• Blue screen of death with memory management error. How to fix MEMORY_MANAGEMENT blue screen errors (0x0000001A). Possible causes of failures

    No user can be 100% protected from errors while using the operating system. The most unpleasant type of crash is Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD or Blue Screen of Death). Such errors are accompanied by the OS freezing and the loss of all unsaved data. In this article we will tell you how you can get rid of BSOD called "MEMORY_MANAGEMENT" in Windows 10.

    The problem described in practice looks like this:

    Unfortunately, a variety of factors can cause this message to appear. Most often, the error occurs due to a conflict between Windows and third-party applications. But sometimes such a failure occurs due to the following:

    • Damaged or incorrectly installed driver
    • System file failure
    • Negative impact of virus software
    • Power supply configuration problem
    • Physical malfunction of RAM

    We will tell you about two effective methods that you should use first when a message appears "MEMORY_MANAGEMENT".

    Method 1: Launch the OS without third-party software

    First, you need to find out which files interfere with the correct operation of the OS - system files or third-party software files. To do this we do the following:

    1. Launch the system utility "Run" using a key combination "Windows" + "R".
    2. In the only field of the window that appears, enter the msconfig command, and then press the button "Enter" on the keyboard or "OK" in the window itself.
    3. A window will open "System Configuration". In the first tab "General" you should check the box next to the line "Selective launch". Make sure the line "Load system services" also marked. At the same time, from the position "Load startup items" the checkbox should be unchecked.
    4. Next, go to the tab "Services". At the bottom of the window, activate the checkbox opposite the line "Do not display Microsoft services". After this, the list of services will noticeably decrease. You need to turn them all off. Just uncheck each line or click the button "Disable everything".
    5. Now you should open the tab. In it you need to click on the line "Open Task Manager". After that, click the button "OK" in the window "System Configuration" to apply all changes. After this, a window will appear asking you to reboot the system. Don't press anything in it or close it yet.
    6. "Task Manager" you need to disable all programs. To do this, right-click on the element name and select the item from the context menu "Disable". After disabling all applications, close "Task Manager".

    7. Now go back to the system reboot window and click the button in it.

    After rebooting the system, you should perform the actions that led to the blue screen and error "MEMORY_MANAGEMENT". If it does not happen again, it means that one of the previously disabled services or programs in startup was to blame. In this case, you will have to repeat all the steps described above, but at the same time enable services and startup items one by one. When the culprit of the error is found, you should update/reinstall the detected program or driver. If you encounter problems when uninstalling a software component (for example, the application refuses to be uninstalled), our article dedicated to solving them will help you:

    Method 2: Determining the code and name of the problem file

    If the first method did not help, or you simply do not want to use it, then you can go an alternative route. Next, we will talk about how to find out the error code, since by default this information is not available on the blue screen of death. Based on the value found and its description, you can accurately determine the cause of the BSOD.

    1. First you need to boot the OS in safe mode and enable command line support. One way to do this is to actively press the button while Windows is loading. "F8" on the keyboard. In the window that appears, you will need to select the line with the same name.

      You can learn about other methods of starting the OS in safe mode in a separate article.

    2. After completing these steps, you need to run "Command line" on behalf of the administrator. In the search field on "Taskbars" enter the command "verifier". Click on the name of the found program RMB, then select the item from the context menu "Run as administrator".
    3. If you have User Account Control enabled, the following window will appear:

      Click on the button "Yes".

    4. In the window that appears, you need to check the box next to the line “Create non-standard parameters (for program code)”. Then click "Next" in the same window.
    5. The next step is to enable certain tests. It is necessary to activate those that we have ticked in the screenshot below. Once the required items have been checked, click the button "Next".
    6. In the next window, place a marker opposite the line “Select driver name from list” and press again "Next".
    7. Wait a few seconds until all information about the installed drivers is loaded. In the new window, click on the line "Supplier". This will allow you to sort the list of software by manufacturer. You need to check the boxes next to all the lines in the column "Supplier" which are not worth it "Microsoft Corporation". We recommend that you carefully scroll through the entire list, as the necessary elements may be at the very end of the list. When finished, press the button "Ready".
    8. As a result, you will see a message indicating that you need to restart your computer. Click the button in this window "OK" and reboot the system manually.
    9. Then there are two options for the development of events - either the system will boot normally, or you will again see the blue screen of death with the familiar error. A stable OS boot means that no driver problems have been detected. Please note that when a BSOD error occurs, the system may begin to reboot cyclically. After two attempts, additional download options will be displayed on the screen. First of all, select "Troubleshooting".
    10. Next, open the tab "Advanced options".
    11. Then you need to click on the line "View other recovery options".
    12. Finally, press the button "Boot Options".
    13. In the next window click "Reboot".
    14. A list of download options will appear. Should choose "Safe Mode with Command Line Support".
    15. After booting the system in safe mode, you need to run "Command line" with administrator rights. To do this, press the key combination on your keyboard "Windows+R", enter in the window "Run" cmd command and then press "Enter".
    16. IN "Command line" You must enter the following commands one by one:

      shutdown -r -t 0

      The first will allow you to disable checking and looping the system, and the second will reboot it in normal mode.

    17. When the OS reboots, you need to go to the following path in "Explorer":


    18. In a folder "Minidump" you will find a file with the extension "DMP". It should be opened with one of the specialized programs.

      At the bottom of the window, the names of the files that caused the error will be highlighted in pink. "MEMORY_MANAGEMENT". All you have to do is copy the name from the column "Filename" into any search engine and determine what software it belongs to. After this, you should remove the problematic software and install it again.

    With this our article has come to its logical conclusion. We hope that one of the proposed methods helped you get rid of the problem. If the attempts are unsuccessful, then it is worth trying a standard procedure such as checking the operating system for the presence of malware and errors.

    For laptop owners, if a message appears "MEMORY_MANAGEMENT" It is also worth trying to change the power supply scheme. As a last resort, you need to pay attention to the RAM. Perhaps the cause of the problem was its physical malfunction.

    There is no need to say once again that if there is an excessive load on physical and RAM, unexpected failures may occur in the system. One of these failures is labeled "MEMORY_MANAGEMENT".

    It is this failure that is accompanied by the appearance of the “blue screen of death”. Let's look at what could be causing such a failure and how we can try to correct the situation.

    What does the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error mean?

    First of all, it’s worth starting by considering the interpretation of failures of this kind. It's not hard to guess what the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error means. It is enough to simply translate the message displayed. In simple terms, this is a problem that arises in the process of managing and allocating memory. Overall the situation is quite unpleasant. The appearance of such a message indicates the presence of certain conflicts at the physical level of interaction between the operating system and memory.

    MEMORY_MANAGEMENT: reasons for appearance

    If we talk about the reasons that can cause such a failure, it is worth noting that you can find quite a lot of them. However, the main reasons include the following:

    — infection of the system with computer viruses;

    - failure of memory sticks;

    — overestimated power supply characteristics;

    — errors on the hard drive;

    — conflicts with outdated BIOS firmware or drivers.

    Now let's take a closer look at each situation and try to identify universal ways to fix the problem. This will help avoid recurrence of failures in the future.

    MEMORY_MANAGEMENT: how to fix it using system tools?

    It’s worth mentioning right away that MEMORY_MANAGEMENT failure can occur in any version of the Windows operating system, regardless of its modification. In this case, we will consider the “eight”, but only as an example. All solutions that will be discussed here can be used in other versions of this operating system. Since the failure itself is related to memory, this component must first be scanned. To do this, it is advisable to boot into safe mode. After this, you can use the computer administration section. You can call it from the standard “Control Panel”. In the list of available tools, you need to go down and select a memory check method. After this, you need to reboot the OS. During the reboot process, a memory test will be performed. Based on the scan results, it will be possible to draw a conclusion about the causes of the problem. If during testing the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error appears again, then there will be no other option but to change the faulty memory sticks. It is advisable to first remove them all from the slots, and then insert them one by one and check the functionality of the system. The bar on which the failure will occur is out of order.

    MEMORY_MANAGEMENT: use of special programs for memory testing

    Native testing tools for the Windows operating system, as a rule, are not as effective as we would like. It happens that searching for the cause of a failure may lead to nothing. For this reason, in order to determine the cause of the problem as accurately as possible, it is better to use the special utility Memtest 86+. It works much better than the system's built-in tool, and also provides more information on damage.

    MEMORY_MANAGEMENT: Update BIOS firmware and device drivers

    The MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error can appear quite often in the event of conflicts between installed drivers and BIOS firmware. What to do in this case? First of all, you shouldn’t go into the BIOS; it’s better to first try installing the “native” drivers. They must be on a special disk that is supplied when purchasing the device. If the user has a list of devices that are installed on his computer, then he can try downloading the latest versions of drivers from the Internet. In this case, the system must be booted from any Windows installation disk or LiveCD. You can do it even simpler and use the latest DriverPackSolution disk. The required content can also be downloaded from the Internet and then recorded onto optical media on another computer or laptop. When updating the BIOS firmware, extreme caution should be exercised. First of all, when starting a laptop or computer, you need to enter the BIOS and determine its developer and version. Only after this you will be able to independently find the firmware on the Internet. However, it is better not to do this without special skills and knowledge, but to use the services of a service center. Otherwise, you can accidentally ruin the entire system.

    MEMORY_MANAGEMENT: Scan hard drive

    Another reason why a MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error may occur is if there is a critical failure on the hard drive. It needs to be checked. However, the standard checker, which can be called from the properties line in the context menu, will not work in this case. It is best to use a boot disk for this purpose. After starting from the disk, you will need to call the command line. Here you need to enter the command sfc/scannow. Testing the hard drive may take a long time. As a result, all failures will be eliminated and the download will be restored.

    MEMORY_MANAGEMENT: Change power settings

    MEMORY_MANAGEMENT messages may appear due to incorrect power settings. This is particularly true for Better Performance mode and can cause significant strain on system resources. In this case, you need to go to the appropriate section and set the economy mode with reduced energy consumption or balanced mode. It is worth noting that failures associated with incorrect power settings most often occur on inexpensive laptops. In addition, the system itself consumes a lot of resources, and optimization of processes and programs can cause additional load.


    As you can see for yourself, there are many reasons why MEMORY_MANAGEMENT fails. Practice shows that the most common solution to this problem is replacing memory sticks. Some associated errors, for example, in logical partitions or hard drives, can be eliminated quite easily. This review did not specifically address the effects of viruses. As a checking tool, we can recommend software products such as KasperskyRescueDisk or something similar. This software product loads before the operating system starts and scans all its elements, identifying even threats that a regular scanner might miss. In some cases, you may need to remove recently installed programs. Perhaps conflicts occur at this level. Or maybe there is low voltage in the electrical network, the contacts are loose or dirty - in general, there are enough possible reasons. To make a decision on using one or another method to correct the situation, you must first determine the cause.

    Computer technology today is one of the most rapidly developing areas of activity in our civilization. On the one hand this is good, but there are also negative sides. For example, a person can purchase what seems to be modern and up-to-date equipment, but after a few months it will begin to malfunction under loads that have increased several times during this time. As a result, the operating system begins to signal the user about problems that have arisen. One of them may well be a Windows 10 memory management error.

    Fortunately, most of these problems can be corrected. The main thing is to know their cause and methods of treatment. So, how to fix Windows 10 memory management error?

    The most popular causes

    If we consider this problem in general, then the memory management error code signals the user about some troubles with the memory being used. Since it is when accessing this resource that the memory management error in Windows 10 occurs.

    By the way, a similar situation may also occur on older versions of the operating system from Microsoft, so the analysis of treatment methods described below will also be useful for owners of PCs that use eight or seven.

    The reasons for the RAM failure, which prevent it from working fully when the “video memory management internal” message appears, may be the following factors:

    • Activation of various virus programs.
    • Physical malfunction of the installed memory stick.
    • Trouble with the hard drive.
    • Outdated version of the BIOS used.
    • Problems with the drivers used.
    • Incorrectly configured power supply.

    So, there is a memory management blue screen in Windows, there is a list of possible reasons. You can begin to solve the problem.

    Method of treating the problem

    Naturally, it is recommended to start fixing a memory management error by analyzing the performance of the RAM. If this problem appears on the eight, then you must first of all launch the control panel (in safe mode) and find the line “Windows memory diagnostic” in the list of available options. If there is another system, you will have to first download one of the specialized programs from the network or disk. For example, MemoryTest or its equivalent.

    If, after such a diagnosis, the blue screen of Windows 7 (8.10) memory management still constantly appears, then you need to check the installed memory levels manually. It’s very good when there are several of them. In this case, the owner of the computer is required to alternately remove them from the slots and start the PC to find out whether the memory management error Windows 8 (7.10) appears. If there is none, the removed bar will have to be replaced. It is more difficult to perform such a check when using only one product. In this case, you need to find somewhere else - one that is guaranteed to work.

    Eliminating the influence of viruses is as easy as shelling pears. It is enough to install and run one of the current antivirus programs. Naturally, the most complete verification is required.

    If all of the above steps did not give a positive result, move on to the BIOS and drivers. If memory management pops up after installing Windows 10, then the reason may lie in these options. It is advisable to update drivers manually - through the device manager. Of course, now you can download a variety of software designed for this purpose, but such programs often fail, so it’s better to do everything yourself, without relying on automatic algorithms.

    If the user is confident that the cause of bsod memory management is the BIOS, then it is necessary:

    1. Restart the computer and go into BIOS.
    2. Find out the current version and manufacturer.
    3. Go to the developer’s website and download the most current version. Perform reinstallation.

    The most recent option is to scan for problems with your working hard drive. There are two options here, but it is advisable to use them all:

    1. Force the system to execute sfc /scannow by entering an order into the command line.
    2. Download one of the specialized programs and diagnose the hard drive.

    The final possible cause concerns the power supply. Naturally, it is only relevant for laptop PCs. To level it out, you will have to go into the settings of your laptop or netbook and set the power to balanced mode.

    Strict adherence to the described instructions almost always guarantees complete treatment of this disease, which prevents a person from fully using personal electronic equipment.

    The tenth modification of Windows, like any other system in this family, is not immune to failures. One of the most common is MEMORY_MANAGEMENT. Windows 10 (installation error) can cause the so-called BSoD (blue screen of death, which can also be red). Read below to learn what causes this system behavior and how to fix this problem. Attention will be paid separately to the main root causes that cause failures of this type, and related factors that play an equally important role in understanding the essence of what is happening.

    MEMORY_MANAGEMENT (Windows 10), error: causes

    You need to approach the problem exclusively, starting with an understanding of the essence. The very description of the stop code indicates that a failure occurs at the level of access to computer memory. And the user often does not know which memory causes the “death screen” to appear, which indicates the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error code. Windows 10, as the default operating system, itself does not provide virtually any information, indicating only memory.

    What kind of memory is this? RAM, virtual or hard disk memory? Or maybe the primary input/output system is not working correctly? This is where you have to think. Let’s immediately identify all error options:

    • problems with RAM strips;
    • hard drive errors;
    • outdated or incorrectly installed device drivers;
    • Unsupported power plan.

    However, despite such a list of reasons for the failure, the main problem still relates specifically to the RAM. Since it is involved in absolutely all processes executed by software components and hardware, we will consider several options for troubleshooting this problem.

    MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error (Windows 10): how to fix the failure using system tools?

    The problem is in the RAM or the devices that access it, so we will first assume that this is what needs to be tested.

    In Windows systems, this is done using the built-in diagnostic tool, which can be accessed through the administration section, called either through the “Control Panel” or through the right-click menu on the computer pointer in “Explorer” and selecting the control line. Here you just need to find the line of the memory check module and double-click to activate it. The system will present two options in the form of an immediate check with a reboot and a check at the next restart. It is better to choose the first (recommended) option.

    If the appearance of a BSoD with a description of the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT stop code, Windows 10 (memory management or maintenance error) is associated with precisely such a root cause, perhaps the system itself will fix some problems by blocking the redirection of commands from faulty strips to working ones. But this does not always work, and often the problem is different.

    Diagnostics of RAM using third-party tools

    MEMORY_MANAGEMENT failure, Windows 10 (error) can be diagnosed by a universal utility called Memtest86+. True, it does not correct possible problems, but identifies them at the level of physical addresses.

    You can even run the utility in the form of a portable version, recorded, say, on a boot disk or USB flash drive. But after passing the test, it will be possible to determine which RAM stick is causing the MEMORY_MANAGEMENT failure. The Windows 10 error (in the sense of the operating system) will be recognized by indicating the faulty RAM segments. In an ATX standard system unit, you will have to remove the right panel and remove the device from the slot located on the motherboard. It's worse with laptops. Getting to their RAM can sometimes be very difficult (in particular, this applies to Lenovo or Sony VAIO devices).

    HDD, driver and BIOS errors

    Separately, it is worth mentioning problems with hard drives and drivers of hardware devices present in the system. Even the initial BIOS/UEFI processing system can cause this type of failure to occur. In the most ideal case, it is recommended to first update the firmware itself.

    For hard drives, you should use the command line to restore system components in the form sfc /scannow or use programs for restoring missing system libraries like DLL Suite.

    Regarding hardware drivers, which can also cause such failures (especially video cards), it is strongly recommended to use databases such as DriverPack Solution of the latest version or Driver Booster of the fourth modification.

    Power supply diagrams

    It remains to add that overheating of RAM strips can also be associated with an incorrectly installed power consumption circuit. For example, with balanced values ​​or high performance, the problem is observed, but when switching to energy saving, there is no problem.

    The way out of this situation is to simply change the scheme, which can be called from the “Control Panel”, and on laptops - from the right-click menu on the battery icon in the system tray. In this case, it is advisable not to use the hibernation (sleep) mode. Windows 10, even with all the optimized settings, can freeze upon exit. Why? Nobody knows.

    Blue screen of death with Memory Management error on Windows 10 most often occurs due to a faulty RAM module. However, in addition to this, BSOD can also appear for other reasons, which we will discuss in this topic. Therefore, if you have encountered such an error on your PC running the Windows 10 operating system (also relevant for Windows 7 and 8), you should consider recommendations that will help you get rid of this error.

    Reasons for BSOD with Memory Management code on Windows 10

    The Memory Management error on Windows 10 may appear due to malfunctions in the RAM. However, it may appear not only in the new operating system. In Windows 7 and 8, the blue screen of death appears with the error code “VIDEO MEMORY MANAGEMENT INTERNAL”. It may be caused by the following factors:

    • Viruses and malware;
    • Outdated version of motherboard firmware (BIOS);
    • Incorrectly installed drivers;
    • The presence of bad sectors on the hard drive;
    • Incorrect power settings.

    So, if the reasons for the Memory Management Windows 10 error are known, then you can begin to consider ways to solve it.

    Ways to fix Memory Management error on Windows 10

    First of all, before you begin various manipulations with Windows 10 settings, you should check the system for viruses. The malware may have made changes to settings or damaged system files. Therefore, it is worth scanning your PC with any antivirus with updated virus databases.

    If the program did not detect any malware, then the first way to fix this error will be as follows:

    • Download the MemTest86 program to your PC and create a boot disk or flash drive with this program.
    • We set the boot priority from the media in the BIOS.
    • Reboot the PC.
    • As soon as the media appears, we launch the program to test the RAM modules.

    • If, as a result of the check, it is determined that the modules are working properly, it is worth trying to swap the modules, having first cleaned the contacts with a paper eraser.

    If you do not have a downloaded program or the drive and USB connectors do not work, you can check the memory using the capabilities of Windows 10 itself. To do this, do the following:

    • Go to the “Control Panel”. Select “System and Security”, “Administration”. Select "Windows Memory Checker".

    • The system will ask you to reboot the system.

    • The memory test will start on a blue background.

    • At the end of the test, the system will display the result.

    If the Memory Management error does not appear due to RAM modules, it is worth checking the installed drivers. To do this, you need to enter Safe Mode and follow these steps:

    • Enter the query “verifier” into the search bar. Or press “Win ​​+ R” and enter the same request.

    • A new window will appear. Check the “Create a custom rule” checkbox. Click “Next”.

    • Next, we put checkmarks next to the following items: special pool, mandatory irql check, pool tracking, deadlock detection, security checks, ddi compliance check, other checks.

    • In the next window you need to mark the driver name. Therefore, check the box to gain access to the list.

    • We mark all drivers except Microsoft. Click “Finish”.

    To run the scan, you need to restart your computer.

    IMPORTANT! A blue screen of death may appear and the PC will enter a reboot loop. If after the second reboot the check does not start, you should turn off the PC emergencyly. After connecting the installation flash drive, go to “Diagnostics”, “Advanced options” and select “Command line”.

    In the console you need to write “verifier / reset” - this is a command that stops checking drivers. Afterwards, in the same command line, you need to enter “shutdown -r -t 0” for a standard system reboot.

    If the test was successful, the file with the test results can be found in “C:\windows\minidump”. You can open it using the BlueScreenView program. Having established which driver is throwing the error, you should roll it back or update it.

    Also, the Memory Management error code may appear due to incorrect power supply settings. To configure it, go to the “Control Panel” and select the “Power Options” section. In this section you need to set “Balanced mode” (if you are working from the network).

    After changing the power plan, you should restart your PC and check if the error appears.

    If the methods described above did not help solve the problem, you should update the BIOS to the latest version and check the hard drive for bad sectors.