another, you just need to duplicate it this way: ||. Everything that has been said up to this point may not look very clear, but this will now be corrected with the help of an example.

    Creating a group menu on the VKontakte social network using wiki markup: an example of implementation

    The noborder and nolink options will be used here. They will remove the picture frame and link. Also, the images will be resized, and the second row of table cells will have a dark fill, thanks to the use of the! attribute. And here is the example itself:


    “’New in Science’’

    [[Science News|News]]









    [[Medicine|1]] | [[Physics|2]] | [[Math|3]] | [[Economy|4]]

    [[Chemistry|5]] | [[Biology|6]] | [[Programming|7]] | [[Electrical Engineering|8]]


    As you can see, the answer to the question: “How to make a menu in a group in VK?” very easy.

    The importance of Wiki markup when promoting your project

    Using these developments allows you to give the group its own atmospheric look and create a feeling of comfort. Of course, for a full design it would be necessary to have the ability to set the theme of the page, but this has not yet been implemented in the social network. Therefore, know, those reading these lines, that it is not in vain that you became interested in how to make a menu in a group on VK.


    Now, readers know how to make a menu in a VK group so that it is beautiful. As you can see, this functionality is useful and at the same time quite easy to implement. But before creating a menu, you need to think about what should be organized and how, and what should be highlighted. After all, incorrect optimization can only make things worse.

    Numerous requests from my persistent readers and simply curious users have had their effect. I finally created a lesson in which we will learn how to make a dynamic VKontakte menu with the effect of pressed buttons! By analogy with ordinary Internet sites, when a visited link is marked in a special way (pressed button, underlining, etc.) - we will create the same design on VKontakte, using the created pages and graphic design. To begin with, we will make graphic templates in Photoshop - we will create a menu header and two types of buttons. Then we will create several VKontakte pages, according to the items in our menu. And finally, we’ll do a tricky trick, which, in fact, will create the illusion of following the link. The lesson is quite complex and is suitable for those who feel confident in the functionality of Vkontakte. I will perform all manipulations using an example your VKontakte group, where this effect is realized live. So, let's get to work!

    Step 1. Create a menu header in Photoshop
    Create a document in Photoshop with a width of 600 pixels. The height can be different, at your discretion. You can place any specific photograph, collage, information banner and other graphic pictures in the header. In this case, I used the following advertising banner measuring 600x172 pixels.

    Step 2. Create a navigation bar in Photoshop
    Now we need to create a navigation bar. In this example, I used only text as buttons. But at your discretion, you can create colored buttons and write text on them. We do this - create a 600x56 pixel rectangle in Photoshop and in this case fill it with white. Then we write menu items on the line - about 5-6 items, no more. A larger number of points will look squeezed.

    Step 3. Create a pressed navigation bar in Photoshop
    Now we need to create active links, as if they were clicked on. I used a regular underline, but you can use a different text or background color to mark the visited link.

    Step 4. Cut ready-made pictures
    At this stage, we need to cut the pictures from Step 2 and Step 3. We should have two sets of five buttons each - one button without an underline, the other button with an underline. The buttons for each individual item (with and without underlining) should be the same size. The picture below shows all of our graphic design - ten buttons and one menu header.

    Step 5. Create a VKontakte Menu page
    Now let's go to VKontakte. Our task is to create a separate page called “Menu”. To do this we will use the following code
    where instead of XXX we will substitute the id of our group, and instead of the text “Page Name” we will write Menu. Now we need to find out the group id. How to do this? We go to the main page of the group and look at our posts on the wall - right under the “Add post” block it will say “All posts” - click on this link.

    Step 6. Determine the group id and edit the code
    We go to the page and see a URL like this https://vk.com/wall-78320145?own=1, where the numbers 78320145 in this example are the group id. We substitute our data into the source code and get a record like this:
    http://vk.com/pages?oid=-78320145&p=Menu(with your numbers!). Paste this line into the address bar of the browser and press Enter. So we created a new VKontakte page and initially it looks like this.

    Step 7. Create the remaining VKontakte navigation pages
    In a similar way, we create four more navigation pages: Prices, How to order, Technical specifications and Questions. That is, we copy the corresponding code four more times into the address bar of the browser (with your id numbers in the example below, my numbers):


    http://vk.com/pages?oid=-78320145&p=How_to order

    http://vk.com/pages?oid=-78320145&p=Technical specifications

    Please note that in the two-word page title (How to order), the space between the words is replaced by an underscore How_to order. Now we have five ready-made pages for each menu item. We did not create a Portfolio page because it is located on the Menu page

    Step 8. Upload photos to the first page of the menu
    On the created, still empty page (see Step 6) Menu, click on the Edit link or the Fill with content link. After this we see the editing panel. Here we need to click on the camera icon with the Upload photo function. Important! Please make sure that you are in wiki markup mode. Switching modes is regulated by the icon at the right edge of the page.

    Step 9. Result after loading images
    We load our pictures that we created in Step 1 and Step 2. After loading, we see the code as in the picture below, and the menu itself looks like this. After each code change, don’t forget to click Save Page, and then click Preview to view the result.

    Step 10. Editing the image code
    Now our task is to replace all noborder properties with the nopadding property. And put the real dimensions on the first picture, since VKontakte shrank the picture to 400 pixels when uploading. After all the changes we should get the following code and menu.

    Step 11. Add links to pictures
    Now we need to put links for each picture. The link must be inserted after nopadding| instead of a space before the closing parentheses. For the first image (menu header from Step 1), you can give a link to the main page of the group, or you can use the nolink property (put through; after nopadding without spaces). For the second card, insert the address of the format page page-78320145_49821289. That is, the full URL of the image https://vk.com/page-78320145_49821289, the first part with the domain can be omitted. But for links to external sites, the URL of the link must be specified in full.

    Step 12. Copy the code to the remaining navigation pages
    In this fairly simple step, we copy the last code from the previous step and paste it onto the remaining created pages - Prices, How to order, Terms of Reference and Questions. We are on the page, click Edit or Fill with content (we are in wiki markup mode), paste the code and click Save. And then also on the next page. That is, now we have five pages, on each of which the menu looks exactly the same. But you can already navigate through the menu - when you click on a link, for example Prices, we will be moved to the Prices page, etc.

    Step 13. Making a pressed button effect
    Now we have to change one picture on each of the five pages (replace the button without an underline with a button with an underline). For example, on the first page of the Menu we load a new image and then replace the address of the old image in the code with a new one (underlined in red). Then we go to the Prices page, upload a picture with underlined Prices and change it in the code to the address of the new picture. Then we go to the pages How to order, Terms of reference and Questions and do the same operation in the same way.

    As a result, we got a navigation effect when you click on a menu link and it becomes active. But since the graphic design on all pages is almost the same, with the exception of the active link, the illusion of navigation is created, although in fact it is a transition to another page.

    The menu designed in this way is not adapted for mobile devices. When the screen size decreases, the pictures begin to slide one under the other. In order to make a responsive design, you need to use rigid-version tables. But this is another story and a more advanced technique. In the meantime, look at the various options for graphical menu design.

    Hello friends!

    I was wondering about making a menu for my public VKontakte page. But in search of a solution to the problem, I got a little lost on the Internet.

    Every now and then everyone complicates the creation of menus by inserting and explaining special markup codes. As it turned out later, we were talking about Wiki markup 😉 . In principle, there is nothing complicated about it. A couple of special codes, the essence of which is easy to understand if you devote 10 minutes of free time.

    In general, I made a simple menu for one of the VKontakte pages:

    I spent literally 30 minutes, which can’t be said about the article I wrote 😀

    First of all, I would like to make a reservation right away - This menu is pop-up, in public (not in the group).

    The difference is that for a public page you cannot create a menu on the main contact page. It is formed only by creating a new page, in which we create the necessary menu. You can do it using Photoshop by cutting up a picture, or you can get by with a simple menu, without using Photoshop :), which is roughly what happened to me...

    How to make a menu in a VKontakte group

    It may be a little incorrect to describe creating a menu based on a public page. But I exclusively work with public pages. It’s easier to start creating menu headings in a group; you don’t even have to make a new page unless you decide to move the visitor within the pages.

    Just for the public page. you will need to first open the page and only then there will be a menu... but you can’t go straight to the main page! At least I haven't found a solution to the problem.

    Everything is simpler for a group. Immediately below the main description, there is a menu item and an “edit” link (As shown in the picture). If you do not have such an inscription, then most likely you simply did not connect materials in your group, go to the group settings and click the checkbox next to the word materials.

    We won’t dwell on the group in detail. It is formed in approximately the same way as for a public page with the same Wiki codes. But don't be alarmed. It is not necessary to go into the jungle of symbols. For example, I did it without going to the code editing tab.

    I’ll explain in more detail how I made the menu on my page:

    So, about publics. Everything works for old and new publics. We take the following steps:
    1. Execute a request like: //vk.com/pages?oid=-XXX&p=YYY
    where XXX is your public number; YYY is the name of the required page
    If everything is done correctly, a new page will appear in front of you. Click “Edit” and make a Wiki menu or something else
    2. The pop-up page is called using the command:

    Attention! All minuses, question marks and other signs are required. Change only XXX and YYY.
    All! Now you need to give the link a “pleasant look” - using vk.cc - a VKontakte link shortener.

    For example, my page has the address: //vk.com/sf_kontakt,to find out XXX (page ID), go to the “page management” item

    //vk.com/pages?oid=- 34016644 &p= Enter the name here

    Next, the contact will take us to a newly created page, which we will need to edit for the future menu. There is nothing complicated there; you don’t even have to edit the code, but simply insert the necessary icons or text.

    In my example, all links were to external resources. When you click on the first icon, the status site opens, when you click on the second icon (book), the subscription page opens. You can also not send the user to external resources, but circle him inside the contact. Either to new (different) groups, or to description pages created according to the same principle.

    It turns out that you can make an internal site inside your page. In this case, we created a second page relative to the main one:

    she accepted the following address: //vk.com/sf_kontakt?w=page-34016644_44405134

    And in the end: Main group or public/Name of the created page

    I hope there will be no difficulties with this.

    Create the main menu in contact:

    The simplest way to make a menu on a page is to make regular text links (each on a new line). But if you do not edit the wiki markup, all links or inserted images will be in one column. In principle, this is enough for a simple menu.

    But if you want to distribute elements on the page in different places, you will have to edit the code a little. I found several ready-made tables and inserted my image for the menu into the desired cell. Thus, on the left there is an icon with a description, in the middle are ordinary text links, and on the right is another textbook icon.

    To make a menu like this without understanding the code, you can simply follow the link and select a ready-made menu. Here is a group where you can find templates: //vkontakte.ru/club9390683

    1. Click “Menu” -> “Menu Collections”
    2. Choose your favorite menu
    3. Copy the code of your chosen menu
    4. Go to your group and page editing Latest news, in the source code section we insert the code of our menu for the contact.

    Menu for VKontakte group

    Now we have a page with navigation points, which has the address: //vk.com/page-34016644_44405134, to display it at the top of your public page we do the following:

    • Adding new news
    • We attach the main image, clicking on which will open our menu to the user.
    • Insert the link of the created page into the news
    • And the last step is “pinning posts”. Write a post with a photo/video/music, then publish it, then click on the publication date and click “Pin.”

    After you pin the news, the post will automatically move to the top. When you click on it, a menu opens.

    In principle, nothing complicated! And for many, I hope this article will help. Also, in a similar way, they make a hidden entry, for example a riddle, in order to get an answer to which the subscriber must join the public. It’s just that in this case, on the created page, you need to indicate the rights for whom it will be available. But this is a slightly different topic :), which we will discuss in one of the upcoming posts.

    That's all for today. Thanks for stopping by! 😉 Until next time...