• Blue Screen of Death Error Codes 0x0000001a windows 7. How to Avoid Blue Screen of Death - An Ultimate Guide for Memory Management BSOD. New software has been installed

    Among the unpleasant aspects of working with the Windows operating system, we should note some system flaws that cause various types of errors. There are many reasons for the appearance of the “blue screen of death” or Blue Screen of Death, which indicates error 0x1A: memory management. Quite often, this problem is accompanied by prolonged freezing of the PC, “crash” from programs, and the computer stops working. Factors causing system failure often relate to drivers. If BSoD describes a video memory management internal error, then most likely the problem lies in the video card driver, or less often it is related to monitors. In any case, in order to correctly correct the error, it is important to understand its root causes.

    Memory management error description

    Inexperienced users, in the literal sense of the word, are afraid of a blue screen appearing, and immediately call a technician or try to interrupt Windows on their own. In some cases, the last method can help, but it is still in last place on the list of recommendations. To get rid of the memory management: stop 0x0000001a error, which caused a malfunction of the OS, it is not necessary to resort to extreme measures. It is enough to find out what caused the problem and try to eliminate its possible factors.

    You can recognize the error by the following signs:

    • the program collapses and a warning appears in the form of a blue screen describing the error;
    • the computer restarts;
    • the operating system responds slowly to commands and input using the keyboard or mouse;
    • The system periodically freezes for a short time.

    If the “screen of death” appears with any regularity, then you can track what caused this problem. Often the error appears after installing a certain program or connecting new equipment. Factors that contribute to Windows not working correctly are described below. You should study them carefully to begin correcting them.

    Reasons for the Stop error

    Both users of the new and advanced Windows 10 operating system, as well as fans of the older, but at the same time stable working “seven”, encounter problems such as memory management errors. The reasons for the error on both versions of Windows are largely the same. This could be a trivial malicious file that inadvertently went unnoticed by the antivirus, or serious hardware failures. Based on a range of factors, the approach to treating a personal computer must be comprehensive. Let's take a closer look at what moments precede the problem with code 0x0000001a.

    On Windows 10

    For Windows 10, the most common causes of memory management errors are the following:

    1. Like many other blue screen warning signs, a memory management error is often associated with a conflict between a hardware driver and the operating system kernel. Perhaps BSoD began to pop up after connecting the peripherals. You should most likely update the driver to ensure the computer works correctly.
    2. A recently updated driver may also fail. In this case, its new version does not meet the requirements of the operating system.
    3. A rather banal, but obvious factor in problems with the operating system to this day is considered to be the presence of malware and viruses. Not always the installed antivirus can cope with this problem without user intervention.
    4. Damaged system files do not allow the computer to work correctly and often cause a memory management error.
    5. Failure of necessary equipment. This could be a damaged RAM, video card, hard drive or other PC components, without which its operation is impossible.
    6. For the “ten”, such problems are typical if the BIOS used is outdated.

    Most often, BSoD memory management on Windows 10 occurs for similar reasons as Windows 8, so treatment recommendations for both versions are very similar.

    On Windows 7

    A blue screen with error code x0000001a on Windows 7 can appear either due to the above factors, or for reasons more typical for the “seven”, among which additionally include:

    1. Insufficient amount of RAM, which, in fact, directly characterizes the problem.
    2. Excessive processor heating.
    3. A crowded registry that needs to be cleared of unnecessary information.

    Based on all the above factors, you can build a confident troubleshooting algorithm. It is quite difficult for a person who does not have relevant experience in “treating” a personal computer to determine the exact cause at first glance. Moreover, not every specialist is able to do this. The approach to correcting an error must be comprehensive. Roughly speaking, by trial and error you can achieve positive results if you follow the right recommendations.

    How to fix error 0x0000001a memory management

    As a rule, the “blue screen of death” using a code indicates why a personal computer is not able to work correctly. Not all users have the special knowledge to perform corrections according to a specific reason encrypted in hexadecimal code. But if you know the possible factors causing the problem, it is easy to fix it, since each of them can be tried to be eliminated separately.

    Fix for Windows 10

    1. If, after connecting new equipment, a memory management error begins to appear on Windows 10, then the solution to the problem lies in a new device. You can verify this by disconnecting the device from the computer. If the blue screen has disappeared, then the reason lies in a mismatch between the device driver and the OS kernel. You need to update the driver or wait for the update to come out if it is not yet available. If several devices were connected to the computer at the same time, then you need to disconnect them one by one to determine which of them led to the conflict.
    2. Some control file updates are not compatible with Windows 10. Their automatic updating often leads to a system conflict. It is necessary to roll back the driver to an older version if we know which software is incompatible with this version of Windows. This can be done by opening Device Manager using the Win+R key combination. As a rule, the operating system is interested in why we need to roll back a certain driver. You should check the box next to “The previous version of the driver was more reliable.”
    3. Memory management error code x0000001a on Windows 10 may appear due to a virus. Even if you have a reliable antivirus installed, some malware is able to bypass it. It is best to scan your computer manually with a valid antivirus or using the CureIT! from the developers of Dr.Web.
    4. Viruses were found and destroyed, but the problem was not solved - this often happens if malicious programs managed to inherit and damage some files. You can find damaged files and restore them using the SFC utility. To do this, use the Win+X key combination to call up a menu in which we click on the “Command Prompt” line. In the window that appears, enter exe /scannow, after which the scan begins. The program will detect incorrect files; the main thing is not to forget to restart the computer after the operation is completed.
    5. Any faulty hardware can cause a memory management error. Most often, RAM suffers. If there are several OP lines, it is necessary to determine which of them is faulty. To do this, you need to remove the petals one by one from the system unit or the corresponding compartment at the bottom of the laptop. If there is only one line, you can try cleaning the contacts. When this does not help, the RAM will have to be replaced. If any other device is faulty: video card, hard drive, motherboard, then after replacement the error will no longer appear.
    6. An outdated BIOS needs to be updated to get your PC working properly again. When rebooting, you should enter the BIOS menu and find out information about the current version and manufacturer. After this, you need to go to the developer’s website, download a more modern version and install it on your computer.

    Fix for Windows 7

    1. To eliminate bsod memory management, which arose due to insufficient RAM, you need to add an additional line of RAM. Otherwise, it will be impossible to run a heavy program or work with several at once.
    2. Heavy programs make your PC work harder and generate heat. Sometimes this is what precedes various problems. You can try to disassemble the system unit, clean the components from dust, thoroughly clean the CPU cooler and replace the thermal paste on the processor.
    3. The CCleaner program will help you deal with garbage in the Registry. You should set the “Search for Problem” command in the Registry tab. After troubleshooting, you need to restart your computer.

    Regular updates, checking your PC for viruses, and cleaning the system unit will to some extent help avoid malfunctions, but not everything depends on the user. Iron wears out from long-term use and requires replacement and restoration. In addition, each new version of the OS and software requires more advanced additional parameters, thanks to which the computer will work faster in multitasking mode, avoiding conflicts with modern programs.


    As has already become clear, a computer launching a BSoD with a memory_management error directs our attention to the memory problem, so the primary diagnostic method here is to check the serviceability of the RAM and hard drive. However, other factors also cause the Windows operating system of different versions to sound the alarm about a malfunction. It is important to know what reasons precede this in order to easily eliminate the error.

    MEMORY_MANAGEMENT is a Blue Screen of Death, also known as error code 0x0000001A. The main reason why this problem occurs is because of an error that occurred during memory management.

    If your computer is experiencing this problem, it means that something has happened to your software, operating system, or hardware memory management subsystem. To determine where exactly the error occurred, we will have to conduct various checks at all three levels.

    It is also worth noting that it does not matter what Windows operating system you are running on, because... The error can appear on any version of it. So this article is suitable for all users. So, let's look at the solution methods that will help you get rid of the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT blue screen of death.

    Method #1 Undo recent changes

    That's right, if you recently made some changes to your computer, for example, installed new programs, then there is a chance that the problem with the system crash was their fault.

    It is possible that some programs on your computer were installed without your knowledge. Check the lists of installed programs and remove any that were recently installed, as they may be causing the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error.

    Method No. 2 Removing drivers

    In addition to installed programs, some drivers on the computer can create certain conflicts in the system, which result in such failures. For example, you installed a new video card in your system, but the drivers on your computer are still from the old model. As soon as the system tries to make the new device work on old drivers, then a conflict may occur.

    Based on this example, remove those drivers that you think could be causing this problem. To remove drivers, you can use the system Device Manager, where you will find a list of all devices running on your computer. Right-click on Start and select Device Manager.

    Find in the list the device in which you see the culprit of the blue screen MEMORY_MANAGEMENT. Right-click on it and go to Properties. Then click on “Driver” and click “Uninstall”.

    Method No. 3 Restoring factory settings

    If you recently overclocked some hardware inside your computer, then this very overclocking could lead the system to a state of instability, after which, in turn, the blue screen of death MEMORY_MANAGEMENT appeared.

    To fix this problem, you just need to return your overclocked hardware to factory settings. As soon as you return everything to its original place, test the system. If everything goes well this time, then the issue was definitely a failure of overclocking.

    Method #4 New hardware

    System failures can also occur due to new hardware that has just been installed into the system. For example, if you installed a brand new RAM stick and then immediately began to experience system failures, then the problem most likely lies in this particular hardware.

    Try removing it from the system or replacing it with an old sample. Test your PC for a while. If everything goes well and failures like the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT blue screen of death do not manifest themselves, then, unfortunately, the problem is in the new hardware.

    As mentioned above, the issue may be incompatible drivers on which the operating system is trying to make the new hardware work. However, it may also happen that the new purchase simply did not work correctly. In this case, there is little that can be done - contact a service center, where they will inspect the faulty hardware.

    Method No. 5 Checking RAM

    If you start to experience blue screens of death, then the first thing you can do is start looking sideways at your RAM. It is possible that some of your RAM sticks have started to work with malfunctions and errors.

    So, you can check your RAM in different ways. To begin with, you can conduct an external inspection of the slats to make sure they are in good condition. You can also remove them from the motherboard and wipe the contacts with a rubber float or cotton swab with alcohol (just don’t overdo it!).

    Next, you can perform a software test of the RAM. This can be done either using system forces or using a utility called MemTest86. We will now describe a method of checking through the system utility

    • Press the keys simultaneously Win+S.
    • Next, write in the search bar “Diagnostics of computer RAM problems.”
    • Select the search result that appears and the “Windows Memory Checker” window will appear in front of you.
    • You will be given two choices. You need to select the first option and then your PC will reboot.
    • When you start your computer, the “Windows Memory Checker” will appear on your screen, which will check your RAM.

    That's it. As soon as the scan is completed, your computer will reboot again and you will see the scan results in the operating system itself.

    Method No. 7 Performing a system recovery

    If none of the above helped, then it’s time to move on to system recovery. This solution is, so to speak, the “ultimate” with blue screens of death, including also MEMORY_MANAGEMENT. Using System Restore, you can note all the recent changes to your system that caused this problem to occur. To restore, do the following:

    • Click Win+S.
    • Enter “System Restore” into the search bar.
    • Next, select “Run System Restore” and follow the onscreen instructions.

    Method #8 Reinstall Windows

    Unfortunately, if even System Restore did not help you save yourself from the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT BSOD, then there is only one thing left - reinstalling Windows. On a clean operating system this problem should no longer exist.

    Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

    There is probably no need to say that if there is an excessive load on the RAM and physical memory, unexpected failures may occur. One of these is designated MEMORY_MANAGEMENT (error) and is accompanied by the appearance of a “death screen”. Let's consider what this is connected with, how we can try to correct such an unpleasant situation.

    MEMORY_MANAGEMENT (Windows error): what does it mean?

    Let us begin, perhaps, by considering the interpretation of the meaning of this kind of failure. It’s not hard to guess what the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error means if you simply translate the message displayed on the screen.

    Roughly speaking, this is some kind of problem that arises in the process of memory management, its distribution, etc. The situation as a whole is quite unpleasant, since the appearance of such a message indicates the presence of some conflicts at the physical level of interaction between memory (operational and physical) and the operating system.

    Reasons for the failure

    Speaking about the reasons that cause such a failure, it is worth noting that there are a lot of them. However, among the main ones, the following can be noted: viral infection, failure of the memory lanes themselves, errors on the hard drive, inflated power supply characteristics, and finally, conflicts with drivers or outdated BIOS firmware.

    This is where the system throws the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error. Let's look at each situation in a little more detail, and also identify some universal fixes so that such failures do not recur in the future.

    MEMORY_MANAGEMENT (Windows 8.1). Error: how to fix using system tools?

    Let's make a reservation right away: such a failure can occur on any Windows system, regardless of its modification. "Eight" is taken solely as an example, and all solutions applicable here can be quite easily used in other versions.

    Since the failure itself is related specifically to memory, the first thing you can do is scan it. In this case, it is advisable to boot the system in the so-called safe mode, and then use the computer administration section, called from the standard “Control Panel”.

    In the list of available tools, you should go down and select a memory check method. After this, you need to reboot the system, during which a full test will be performed. Based on the scan results, it will be possible to judge the problems. If after this the screen with the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT failure message (error plus “screen”) appears again, there is nothing left to do but change the faulty memory sticks. In this case, it is advisable to first remove them all from the slots, and then insert them into place one at a time and check the operation of the computer. As soon as a failure occurs, you will identify the “flying” bar, which needs to be replaced.

    Using a memory test program

    Unfortunately, Windows' own testing tools are often not as effective as we would like. It happens that searching for the cause of a failure leads nowhere.

    Therefore, to determine the problem as accurately as possible, it is best to use the specialized utility Memtest86+, which works much better and provides much more information on damage.

    Updating BIOS firmware and device drivers

    Quite often, the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error can appear in the event of conflicts between the BIOS firmware and installed drivers. What to do in this case?

    To begin with, you don’t need to go into the BIOS, but rather try to install the “native” drivers, which should be on the original disk that came with the device when you purchased it. As a last resort, if the user has a list of devices installed on his computer, you can try downloading the latest versions of drivers from the Internet. In this case, the system should be booted from any Live CD or Windows installation disk.

    You can do it even easier if you initially use the latest version of the disk. Its content can also be downloaded from the Internet, and then simply recorded onto optical media on another computer terminal or laptop.

    If you update the BIOS firmware, you should be extremely careful. First, when starting a computer or laptop, you need to enter the BIOS and determine its version and developer. Only after this the firmware can be found on the Internet. But in the absence of special knowledge, it is best not to do this yourself, but to use the services of some service center, otherwise, in any moment, the entire system, as they say, can be ruined.

    Scan your hard drive

    Another case when MEMORY_MANAGEMENT (error) occurs is due to the presence of critical failures on the hard drive. Naturally, it needs to be checked. But the standard checking tool, called from the properties line of the context menu (right click on the drive letter), will not work here (even when automatic correction parameters are enabled).

    In this case, it is best to use a boot disk, after starting from which you will need to call the command line. The command sfc /scannow is written in it. Testing a hard drive may take a long time (it all depends on the size of the hard drive), but in the end all failures will be eliminated, and booting will also be restored.

    Changing power settings

    Finally, a message with the string MEMORY_MANAGEMENT (error) may be due to incorrect power settings. In particular, this applies to the best performance mode, which may cause too much strain on system resources.

    In this case, you should go to the appropriate section and set, for example, a balanced mode (recommended for most computer systems) or an economy mode with reduced power consumption. By the way, most often failures related to power supply circuits are observed on inexpensive laptops. Not only does the system itself consume a lot of resources, but also optimizing programs and processes causes additional load.


    As you can see, there can be quite a few reasons for MEMORY_MANAGEMENT failure. However, as practice shows, the solution most often is replacing memory sticks, although some associated errors, for example, on hard drives or logical partitions, can be eliminated quite simply. The impact of viruses was not specifically addressed here. But as a means of checking, we can recommend something from software products such as Kaspersky Rescue Disk or something else. They load before the system itself starts and scan absolutely all its elements, identifying even those threats that a regular scanner might miss.

    Sometimes it may be necessary to remove recently installed software - it may very well be that conflicts occur at this level. Maybe somewhere the contacts are loose or simply dirty, the cables don’t fit tightly, there’s low voltage in the electrical network - but you never know what else could be going on. However, in order to make a decision on the use of one or another method of correcting the situation, you first need to determine the root cause.

    Users who have installed the latest operating system from Microsoft regularly encounter shortcomings from its creators. Today we will find out how to fix the memory management error in Windows 10.

    What is an error?

    The problem refers to the so-called BsoD, the appearance of which is accompanied by creating a memory dump and rebooting the computer. There are a lot of sources for this problem, and there are just as many solutions, each case will have its own.

    Its underlying cause is a problem at the level of interaction between the operating system kernel and the user application. Most often these are drivers, but not always.

    Note that the message “video memory management internal” in the error window refers to problems in the video system: you should reinstall the video card driver, replacing it with a new one or an older, but stable one. Less commonly, the source of the error is the monitor or monitor driver.

    Why is there a problem?

    The Blue Screen of Death is caused by a number of factors that lead to a conflict between the Windows 10 kernel and some application/driver.

    • The driver may be damaged or its new version may have critical errors.
    • The RAM is physically damaged or has problems with contacts.
    • System files or disk are damaged.
    • In BIOS or Windows 10, you need to configure the power supply correctly.

    Algorithms for resolving conflicts

    How to fix an error if it is caused by many factors? Perhaps we should start by identifying its source and the simplest options for eliminating it, which will not take much of the user’s time, and only then take on more complex methods of fixing the problem.

    New software has been installed

    If BSoD began to appear after installing or updating any program, driver or Windows 10 upgrade, you need to return everything to its place, that is, remove the latest updates, roll back the driver or program to the latest version. But first of all, you should find out the culprit of the situation. A clean start of Windows 10 will help you do this.

    1. Press Win+R.

    2. In the text line, write “msconfig” and press “OK” or “Enter”.

    3. On the first tab, move the checkbox to the “Selective launch” position.

    4. Uncheck the box next to the option responsible for executing items placed in the list of automatically launched applications.

    5. Visit the “Services” tab, turn off the display of services from Microsoft and all other services.

    6. Go to the “Startup” tab, launch “Task Manager” and in it, in the tab of the same name, deactivate all applications.

    7. Now we restart the computer and do everything that caused the error to appear.

    If it does not occur, it is most likely due to a disabled service, driver, or application. Here you need to enable each disabled element in order, if you are not sure about the culprit of the problem, and identify it. Then delete, update or roll back to the previous version, depending on the situation.

    The rollback function will also be very useful here, returning the system state to one of the previously created restore points, if it is enabled. The last point before the problem occurs should be selected.

    Damage to system files or disk

    To check the checksums of system files and restore them, use the command line running as administrator.

    Enter and execute the command “sfc /scannow”.

    You should also check the surface of the system disk for the presence of bad sectors. Execute “chkdsk C: /F /R” in the same window.

    If Windows 10 does not allow you to launch the command line, for example, an error appears at the stage or immediately after starting the OS, boot from the Windows installation distribution of the same edition, and in the window with the “Install” button, launch the desired tool.

    Detecting a conflicting driver

    Now we will look for a driver that conflicts with the operating system kernel and correct the situation with it.

    1. Launch in safe mode, for example, through “Settings”.

    2. Execute the “verifier” command in a window launched via Win+R.

    3. In the “Validation Manager” we create a non-standard parameter.

    4. Specify the parameters shown in the screenshot from the list given in the window, and check the box next to the “Other checks” option.

    5. Set the trigger switch to the last position: “Select driver name from list.”

    6. Sort all products by supplier and uncheck Microsoft drivers.

    7. Reboot to start analysis and collect information.

    Here, if a problem is detected, Windows 10 may display a blue screen, reboot and freeze on it. But you shouldn’t panic, the developers have provided for such cases: after two reboots, a diagnostic menu will appear with suggestions to choose a way to solve the problem.

    8. In the additional parameters, select the option to resuscitate the system during startup.

    9. Reboot in safe mode with the ability to call the command line.

    9. In it we execute the list of commands:

    1. verifier /reset – to deactivate driver verification;
    2. shutdown -r -t 0 – standard PC reboot.

    10. Using Explorer or a file manager, go to the “windows\minidump” directory on the system drive.

    11. Using the free BlueScreenView utility, open a memory dump in order to analyze the results of testing and checking drivers.

    12. We study the information contained in the lines highlighted in pink in the lower frame.

    13. By the name of the problematic files or libraries, we determine which programs they belong to and roll back the drivers of these devices, remove them and reinstall or update them. Different solutions help in different situations.

    Here, not only logical thinking and knowledge will come to the rescue (it is clear that if the letters dx are present, the driver refers to the DirectX platform, nv - concerns the Nvidia video card, etc.), but also search engines. It is not difficult to find the driver that includes it by the name of the file.

    Drivers should be downloaded manually and only from official device support resources. You should never update them through the Update Center.

    Other problems

    1. Check RAM using a synthetic test, for example, Memtest86.

    2. Update the BIOS to the latest version (this should be done carefully or contact a service center).

    3. Install a balanced power plan on portable devices when running on mains power.

    It would be a good idea to clean the registry and system volume of debris and scan your PC for viruses.

    Sometimes MEMORY_MANAGEMENT blue screen errors related to hardware can be caused by corrupted random access memory (RAM). If you are experiencing random computer reboots, booting beeps, or other computer problems (in addition to BSOD 0x1A errors), then it is highly likely that your memory is corrupted. In fact, almost 10% of application crashes on Windows OS are caused by memory corruption.

    If you've recently added new memory to your computer, we recommend temporarily removing it to make sure it's not causing the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error. If this action resolves the BSOD, then this is the source of the problem and therefore the new memory is either incompatible with some of your hardware or is damaged. In this case, you will need to replace new memory modules.

    If you did not add new memory, the next step is to run a diagnostic test on your computer's existing memory. A memory test will scan for hard memory failures and intermittent errors that could be causing your 0x1A Blue Screen of Death.

    Although recent versions of Windows include a RAM test utility, I highly recommend using Memtest86 instead. Memtest86 is a BIOS-based testing software, unlike other test programs that run on Windows. The advantage of this approach is that the utility allows you to check ALL operating memory for MEMORY_MANAGEMENT errors, while other programs cannot check memory areas occupied by the program itself, the operating system and other running programs.